MATH 1220-004 Calculus II Fall 2014

MATH 1220-004
Calculus II
Fall 2014
Time and Place
Office Location
Phone Number
Office Hour
E-mail address
Course Webpage
Jie Ma
MTWF, 10:45 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. in AEB 350
LCB 318
801-581-8340 (Office)
Thursday, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
1. Textbook:
(1) Textbook: Calculus with Differential Equations, 9th edition, by Varberg,
Purcell and Rigdon. ISBN: 0-13-230633-6.
(2) Class notes: Class notes for each chapter will be posted on the course
webpage. I highly recommend that you print out these class notes and bring
them to class because I will refer to them frequently and regularly.
2. Prerequisite: "C" or better in (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH
1270 OR MATH 1311 OR MATH 1310) OR AP Calculus AB score of at
least 4 OR AP Calculus BC score of at least 3.
3. Course Outline:
Chapter 6 (6.1-6.9) Transcendental Functions
Chapter 7 (7.1-7.6) Techniques of Integration
Chapter 8 (8.1-8.4) Indeterminate Forms and Improper
Chapter 9 (9.1-9.9) Infinite Series
Chapter 10 (10.5-10.7) Conics & Polar Coordinates
11-14 classes
9-11 classes
5-7 classes
12-15 classes
3-5 classes
4. Expectations & Goals:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student should be able to:
(1) Compute derivatives and integrals for exponential, logarithmic,
hyperbolic functions, and inverse trigonometric functions.
(2) Integrate integrable functions using integration by parts, u-substitution,
trigonometric substitutions, rationalizing substitutions, partial fraction
decomposition, and trigonometric identities. This includes knowing which
techniques to apply to a given integral.
(3) Use L'Hopital's Rule to calculate indeterminate-type limits and also know
what limits are the non-indeterminate forms and how to compute those
(4) Compute improper integrals.
(5) Understand the difference between an infinite sequence and infinite series
and determine if a sequence converges or diverges.
(6) Determine whether or not an infinite series of numbers converges or
diverges using a variety of tests.
(7) Understand what it means for a Power Series to converge or diverge and
be able to find the Taylor Series for a given function.
(8) Differentiate and integrate functions in polar coordinates.
5. Grading Policy: The grades will be calculated as follows:
Weekly Homework
Weekly Quizzes
Three Midterm Exams
Comprehensive Final Exam
6. Weekly Homework:
(1) Homework will be assigned daily (if a new section is finished) in class.
In case you miss some classes, the complete list of homework problems for
the whole week will be posted on the course webpage by each Friday night.
(2) The instructor will collect student's homework assignments every
Monday. Your work should include all of the homework assigned previous
(3) Homework will be graded by their completeness, but not by correctness.
If you do all the problems, you will get the full credit. You need to show all
your work for each problem.
(4) Please clearly indicate your name and UID and have your homework set
stapled together.
7. Midterm Exams:
(1) Schedule:
Midterm 1
Midterm 2
Midterm 3
Friday, Sept 26
Friday, Nov 7
Friday, Dec 5
(2) Composition: There will be three midterms. The lowest midterm will
count for 10% of your grade, whereas the other two will each count for
20% of your grade.
(3) You should always bring your student ID with you during tests. You
might be asked to show them.
(4) Review tests will be posted on course webpage a week before each
midterm, which will indicate precisely all the sections to be covered in the
corresponding midterm. You are encouraged to do all the problems on the
sample test ASAP.
(5) The exact Wednesday before each midterm will be the review session.
Basically, I will go through some of the typical problems on the review tests.
I suggest you finish your review test by that day and have your questions
(6) Make-up Exams: makeup exams will not be allowed except in the case of
a documented emergency. Please contact the instructor ASAP, or at least
two classes ahead of time so that the instructor and student can make
arrangements to make up the test. Contacting the instructor after having
missed the exam will usually reduce the possibility for the student to have a
make-up exam. I reserve the right to make makeup exams more (or much
more)difficult than the scheduled exam.
8. Weekly Quizzes
(1) There will be a 15-minute quiz on the following Fridays:
5, 12, 19
(2) As you can see, there are 10 quizzes throughout the semester. The lowest
two quizzes will be dropped. Each quiz will be worth 1.25% of your grade.
(3) Each quiz will cover the material presented the previous week in class.
(4)No make-up exams for weekly quizzes. If you miss any of them, it will
be counted as one of your lowest grades.
9. Final Exam
(1) Location: AEB 350, regular classroom.
(2) Time: Monday, December 15, 2014, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m.
(3) There is absolutely no reason for you to miss the final exam at the
scheduled time. There is absolutely no make-up exam for the final exam. If
you can't make it, you should consider quitting the class ASAP.
(4) The final exam is Comprehensive, which covers everything we will have
learned in this term. Please do a comprehensive review.
10. Calculators policy
Any types of calculators will not be allowed for any tests, including
midterms, weekly quizzes and comprehensive final. Students are assumed to
be able to do all the calculations that are needed to complete all the tests.
11. Online Grading:
Your grades will be posted on Canvas (not the course webpage). Please
keep track of your grades and inform me of any mistakes you find ASAP.
12. Grading Scale: A (90-100), A- (85-89), B+ (80-84), B(75-79), B(70-74), C+ (65-69), C (60-64), C- (55-59), D+ (50-54), D (45-49), D(40-44), E (0-39).
13. Tutoring Lab: There is a free tutoring lab in the T. Benny Rushing
Mathematics Student Center (adjacent to JWB& LCB), Rm 155. It is open
M - T h 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. F 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. starting the second week of classes
(closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
14. ADA Statement: The American with Disabilities Act requires that
reasonable accommodations be proved for students with physical, cognitive,
systemic learning, and psychiatric disabilities. The student needs to have
such a disability approved by the Disability Service Office (162 UNION,
581-5020) in order to have the accommodations provided. The instructor
need to be informed about such a disability and approved accommodations
at the beginning of the semester.