BOARD OF DRECTGRS APRL 15, 1937 IPIiIrI NOON [eIIi 12:00 MULTI-PURPOSE CONFERENCE CONFERENCE ROOM ROOM MULT-PJRPOSE JEAN PLAZA The Urban Urban League League of of PortDand PorUand URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. Finance Fund Raising Program and Planning Personnel Nominating REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSON ITEMS OF DF INFORMATION INFORMATION 1. Report of the President 2. Financial Report 3. Letter from Don Frisbee and Herb's response 4. EOD Congratulatory Letters 5. Letter to Larry Frager 6. Proposal to Proposal to the the Juvenile Juvenile Services Services Comniission Commission 7. Testimony to State Legislature on South Africa 8. Letter from Natale Sicuro Sicuro and and Herb's Herb's response 99. Letter to Natale Sicuro 10. Whitney M. Young Learning Center Flyer 11. Employment Placement List 12. ESI Stock Certificate 13. Letter from Walter Morris and Herb's response 14. Los Angeles Angeles Urban Urban League League Programnie Programme Book URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 18, 1987 The March meeting of the Urban League Board of Directors, held in the Multi-Purpose Conference Room, Urban Plaza, 10 North Russell Street, was called to order at 12:18 P.M. by Chairperson Linda Rasmussen. The following Directors were in attendance: Donny Adair, Bobbie Gary, Avel Gordly, Tom Kelley, Shirley Minor, Linda Rasmussen, Joel Smith, Irwin Starr, Bob Sutcliff, Peter Thompson, Thane Tienson, Jack Vogel and Valerie White. The following Directors were absent with excuse: Bridget Flanagan, Jeff Millner, Larry Raff and Nancy Wilgenbusch. The following Director was absent without excuse: Staff in attendance were: Leary and Pauline Reed. Skip Collier. Herb Cawthorne, Carol Sutcliff, Ray The minutes of the February Board meeting were approved. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Report for the period ending February 28, 1987 were mailed in the Board Book and Carol Sutcliff discussed same. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE has received received a report from Jack Vogel Vogel reported reported that that the the Coimnittee Committee has Ray Leary on the EOD dinner. Donations from Fred Meyer, Inc., Portland Trailblazers, Trailblazers, KATU KATU -- Channel Channel 22 and and Peter Peter Corvallis CorvallisProProductions helped make the event a success. Jack also reported that the membership drive is slated to begin soon. Pacific Northwest Bell has agreed to print 25,000 copies of the next issue of THE DRUM, as well as 25,000 membership envelops which will be enclosed in it. That mailing will be going out in a couple of weeks to approximately 20,000 people who are currently on the mailing list. PROGRAM AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Avel Gordly reported reported that that the the Conunittee Committee is is still still hearing hearing program program reports, the most recent being the Adult and Senior Service Department. The Homeless Program is next on the Committee's agenda. Avel circulated copies of a memorandum received from Jean Gould, Multnomah County Health Services. This memo is a follow-up to the conversation Avel & Pain Smith had with Jean concerning the teen pregnancy proposal which was discussed at the previous Board meeting. Avel further reported that Youth Service Center staff asked her to review a proposed proposed plan plan from from Nultnoinah Multnomah County County for for the the coordination of services to youth. After reviewing the plan, Avel shared her questions and concerns with staff. She suggests that the League look closely at how affirmative action will be addressed. She also is concerned that in the creation of the new system, which hopefully will be better coordinated and offer better services to youth, that a situation does not develop where there are fewer prograit dollars dollars and and there there is is aa top-heavy top-heavy bureaucracy. bureaucracy. program Avel introduced Resolution #87-600. It was moved and seconded (Gordly/Adair) that the Urban League join the Human Services Coalition of Oregon. Oregon. The motion passed. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Donny Adair reported that the Committee has reviewed the personnel policy. Herb wants to bring in a staff person who has expertise in this area to assist in the completion of the manual. A topic not presently covered is "smoking" and Herb has been asked to include a "smoking/non smoking" procedure in the manual. When staff is finished, the policy is to come back to the Committee and it will then be presented to the full Board. Donny further reported that Herb has submitted his short-term goals and\ the same have been included in the Board Book. Herb has also written a summary on programs in his "Report to the Board." NOMINATION COMMITTEE Irwin Starr Starr reported reported that that the the Coimrtittee Committee will will be be meeting meeting next next week. week. Linda asked how many slots are open and Herb responded that there are approximately 8 slots which will need to be reviewed. Some members are eligible for nomination to serve another term tern and others are not, having served two complete terms. Irwin and Herb asked Board members to submit names of prospective members members to tothe theConurtittee. Committee. PRESIDENT'S REPORT * Reviewed the synopsis of his written report to the Board. ** Reported that he will be meeting with Don Frisbee on Friday to kick off the capital fund drive. ** Reported that he had a meeting with Larry Frager, a gentleman who has sent a check check for for $10,000. $10,000. Mr. Frager wants 3 $1,000 of this money to go to the Black United Front for their education program. program. Irwin proposed a resolution resolution be be sent sent to to Mr. Mr. Frager. Frager. It was moved and seconded (Starr/Gary) that a "Thank You Resolution" be sent to Larry Frager for his gift; Herb and Linda have authority authority to to proceed proceed with with this this actioncthbehalf actionribehalf of the Board. The motion passed. ** Reported that $400,000 will be coming to Multnomah County as a result of the "homeless" legislation passed in Washington, D.C. The League needs to get the word out about its Homeless Program and how effective it is in this community; sometimes we cannot serve a particular client, however, through networking, needs are met. * Reported that the League League made made its its presentation presentation to the United Way Allocation Alloca ion Panel Panel and and thanked thanked members who were able able to to attend. attend. * Reported that Pam Smith, Director Communication, will Director of Conununication, will be be leaving the League to to go go to to work work for for Jesse Jesse Jackson Jackson in in Washington, D.C. for $275,359 Board Board CHAIR REPORT * Thanked Thane for coordinating coordinating the the salmon salmon dinner dinner on on February 228th. February 8th. Everyone had a good time and are looking forward to doing it again. The meeting meeting adjourned adjourned at at 1:10 1:10 P.M. P.M. Su m ted by: ;LINE J FLINE Administrative Assistant Reviewed and Approved by: 6RDL(1 Secretary, Board of Directors THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND The Report of the President April 1987 McConnell Clark Mcconnell Foundation Robyn Govan, the Program Officer for the McConnell Clark Foundation, has informed the Urban League of the Foundation's continuing interest in funding the Financial Financial Services Services Technology Technology Acadeniy Academy effort effort one one more year, however, at a reduced amount of support. One major organizational goal of the program is close to achievement: transition into the Portland Public Schools with the latter taking the budgetary responsibilities. In the coming year, the Urban League will provide stronger support services in counseling, parent involvement, student tutoring and learning. The grant application will be far more creative, in terms of the Urban League's participation, and the gradual reduction of Urban League administrative responsibility will take place over the course of the next year. The Board of Directors can be proud of the Urban League's development of this program, and much of the success with students can be attributed to the counseling and administrative leadership provided this program. Youth Service Center Transition Gladys Hedgmon, Carol Sutcliff and I met with Gladys Mccoy McCoy and the new Director of Human Services for the County. The Youth Service Centers will be transitioned to the county as of July 1st. This immediate change should not cause any drastic alteCenter program. rations of the basic Youth Service center A process has been developed to provide consultation as to the final configuration of the Youth Service Center administration within the County organization. In the course of the meeting, the Urban League raised a number of issues. First, that evaluation needs to focus beyond numerical achievements. Our Youth Service Center has achieved all of its numerical goals, with the exception of a seasonal shortfall in youth employment. Ultimately, we will achieve, and in some cases, greatly exceed all our goals numerically. The qualitative evaluation needs to be worked into that system. Secondly, the Urban League is frustrated by the constant interference in staff direction by Youth Service administrators. We would like to see see this this discontinued and have an appropriate contractor 2 relationship with the County. positive and constructive. The meeting was Adult and Senior Services vices The new grant for Adult and Senior Services has been submitted to the County. This year, we are being allotted $166,238 to serve 975 seniors in the Northeast community. The Board of Directors can expect some reorganization within this division. have a meeting scheduled scheduled with with County County leadership leadership to to discuss our response to the evaluation and some of the needs needs which which are are constant constantininthis thisconurtunity. community. There is a need for greater information infonnation and referral services; there is a need for more recreation and senior outdoor activities; and there is aa need need for for coordination of greater volunteer services to our seniors. The County fiscal and contracting operation is structured in a manner that discourages Urban League ingenuity. When additional funds are found to provide greater services to seniors, we risk the possibility of our basic grant being reduced. This will be part of the discussion with the senior officials from the County. As we make the transition to the new building, the flexibility flexibility to to apply our skill toward expanding the services must be in place, and the County must support us as we find additional resources to serve the diverse needs of senior citizens in this community. Senior Recreation Controversy The Senior Center on Union Avenue has been fiscally and administratively in trouble for years. There seems to be a strong commitment on the part of the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners to create a relationship between the Urban League and the Senior Center on Union Avenue. We will resist this association to the best of our ability. I hope to inform the Board more thoroughly on this as time passes. passes Employment Division The challenge for building our new employment program has focused primarily on the information and referral bank. The computerization of the operation -- hiring the consultant, consultant, producing producing the the program, program, entering the data into the system, and testing that system -- has been the the major major focus focus of of the the grant. grant. Board members may recall recall that that the the structure structure of of the the grant called for a three month preparation period for ultimate implementation. McKinley Williams has worked extremely extremely hard hard to to produce produce the the kind kind of of groundgroundwork that would allow us to hire the right consultant and build the foundation foundation for for the the information information and referral bank. 3 Private Industry Council I have met with the President of the Private Industry Council, Dennis Cole, and McKinley Williams has met met with with aa series series of of key key staff staff meithers members from from the the PlC. As the Employment Division solidifies its core operation, the Urban League will be in in a good good posiposition to provide additional services based on those eligible for Private Industry Council programs. The Urban League should be a major contractor with the Private Industry Council, and we are are pursuing pursuing disdiscussions toward that end at this time. The Energy Assistance Program The Urban League Board of Directors can be extremeproud of the progress we have made in administering the Energy Assistance Assistance Program. Program. A bit of history might be helpful. When I arrived at the Urban League, the Energy Assistance Program was one of the most controversial and highly criticized efforts within the organization. When cold weather came, the Urban League would attempt to administer the program within its its headquarters, headquarters, and and hundreds hundreds of people would be lined up around the block in cold weather waiting to apply for energy assistance. The system was, was, by by all all estimations, estimations, curabersome, cumbersome, unfair unfair in terms of eligibility determination, and an an adininadministrative albatross around the neck of the organization. Things have changed. Last year I received 27 complaints regarding the Energy Assistance Program. In reviewing the record, that was a very, very very small small number compared to the year before. This year I received 4 complaints. Each of those complaints was investigated. None proved to be accurate. Fiscally the program has run efficiently, administratively we have been fair to all concerned, and there has been strict adherence to all eligibility requirements. Another major change which we think is both prudent and wise: no individual has received a check for energy assistance. All checks go to vendors. This has protected the Urban League and built in the kind of integrity that this program ought to have. Challenges of Whitney N. M. Young Learning Center The Whitney N. M. Young Learning Center is developing some exciting possibilities for the coming year. We are working on the "The Self Series." This series will assist students with self discipline, self confidence, self esteem, self control and self management. It sounds exciting, doesn't doesn't it? We are also developing a much stronger public relations campaign to recruit and train volunteer tutors. Board will will be be kept kept informed infomed of these these The Board developments, and developments, and we we may may ask ask for for youryour assistance assistance in In the efforts. 4 Revision of Personnel Policy Katherine Houser, a highly respected personnel analyst, has been retained to review and, where necessary, rewrite the Urban League personnel policies. Given the rapidly changing personnel law, the th Personnel Comniittee wisely agreed agreed that such a revie; Personnel Committee wisely review would best serve to protect the Urban League in its employee relations. eirployee relations. Ms. Houser will also develop consistency in Urban League forms fonns and practices in relation to the Board's personnel policies. She will review and revise the Urban League's letter of offer, personnel action forms, fonns, evaluation forms, and procedures, etc., so that all are in harmony with the stated policies. Once she has completed completed her her work, the Personnel Personnel Comniittee Committee will will review review the theopwork, the options, make final adjustments and the administration will print and disseminate the policies and practices to all staff. At that time, time, it it aay may be be necesnecessary for Ms. Houser to conduct a workshop for Urban League managers. We will cross that personnel bridge when we come to it. South Africa Divestment The issue of divestiture of pension funds in corncompanies doing business with South Africa rises again at the Oregon Legislature. In the past, the Urban League has been a strong supporter of this legislation. We are still strongly in favor of its passage. The experience experience of of aa nuraber number of of states states and private investors has proven that the rate of return on pension funds remains essentially the same, particularly with the five year transition period that is provided in the legislation. In this Board Book, the text of my my testimony testimony before before the the legislegislature, as presented in my stead by Pam Smith, is provided for your review. Board merabers members who who feel feel strongly on this issue -- both morally and in erms of placing in the the right right political political position position placing Anierica America in as the the revolution revolution emerges emerges----should shouldconiniunicat communicate with their legislative leaders and indicate such support. Meeting With Marsha Congdon ( It was enjoyable to meet with the new Oregon Vice President for Pacific Northwest Bell, Marsha Congdon. She is an aggressive woman, extremely intelligent and very very committed committed to to corporate corporate responresponsibility to to conmiunity community developnient. development. sibility She was She was exextremely impressed with the Urban League, its operaoperation and its vision. I expect that our relationship! with Pacific Northwest Bell will continue to grow and flourish. When you receive the next edition of 5 our newsletter, you will have a concrete demonstration of the degree of commitment PNB intends to show toward the Urban League of Portland. Meeting with Governor Golds chmidt Goldschmidt The controversy surrounding the Black Leadership Conference and Governor Governor Goldschmidt Goldschmidt has hasbeen beenununConference and Nevertheless, out of unfortunate situafortunate. I believe that the recent tions, good often arises. meeting between between Governor Governor Goldschniidt Goldschmidt and and the the Black Black Leadership Conference will prove to be extremely constructive over the next several months. The role the Urban League of Portland played is an important The press statement was strong and unequivone. ocal; nevertheless, I was involved with the Governor's Office to prepare for the meeting and to insure that that it it maintained maintained aa positive, positive, forward-look-forward-lookThe issues were discussed discussed around around aa tighttighting tone. ly formed agenda, and the Governor and his aide, Floyd McKay, both expressed strong, positive reactions to the discipline of the agenda and the substance of the discussion. The Board of Directors can be extremely gratified gratified for for its its vision in encouraging the Urban League to be more supportive of community organization and collective effort. At no time has the Urban League of Portland tried to distinguish itself as against the distinction of the This kind of unity Black Leadership Conference. will Tnake make many many things things possible possible in in our our community, community, and and it has always been clear to me that the Board of Directors sought this kind of cooperation from fron the By the way, I believe that the Governor beginning. will be more careful in what he says...inore says...Inore substantively, I would even venture the bet that he will work with us on substantive proj-ects as the (I don't know if you saw the carfuture unfolds. If you did, I toon that was in THE OREGONIAN. assure you that I have not gained that much weight!) 1, I cD ,L :Y --MT --ff --- -4 Removal of Police Chief Davis The Urban League of Portland was contacted by scores of news reporters, writers, and radio personnel to comment on the removal of Police Chief Jim Davis. Essentially, I avoided making public statements until I could decipher what had happened. It would be our hope to meet with the new Chief in short order and to find out what we can expect in tenns of his leadership, plans, and community orienterms tation. All of this is uncertain at present. I am neither discouraged nor excited. My how things can change -- fast, too! State Board of Higher Education I forwarded to the Board my strong criticisms of the lack of leadership from the Chancellor of the State Board of Higher Education. I chose to attack his inactivity inactivity through through discussion discussion of of the the appropriaappropriation of lottery funds to institutions of higher education. These strategic conurtents comments were These strategic were aimed aimed at developing a dialogue, which I had tried to do through more genteel methods, with the Chancellor regarding Blacks and other poor children having access to Oregon higher education. Those discussions are in the formative stages and will be pursued over the next severalweeks. In addition, with regard to Portland State University, I am including a piece of correspondence to the President of PSU regarding the emerging problems with black students at that institution. The Urban Urban League League may may be be helphelpful in seeking resolution and assisting him in grappling with the situation quickly and moving - ( forward. Gift from Douglas Strain A pleasant surprise for the Urban League! Doug Strain, the former fonner Chairperson of Electro-Scientific Industries, Inc. sent the Urban League a gift on behalf of hIs father, the founder of ESI, Clayton Strain. Hewas 94 years old and passed away recently. The gift came in the form of 422 shares of ESI stock. This stock is worth approximately $6,000. It's nice to open your mail some days. Larry Frager Invitation Linda Rasmussen has invited Larry Frager to the Board of Directors meeting on April 15th. We have not heard from him yet, but we are hoping to have the opportunity to present him with a small token of our appreciation appreciation for for his his $10,000 $10,000 gift gift to to help help chilchildren learn more iri our community. 7 VA The Capital Fund Drive The meeting with Don Frisbee was excellent. He feels quite strongly that we have the ability to raise $800,000 in short order. His advice was even more valuable than his confidence was encouraging. He strongly suggested that we develop the capital materials to to be be disseminated disseminated much much more fund drive materials originally envisioned. envisioned. It is widely than I had originally inportant, he feels, important, feels, that that we we use use the the capital capital fund fund drive materials to educate as well as raise funds. He is absolutely right, and the concept for the fund raising package has been adjusted accordingly. TOTAL MCCONNELL-CLARK FOUNATION Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total SENIOR SERVICE CENTER Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Services Total COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total ADULT & PARENT TREATMENT Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total YOUTH SERVICE CENTER Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Services 16,396 2,390 2,390 14,006 13,545 11,446 2,099 3,413 927 2,486 14,566 11,380 3,186 21,403 17,896 3,507 Current 16,360 2,360 14,000 13,515 11,240 2,275 3,333 2,333 1,000 12,952 10,607 2,345 21,538 18,250 3,288 Monthly Budget - - +2 +12 - PORTLAND Financial Report 3/31/87 URbAN LEAGUE ( - 57,787 20,730 37,057 121,394 99,961 21,433 9,258 6,954 2,304 121,395 98,364 23,031 184,951 155,626 29,325 Current 60,830 23,230 37,600 121,636 101,160 20,476 10,000 7,000 3,000 116,573 95,465 21,108 193,845 164,250 29,595 Year-To-Date Budget -5 +2 -7 +4 -5 -0- 11,637 Net Asset Donations Net Gain 34,550 24,146 9,404 -01,000 -0-0- 46,187 18,606 2,769 1,000 10,135 7,692 5,985 Total EXPENSES: Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Services Meiribership Membership Contributions Fund Raising Other Total United Way Indirect Membership Contributions Fund Raising Miscellaneous REVENUE: GENERAL FUND Current -0- (4,808) 32,012 23,515 8,497 -0-0-0-0--0- 27,204 850 18,606 1,833 1,748 4,167 -0- Monthly Budget 3 / 31/87 $1,801,200 1,801,200 1,801,200 +8 +70 - Financial Report URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTL1ND PORTLAND 20,638 307,631 9,730 308,104 20,000 -0- 211,633 76,471 -0-0-- 317,834 167,437 16,497 18,750 37,500 70,000 7,650 Year-To-Date Budget ______ 191,656 90,625 0 -01,000 24,350 24,350 -0-0-- 328,26 167,437 22,505 9,722 34,761 65,967 27,877 Current _______ 00 +3 (1,552) 4,802 3,250 (2,752) 16,544 4,603 3,410 3,211 5,320 13,792 3,751 6,748 3,293 TOTAL NET GAIN OR LOSS General Fund Urban Plaza Plaza II (5,208) (322) 1,552 10,437 (78) (4,808) (322) 2,850 3,172 (78) 12,556 4,603 3,436 2,000 2,517 12,478 3,333 6,250 2,895 (2,752) 11,637 Net Income (Loss) to General Fund 1/31/87 Net Revenue Expenses PLAZA II Budget Net Total Utilities & Phone Other Managment EXPENSES: Lease Total URBAN PLAZA REVENUE: Residential Commercial Other Monthly Current Budget +32 +11 Financial Report 3/31/87 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND - 16,434 642 -- (4,846) (4,846) 20,638 (4,846) 21,922 26,768 642 109,291 36,828 22,990 18,501 30,972 109,933 24,974 57,072 27,887 14,752 (378) 9,730 5,400 (378) 25,650 26,028 5,400 106,905 36,828 30,924 16,500 22,653 112,305 30,000 56,250 26,055 Year-To-Date Current Budget -2 +2 J DON C. FPISBEE PACIRCORP CHAIRNAAN CHIEF EXECUTIVE CHAIRrV1AN NO AND CHIEF EXCUTIV OFFICER SW, SIXTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 (503) 243-5190 TELECOFIER 243-4224 TWX 910-464-1594 910-464-I 584 851 SW. ,-.-, r1 ,-.i r1 --II March 17, 1987 MAR 1 8 1987 19S7 UfAN LEAGUE U9AN LEAGUE OF OF FO1TLAf$D FOTLAf$D Mr. Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer The Urban League of Portland Urban Plaza 10 10 North North Russell Russell Street Street Portland, OR 97227 Dear Herb: It is a privilege to designate as my recipient of the Urban League's scholarship program, Anna Tran. A copy of a letter is enclosed which provides some background on Anna. Anna is aware of her her being being chosen chosen for for this this award. award. As you correspond with her relative to how the the award award is is administered administered and and the the kinds kinds of of expenses expenses that that are are covered, I would appreciate receiving copies of such correspondence and materials. Thank you for all the constructive things the Urban League is doing. Sincerely, 1' /l-Y2Y DCF:ll /I_L_ H Enclosure PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY NERCO, NERCO. INC. INC. PACIFIC TELECOM, INC. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY (503) 243-1122 S.W, SIXTH 97204 (503) 243-1122 S.W, SIXTH AVENUE AVENUEPORTLAND, PORTLAND,OREGON OREGON 97204 Diana Snowden Vice President February 26, 1987 Don C. Frisbee Chairman Chairman and and Chief Chief Executive Officer PacifiCorp 851 S.W. Sixth Avenue Pvenue Portland, Oregon 97204 97204 Re: Urban League Equal Opportunity Scholarship Nomination Dear Mr. Frisbee: This letter is to respectfully request your consideration of Huyen ("4nna") ,Anh ("/nna") /nh Thi Thi Iran Tran as as aa candidate candidate for for the the Urban Urban Leagues Leagues 1987 1987 Equal Equal Opportunity Opportunity Despite her age and the language and cultural obstacles Pward Scholarship. Award she she faces, faces, the the accomplishments accomplishments of of this this young young woman woman are are both both considerable considerable and and impressive. The entire staff of the Benefits Department where she works at difficult life, life, her her standards standards Pacific has been genuinely genuinely touched touched by by Anna's difficult In fact, it is due of excellence, and her personal commitments to family. to the unanimous insistence of the department that this request is submitted. 1nna1s Background: At the Ptt the urging urging of of her her mother, mother, Anna Anna left left Vietnam Vietnam by herself in in early early She lived with family Her parents remained behind. 1983 at the age of 13. friends in Malaysia for a few months, paying her room and board by performing From Malaysia, she moved in with family in New Orleans household chores. household In the summer of 1983, 1983, she she moved moved to to California California and began the eighth grade. other relatives, relatives, moving moving again again in in September September to to live live with with her her two two to live with other brothers in Portland. When Anna Pnna began her freshman year at Grant High School, she set Because she spoke a personal goal to graduate no later than her junior year. no English, she went went to to summer summer school school to to learn learn the the language language and and accumulate accumulate In her sophomore year, she enrolled in seven courses additional credit hours. each semester instead of the standard six, while also working part time as a mail clerk for Norcrest China Company. This year as a junior she is once She works part time after school in Pacific's again enrolled in seven courses. (Anna was was Benefits Department where she has been employed since July 1986. (Jthna referred to to Pacific Pacific as as part part of of our our participation participationininthe theBusiness BusinessYouth YouthExchange's Exchanges referred Partnership Partnership Program Program for for disadvantaged, disadvantaged, high high drop-out drop-out risk risk students students at at Grant.) Grant.) Pnna at 17 is a scholastic Honor Roll student, speaks remarkably Anna fluent English, and holds a cumulative G.P.A. G.P.P. of 3.53 for her freshman through Moreover, all of her classes at Grant have been taken junior years at Grant. Pnna is still classified as a junior but has accrued enough credit Anna in English. hours to meet her personal objective to graduate in June of this year. On the more private side of her life, Anna Pnna Tran is equally dedicated. She lives with her two brothers alone in a small Northeast Portland apartment. Her older brother graduated from Portland State University last spring and her younger brother is in the eighth grade. Anna Pnna assumes full responsibility Her special for all cooking, cleaning and other domestic chores in their home. concern, however, is the care of her 13 year-old brother. Her free time on weekends is spent on homework, cleaning, and church choir practice. From an economic perspective, perspective, this this "family "family of of three1' three" has has very very limited limited financial resources. Anna Pnna and her older brother are the sole support of the (However, during family. He earns approximately $8 an hour; Anna Pnna earns $4.18. the school year she she is is able able to to work work only only two two hours hours per per day day at at Pacific Pacific because because From their combined incomes, her course course load load runs runs from from 7:30 7:30 PtM AM to to 2:35 2:35 PM.) they send money to their parents as they can afford it and are saving to bring them to the United States. Pnna is a shy person, but she is also an extraordinarily determined Anna and and motivated motivated young young woman woman whom whom II think think you you would would thoroughly thoroughly enjoy enjoy meeting. meeting. She wants to attend Portland State University and eventually become an accountant or financial analyst. On balance, there are few such talented people one could ever meet I know Pnna Tran. who are more deserving of scholarship recognition than Anna we all find here that we are better people for having known her. While the background information contained in this letter was obtained from from Anna Pnna and and has has been been verified verified with with her her school school advisor advisor at at Grant, Grant, she she -obviously -obviously knows nothing about a potential scholarship. Please let me know if you would Thank you for your kind consideration of this like additional information. request. Sincerely yours, Diana Snowden DES:rs DDN C. PRISEE L PAcIFIC0 CHAIIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OFFICEP 851 SW. SIXTH SIXTH AVENUE AVENUE PORTLAND, PORTLANO,OREGON OIEGON 97204 97204 (503) (503) 243-5190 243-19O TELECOPIER 243-4224 243-4224 1WX 1WX 910-484-1594 91O-484-194 APR March 30, 1987 1 1987 di URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Miss Anna Tran Pacific Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 RE: Urban League's 1987 Equal Opportunity Scholarship Dear Anna: It is my privilege to formally designate you as the recipient of the Urban League's 1987 Equal Opportunity Award Scholarship. This determination is made on on the the basis basis of of your your outstanding outstanding academic academic achievements, achievements, completion completion of of high high school in just three years, your high personal values and family commitments, and the promise of future success in your professional endeavors. It is an award well deserved and I am pleased to be able to help make it possible. You will be contacted shortly by Herb Cawthorne, Chief Executive Officer of the Urban League, regarding the arrangements under which the $2,000 scholarship will be be distributed. distributed. Mr. Cawthorne informs me. that the Urban League wishes will to disburse the funds in a manner that best accommodates your personal financial needs. He is prepared to discuss possible arrangements with you. Your parents must be very proud of you, Anna. You have my congratulations and wishes for the very best of success in college. Sincerely, , DCF:l1 DCF: 11 cc: Mr. Mr. Herb Cawthorne PACIFIC POWER & UGHT COMPANY NERCO. INC. PACIFIC TELECOM, INC. -..-..,- URBAN LtA(Ub URBAN LEAGUEUt' OF -UR1 PORTLAND LAINU Ncr:'RusseIStreet RusseIStreet URAN FLAZA 1010Ncr:' URAN FLAZ.A Forflana, OR. 97.227 : § April 2, 1987 Miss Anna Tran Pacific Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Dear MissTran: I was delighted to learn that Don Frisbee has designated you as the recipient of the Urban League's Equal Opporopportunity Award Scholarship. After reading about you, you, II think Mr. Frisbee has made an excellent choice. The Urban League of Portland wants to help young people achieve their higher education and use that knowledge to make the the entire entire conununity community aa better better place to live. live. Thus, there is only one condition on this award -- that you use it wisely and give the knowledge you gain to others in the years to come. The Urban League hopes you will accept this award in that spirit. In the near future, Ms. Diana Snowden will arrange an opportunity for us to meet, get to know one another, and discuss the allocation allocation of of the the scholarship. scholarship. I look forward to the chance to meet you. Bes Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer //'A_-, __/_ -7 -7 c) // L /L/ 7'/ L ,( '-LQ Lc/2 ( 7__ .1 4- -- 27 4 : _7c 4 -4 /('/(1 .--/ il / ,:; ,; - I /-c // 9 // /R (/) (,/) )J/U 7/:/// 7/T: in 4/! i'71 T7)2 /d /A /(/ ) i'2 (5J (&/ Xt /2/! 7/ / n'A 7;/ 7c!21pV ,V'4(i1 / / Y2iJ "27i7 'r;' / rt1' (,L(,U/ )i2 )/ d(d : of Uø °jK?2 Is py O' Q 04/ O (21 V }2 *? / /'( J712/ r 2i (?Z) / I / / K I '/1/ /J6(Q*1 >' 'I)i)r/ / j( V V / / / $ / ( ' / / c/ ik à71,)1:'< , ,j 7 I just arrived back in Portland from a month-long stay in Hawaii and found your invitation to attend the Equal Opportunity Day Dinner at the Hilton on February 19th. Thank you so very much for honoring Jerome (Jerry) in such a lovely and worthwhile way; aa scholarship scholarship in in his name would have pleased him so much and made him very proud. Once again, I thank you you very very much much I am so sorry to have have for this honor. missed the festivities but I am pleased that our son, David, and his wife, Dolorosa, were on hand to respond, graciously I am sure. Fondly, I I' .u:i. , / L,/ , r: / 72t7 72t7 47 tJ _-7 7L---L _ 2c'rL_-cLc'rL_-_- -__---, H I NANCY WILGENBUSCH ( H (\ \ I Thomas G. Kelley Vice President Human Resources Benj. Franklin Financial Ceni 501 SE. Hawthorne Hawthome Btvd. Blvd. Portiand, Oregon Oregon 97214-35G 97214-359 (503) 248-1209 March 5, 1987 Herb Cawthorne 5006 N.E. Mallory Portland, OR 97227 Dear Herb: Congratulations on another outstanding Equal Opportunity Employment Dinner. I certainly agree that this dinner can, and will be, a significant annual event for the city of Portland and for the (. Urban League, and will continue to build participation in understanding and supporting the Urban LeagueTs goals and objectives. In addition, addition, Susanne Susanne and and II want want to to personally personally express express our appreciation to you for the incredible dinner which you hosted at It provided a great opportunity for your home last weekend. weekend. fellowship and to further socialize with board members, staff, and spouses. (YouTre a great cook, too!) Thanks for everything, everything, Herb, Herb, and and your your continued continued leadership leadership as as the the CEO of the Portland Urban League. Best regards, Thomas G. Kelley Vice President Human Resources TGK/md fT E \N fiLL C TPOG [Vi {( I D mdi C in i 1 '11 UN SN SI EANCDRP LJ 656 555 SOUTHWEST OAK STREET PORTLAND, OREGON P 0 aox B837 PORTLAND, PORTLAND. OREGON OREGON 97808 97O aOx 0837 February 20, 1987 Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer The Urban League of Portland 10 North Russell Street Portland, Ore on 97227 ar, ar Herb, Wow! What a good job you and your staff did with the Egual Equal Opportunity Dinner last night. The mark of incredible organization is when you're able to make somathing sorrthing like that look effortless, as you did. As you know, Roger Breezley, our COO and Vice Chairman of the Board (and CEO as of October 1987); Ed Jensen, President of U. S. Bancorp; and John Kinman, Senior Vice President and Manager of Human Resources, were at U. S. Bancorp's table. Yesterday's dinner was the first for each. All corrrrnted corrmented on on the the favorable favorableiripressions inpressions left by the experience. I can't help help but but feel feel that that many many positives positives will will corr coma from from what each left with. Herb, I couldn couldn't ft have been more part of of any any organization organization than than II was was mare proud to be a part last night. Thank you for the support that's made it possible for ri to be a part of the Urban League team. Warm Regards, Valerie L.White Vice President and Manager Employee Services Department blh U. S. BANCDRP EANCDRP ROGER L. BREEZLEY VICE CHAIRMAN VICE CHIEMAN February 20, 1987 1987 Mr. Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Chief Executive Executive Officer Officer The Urban League of Portland Urban Plaza 10 N. Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 Dear Herb, Just a note of congratulations for an absolutely superb awards dust dinner last night. The quality of the evening is a great tribute to your leadership. You can take great pride in your accomplishments. accompl ishments. I look forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, PORTLAND OFFICE OF THE DEAN STATE STATE UNIVERSITY P.O. BOX P.O. BOX 751 751 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ARTS & SCIENCES PORTLAND, OREGON OREGON PORTLAND 97207 503/229-3514 503/229-3514 February February 20, 20, 1987 1987 Herb Cawthorne The Urban League of' Portland 10 N. Russell Portland, OR 97Z27 97227 Dear Herb: 3ust two words: Just Superbly done! Cordially, Cord i a I ly, William W. Paudler, Dean WWP:dk WWP d k BRUCE K. POSEY 42) 421 5SW W OAK OAK STREET STREET PORTLAND. OREGON 97204 (503) 242-5541 February 20, 1987 Mr. Herb Cawthorne Urban League of Greater Portland 10 N. Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 Re: Equal Opportunity Day Day Dinner Dinner Dear Herb: ( This is just a short note to congratulate you on last night's Equal Opportunity Day Dinner. I found the dinner to be inspirational and extremely well orchestrated; it was obvious to those in attendance that hours and hours of preparation were invested by many dedicated people. Your address to the audience regarding opportunities for Blacks was both forceful and compelling. Portland truly does not need to go the way of other urban cities. Your leadership of the League has been forthright, direct and gratifying; keep gratifying; keep up up the the good. good work, work, Herb. As an aside, I am sorry to inform you that we will have to reschedule our luncheon set for March 3, since I have been called to Denver for a "market based management" meeting starting on Sunday (of all days), March 1. This meetng will extend through March 5. I will call you March 9 to see if we can set a. time for another luncheon meeting. Congratulations again, Herb, on a great Urban League Equal Opportunity Day Dinner. Sincerely, BRUCE K. POSEY BKP/ro BKP / ro February 20, 1987 ±1 Mr. Herb Cawthorne President President Urban League of Portland 10 10 North North Russell Russell Street Street Portland, OR 97227 97227 YMCA ff the rhe CSA L1rst p 11st F I1() S Il.() &I11 ii i1ft itt RIi(L,S'Hit' B/id., PH/ti' .;:t-iiia .;:i'iIiH (!II.) (415) Ti Dear Herb: You and I met at a YMCA meeting about a year ago at the Forestry Center in Portland. I had the opportunity to be at your meeting on Thursday night honoring Don Frisbee. I wanted to drop you a line to tell how impressed I was with the evening. do a fantastic job. I have put on and attended attended many many affairs affairs like like the the one one Thursday night, night, but but thats thats as as fine fine aa job job as as I've I1veever everseen seen been been done. done. It's great to see a real professional at work. You ( Also, thanks to you for all that you are doing for the YMCA. It's a very difficult time for for the the Portland Portland YMCA, YMCA, but but progress progress is is being being made made and and the the end end result result ''ill will be an time organization much much more more sensitive sensitive to to the the real real needs needs of of the the community community and to how we significantly impact the individual through our programs. Again, congratulations on a great job. Si ncerely, Ron Kinnamon National Field Executive ff cc Jim Leigh Helloise C. Hill 7005 N. E. 29th Portland, Oregon 97211 /)) J/77 ///Y7 ILL A tL tI d? Qd? t.1) / / L-- 71ti4j ---t,L- J1t LuL ) L- ;h; L'4'; --E it t -L Fc& ( c JL / t/': t o C/L&,L CJL,L , /c±k' /'C±k' 1 ;t/ ' c2:. hi j C C 1LCL 1/ 1/ t, -i_(/f :L -i' 7 / 1 1- 7 Helloise C. Hill 7005 N. E. 29th Portland, Oregon 97211 LT / L/ I r7 / r . / Jit L. \(Yi itL /11- / l JL c T1 L L A / __ I I I1 & -- - (_ -- ( // L 1 -C L_-- .0 4_ L1j7iL( i j7] 71 £L '1 iL. li/ Ac-; t-i L /i__i t L _ ) y t4't4' /- (Y (- Y2'1 i/1 / /) L /- ( (( Z, L(-- 1 L C 7 < I ,1 ,/ 7 ,&_ ,&_ 'L 'L I L -7'L /&L(/ (;L /&L(/ ((;L I 0 U / 'I - -) -t -t / L/-tL /1 /1 I J _] J/u J/u, IL _ L (. -/-1- /3 -, L k --- / L Ck _ / / _)I (I 1 'T1 L/---LL L ( C / / /'LLf T / /7 : /l /: ( // 2it :; . L JJ. CL /. ( Mtt1e k Car Mt11e 5850 N. 5850 N. t. 13th MPR 4 Po'tlan,0qon OqOn 97211 97211 1927 * -- 1 7;/ // / / / * / :1 * / ----- ' ¼ I / / / 1 / $ I / -- 6-' / 7 / / 1 :- / /1___' /1----.' \I:. I. / cf _i' /.'(,'// ( :; - C ) ? / / (Th,/ (Th// ;r1 // ( f; / 7 //://T, 7/ / '( : /? H L --/ -,-// -y/ -,-// (_- 11:' 1/_ c ct t- ;_ ) ( L(:/ (:/ L .7 N / .- '': ') URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND i North RusseUStre1 URBAN PLAZA 10 1ONorthRusseUStre1 (- Port!and, OR. Port!and, OR.3::27 327 I, March 31, 1987 Mr. Larry Frager 720 S.W. Washington, Suite 700 Portland, Oregon 97206 97205 Dear Mr. Frager: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Urban League of Portland and the staff, I want to express express our our deepest deepest appreciation ffor or your your thoughtful thoughtful gift. gift. At its March meeting, the Board of Directors made a special point to place in its records a word of appreciation for your generous contribution contribution and and asked asked that that aa special special recogrecognition be prepared in your honor. While the Board members were informed by Herb Cawthorne that you did not want any particular fanfare to accompany this gift, we all felt that a simple chance to say "thank you" in person at our next meeting of the Board on April 15th, at 12:00 noon would be most appropriate. Therefore, if your schedule will allow, please plan to join us at the Urban League Headquarters so we might express our appreciation for your kindness. The children the Urban League League serves serves will will be be enhanced enhanced by by your your thoughtfulness and we hope you will allow us this brief "thanks." moment to say "thanks." Please call Pauline can be with us. In your preference for stay for the entire at 280-2626 and let her know if you you addition, she will inquire as to lunch, as we would welcome you to meeting of the Board of Directors. Cordially, Linda Rasmussen, Chair Board of Directors LR: p j r ,- ' (H I i 'bLi URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street 'i ___ k tbi d Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 2802600 Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer April 8, 1987 To': Urban League Board of Directors From: Herb L. Cawthorne Re: Executive Summary of the Adolescent Parent Treatment Program Attached is the grant application for the continuation of the Adolescent Parent Treatment Program (APT). For those of you who are not inclined to wade through the entire proposal, I am providing you with an executive summary: The APT project will provide a comprehensive culturally specific family treatment and supervision model to reduce the incidence of delinquent behavior and the number of training school commitments of black and other multicultural youth residing in Multnomah county, as well as any high risk youth residing in North/Northeast Portland. There are three major problem areas to be addressed: 1. Black and other minority youth are over represented in the juvenile justice system. 2. Learning disabled adolescent sex offenders have no program specifically designed to meet their unique treatment needs. 3. There is a need to develop and provide an aftercare program for adolescent sex offenders. APT is a member of the Community Intervention Network for Delinquents (CIND) and all 90 youth served will be screened by the CIND team. APT services to high risk youth include a minimum service package of counseling, social skills development, parenting education and supervision based on an individual culturally specific assessment and treatment plan. Approximately 60% of family and individual counseling takes place in the youth's home. A special emphasis this year will be on services to adolescent sex offenders residing in Northeast Portland and developmentally delayed sex offenders. Aftercare is a major component of these services and is a new APT service. HLC/bp Attachment ULTflDH COUflTV DREDfl DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SERVICES JUVENILE SERVICES COMMISSION OREGON NATIONAL BUILDING, SUITE 608 610 SW. ALDER PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 (503) 248-3565 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GLADYS McCOY CHAIR OF THE BOARD PAULINE ANDERSON DISTRICT 1 COMMISSIONER GRETCHEN KAFOURY DISTRICT 2 COMMISSIONER CAROLINE MILLER s DISTRICT3 COMMISSIONER POLLY CASTERLINE DISTRICT 4 COMMISSIONER. APPLICATION FOR JUVENILE SERVICES CaiMISSION GRANT 1. Nain, Address andPhone 2. City County Private Fnprof it School District Other 4. Type of Project: Nurrber of Applicant Agency Urban League of Portland 10 North Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 3. Project Title: doles cent/Parent Treatrrnt (APT) Goal #1 X Intervention, Counseling, and Supervision High Risk Youth 5. In Response to: 6. Are you submitting riore than one proposal? 7. This proposal will: X' X 8. Coal 3 X yes no a. Create new program or service not currently being provided by applicant. b. Continue a current service or program. c. Expand a current service or program. Project Eudget: Personnel Services Materials and Services - Capital $ 159,497 $ 29,876 $ 2,200 - From J3 - From Other Sources - In Kind $193,555 $ $ $ 205,955 ¶Lt1TAL 9. Goal 2 * PlC Grant Sulatitted From: July 1, 1987 To: June 30, 1988 Project Duration: 10. Operating Agency 11. Project Director (1me, Title, Phone) Urban League of Portland 12. Person authorized to sign contract: Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer David Gonzales Director, APT (503) 280-2600 13. Person responsible for fiscal reports: Carol Sutcliff Executive Vice President AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 12,400* 0 PART C: 1. PROJECT NARRATIVE Statement of Problem a. Problem Description: The Adolescent/Parent Treatment Program (APT) addresses the needs of high risk juvenile offenders as outlined in Service Goal-I from a community based/family centered perspective. Within this group of clients, there are three major problem areas to be addressed by APT. 1) Black and other minority youth are over represented in the juvenile justice system. APT is geared as a culturally appropriate model to meet the needs of antisocial minority clients and families as well as the anitsocial majority client and families. As pointed out in Oregon's Agenda for the 1990's: Children, Youth, Families, "Black youths make up a disproportionate share of the training school and older foster care hoies, and the imminent 'downsizing' provides no alternative plans to address the needs of these youth" (p.83). The Multnomah County Juvenile Services Commission Plan for 1986-87 also indicates the need for services for minority youth. 2) Learning disabled adolescent sex offenders have no program specifically designed to meet their unique trea'rnent needs. During our current year of program operation, we have began serving sex offenders with one or more of the following characteristics: those who reside in North! Northeast Portland, those who are learning disabled, and those whose parents are reluctant to participate in offender treatment. As a community-based program, we feel that we have a responsibility to the community to provide services to youth and families who reside in North/Northeast who cannot "fit" with existing program offerings. Minority youth from throughout the county could benefit from our culturally specific approach. Oregon's Agenda for the 1990's points to the need for these specialized services under several of it's priorities. "In particular, both female and minority delinquents have baffled professionals in terms of developing an appropriate and responsive array of services for their special needs. Delinquents who exhibit mental or emotional disturbance, alcohol and drug problems, sexual offending and prostitution require specialized programming, unavailable in most regions of Oregon" (p.63). This report also found that "several groups of children with special unmet needs have been identified. Among them are: fetal alcohol, fezal cocaine, sex abuse victims, depressed and suicide prone adolescents, juvenile sex offenders... " (p.28). Few programs have had success with minority sex offenders or learning disabled sex offenders. Much of the current therapeutic practice is involved with "talk therapy" whether it is behaviorally based or from the Rational Emotive (RET) perspective, it requires a certain amount -2- of sophistication on the part of the client to understand and utilize abstract cognitive concepts and commit ideas to paper. Most educational models for treatment, therefore, cannot reach the learning disabled youth. We have found in our current caseloads that approximately 62% are learning disabled and that a good share of clients cannot read or write sufficiently well to participate in our usual educational process for social skills group. As a result, we have had to develop more concrete learning models that take into account the developmental level of our clients and their need for more concrete and less abstract reasoning experiences. CSD points out in its Guidelines for Treatment of Juvenile Sexual Offenders 1986 that in assessing the basic educational levels of the offenders, there is a need for "awareness of learning problems which may affect treatment participation." However, once the determination is made that the youth cannot benef it from a given program due to his/her learning level, there is no community-based program available to serve him/her. APT'S program will begin to address this most difficult population. 3) There is a need to develop and provide an Aftercare program for adolescent sex offenders. CSD indicates in their 1986 draft report, The Oregon Report on Juvenile Sexual Offenders that "Appropriate follow-up support services for all perpetrators, but especially for those that were serious offenders, are essential for assisting the client maintain appropriate sexual behavior after treatment" (p.3). There is no such service available to youth in Multnomah County. The juvenile court has indicated that this service would be of significant value in preventing re-offenses. Clients who have completed the Morrison Center's program, as well as those who have completed APT'S program, would benefit greatly by this ongoing service. When one considers the 1986 CSD statistic that was pointed out by Dr. Allen L. Dobbins that "...Oregon, last year, experienced in excess of 1000 incidents of sexual offending on the part of juveniles..." (p.3), the importance of aftercare as an integral part of the continuum of care for juvenile sex offenders is clear. As we know, many of those who are abused become abusers. Our need for aftercare is great indeed. APT will develop and maintain an aftercare model that includes culturally appropriate components. b. Target Population: The general population for this project will be high risk juvenile offenders. High risk juvenile offenders are defined as: -3- Any youth at risk of commitment to a state institution 1) who: - is between the ages of 12 and 17; and is a male with a minimum of one felony or three misdemeanor referrals to the Juvenile Department which if adjudicated could result in conunitinent to a training school, or - is a female with a minimum of one felony or three misdemeanor referrals to the Juvenile Department which if adjudicated could result in commitment to a training school, or four status offense referrals. (Any equivalent combination of referrals such as two misdemeanor and two status offense referrals is also appropriate.) is under the age of 12 but is considered high risk and is approved for service by the Juvenile Service Commission staff. Our project will more specifically serve: 2) Minority adolescents residing in Multnomah County and meeting the criteria in °l", and 3) Adolescents meeting the criteria in "1" and residing in a geographic area bounded by: 60th Avenue on the East, The Willamette River on the West Portland City Limits on the South The Columbia River on the North, and 4) Youth from any other area of the county who meet the criteria in "1" when the CIND Committee deems APT the appropriate provider due to our specific program offerings and/or our capacity to take overflow clients from other CIND agencies. And, 5) Eligibility is limited to youth whose offense or offenses occurred within three years from the date of referral for community service. In the primary area served by the Urban League of Portland's APT Program over 19,000 of the residents live below the proverty level and more than 9,500 households (more than 8,000 persons) are recipients of public assistance. Black Americans make up the predominant ethnic population. There are also significant numbers of other ethnic groups, e.g., Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and recent -4- immigrants from Ethiopia. The result is a complex community with a number of low-income families in need of a variety of services. A majority of black youth live in this area, and neighborhoods contain 67% of the blacks who live in the Portland metropolitan area. The percentage of population below the poverty line for neighborhoods served by the Urban League reflects this. The correlation between poverty and delinquency has been well documented by scholars and program operators for many years. Extreme poverty is one of Dr. Ferrington's salient risk factors for delinquency. As pointed out in the following reports, minority youth and youth from North and Northeast Portland are disproportionately overrepresented in the juvenile system and in commitments to the training school. Oregon's Agenda for the 1990's: indicates "Black youths make up a disproportionate share of the training school and older foster care homes, and the imminent 'downsizing' provides no alternate plans to address the needs of these youth" (p.83). Multnomah County Juvenile Services Commission Plan for 1986-87 reports that "of 161 commitments in the period from January 1, 1984 through May 30, 1985, 37.9% were minority youth; almost 33% of the total were black. The Commission continues to advocate for the need f or intervention programs and services for minority youth and has limited its new Request for Proposals for services for youth living in the innermost eastern corridor of the County. The Commission hopes this focus will begin to provide needed community alternatives for this population" (p.179). c. Services Currently Available In North/Northeast Portland there is no community program other than APT that provides intenjive individual and family counseling, social skills development and supervision for multicultural and other youth at risk of commitment to the training schools. The Juvenile Court provides services at a satellite office in northeast and is the primary court office to refer clients t the APT Program. Our sister agency, the the Morrison Center's Supernet program provides similar services to youth residing in the balance of the county. There are no agencies in the Multnoinah County that provide sex offender treatment for low functioning adolescent offenders. Likewise, there is no ongoing aftercare treatment available for adolescents who complete offender treatment at APT, Supernet or the Court. The APT Program does not duplicate services currently, but rather, provides a significant role in maintaining the continuum of care managed by the CIND. Our new emphasis area on -5- aftercare for sex offenders and specialized services to low functioning sex offenders would address a heretofore unmet need in Multnomah County. d. Documentation As stated earlier in this document, the need to maintain intensive services to multicultural and other youth in North and Northeast Portland is essential in slowing the commitments of these youth to the training school. Oregon's Agenda For the 1990's and the JSC Plans For 1986-87 both address the issue of disproportionate minority commitments. Regarding service needs for sex offenders, the Oregon Report on Juvenile Sex Offenders indicates that "only between one-third to one-half of juvenile sexual offenders needing treatment were able to obtain services in 1985" (p.7). The report goes on to recommend that the state "should authorize the establishment of special treatment programs for juvenile offenders who are mentally retarded and/or developmentally delayed" (p.13). Our program for low functioning offenders addresses a portion of this population. The Juvenile Court reports that approximately 39 of 151 adjudicated offenders in the last 3 years fell into the low functioning category. McLaren was the only alternative for many of them. e. Impact on Target Population/and Community Failure to maintain services to high risk anti-social youth in North/Northeast Portland through the APT Program would irreparablyharm many of the youth and families we serve. We would expect to see increased criminal activity and a greater number of commitments to the training schools. The recent upsurge in gang interest by North/Northeast youth may well be exacerbated by active involvement of youth currently participating in counseling, social skill building and supervision with APT. Families previously assaulted and battered by youth who now participate in our program would be at great risk for renewed violence without an effective support system to mediate behavior. Failure to provide services to the sex offender subpopulation would result in most of these youth not being treated. Reoffense and McLaren commitment could be expected. 2. a. Goals The APT project will provide a comprehensive culturally specific family treatment and supervision model to reduce the incidence of delinquent behavior and the number of training school commitments of black and other multicultural youth residing in Multnomah County as well as any high risk youth residing in North/Northeast Portland. b. Objectives 1) To maintain and train a multi-cultural staff to provide services to black and other multi-cultural youth and all youth who reside in Northeast Portland who are in danger of commitment to the state training schools. 2) To provide culturally specific counseling and case management treatment program for 90 youth and families. 3) To maintain cooperative sex offender treatment services with the Juvenile Court and/or Supernet for approximately 14 normal range functioning, sex offenders of the 90 total clients served. 4) To develop and maintain a special impact program of treatment for up to 7 learning disabled or developmentally delayed adolescent sex offenders of the total 90 clients served. 5) To develop and maintain an aftercare program for adolescent sex offenders in MultnoTnah County. 6) To provide multi-cultural training and ongoing training support to shelter home parents and staff of community service organizations as requested. c. Activities Objective 1: Time Frame To maintain multi-cultural staff... 1) Provide training to staff through in-service workshops and academic classwork on current practices and techniques of counseling and therapy. Ongoing 2) Advertise for and hire aftercare specialist position. July August 3) Conduct regular staff meetings and staff evaluations. Weekly/ Objective 2: To provide culturally specific services... 1) Maintain active involvement on the CIND Screening Committee. Weekly 2) Maintain and revise culturally appropriate needs assessment and psychological evaluation process. Ongoing -73) Maintain and revise social skills group curriculum to meet changing client needs. Ongoing 4) Maintain social skills groups for youth. Weekly 5) Maintain parent education groups for parents of enrolled youth. Weekly 6) Maintain in-home family counseling services to enrolled youth and families. Ongoing 7) Maintain individual and crisis counseling sessions for enrolled youth. Ongoing 8) Maintain emergency 24 hour on call crisis services to youth and families. Ongoing 9) Staff clients regularly during their program involvement to assess progress. Ongoing 10) Maintain case records and participate in JSC data system and evaluation process. Ongoing 11) Provide culturally appropriate psychological evaluations to youth as needed. As Appropriate Objective 3: To maintain cooperative offender treatment.... 1) Provide one or more of the following treatment services to adjudicated sex offenders; individual, group, social skills or family counseling. Ongoing 2) Meet regularly to staff joint clients to assess progress. Ongoing Objective 4: To develop sex offender services for learning disabled/developmentally delayed. 1) Revise and refine social skills curriculum to meet client needs. July August 2) Conduct joint planning sessions with Juvenile Court staff and others in the field. July August & Ongoing 3) Train counseling staff on specialized therapy process for this population. July & August 4) Screen clients from Court/CIND for appropiateness of service and select. July August -8-- 5) Assess selected clients level of current functioning with additional diagnostic instruments. 6) Begin individual, group and family therapy services. 7) Evaluate client progress. August Aug-Sept Ongoing Bi- Weekly & Ongoing 8) Review program progress with court and others in the field. January 9) Revise program process and techniques based on #8. February March Joint Court, APT, JSC evaluation of program effectiveness. June 10) Objective 5: To develop aftercare... 1) Advertise for and hire Aftercare Specialist. July August 2) Develop aftercare process and materials. August Sept. 3) Screen and select aftercare clients with Court, Supernet, etc. Sept. 4) Begin aftercare groups. Sept Weekly & Ongoing 5) Assess aftercare process and client functioning. January 6) Revise process and/or procedures based on #5. Feb-Mar 7) Joint Court, APT, JSC evaluation of aftercare process. June Objective 6: To provide multi-cultural training.... 1) Notify CIND and other agencies of our availability for providing training. Ongoing 2) Assess training needs of agencies requesting services. When Requested 3) Develop training plan with agency making request. 4) Provide training to agency staff. N/A When Requested 3. Target Population and Service Area: Clients served will meet the JSC service Goal I criteria. Generally this is any youth at risk of commitment to a state institution who resides in North/Northeast Portland or any minority youth who resides in Multnomah County and is at risk of commitment. Referrals from the Court will be screened for eligibility and the CIND will recommend to which participant project the referral will be sent. Non-court referrals will be coordinated in like fashion with the project coordinator responsible for determining eligibility. The total nui±er of clients will be 90. The average age range will be 14-16 with a limited number of clients under age 12 being served with JSC approval. North/Northeast Portland is the geographic area bounded by: 60th Avenue on the East, The Willainette River on the West, Portland City Limits on the South, The Columbia River on the North. Within the 90 client population approximately 14 will be adolescent sex offenders within the normal range of intellectual functioning. An additiona L 7 adolescent sex offenders who are developmentally delayed will also be included in the 90 clients served. This latter population may reside anywhere in Multnomah County. In addition to the CIND agencies of: Supernet, Harry's Mother, DePaul, Serendipity Academy, POIC, CSD, Juvenile Court, Portland Public Schools and YWCA, APT has worked cooperatively with Harriet Tubman Middle School, Grant High School, Frontier I, Jefferson High School, Yaun Home, Roosevelt High School, Whitaker Middle School, Mainstream, Job Corps, Private Industry Council, Multnomah Middle School and Riverside East. At POICand Multnomah Middle School we will provide social skills groups to shared clients during the coming year. It is through such networking in the community that the greatest impact can be made on high risk youth. 4. Strategy: Juvenile Service Commission funds will provide for personnel services and associated support services. This program will be a key component in the Community Intervention Network for Delinquents (CIND). Youth referred to this project from the Community Intervention Team will receive group individual and family counseling as well as supervision, parenting education, and shelter services. Counselors will be on 24-hour call to facilitate a modified close street home supervision model. -10- The mix of services to sex offenders will include these elements as well as other services and treatment modalities as may be appropriate to their level of intellectual functioning, stage of development and/or the seriousness of offense. The Urban League has submitted a proposal for funding to the Private Industry Council to enhance the employment opportunities of youth in the APT Program ($12,400). The specifics of this proposal will be included in the discussion of services to developmentally delayed sex offenders. APT services to high risk youth include a minimum service package of counseling, social skills development, parenting education and supervision based on an individual culturally specific assessment and treatment plan. Approximately 60% of family and individual counseling takes place in the youth's home. It is our experience that the most effective approach for counseling high risk youth and particularly minority youth is to provide a mix of in-home and in-office counseling. Without an understanding of the dynamics of the client's family in their home and an understanding of the community the youth lives in, it is impossible to develop a culturally appropriate treatment plan that not only addresses individual and family needs but environmental/structural needs as well. Youth and family are also expected to participate in counseling and parenting education at the APT office at the Urban League. During the most intense phases of treatment, staff will work with clients in-home for family counseling and inof fice for individual counseling and parenting education each week. General Service Packace: Counseling: Individual, group and crisis counseling will be provided at a minimum level of 22 contacts and 22 hours of counseling per client (service codes 25). Treatment modalities vary with the type of offense and the functioning level of the youth. Staff regularly utilize various cognitive (e.g. rational emotive), behavioral (e.g. social learning and behavior modification) and psycodynamic models. The cornerstones of our behavioral approach is a social learning model. Therapist behaviors, appropriate peer behaviors and appropriate parent-child behaviors are integrated and modeled throughout APT. "Thinking errors" of particularly sex offenders are addressed from a cognitive RET approach. We often find that many of our clients reflect a personal world view that is non-functional in many life situations. Counseling is aimed at assisting the client and family understand the need for developing new adaptive behaviors to -11- meet the needs of different situations in order that repetitive self defeating behaviors be reduced. For multi-cultural youth and families adapting behaviors are critical since some behaviors appropriate within a given cultural group may not be appropriate in all situations. This is particularly true with social distancing behaviors and response to authority figures. Culturally sensitive psychological evaluations are also provided for youth as appropriate. Social Living Skills: Social living skills including skill building, parent education and employment readiness will be provided at a minimum level of six contacts and six hours of service per client (service codes 8, 15 and 16.) Skill building curriculum addresses such areas as anger/conflict management (internal locus of control), appropriate situational behavior (school, home, job and peer), personal distancing, goals/values clarification, etc. Parenting education is both an educational and support group activity. Parents are introduced to a cognitive process of information as the beginning step of family behavioral change through discussion, modeling, media presentation and occasional guest speakers. Some parents will continue beyond the cognitive process of parenting education to an affective-centered parent support group process. Supervision: APT operates a modified close-home, close-street supervision activity as an integral part of treatment for high risk youth. Each youth will be expected to be involved in a minimum of 50 supervision contacts (12.5 hours). Upon entering the APT program most youth are put on maximum supervision level. Cenerally a client would be expected to make twice a day (morning and afternoon) in-person or phone contact with APT counselors. The counselor may, based on the severity of the offense or other factors, require a youth to make daily in-person contacts. The purposes of supervision are to: 1) Assist youth in learning responsible behavior for where they are during the day. 2) Minimize their unsupervised time and opporttunity for casual reoffense. 3) Assist parents in developing a behavioral model for appropriate parent-child responsibility centering on such things as getting -12- up, going to school on time, getting home from school on time, asking and receiving parental permission for being out of home, etc. 4) Provide a regular (twice a day) opportunity for youth to interact with their counselor. Number 4 has been particularly helpful for youth starting into crisis. Frequently they will disclose feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety or sometimes joy when they make their check-ins. Counselors frequently call parents and/or youth to verify that the client is where they claimed to be. It is expected that all general clients will complete a service package consisting of at least 2 of the 3 activities based on their individual plans of treatment. Sex Abuse Treatment and Aftercare (SATA): to SATA is a new special impact treatment component for adolescent sex offenders. Clients will receive individual and family counseling as well as participate in social skills building groups and parents will participate in a parent education process that includes normal human sexuality. APT will maintain a cooperative working relationship with the RAP? Program and the court in treating these clients. Case sharing will be a continuing option when recommended by the CIND committee. The focus of treatment will include the following areas: understanding the nature of abuse, identifying thinking errors, recognizing patterns and cycles of offender behavior, understanding the impact on victims and their families, gaining empathy for victims and understanding their own victimization if they have been a victim (about 959 have been). Various treatment modalities will be used to confront offender behavior and support new and appropriate empathetic behaviors. Behavioral and cognitive modalities will be used assist in behavior change and a psychodynamic approach will be utilized to support appropriate empathy. A team counseling approach will be used to provide services to SATA (Sexual Abuse Treatment and Aftercare) clients. The team will consist of male - female therapists experienced in culturally specific counseling issues as were as abuse issues. Aftercare: The Aftercare component of SATA will be developed for clients who have who completed treatment and will be staffed by a new position at APT. Clients will be screened by the SATA team and if they are referred from Supernet or other sex offender treatment programs, a recommendation from their court counselor and primary therapist will be -r-equired prior to enroll- ment. -13- A basic premise of offender treatment 'is the need for "ownership" of the offense by the client. Denial is the most pervasive ego defense mechanism utilized by the offender, therefore, much work is put into having the offender use "I statements", e.g., I am responsible for my actions....I chose to abuse...., etc. The step program of aftercare maintains this ownership principle. The aftercare specialist will be a ineither of the SATA team and will develop and conduct a supervised structured "step" group modeled and modified from the "Steps for Recovery Program." Also included will be concepts from the AA process and Patrick Carnes, author of Sexual Addiction, national program for sexual offenders. Part of the core for the Step Program comes from steps outlined by recovering offenders. They see the following as indications of change for themselves: 1) I admitted I had a problem with sexual aggression, 2) I accepted full responsibility for by behavior, 3) I got honest in all areas of my life, 4) I understood why I offended, 5) I understood the consequences of my offense on my victim and myself, 6) I began living a safe life of accountability and responsibility, and 7) I began feeling remorse for my victims. We will incorporate these concepts into our Aftercare treatment. q Participants will meet regularly for support and to maintain their recovery from deviant sexual behaviors in a group setting. They will work toward continually reinforcing what each has learned in therapy and continue to reinforce development of appropriate social skills that enhance ego strength and self esteem. The therapist will facilitate the group in reviewing re-offense risk factors, etc. in assisting each member with his/her goal of not re-offending. Staff will assist the client in understanding that like alcoholism, sexually abusing behavior is a life long issue and that a continuing process of recovery (Aftercare) is essential. Nationally 1 in 10 offenders will re-offend without an ongoing recovery program. Developmentally Delayed Impact Group (DDI) Within the group of sex offenders treated, we will develop special impact services for up to 7 developmentally delayed clients. Overall goals for treatment will be similar to those - -14- for normal functioning level of fenders but treatment techniques will emphasize concrete experiential and social learning processes rather than cognitive/abstract processes. Art therapy and play therapy coupled with video-affect process will be the primary affective techniques. Video-Affect is a new technique that will be utilized in DDI. Cognitive therapeutic modalities are not appropriate for clients who may not be able to read or write. Understanding affect (feelings) is an abstract concept critical to the development of empathy for the victim. We believe that teaching clients to use video equipment (supervised) to express feelings in a non written form will have a substantial positive impact on their ability to express feelings. The group will view and discuss each others tapes as part of the social learning process. We believe this new therapeutic technique shows great promise not only for reducing offending behavior but for learning appropriate training and work related interpersonal skills. Taped psychodrama will also be used as a social learning technique for appropriate behaviors. Impulse control for sexually acting out is a significant issue, therefore, supervision at home and parental training is essential. For example, a current client eligible for DDI becomes sexually aroused while watching cartoons on television. For many of these clients ego defenses are not well developed, therefore, denial of the offense is less frequent and uncontrolled acting out becomes the primary treatment target. Normal working hours for counselors are 8:00 - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, however, many groups and family counseling sessions are held in the evenings in which case staff work a revised afternoon/evening schedule. Emergency services are available on a 24-hour on call basis for families and/or youth in crisis afer working hours or on weekends. 5. Conununity Participation, Use of Volunteers and Coordination/ Networking A. The Urban League's Citizen Board of Directors meets at least twice yearly to review and input Urban League programs. Meimbers of the Board agreed that there was a need for continued support for the services that APT provides including the sex offender and aftercare components planned for this upcoming year. B. The Urban League has a long history of volunteer involvement. APT currently utilizes volunteers to accompany youth to various special events such as Blazer games, the Ice Capades, etc. While recreation is not a specific goal of this project, approximately 7 volunteers donated their time to work with APT clients last year. This upcoming -15-- year our JSC Liaison Commissioner has volunteered to work with our DDI video-affect process. She has extensive background in video production and human services and we are looking forward to her contribution to that special population. We have also requested stipend funds in our budget for a Master's Program Counselor Intern to cofacilitate groups. Due to the sensitivity of the community and our desire for confidentiality, no volunteers have been previously involved in counseling activities. However, we do expect continued volunteer support for special events in addition to our Liaison Commissioner and an intern. The approximate number of volunteers will be 9 and the total hours per month to average 6. C. Coordinated services between APT and other agencies are exemplified by our involvement in the CIND Screening Corninittee. The CIND Committee staff's each case prior to enrollment in a CIND agency and assists in the development of what is frequently a inult-agency treatment plan. For example, a Northeast high risk youth may be residing in Harry's Mother, in need of special education services (school district), in need of foster care (CSD) and treatment services for anti-social behavior (APT and Juvenile Court). All these needs are discussed and appropriate arrangements made at the screening session. All members of the committee provide input based on their expertise even in those cases when they anticipate no actual provision of services by their agency to the client. The time this process saves and the team building between agencies that results from the CIND process is indeed substantial. In addition to the CIND agencies of: Supernet, Harry's Mother, DePaul, Serendipity Academy, POIC, CSD, Juvenile Court, Portland Public Schools and YWCA, APT has worked cooperatively with Harriet Tubman Middle School, Grant High School, Frontier I, Jefferson High School, Yaun Home, Roosevelt High School, Whitaker Middle School, Mainstream, Job Corps, Private Industry Council, Multnomah Middle School and Riverside East. We also contract with a well known multi-cultural psychologist for psychological evaluations as appropriate. At POIC and Multnomah Middle School we will provide social skills groups to shared clients during the coming year. It is througlf such networking in the community that the greatest impact can be made on high risk youth. 6. Appropriateness of the Proposed Project to Problems/Service Needs Identified by the Juvenile Services Commission: APT has been providing services to- high risk youth as out- -16- lined in service Goal I for several years. As one of the original CIND inenthers, APT has sought the involvement of other agencies in providing the greatest continuum of care for JSC appropriate youth. Our new services for sex offenders, one of the highest risk populations, is appropriate to the JSC Goal I Intervention Strategy. Additionally, we are the primary JSC funded agency that provides intensive counseling and supervision services to high risk minority youth and youth in North and Northeast Portland. S PPENDLX L0: C PART C (PRCxCT NARRATIVE) Eecuii' Director julin R. Taplin, PhD, ABPP A United Way Agency Morrison Center for Youth and FamiJy Service SUPERvision NETwork Program 1439 S.E. 122nd Avenue . Portland, Oregon 97233 (503) 255-1559 MEMORANDUM FROM: DAVID FU 5, M.S.W., MORRISON CENTER SUPERNET TO: CIND MEMBERS - HARRY'S MOTHER/JANIS, URBAN LEAGUE, SERENDIPITY SCHOOL, YWCA, DEPAUL YOUTH PROGRAM, POIC, CSD, MULTNOMAH COUNTY JUVENILE COURT, & MAINSTREAM YOUTH SERVICES. SUBJECT: AGREEMENT TO COORDINATE SERVICES DATE: MARCH 31, 1987 On behalf of the Morrison Center SuperNet Program, I am pleased to maintain the working agreements which have been the basis of cooperation of the Community Intervention Network for Delinquents (CIND). When we created the CIND network together we committed ourselves to cooperation in order to have an impact upon high risk delinquents in the community. Together we have learned that we can have an impact upon this population By cooperating we can keep many of these young people in the of youth. community. SuperNet will be happy to continue to participate in the CIND screening In addition to sceening cases, our meetings have become an excellent forum for case consultation and facilitating interagency We hope to see this forum continue to evolve. coordination. process. The Morrison Center looks forward to continued cooperation with the CIND committee. SOME PROGRAMS PARTIALLY FUNDED UNDER AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACT WITH MULTNOMAH COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DIVISIOM ROSEMARY E. At'CERSCN EXECUTIVE OIRECTCR Mr. David Gonzales Director Adolescent/Parent Treatment The Urban League of Portland 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 Dear David: I am pleased to have this opportunity to write this letter on behalf of the Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center (POIC), as a CIND (Community Intervention Network for Delinquents) participating agency. Over the last six months our agencies have worked together sharing resources and bringing together a variety of intervention, diversion and prevention services to benefit high risk youth who are at risk of being committed to a state training school because of demonstrated criminal activity. I'm extremely pleased and proud of the cooperative effort'our agencies have shared. Through this effort, our students have benefited from the case management and family counseling services provided to them by the Urban League. I look forward to a continued cooperative and positive networking with your agency, and also as a member of the CIND Committee. Si rely, Rosemary E. nderson Executive Director (503) 2871271 4215 N. WILLI5 AVE PCT0, OREGON 97217 Dc Paul Center, Jnc. Where (lieres life, theres hope. To: CIND Members - Harry's Mother/Janis, Urban League, Serendipity School, YWCA, POIC, CSD, Multnomah County Juvenile Court, Mainstream Youth Services, Morrison Center Supernet. From: Robin Re: Agreement to Coordinate Services Date: April 3, 1987 q,Director/Youth Treatment Services On behalf of De Paul Youth Program, we are more than happy to continue participating in the CIND screening process. When the CIND Network was created we were corrnitting ourselves to work together to make an impact upon delinquent youths in the community. I am pleased with the way we have all been working together with this program and hope we can all continue to do so for the next year and try to keep the youth involved off the streets and help them to become contributing members of the community. Aimir,itr,tion (O3) 252323f3 h Treal innL Prram (503) 2522R0 I'.)), ))r 202 9 820() N.E. Sandy Ilwikvard Pt)r anti, ( )rectn 97220 Atltil Trtinttrtt Prugram (503) 223-1022 132)) S W. Wac)ing)rtii Pr (intl. ( )ri,n 97205 Ore gon iustute Museum. Co!ee. , - c / March 4, 1987 Mr. David Gonzales Director of Adolescent/Parent Treatment The Urban League of Portland Urban Plaza 10 North Russell Street Portland, OR 97227 - URBAN LEUE OE [C:iLPiD Dear Mr. Gonzales: This letter will serve as confirmation of the Video/Filmmaker-in-Schools program's interest in providing an extended artist residency in video production to the Adolescent Treatment program of the Urban League. It is our understanding that, with court and parental approval, young people in the treatment program will be given the opportunity to work with a video artist from our faculty within a context of constructive supervision. We are particularly excited about the potential of this collaboration. The need for a viable mode of personal expression for this population could well be answered by specially designed video production activities. It will be important, of course, for your staff and the video artist to work closely together to plan and monitor the evolution of the project. The fee for a five week workshop (involving 40 hours of artist contact time to be divided between instruction and planning) is $850. A late April, early May starting date is certainly feasible and will allow time to approach the residency with necessary organization in place. As arrangements are completed, a contract will be drawn up and forwarded to you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, Education Coordi nator Northwest Film & Video Center 221-1156 m fl$T9 Youth Program' 5333 S.E. Powell Blvd. APR 7 Portland, OR 97206 777-4141 1987 URWN LEAGUE OF Pi)IL'Nfl ME MORAN DU To: David Gonzàlas The Urban League From: Helen Richardson Executive Director( Date: April 1, 1987 Over the last several years, Mainstream Youth Program, Inc. has worked with the Community Intervention Network for Delinquents for the purpose of screening and coordinating servics for high-risk youth in our community. We have been pleased to participate in this process and look forward to continuing future networking with your agency as one of the youth-serving agencies listed below that make up this team: Harry's Mother; SuperNet; Urban League; -- POIC; de Paul Youth Program; Portland YWCA's Girls' Emancipation Project; Serendipity; Children's Services Division; Multnomah County Juvenile Court. it is Mainstream's belief that bringing together the many areas of expertise available via CIND, in an atmosphere which encourages open communication and information exchange is the optimal approach to providing the best possible treatment for troubled young people. UnIbd Way p... t YWCA DOW NTO\ \ N BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marcia Jory President Bonny Groshong Marcia Pry Jean Frost Mary Overgaard Vice-Presidents Tobie Finzel Treasurer Fran Sprouse Corresponding Secretary Madeline Sullivan Recording Secretary Vivian Blumenthal Margaret Breed!ove Ann Cook Marge Dana Connie Emerson Pamela Hall Kathy MacNaughton Donna McBride Beverly Ormseth Eiko Politz Freddye Prophet Sharon Roso Marg Ross Kathy Smith Barbara Turner Nola Wilken Ruth Van Meter Ex Officio April 6, 1987 Connie Emerson Urban League 10 N Russell Portland, OR 97227 Dear Connie: Over the past year, the Girls' Emancipation Program has worked with the Community Intervention Network for Delinquents in an effort to coordinate effectively with other agencies. We value this opportunity to streamline referrals and other services for high risk youth in our community. We look forward to continuing our involvement in CIND and using it as a way to best serve Portland's delinquent youth. Sincerely, 2-o -h -E_ uL-'O Ruth Herman Wells, MS Director Girls' Emancipation Program Sheryl \t. Warren Executive Director COUNCIL OF ADVISORS Gsayneth Gamble Ecoth Bill DaOdson Ginette DePreist John Preying Susan D. Keil Senator Robert Packsood Mildred Schwab William B. Webber YWCA IMPERATIVE To thrust our collective power tov.'ard the elimination of racism, where'. er it exists and by any means necessary. A United Way Agency liii SW. 10th Avenue 's\VC\ or Portland, Oregon 97205 503/223-6281 Portland Centers: Dovntovn, Northeast, St. Johns, Cam1) \Vestwincl -17PART D: 1. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION Agency: The Urban League is a multi-faceted multi-cultural conununity based agency and an affiliate of the National Urban League. The Urban League of Portland adopted the following words of Langston Hughes forty-two years ago when flack people were less than second class citizens: "Oh, yes, I say it plain, America never has been America to me, And, yet, I swear this oath, kmerica will be!" Visionary Portlanders joined together to create an organization that would live throughout the years to make the City of Roses a better place for all. That organization was the Urban League of Portland. APT is just one of many programs developed to assist in this vision becoming a reality. The major departments of the Urban League include: Administration, Housing, Adult & Senior Services, Employment Services, Education Services and Youth Services. The Northeast Youth Services Center Project is the other major project in Youth Services. 2. Staff: The APT Project is currently staffed by 5.875 FTE as follows: Director 1.0 FTE The Director is responsible for the administration of the project: including staff training and evaluation, report development, contract monitoring, budget development and monitoring and professional staff supervision. The Director also serves as the clinical supervisor and conducts case reviews, conducts case histories, supervises all aspects of treatment and provides parenting training and direct counseling services. Interagency training coordination and networking are other functions of this position. Requirements for the Director include a Master's Degree in Counseling, Social Work, Psychology or a related field and. at least 4 years experience providing counseling/mental health services to high risk youth and families; and at least i years supervisory experience in social services. The current Director has a Master's Degree and. is conpleting a doctorate in counseling and has 10 years administrative and supervisory experience in social services and counseling. Counselors 4.0 FTE Counselors are responsible for providing direct culturally appropriate individual, group, family and crisis counseling services for APT clients and families. In addition they are to keep adequate case records on all clients and participate in regular training to enhance and maintain their skills. Counselors are required to file their own cases in order to maintain confidentiality. Counselors are expected to have a Master's Degree in counseling, social work, psychology on a related field and at least two years experience with high risk youth and families or a Bachelors Degree in one of the aforementioned fields and at least 5 years experience providing counseling/mental health service to high risk youth and families. Current staff average ten years experience and have Master's Degrees or Graduate work beyond the Bachelors. MIS Specialist .375 FTE The MIS Specialist is responsible for maintaining an inhouse data collection and analysis system for numerical and coded casenote data as well as for generating reports for staff. The requirements for this position include at least two years experience with social service data systems, and hands on experience with a computerized information system. The person filling this position exceeds those requirements. Secretary .5 FTE The Secretary is responsible for typing reports and correspondence and some receptionist duties. Qualifications include the ability to type 50 wpin and experience on a word processor is a plus. Current staff exceed those qualifications. Aftercare Specialist 1.0 FTE The Aftercare Specialist will be responsible for developing and maintaining-a "step" afte-rcare activity for -19- adolescent sex offenders. This will include serving as the facilitator in all aftercare group sessions and a coleader in sex offender follow-up groups prior to afterI care. Requirements for this position include: a Bachelor's Degree in Counseling, Social Work, Psychology or a related field and at least two years experience in providing aftercare on similar services to youth or families. This is a vacant position. 3. Qualifications: The Urban League has been in existence for 42 years as a community based social service and advocacy agency. It has operated successful minority youth programs almost from its inception. Today it is the most comprehensive community based agency in Northeast Portland. It has successfully operated a JSC project for four years. 4. Data Collection and Tracking a. In addition to participating in the JSC evaluation and tracking system, APT maintains a confidential case notes recordkeeping system.. Counselors generate case notes on a two part progress report. The original top page is filed by the counselor. The second page or yellow sheet has the narrative portion blacked out and is sent to the MIS Specialist for input into the in-house data system. Only Counselors and the Director have keys to the locked confidential files. Files are arranged alphabetically by first initial and birthdate to conform with the JSC tracking system. Individual case plans, psychological evaluations, needs assessments and arrest reports are included with the progress reports in these files. Progress reports are completed daily. b. The MIS Specialist utilizes the yellow sheets which only contain initials, birthdate and service codes to input the in-house data system on a daily basis. Data analysis is completed monthly or at the request of the Director or staff. The Director ensures that in-house data is put on JSC forms and is transmitted to the JSC in a timely manner. Non-tracked items are reported quarterly by the Director. Counselors conduct their own follow-ups. The Director will chose a sample each quarter to follow-up on treatment outcomes. 5. Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy The Urban League of Portland certifies that it is an Equal Opportunity Employer andthat is adheres to Affirmative -20- Action guidelines and policies in personnel actions and in the provision of client services. The current direct service staff of APT reflects two Black staff, two Hispanic staff and one White staff. PART E: tJDGET BUU 1 TAGENCY ORGANIZAILON URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BUDGET JSC 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 C. Sutcliff Date ADOLESCENT/PARENT TREATMENT 4-5-87 OTHER FUNDS . TOTAL PROJECT COST OBJECT DETAIL REQUEST PERMANENT TEMPORARY OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY FRINGE 13l,R6 131,816 27,681 27,681 159,497 j59,497 DIRT LB0N4L SRYK 6110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6120 PRINTING 6 30 UTILITIES 6 40 COMMUNICATIONS 6 70 RENTALS 6 80 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 6 90 MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 6200 POSTAGE 6230 SUPPLIES 6270 FOOD 6310 EDUCATION & TRAINING 6330 TRAVEL 6520 INSURANCE 6530 EXTERNAL DATA PROCESSING 6550 DRUGS 6580 CLAIMS PAID 6590 JUOGEMENTS 6610 ANARDS & PREMIUMS 6620 OUES & SUBS. 7810 DEBT RETIREMENT 7820 INTEREST 2,400 1,235 DIRECT MTERILS 120 996 2,600 5,845 120 1 1,195 200 _____________ 1,000 3,479 1,200 1.000 3,479 1,200 ___________ 800 800 ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ AES1 7100 INDIRECT COSTS 12,400 1,235 10,000 2,600 5,84G . 7200 7300 7400 7500 PPARED UY ______________ I 19,676 14,382 29,875 14,382 10,200 ____________ DATA PROC. SERVICES MOTOR POOL SERVICES BLDG. MGI. SERVICES OTHER tNT. SERVICES TERHAL_5LC. RE ItUS EM ENTS I IOTL MAT ER I A LL$1ES _______________ 3100 LAND 8200 BUILDINGS 8300 OIHER IMPROVEMENTS 8400 EQUIPMENT C\fIPLQUTLAY 2,200 2,200 ,200 2,200 J179,173 12,400 BUDGET__I193,555i2,40O 191,573 2O5,95 DIRECT BUDGET TOTAL 61 4E/9 - ZA r io 4AME Urban League of Portland Adolescent/Parent Treatment B U U 3 PEPAED s' C Sutcliff oBJEcr OETA[L 4/5/87 O5JECT CODE AMO(JUT EXPLANAT1O 5100 Permanent Staff -- 6.875 FTE 5500' Fringe @ .21 6110 Professional Services Psychological Evaluations, Stipends-counseling Interns, and Audit 2,400 6120 Printing & Photocopying 1,235 6140 Communications Telephone (Local & Long Distance) 2,600 6170 Rental Space - $5,460 (120 sq. ft. x 7 Staff x $6.50 sq. ft.) 5,846 Beeper - '131,816 27,681 386 $5,846 120 $10.00/mo. x 12 mo. 6200 Postage 6230 Supplies 6310 Education and Travel Workshops, Materials, etc. 1,000 6330 Local Travel -- 6 FTE x $48.32/mo. x 12 mo. 3,479 6520 Insurance -- Liability 1,200 6530 External Data Processing 7100 Indirect of $176,733 = $14,142 8 240 1% of $2,400 = $ $14,382 Office $12.12/mo. x 6.85 FTE x 12 mo. 996 800 14,382 193,555 TOTAL 6':E/S B LI . DATE Zdo1escent/Parent Treahnent 4 3/4/87 PREPARED BY C. Sutcliff__________________ REVEMUE SUMMARY A. B. A!IOUHT $1,430,652 TOTAL APPLICANT AGENCY BUDGET OTHER PROJECT REVENUE SOURCES Describe by name other revenue sources for the project 1) Private Industry Council (Applied Por) 12,400 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES Other Revenues ($12,400) + JSC Request ($193,555) = $205,955 Total Project Budget LT0TAL 12,400 H The Urban League of Portland URBAN PLAZA loNorthRusseflStreet Portland0regon97227 (503) 280-2600 Herb L. Cawthorne Ghr EL'CUEIVe Ofc TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF HE 2001 By Herb L. Cawthorne, Chief Executive Officer Urban League of Portland Human Resources Committee April 8, 1987 The Urban League of Portland is a social service agency dedicated to achieving full economic and racial equality for black people in America. Because we find it impossible to confine our abhorrence of racism to American borders, we are integrally involved in the ongoing battle to end apartheid in South Africa. On June 17th, 1986, the Portland Urban League requested that Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company remove its soft drink machine from the Urban League office because of the company's significant holdings in South Africa. In addition, we encouraged our membership to also boycott Coke products. We believed then, as we do now, that apartheid and racism are integral parts of the South African economy, and Coca-Cola, by operating there, is contributing significantly to the perpetuation of oppression. In addition, during the 1985 National Urban League Convention in Washington, D.C. Herb Cawthorne, Chief Executive Officer of the Portland Urban League, was arrested while protesting in front of the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. The National Urban League has consistently been an outspoken advocate of divestment. Locally, employees and members of the Portland Urban League have joined hundreds of Oregonians in marches and rallies and demonstrations. Urban League staff has spoken before numerous organizations on the issue of apartheid and divestment. -2If I mIght, I'd like to talk for a moment philosophically. In politics, passion is a telling emotion. In politics, passion is the measure of goodwill. As the driving feeling of conviction, passion is the emotion which stirs the warmth and intensity of the electorate, revealing how deeply a candidate or leader is committed to the cause. Many Americans boast a passion for democracy in a way that no one would doubt their dedication and commitment. However, their very fire in defense of "democracy" and "freedom" -- when inconsistently displayed -- serves to underscore our racial and social contradictions. Therefore, the Urban League must ask: Why can't Oregonians be impassioned when it comes to the oppression and absence of democracy in South Africa where blacks killed by the police rank in the thousands and where even more are jailed without cause? All Oregonians love freedom and democracy. So why is it that when freedom is fought for in South Africa our lion's roar for democracy suddenly turns to a pussycat apology for the status quo? Oregonians must meld their principles for freedom and equality with the integrity to practice those principles daily -- regardless of the economic advantage and disadvantage. If we continue in our present course, there will be no chance for America to be involved in a revolutionized South Africa. America will be despised and when our leaders extend their hands to the new leaders of South Africa it will be dripping with the red-blood guilt of partnership -- partnership in the pain and suffering of 22 million black South Africans. It will smell of the bitter stench of the sorrow inflicted on hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom lie in graves today. The bloodbath will be remembered as American made, American supported and American inspired. Let us put the passion in its proper place -- in working for freedom and justice in every corner of our world. The words of Martin Luther King Jr. ring true, "Injustice anywhere is a threat -3to justice everywhere." This is a chance for Oregonians to irtake statement about freedom and democracy. support HB 2001. I urge the committee to a Portland State University Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 March. 18, 1987 LiJH' U 97 U2' LECL CF FOfLJJjD Chancellor William E. Davis Oregon State System of Higher Education P.O. Box 3145 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Dear Bud: I met with Herb Cawthorne yesterday regarding his correspondence with Gene Chao and his concern, about not having the opportunity for his request to you acknowledged. May I suggest that you and Gene set up a meeting with Herb at the earliest possible time you will be in Portland after the legislative crunch. Perhaps you might want to invite George Richardson as well. I believe this will clear the air and move us forward. aly, Natale A. Sicuro President NAS.m cc: Dr. Gene Chao Mr. Herb Cawthorne/ Mr. George Richardson Office of the President 503j229-44 II ORL The Urban League of_Portland \!J' OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 097227 Herb L. Cawthorne CeE CUIv Ocr April 2, 1987 Mr. Natale Sicuro President Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 Dear Nate: I appreciated receiving a copy of your thoughtful letter of March 18th regarding my comments about the State System of Higher Education and my correspondence with Gene Chao. While I have not heard from the Chancellor's Office as yet, I would eagerly accept an opportunity to meet with him to discuss the many concerns which exist in the black community regarding higher education. I would add one clarification: my criticism was not based on the Chancellor's failure to respond to my particular letter and proposal to him. I did not appreciate the apparent indifference, nevertheless, if my concerns were not far deeper and more grave than a mere slight of the Urban League of Portland, I would not have spoken so strongly about my disappointments in his leadership. Again, thank you for your positive intervention. I am hoping we can get the issues behind us and move on toward the important work higher education must do in this community. Varmgrds, Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer HLC:pjr 1 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND URBAN PLAZA 10 North RusseiStreet Portland. OR. 9722 April 6, 1987 Mr. Natale A. Sicuro President Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-075 1 Dear Nate: There are some issues regarding the black students at Portland State, the Black Studies Department, and the developments in the black community of which you should be aware. I made an effort to discuss the particular issues surrounding the Black Studies Department with you some time ago. As you know, I was disappointed in not receiving an' communication from you regarding the concerns which I raised. I might add, I raised these concerns at some risk to my own leadership, because I felt that you were forthright and willing and interested in dealing aggressively with the problems. That opinion has not changed, although I did feel strongly that, once the grievance process had been completed, I did deserve some communication from you that would give me an update as to your thinking and plans for further action. Above and beyond the Black Studies issue, however, the dissatisfaction among black students at PSU is serious. The pickets during the State Board of Higher Education meeting are an indication of the depth of their frustration I submit to you that they will escalate their expressions of conccris and these will spread beyond the confines of the PSU campus. This escalation will take place unless there is a stronger dialogue with both the students and the leadership in the black community. I suggest that you meet with the Black Leadership Conference as soon as you possibly can. The agenda can be mutually agreed upon. I would be happy to lend any support I can in arranging such a meeting. Herb L. Cawthoxnc Chief Executive Officer HLC:pjr April 10, 1987 REMINDERS - TO WHITNEY YOUNG LEARNING CENTER PARENTS AND STUDENTS Mr. Kainau Anderson will be our guest speaker on Wednesday, April 15, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Anderson will show a slide presentation and talk about The African Origins of Science and Math. We hope that you and your family will join us for an interesting and educational evening. Mr. Anderson is a hydraulic engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers, and has been active in local anti-apartheid activities. Many of you met him when he filled in last month for Ms. Avel Gordly on South Africa. Be sure to complete your homework early on Wednesday, so that you can enjoy our guest speaker's presentation! There will be a WYLC STUDENT MEETING on Wednesday, April 22, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. Please plan to attend, and bring all your ideas for organizing our end-of-the-year pot-luck. We look forward to seeing you there! LASTBUT NOT LEAST! Please remember to bring in an ?fficial copy of your latest grades. THANKS! fl ) The irhan eguo_of PorUand URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portlanc Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer April 8, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: Urban League Board of Directors From: Herb L. Cawthorne Re: Employment Department Statistics Attached are statistics on full-time placements made through the Urban League's Employment Department, July 1, 1986 through March 31, 1987. This alphabetical listing includes applicants who have been counseled, screened, and referred to employers. At this time, the Director of Employment is expanding the base of employers and developing better follow-up methods to ensure better relations with the employers we work with. This placement listing is a good representation of the types of positions the Urban League is successful in placing our applicants with. The majority of the positions are for skilled workers in such fields as clerical, manufacturing, and service industries. HLC/ bp Rogers Cable Burger King F F H Telecommunications H F F F H Trainee F H Carpentry Austin, Clevonne Batcheller, Lois Booth, Alton Boyd, Maurice Brooks, Janice Brown, Aretha Brown, Cheryl Carlton, Arnold Carney, Sheila Carr, William F Cox, Sandra Clerical Counseling H Unskilled Labor Cornelius, Michael F Building Maintenance H Coppege, Dainien Cotton, Barbara Data Entry F Coleman, Barbara H Accounting Clarke, Nigel Accounting F Carroll, Nettie Clerical Sales Clerk Unskilled Labor Clerical Fast Foods Clerical Clerical Clerical H Arnetta, Amos Skanner Urban League Highway Road Department Portland School District Reed College Consolidated Freightway Genstar Lumber Columbia River Furn U.S. Bank Hail Well Heier & Frank Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant Urban League State of Oregon LIEAP Urban League U.S. Postal Service Urban League Clerical F March of Dimes Alexander, Shirley Telemarketing COMPA1Y F SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA Adams, Maria NAME APPLICMTS 2LACED From July 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987 :. 12/86 9/86 12/8 6 8/86 12/8 6 11/8 6 9/86 9/86 1/87 9/86 8/86 1/87 10/86 1/87 10/8 6 10/8 6 10/86 7/86 9/86 10/86 HOW1H Fast Foods Clerical Sales Janitorial Kitchen Help F F H F H H Fast Foods Warehouse F F F F H H F M H H Warehouse F Elliott, Charlotte Ervins, Joetta Flippen, Cathy Ford, Maurice Gates, Tyra Gulledge, Randall Harris, Franklin Harris, Latrenoa Harris, Tracy Hart, Jacqueline Howard, Nathan Ibang, Charles Izuagie, Junko Jackson, David Jiinmerson, Ronnie Johnson, Johnny Jones, Queen Clerical Intake Person Clerical Clerical Clerical File Clerk Clerical Clerical Building Maintenance H Electrician Es]uaeel, Naghi Clerical F SEX OCCUPATIONAL Delorme, Anna NE Columbia College Miller Brand Red Lion Inn Halton Tractor U.L. Leap Program Zmerican National Insurance Company Roadway Oregon Teleco Northwest Securities C.A.S.A. Popeyes Loomis Security Burger King Oregon Telco Carson Oil Urban League Courtesy Janitorial Bressie Electric Pacific Northwest Insurance coiiw APPLICANTS £'LACED Froni July 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987 10/87 9/86 10/86 3/87 10/8 6 3/87 8/86 3/87 3/87 2/87 9/86 11/87 1/87 9/86 1/87 1/87 1/87 9/86 MONTH F F H F H Accounting Kennedy Karol Lampkin, Yolanda Lewis, Ronald Linton, Coni Maxie, Roy U.S. Post Office Housing Authority H Unskilled Labor Accounting Fast Food Sales F F H H H Unskilled Labor H Janitorial F H F F Nacoste, Jesse Norris, Alice Orr, Anthony Paris, John Parta, William Peterson, Derrick Petett, Annette Pham, Dan T. Pittman, Edna Pryor, Sheila Cashier/Clerk Administrative Counseling Secretarial Clerical Safeway Urban League OR Medical Center Hultnoniah County Service Center Honeywell Security Burger King Avtec Electric Indoor Billboards Dorerthecker Hospital Lockport Hurray, Thalia Administrative F Penwalt Corp. Montgomery, Rita Accounting F Consolidated Freightways Benjamin Franklin Bonneville Power Administration Heier & Frank Nudelman's Nordstroms COMPANY HcMillan, Mary Personnel Director Draftsman Sales Sales Clerk H Stock Clerk SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA Kennedy, Darren NISHE APPLICANTS L'LACED From July 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987 7/86 1/87 10/8 6 8/86 8/86 12/86 9/86 7/86 9/86 1/87 9/86 8/86 8/86 11/8 6 8/86 3/87 12/8 6 12/87 2/87 MONTH APPLICANTS LACED From July 1, 1986 to Harch 31, 1987 Siinms, Cherry Seaberry, Nathan Scott, Steve Robinson, Celeste Robinson, Carol Robinson, Hester Redmond, Cathy F F H H F F F F Clerical Clerical Clerical Fast Foods Fast Foods Sales Clerk Sales Sales Receptionist Housing Authority Buck Hedical Center LIEAP Urban League Beneficial Finance HcDonalds HcDonalds Heier & Frank Heier & Frank Heier & Frank Oregon Telco 2/86 3/87 10/8 6 8/86 1/87 12/8 6 10/8 6 10/8 6 10/8 6 1/87 MONTH Smith, Etta F Clerical 1/87 COMPANY Smith, Habel F Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA Stephens, Bertie H Fast Food NAME Stewart, Tracy 9/86 F Viscount Hotel Taylor, Alvin H Unskilled Labor LIEAP Urban League 3/87 H Building Maintenance Taylor, Rose Clerical Port of Portland 1/87 1/87 Tayvies, Jermaine F Auditor Burger King 3/87 Portland Private Industry Council Thrower, Edith F Fast Foods Nordstroins Unskilled Labor Todd, Floria H Sales Memorial Coliseum 1/87 Tucker, Gus H Clerk Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant Tucker, Walter F 10/8 6 10/8 6 Wacker, Debra Windham-Williams, Gloria Williams, Roosevelt NAME F Fast Foods F H Electrician Apprentice SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA Secretarial Taco Bell Urban League Electrician Program 8/86 1/87 9/86 8/86 MARCH Housing Authority of Portland COMPANY APPLICANTS LACED From July 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987 Woods, Lacinda F Clerical Woods, Evelyn NUNBER APPLICA1 PLICED Fro]n January 1, 1986 to April 1, 1987 HONTH 3 1/87 12/86 11/86 10/86 9/86 8/86 7/86 3 3 2 2 11 13 5 6 1 1/86 2/86 3/86 4/86 5/86 2/87 8 6/86 3/87 4/87 From ADULT APPLICANTS PLI&CEL Y OCCUPATIONAL AREA PROFESSIONAL 44 NON-PROFESSIONAL January 1, 1986 to April 1, 1987 17 YOUTH APPLICk S PlACED MONTH From July 1, 1986 to March 311 1987 COMPANY H Unskilled Labor SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA F 12/8 6 NAME Cornelius, Michael H Fast Foods Heier & Frank 12/86 12/8 6 Gates, Tyra Sales Clerk Heier & Frank 3/87 Highway Road Department Harris, Franklin F Sales Clerk Washington Park Zoo 12/86 11/8 6 Lampkin, Yolanda F Fast Foods U.S. Postal Service 12/8 6 Burger King Hoppett, Frances H McDonalds 1/87 Seaberry, Nathan H Kitchen Helper H Fast Foods Parks, Deron H Unskilled Labor McDonalds 1/87 Tayvies, Jermaine 2/87 Porta, William H Fast Foods Will, Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant 1/87 Popeyes Scott, Steve Fast Foods Burger King H Fast Foods Thcker, Gus YOUTH FILES/APPL ARTS PLACED FROM July 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987 Updated March 23, 1987 Burger King - 3 McDonalds - 2 Unskilled Trainee - 2 Sales - 3 Fast Foods - 8 OCCUPATIONAL AREAS #6 Highway Road Dept. -0- Clerical - 1 EMPLOYERS #10 Meier & Frank - 2 Postal Service - 1 Popeyes - 1 Metro (Zoo) - 1 U.S. Postal Service - 1 Evelyn & Rene's Rest. - 3 4 4L- ID1 C-i. T1 i-' I__& c1 \:l' (1, to Ps H) C/) > 0 00 (-çrt.- i -, 0 H Ho ooi f\) I\) -) o 1 c+H5 0 a so a C) 0 a J. C) p-i- OciSD z S. j o -ci.. O{1f -'l (+00 '-0 c+Psh PS - Cr S1 CD (9 S ( '1 H) 0CD Psc1 (+}-' OH b-' too C- ,. '-a COCa o. 04 cf-Ps \\ (o-_\ , \ c+ fj].\ l o bj (000 ci- \ t, H5. P- Vi 'a 5) (it no us to (to -cD CD CD (9(0(11 to a. -4 CaPs Cr - Cfl CCa " CD 'C -o o P0 HH o po PS Ps 0 -o a. W COPs Cr 2,so 0-. 0(fl Cr. b a cici- -- OH to oHO C')H) . CD 'c CD PSCt o- ID C i'll, 0 + 0 Opa a ,,,.' ? - H' t3 0Qi sosi cia '., -S.-- "-'C) -a-CD 1'H 0 -S oe'-, do B° <a 00 -tom In company electronics largest fourth the now is state, the in company technology high oldest second the ES!. manager. business as served Strain Mr. where ES!. form to men other two and him join to Challenge leave to Simm Mr. persuaded He Portland. in 1949 in ed chrice. donor's the of charity a or Foundation Comcn:ty Oregon the to contributions be remembrances that suggests family The great-grandchildren. eizht and grandchildren: six Indianapolis: of Rcb.ert. and Csliu.. Valley, Portola of Alan. P':rtiand. of Douglas. eons. three his are Strain Mr. Survi-rtg 1968. in died Edith. wife. His Church. Chrritiau First the and fraternity Alpha CM Lamri±.a the Society, Historical Oregon the Cuh. City the in active was Strain Mr. directors. of board first the on served and project the for lug dra-c- the arranged He Portland. Southwest in com:51 apartment an Plaza. Terwilllger founding in instrumental was Strain Mr. starthad he business electronics small a with help needed Douglas. son. oldest his 1953. In Association. Managers Credit California Southern the of president and Challenge for er manag- credit become finally and company the for manager sales was later He products. milk and butter the supplement to business cheese processed and cream ice the enter to them ing lead. group, development manufacturers dairy the of chief was Sn-sin Mr. Challenge. At 1934. in Calif.. Alhambr& to moved family The Angeles. Los in Association ter But. and Cream Challenge of office head the to Oregon. 94 at dies Scientific, promoted was he until years nine for aged man- he which Idaho, Gooding. nearby in ery cream- cooperative a organized he 1925 In 1924. to 1920 from recorder and auditor county elected was and court district the of clerk as served he where Idaho, Fairfield, to moved then Strains The years. two for Idaho, Cambridge, near property father's his farmed and Oregon to returned He economics. in degree master's a earned he where N.Y., Ithaca. in University, Cornell to went Strain Mr. 1915, in bandry Atlergraduadngwithadegreeindairyhus1916. in fraternity Alpha Chi Laribda nadonl the with affiliated became club the etforts, his Through area. ton Pendle- the from students for house boarding inexpensive an Club," "Umatilla the founded Strain Mr. college, the at freshman a As Eectro of co4ounder 0. University. State Oregon now lege. Cal- Agricultural Oregon rorn graduated both they after married he whom Crockatt, Edith met he where and school high and grammar attended Strain Mr. where 1695. in Pendieton to family The teacher. a was father moved his where 1892. in Aurora in born was He Gardens. Memorial Skyline in be will interment and Church. Christian First the in 18. Feb. Wednesday, a-rn. 10 at be will Strain Mr. for service memorial Public company. the of director active an as years seven another served he and treasurer, secretar as 1963 in Inc., Industries Scientific Electro from retired Strain Mr. 94. was He hospiusl. Portland a in afternoon Tuesday died Oregon in company electronics largest fourth the of co-founder a became who expert dairy a Strain, Clayton i, -i: ' ' Strain, C'ayton 1987 12, S FEBRUARY THURSDAY, EC-ONIAN. 7 0756 NCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON ES10005203 This Ceifies that is the owner of Lilt :::E :-WE ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES, INC. PORTLAND, OREGON URAN LEAGUE OF OREOON *FOU1 HJNE TWLNTY TWO3e* SHARES OF THE FULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE COMMON STOCK, OF ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES, INC., ... ,:.: LI:' . ..' oi0N .Cp (?/ fco0 U ii SEE REVERSE FOR CERTAIN DEFINITIONS CUSIPBS2291O U * * **4 22 * * * * 3t***422*33** **422**3e Chairman and Chief Executive Oflicer hcfzed àfficránd .lts.ealbbe hereunto "" without par value', transferable bhiy on the books of the Corporation by the holder hereof Ih person,orb duly, authorized atWrney, upon the surrender of thts certIfIcate properly endorsed (;ff in Witness Wldreof,the Corporatidn as causedthefacsirniie signatures of'its dtiy affixed. This certificateisnot valid until countersignedby1heTransfer.Agent;.:. Date R 18, 1987 Secretary ))iu, c 2 2 C a r' C,, OCZ -4 m 0>> -4 - >0 0Z vi 2 f.petite cc Yours, Respectfully leap we before look must all we but speak, to right Herndon's Mr. recognize I NAACP and League Urban the supporting are who ones the the are on stepped being are that toes the of some see will you around, look will you if think I disagreement. in continually us see to society dominate the want not do us of Some agree. we mean doesn't views Herndon Mr. concerning disagreement open been not have there Because base. power what from support and sentiment public of times all at aware be and speak to cause what for and when learn should Herndon Mr. ? recognition and ment achieve- Black on turn every fought who Attia. Vie with get Herndon Mr. did far How waters. the test he before allegations all investigate must too he improvement expect Henderson Mr. if and now right lowest it's at is NAACP The Blackt. being on corner a have not does Herndon Mr. stated Prophet Mr. as remember but community, the to contributions good made has Herndon Mr. Herndon. Mr. than lose to more much have You allegations. the of investigation apparent without Herndon Mr. of ideals the championing of luxury the afford can you think don't I and cement, in stabilized not is that position public a in are You persons. other to than rather opinion my you write would I thought I Herb, Dear 97227 Oregon Portland, Russell N. 10 League Urban Portland Director Cawthorne Herb Mr. 97211 Oregon Portland, Ainsworth NE 4125 Jr. Norris F, Walter 1987 25, March Ca'vthorne L. role. Hernd'on's Mr. about confused been never have I adults. and children black of development the to importance major of issues on speak who community our in people numerous are There speaks. he as credibility him gives which record track a and problems, the to approach opinion. studied very a opinion, powerful very a has Me black for source sole the is he that project to tries way no in he that fact the appreciate to enough well him knows Herndon Mr. with works who anyone Secondly, mind. Conference. ship in keep should you something is This Leader- Blak the of membership collective the for but himself, for speak not did Herndon Mr. that understood I but informed, well extremely Conference, Leadership Black the of ineither a and League Urban the of President the as both comments, my were only Not Garlington. John Reverend the of death the after role that assuming Conference, Leadership Black the of Co-chair the as served I point, one At candidates. gubernatorial the of all to presented was which community black the for platform the of development the in involved deeply was I from Conference its Leadership Black inception. the of member a been have I true. not simply is This allegations." the of investigation apparent without Herndon Mr. of ideas the "championing was I somehow that statement your with disagree completely I First, dialogue. the continue we that important is it disagree, or agree we Whether opinion. your knowing value I and you from hearing appreciate always I Walter: Dear 97211 Oregon Portland, Ainsworth N.E. 4125 Jr. Morris, F. Walter Mr. 1987 2, April Hero 97227 Oreccn Forflnd. Sr Rss3U NcrUi C PL.ZA URBANJ Fortland of League Urban The (ii Page 2 April 2, 1987 Walter F. Norris, Jr. Thirdly, it seems to me, Walter, that you should take it upon yourself to learn a great deal more about the Black Leadership Conference and the process which has been If you undertaken to work with the new administration. knew more about that process, I doubt that you would It is make some of the statements that you have made. clear that none of us would like to be in "disagreement" all the time with the dominate society. But if to be in "agreement" means to acquiesce and remain silent in the face of obvious indignities, then I am not one who would prefer "agreement." The comment that the Governor made One final note. should outrage all citizens of Oregon, not just blacks. The Governor's comment regarding "squashing Ron Herndon" stimulated sick and mentally ill people to exercise their already prejudiced attitude toward black mdlviI know because I have received threatening calls duals. I know because I have talked with others who myself. have been mistreated and that mistreatment has been laid at the foot of the Governor's statement. It seems to me that these kinds of reactions should not be tolerated by you, by the Urban League, or by anyone else. In other words, Walter, it seems to me that your letter is criti- cizingthe wrong individuals. Best r gards, (q iF] U MAY 20. 1q87 ( 12:00 NOON MULTI-PURPOSE CONFERENCE ROOM URBAN PLAZA I \ of PorUand Porfiand League of The Urban Urban_League Oregon 97227 sseII Street__Port URBAN PAAOhRusseSre&PorIand,Oregon97227 (503) 280-2600 280-2600 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MThUTES MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Fund Raising Program and Planning Personnel Nominating 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. OFFICER REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSON ITEMS OF INFORMATION INFORMATION 1. 1. Report of the the President 2. Financial Report 3. Resolution 4t87-l00 Resolution #87-100 4. Resolution #87-401 5. Resolution #87-402 6. Resolution #87-500 7. Scattered Thoughts - Deborah Cochrane Whitney Young Learning 8. Memo to Ray Leary, re: Center 9. Letter to Forrest N. Rieke 10. Letter from Michael Jans 11. Application for for summer sumer youth trainees Application 12. Employment Placement Update 13. Letter from Randy Boose 14. Aging Services Evaluation and Response 15. Letter to Douglas Strain 16. Letter from Jan Mitchell 17. Letter to Paul Bragdon and his response 18. "In My Opinion" by column, "In The Oregonian Oregonian column, Ron Herndon 19. Spring issue of THE DRUM tBAN URBAN IAGUE LEAGUEOF OF PORTLAND PORTLAND BOARD MEETING APRIL 15, 1987 of Directors, held in The April meeting of the Urban League Board of the Multi-Purpose Nulti-Purpose Conference Room, Urban Plaza, 10 North Russell Street, was called to order at 12:06 P.M. by Chairperson Linda Rasmussen. Donny Adair, Skip The following Directors were in attendance: Kelley, Collier, Bridget Flanagan, Flanagan, Bobbie Bobbie Gary, Gary, Avel Avel Gordly, Gordly, Tom Tom Kelley, Shirley Minor, Larry Raff, Linda Rasmussen, Irwin Starr, Bob Sutcliff, Peter Peter Thompson, Thompson, Thane Thane Tiensori Tienson and and Valerie Valerie White. with excuse: excuse: The following Directors Directors were were absent absent with Wilgenbusch. Joel Smith, Jack Vogel and Nancy Wilgenbusch. (1 ( Jeff Millner, Niliner, Staff in attendance: and Pauline Reed. Herb Cawthorne, Carol Sutcliff, Ray Leary Guest in attendance: Larry Frager. Meeting were approved. Skip The 1ninutes minutes of of the the March March Board Board Meeting Collier asked if his unexcused absence could be noted as excused. Linda advised him to have his secretary call and notify Pauline of his pending absence and it would be excused. Linda introduced Larry Frager to the Board and Herb presented him with a gift of appreciation. appreciation. Introductions were made around the table. Avel Gordly, speaking on behalf of the Black United Front, Nr. Frager for his contribution to their education fund. thanked Mr. FINANCE COMMITTEE ending March March 31, 31, 1987 was mailed The Finance Report for the period ending in the Board Book and Carol Sutcliff discussed same. Carol asked members to note a typographical error on the Plaza II portion of brackets and it should be the report, the net $1,552 is shown in brackets unbracketed. FUND RAISING RAISING CO?4NITTEE COMMITTEE Herb reported that the 1987 Annual Dinner is scheduled for This year's focus is on young people. Wednesday, June 24th. PROGRAM AND PLANNING PLANNING COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ( heard an an update on the Avel Gordly reported that the Committee heard there is a need for a Homeless Program at their last meeting and clients. van to transport clients. -2- Treatment Program Program proposal Avel commented on the Adolescent Parent Treatment which was included in the BoardBook. Two impressive things in this proposal are the focus on multi-cultural counseling and counseling in the home. This proposal is asking for approximately Juvenile the Juvenile 1/3 of the monies allocated allocated forthe operation of the Multnomah County and Avel in Multnoinah County and Avel feels feels Services Commission programs proposal. proposal. this strongly lobby on behalf of that the Board should It was moved and seconded (Gordly/Gary) that the Urban League send a letter of appreciation to Michael Stoops for his efforts in getting legislation passed to help the homeless people of this The motion passed. nation. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Herb was to get an outside review of the Donny Adair stated that that Herb personnel policy. Perhaps by next month, this process will be completed and the Committee will then proceed. Regional Donny Dorirlyalso alsobriefed briefed the the Board Board on the events of the Western Regional Conference, of special note: * * The Western Regional Delegate Assembly passed a resolution which will be presented presented to to the the National Delegate Assembly not hold meetings in stating that Urban Leagues should not King holiday is not states where the Martin Luther honored. Reported that the Delegate Assembly voted to bring the Western Regional Conference to Portland in 1990. After leaving the Western Regional Conference, Donny attended the Council of Board Presidents meeting in Dallas. He chaired a Benefits Task Force whose duty was to review employee benefits. Affiliate of Board Presidents Presidents and and Affiliate The Task Force was comprised of passed, which will also be presented A joint resolution resolution was was passed, CEOs. of Assembly, stating that the Terms at the National Delegate Delegate standardization of benefits to employees Affiliation would require and establish a base base salary for CEOs of $25,000 along with auto allowance, allowance, educational assistance, assistance, auto severance pay guidelines, educational bonus. business business expense expense account account and and aa bonus. to work is to to go go to Witchita next week to he is Donny also reported that he hiring of CEOs. used in the hiring of CEO5. process on the certification process NOMINATION COMMITTEE Irwin Starr reported that the Committee will have a full slate of nominees and proposed officers at the next meeting. Irwin also stated that that within a week or so, Directors will receive at the next a proposed resolution, which is to be voted upon slots be be increased. meeting, suggesting that the number of Board slots -3- PRESIDENT'S REPORT * Announced Carol Sutcliff's Sutcliffts resignation from the Urban League to go to work for Adult and Family Services. Carol was given an opportunity to share her feelings. Herb, Linda and other Directors wished her well. Larry Raff asked about a PSA he heard on the radio regarding the Big Brother/Big Sister Program. Herb explained that the program is a part of the Youth Service Center; volunteers are screened and matched with youngsters who do not have a mom or dad. The Big Brother/Sister spends time and participates in various activities with their "little" brother or sister. Linda shared that she has been a Big Sister for about five years and highly recommends the program because it doesn't take a lot of time and yet the person volunteering gets so much more than they give. The meeting adjourned at 12:57 P.M. Sub 1 i ted by: 7?EL (4?EL PAULINE 3. J. REED Administrative Assistant Urban League of Portland Reviewed and Approved Approved by: by: &frJJL AVEL GORDLY Secretary Urban League Board of Directors THE URBAN THE URBAN LEAGUE LEAGUE OF OF PORTLAND The Report of the President May 1987 The Homeless Program Since I last reported to you, three apartment units have been added, making a total of eleven apartments available for the Homeless Program. As of March 1987, 16 families have been served, a total of 46 individuals. Seventeen referrals were made to David Mazzocco, a private housing MUD housing and ten placements were manager, for HUD Our turn away figure has dropped made. Since day. slightly, averaging five calls per day. have office, we have working with Mr. Mazzocco's received numerous calls from other property owners wanting us to to assist them with finding qualified applicants. Therefore, our resources for housing have grown considerably. The program has received a grant of $1,950 for rehabilitation/renovation of Plaza II. This allocation will allow us to concrete the left side of the building to prevent future flooding in the handicapped unit. Rose Butler was hired March 20th as a full-time case manager. She has proven to be a great asset to the program. complete our our activity room Future plans are to complete their families will have a so our clients and place to mingle. Adolescent] Adolescentj Parent Treatment Program Following preliminary preliminary presentations pra 3entations to the Multnomah County Juvenile Services Commission, a tentative allocation of $172,000 has been League's Adolescent/ recommended for the Urban Urban League's Our original request Parent Treatment Program. was for $193,555. Program Impact: The revised amount of $172,000 will result in the elimination of the proposed Aftercare Program for adolescent sex offenders. staffing, the service levels Given Given the the reduced reduced staffing, of APT for 1987-88 are are reduced to a total of 73 52 high services to: APT will provide clients. risk non-sex offender clients, 14 normal range functioning sex offender clients, and 7 develop- -2offender clients. mentally delayed sex se offender The Urban League Board's Program Committee reviewed the APT proposal and supported the need to cdntinue providing service to high risk youth and families in our community. community. Avel Gordly was particularly helpful in her comments to staff about the program, as was Shirley Minor, who attended our presentation meeting to the JuveMs. Minor's testimony nile Service Commission. at that meeting was particularly helpful. Contract negotiations are scheduled for May 19, 1987. Adult & Senior Services ( The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, srving Northeast Portland, officially During the five months of the ended April 3 0th. program, 4,461 households were screened for help with their heating costs. This reflects a distribution of over $667,000 in energy funds. LIEAP: In mid-March, the Urban League responded to a request by the Community Action Agency of Portland (CAAP) to provide energy assistance to the North Portland area until the end of the program, April 30th. This included establishing a temporary office at the Kenton Firehouse in The request was to finish the North Portland. Council work of the North Community Action Council During the five weeks the Urban League (NCAC). serviced the program, 116 households were served, distributing energy assistance in the amount of $19,024. Senior and Emergency Services: As a result of a series of meetings between Urban League staff and Aging Services staff, a letter of response been subto the recent program evaluation has been mitted to the Aging Services Division (ASD). This includes a work plan and time lines for addressing concerns identified by the ASD Assessment Team. Planning is currently underway with the ASD North Unit, which occupies the downstairs space of Urban Plaza, for relocation upstairs when senior occupied by senior Urban Plaza becomes solely occupied includes and adult programs. This planning includes meetings with ASD representatives and a representative from the county telephone system with the intent of establishing a mutually compatible telephone system which will accommodate the communication needs of both agencies. -3As of February, all contracted services with ASD are at or above planned levels, with the exception of "outreach," which is at 93% of planned level. The contract proposal for FY 87/88 has been submitted to ASD for review. As a result of a recent evaluation by the State Division of Audits, a recommendation was made to ASD that they study the OPI fee assessment tool created by the Urban League for possible adoption system-wide. ASD has followed up this recommendation by requesting a copy of the Urban League form, form, and and this this forni form has has been been mailed mailed to to ASD for their review. OPI is Oregon Project Independence, and includes in-home services such as home care and personal care. Employment Services During the current fiscal year, the Urban League of Portland's Portland's Employnient Employment Department Department has has placed 144 men, women, and youth in jobs. Currently, all efforts are being made by the total Employment staff to continue to deliver quality job search and referral assistance, while proceeding with the implementation of the Center for Self-Development. The computerization project is on schedule, with a projected completion date of August 30, 1987. Currently, the project is in Phase I of its implementation schedule. schedule. This particular phase includes the conceptualization and realization of relational data bases, as well as a comprehensive software customization process, which specification of of all all pseudocode pseudocode dicdicincludes specification tionaries for respective data bases. In addition, the staff continues to establish, re-establish, and/or improve important liaisons with employers, service delivery agencies, and other varied varied employnient employment resources resources identified identified as as helpful in the Urban League's efforts to serve the employment needs of its constituency. Northeast Youth Service Center On July 1st, the Youth Service Center's funding base will transfer from the City to the County. The basic functions of the Center -- individual, family, and group counseling, the Kinship Proactivities, etc. etc. --- will will remain gram, employment activities, the same. -4The Center is looking into the possibility of operating a School Retention Retention Project Project in in the the This project is aimed at middle school fall. students who have been targeted as students who will not finish eighth grade and/or make a successful transition transition to to the the ninth ninth grade. grade. The Youth Service Center, in conjunction with five other youth service centers, has proposed a Youth Employment Training Program. This joint endeavor will focus on at risk youth between the ages of 16 to 21. At risk youth include teen parents, youth involved in the juvenile justice system, youth who have dropped out of school or who are failing to acquire the basic skills needed for success in employment in traditional settings, youth youth who who are are merabers members of of ethnic/racial ethnic/racial minorities, youth who are experiencing problems with drug/alcohol abuse, or a host of other psychosocial difficulties in their relationships with family and peers. The three major goals of this proposal are to prepare at risk youth to: (1) seek, secure and retain employment, (2) live independently, and (3) provide them with access to a comprehensive array of services to address problems that may act as deterrents to the realization of goals one and two. Office of Development This month, month, 26,000 26,000 merabership membership envelopes envelopes will will be be mailed throughout the Portland area in the spring edition of The Drum. This mailing was made possible by a $10,000 in-kind contribution from Pacific Northwest Bell. Any expressions of thanks should be directed to Marsha Congdon, Vice President of Oregon, Pacific Northwest Bell, 421 S.W. Oak, Room 8S3, Portland, Oregon 97204 "That's What Friends Are For" is the theme for the 1987 Urban League of Portland Annual Dinner, to be held Wednesday, June 24th, at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. The event will be an infonnative tribute to today's entertaining and informative The format fonnat will include music, drama, youth. poetry, and vision by youth, highlighting the challenge and promise of being "the future." We look forward to an exceptional night! Teenage Pregnancy The issue of teenage pregnancy continues to be an important one for the Urban League of Port- -5-5-. An outside consultant has been identified to assist in proposal development and program impleinentation in implementation in an an effort effort to to curb curb the rising rising teen pregnancy problem in our community. land. Reorganization With the departure of Carol Sutcliff, along with Pain Smith, Pam Smith, the the Director Director of Communication, the Urban League administration administration is is faced faced with with aa number of opportunities. Reorganization is in order. The elevation of the Financial Manager, Carole Conner, to the position of Director of Finance will be achieved in short order. This means that the Urban League will not have an operating officer at the Vice President level for a period of time, time, which which will will allow allow for for the the deterntination of of exactly exactly what what skills skills and abildetermination abilities are needed in that area. By the turn of the fiscal year, a sweeping set of plans for reorganization of the administrative structure of the Urban League will will be be presented presented to to the the Inp1ications Implications for for these these Board of Directors. changes will involve (1) the Administrative Support Unit, (2) the Office of Finance, (3) Housing and Facilities, (4) the Office of Development, (5) Adult & Senior Services, and (6) the The requirements for these President's Office. changes are viewed as unique opportunities, and we will attempt to take advantage of each one with an eye for efficiency and stronger Urban ( League operations. Progress On The New Headquarters Architectural renderings have been presented in preliniinary forn for for the the new new building. building. At an preliminary form appropriate time, these architectural these architectural designs designs will be presented to the Program and Planning In the Committee of the Board of Directors. meantime, after a discussion with the Finance Committee, it may be be essential essential for for the the Urban Urban to League to plan for minor expenditures to enable some demolition work to begin immediately. This will be discussed in greater detail at subsequent meetings. The Capital Fund Drive along well. The Capital Fund Drive Drive is is coming coming along Materials have been sent to the printer, and I think the Board will be quite pleased with the quality of the design and language in the Capital Fund Drive brochure. We have already idenfoundations and are in the tified specific specific inajor major foundations inquiries and approaches to process of making If the Capital Fund Drive those foundations. ( does not meet the time frame we have devised, consultation with the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee will be in order toward moving to secure sufficient funds to initiate remodeling of the building. Personnel Policy Revision Meeting With Bud Davis I have received from Catherine Houser, a draft of the Personnel Policy, which, at the first opportunity, will be discussed by the Personnel It is our hope to have a booklet for Committee. Urban League employees employees prepared over the summer detailed months with all the personnel policies detailed legally acceptable manner. in a very concise and and I am sure, will have The Personnel Committee, more to say say on on this at our June meeting. delivered strong strong criticritiIf you might recall, I delivered System of Higher Educacisni of the the Oregon Oregon State cism of in responding to the tion in its poor record needs of poor and black black students. Since that exchanges, time, there have been a number of exchanges, shared with the Board. I've shared many of which I've complete and frank meeting Recently I had a very State of the Oregon with Bud Davis, Chancellor of He has devised a System of Higher Education. the number scholarship-grant program to double of minority students in the institutions of I am supportive of his higher education. efforts and will indicate so at a meeting of the Board of Higher Education on Friday, May 15th. In addition, we discussed a wide range of issues relating to the necessary support for first-year students, as well as ways in which community organizations such as as the the Urban Urban League of Portin seeing seeing that the helpful land might be most helpful in goals are achieved. * * * Asset Donations Net Gain Net Total EXPENSES: Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Membership Contributions Fund Raising Other Total United Way Indirect Membership Contributions Fund Raising Miscellaneous REVENUE: GENERAL FUND ID 4,808 9,434 -0- 32,012 38,783 -0- 23,515 8,497 -0-0-0-0- 27,204 18,606 1,833 1,748 4,167 -0850 22,187 15,561 1,035 -0-0-0- 29,349 273 934 800 5,967 18,606 2,769 Current Monthly Budget $1,801,200 1,801,200 +20 + 8 Financial Report 4/30/87 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 340,116 4,922 11,204 235,148 84,968 -0-020,000 -0- 345,038 346,414 213,843 106,186 1,035 1,000 24,350 -0- 357,618 186,043 18,330 20,498 41,667 70,000 8,500 Year-To-Date Budget 186,043 25,274 9,995 35,695 66,767 33,844 Current +2 +4 Total MCCONNELL-CLARK FOUNDATION Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total SENIOR SERVICE CENTER Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total ADULT & PARENT TREATMENT Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services Total YOUTH SERVICE CENTER Salaries & Fringe Materials & Services 2,360 14,000 16,360 8,595 13,515 13,233 2,380 6,215 11,240 2,275 3,333 3,356 11,493 1,740 2,333 1,000 12,952 13,329 2,846 510 10,607 2,345 21,538 21,902 11,148 2,181 18,250 3,288 Monthly Budget 18,371 3,531 Current -48 -2 +1 + 5 +2 PORTLAND Financial Report 4/30/87 URBAN LEAGUE C 66,382 43,272 ------23,110 23,110 134,627 111,454 23,173 12,614 9,800 2,814 134,724 109,512 25,212 206,853 173,997 32,856 Current 77,190 25,590 51,600 135,151 112,400 22,751 13,333 9,333 4,000 129,525 106,072 23,453 215,383 182,500 32,883 Year-To-Date Budget -14 - 5 -4 +4 -5 TOTAL NET GAIN OR LOSS General Fund Urban Plaza Plaza II (7,461) 1,019 954 (9,434) (700) (70j 9,544 7,065 (5,208) 4,922 5,322 (700) (5,800) 11,204 1,661 28,500 29,200 5,322 1,661 26,456 32,256 119,461 41,431 34,360 18,500 25,170 124,783 120,477 41,431 25,610 20,777 32,659 122,138 33,333 62,500 28,950 (5,800) -10 -2 27,219 63,070 31,849 Year-To-Date Current Budget (78) (322) (4,808) (322) 954 (78) 1,019 2,850 3,172 12,556 11,186 4,534 5,448 4,603 3,436 2,000 2,517 12,478 12,205 4,603 2,620 2,276 1,687 3,333 6,250 2,895 2,245 5,998 3,962 Fund 1/31/87 to General General Fund Net Income (Loss') to Net Revenue Expenses PLAZA II Budget Net Total EXPENSES: Lease Management Utilities & Phone Other Total URBAN PLAZA REVENUE: Residential Commercial Other Monthly Current Budget Financial Report 4/30/87 LEAGUE, F PORTLAND URBAN LEAGUE +2 -3 I Urban League of Portland Board of Directors May 20, 1987 RESOLUTION: #87-100 Authorizing Signature Signature Authority Authority for for fli Director of Finance BACKGROtThTD: BACKGROUND: The recent departure of the Executive Vice President of the Urban Urban League League of of Portland Portland has has required required swift reorganization of the Office of Finance. The President and Chief Executive Officer has created the position of Director of Finance. In order to enable this position to function function within within the the fiscal fiscal authorizing authorizing policies of the organization, it is necessary to alter Since the standard cedures. standard operating prpcedures ot±nedües call for call intenediate for intermediate approval approval of of reciuisitions, charges requisitions, charges to to specific specific accounts, and and other other aspects of fiscal management to be the responsibility of the Executive Vice President, it is necessary to change such procedures to assign these responsibilities to the Director of Finance. The President and Chief Executive Officer will will continue continue to to exercise exercise the the final final responsiresponsibility. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Urban League of Portland's standard operating procedures for fiscal affairs be changed appropriately to grant necessary authority to the Director of Finance. Urban League of Portland Board of Directors May 20, 1986 RESOLUTION: #87-401 Terms of Office for all Board Members BACKGROUND: The Constitutionof the Urban League of Portland states the term of office of oard Members shall be three years, unless the majority of the Board approves service for a lesser than two period of time. No member of the board shall serve more members shall menthers shall The term of office for all consecutive full terms. March 3 31st. 1st. -5eing±Ion April1st 1st and and end end March binion April / Meithers are are THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the following Board Members tern. term. being appointed for a second Ecpires Expires Thane Tienson Toni Kelley Tom Kelley Donny Adair Shirley Minor Irwin Starr Bridget Flanagan 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 Terms Left 0 0 0 0 0 00 Clair Silver"be Si1verte appo RESOLVED: That Clair THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Directors of the tern term on the Board of ed to a new three-year Urban League of Portland: Clair Silver 1990 1 tt CLAIR SILVER Clair Silver has worked for Platt Electric Electric since since 1985 1985 as their their Executive Assistant and Real Estate Consultant. He has also been employed by eirployed by White White Stag, Stag, Warneco, Warneco, and and Levi Levi Strauss. Strauss. Clair has served on on many many boards boards and and is is aa past past neither member of served of the the Urban Urban League League of of Portland's Board. of Clair brings to the Board a broad range range knowledge of the corporate world and a commitment to equality for all. Leagueof of Portland Portland Urban League Urba ( Board of Directors Directors Board of May 20, May 20, 1987 1987 RESOLUTION: #87-402 RESOLUTION: #87-402 1987-88 Recommendationsfj fj: 1987-88 Nominating Committee Committee Recommendations BACKGROUND: theNominating Nominating Coiiuiittee Committee of the It is isthe theresponsibility responsibility of It the Directors aa slate officers for for the Directors slate of of officers to offer to offer to tothe theBoard Board of of Leagueofof Portland. Portland. Urban League 1987-88fiscal 1987-88 fiscal year year for for the the Urban proposed The following followingofficers officers are The are proposed 1987-88 term: 1987-88 term: outlined by by the the By-Laws By-Laws for for the the and will serve and will serve as as outlined THEREFORE, BE THEREFORE, BE IT IT RESOLVED: RESOLVED: Linda Linda Rasmussen Rasmussen Chair Chair Thane Tienson Thane Tienson Vice Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Treasurer Secretary Secretary Robert Sutcliff Sutcliff Robert Avel Gordly Avel Gordly Bobbie Gary Bobbie Gary H Member at Large Large Member at The Urban League of Portland TheUrbanLeagusofFortland URBAN PLAZA loNorthRussellStreet (503) 280-26C0 280-2600 Pcrtand,Oregon97227 Herb L. Cawthorne Ch;et Ecutve E,ecutve Oft:cer Qftcr April 17, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: Urban League Board of Directors From: Irwin Starr, Chair Nominations Committee Re: Amendment to the Constitution Attached you will find the amendment to to the Urban League Constitution which was discussed at the April 15th requires aa 2/3 2/3 meeting of the Board. Board. This amendment requires notice majority vote following at least a three-week before its consideration. If you have any questions regarding this resolution, please let me or Herb know before the May 20th meeting. IS/bp of Portland Urban League of Portland Urban Leag ( Board of Board of Directors Directors May 20, May 20, 1987 1987 RESOLUTION: #87-500 RESOLUTiON: #87-500 Constitution Expanding Constitution Expanding the the Amendment Number of Members on the Board of Directors ç Article IV, entitled "Board of Directors," of the Article IV, entitled "Board of Directors," of the BACKGROUND: Constitution LeagueofofPortland, Portland, states states the Constitution of of the the Urban Urban League the following following in in Section Section 1: 1: The Board nor The Boardshall shallconsist consistofofnot notless less than than fifteen fifteen nor whom shall shall more than majority of ofwhom more than nineteen nineteen persons, persons, aa majority During their their term term of of service, service, constitute aaquorum. constitute quorum. During me:mbers of the Board Board must must also alsobe bementhers members of of the theUrban Urban menthers of the League. League. April 15, 15, 1987, 1987, As discussed the Board Board of Directors meeting meeting of As discussed at at the of Directors of April the Nominations Committee Committee has theUrban Urban League League of of the Nominations hasdetermined determinedthat that the Portland would be served by by an an expansion expansion of the nuiaber number of of Portland would be well well served of the The NoiminaNominaindividuals who can serve serve on on the the Board of Directors. Directors. The individuals who can Board of tions Committee's deliberations focused tions Committee's deliberations focused on on the the expanding expanding operation operation varied talents, talents, and and of the its need of the organization, organization, its need for for special special and and varied who individuals who the positive ability to attract attractaawide wide variety variety of of individuals the positive ability to In addition, Nominations In addition,the the NominationsCommittee Committee conconare eager are eager to to serve. serve. greater cluded that that the of the wouldfacilitate facilitate greater cluded the expansion expansion of the Board Board would involvementof involvement of the the connunity community and and avoid avoid placing placing too too great great aa burden burden the present present Board. Board. on the few few individual individualmembers members of on the of the That in in accordance accordance with withArticle Article VIII, VIII, THEREFORE BE RESOLVED: That THEREFORE BE IT IT RESOLVED: "Procedures for for Amending Amending Constitution and By-Laws," By-Laws," of Urban "Procedures Constitution and of the the Urban Urban League League of of League Constitution, League Constitution, the the Board Boardofof Directors Directors of of the the Urban Constitution Portland hereby Portland hereby amends amendsArticle ArticleIV, IV,Section Section1 1ofofits its Constitution to to read read as as follows: follows: The Board The Boardshall shallconsist consistofofnot notless less than than fifteen fifteen nor nor of whom whom shall majority of shall more than more than twenty-four twenty-four persons, persons, aa majority During their their term term of of service, service, constitute aaquorum. quorum. During constitute members of menthers ofthe the Board Board must must also also be be menthers members of of the the Urban Urban League. League. ( !! The Urban League of PortOand OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (503) 280-2600 t Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer May 14, 1987 To: Members of the Board of Directors HerbL. L.Cawthorne Cawthorne From: From: Herb From time to time, the mission of the Urban League and the pursuit of it among our staff stimulates exchanges that are unbelievably rewarding. I have decided to share with you a correspondence from Deborah Cochrane, the Director of the Whitney M. Young Learning Center. We exchange 'scattered thoughts" frequently which focus on the importance of educa- tion, the challenges and the opportunities the Urban League provides -- to us as staff and to the community. This particular note was written after we worked hard to assist a young student who had run into a series of minor scraps with the law. The reaction of our staff was the kind that would make you proud of the extraordinary effort that one child in trouble can produce. I think you will agree with me that Deborah's vision is a powerful definition of the Urban League's mission in education. After reading it, you'll know why I wanted to share it with you. HLC:pjr URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WHITNEY YOUNG LEARNING CENTER April 14, 1987 M E N 0 R A N D U N N TO: Herb FROM: Deborah RE: Scattered Thoughts It. probably It probably means means Tony. to care about Tony. Thanks for for taking taking tixne time out Thanks out to forward to I think he's hess looking as much to me as it will to him. the golf lesson. upset about this I've been been trying trying to to understand why I got so All lye kIds are the kids particular kid.. particular kid. particular instance, this into Many of them get into All of them have problems. special. streets. the streets. the with school, at home, on trouble---with the law, law, with trouble---with the wedge themselves oust wedge Part ot of it is that some kids really do just them----of You see so much in them----oi than others. deeper into your heart than possibili'ies they yourself, of the future, of the limitless possibilities for them. and you want everything could offer the world, secretly. it is that it builds up inside you, secretly. But maybe part of it It day after day. You see the pain in these children everyday, particular day, of the time. On any one is a quiet pain most most of their faces isolated from a dozen others, you might not see it on But day after day, you couldn't or hear it in their voices. deep, blind yourself to it it if if you you tried. The destruction is so repair. so pervasive, so long-standing and difficult to down by an ignorant system. You see minds You see souls beaten down denied food for deadened by a hunger for learning that has been You see the pride of so long that it is only a dull ache now. don't have like garbage by those who these children crumpled up fucking vision to heart or or the goddamn simple the time or the heart know tha: the: our future future depends on that pride. glue back broken You sweep up pieces of unspoken dreams, try to shots, sometimes You shoot your best bits of dignity end and esteem. still alive, off the cuff, trying to cc hit the parts that are of and chen feed it. then trying to revive the hunger page 2 It's like there's a war going on out there in the schools and the It's a cold war, a quiet war. It is wrong people are winning. not fought with guns, but with words, glances, papers, rules, It is destroying our children, our attitudes, categories. society, our possibilities of hope for a better world. It is being fought by people who have lost their hearts, people who flourish in mediocrity, bureaucracy, from the safe distance of This enemy does not seek flesh authority single-mindedness. authority and. and single-mindedness. but soul, does not leave behind bloodied bodies, but deadened And they're winning because too many minds and broken pride. people don't even understand that there is a war. Everyday you see the victims of this emotional and mental warfare. You see the waste, you see the future grow more bleak. Now and then you unload the frustration on your friends or on paper or wherever you can, and then you move on through it, because hope can be the only sane choice of action. But you don't realize that there's a residue building up inside despair. And one day, one child, one you, of anger, frustration, despair. that residue, and you reveal that more injustice come together together to to reveal pain on on that break down because you cannot bear the look of pain You cannot bear the realization that the child is child's face. no lcnger a child, and has cone to adulthood through a war that Naybe too, you remember your own pain, Maybe never should ha-ic been. and wish somehow that you could protect just one child from the cruelty of this insideous madness. So, that one child reveals the residue of pain left by all the others. You flush it out as best you can. You begin again. You give every part of yourself. You fall in love with each child, because even in all that destruction, you can see in them the You see past their selfbest part of this life, of this world. doubt and hopelessness to endless possibilities and imagination. You see solutions. writers. You see dreamers and and scientists scientists and and writers. sParks of renewed hunger, you see reason You see the future. In sparks for hope. Whitney These children have an incredible will to survive; the Whitney create Young Learning Center is witness to that. We thrive and create and determination. and build on the foundation of their strength and But for every child who comes through our door, there are 30 or 40 or 50 others who don't, who have been wounded so badly they How many have we lost? How many can't find their way there. prograns special education programs have given up? How many many are are buried buried in in special How many have been hit hit one one too too many many or juvenile detention homes? times with the bullet of "can't" to get back up on their feet? How many have had their dignity and identity so maimed that they is too many. no longer care what is done to them? Even one is page 3 We cannot wait for schools to change. We don't have that much destruction, and it is not not We are in the midst of of massive massive destruction, time. The weapons in this war are getting better; it is getting worse. pervasive. only becoming more subtle, subtle, more more pervasive. What we don't deal with now in education, we will continue to deal with tomorrow, in ever greater numbers, in unemployment, welfare, crime, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse and the If people think those unbearable pain of lost human potential. It till they see wait till they see what's wat's coming. It are critical problems now, This society Education must be a priority. will be unmanagable. As Warren pointed out, we have gone beyond must understand that. "childen at risk," to a society at risk. (. our own hands. We need to start our We need to take matters into oar And if we can't do that, we must teach our children own schools. their own words, their We need to to give give them them their their own own words, to fight back. be broken, a can't We need to give them a pride that rules. dignity that can't be destroyed. We We must find ways to get the community and parents involved. We must make it must make people understand the urgency of this. in schools, in in the the homes, homes, in a daily issue----in the media, in the schools, the streets. This is not a war we can leave behind in another lose. This is not a war we we can can afford afford to to lose. country. tJRBAN lEAGUE URBAIT LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WiITiTEYYOUNG WHITNEY YOUNGLEARNING LEARNINGCE:rTER CENTER APril 30, 1037 April M E M 0 R A N D U M H TO: Ray FROU: FROM: Deborah RE: WYLC Awards Presentation You were great last night with the kids! but for for for getting getting us what we needed from NIKE, but Thanks not Ofli only for Thanks not presentataking the time to come come up up to to the the Center Center and and do do the the presentaHwinning.0 You satd said all the right things about Hwlnnlng.0 tons. tions. Moreover, I think that just having someone like yourself, from the League, do the presentations, made the winners feel all the more special. more secial. It also made all the kids realize how important ccntests can be, whether r,ethe. they win a prize or not. the contests It is toc. I was oleased pleased that you staved stayed after the presentations too. e:;remelr valuable e:;r'emely valuable for for our our kids kids to to see see people people like like you---peopie It's It ' sananunspoken unspoken but but they can lock up to---at the Center. this powerful message to them that important people from ccmmun:ty are interested in tneir commun:ty their efforts there. They need our presence and our time as much as anything. if I But this communique from me wouldn't meet your e::pectations ii Never let it didn't "get on your back" about something, right? be said chat that I would disappoint you: Ncw Now that I've seen you in action with the kids and I know how dynamic you are with them, I want to see your ass up at the Center more often. Thanks, Ray. cc: cc: Herb Cawthcrne 1ti1ff.,IIJs1!tiLz.JIsriiMsIS 1tiIJbi*,IIIs1!tRLZ.JIEiiMiIS URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland. Oregon 97227 Portland, (5O3 5O3t28O-:6CO 280-2600 Herb L. Cawthorne Che Execulive Execulive Cf Cf cur cr April April 23, 23, 1987 1987 Mr. Forrest Mr. Forrest N. N. Rieke Rieke Board of Board of Education Education Portland Public Public Schools Schools Portland 820 S.W. S.W. Second 200 820 Second Avenue, Avenue, Suite Suite 200 Portland,Oregon Portland, Oregon 97204 Dear Dear Joe: Joe: was very receive your your response response to the WHITNEY II was very pleased pleased to to receive to the is is put of our ourWhitney Whitney BULLETIN, which puttogether togetherbybythe the students students of BULLETIN, which Acknowledgements such suchasasyours yoursare are encouraging encouraging to to Young Learning. Young Learning. Acknowledgements Learning Center Learning Centerstaff staff and and students. students. The Whitney The WhitneyYoung YoungLearning LearningCenter Centerhas has grown growntremendously tremendouslyover over the the past two two years, and is one of of the the most most exciting exciting educational educational propropast years, and is one Once afterschool schoolhomework homework Once simply simply an an after grams in the Urban Urban League. League. grams in the assistance program assistance program with with one one staff staff person, person, the theprogram program is is now now a a "fullblown" "full blown" Learning Learning Center, Center, with with guest guest speakers, speakers, motivational motivational discussion weekly discussiongroups, groups, aa BULLETIN, weekly activities, the WHITNEY BULLETIN, computer lab, computer lab,student studentmeetings, meetings,a aprofessional professionalstaff staff of of six six people, and a growing number of dedicated volunteer tutors. people, and a growing nuniber of dedicated volunteer tutors. activities, the As the As the reputation reputation for for quality quality and and results results begins begins to to spread, spread, the the Center is Center is slowly, slowly, but butvery verysurely, surely,becoming becoming aa recognized recognized and and respected resource respected resource to to the theparents parentsand andyouth youth in inour ourcommunity, community, as as We are are now now well as well as the the faculty faculty of of the thePortland Portland Public Public Schools. Schools. We serving aa broad serving broad range range of of students, students,from fromthose thosewho whomake make the the honor honor role, to tothose thosewho who were were on on the the verge verge of of dropping dropping out of school school role, out of We are arealso also seeing seeing more moreinterest interest before they before they came came to to the the Center. Center. We and involvement from parents. and involvement froni parents. In teris In termsof ofteachers teachers and and administrators, administrators, the the challenge challenge is is to to attain greater, attain greater,more more active active assistance assistance in in both both referral referraland and coorcoorAny Any help help you you might might provide provide in in this this aspect aspect would would be be very very dination. dination. And the be the the winners, winners, thestudents students will will be beneficial and beneficial and appreciated. appreciated. And for IIam am absolutely absolutelyconvinced convincedthat that without a massive commitment on on for without a massive commitment the the part part of of"the "thecommunity", community", parents, parents, churches, churches, students students and and volunteers, the volunteers, the achievement achievement potential potential for for public public education education in in the the black conmiunity community will black willbeberealized. realized. is is just young people people BULLETIN just one one example exampleof of what what our our young THE THE WHITNEY WHITNEY BULLETIN can do can do when whengiven giventhe theappropriate appropriateresources resources and andattention. attention. Many of the the niore more important students of important successes successes can canonly onlybe beseen seenin in the the students Mr. Forrest N. Rieke Rieke Mr. Forrest N. 23, 1987 1987 April 23, Page 2 Page themselves in their theirheightened heightened self-esteeni, self-esteem,niotivation motivation and and theniselves----- in encourage you the Learning Learning Center Center to youtoto visit visit the to sense of sense of pride. pride. II encourage be You'll be meet nieet some someofofour ourstudents studentsand andtalk talkwith withour ourstaff. staff. You'll impressed! inipressed! Thank you important proproThank youfor foryour yourinterest interest and and support support of of this this ilaportant gram grani Sincrly, Sincrly, Herb LCawthorne Herb LCawthorne Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer HLC/nilw cc: Deborah Cochrane Cochrane cc: Deborah 812 SOUTHWEST OFGON 97205 SOUNVVEST WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON,SUITE SUITE300 300F<THTLAJ'D, CRTLN'D, OFEGON 97205 (503) (503) 295-o7cO 295-o7cO UNTY 4!V/1UNTY I( a,?-sr- j) )N\l V''\ / (ThE / 'Hi P51?TLjAN\f5' C POTLL POTLL April 17, 1987 Herb Cawthorne Executive Director Urban League of Portland 10 N. Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 Dear Herb: I am happy to inform you that the Urban League will be receiving $1,950.00 Housing and Urban in Development rehabilitation/renovation funds to rehabilitate your basement apartment unit, which is currently unusable due to water damage. These funds will allow the unit to be used for sheltering homeless families within your transitional housing program. E Director Michae(Jans Michaeljans Executive Committee Corn rnittoe GeorgeC,Sheldon George C. Sheldon Choir Marty Lemke MarfyLemke ViceChair V'ceChar proposal was submitted to State Community CAAP and Multnomah County with the help of The Lana Danner of your staff. State had originally planned to fund up to fifty percent (50%) of approved projects, but now has agreed to fund this project at full co st cost The Services by Actual cont ract contract a dminis tration administration be performed will perfo r med Multnomah County. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Hess of my staff at 295-6790, or by Jane Voget at Multnomah County at 248-5000. .ioan Joan Smith Secretary Marilyn Ciark Clark Sincer ly Treasurer Robert A. Robert A Nash Nash Louis Savage Sry Weeks Stry Weeks Michael Jans Executive Director pL, ucCrann pL-. cCrann Chair. Planning Committee Claire Levine Cho:r, Legislative Committee MJ :15 NJ :1 s cc: Carol Sutliff Lana Danner ho me/wx (i and Pottland The Urban League of Poft URBAN PLAZA URBAN 10 lONorthAusseliStreet North Russell Street 280-6C0 (5C3) 280-6C0 Portlar.d, Oren 97227 Porttar.d.0recon97227 Herb L. Herb L. Cawtharne Cawtharne Chr Ecj(iv EcjUv Cit Cit cir cir URBAN LEAGUE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT DIVISION EMPLOYMENT DIVISION April 20, 20, 1987 1987 April MEMORANDUM TO: All Program All ProgramMar1agey Ma FROM: McKinley McKinleyWilli Willian Director Director of ofEmplyinent Em RE: Summer Summer Youth Youth E Empl'nt League's Please find Please find attached attached aa copy copy of of the theUrban Urban League's application for application forsuinxier summer youth youth trainees trainees provided provided by by PlC. PlC. each major major II have reqiested 88 youth positions, 22 for for each have requested youth positions, Senior Senior & & Adult Adult Services, Services, program area program area (Youth (Youth Services, Services, Employment and Employinent andAdministration). Administration). director If we If we are are selected selected as as aa "training "training site", site", each each director put will will have have to towork work in inaccordance accordance with with our our workplan workplan as as put forward in forward in our our application. application. read the the applicaapplicaII suggest director read suggest that thateach each program program director This will give you a general idea of This will give you a general idea of tion tion carefully. carefully. this year. how the to be beimplemented implemented this year. how the program programis is to MW/s a MW/ca Attachment Herb Cawthorne, Cawthorne, President President&&CEO CEO cc: Herb cc: President Carol Executive Vice Vice President Carol Sutcliff, Sutcliff, Executive APPLICATION FOR WORK/TRAINING POSITIONS THE PORTLAND PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (COMPLETE ONE SECTION I. PER ORGANIZATION) SECTION I. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Name of Organization: Address: THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND PORTLAND 10 North Russell Street Street Portland, Oregon ZIP 97227 Name of Organization Director/Manager: PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER HERBERT L. CAWTHORNE Title N?me Name of Person To Serve as Primary Contact with Private Industry Council Staff DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT MCKINLEY WILLIAMS Title Name Contact's Telephone Number: 280-2600 Briefly Describe the Nature and Purpose of your organization in the space below: The Urban League of Portland is a local affiliate of the National Urban l0 Urban League League serves servesmore morethan thgnO.. League. As a social service agency the Urban Briefly describe the factors that makes your organization a good training site for youth participants. many There are various and diverse opportunities for learning in the many Among those programs are Urban League. thcse programs are program areas operated at the Services and Senior and Adult Services, Youth Services, Employment Administration. Youth Administration. Youth participating participating at at the the Urban Urban League Leaue in the summer role models, and mar' positive.minority role e exiosed work exrerience experience wil.l wil.l be exDosed to to positive.rninority work b) SiX six Total Nthnber NUmber ot ot Positions Positions Requested Requested kinds of professional occuations. occupations. : Name, Title and Telephone Number of Person Completing this Application McKinley Williams, Director of Employment (Please Print) SECTION II. DESCRIPTION OF WORK/TRAINING POSITIONS (Please or work to make for each job title one copy copy of of Section Section II. II. for complete one function for which you are making application. Feel free II. as as needed. needed. necessary additional copies of Section II. Job Title for Position(s) Requested: Program Interns (five) and Administrative Assistants (three) 2. Number of Training Positions Requested: eight 3. What level of experience and background and support needs do you expect youth to have to function in this job? Indicate the be willing to work with number of trainees that you are would be that fit each category category below. below. Preference will be given to organizations that will employ youth in categories A. and B. in afternoons afternoons only (halfAvailable in A. STEP Program youth. youth. Available work experience or no day) .Ages 14-16 with one summer of work defined career career experience.. May or may may may may not not have have defined interests. 2 2 B. No previous work experience; unsure of career interests; n. supervisor. needs close support/extra time with supervisor. 2 C. c. General work skills or previous work experience; interests; trainee would benefit unsure of career interests; from general exposure to different career areas; 2 D. Previous work experience; have defined career interests. 4.In the space below, briefly describe the tasks a trainee will possible, be required to perform in this job. Be as specific as possible, expected to work with including the extent youth will be work), information, use machines (describe type and nature of work) of level of level the public. Also indicate the come in contact with and math work and math skills needed. precision expected of youth in their work managers 1. Program Interns: These youth will work closely with the managers through the Urban League. of the three major programs operated through greetirg tIe public pt±lic The major duties will be information gathering, greeting with management tasks. and assistiicj asistincj the director of each program the director of each youth will These youth. will work work in in our our administrative administrative 2. Administrative Assistants: Assistants: These in the areas of typing, phone unit. This unit supports the programs reception, and greeting the public as they walk in to request ccnfortable in services. These youth will be expected to be ccrafortable telehone. Math skills are the telehone. greeting the public, and in answering the however, english and grammar are not particularly a major concern, capacity. this capacity. skills that will be developed developed in in this clean dress, punctuality and Both of these positions require clean good listening skills. We will work with each oof the youth that to set set goals and to participate in this program, helping them to realize those goals during the time they are in the program, program. Section II., Continued 5. Working conditions. Place a check response. Both Outside X Inside ( ) by the appropriate have that youth will have skills that 6. Describe the specific job/career skills an opportunity to learn in this position. application youth will In both capacities as described previously in the be introduced to the social service fields of counselor, job developer, and word processor, secretary, receptionist, manager, accountant, skills as specialized as support positions. Each of these occupations have to the youth that work well as general work skills that will be introducedin all of the above positioi emphasized in in our program. Writing skills will be emphasized to practice and apply basic 7. Will trainees have the opportunity other structured acacdemic acacdernic skills skills in in the the job or through other activities? X ( YES N0 NO (e.g., math) and levels levels that If YES, please describe the skills the job functions or youth will be able to apply. Also describe be able to practice other activities in which youth would use or skills. 6, each youth will be expected As mentioned in the response to question *6, encouraged by the to improve his/her writing skills. This will be This work includes the be expected expected to to complete. complete. will be work that each you will but important, and creation of simple compilation of reports, data and such as filing, mail management documents. There will be typical tasks, requiring good reading reading distribution, and the taking of phone messages-all and writing skills. that a direct work supervisor 8. Describe the expected role(s) learning assisting youth in learning while on their will have in assisting supervisors will work/training job. In particular, describe how that apply: help youth with any of the following other or working with people in other t (A) Observing, talking tc occupational areas. to work with throughout Each youth will be assigned a direct supervisor Each youth will attend an the youth's participation in the program. for his/her particular be given a workplan orientation, and then then will will be developed, assessed include skills that will will job. This workplan will the course course of the program. Tasks will be clearly and improved during the to youth at time of given to assigned, and immediate feedback will be given Each week a youth staff completion, along with positive reinforcement. This will give each of each youth in the program. ieeting will be required neeting with their peers, and 7outh an opportunity to compare what they are learning present their provide program managers an opportunity to collectively weeks' activities. ideas and recommendations for the upcaming , Section II. Continued (B) Learning generally about the world of work and employer expectations; Much of this type of learning will take place in the direct interaction between supervisor and youth. There will be very strict policies regading work habits, communication styles, and general performance of job dut!es. An assessment and skills inventory will be completed and updated by each youth supervisor throughout the program. Additionally, a seminar will be provided at mid-summer, as well as at the end of the the procrram. proqram. This This semiriar.w±ll semiriar.will qiie qiie the.vouth the.vouth an opportunity opportunity to to ask ask (C) Lern]ng about opportunities anu requirements for certain careers or jobs. Indicate the career or job areas about which WOkO woko youth will learn. See above. (D) Any other work "enrichment" activities that supervisors may arrange for youth. See above response to Question #7 -A and B. 9. Assuming that all positions requested for this job were filled by the PlC, how many of your staff would be involved in the four direct supervision of employed youth? 10. Please provide any other information about your organization or the jobs requested that you think may be useful in determining the appropriateness for Program participants. 0 I1IU11JIfLI[ISiILiiIIMiTt I1iU11IfL![ISiIiidM1Tt URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street (503) 280-2600 Portland, Oregon 97227 Herb L. Cawthorne Chiel Execuf;'/ Chief Execuf;v 13, 1987 1987 May 13, MEMORANDUM irectors irectors To: To: Urban Urban League League Board Board Froirt: From: Herb L. Herb L. Cawthorne Cawthorne Re: Re: EmploymentDepartment Department Placement Placement Update Employment Update Attached update prepared by by ourour Exrtployxnent Attached is is aarecent recent update prepared Employment Theinformation informationisis organized organizedtotoreflect reflect the Department. The the Department. aggregate nuither of Urban Leagueapplicants applicants placed placed in in aggregate number of Urban League jobs, as well as listing their respective job titles and This information information covers covers the the period period beginning beginning entployers. employers. This 30, 1987. 1987. through April April 30, July 1, 1986 through jobs, as well as listing their respective job titles and Additionally, Additionally, separate separatecomputations computations of of male male versus versus female, adult versus female, adult versus youth, youth, and and professional professional versus versus nonnonprofessional included for for your professional placements placements have have been been included your informnat ion. information. McKinley Williams,Director Director of of Employment, closely McKinley Williams, Employment, isis closely monitoring monitoring every every aspect aspectof ofour ourEmployment Employment Department. Department. This report is is but ofthe thequality quality of of inforinforThis report but one one example example of mnation thatisisnow nowavailable availabletotoyou, you,the thestaff, staff, and mation that and to to the the conununity community. It this It is isimportant important that thatthe theBoard Board of of Directors Directors have have this kind of information kind of information available available to tothem them on on aa continuing continuing basis. basis. Thankyou youfor for your your continuing continuing support. support. Thank HLC/bp Officer Officer 65 15 7 Total adults (female) (female) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total youth (male) Total youth (female) - 100 Non-Professional 22 - Professional TOTAL ADULTS BY OCCUPATIONAL AREA: 7RFJ: Total adults (male) 57 144 ---------------- TOTAL APPLICANTS PL2CED: TOTAL APPLICANTS PLACED: 1987 July 01, 1987 through April 30, 1987 Placement Update URBAN LEAGUE LEAGUE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYI(ENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT URBAN LI Sean's Janitorial U.S. Postal Service F F H Janitorial H Clerical F F H F H H H F F F P F F F H Alonzo, Yolanda Anderson, Wayne Arnetta, Amos Austin, Clevonne Batcheller, Lois Batiste, Alan Baxter, Denise Best, Otis Booth, Alton Boyd, Maurice Brooks, Janice Brown, Aretha Brown, Cheryl Brown, Josephine Butler, Rose Cantcraai, Maria Carlton, Arnold Canton, Arnold Trainee Clerical Clerical Clerical Sales Clerk Unskilled Labor Clerical Fast Foods Teleconmunications Telecommunications Management Trainee Driver Purchasing Agent Clerical Clerical Clerical Clerical Mail Hail Well Wyden Ron Wyden's Office Urban League Urban League Heier & Frank Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant Urban League Burger King Rogers Cable Nudelman's Trainee Buck Hedical Medical CH2M State of Oregon LIEAP Urban League CASA Urban League Frito-Lay Alexander, Shirley Production Work F March of Dimes Ahloo, Mona Hona Teleinarketing Telemarketing COMPANY CO1[PANY F SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA IREA APPLICANTS APPLICANTS PLIiCED PLACED From July 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 Adams, Maria N2lIE - -- 9/86 13/86 3/87 12/8 6 8/86 1/87 10/86 1/87 10/86 4/87 4/87 4/87 10/8 6 10/8 6 10/86 7/86 4/87 4/87 9/86 4/87 10/8 6 MONTH H Accounting Clarke, Nigel Clarke, Nigel 10/8 6 10/86 9/86 9/86 4/87 4/87 1/87 1/87 1/87 1/87 Urban League Lieap Program Urban LeagueLieap Program Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Insurance Insurance Urban League Urban League Bressie Bressie Electric Electric Coiuputer Operator Operator Computer Clerical Clerical Counselor Counselor Electrician Electrician File Clerk Clerk H File Ford, Maurice Ford, Maurice Frazier, Veronica Frazier, Veronica 9/86 9/86 3/87 3/87 F Flippen, Cathy Flippen, Cathy Standard Insurance Standard Insurance Co. Co. F Clerical Clerical F Elliott, Charlotte Ervins, Joetta Ervins, Joetta F Carson Oil Carson Oil Clerical Clerical H Esinaeel, Esinaeel, Naghi Naghi 1/87 1/87 Urban League Urban League Clerical Clerical H Edwards, Kenneth Edwards, Kenneth Oregon Telco Oregon Telco Courtesy CourtesyJanitorial Janitorial Building Maintenance Building Maintenance F Delorme, Anna Delorme, Anna Elliott, Charlotte F Davis, Chiffon Davis, Chiffon 1/87 1/87 9/86 9/86 Portland Teachers Portland Teachers Credit Credit Union Union Accounting H Accounting Davis, Silas Silas Davis, 11/866 11/8 Federal Express Federal Express Sales Sales F Danner, Dana Danner, Dana 12/8 66 12/8 F Cox, Sandra Cox, Sandra Skanner Skanner F Cotton, Barbara Cotton, Barbara Clerical Clerical 9/86 9/86 12/8 6 12/86 Urban League Urban League Highway Road Highway Road Department Department Unskilled Labor Labor H Unskilled Cornelius, Michael Cornelius, Michael 8/86 8/86 Counseling Counseling Portland School Portland School District District Building Maintenance Maintenance H Building 12/8 66 12/8 Reed Reed College College Coppege, DaJnien Coppege, Dainien Data Entry Data Entry F Coleman, Barbara Coleman, Barbara 11/866 11/8 Consolidated Freightway Consolidated Freightway 9/86 9/86 Genstar Lumber Genstar Lumber Accounting Accounting F Carroll, Nettle Carroll, Nettle 9/86 9/86 Colmithia River Columbia River Furn Furn H Carr, William Carr, William Carpentry Carpentry F 1/87 1/87 MONTH MONTh U.S. Bank U.S. Bank COMPANY Clerical Clerical OCCUPATIONAL 1REA AREA SEX OCCUPATIONAL Carney, Sheila Sheila Carney, NAME NA1U APPLICA}ITS PLACED APPLICANTS PLACED FrontJuly July 1, 1, 1986 to April From 1986 to April 30, 30,1987 1987 F F H H F H H Warehouse harris, Tracy Harris, Tracy Hart, Jacgue1ine Hart, Jacqueline Hart, Paul Hart, Paul henderson, Anthony Henderson, Anthony Hicks, Zelda hicks, Zelda Ilimes, Willie Hines, Willie Howard, Nathan Howard, 4/87 4/87 3/87 3/87 Oregon Teleco Teleco Oregon McDonalds Nabisco Nabisco Oregon State Adult Oregon State Adult & & Family Family Services Services Buck Buck Medical Medical Clerical Clerical Fast Foods Fast Foods Warehouse Clerical Clerical Driver Driver 9/86 9/86 9/86 9/86 2/87 2/87 U.S. Postal Service Service U.S. Postal Miller Brand Miller Brand Ilalton Tractor Ilalton Tractor Warehouse H H Warehouse Johnson, Johnny Johnson, Johnny Johnson, Joimson, Johnny, Johnny,Jr. Jr. 10/86 iO/8(; 3/87 3/87 10/86 10/86 Hail Sorter Mail Sorter Halton Tractor ilalton Tractor U.L. Leap Program Program UL. Leap F M H Janitorial Janitorial F Red Lion Red Lion Inn Inn 3/87 3/87 American National National Insurance American InsuranceCompany Company Kitchen ilcip Kitchen Help 8/86 8/86 Roadway 4/87 4/87 H Sales Sales Intake Person Intake Person 2/87 2/87 Northwest Securities Northwest Securities Clerical Clerical 3/87 3/87 Consolidated Consolidated Freight Freight Accountant Accountant 11/8 11/866 3/87 3/87 2/87 2/87 3/86 3/86 9/86 9/86 11/87 11/87 MOiffli MONTH Ibang, Charles Charles Ibang, Izuagie, Junko Izuagie, Junko Jackson, David Jackson, David Jimmeron, Ronnie Jimmcron, Ronnie Johnson, Delia Johnson, Delia H H Harris, Nigel Harris, Nigel C.A.S.A. C.A.S.A. Clerical Clerical F Harris, Latrenoa Harris, Latrenoa Popeyes Popeyes Fast Foods Foods Fast H Harris, Franklin Harris, Franklin Nationwide Nationwide Insurance Insurance F Guyton, Guyton, Lissa Lissa Loamis Loomis Security Security H Gulledge, Randall Gulledge, Randall Clerical Clerical F Burger Burger King King CO}1PA1Y COMPANY Fast Foods Fast Foods SEX sEx OCCUPATIONAL OCCJPATIONAL AREA AREA Gates, Tyra Gates, Tyra NAHE APPLICANT APPIJCA1fl PLACED FromJuly July1, 1, 1986 1986to to April 2pril 30, From 30,1987 1987 Nordstroms Nordstroms Nudelman's Nudelman's Heier & Heier & Frank Frank Clerk Stock Clerk H Stock Sales Clerk Sales Clerk Sales Sales Kennedy, Kennedy, Darren H F Machinist H Machinist Hay, Hay, Larry Larry HcMillan, Mary HcMillan, Mary Mitchell, Freddie Mitchell, Freddie Bonneville_Power_Adinistra3/ U.S. Post U.S. Post Office Office Housing Authority Authority Housing H F H Sales H Sales Labor Unskilled Labor H Unskilled Janitorial H Janitorial UacoiLe, UacoiLc,Jesse Jccc Norris, Norris, Alice Alice Orr, Orr, Anthony Anthony Paris, John Paris, John Par-ta, William Parta, William Peterson, Derrick Peterson, Derrick Burger King Burger King Fast Food Fast Food HoneywellSecurity Security Honeywell Avtec Electric Electric Avtec Indoor Billboards Indoor Billboards Accounting Accounting Unskilled Labor Un5kiilcd Labor Dorenbecker Hospital Hospital Dorenbecker Clerical Clerical F Murray, Murray, Thalia Thalia Care Unit Unit Hospital Care Hospital F Hundorff, Sharan Hundorff, Sharan Housekeeping Housekeeping F Hontgomery, Rita Montgomery, Rita Lockport Lockport Halton Tractor Tractor Halton Penwalt Corp. Penwalt Corp. Accounting Accounting Consolidated Freightways Consolidated Freightways Benjamin Franklin Franklin Benjamin Pacific Power Light Pacific Power & & Light Aclniinistrative Administrative 12/86 12/86 12/87 12/87 2/87 2/87 10/87 10/87 4/87 4/87 HONIH MONTH 8/86 8/86 12/86 12/86 9/86 9/86 7/86 7/86 9/86 9/86 1/87 1/87 9/86 9/86 2/87 2/87 8/86 8/86 4/87 4/87 8/86 8/86 5/87 5/87 ii76 8/86 8/86 Bonneville Power_Adininistra____.3/8 Computer Operator Computer Operator Accounting Accounting H Haxie, Roy Maxie, Roy Personnel Personnel Director Director HDraftsman Draftsman H Lewis, Ronald Lewis, Ronald F F Lainpkin, Yolanda Lampkin, Yolanda Linton, inton, Coni Coni F Kennedy Karol Kennedy Karol ColuEbia College College ColuEbia Clerical Clerical F Jones, Queen Jones, Queen Nuclelman's Nudelman's Sales Sales COHP1NY COMPANY H SEX OCCUPATIONAL OCCUPATIONALAREA. AREA NME NIHE Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Thomas APPLICANTS PL2CED APPLICANTS PLACED FromJuly July 1, From 1, 1986 1986 to to April April 30, 30, 1987 1987 fl 10/8 6 10/8 6 10/8 6 2/87 4/87 8/86 10/06 3/87 2/86 U.S. Postal Service Safeway Oregon Telco Heier & Frank Heier & Frank Heier & Frank Meier U.S. Bancorp Halton Supplyways Beneficial Finance LIEAP Urban League Buck Medical Center Housing Authority Mail Sorter Hail Cashier/Clerk Receptionist Sales Sales Sales Clerk Clerical Clerical Fast Foods Fast Foods Buidling Maintenance Driver Clerical Clerical Clerical Clerical H M F F F F F F F H M H H H F F F F H Fast Food Porter, Bill Pryor, Sheila Redmond, Cathy Robinson, Hester Robinson, Carol Robinson, Celeste Sanders, Veronica Scott, Karen Scott, Steve Seaterry, Nathan Seaberry, Seawood, Ronny Si]ninons, Ronald Ronald Simmons, Simi, Cherry Simms, Cherry Smith, Etta Smith, Mabel Stephens, Bertie Stewart, Tracy 1/87 1/87 Washington's Window Washing Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant 1/87 12/8 6 7/86 12/86 1/87 McDonalds McDonalds 1/87 Urban League Administrative F Pittnian, Edna Edna Pittman, 10/8 6 OR Medical Center Counseling H Pham, Dan Phani, Dan T. 8/86 HAflCII MARCh Secretarial Hultnomah County Service Center Multnomah COMPANY F OCCUPATIONAL AflEA AREA SEX EX OCCUPATIONAL Petett, Annette NAME 2PPLICANTh PLACED PL2CED APPLICANTh Front July From July 1, 1, 1986 1986 to to April April 30, 1987 1987 Portland Private Industry Council Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant LIEAP Urban League Port of Portland Nordstroms Crews Construction Federal Express Unskilled Labor Unskilled Labor Lator Clerical Auditor Fast Foods F H F F H H Sales Sales Construction H Construction Haterial Handler Handler H Material Taylor, Rose Taylor, Tayvies, Jermaine Jennaine Tayvies, Thrower, Edith Thrower, Todd, Floria Tucker. Tucker, Gus Tucker, Walter Vaughn, Vaughn, Sara Sam Walden, Bryan Nordstroms Nordstroms P.C.C. Sales H Sales Clerical H Clerical Weatherly, Ron We ems , David Weeins, David Supplyways Supplyways Electrician Program F H Warehouse Warehouse Electrician Apprentice Apprentice H Electrician WllaIn3, I)'Anna Williams, I)'Anna Williams, Johnny Williams, Roosevelt Mcier Meler & Frank Supplyways Supplyways H Driver Driver Warren, Ji]mie Jimmie Clerical Federal Express Haterial Handler Handler H Material Walker, James Heinorial Coliseum Coliseum Memorial F Walker, Debra Clerical 1/87 P.C.C. Clerical Clerical F Taylor, Taylor, Ella Burger Kinq King Burqer 1/87 P.C.C. Clerical F Taylor, Taylor, Elizabeth 8/85 8/86 3/87 10/86 10/86 3/87 2/87 2/87 2/87 2/87 10/8 6 2/87 4/87 3/87 1/87 3/87 10/8 10/8 66 1/87 1/87 1/87 9/86 Viscount Hotel Haintenance Building Maintenance H 4/87 Taylor, Taylor, Alvin Shell Oil Company MARCH HRCII Customer Service COMPANY H 2REA OCCUPATIONAL AREA SEX OCCIJPATIONAL Tarrant, Tarrant, Michael N]\HE NAME APPLICANL PLACED APPLICAN1 From July 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 Taco Taco Bell Bell Housing Authority of Portland JIouing Authority of Portland Fast Foods Fast Foods Secretarial Secretarial F F Woods, Evelyn Evelyn Woods, Urban Urban League Woods, Lacinda Lacinda Woods, // COMPANY F Clerical Clerical OCCIJPATIONAL AREA SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA Windhain-Williams, Gloria Gloria Windhain-Williams, ITAME NAME APPLIC11T2., PLACED APPLIC1JT2., PLACED From 1986 to April 30, 30, 1987 1987 FromJuly July1, 1, 1986 to April 8/86 1/87 1/87 9/86 9/86 MARCH NUMBER 8 11 16 17 7 99 19 12 13 14 HONTU 7/86 8/86 9/86 10/86 11/86 12/86 1/87 2/87 3/87 4/87 APPLICCS PL7CED APPLICA S PLACED From July Froni July 1, 1, 1986 1986 to to April April 30, 30, 1987 1987 NON-PROFESSIONAL 100 PROFESSIONAL 22 July 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 Froni ADULT APPLICANTS APPLICARTS PLACED BY OCCUPATIONAL AREA - YOtIIARPLILTS YOtH PPLILS PLACED PLACED Indoor Billboards Washington Park Zoo U.S. Postal Service McDonalds Clerical Trainee Fast Foods Fast Foods Fast Foods Cashier Fast Foods Training Kitchen Helper Fast Foods F H H II H H F F H H Unskilled Labor Fast Foods H H Unskilled Labor Fast Foods F H H H H Dixon, Rochelle Gates, Hichael Michael Gates, Tyra harris, Franklin Harris, Hichael hartley, Michael hicks, Lucious hill, 11111, Jerry Jerry Jones, George Lampkin, Yolanda Moppett, Hoppett, Frances Nacoste, Jesse Parks, Deron Porta, Willia]n Porta, William Scott, Steve Scabcrry, Nathan Scaberry, Jeriaine Tayvies, Jermaine Tucker, Gus Fast Foods Sales Clerk Sales Clerk Unskilled Labor H Cornelius, Michael Burçjer King Burger King Will, Evelyn & Rene's Restaurant McDonalds HcDonalds Heier & Frank Ftank Heier & Frank Meier Portland Private Industry Council Burger King Zoo Burger King Popeyes Burger King 1/87 1/87 1/87 12/8 6 12/86 3/87 1/87 12/86 12/8 12/8 6 3/87 5/87 3/87 12/8 12/8 66 2/87 11/86 10/86 10/8 6 3/87 University of Portland P.l.0 C. P.I.CC. 12/86 12/8 6 1/87 1/87 MONTh 1/87 Highway Road Department U.S. Bank Clerical F Burger King Sheila Carney, Shelia Fast Foods iiIIii1yn && Renee's Renee's Restaurant Restaurant iIII71yn COMPANY H SEX OCCUPATIONAL AREA 2REA O.J. Training F 0.3. From July 1, 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 Boyd, Maurice Haurice brown, Areatha NME NAME I Sales - 3 Unskilled Trainee - 6 Clerical - 2 University of Portland - 1 P.P.I.C. - 2 Indoor Billboards - 1 U.S. Bank - 1 Burger King - 5 Highway Road Dept. - 1 Meier & Frank - 2 Nordstroms Nordstrons - 1 Popeyes - 1 Metro (Zoo) - 2 U.S. Postal Service -- 11 Evelyn Ren&s Rest. Evelyn && Rene's Rest. - 2 Fast Foods - 11 OCCUPATIONAL AREAS #6 McDonalds - 2 EMPLOYERS #10 IYOUTH YOUTh FILES/AP FILES/AF ICANTS PLACED FROM July 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 t(IIJ METRO !' 2000 SW. SW. FkSt First Avenue 2O Portland, OR 97201-5398 503/221-1646 fP Th 1es 1e67 U!N LEAGUE OF PORTtJD April 21, 1987 MetroCouncil Metro Council Richard Waker PresidinOfflcer Presiding Officer District z2 Herb Cawthorne, Director Urban League of Portland Urban Plaza 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 Jim Gardner DeputyPresiding Deputy Presiding Officer Dear Mr. Cawthorne: District 3 MikeRagsdate Mike Ragsdate District District 1I Corky Kirkpatrick District 4 District4 ToDeJardin Ta )eJardin 15 Geure Van Bergen Distrsct66 Distrsct SharronKelley Sharron Kelley District 7 Mike Bonner District 8 TanyaCollier Tanya Collier District 9 Larry Cooper LarryCooper District 10 10 District David Knowles DavidKnowles District 11 GaryHansen Gary Hansen District 12 ExecutiveOuuicer Executive Officer Rena Cusma I am writing you to give my appreciation for the assistance METRO has received from Nancy Harding at the Urban League. She has been working with me on recruiting for job openings at METRO. Recently we placed one of Nancy's referrals, Barbara Williams-Wager, as the personnel secretary for METRO. Barbara started working with us on April 8th. She has excellent qualifications and we are very pleased to have her working with us. Nancy has been helpful in other ways. Last month she coordinated a recruitment with us for peoDle, people, primarily students, for summer jobs at the Zoo. She also set-up a meeting with prospective applicants to meet with METRO's staff to discuss the application procedure and the type of jobs available at the Zoo. Nancy has been our main contact at the Urban League for employment needs. We try to notify her in advance of job openings to give her additional time to look for applicants. The Urban League performs a valuable service not only to those seeking jobs, but to the employers who need assistance in the minority recruitment. I hope you are able to strengthen this service in the future. If I can be of any help in this process, please let me know. Also, please let Nancy know that her work is appreciated. rely, Se-ç rely, andy 30 se Personnel Officer ti:nii LIII TheUrbanLeagueofFortland URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street (503) 280-2600 Porfland Oregon 97227 Portland Herb L. Cawthorne Chief Executive Officer May 6, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors From: Herb L. Cawthorne The Aging Services Division periodically monitors our Aging Aging Services Services Program Program and and II ama am attaching attaching their second stage evaluation dated April 15, 1987. Also attached is our response indicating the corrective measures being instituted. OEDfl ULTflDH CDUflT½' CDUflT DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING SERVICES DIVISION A0MINISTRATIVE OFFICES ,ADMINISTRA11VE OFFICES 426 SW. STARK, 5TH FLOOR PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 (503) (503) 248-3646 248-3646 BOA1RD OF BOA1RD OF COUNTY COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS COMMSSONERS CHAIR OF THE BOARD GLADYS MCCOY GLADYS McCOY PAULINE ANDERSON ANDERSON DISTRICT 1 COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 22 COMMISSICNER DISTRICT COMMISSCNER GRETCHEN KAFOURY DISTRICT3 COMMISSIONER DISTRICT3COMMISSCNER CAROLINE MILLER DISTRICT 4 COMMISSIONER DISTRICT4COMMISSICNER POLLY CASTERLINE POLLYCASTERLINE April 15, 1987 Joe Payt.on Payton Joe Urban Urban League League of of Portland RussellSt.reet. Street 10 N. Russell 10 Portland, OR 97227 . Dear Joe: to t.he the issues responding t.o issues acknowledge your your memo memo of of February February 27, 1987 responding This is t.o to acknowledge ident.ified in our our assessment assessment. report report.for for corrective corrective action. action. identified in Urban League League in in what. what we had We raised raised several severalconcerns concernsabout. aboutt.he the operat.ions operations at at Urban are disappoint.ed disappointed to tofind findt.hat. that hoped t.o hoped to be be aa constructive constructive communicat.ion. communication. We are issues raised raisedin int.he the assessment. assessment report.. report. your your memo memo is is not. not responsive responsive t.o to several several issues supplement.ary request supplementary For t.he For the record record we are are responding respondingt.o to your your comment.s. comments. We regues action is is indicat.ed. indicated. corrective action response by Urban Urban League League where where addit.ional additional corrective response by 1. of recording of of service service provided provided and and reporting Procedures for accurat.e accurate recording service hours service hours for for Payment.. payment. to ensure ensure The procedures procedures out.lined outlined in your your response response are are aporopriat.e appropriate st.eps steps to reported for for payment.. payment. accuracy in accuracy in your your document.ation documentation of service service hours reported he sampled sampled reiiewed only the Your Urban League reviewed Your response response indicates t.hat that Urban records and anddoes doesnot notindicat.e indicateifift.he documentation for records for service hours corrected report.s reports reported report.ed since since July, July, 1986 1986 have have been been reviewed reviewed and correct.ed In order task, Urban Urban League order to to complet.e complete t.his this task, League submitted as submit.t.ed as appropriate. appropriat.e. client reported reported as needs t.o to review the source documentation for for each each client. needs review t.he source served served under under OPI, OPI, case case management. management and and short-term shor-Lerm intervention. For each outlining for for each each service service mont.h since month since July, July, aa summary summary should should be be prepared prepared out.lining correct.ed hours of of service service report.ed, reported, actual act.ual hours hours of of service service documented, documented, corrected he cumulative cumulative report.3 reports made t.o hours of of service, service,and andnet. net adjustment.s adjustments t.o to be to the hours be made year-to-date. yea r-t.o-dat.e. Joe Payton Payton Joe April 15, 1987 Page 2 It may very well turn out that your staff have under-reported. The correction should be submitted so that there are no discrepancies between what is reported and what is documented. When a report is submitted monthly by Urban League, the signator gives assurance that the hours The information in in your your reported for payment are accurate and documented. response does not provide that assurance. 2. Inappropriate inclusion of I&R service as Short-Term Intervention. (The reference reference to to form form 104 104 in in this this section section was was aa typographical typographical error. error. (The should have have stated stated form form 105.) 105.) should It Short-Term documenting Short-Term The procedures outlined in your response to documenting However, the point of this corrective Intervention are appropriate. is action item is that assisting clients by completing intake forms is specifications defined as I&R service in the Request for Proposal service specifications Assistance provided to older persons with Silver (page 12, March, 1986). It is a short-term Passport (discount card) is such an assistance. and thus may service, but it does not require skilled case work assistance and not be reimbursed reimbursed as as Short-Term Short-Term Intervention. Intervention. ( Short-Term Intervention, Intervention, ASD staff did lient files for Short-Term In reviewing reviewing your your ölient In that required case case work not observe documentation documentation of of client client needs needs that required assistance such such as as in-home in-home assessment, assessment, crisis crisis intervention, intervention, or or assistance counseling. The 105 in these files were Xerox copies of standard entry describing the completion of Silver Passport application. The urban Urban League's misinterpretation of Short-Term Intervention misses the This error should be corrected intended use for this service category. The corrections should result in a submission of without further delay. revised report(s) deleting these service Units units from Short-Term Intervention and inclusion in I&R. 3. appropriate case case plans. supervision and training Supervision training to to ensure ensure devélooment development of of appropriate We did not state nor intend to imply that no supervision is taking place needs, We made the observation in which the summary of of needs, at Urban League. complexity and severity complexity and severity goals, and service strategies did not reflect the our point is that supervision and of problems described described in in the the narrative, narrative. Our Your statement that rnore training should address this apparent gap. your careful supervision may need to be provided... describes the same It appears that we are in agreement, and we will expect Urban concern. League to take appropriate steps in this regard. / Joe Payt.on Joe Payton April 15, 1987 page 3 Page 4. Written Writ.t.enconsent consentfor for client client.information informat.iondisclosures. disclosures. According t.o to our our records, records, Urban Urban League League has has had had aa form form and and procedures procedures since since t.o provide writt.en consent. for informat.ion April, 1986 for clients to provide written consent for information April, 1986 for client.s disclosure. We are concerned that you did not implement your procedures We are are also also concerned concerned that that you you have have had had concerns concerns which which you you We until October. Oct.ober. have not. not brought have brought. to to our our attention at.tent.ionabout abouthow how to t.ohandle handle instances inst.ancesin in which which t.o disclosurenecessary necessary for for case case rnanagemen management. some clients refuse to consent. consent to disclosure some client.s refuse to and service delivery. delivery. We have ot.her when client. are have had had similar similarquestions questionsfrom from otherDist.rict. District Cent.ers Centers when client are We have have provided provided t.echnical technical assist.ance assistance on reluctant or reluct.ant. or refuse refuse to to consent.. consent. ways t.o to handle handle such such cases, and and we we are are available availablet.o to assist. assist Urban Urban League League upon request.. upon request. 5. The role of "primary should be be "primary case case manager" manager" by by Urban Urban League League st.aff staff should strengthened, r enqt.hened. s When informat.ion in case case records records and and descriptions descriptions by by case case managers managers information in indicate indicate that. that event.s events in in clients' client.s' situations sit.uat.ionsoften oft.entook tookover over before before the the have some cause for for case manager ident.ified t.he cent.ral problems, we have some case manager identified the central problems, we passively and concern that. concern that the t.hecase case managers managers are are approaching approaching their their t.asks tasks passively The vulnerable elderly who are may not may notbebe"on "ont.op" top"ofof t.he thesi-t.uat.ion. situation. likely t.o likely to need need case case management management.require require and and deserve deserve case case managers managers who can can act.ively seek seek needed needed information information from from all all possible possible sources, sources, identify identify actively problems, develop problems, develop st.rategies strategies and initiate initiate int.ervention intervention before before problems problems become crises. (. is that that The concern identified identified regarding regarding Urban Urban League's League's case case management. management is attitude is Proactive is the the key key t.he service service is is approached approached t.00 passively. Proactive the too passively. This element appears to be This element. appears t.o be element element. in in the t.herole roleof ofprimary primary case case manager. manager. The that.supervision supervision is is not not The issue issue is is not. notthat lacking Urban League. League. lacking at. at Urban provided or monthly st.affings are nott.aking place. We are provided or that. that monthly staffings are nottaking place. available supervision supervision and and staffings staffings be be used used more more suggesting that available suggesting t.ha effect.ively t.ocorrect correct.a aweakness weakness in in your your case case management.. effectively to management. is appropriat.eor. or. necessary necessary is your statement that corrective isisnot Your stat.ement. t.hat. correct.iveaction act.ion notappropriate Supervision and staffings should be used to improve case acceDtable. not acceptable. management service. management. service. 6. Procedures for handling handling incoming incoming calls calls need need t.o to be be clarified clarified or or inDroved. imDroved. complaints from from UrbanLeague League had had not not.received received prior prior complaints It may may be be correct. correct t.hat. that Urban I other other agencies agencies and and ASD ASDabout aboutdifficult.ies difficultieswit.h with t.imely timely correction correction t.o to The mention The mention in in t.he the ASD ASD assessment. assessment report. report should should be be appropriate appropriat.e st.aff. staff. Regardless Regardlessof ofwhet.her whether t.he the complaint. complaint is considered as considered as such such aa complaint.. complaint. issue to to be be received for fort.he the first. first t.irie time or received or not, not.,wewewould would want want.the the issue addressed. r- Joe Payton April 15, 1987 April Page 4 by urban Urban League The response needed here was a description of steps seeps taken by telephone connection for all to make sure there was a simple and speedy telephone incoming calls and and to to ensure ensure that that problems problems do do not not continue. continue. We will send to to agencies expect to receive a copy of the communication you plan plan to to send We telephone. We and clients on how to access Urban League's services by telephone. used for this will also appreciate the mailing list will list of of agencies agencies you you used for this technical However, we recommend you also consider improved technical purpose. backup staff staff capabilities to assure answering of capabilities of calls calls by by aa responsible responsible backup member or receptionist. 7. intakes, case Clear internal procedures must be established for intakes, assignments, and tracking individual caseloads. team the ASD ASD assessment assessment team There was confusion confusion on on the the part part of of both both members members of of the about Urban Urban League's League's procedures procedures on on above above matters. matters. This was because the about from your infcrmation from team received confusing and sometimes contradictory infcrrnation staff. staff. The issue is not only that Urban League have clear procedures but also these procedures and can that your staff have a common understanding of these operate under them. When there is evidence that there is confusion among have reason reason to to believe believe that staff about how the agency should operate, we have Supervisory functions should be procedures may not be followed. fo1loi agency strengthened to make sure that the staff are informed and follow procedures that used by staff do not Procedures that are are not not understood understood or orused procedures. have much value. LILi 8. Urban League must take immediate steps to assess its role in the communit Point for senior services. At a and and take take appropriate appropriate action action as as aa Focal Focal Point and interested in senior minimum, minimum, key key groups groups and and individuals individuals concerned concerned and community issues and needs. services should be contacted to identify community developed to achieve community Short-term and long-range plans should be developed what aétion will be taken by Urban Urban what services services are are needed, needed, what consensus on what Urban League, and and acceptable acceptable methods methods for for regular regular communication between urban League, A copy copy of of aa written wrien action action plan plan League League and and key key individuals individuals and and groups. groups. reports on periodic progress progress reports should be forwarded to ASD and followed by periodic outcomes. quoted above above from from our our report report Cur concerns regarding this issue as qubted cur have heard at the We suggest that we discuss the complaints we continues. scheduled scheduled meeting meeting on on April April 20 20 at at 1:30. 1:30. Please call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mcconnell (>urn McConnell Director Director The Urban League of Portland URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russefl Russell Street (503) 280-2600 Portland, Oregon 97227 97227 Herb L. Cawthorne Chiel Execu'ie Chiel Execuve Officer Officer May 1, 1987 Mr. Jim McConnell, Director Multnomah County Aging Scrvice Scrvice Division Division Administration Offices Officcs 426 SW Stark, 5th Floor Portland, Oregon 97204 Dear Jim: This letter is in response rcsponsc to your acknowledgement acknowlcdgcment of our memo of February 27, 1987. As a result of your meeting mceting with the Urban League President, the subsequent dialogue between bctween myself and June Schumann and the combined effort of the Urban League Senior Scrvices staff, the following steps arc being taken: Services 1. 1. Procedures for accurate recording recording of of service service provided provided and and reDorting reporting of service hours for payment. Urban League Leaguc Senior Service staff is in the process of reviewing the source documentation for each client reported as served scrvcd under OPI, case management, and shortterm tcrm intervention. intcrvention. This will cover the period from July 1, 1986 through October C 31, 1986. In addition a summary will be prepared prcparcd outlining for each service, scrvice, hours of service reported, reportcd, actual hours of service scrvicc documented, documentcd, corrected hours of service, and net adjustment to be made to the cumulative reports year-to-date. 2. Inappropriate inclusion of I & R service as short-term intervention. The Urban League will submit revised reviscd reports rcports deleting Silver Saver Passport service units from short-term intervention and include them appropriately in Information & Referral. 3. Supervision and training to ensurc ensure development development of of apDropriate appropriate case plans. The Urban League Leaguc will take appropriate steps to provide more careful supervision, and focus training on case casc planning and other othcr documentation. stcps will include a series of ongoing training sessions on the following These steps activities: plan": "The purpose of the case plan't: The elements Thc cicmcnts of the thc case plan (including timclines); The clients role; rolc; c. The role rolc of the case casc manager; managcr; d. Inclusions of outside outsidc and othcr resources; rcsources; Dcvelopment of alternatives; alternativcs; e. Development a. b. Mr. Jim McConnell Page 2 2. Implementation of the case plan; 3. Success of the initial plan (success indicators); 4. Case review. This training will be provided by the case management supervisor. Monthly reviews of case files will be conducted by the case management supervisor on a percentage of each case manager case load. 4. 4. Written consent for client disclosures. The appropriate procedure is currently in place. In instances where case technical managers may meet with resistance, the Urban League will request technical assistance. 5. The role of "primary "ørimary case manager" by Urban League Staff should be strengthened. The Urban League appreciates the identification of the possibility of "passive attitudes" regarding its clients, and for aa more more proactive proactive and will will stress stress the the -need need for attitude among all staff. Supervision and staffings will be used more effectively to reinforce case management and to address any weaknesses. This will be accomplished by the following: 1. A series of discussions on establishing and maintaining a leadership role in case management, i.e. identifying areas that need other resources or other agency involvement and providing clear direction on what that involvement should deal with; 2. Completingaa needs needs assessment assessment which which is is holistic holistic in in nature nature and identifies all 2. Completing areas of client's situation which might develop into a crisis; 3. 3. 6. (_ Developing a case plan which includes alternative intervention which will deal with those identified possibilities. Procedures for hand1in handling incoming incoming calls calls need need to be clarified or improved. Procedures for The Urban League will provide ASD with a complete description of the steps we arc taking to correct this problem. A copy of our communication to clients and agencies on how to access Urban League services by telephone will be submitted to ASD, including the mailing list list of of agencies agencies sent sent to. to. Your recommendation that Urban League consider improved improved technical technical capabilities capabilities of of this this system systemisis currently being considered. Mr. Jim McConncll McConnell Page 3 The Urban League is currently involved in co-planning with the thc North Unit of ASD around a mutually compatible telephone tcicphonc system which will serve both entities. Mcctings are arc scheduled with Milt Mill Peterson and a representative from the County Meetings phone system with the intent to provide a less complex but viable system which will accommodate our communication needs. 7. 7. Clear internal procedures must be established for intakes, case assignments, and tracking individual case loads. Although Urban League feels confident that the internal procedures for intakes, assignmcnts, and tracking individual case loads is very adequate, we do case assignments, recognize and appreciate your identification identification of:the ofthe need need to to insure insure that these Appropriate steps steps will will be be procedures are thoroughly understood by all staff. Appropriate taken to eliminate this problem. This will include: 8. 3. 1. Re-orientation of intake procedures; procedures; 2. casc assignments; Re-orientation of the process for case 3. Procedural steps in the above will be provided in writing to all staff to be kept in a procedure manual; 4. The supervisor will maintain a case assignment log - which will include individual case loads, and additions or deletion as they occur. Urban League must take immediate steps to assess its role in the community and take appropriate action as a Focal Point for senior services. The Urban League of Portland appreciates the recommendation for a stronger leadership role as a Focal Point for senior services. Given the magnitude of the many problems faced by Northeast senior residents, the need for continual community assessment and participation is crucial. Toward this end, the Urban Leaguc will design a community relations League relations program program that that will will assist assist staff staff in in gathering more information about senior needs and attitudes. The steps will include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Stronger coordination of Advisory Committee; 2. A comprehensive attitudinal survey; survey; 3. A series of community meetings; 4. A public information campaign; 5. coordinatc existing services in other A more aggressive effort to coordinate agencies and community programs; 6. A more active representation of senior staff at community meetings, events, etc. Mr. Jim McConnell Page 4 The commitment of the Urban League to stronger services for seniors is represented representcd by the organization's planning for a quality space and extended activities. This promotcd to the community as aggressively as it will positive message has not been promoted be in the months to come. The criticisms which have been directed at the Urban League will be minimized rninimizcd considerably when more people are aware of the detailed Urban league league agrees agrees with withthis thisrecommenrecomnenplans which have taken place. In short, the Urban dation and has already begun to execute exccute the steps to respond appropriately. The Urban League would like to express our appreciation to the ASD for your valuable Welook lookforward forward to to continuing continuing this this positive positive relationrelationassistance and and understanding. understanding. We ship, and welcome the constructive advice that you provide. Sincerely, oe Payton, Director Adult & Senior Services JP:mlw/db () IT c © LET URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND PE PI URBAN North RusseH Street Portland, URBAN PLAZA PLAZA10 lONorthRusseHStreet OR. 97227 PortlandOR97227 April 20, 1987 © © Mr. Douglas C. Strain Fern Hill Road Rt. 1, Box 19-D Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 Dear Doug: On behalf of the Urban Urban League League of of Portland Portlandand andthe thepeople people it serves, I express our deepest appreciation for your kind kind gesture gesture on behalf of your yourfather, father, Clayton Clayton Strain. Strain. The Urban League has received many thoughtful gifts of late. late. But this this isis particuparticularly special because it makes us partners in the memory of your father and the continuation of his work. As one reviews the highlights of the past 94 years, it becomes clear that the elder Mr. Strain achieved great great success success against equally great odds. The standard and challenges he leaves to us is reflected well in Langston Hughes' poem, "Mother To Son." It might well have been titled "Father to to Son Son . to Daughter.' MOTHER TO SON Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor -- Bare. But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on, And reachin' landin's, And turnin' corners, And sometimes goin' in the dark Where there ain't been no light. So, boy, don't you turn back. Don't you set down on the steps 'Cause you finds it kinder hard. Don't you fall now -For I'se still goin', honey, I'se still climbin', And life for me ain't been so crystal stair. Mr. Douglas C. Strain April 20, 1987 Page 2 This is the spirit with which the Urban League of Portland accepts and acknowledges your meaningful contribution of 422 shares of ESI stock. Moreover, the Urban League accepts the challenge to continue to do better those things which must be done to insure that our community does not endure the divisions and tensions which have characterized the racial relations in so many other metropolitan communities. Thank you again for sharing with us the fruits of your father's productive life. In spirit, we will live up to his high ideals. In reality, we will continue his work. Warmest eg ds, . Cawthorne, President and Chief Executive Officer Herb HLC/bp Ii ... - - . PACIFIC PACIFIC POWER POWER 920 SW. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 243-1 122) r\PR 27 fPR 27 1987 April 23, 1987 Herb Cawthorne President Urban League of Portland 10 N. Russell 97227 Portland, OR Dear Mr. Cawthorne: I have rarely heard such a powerful Well, I'm impressed! speaker, and such a moving speech. Thank you so much for coming to Pacific Power last week to talk about the Urban League and the many areas where people can help. I have heard nothing but good comments since the meeting; I hope some of those comments turn into volunteers for you. It was a pleasure meeting you! cTY71UJ( cTY71J( Jan Mitchell Communi cations department department Communications cc: Jack Vogel 'I ( r s:i r T.' ", , ';;- ._"-i.7 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND URBAN PLAZA North RussellStreet Street URBAN PLAZA 10 10 North Russell Portlanc, OR. Portlanc, OR. 97227 97227 May 5, 1987 Mr. Paul E. Bragdon, President Reed College 3203 S.E. Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202 Dear Paul: Thank you for your kind letter of May 4, discussing the painful trauma trauma which whichenengulfed the Reed campus recently. While I am one who believes that the institution should divest its holdings in companies companies doing doing business business with with South South Africa, Africa, it was was clear nevertheless that your explanation was a cogent refection of the difficulty the "occupation" presented to the administration. I appreciated that very much and felt that your sober sober discussion discussion could could not nothelp helpbut but put the best face on on aa very very troubling situation. ( Recently, I had a very good discussion with Arlene Schnitzer, a member of your Board, and her husband, Harold, aa member member of of the the Lewis Lewis and and Clark Clark Board. Board. 1 explained to them why I thought divestment was so important. It is my strong belief, after numerous conversations and much reading, that the pressure from economic withdrawal of American funds is the most powerful powerful means meansby bywhich which to bring about change in South African society. Decisive action now also sets the stage for America to have an influence on the the "political "political environment" environment"that thatemerges emergesafter afterapartheid apartheidisisdisdismantled. If we continue to hold fast to the argument that American corporations represent a thread of hope and "upward mobility" for blacks in that troubled country, country, we will not move quickly enough. Consequently, when the revolution comes, as surely it must, America's hand hand of of goodwill goodwill will willbe bebloodstained bloodstainedand andthe thenew newpolitical politicalleaderleadership will not be able to embrace America's vision for democracy. Having fought not only apartheid but America's complicity complicity in in it, it, the the people people will will despise despise all all that is American and the new leadership will have to turn toward the communist bloc for moral and financial support. Our nation's position for the future development of aa just society in South Africa lies in the balance of the decisions made by hundreds of boards and commissions throughout this country with regard to South African investment. Both Arl9ne andHarold Haroldfound foundmy my arguments arguments intriguing, at least. Arinc and lcast. I hope you find them useful. Cordialj -I- urs, Herb L. Cawthornc, Cawthorne, President and Chief Chicf Executive Officer HLC/bp E ED CO L LEG E Jrt/im Prt/dm O1't'T()/! O1't'T()!! ()2O (r20 May 12, 1987 MAY11987 Mr. Herb L. Cawthorne, Chief Executive Officer Urban League of Portland Urban Plaza, 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Dear Herb: I appreciated your thoughtful letter with respect to South Africa and apartheid. As you would expect,! I have been following events in South Africa and the various strategies proposed to help end apartheid more carefully than most citizens. I often find myself exercising imagination to to place place myself myself in in aa policy-making my imagination policy-making position position in government or a multinational multinational organization organization and and wondering wondering how how II would orchestrate the pressures to help bring about needed change --and to do my best to do so in such a way as to minimize the prospect of employment of even more brutal repressive force by the South African Government, on the one hand, or bringing about longrun social and economic chaos in most of southern Africa, on the other hand. It would be an awesome responsibilityl Personally, I think that our own government government is is one one of of many many which which have have not not disdistinguished themselves in in trying trying to to orchestrate orchestrate effective effective prespressures. The impression in many quarters, including South African officialdom, unfortunately, is that there has been no heart or conviction in our efforts. In part, the impression of passivity and indifference is no doubt created by the exacerbation under the present Administration of inequities, injustice and significant social and economic problems right here in the United States. I am aware that a good part of our civil rights movement, in whose company I like to find myself, has committed itself to divestment and corporate withdrawal as strategies to combat apartheid. This advocacy has certainly helped place apartheid and South Africa on the American public agenda, has been a principal force in moving the Congress to act when the President wouldn't, and has made American corporations more conscious of their responsibilities and practices in South Africa. You are aware, I am sure, however, that there are differences of opinion among opponents of apartheid on the grounds in South Africa and elsewhere with respect to the strategy of divestment or corporate withdrawal as an instrument to attack apartheid directly. As I am sure you AS know, there is currently a rethinking in South Africa, particularly among trade unionists and church people, with respect to the wisdom of divestment and/or withdrawal or the basis for withdrawal. Essentially, as the enclosed recent articles illustrate, the .32O argument S,uth'ast is that it is blacks (not the South African Govern- B,i/'rir,/ P)rI/and, Or,,i fl'202 P,ri1anil, fl'202 T/,/)/in TI,1)/in (53i 771-1112 lvii. Herb Cawihorne iWay 12, 1987 Page Two ment) who are hurt by these moves--and that presence, employment and programs are important. Reed, of Enough of personal opinion and observations. course, is not a government, a political or social action group, or a church, but an educational educational institution institution which which does does not not take take political positions except on issues affecting education or the It also has a codified investment policy which gives institution. primacy to producing resources to support the college, its educational program and the men and women who teach and learn here. Investment decisions are to be influenced by social concerns only when there "near-universal" view view on on the the matter matter at at issue. issue. there is is aa "near-universal" Obviously apartheid (or (or opposition opposition to to it) it) is is one one of of those "univer"universals", and, therefore, therefore, the the College College will will not not invest invest in in South South AfriAfrican companies, banks which lend money to South Africa--or American companies doing business in South Africa which do not have employOn ment and other practices compatible with American standards. divestment and corporate withdrawal, however, there is disagreement--no "near-universal" sense--among opponents of apartheid. ment---no The Board of Trustees does not believe it should decide between or among competing political strategies, nor that it is competent to (The foregoing foregoing represents represents perhaps perhaps the the strongest stronèst thread thread of of do so. issue of of divestment divestment opinion among Trustees who differ on the issue itself and who also cite a variety of reasons underlying their conclusions.) I could supply more materials as footnotes to the preceeding paragraph, but I am sure that I have exhausted your patience I do appreciate having your thoughts on these matters, already. as well as on other things. Sin e ely, Pau\JE. Bragdon President P.S. As you know, Reed, as an educational institution, is interested in finding a way to increase the pool of black applicants to colleges and universities by identifying promising students in the pre-high school years and giving them the first-hand educational experience to help prepare them for Our hope, college and to give them the aspiration for it. of course, is that exposure to Reed will increase trust and understanding of Reed in the community among students, parents and teachers, and prompt more black students to come here than, unhappily, is currently the case or likely to be I would hope that you could give us a hand in the case. this project, and I'd like to think that there's a prospect for some "institutional coopera 'on" down the road. only only two two black black engineering-degree engineering-degree recipients recipients By y RON HERNDON PORTLAND PUBLIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS' SChOOLS' Achievement Profiles for for the the 1985-86 1985-86 school school year produce startling patterns: a tale of two school systems. One works adequately for affluent and middle-class children, but the other absolutely does not educate educate black, black, Hispanic, Indian and poor white white children. In m The majority of the in OpfliOfl / schools with the highest test OpflIOfl scores are in middle-class or theJ out of a total of 607 degrees degrees granted granted in in the higher education system in 1985. For the' same year, there were 314 computer and iiiformation sciences degree recipients, none. none, information of whom were black. In the fall of 1984, not2 Unione black student was admitted to the Urnversity of Oregon schools of nursing, medicine or dentistry. In an age of high technology and increas- ' ing computerization, this dismal dismal record record is is I tantamount to ensuring that a race of people will wallow in misery and and never never escape escape the the i grip of contemporary servitude. LI . scores are in middle-class or Portland Public Schools can help avert affluent neighborhoods. The majority of the :this :.thisby by bringing bringing about about rapid rapid positive positive change .20 20 lowest-scoring lowestscoring schools schools are in poor and for its students. The way to do it is to assemworking poor neighborhoods. neighborhoods. Sixteen Sixteen of of the the ble Portland's most talented teachers and 20 lowest-scoring schools are in North and principals, as as evidenced evidened by bythe the achievement achievement Northeast Portland. scores of their minority and poor white stu- Probably the most damning statistic is that 13 of these 20 schools scored lower last year than the district average in 1980 and chil1981.The majority of black grade-school dren enrolled in Portland Public Schools attend schools where last year's scores were lower than the district average in 1980-81. If children can't read, write and perform well in math, today's technological society w-illconsign wifi consignthem them to to the the lowest-paying lowest-paying jobs, jobs, wifi welfare, crime and prison. All of this will cost the state mi]Jions millions of dollars, not to speak of the needless loss of talent talent arid and productive lives. January 1987 semester reports reports of of high high school students in the Portland district do not add any sunshine to this dismal atmosphere. The average grade-point average for below the all students is a paltry 2.38 entrance entrance requirement requirement for for Oregon's Oregon's four-year four-year state colleges and universities and absolute- ly out of the question for participation in out-of-state institutions institutions of of prestige. prestige. out-of-state Even more alarming is the disparity I between the performance of of minority minority stustudents and their white counterparts. White student performance, on average, is nothing to write home about at 2.43, 2.43, but but students students of of American Indian, Hispanic and black ethnicity are getting averages of of only only 1.95, 1.95, 1.99 1.99 and 1.95, respectively. It comes as no shock that a minuscule minuscule number of black high school graduates matriculate in in Oregon Oregonfour-year fouryear enroll or matriculate 7 colleges. colleges. Of Of Portland Portland high high schools' schools' 306 306 black black graduates in 1984-85, only 18 enrolled as freshmen in the Oregon State System of Higher Education in September1985. The picture for the two high schools with the largest number of black seniors was particu- larly bleak: Jefferson, 76 graduating black seniors, none enrolled in four-year state schools; Grant, 73 graduating graduating black black seniors, seniors, two enrolled in four-year state schools. Not surprisingly, this pattern produced dents. Ask them to share what works and t how it can be replicated. Bring in a few of this country's most talented inner-city principals. The finest national talent combined will be asked to develop soso with local talent wffl lutions that are field-tested and have the best possible chance chance of of successfully successfully training training staff staff possible and educating educating students. students. and These suggestions will be meaningless if 'the the district continues to state that there is a correlation between poverty and lack of achievement. Such thinking is the last vestige of the deficit theory: Women Women can't can't perperform academically academically as as well well as asmen; men;minoriminorities can't perform academically academically as as well well as as whites; poor poor whites whites can't can't perform performacademicacademic ally as well as affluent whites. All of this is as much use as modern-day phrenology. It is in society's interest that all children, regardless of economic background, receive an excellent education. We must now insist that that Portland Portland Public Public Schools Schools go go beyond beyond rhetrhet- I will1 oric oric and and quickly quickly accomplish accomplish this. It will result in saving saving precious precious financial financialrere- sources, and it will surely save save our our dearest dearest natural resource, our children. Qqo,4:A,3 qo,4:A /Iz-4'jrT //z4'jf1