URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting January 22, 1970 AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Communications - E. Shelton Hill 3. Annual Meeting Report - C. Don Van 4. Recommended to the Urban League for disposition: 5. Adoption of Minutes as mailed. and Edward Hawes. (a) I'êgional Office (b) Model Cities (c) Church-Community Action Program.. Regional Urban League Training Conference in Los Angeles, January 26 - 30th. 6. Training Conference for all LEAP Apprenticeship OUTREACH staff', Atlanta, Georgia February 9 - 11th. 7,. Negro athletes visitaon to South Africa - William Hilliard. 8.. Roosevelt High School problems - Ellis Casson. 9. Community Meetings - Vernon V. Chatman. 10. Urban League Guild Report - Mrs. Lonnetta Williams. January 22, 1970 The regular monthly meeting of the Urban League Board of Directors was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by President Belton Hamilton in the 2nd floor conference room of the Community Service Building. binutes were approved as mailed. In attendance were: Mr. Ellis Casson, George Friede, J3elton Hamilton, Edward Hawes, Jerry Marshall, William Hilliard, Dr. Ross Paden, Mrs. Ulysses Plummer, Clair Silver, James Thompson, Don Vanrt and MISS Helen Holcoznb. Staff was represented by the Executive and Vernon Chatman, The Executive read the following communications: (1) Copy of Whitney Young's telegram to Attorney John Mitchell regarding inquiries by the federal grandto the Black Panther mal-treatment by various law enforcement officials. (2) Letter from UGN advising us that our allocation for operation of the agency in 1970 would be $78,489.00. (3) Letter from UGN Supplemental Funds Comiittee authorizing membership solicitation and enrollment the year around. (4) Thank You letter from the Portland Public Schools for the 300 free tickets to the movie "Flipper". (5) Our telegram to National and their reply, granting us a. month's extension on program "Fine". (6) A brochure from N.A.A.C.P. on an Equal Opportunity Study Tour of European Building Sys-' tems. Don Vann reported that Mr. rad1ey, Los Angeles Councilman, had accepted our invitation to speak at the Annual Meeting, April 24th, in the Lloyd Center Auditorium, A biographical sketch and photo of Mr. Bradley was circulated among the board members. He gave a brief outline of plans to advertise the event and announced that the Annual Meeting Committee would hold their next meeting February 10th. Mr. Hill read a letter from Mrs. Hazel Hayes, of the Model Cities program, requesting the Urban League to administer their program "Head Start". Mr. Casson urged, since there was not ample time to study the proposal thorgh1y, that a sub-committee be appointed to contact the Director of Model Cities and report back to the Board. It was unanimously accepted and Jim Thompson agreed to serve as Chairman, along with Jerry Marshall and Clair Silver, The Executive read Gus Lang's letter re the League's sponsoring the Church Community Action Program. Dr. Paden spoke of his experiences with C-Cap and it was decided to have the Executive contact them and report back to the Board. The Executive stated that he and Staff Member Nathan Nickerson would be attending a Western Region Training Conference, January 26-30 in Los Angeles. Whitney Young will be the featured speaker. Also that he and James Brooks, Director of Outreach and Tutor-Recruiter Chick Rawlins will attend a training conference for all LEAP Apprenticeship Outreach staff in Atlanta, February 9-11. Mr. Casson commented that -2more Board Members should be sent to Conferences. Mrs. Plummer sug-. gested that we contact some of the larger business firms, asking them to sponsor some of the board members attendance at conferences. Bill FUlliard told the board of South Africa's refusal to let Arthur Ashe, Black tennis star, play in their country. He said that South Africa's wrestling team was performing in Oregon in a cultural exchange program under the sponsorship of the Association of Coaches, headed by Dale Thomas of Oregon Stae. He asked that the League go on record as objecting to the unfair exchange and advise the Coaches in various cities and the media of its stand. It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Hilliard draft such a letter and extend it to other respective organizations. Mr. Casson reported that reviews of the Boycott at Roosevelt High were entirely out of proportion. Dr. Blanchard appointed a. committee to investigate the problems to keep exploitation out. within the system and made every effort Mr. Hill discussed the use of the League's name as a sponsoring organization or the People's Trial of Paul Ford by the Willamette Bridge paper. In as much as the Board bad not been consulted, he has asked the paper for a retraction. Mr. Hilliard said he would notify Associated Press. Vernon Chatman reported on various community meetings and his atten-. dance at the rally advocating complete boycott. Both he and Dr. Sam Brown spoke out against the total boycott, which eventually flopped anyway. Mr. Vann suggested it might be wise to have special board meetings when something important arose to form a statement for the media. Mr. Hilliard criticized the League for not taking a stand, one way or the other on more issues, Mr. Hill spoke on Dr. Blanchard's plan for school re-districting and it was moved and seconded and ass. ed that the board go on record as approving, Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, Alfred M. Gleason, Secretary AMG:jh UrBAN LBAGUT OF PORTL.A1'D 30A1W of DIiUCToRS i'1EETING February 19, 1970 AGE)A L. Adoption of minutes as mailed. 2. Communications 3, Project "STAR" - Executive. Information and Action. (a) Staff personnel changes. 4. Model Cities proposal - Jim Thompson. 5. Report on Western Regional Conference (Training) 6. Report on L.EAP Outreach Apprenticeship Conference - Jim Brooks. 7. Appointment Co-Chairman M'bersEdp Committee. 8. Appointment Chairman Nominating Committee, 9. Report Wester-n Educational Conference at Asilomar, California, March 9-13th - Vernon V. Chatman. Executive 10. Board Action. - NTJL Statement of Compliance with the Tax Reform Act of 1969. 1].. Board Action - tJGNon-Discrixnination Policy Statement. 12. Report Annual Meeting Committee - C. Don Vann (a) Letter to Bradley - Executive 13. Sponsorship of Martin Luther King Film. 14. Report - Utilities Deposit Required - President Hamilton. February 19, 1970 he ±egu1ar thonthLy meeting of the Urban League Board of Directors ras a1led to order by Prosdent -'lton at 7 45 porno in the Coin- iiuniy Servide Bt.dlding. Mrs. Lyday asked that the minutes be 6orzdted to read. ?tModel Cities Project Step-Up instead of Head The sectary was so instructed and the minutes approved as dô3rected, Atte1ding were: Herb Arnerson, Mrs. Richard Bogle, Belton Hamilton, 1rs Gordon Ream, William Hilliard, Faye Lyday, Dr. Alexander Levy Carl Nays, Rev. David Eugene Pfeifer, Mrs. ULysses Plumi1ier Rev. Roosevelt Rogers, James Thompson, Mrs. Emmett Williams, Miss Hein Holcoib and staff members Hill, Nickerson and Chatman. Mrs0 Perry1 The Rxcutive read the Tax Compliance Act, concerning Foundation an Ttüst monies (from National) and Non-Discrimination Agreement (from U.Q.N), both requiring board approv and signatures. Both were aproved unanimously. Te Executive tread an invitation from the Kelly Loe Award Committee, inviting us to submit names of an outstanding percon for consideratibñ. Mr. Pfcifer sv.ggsted that a committee be appointed to stiidy suitable nominations and. report back to the board before March 31, 1970. Mrs. Lyday agreed to serve as chairman, Mr. 1-1111 reported tt Proect FINE had been Lenamed ProJoct STAR, and will be hedquartred ri the Walnut Park Bui1diig, 5329 NE Union, It is Unded by HEW and began operations by a loan from UGN, to be repaid y:hen their chaciS arrivec. Nathan Nickerson will assume the Directohip of STAR, .paving the post of Employment and Economic There v411 also be some clerical changes, k letter from Western Re;pal Director, Henry Talbert, was read, con Deve1opmnt Director0 cemning the position of Highlights of the Wese sterri LEAP Director and Mr. James Brooks.. Regidnal Conference were mentioned by th Executive and Mr, Hiird inquird if there had been any discussion financing Board Mmers attendance at various conferences. Mr.3.. Hill said that discussion had centered around holding Board-Staff on '1 Institut$ in several of the larger cities and that the office was in the process o compiling a list of names for consideration. Eugene feifer was apponte chairman of th Noiating Committee, with Mrs. Lyday, Reverend Rogers and Bill Hilliard, Three md'e names from the general niembetshp will 'be added, No one volunteered to be chairman or coO1aimman of the Nenibetship Co.mittee and Presicent Hamilton said he Wbuld ca1k to various nmeth bers and and announce the appointinont at the ioxt meoting A letter of resignation from Kenneth Lewis was read, It was unanimously accepted and and agreed that the Executive send hima letter thanking for the time he had given0 Staff Member VeC n Chatman spoke of the forthcoming Educational Conference at Asilomar and the selection of a high school junior, to accompany him, along with Aithea Williams representing the schools Inter-Group Relations Staff and a member of the Title I Committee, name to be announced latcr0 Mrs0 Nro Hill reported that the Greater Portland Council of Churches and Church Women United in Portland we coordinating a one night ben ef it showing of the film "Kins: A filmed Record - Montgomery to Mem phis" on March 24th, 8:00 p0m0, at the Orpheum Theater, Tickets are $5.00 each, wjth all services being donatcd and all proceeds going to the Martin Luther ICing Educational Fund The League was asked, among other organizaions, to sponsor this event by lending their name in It was unanimously agreed to do so and the ExeOu tive said it would be publicized in the forthcoming Newsletter and mailed to the entire membàrship. support0 James Thompson saic that no decision had as yet been reached concern ing the Model Cities proposal T'c;ct "Step.4Jp"0 Herbert Amerson spoke of the need of the League to take a positive stand immediately after controversial incidents occured. Reverend Rogers suggcsted that the Executive or a member of the professional staff, be so empowered to make a public statement, without consulting the board. Pfeif'er urged that a complete and thorough examination of any issue ho msde and riot to takeTsides before all the facts on both sides wore Mr0 knewn0 President Hamilton said that he had met with Legal Aid on the review of deposits required for use of utilities, Helt the situation was not quite as good as the memo from the Public Utility Commissioner would indicate0 Rev. Roosevelt Rogers announced the meeting of the NAACP Credit Union and invited attendance and participation. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Alfr1ed M, Gleason, Secretry MEMORANDUM TO: Urban League Members and Friends FROM: E. Shelton Hill, Executive Director RE: Urban League Activities DATE: February 27, 1970 25th ANNUAL MEETING That's the date for Mark your calendar now for the evening of April 2)4, l97O our 2th Annual Meeting - 8:00 p.m., Lloyd Center Auditorium., The Urban League extends a warm invitation for EVERYONE to share this momentous occasion with us. The Honorable Thomas Bradley, Los Angeles City Councilman, will be the speaker. Mr. Bradley achieved national publicity last year when he defeated Mayor Yorty and other contestants in the primary election of one of America's largest cities. He later lost to Mayor Yorty by a close margin in the final election. He is the first Negro to try for the Mayor's position in Los Angeles. Plan now to attend. Invite all your friends. URBAN LEAGUE EXPANDS SERVICES The Urban League, in cooperation with Family Counseling Service and the Association for Retarded Children, is in the process of launching a program called STAR (Serving to Advance Rehabilitation). The purpose of this program will be to work with at least one hundred families in the Model Cities area who have culturally or mentally retarded children in an effort to help these children reach individual maximum potential and take their rightful place in society. It will be funded by HEW. OUTREACH TRAINING SESSION The Executive Director; Nathan Nickerson, Director of Economic Development and Employment; and C. Don Vann, member of the Board of Directors, attended the National Urban League Western Regional Training Conference in Los Angeles during the week of January 26, This conference was designed for the eleven Western Leagues. The National office defrayed all costs0 LOCAL URBAN LEAGUE GUILD FETES THE AGES February 1)4 was a significant Valentine's Day for more than twenty seniorcitizens. The Guild, an auxiliary of the Urban League, hosted a party for these persons who are basically home-bodies, shut away from the mainstream of life, It was a threehour gathering which provided fellowship, refreshments, and games such as checkers, bingo, name-that-tune, and whist, The prizes were really appreciated by the lucky winners and included such items as eggs, bacon, canned goods, etc. A special thaks to Ginger Allen and Margaret Solomon, Party Co-Chairmen, and also to Joy Pruitt and Beverly Hilliard who co-chaired the entertainment committee. The hall at Knott Street Community Center was beautifully decorated by June Wagner. Other Guild members served as hostesses. page 2 PORTLAND TEAM TO PARTICIPATE IN EDUCATIONAL SFI'aNAR Vernon Chatman, Director of Education and Youth Incentives, has been invited to bring a team of four to participate in a Seminar at Asilomar, California, early in March. The National Urban League will cover all expenses for Vernon and one high school BSU student, They will also provide lodging and meals for one representative each from the Portland Public School's Inter-Group Relations staff and the Title I Committee. HELP NEEDED FOR SPEAKERS BUREAU There has been such a heavy demand on the staff from interested groups requesting speakers that some cannot be covered. We would appreciate help from any persons Training sessions will who would like to become a member of the Speakers Bureau. be held for you before you are asked to take assignments. Interested persons please contact the office: 22!L-0151. WRITING TALENT NEEDED The League would like to compile a booklet, HA Quarter of a Century of Urban League Activities in Portland,'t using material from our files. If you have any talent or training and some spare time, we invite your help on this project. M1RTIN LUTHER KING FILM - "FROM MONTGOMERY TO MEMPHIS" Three hundred theaters throughout the country are donating their facilities and personnel to show this 2- hour film on March 2L, ten days prior to the anniversary of Dr. King's assassination. The Orpheum Theater in Portland will show it locally. The entire proceeds will be divided between Martin Luther King, Jr., Education Center in Atlanta, Georgia, which is designed to teach how to affect social change by non-violent methods, and the Southern Conference on Christian Leadership. The showing in Portland is sponsored by the Portland Council of Churches and several other community organizations and groups, including the Urban League. Admission is $.O0 per person, and the time is 8:00 p.m. CIVIL RIGHTS REPRESENTATIVE IN FIELD OFFICE Beginning March 17, 1970, a representative of the State Civil Rights Department p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. will be in the UL Field Office from 9 a.m. to This will provide a greater opportunity for residents of the area to file complaints without going downtown. In the meantime, inquiries may be made by calling the Civil Rights Department, 226-2161, Ext. MEMEERSHIP DRIVE Urban League membership invitations are always open, but we make a special effort every year at this time to secure new members and reclaim old ones. We hope that you will assist us by renewing your dues if you have not done so, and Just tear off the membership slip, fill it in, securing at least one new member. attach your dues and send it in. We need your help. Urban League of Portland ***MEMBERS HIP SLIP*** Attached find Mr. Mrs. Miss Address City 718 W. Burnside, 97209 State Zip Membership Dues Minimum Dues $2.00 2,O1 - $10.00 Sustaining Contributing $10.01 and over $1.00 Student March 19, 1970 The regular monthly oard of Direôtors Mebirig was called to order by President Hamilton. Minutes were app'øed as mailed. The executive read the communications, one of which required action. Those present were: Mr's. Mande Bowlê r. Ellis Casson, Mr. George 'riede, President Hamilton, Mr. Eddi Hawes, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Mr. Jerry Marshali, Mr. William H±lliard, Dr. Levy, Mrse Ulysses Pluminer, Rev. Rogers., Mr. Jim Thompaon, Mrs. Aithea Williams, Mrs. Lonnetta Williams and Mr. Don Vann. A report of the Education Team on the National Urban League Regional Education Conference in Ansilomar, California was given by Vernon Chatman, Mike Hepburn of' Cleveland High Schooi, Trudy Smith of the Title I Committee and Aithea Williams of the Intergroup Relations Committee of the Portland Public Schools. They reported the confer ence to be very fruitful and shared some of the new things which had happened in Portland with other delegates at the Conference and brought back some ideas which could be used in our system. Karen Lloytl, of Cleveland High School1 reported on the National Education Association Convention in Washington, D. C0 Two girls were selected from Oregon and Karen, a black student, was one of them. The Executive presented the resume of Ulysses Plumnier III, who is applying for the position of Director of ED&E, left vacant by Nathan W. Nickerson, who assumed the Directorship of Project The Executive told of various long distance telephone conversations he ha4i) had with Mr Plummer and recommended that Mr Pluminer be hired 'for the above position. It was put to a motion, seconded and unanimously agreed that Mr. Pluminer be hired for that position. Mr. Plunimer is scheduled to assume his new duties here on April lth. Mr. Hill reported that the UL had received an official communication from the Department of Rehabilitation (HEW) that funding had been approved for Project "STAW', and the requisition must go through a number of government channels and would reach us in approximately seven weeks, They wanted the project to begin immediately so the UGN advanced the Urban League 21,000.0O for payroll, rent, supplies, etc., to initiate the Project. This money will be repaid UGN inune diately upon receipt of the government check. Nathan W. Nickerson, Director of H5Rt reported that Mrs. Margaret Solomon, presently Office Manager of the tJL Field Office, would become the Administrative Assistant. Mr. Willie Hunter will be the ULNeigh borhood Worker. Family Counseling Service has Mrs. Shirley Hamilton as their professional person and Mary Morris as their Neighborhood Worker. The Multnomah Association for Retarded Children has selected Mrs. Shirley Hamilton as their professional staff with Mrs. Mary Morris serving as Neighborhood Worker Mrs Mirinda Givands is the secretary and the project will occupy rooms 200 and 202 in the Walnut Park Building. Page 2/ Minutes, Don Vann reported on the recent visit of Mrs. Juanita Dudley, Associate Regional Director for the Western Region, and that the New Thrust Committee had been advised to immediately apply for rending for the Third Round Funding, which would become a regular part of the Urban League and not a special project. Application must be received by April 10th. Tom Current accepted the responsibility of drawing up the proposal. Eddie Hawes, Co-Chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, reported that all details in connection with the Lloyd Center Auditorium had been cmpléted'' some posters to be circulated were made to publicize the Annual He agreed to make some additional posters. The question of an Honorarium for Mr. Bradley came up. The Executive reported that Mr. Bradley had told him that his fee for speaking was normally $00.0O but he would leave it up to the League to pay whatever they could. The Board voted to pay all transportation costs plus a 20O.00 Honorarium. Mr. Hill announced that Bill Berry, Portland's first Executive Director, would attend the 2th Anniversary Meeting and pay all his own expenses from Chicago. Mr. Casson suggested that some special award be presented to the original Chairman of the Urban League Committee, Dr. DeNorval Unthank, who has remained active in the Urban League for twenty-five years, and also Mrs. Myrtle Carr, who has given twenty-five years of service to the League, and to Mr. Bill Berry, the original Executive Director of the League. This was put in the form of a motion, seconded and passed. Mr. Casson and Mr. Hilliarci agreed to accept the respcnsibility of selecting awards and the Executive will present same at the close of the annual meeting. Mr. Hawes presented the Board with a proposed program for the meeting0 Meeting0 The President did not, as yet, appoint a Membership Chairman. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, A1fi'&FM.GIeason Secretary JGH URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MARCH 19, 1970 1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Communications 3 Report o the Educational Team on the Regional Conference in Ansi1omar "alifornia - Vernon. V Chatman Also N.ct,A, Meeting in Washingtor ,D.C. Report on new staff (Employment & Economic Development - Execu- 4. tive, 5 Report on "STAR" financial advance - E Shelton Hill 6. Report on "STiR" staff -- Nathan W Nickercon 7. Report on Urban League development "NEW THRUST" - Don Vann 8. Report on Annual Meeting Committee - Ecward Hawes 9, Recommcn:ation for Kelly Lôe Award - I\lrs, Faye E Lyday 10, Appointment of Membership Chairman - president F1azi1tofl 11. Urban League Development Poposa1 and visitation of Regional - C Don Vann Staff . URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING APRIL 16, 1970 1. Adoption of Minutes 2, CommunIcations 3. Annual Meeting Report - C..Don Vann and Eddie Hawes 4. Nominating Committee Report - Gene Pfeifer 5. Election of Officers - Bill Hilliard 6. Guild Report - Mrs. Lonnetta Williams 8., New Staff Announcement 9,, Election of Delegate and Alternate to the U. L. National Conference, July 19-23 in New York City. URBAN IGUE OF PORTLA1D Board of Directors Meeting April 16, 1970 The meeting was called to order by President Belton Hamilton, Jr. were approved as mailed Minutes Hamilton, Those attending were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Richard Bogle, Belton R.ss Paden Faye Lyday, Dr. Ley, Dr. Edward Hawes, William Hilliard, Mrs. Miss Williams, Don Vann, Jerry Marshall and Eugene Pfeifer, Miss Lonnetta Helen Holcomb., Letter from UGN The fbllowing communications were read by the Executive: Budget Estimate is due April 30 (2) adiiising us that our 1970 Spring National Urban League Fund concerning Letter from William Simms, Director Letter from the appeal for full quota support from Federated Funds and In as much as the National asking information on our Retirement Plan, continue, local league is fully covered by National H&W, it was agreed to rather than switch to UL Retirement plan. 2th Co-Chairman Don Vann read the platform seating arrangement for the Don Vann, B. Annual Meeting Dr. Unthan, Jerry Marshall, Judge Dei, McCall, Shelton Hill, Edwin C. Berry, Mr. Thomas Bradley, Governor Anderson, President Hamilton, Ed 1-lawes, Commissioner Ivancie, Commissioner by Commissioner MeCready and Ellis Casson. The program is to be opened introducing the invocation, followed by President's report, President special guests and acknowledges Program Chairman, who, in turn, introduces Committee, the supporting orgatitations. Reports of the Nominating Musical InterSecretary, Awards, Membership Committee and the Executive new President. the cicsing remarks by lude, Speaker of the evening and the The nominating committee met and James Manley was elected to fill Eugene Pfeifer was Mr. vacancy left by the resignation of Ken Lewis. Herbert Mr. elected President, Mr. Clair Silver, Vice President, Mr. Jim Amerson, Vice President, Mr. Alfred Gleason, Theasurer and Thompson, Secretary, Miss Holcomb commented that she would have liked to have seen a woman nominated. The Executive announced that Mrs. Thelma Johnson had been hired as capacity on office manager of the Field Office and will begin in that May first. New York. Pfeifer was voted Delegate to the National Conference in Lyday was voted In the event that the Delegate can not attend, Mrs. alternate to attend, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Hill stressed the importwtce Vann suggested that the of the Delegates role at the conference. Mr Mr. UL Minutes / Page 2 National Conference be invited back to Portland, possibty in 1976 or 1977. during his tenure Hamilton thanked the Board for their cooperation of office, which he is leaving because of' the tenure rule, The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Mr. C / Thopeon / !ãmes Secretary P. S. a very impertant one with the The next regular boarl meeting will beevalmation of the Annual Meeting. appointment of new committees and the It will be he]i. Thu'day, May 21, 71 p. m. in Room Service Building. 21.7, Community URBAN LEAGUE OP PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING May 21, 1.970 1. Adoption of Minutes as mailed. Information .. Action. 2. Communications 3. Bvluation of Annual Meeting C. Don Vann and Eddie Hawes 4. Appointment of Committee Chairmen, 5. Report of Personnel Committee 6. Report of Budget Committee James Thompson. Thomas Report of Star Project 9. National Urban League Conference. Guild eport Current. Nathan Nickerson. 7. 10, and board. vh-s, Lonnetta Williams P R 0 G R A M 1 Invocation . . . . . ... .,.. .. .. .. .... .... . . 2. President's Report 3. President introduces Program Chairman )4 Program Chairman introduces special guests and acknowledges supporting organizations. 5 Report of the Nominating Committee 6 Report of the Membership Cbmniitee 7' Rport of the bceontIve Secretary 8 Awards 9. Musical Interlude 10 Program Chairman calls on Co.Chairman introduce to Speaker 11. Closing,remarks by the now President. / pa qp a n a a q o q ci a o I 111 g ilHJj ifO DNIJ2 I::; o6t 'iZ 'II&W 'ManxoLIanV D1V[tLIMMV H LLLNIML t1LNO axon 'inovri NY1fl ilHL 101ff IN cUIVrLLI0d [3N1flPW OMLLVS M0&LV'TcT FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS H, J. Belton Hamilton, Jr. PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 718 WEST BURNSIDE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N.E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 227-2697 288.6517 288-6361 President Clair D. Silver Vice President William Hilliard Vice President Alfred M. Gleason 25th ANNILI\L MEETING REPORT Secretary Eugene L. Pfeifer Treasurer DIRECTORS Herbert Amerson Mrs. Richard Bogle Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster C. Brown Ellis Casson Thomas Current Robert Dillard George W. Friede Dr. Richard Frost Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Dr. Alexander H. Levy Kenneth Lewis Miss Carol Linton Mrs. Faye E. Lyday Carl W. Mays, Jr. Rev. James E. Norton, C.S.C. EXP ENS ES 45,00 153.30 Rental Lloyd Centei Auditorium Bradley (rd trin plane) Ti-ave1 for jVliBradley Mr. Honorarii5m Awards (Pill Berry & Dr, Unthanlc) ,0, Award (Mrs. Carr) .. . Postage and Paper 25000 60,00 28.33 .... , 257O $562.38 INCOME Dr. 1. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Isaac Payne Rev. David W. Perry Mrs. Ulysses G. Pls.mmer Rev. Roosevelt Rogers James A. Thompson, Jr. Memberships collected at meetinci $ 109,00 16.97 $ 125,97 (new and renewals) ,,,,,,, Donations fiom attendance , . Mrs. Harriet M. Waddy Mrs. Emmett Williams EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Miss Helen Holcomb C. Don Vann STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Net Cost of Meeting $ 436,4]. Director of Community Services Nathan W. Nickerson Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Co Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director ba i r man Mrs. Shirley J. Reed Membership Secretary t Miss Sheryl Anne Perry Secretary and Receptionist Co-Chairman/J Mrs. Margaret Solomon Field OfficeOffice Manager (I PROJECT OUTREACH James 0. Brooks Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director Mrs. Myrtle R. Carr Administrative Secretary S FEC IA L, AC KNOWLEDG EMENT S Danny Osborne & Essence of Soul Cl arence Na] ice i Urban League Gui 1 ci Benson Hi gli School Ni cic[Er\1 Li rid El on rt MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS Clioi r El on st Western Color-Graphics Ushers b)aiMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEA.GUE OF PORPLAND BOARD OF DIRPCTORS MEE[NG JU1E 18, 1970 1, Adoption of minutes as mailed 2. Communications - Executive. 3. Budget presentation - President Pfeifer. 13, Project NEW ThRUST - 2nd and final year - Executive. Outreach modification - Executive. (action taken) 6. Summer Board Meetings (vacations) 7, Committee appointments - President Pfeifer. 8. Nominating Committee report 9. Temporary Personnel Committee report - Thomas 10. Local share of STAR project budget - Nathan Nickerson. 1].. Ouild report - Mrs. Lonnetta Williams. urrent. URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Euecutive Board Meeting May l, L970 The regular monthly Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by Preip.m. in the Community Service Building, Minutes dent Eugene Pfeifer at 7: Pfeifer announced that the June 18th meeting Mr. were approved as mailed. would be the last regular meeting before recessing for the summer, baring any urgency which would require a special meeting. Board members attending wore: Tom Current, Robert Dillard, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Jerry Marshall, William Hilliard, Dr. Levy, James Lee, Car]. Mays, Dr. Paden, Eugene Pfeifer, Clair Silver, Mrs. Lonnetta Williams, Don Vann, Miss Helen Holcomb, Victor Levy and James Manley. Staff was represented by the Executive, Mr. Chatmari, Nickerson and Gariter. (1) Letter from LEAP offiThe Executive read the following communications: cials, praising Project Outreach in Portland as one of the two most outstand(2) Memo from Los Angeles UL re their fund raising concert ing in the nation. that staring Miss Nancy Wilson. (3) Telegram from Whitney Young advising us (ti) Menlo NUL position on Unencumbered Income Guarantee would be forthcoming. various NUL personnel and from Regional Director Henry Talbert regarding () Letter of Resignation from Mrs. Kay Bogle, which was address changes. accepted. Mr. Vann reported that the 2th Annual Meeting had attracted a capacity crowd, and read the financial report. President P.f oiler congratulated Co-Chairmen Vann and Hawe on an excellent meeting. at Three new Board members were introduced; James Lee and Victor Levy, elected appointed the Annual Meeting, and Mr. James Manley, Labor representative, who was to fill out the unexpired term of Kenneth Lewis. and Charles Ganter, formerly Field Representative of the State Apprenticeship Training Div. of the Bureau of Labor was introduced. He succeeds Mr,Nickerson as Director of Economic Development and Employment. for Nathan Nickerson, Project Director of STAR, briefly outlined its structure the benefit of new members. families and friends to attend Mrs. Lonetta Williams invited members and their Beach, area 2, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. the Guild picnic June lLth at Jantzen Some elderly citizens will be guests. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, - Secretary JT/j h URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF flIRCT0RS MTTING July 18, 1970 President Gene Pfeifer called the regular monthly meeting to order ,m. in Room 217 of the Community Service Center at 7:15 Minutes of the May 21st meeting were approved as mailed. In attendance were: Herbert Amerson, Ellis Casson, Torn Current, Edward Hawes, William Hilliard, Mrs. Faye Lyday, Dr. Alexander Levy, Dr. Ross Paden, Eugene Pfeifer, Clair Silver, James Thcpson, Mrs. Lonnetta Williams, James Lee and Victor Levy. Staff were represented by L Shelton Hill, Nathan Nickerson and Secretary June Hartley. The president introduced Mr. Victor Levy, new member of the board. The Executive announced that several members of the League would be attending the National Conference in New York. Among them, Eugene Pfeifer, B. Shelton Hill, and wife, Mrs. Margaret Solomon, Nathan Nickerson and wife, Jans Brooks and wife and child, Mrs. Myrtle Carr Casson, and daughter, William F1ler, Department of Education, Ellis Department, and Mrs. Beverly Eldon Cone of the State Employment Hjlljard. President Pfeifer spoke briefly on the Budget, and the feeling that our projects were progressing favorably. The Executive read various commWiications, including a letter from Regional t3is4rict Director Henry Talbert,. advising us that Project 'Outreach", uhder the New Thrust Prcgrain had been refunded for the second year ii the amount of $15,000.00. Half of this amount to be receivad irxa few weeks and the balance in six months. Mr. Hill advised the Board of a modified contract for Project "Outreach, which he did not sign because of the severe salary reductions. Summer Board meetings were discussed and it was suggested that they recess until September. Mr. Current felt that perhaps too much momentum would be lost and if something, developed there would be no action or stand taken by the Board. Mr. Eddy Hawes suggested that the officers of the Board be authorized to taked a stand and be subject t0 call, should any crisis develop. President Ffeifer appointed the following committee chairmen: Nominating Committee - Clair Silver Education Committee - Troy Horton Program Committee - E. Shelton till Personnel Practices Committee - Ellis Casson/ Tom Current Economic Development - Carl IVJays Public Relations - Open Industrial Membership - Al Gleason Housing & Religious Resource - Open Tom Current, Chairman of the Personnel Practices Committee advised the Board that he was working on a draft which he would present for discussion at the next meeting. Nathan Nickerson explained that Project "STAR" line item budget included "in-kind" of $8,195.00 from the local agencies. 5ince nothing was available from the local, Model Cities money could be used in place of the in-kind, and they were awaiting a Planning Board Committee Meeting. The Board voiced its appreciation in recognition of Mrs. Faye Lydays' cooperation in this matter. Mrs. Williams, Guild President said they had entertained Senior Citizens at a Picnic and regular business meetings would be postponed until September. Mr. Edward Hawes invited members and friends to attend the reception for Monsignor Tobin at 6:30 p.m., June 28th at All Saints Church, 39th and Gljsarj. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, /1/ ( //James Thornpson Jr. /' 7//Secretary / older ' 0orc'a1-:r '0ei In(crr- 13Inr 0c\reron 1 1 Shoet. !itcJ S Pipc Trcc1rs por, 2nginoer Ironworker .1 2 Glaz5er 6 I 5nclonturec uiTher 1 E1otricien Carpentc'r AsbctOS 1orkr Cral______________ 1 A 13 325 4.68 A 13 A 13 A 13 3.2 4.i0 2 2,32 A 6,050 2,2(1 429 66l 6.72 5.37 2R1Y A A 2 39I 603 3,C) tertiri Hcur1 Anprentc - 30' 350 65T 80 600 5(}' Journoyr.cn PrrY of Yec'k ( ]_22 or) ll21' 121 ,2) 0.00) 440,00 174.60 420.SC) (214.80) 2 11206 (L30) 5 (I5640) 6 ,L40() i4760 PC?Y Sal ary 4 o ( ' 5 ,4$0 (4400' 22,700 8,730 (10,740) 2 2 ,480 5,60() (6500) 5 52,50) (7020) 4r,(:2) 738flO() 2j-V Pr Year Sc1 S - - B Base Wage Apprentice Wage A Eased on 50 Wek-Year Totals (Income into the community pe ray) 130,00 $192,810.00 6,500,00 50% 1 6,50 3,25 Electrician 4,320,00 86.40 50% 4,32 Diesel Mechanic Mfg 4,340.00 (5640) 2 11,280 Sa1ary Per Year 86,80 225.60 (ll280) 2 Salary Per Week 50% 65% Percent of Journeyman Wage 4.34 1 2 4.34 2.82 Apprentice Hourly Starting Rate Electrician Marine md. Narinc Pipefitters Crafts Number Indentured '.UU (i ) September Th, 1970 Do: Board of ]Directors, Urban League of Portland From: Vernon V. Chatjnari Subject: Education and Youth Incentives Report This year's scholarship program has 13 new students going to Oregon State, nine returning from last year. Thele new students will attend Portland University, 18 returning from laet year. O1e new student will attend the tlniversity of Wasbington, one new student to the University of Colorado. MaryThurat College will have two new students and two returning. Portland State University will have four new students and three will return to the Unjversjt of Oregon. Two new students will enter Warner Pacific Callege and one new student will enter Columbia Teachers College Graduate School. Total money involved for all students is 4t10,0O0.00. The Executive Committee of the Urban League Board of Directors met on July 7, 1970 at 12:00 noon in the U.L.. Library. Those in attendance were: President Pfeifer, Clair Silver, Herbert Amerson, Thomas Current and E. Shelton Hill, After much discussion, it was moved and passed that the following letter be sent to the Honorable Mayor Terry D. Scbrunk: "The Executive Committee of the Urban League of Portland met ob July 7th, 1970, and analysed the Model Cities Development Program as recommended by the Model Cities Task Force, The Urban League Executive Committee wishes to advise you that it supports the concept of an independent deve1opmet corporation with sufficient authority and responsibility to make decisions, base4 upon oh' jective business consideration." Tom Current, Chairman of the Personnel Practices Committee, reported that be had completed a rough draft and, with the in clusion of 'the Director of Community Services job description, it was ready to be typed and mailed to committee members. Mr. Hill agreed to see t:'at this would be done. The position of Deputy Director and possible candidates were discussed. reconmend ivlr, Current moved that the Board of Directors Mr. James 0. Brooks, The motirn was seconded and unanimously passed. Mr. Hill said the League had received a request from Mrs. Aithea Halvorson,asking that they contact various suppliers, urging them not to handle non-union grapes. No action was taken. Meeting adjourned at 130 p.m. NDIVIINATING COMMITThT POT - 9/17/70 For the Board Vacancy Expires Nomination Geraldine McConnell Mrs. Harriet Waddy 1971 Mrs. Richard Bogle 1972 Mr. Troy Horton Mrs. Aithea Williams 1972 Ms. Connie Brunner Father Norton 1972 Jeri Ward Clair Silver 1973 Mr. Jack Radow Mrs0 Respectfully Submitted, Herbert Amerson, Chairman Nominating Committee HA / j h URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEE.TING September 17, 1970 AGENDA 1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Communications 3. Arnerson Report Nominating Committee - Herbert 4. the Board - Executive Vacancy on the Executive Committee of 5 Current Report Personnel Practices Committee - Tom 6. resignation of Staff - Exeutive Status of Project "Outreach" and 7. Chatmari Report Education Committee - Vernon V. 8. Executive Report Economic Development & Employment - 9. Williams Report Urban League Guild - Mrs. Lonnetta THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER ON.THE.JOB TRAINING PROJECT . 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 27.2697 PORTLAND, OREGON 9720? PORTLAND, QREGON 97211 28B-6I7 OFFICERS R, P. Gantenbein President Mrs. Jessie Johnson Vce President Richard M. Neal Vice President Russell A. Peyton secretary Wesster Brown, M.D. Tresvrer DIRECTORS John Armstrpng Cpttbr 17 1970 )3rt() roor1E tJL Liby oFflflitte Roger Bachman tf flirtXtt Rev. Q. F. Carter, Jr. Mrs. Jack Collins James Falkenberg George W. Friede Dr. George Guy H. J. Belton Hamilton, Jr. William Hilliard Alexander H. Levy, M.D. Dr. C. Eric Lincoln C. C. McCorvey Richard M. Neal L, Rev. James E. Norton, C.S.C, 2, Dr. T, Ross Paden Michael F. Park Mrs. Isaac Payne Eugene L. Pfeifer Mrs. Ulysses C. Plummer Lewrence 1. Rennett 3. irt of rn1 Pr,ctices Coimittee -, e i:'t of Y tha VAcancy Ofl rreident , q01t MM ton of Viea ii1ver. Walter C. Reynolds, M.D. -trbert M. Schwab Francis Staten 0. Winston Taggart C. Don Vann 4, $ttt 0.t. t tJpUty rectQ Thomas R. Vickers Mrs, Harriet M. Waddy Mrs. Althga Williams Mrs. Cornelius Young ,, of Projatt EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Helen Holcomb STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director John S Holley Director of Community Services James 0. Brooks Director of Jots Development and Employment Mrs. June R. Key Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Myrtle R. Carr Office Manager Mary E. Anderson Secretary to Esecutive Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED QOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELA5TIQN$ Cnzit URBAN LEaGUE OF P0RTLAID BOARD OF DIRECTORS ETING September 17, 1970 President Gene Pfeifer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 71 p.m., in room 217 of the Community Service Center. Minutes of the July 18th meeting were approved as prepared. Attending were: Herbert Amerson, Thomas Current, Robert Dillard, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Janes Lee, Dr. Alexander Le, President Pfeifer, Mrs. Ulysses Pluminer, Rev. Roosevelt Rogers, James Thompson, Don Vann, Mrs. Lonnetta Williams, Miss Helen 1-loloomb and Jerry MarshalL, Staff represented by the Executive, Vernon Chatman and June Hartley. Letter from U. 0. N. The Executive read the following communications: requesting a complete listing of supplemental fund raising activities; An invitation from J. W. Mack, Executive Director of Los Angeles Urban League totheir 1970 Freedom Classic Football game on SeptenIber 11th, proceeds to go to the L. A. League; Memorandum from Fsmily Counseling Service who, with the Urban League, are co-sponsoring the premier of "The Man Nobody Saw" on personal and institutional racism and their effects on black families. Following the movie, a panel of local citiZefl8 are taping their views on the film. Members and friends are urged to view this showing on KPTV, September 20th at 8:30 p.m. President Pfeifer announced the vacancy of one vice-presidency on the Board due to the resignaon of Clair Silver, who has taken up residency and employment on the East Coast. It was agreed to postpone the election of the new officer until the October meeting. Mr. Thomas Current said the Personnel Practices Committee had completed its draft for board approval arid copies would be mailed to members before the next meeting. Rev. Rogers suggested the board compensate members for participation in monthly meetings, as mileage, etc. Mr. Peifer said it was something to be considered and asked that we check into what other agencies were doing along this line. Chairman Herbert Amerson of the Nominating Committee read their proposed slate for board vacancies. (copy attached). Mrs. Geraldine McConnell, Mr. Troy Horton, Mrs. Connie Brunner, Mrs. Jeri Ward and Mr. Jack Radow were appointed to fill out the terms as listed. The Executive read the report on project "Outreach" and announced that Charles Ganter was temporarily filling in the director's position. He noted that in one year, salaries paid to successful apprenticeship trainees would amount to 192,81O.00,mQst of which would be pnured back into the Albina community. Vernon Chatman, Director of Education and Youth Incentive read his (copy enclosed). He also proposed that the Urban League report. consider a scholarship in honor of Clarence Debriam, Jr., shot to death recently. President Pfeifer asked that it be taken under advisement and cogitation. Mr. Amerson asked that, with all due respect to the Executive, he felt it was preferable for each Director to present hi own department or project report. It was so agreed. Mrs. Lonnetta Williams extended an invitation to all to attend the Ouilds' Friendship Tea and Fashion Show on October 18th, 1:00 to :OO p.m. at the Albina Art Center. The Guild presented the League with their contribution check of tlOO.00, which President ?feifer happily accepted. Miss Holcomb invited members to attend the Northwest Area Conference of' N. A. A. C. F,, to be held in Vancouver, Washington on September 26th and 27th and the Banquet at the Quay restaurant. June Shagaloff WIll be the guest speaker. The Executive spoke briefly on the success of the National Conference of Urban Leagues in New York City, which attracted some ),000. Twenty two were present from Oregon. A statement from NhItney Young, Jr., expressed the desire that the such a way as to not work of all Leagues could be formulated i contradict one another while going in the same direction, Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JT/j h From: To: Re Eugene Pfeifer, President Members of the Board of Directors Urban League of Portland Board Meeting Thursday, September 17, 1970 7:L pm Comrircuiity Service Bldg. Conference Room #217 I hope all of you had a pleasant sunnier vacation and are ready to put your Board Member harness on again. This is an extremely important Board Meeting. Several things, program-wise, have developed during the summer. There are some staff vacancies to be considered, revised personnel practices to be approved, and several other items of extreme importance. Please make every effort to be present. to have 100% attendance. We would like ESH/jw URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLM\1D Board of Directors Meeting October 1, 1970 AGENDA minutes - Board President Pfeifer 1, Opening of meeting and adoption o 2. Introduction of new board members - Board President Pfeifer 3. Communications - Executive Director 1,. Discussion and adoption of Personnel Practices . 1ection of member to the Executive Comniitte 6. tJ.G.N. Conference in St. Louis, November 9th & 10th 7 Budget Hearing Nov. 19th, 10:30 - 12:00, just prior at 10:00 a.m. Committe will meet 8. Dieonion of Urban League Television Program - Herbert Amerson 9, 10, Report of Education Committee - Troy Horton Report on Project - Charles Ganter and discussion U. Report on Project "STAR" - Nathan Nickerson and discussion 12. Guild Report URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OR DIRECTORS MEETING October 15, 1970 President Gene Pfcifer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. in room 217 of the Community Service Center. Minutes were approved as mailed. In attendance were: 1-lerbert Anerson, Mrs. Constance Brurier, Dr. George Guy, Edward Hawos, Troy Horton, Victor Levy, Mrs. Conrad McConnell, Carl Mays, Eugene Pfeifer, Jack Radow, Don Vann, Geri. Ward, Helen Holcomb and Jerry Marehall. Staff was represented by Shelton Hill, Car1es Gantex, Nathan Nickerson and June Hartley. The President introduced new Board Members who are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mrs. Geraldine McConnell, President of Links, locally. Mr. Troy Horton, Teacher and Chairman of the Urban League Education Committee. Mrs. Connie Bruner, United Airlines Reservation Clerk, Mrs. Geri Ward, Member of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Area IX, Portland Public Schools. Mr. Jack Radow, Merchandising Manager for Ladies Ready to Wear at Lipman-Wolfe & Co. Personnel Practices were discussed nd a number of questions raised. Mr. Hays asked how many paid holidays were new. The Executive replied only Martin Luther King Day, which was declared by the NationMr. Hawes objected to only 100 days accumulated a]. Urban League. sick leave and it was agreed to change this to 200 days. Mr. Hawes also suggested a letter of appreciation to Mr. Current for the exThe Execucellent job done in draftin9 the Personnel practices. tive agreed to do so, The Executive read a letter of resignation from Father Ferry. It was accepted by the Board and President Pfeifer requested the Executive to write him1etter of appreciation. Recommendations for the office of Vice President of the Board were requested from the chair. fir, Hawes suggested Tom Current, currently serving as Membez.at-Large. His appointment was unanimousMrs. Geri Ward ly approved, which left a Member-at-Large vacancy. was nominated by Herbert A,nerson and received unanimous approval. The Executive told of the forthcoming UI, Conference in St. Louis on November 9th and 10th, to be attended by President Pfeifer and The Board voted to defray the Executive's expenses. himself. Herb Amerson announced that some free time television was available and suggested that the Urban League might put it to very good use, such as the radio program the league had run in the past. Mr. Amerson was appointed Chairman of the Committee and chose Bill Hilliard, Mrs. Bruner, Troy Horton, Dr. George Guy with others to be selected later. Some interesting programs suggested were: A morning show at the A].bina Child Care Center, Highlights of the Esquire Dance, etce These shows would appear once a month for six months. Mr. Horton felt that the Education Committee could put some of the time to excellent use. Don Vann inquired about various reactions to the program "Man Whom Nobody Saw". The Executive recounted various letters and phone calls commenting favorably. Mx. Vann asked if the film could be purchased by the League for further showing in Portland and it was agreed to have someone examine the possibility. In honor of the five new Board Members, reports were more detailed than usual. Charles Ganter, speaking for Project "Outreach" explained its purposes and goals and stated that they were four apprentices over their goal with two additional months to go. Nathan Nickerson, Director of Project "Star" (Striving to Advance Rehabilitation) explained his project was a Tn-Agency. Project,. including the Family Counciling Service, Multnomah Association for Retarded Children and the Urban League. Their professional and neighborhood workers are working with one hundred socially or culturally retarded families. Troy Horton, Chairman of the Education Committee, announced that three main teams had been appointed with three educational phases in mind. Florence Lehman will chairman Ad hoc committee No.. I and will work on the development of a Scholarship fund, decide the kind o fund to be developed, grants available, etc.., and Whether it would be self perpetuating, and so forth.. Ad hoc Committee No.. II will probe scholarship sources, under chairmanship otKathy Stevens. Ad hoc Committee No. III will deal with distribution of scholarship information in elementary, secondary schools and at college level. Bonita Johnson is chairman of committee No.. III. President Pfeifer dd that $250.00 had been donated to the Urban League Scholarship Fund. He read a proposed letter which would be mailed to ten firms, asking for donations of $75.00 each. In absence of the Guild President, the Executive invited all to attend the Guild Friendship & Fashion Tea.. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting November 19, 1970 President Pfeifer called the meeting to order in the 2nd floor conference room of the Community Services Building at 7:L5 p.m. Minutes were approved as mailed. McConnell, Mrs. Bow1e, Attending were: Eugene Pfeifer, Jim Lee, Dr. Levy, Mrs. Mrs. Plununer, Mrs. Ward, Dr. Paden, Jack Radow, Dr. Guy, Bill Hifliard, Ed 1-lawes, Staff was represented by Shelton Hill Victor Levy, Don Vann and Jim Thompson. Guild, Mrs. ha Mrs. Plummer introduced her guest from the and June Hartley. McKirtney, Portland insurance man. Hamilton and Mr. Hill introduced Marvin The Executive read the following communications: (1) Memorandum from the Western Regional office, announcing a re-alignment of staff. (2) Memorandum from National enclosing a statement of income and expenses for the past three months conference in period. (3) Memorandum from National describing the emergency Whitney Young's teleSt. Louis. Don Vann, of the UGN Budget Committee, read gram requesting no less than a 0% increase in this year's allocation by tJGN to the local League. Mr. Hill reported that there was hope of securing Whitney Young as speaker for our 1971 Annual Meeting in March, April or May. Guest Marvin McKinney spoke on insurance problems in the Albina area and the fact that old line companies were refusing to renew coverage and that new companies, who would accept the risk, were charging up to 2 times the "Board Rate". After a discussion, President Pfeifer asked Victor Levy, Ed Hawes and Geri Ward to look into the situation and suggest ways to correct it. Dr. Paden said that senior citizens also were being discriminated against by insurance firms. The Executive read copies of Vernon Chatman's, Director of Education and Youth Incentives and Charles Ganter's, Director of Economic Development and Employment, reports0 (see attached copies. Lonnetta Plummer reported that the Guild Friendship Tea wa a success and that stockings had been purchased by the Guild as a donation to the school closet program. Their fund raising ball is to be held in February and on December 12, they will entertain Senior Citizens at the home of Mr. Hill. Board members are invited. Mr. Hilliard asked that a Staff-Board meeting be held. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, C James Thompson, ,jecrotary / 11/16/70 To: F'om; E, Shelton Hill Vernon V. Chatnian The Director of Education and Youth Incentives has just completed conferences with sophomores, junior and seniors at Wilson and Grant High Schools. There is much evidence that 'the Urban League's program of providing information and motivation is becoming more and more meaningful to the students as they meet with us and begin to make definite plans for the future. Outstanding spurts have been made by many of these students in terms of attendance, class room performance and general school paz'ticipation. About five times as many Black students are taking part in scholarship testing prograns and we are providing tutoring assistance for some of this group. They are having their scores sent to NMSSFNS (National Scholarship Service Fund for Negro Students) in order to start the financial assistance process. During the last two weeks we have met with more eighty (80) students and their counselors. We plan to continue this throughout the school year. During the last three weeks we have developed job slots for tudents who qualify for Neighborhood Youth Corps job placement, These placements are made to students on the basis of economic nee4 and ability to do the job with necessary training. Positions have been found with the Oregon League for Nursing and the Mental Health AssoOut of a special fund arranged for by the Direcciation of Oregon tor of Education and Youth Incentives, wages for the placement at Mental Health Association are being made because NYC funds were exhausted. This is only temporary and as soon as possible, NYC will pick up the payments plus a possible increase by Oregon Mental Health Association after the first of the year. The Urban League again fulifills its role of serving the people. We have been tutoring students to sign up and take the college entry examinations and qualify for scholarships. Some have and others have requested help in getting ready. Study classes are being held in the Urban League Library, this week and next, each Mrs. Judy Asher, an Urban League Volun:00 p. in. day from )4 :00 to teer and graduate from Mills College is conducting the classes. URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 718 W. Burnside, Pm, 404 Portland, Oreqon 97209 22401 51 December 9, 1970 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors Urban Leaque of Portland From: Euqene L, Pfeifer President of the Board Due to the busy holiday season, the Urban Leaque of ( Portland will cancel the regular December 17th ineet ing and will hold the next meeting on January 21, 1971. Notices will be mailed to you prior to that time, With best wishes for a happy holiday season, 970 December Board o Directors 1eet.ing postponed due o lack of quorum and activities elsewhere.