New York Times Blogs, NY 12-26-07 The Early Word: Eight Full Days By Ariel Alexovich Eight days! The candidates have eight full days to push forward in Iowa. Democrats and Republicans alike are back on the campaign trail after a brief two-day holiday break. The Wall Street Journal handicaps their short-term strategies: The Democratic front-runners seem to be favoring Iowa, with Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama heading there, and John Edwards taking advantage of their absence to campaign in the Granite State. Among Republicans, Mitt Romney hopes to head off a John McCain surge in New Hampshire with appearances there, while Mr. McCain heads to Iowa. Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee will also be doing a little campaigning in Iowa before replenishing their campaign coffers for the final sprint with fund-raising appearances in Florida. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama, tied in the Iowa polls, together will make a total of 16 campaign stops in the Hawkeye State over the next two days. Mr. Obama, hoping to close the sale, will campaign exclusively there through the Jan. 3 caucus date, according to a preliminary schedule. Expect a sharp rise in personal attacks, warns the Los Angeles Times. While the approach of Christmas kept the candidates on relatively good behavior, especially in their warm-and-fuzzy TV spots, few expected their reluctance to attack to last. “It’s probably going to be harder for them to restrain themselves,” said Peverill Squire, professor of political science at the University of Iowa. “They’ll be trying to draw more comparisons and contrasts among themselves.” Among Republicans, the Wall Street Journal expects the Iowa contest to come down to a Romney versus Huckabee fight. In Iowa, the Republican presidential race has come down to two former governors who offer caucus goers a stark choice. It’s the pulpit vs. the boardroom, poverty vs. privilege, passion vs. preparedness. Mike Huckabee loves homespun tales and self-deprecating jokes. Mitt Romney basks in PowerPoint slides and statistics. Mr. Huckabee, a firefighter’s son, is a Southerner born and bred. Mr. Romney, son of a CEO-turned-governor, roamed from Michigan to Massachusetts to Utah. They embody two wings of the Republican Party — social conservatives and economic conservatives — that sometimes sit uneasily. While John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson are competitive in national polls, all three are focusing on states after Iowa. The kickoff Jan. 3 caucus here is largely between Messrs. Romney and Huckabee. The Times’s Mark Leibovich, in a reporter’s notebook piece, says that there’s an anxious atmosphere in New Hampshire these days as voters are annoyed at how the primary calendar gives them less national attention than before. New Hampshire voters seem somewhat insecure these days about being overshadowed by Iowa. For the past two decades, the states have coexisted as a kind of “1” and “1A” in early-voting supremacy. But Iowa is clearly the “It” state of late 2007, maybe a consequence of Senator John Kerry’s winning strategy in 2004 in which he focused almost exclusively on Iowa in December and January, scored an upset victory in the state and rolled from there to the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, most of the major candidates in both parties have spent most of their time in the Hawkeye State (notable exceptions being Mr. Giuliani and Senator John McCain of Arizona). Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut, even moved his family there. While attention will shift to New Hampshire after Iowa’s caucuses on Jan. 3, the condensed voting calendar has rendered the Granite State’s moment in the spotlight shorter, to just five days, because its primary is Jan. 8. Mike Huckabee is even encouraging some New Hampshire voters to vote later. “If you’re supporting someone else, the primary for you has been moved to February,” Mr. Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, said in the northern outpost of Berlin. The Boston Globe, however, writes that New Hampshire voters will be particularly important when it comes to which candidate’s health care proposal they favor. The Granite State has the most glaring difference between what its Republicans and Democrats want. The stark difference between the parties is reflected in the findings of a Boston Globe poll of likely voters in the Jan. 8 New Hampshire presidential primary - 80 percent of Democrats polled say providing health coverage is government’s responsibility; only 30 percent of Republicans agree. Moreover, it explains the dramatically divergent healthcare proposals of the candidates - Democrats would move toward universal coverage and a larger government role; Republicans generally favor tax incentives to expand private insurance and restrain costs through market forces. Mr. Edwards will be in New Hampshire today, and he’ll probably be tardy to whatever auditorium he’s due to address. The Times’s Julie Bosman writes that on the trail, Democrat John Edwards nearly always runs late, keeping crowds waiting for over a half-hour. Like Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson before him, Mr. Edwards nearly always runs late while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination. He routinely begins events more than 45 minutes or even an hour past the scheduled starting time, keeping dozens or, lately, hundreds of people in jampacked rooms awaiting his entrance. With the approach of the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3 and the New Hampshire primary five days later, Mr. Edwards, touring the two states at breakneck speed, has been drawing crowds that are bigger, louder and more prone to the occasional standing ovation than ever before. And while most people who come out to see him are willing to endure some delays, his habit of lateness has alienated others, some of whom say it is just plain rude. Mrs. Clinton is hoping her national campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, has the winning strategy for Iowa in her back pocket, writes the Wall Street Journal. Looking close to invincible two months ago, Sen. Clinton finds herself in a tightening race for the Democratic presidential nomination. With eight days to go before the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, Ms. Solis Doyle, a 42-year-old daughter of Mexican immigrants who never ran a presidential effort before, is trying to reenergize Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. For both, it’s the fight of their careers. In the caucuses, Mrs. Clinton faces a strengthening Barack Obama and a consistently competitive John Edwards. The three are in a statistical dead heat. Although Mrs. Clinton retains a strong lead in national polls and her change in message is playing well, if she loses Iowa, she could be hobbled going into New Hampshire and other primaries. By this month, her problems here had stirred speculation about a campaign shake-up, including a demotion of Ms. Solis Doyle. Yet even as this idea circulated, Ms. Solis Doyle was gaining influence inside the campaign. She is moving beyond executing strategy to helping make it. She has overseen new commercials featuring personal stories of “the Hillary I Know” and an all-county blitz through Iowa in a “Hill-a-Copter.” She talks and emails with her boss several times a day, with prompts like “Smile more.” She is making budget decisions, including a recent call to double the length of commercials in Iowa to 60 seconds. Patrick Healy of The Times scrutinizes Mrs. Clinton’s White House years in a long feature that explores her failed health care plan and official visits to 79 countries. An interview with Mrs. Clinton, conversations with 35 Clinton administration officials and a review of books about her White House years suggest that she was more of a sounding board than a policy maker, who learned through osmosis rather than decision-making, and who grew gradually more comfortable with the use of military power. Her time in the White House was a period of transition in foreign policy and national security, with the cold war over and the threat of Islamic terrorism still emerging. As a result, while in the White House, she was never fully a part of either the old school that had been focused on the Soviet Union and the possibility of nuclear war or the more recent strain of national security thinking defined by issues like nonstate threats and the proliferation of nuclear technology. Grundy Center, Iowa, has a population of only some 2,500 folks, but it’s been host to 13 candidate events over the past year. The Des Moines Register takes a look at the emphasis on small town appearances in this election cycle. A candidate standing on a hay bale somewhere in the rural Iowa outposts is firmly a part of caucus campaign lore, but Jim McCormick contends that there is more small-town emphasis this year. “There has been a chorus on how important retail politics are in Iowa. A lot of them have taken up the mantra that they are going to all 99 counties,” said McCormick, chairman of the political science department at Iowa State University. John Edwards recently bragged that he has visited all 99 counties - twice. Candidates who are relying on a hefty youth movement to give them an edge in the polls may be disappointed, writes the Washington Post. College students might not caucus in Iowa. “Some people are talking this election to death, but there’s plenty of young people who aren’t going to caucus,” said Turner, a music major from Clinton, in the eastern part of the state. “It’s not a priority right now. It should be. But, really, it’s not.” Many of the presidential candidates have actively courted young voters, sending them text messages, visiting college campuses and launching Web sites that explain the complicated caucus process. The goal is not only to win over these voters but, just as critically, to get the ripe but unreliable group to turn up at caucus sites, perhaps hundreds of miles from their homes. Democrat Bill Richardson is expected to keep pushing his economic and education reform ideas on the trail, reports the New Hampshire Union Leader. With the state’s primary drawing near, presidential hopeful Bill Richardson covered more than 400 miles in two days recently, touting his plan for jobs and education, two issues he says are unsatisfactorily addressed by the other candidates. At stops from Hanover to Berlin, the second-term Democratic governor of New Mexico limits his speech to about 15 minutes, leaving the rest of the time open for questions. He doesn’t look happy when his staffers motion for him to finish up the voter Q&A. “C’mon, I’m at 12 percent here,” he jokes, referencing his state poll numbers, which put him in fourth place behind Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. The nod from rocker Jon Bon Jovi is one of the most highly sought endorsements for politicians in his home state of New Jersey, and now that appeal is spreading to national candidates, like Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. “He basically says, ‘Hey, here’s where I’m from, like it or not,’ ” said Ms. Whitman, a Republican who later became administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Bush. “And that’s refreshing for the state of New Jersey because we don’t have a lot of that.” Former New Jersey governors, senators and state legislators who have worked or played with him over the years say it is a combination of his fealty to New Jersey and his blue-collar authenticity that draws politicians to him. And as someone who sings about his “plastic dashboard Jesus” and performs at concerts to fight global warming, his appeal is broad. Campaign trail roundup: * Hillary Clinton campaigns with Bill Clinton, former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and his wife, Christie, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Later, she holds campaign events in Pella and Cumming. * Barack Obama kicks off a bus tour through Iowa with a town hall meeting in Mason City, Iowa. Later, he meets with Iowans in Webster City, and holds rallies in Fort Dodge and Carroll. * Rudy Giuliani participates in a roundtable discussion with veterans at American Legion Post 119 in Largo, Fla. * Mike Huckabee goes pheasant hunting at High Prairie Farm in Osceola, Iowa. * John McCain holds a town hall meeting at the School for the Deaf in Council Bluffs, Iowa. * John Edwards holds town hall meetings in Conway and Laconia, New Hampshire. He continues to stump there with stops in Manchester and Salem. * Bill Richardson holds “Presidential Job Interview” events in Council Bluffs, Onawa and Sioux City, Iowa. He also meets with Iowans at the Dunlap Livestock Auction in Dunlap. * Mitt Romney campaigns in New Hampshire, meeting with local voters in Henniker and Hooksett. Later, he holds a town hall meeting in Merrimack. * Fred Thompson meets with locals in Creston, Iowa.