Wallace's Farmer, IA 09-17-07 Get Free Grain Analysis from ISU Testing Lab

Wallace's Farmer, IA
Get Free Grain Analysis from ISU Testing Lab
Rod Swoboda rswoboda@farmprogress.com
Through the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative or IGQI, the Iowa State University Grain
Quality Laboratory is offering no-cost grain quality analysis to participants in
public corn and soybean yield trials and in other research efforts or collaborations
in Iowa this fall. This service includes partners in ISU's Corn and Soybean
There is no cost other than you pay for the shipment/delivery of your samples to
the ISU Grain Quality Lab in Ames, says Glen Rippke, manager of the lab.
The corn quality factors that will be tested and that you will get a report on are
moisture, test weight, protein, oil, starch, density and a ranking of estimated
ethanol yield (above average, average and below average). Soybean quality
factors are moisture, protein, oil and fiber (plus linolenic acid and saturated fats
for modified fatty acid soybeans). "This is an excellent way to compare end use
quality for genetic trials and other field studies," says Charles Hurburgh,
director of the grain quality lab at ISU.
Test results on grain will be sent to you
The data will be returned electronically and as a hard copy if desired. "We
normally organize data in a standard format that contains yield and agronomic
factors as well as the quality data," says Rippke. "Yield adjustment for check
strips will be made if data is available. Distribution of the data is up to you--we
will not distribute further unless you ask."
How to participate - take these steps
* Collect a one-quart (or more) sample from each plot and seal in thick, selfsealing plastic bags only. ISU will provide Hefty freezer bags if desired. Do not
use paper or sandwich bags.
* Identify each plot/sample clearly, preferably with an all-numeric code. ISU
can provide barcode labels for sample identification, with whatever coding is
desired, and can also provide label cards and plot data sheets. Please provide
an email address for results.
* Include a list of the plot order and yield (if available) with the samples you
send to the lab. It is recommended that you fill out cards and other information
before you begin harvesting.
* Wet grain spoils quickly. Do not hold the samples but rather, send them to
the lab right away.
* Ship or deliver immediately to:
ISU Grain Quality Lab, Attn: Glen Rippke, 1547 Food Sciences Bldg., Iowa
State University, Ames, IA 50011-106.
If you have questions or would like to participate, call or reply via email to Glen
Rippke at (515) 294-5387 or rippke@iastate.edu.
Benefits of particpating in the testing
This service is being offered as a new benefit of participation in the Corn and
Soybean Initiative Partner program and its alliance with IGQI. "This is an
opportunity to increase understanding of end user quality traits as they apply to
specific areas," says Rippke.
For example, in corn, the combination of starch (high), protein (lower) and
density (fairly soft) indicates possible advantages to ethanol producers. Likewise,
higher protein and harder texture is better suited to animal feeding, for both
nutritional and particle size (grinding) uniformity reasons.
For soybeans, certain processors are already paying some premiums for specific
levels of protein and oil. There is an economic gain to be captured if variety and
regional knowledge can identify potential premium soybeans without requiring a
complex testing or identity preservation procedure. "As we try harder to increase
yield in today's market climate, an understanding of any related quality changes
will be needed," says Hurburgh. "We hope that this program will be useful, and
will assist in creating new opportunities."