SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATORS FOR DISCRETELY OBSERVED JUMP-DIFFUSIONS By Kay Giesecke and Gustavo Schwenkler∗ Stanford University and Boston University This paper develops an unbiased Monte Carlo approximation to the transition density of a jump-diffusion process with state-dependent drift, volatility, jump intensity, and jump magnitude. The approximation is used to construct a likelihood estimator of the parameters of a jump-diffusion observed at fixed time intervals that need not be short. The estimator is asymptotically unbiased for any sample size. It has the same large-sample asymptotic properties as the true but uncomputable likelihood estimator. Numerical results illustrate its advantages. 1. Introduction. Continuous-time jump-diffusion processes are widely used in a range of disciplines. This paper addresses the parameter inference problem for a jump-diffusion observed at fixed time intervals that need not be short. We develop an unbiased Monte Carlo approximation to the transition density of the process, and use it to construct likelihood estimators of the parameters specifying the dynamics of the process. The results include asymptotic unbiasedness, consistency, and asymptotic normality as the sample period grows. Our approach is motivated by (i) the fact that it offers asymptotically unbiased and efficient estimation at any observation frequency, and (ii) its computational advantages in calculating and maximizing the likelihood. More specifically, we consider a one-dimensional jump-diffusion process ∗ Schwenkler is corresponding author. Schwenkler acknowledges support from a Mayfield Fellowship and a Lieberman Fellowship. We are grateful to Rama Cont, Darrell Duffie, Peter Glynn, Emmanuel Gobet, Marcel Rindisbacher, Olivier Scaillet, and the participants at the Bachelier World Congress, the BU Conference on Credit and Systemic Risk, the Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, the INFORMS Annual Meeting, the SIAM Financial Mathematics and Engineering Conference, and seminars at Boston University, Carnegie Mellon University, the Federal Reserve Board, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute for useful comments. We are also grateful to Francois Guay for excellent research assistance. An implementation in R of the methods developed in this paper can be downloaded at Keywords and phrases: Density estimator, Parameter estimator, Maximum likelihood, Exact simulation, Unbiased estimation, Jump-diffusions 1 2 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER whose drift, volatility, jump intensity, and jump magnitude are allowed to be arbitrary parametric functions of the state. We develop unbiased simulation estimators of the transition density of the process and its partial derivatives. Our approach can be extended to time-inhomogenous jump-diffusions and certain multi-dimensional jump-diffusions. Volatility and measure transformation arguments are first used to represent the transition density as a mixture of weighted Gaussian distributions, generalizing the results of Dacunha-Castelle and Florens-Zmirou (1986) and Rogers (1985) for diffusions. A weight takes the form of a conditional probability that a certain doubly-stochastic Poisson process has no jumps in a given interval. We develop an unbiased Monte Carlo approximation of that probability using an exact sampling method, building on the schemes proposed by Beskos and Roberts (2005), Chen and Huang (2013) and Giesecke and Smelov (2013) for sampling the solutions of stochastic differential equations. The resulting transition density estimator is unbiased and almost surely non-negative for any argument of the density.1 Its accuracy depends only on the number of Monte Carlo replications used, making it appropriate for any time interval. Moreover, the estimator can be evaluated at any value of the parameter and arguments of the density function without re-simulation. This property generates computational efficiency for the simulated likelihood problem. It reduces the maximization of the simulated likelihood to a deterministic problem that can be solved using standard methods. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the estimator maximizing the simulated likelihood for a fixed observation frequency.2 The estimator converges almost surely to the true likelihood estimator as the number of Monte Carlo replications grows, for a fixed sample period (an asymptotic unbiasedness property). This ensures that the estimator inherits the consistency, asymptotic normality, and asymptotic efficiency of the true likelihood estimator if the number of Monte Carlo replications grows at least as fast as the sample period. Our estimator does not suffer from the second-order bias generated by a conventional Monte Carlo approximation of the transition density, which relies on a time-discretization of the process and non-parametric kernel estimation.3 Our exact Monte Carlo approach eliminates the need to discretize the process and perform kernel estimation. It facilitates asymp1 Given that we do not require any debiasing technique, our non-negativity result does not contradict the finding of Jacob and Thiery (2015). 2 Bibby and Sørensen (1995), Florens-Zmirou (1989), and Gobet, Hoffmann and Reiß (2004) consider various diffusion estimators in a similar asymptotic regime. 3 Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006) analyze this bias in the diffusion case and propose a bias-corrected discretization scheme. For jump-diffusions with state-independent coefficients, Kristensen and Shin (2012) provide conditions under which the bias is zero. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 3 totically unbiased and efficient likelihood estimation. Numerical results illustrate the accuracy and computational efficiency of the density approximation as well as the performance of the simulated likelihood estimator. Our density estimator is found to outperform alternative estimators of the transition density, both in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. The error of our density estimator converges at the fastest rate. Moreover, our density estimator entails the smallest computational cost per observation when calculating the likelihood. The cost decreases as more observations become available. Performing maximum likelihood estimation for simulated monthly and quarterly data, we confirm that our simulated likelihood estimator behaves indeed as the true maximum likelihood estimator, as predicted by our theoretical results. Our numerical results indicate that the distribution of our simulated likelihood estimator for finite data samples and a finite number of Monte Carlo replications is similar to that of the true likelihood estimator. They also indicate that our estimator compares favorably to alternative simulation-based likelihood estimators when a fixed computational budget is given. Our results have several important applications. Andrieu, Doucet and Holenstein (2010) show that an unbiased density estimator can be combined with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to perform exact Bayesian estimation. Thus, our density estimator enables exact Bayesian estimation of jump-diffusion models with general coefficients. Focusing on pure diffusion models, Semaidis et al. (2013) take a step in this direction. Based on the results of these authors, we conjecture that the beneficial properties of our estimators carry over to the Bayesian case. The transition density estimator can also be used to perform efficient generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation of jump-diffusions. It is well-known that the optimal instrument that yields maximum likelihood efficiency for GMM estimators is a function of the underlying transition density (see Feuerverger and McDunnough (1981) and Singleton (2001)). Our unbiased density estimator can be used instead of the unknown true density. This enables efficient GMM estimation for many jump-diffusions that were previously intractable.4 Finally, the transition density approximation generates an unbiased estimator of an expectation of a given function of a jump-diffusion evaluated at a fixed horizon. In financial applications, for example, the expectation might represent the value of a derivative security. Prices at different model parameter values can be computed without having to re-simulate the tran4 Approximate GMM estimators that achieve efficiency have recently been proposed by Carrasco et al. (2007), Chen, Peng and Yu (2013), and Jiang and Knight (2010). 4 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER sition density, generating computational efficiency in econometric applications. Traditional discretization-based approaches to estimating the transition density (see, e.g., Platen and Bruti-Liberati (2010)) generate biased estimators of security prices. Exact sampling approaches to estimating the density (e.g., Giesecke and Smelov (2013)) generate unbiased estimators of prices but might be computationally burdensome. We have implemented the transition density approximation and the likelihood estimator in R. The code can be downloaded at http://people.bu. edu/gas. It can be easily customized to treat a given jump-diffusion. 1.1. Related literature. Prior research on the parametric inference problem for discretely-observed stochastic processes has focused mostly on diffusions. Of particular relevance to our work is the Monte Carlo likelihood estimator for diffusions proposed by Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2009). They use the exact sampling method of Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2006) to approximate the likelihood for a discretely-observed diffusion. In the absence of jumps, our estimator reduces to their estimator. However, our approach requires weaker assumptions, so our estimator has a broader scope even in the diffusion case. Moreover, our approach allows us to optimize the computational efficiency of estimation. Lo (1988) treats a jump-diffusion with state-independent Poisson jumps by numerically solving the partial integro differential equation governing the transition density. Kristensen and Shin (2012) analyze a nonparametric kernel estimator of the transition density of a jump-diffusion with stateindependent coefficients.5 Aı̈t-Sahalia and Yu (2006) develop saddlepoint expansions of the transition densities of Markov processes, focusing on jumpdiffusions with state-independent Poisson jumps and Lévy processes. Filipović, Mayerhofer and Schneider (2013) analyze polynomial expansions of the transition density of an affine jump-diffusion. Li (2013) studies a power series expansion of the transition density of a jump-diffusion with stateindependent Poisson jumps. Yu (2007) provides a small-time expansion of the transition density of a jump-diffusion in a high-frequency observation regime, assuming a state-independent jump size. The associated estimator inherits the asymptotic efficiency of the theoretical likelihood estimator as the observation frequency grows large; see Chang and Chen (2011) for the diffusion case. Jiang and Knight (2002), Chacko and Viceira (2003), Duffie and Glynn (2004), and Duffie and Singleton (1993) develop gener5 The assumption that the distribution of t is independent of t and θ in equation (1) of Kristensen and Shin (2012) effectively restricts their model to state-independent jump-diffusions. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 5 alized method of moments estimators for jump-diffusions and other timehomogenous Markov processes. If an infinite number of moments is used, then these estimators inherit the asymptotic properties of the theoretical likelihood estimator. This, however, is infeasible in practice. Unlike the transition density approximations developed in the aforementioned papers, our unbiased Monte Carlo approximation of the transition density applies to jump-diffusions with general state-dependent drift, diffusion, jump intensity, and jump size. Beyond mild regularity, no structure is imposed on the coefficient functions. The approximation has a significantly wider scope than existing estimators, including, in particular, models with state-dependent jumps and non-affine formulations. The simulated likelihood estimator inherits the asymptotic efficiency of the theoretical likelihood estimator as both the sample period and the number of Monte Carlo replications grow, for any observation frequency. 1.2. Structure of this paper. Section 2 formulates the inference problem. Section 3 develops a representation of the transition density of a jumpdiffusion. Section 4 uses this representation to construct an unbiased Monte Carlo estimator of the density and its partial derivatives. Section 5 discusses the implementation of the estimator. Section 6 analyzes the asymptotic behavior of the estimator maximizing the simulated likelihood. Section 7 presents numerical results. There are two technical appendices, one containing the proofs. 2. Inference problem. Fix a complete probability space (Ω, F, P) and a right-continuous, complete information filtration (Ft )t≥0 . Let X be a Markov jump-diffusion process valued in S ⊂ R that is governed by the stochastic differential equation (1) dXt = µ(Xt ; θ)dt + σ(Xt ; θ)dBt + dJt , where X0 is a constant, µ : S × Θ → R is the drift function, σ : S × Θ →P R+ is the volatility function, B is a standard Brownian motion, and t Jt = N n=1 Γ(XTn − , Dn ; θ) for a N is a non-explosive counting process with event stopping times (Tn )n≥1 and intensity λt = Λ(Xt ; θ) for a function Λ : S × Θ → R+ . The function Γ : S × D × Θ → R governs the jump magnitudes of X, and (Dn )n≥1 is a sequence of i.i.d. mark variables with probability density function π on D ⊂ R. The drift, volatility, jump intensity, and jump size functions are specified by a parameter θ ∈ Θ to be estimated, where the parameter space Θ is a subset of Euclidean space. More specifically, X is a Markov process with infinitesimal generator for functions f with bounded 6 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER and continuous first and second derivatives given by Z 1 0 00 (f (x + Γ(x, u; θ)) − f (x)) π(u)du. µ(x; θ)f (x) + σ(x; θ)f (x) + Λ(x; θ) 2 D We impose the following assumptions. First, the boundary of S is unattainable. Second, the parameter space Θ is a compact subset of Rr with nonempty interior for r ∈ N. Third, the SDE (1) admits a unique strong solution. Sufficient conditions are given in (Protter, 2004, Theorem V.3.7). Finally, X admits a transition density. Cass (2009) provides sufficient conditions. Our goal is to estimate the parameter θ specifying the dynamics of X given a sequence of values X = {Xt0 , . . . , Xtm } of X observed at fixed times 0 = t0 < · · · < tm < ∞. For ease of exposition, we assume that ti − ti−1 = ∆ for all i and some fixed ∆ > 0. The data X is a random variable valued in S m and measurable with respect to B m , where B is the Borel σ-algebra on S. The likelihood of the data is the Radon-Nikodym density of the law of X with respect to the Lebesgue measure on (S m , B m ). Let pt (x, ·; θ) be the Radon-Nikodym density of the law of Xt given X0 = x with respect to the Lebesgue measure on (S, B), i.e., the transition density of X. Given the Q Markov property of X, the likelihood function L(θ) takes the form L(θ) = m i=1 p∆ (X(i−1)∆ , Xi∆ ; θ). A maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) θ̂m satisfies θ̂m ∈ arg maxθ∈Θ L(θ) almost surely. We only consider interior MLEs for which ∇L(θ)|θ=θ̂m = 0 Throughout, let ∇ and ∇2 denote the gradient and the Hessian matrix operators, respectively. Also, assume that θ = (θ1 , . . . , θr ). For any 1 ≤ i1 , . . . , in ≤ r, write ∂in1 ,...,in for the n-th partial derivative with respect to θi1 , . . . , θin . Suppose the true data-generating parameter θ∗ ∈ int Θ. Appendix A provides sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of a MLE θ̂m as m → ∞. Unlike the well-known standard hypotheses (see, e.g., (Singleton, 2006, Chapter 3)), our conditions do not require knowledge of the true data-generating parameter. Our conditions can be verified in practice using an unbiased Monte Carlo approximation to p∆ developed in Section 3. On the other hand, they are somewhat stronger than the standard hypotheses because they need to hold globally in the parameter space. Some assumptions were made for clarity in the exposition and can be relaxed. We can extend to time-inhomogenous Markov jump-diffusions, for which the coefficient functions may depend on state and time. It is straightforward to treat the case of observation interval lengths ti − ti−1 that vary across i, the case of a random initial value X0 , and the case of mark variables with parameter dependent density function π = π(·; θ). The analysis can be extended to certain multi-dimensional jump-diffusions, namely those SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 7 that are reducible in the sense of Definition 1 in Aı̈t-Sahalia (2008). Finally, we can also extend to settings in which the boundary ∂S is attainable. The results presented below hold until the first hitting time of ∂S. 3. Transition density. Using volatility and measure transformation arguments, this section develops a weighted Gaussian mixture representation of the transition density p∆ of X. 3.1. Change of variables. We begin by applying a change of variables to transform X R winto1 a unit-volatility process. Define the Lamperti transform F (w; θ) = X0 σ(u;θ) du for w ∈ S and θ ∈ Θ. For every θ ∈ Θ, the mapping w 7→ F (w; θ) is well-defined given that σ(u; θ) > 0 for all u ∈ S. Set Yt = F (Xt ; θ) on the state space SY = F (S; θ). If σ(x; θ) is continuously differentiable in x, then Itô’s formula implies that Y solves the SDE dYt = µY (Yt ; θ)dt + dBt + dJtY , Y0 = F (X0 ; θ) = 0, up to the exit time of SY . Since 0 < σ(u; θ) < ∞ for all u ∈ S, θ ∈ Θ, it follows that F is invertible with respect to w ∈ S. Let F −1 (y; θ) denote the inverse of F , such that F (F −1 (y; θ); θ) = y. The drift function of Y satisfies µY (y; θ) = µ(F −1 (y; θ); θ) 1 0 −1 − σ (F (y; θ); θ) σ(F −1 (y; θ); θ) 2 in the interior of SY . The Lamperti transform does not affect the jump intensity of N , but it alters the jump magnitudes of the P state process. The process t Y Y J describing the jumps of Y is given by Jt = N n=1 ΓY (YTn − , Dn ; θ) for the jump size function ΓY (y, d; θ) = F F −1 (y; θ) + Γ(F −1 (y; θ), d; θ); θ − y, y ∈ SY . The Lamperti transformation can be understood as a change of variables. If X has a transition density p∆ , then Y has a transition density, denoted pY∆ . We have pY∆ (F (v; θ), F (w; θ); θ) = p∆ (v, w; θ)σ(w; θ). 3.2. Change of measure. To facilitate the computation of the transition density pY∆ , we change from Pθ to a measure Qθ under which Y has constant drift ρ ∈ R and the jump counting process N is a Poisson process with some D (θ)Z P (θ), where fixed rate ` > 0. Define the variable Z∆ (θ) = Z∆ ∆ Z ∆ Z ∆ 1 2 D (2) Z∆ (θ) = exp − (µY (Ys ; θ) − ρ) ds − (µY (Ys ; θ) − ρ) dBs 2 0 0 Z ∆ Y N∆ ` P (θ) = exp Λ(F −1 (Ys ; θ); θ) − ` ds (3) Z∆ −1 (Y Λ(F Tn − ; θ); θ) 0 n=1 8 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER for θ ∈ Θ. If Eθ [Z∆ (θ)] = 1, we can define an equivalent probability measure Qθ on (Ω, F∆ ) by Qθ [A] = Eθ [Z∆ (θ)1A ] for any A ∈ F∆ . If µY (y; θ) is continuously differentiable in y, integration by parts implies that Z (4) Z∆ (θ) = exp a(Y0 ; θ) − a(Y∆ ; θ) + ∆ b(Ys ; θ)ds 0 Y N∆ n=1 1 c(YTn − , Dn ; θ) where a, b : SY × Θ → R and c : SY × D × Θ → R are given by Z y (µY (u; θ) − ρ) du, a(y; θ) = 0 µ2Y (y; θ) − ρ2 + µ0Y (y; θ) , 2 ! Z y+ΓY (y,d;θ) Λ(F −1 (y; θ); θ) (µY (u; θ) − ρ) du . exp − c(y, d; θ) = ` y b(y; θ) = Λ(F −1 (y; θ); θ) − ` + The theorems of Girsanov, Lévy, and Watanabe imply that, under Qθ and Rt on [0, ∆], Wt = Bt + 0 (µY (Ys ; θ) − ρ)ds is a standard Qθ -Brownian motion, N is a Poisson process with rate `, the random variables (Dn )n≥1 are i.i.d. with density π, and Y is governed by the stochastic differential equation dYt = ρdt + dWt + dJtY . (5) Under Qθ , the process Y is a jump-diffusion with state-independent Poisson jumps that arrive at rate `. The size of the nth jump of Y is a function of YTn − and Dn , where the Dn ’s are i.i.d. variables with density π. Between jumps, Y follows a Brownian motion with drift ρ. Thus, Y is a strong Markov process under Qθ . 3.3. Density representation. We exploit the volatility and measure transformations to represent the transition density p∆ as a mixture of weighted Gaussian distributions. Theorem 3.1. Fix ∆ > 0. Suppose the following assumptions hold. (B1) For any θ ∈ Θ, the function u 7→ µ(u; θ) is continuously differentiable and the function u 7→ σ(u; θ) is twice continuously differentiable. (B2) For any θ ∈ Θ, the expectation Eθ [Z∆ (θ)] = 1. Let v, w be arbitrary points in S and x, y be arbitrary points in SY . Let Y x be the solution of the SDE (5) on [0, ∆] with Y0 = x. Then (6) p∆ (v, w; θ) = ea(F (w;θ);θ)−a(F (v;θ);θ) Ψ∆ (F (v; θ), F (w; θ); θ) σ(w; θ) 9 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS for any θ ∈ Θ, where " Ψ∆ (x, y; θ) = EQ θ Z exp − 0 ∆ Y N∆ b(Ysx ; θ)ds c(YTxn − , Dn ; θ) n=1 (7) 1 ×p exp 2π(∆ − TN∆ ) − y − ρ (∆ − TN∆ ) − YTxN 2 !# ∆ . 2 (∆ − TN∆ ) Assumption (B1) is standard. Assumption (B2) guarantees that the change of measure is well-defined. Sufficient conditions for Assumption (B2) are given by Blanchet and Ruf (2013), for example. The representation (6) can be thought of as arising from Bayes’ formula as the product of the conditional Qθ -law of Y∆x given (Tn , YTxn )n≤N∆ and the Qθ -law of (Tn , YTxn )n≤N∆ . The former is represented by the density function 1 p exp 2π(∆ − TN∆ ) − y − ρ(∆ − TN∆ ) − YTxN 2 (∆ − TN∆ ) 2 ! ∆ , which is Gaussian because Y x follows a Brownian motion with drift between jumps and ∆ is fixed. The expectation (7) integrates this density according to the Qθ -law of (Tn , YTxn )n≤N∆ . The additional terms appearing in (6) take account of the changes of variable and measure. Theorem 3.1 also applies in the diffusion case (Γ ≡ 0). In this case, (6) provides a significant generalization of the diffusion density representations of Dacunha-Castelle and Florens-Zmirou (1986) and Rogers (1985). Compared to these, we extend the state space by introducing the counting process N , which allows us to employ the change of measure defined by the RadonNikodym densities (2)-(3) and parametrized by the Poisson rate ` and the drift ρ. As explained in Section 5, the ability to select ρ and ` facilitates the construction of computationally efficient density estimators. We exploit the representation (6) to develop conditions under which the transition density is smooth with respect to the parameter θ. Smoothness is often required for consistency and asymptotic normality of a MLE θ̂m ; see, e.g., Appendix A. Proposition 3.2. Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 3.1 hold. Furthermore, suppose that the following conditions also hold. (B3) The functions (u, θ) 7→ Λ(u; θ) and (u, d, θ) 7→ Γ(u, d; θ) are n-times continuously differentiable in (u, d, θ) ∈ S × D × Θ. The function 10 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER (u, θ) 7→ µ(u; θ) is (n + 1)-times continuously differentiable. The function (u, θ) 7→ σ(u; θ) is (n + 2)-times continuously differentiable in (u, θ) ∈ S × Θ. (B4) The order of differentiation and Qθ -expectation can be interchanged for Ψ∆ (x, y; θ) for the n-th partial derivative taken with respect x, y, or θ. In other words, for qi1 , . . . , qin ∈ {θ1 , . . . , θr , x, y}, ∂n ∂n Q Ψ∆ (x, y; θ) = Eθ H(x, y; θ) ∂qi1 . . . ∂qin ∂qi1 . . . ∂qin where H(x, y; θ) is the integrand of Ψ∆ in (7). Then θ 7→ p∆ (v, w; θ) is n-times continuously differentiable for any v, w ∈ S. Condition (B4) is intentionally formulated loosely as there are many sufficient conditions that allow for the interchange of expectation and differentiation. For example, invoking the bounded convergence theorem, a sufficient condition is that the difference quotients of n-th order of H(x, y; θ) are uniformly bounded. A necessary condition according to Section 7.2.2 of Glasserman (2003) is that the difference quotients are uniformly integrable. 4. Transition density estimator. This section develops an unbiased Monte Carlo estimator of the transition density p∆ based on the representation obtained in Theorem 3.1. The key step consists of estimating the expectation (7). For values w1 , w2 ∈ R, time t > 0, parameter θ ∈ Θ, and a standard Qθ -Brownian motion W , define the function f (v, w, t; θ) as Z t Q (8) Eθ exp − b(v + ρu + Wu ; θ)du Wt = w − v − ρt . 0 By iterated expectations, the strong Markov property, and the fact that Y x follows a Brownian motion with drift between jumps under Qθ , we have 2 y−ρ(∆−TN )−YTx " ∆ N∆ x x f (YTN , Y∆ , ∆ − TN∆ ; θ) − 2(∆−TN ) ∆ p∆ Ψ∆ (x, y; θ) = EQ e θ 2π(∆ − T ) N ∆ (9) # N∆ Y × c(YTxn − , Dn ; θ)f (YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ) . n=1 In order to construct an unbiased Monte Carlo estimator of (9), we require exact samples of several random quantities. Samples of N∆ and the jump times (Tn )n≤N∆ of the Qθ -Poisson process N can be generated exactly (using SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 11 the order statistics property, for example). Under Qθ , the variables Y∆x and YTxn − are conditionally Gaussian so samples can also be generated exactly. Moreover, the marks (Dn )n≤N∆ can be sampled exactly from the Qθ -density π by the inverse transform method, for example. The only non-trivial task is the unbiased estimation of the expectation (8). We extend an approach developed by Beskos and Roberts (2005) for the exact sampling of a diffusion. To see how an unbiased estimator can be constructed, suppose the function b is positive. Then (8) is the conditional probability that a doublystochastic Poisson process with intensity b(v + ρs + Ws ; θ) has no jumps in the interval [0, t], given (W0 , Wt ). If b is also bounded, then this probability can be estimated without bias using a simple thinning scheme (Lewis and Shedler (1979)). Here, one generates the jump times τ1 < · · · < τp of a dominating Poisson process on [0, t] with intensity maxw b(w; θ), and a skeleton Wτ1 , . . . , Wτp of a Brownian bridge starting from 0 at time 0 and ending at w − v − ρt at time t. An estimator of the desired no-jump probability is p Y b(v + ρτi + Wτi ; θ) (10) 1− , maxw b(w; θ) i=1 which is the empirical probability of rejecting the jump times of the dominating Poisson process as jump times of a doubly-stochastic Poisson process with intensity b(v + ρs + Ws ; θ) conditional on Wt = w − v − ρt. This approach extends to the case where b is not necessarily bounded or positive; see Chen and Huang (2013) for the case ρ = 0. We partition the interval [0, t] into segments in which W is bounded. Let η = min{t > 0 : Wt ∈ / [−L, L]} for some level L > 0 whose choice will be discussed below. If the function b is continuous, then (11) b(v + ρt + Wt ; θ) − min |w|≤L+|ρ|η b(v + w; θ) is positive and bounded for t ∈ [0, η]. Consequently, we can use the estimator (10) locally up to time η if we replace the function b with (11). We iterate this localization argument to obtain an unbiased estimator of (8). Let (ηi : i = 1, . . . , I + 1) be i.i.d. samples of η for I = sup{i : η1 + · · · + ηi ≤ t} and set E0 = 0, Ei = η1 + · · · + ηi . In addition, let τ1i < · · · < τpii be a sample of the jump times of a dominating Poisson process on [0, ηi ] with rate Mi (θ) given by max b v + ρEi−1 + WEi−1 + x; θ − b v + ρEi−1 + WEi−1 + y; θ . |x|,|y|≤L+|ρ|ηi Note that 0 ≤ Mi (θ) < ∞ for all y ∈ SY if b is continuous. Finally, define τ0i = 0, wi,0 = WEi−1 , and let wi,1 , . . . , wi,pi be a skeleton of the Brownian 12 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER bridge starting at WEi−1 at time Ei−1 and finishing at WEi at time Ei . Letting mi (θ) = min|w|≤L+|ρ|ηi b(v + ρEi−1 + WEi−1 + w; θ), an unbiased estimator of (8) is given by fˆ(v, w, t; θ) defined as ! pi I+1 i ) + w ; θ) − m (θ) Y Y b(v + ρ(E + τ i−1 i,j i j (12) e−mi (θ)Ei 1− Mi (θ) i=1 j=1 P where EI+1 = t − Ii=1 Ei . This estimator generates an unbiased estimator of the transition density of X. Theorem 4.1. Fix the localization level L > 0, the Poisson rate ` > 0, and the drift ρ ∈ R. Set 2 y−ρ(∆−TN )−YTx ∆ N∆ fˆ(YTxN , Y∆x , ∆ − TN∆ ; θ) a(y;θ)−a(x;θ)− 2(∆−TN ) ∆ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) = p ∆ e 2π(∆ − TN∆ )σ(w; θ) (13) × N∆ Y c(YTxn − , Dn ; θ) fˆ(YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ) n=1 for x = F (v; θ) and y = F (w; θ). Suppose the following conditions hold: (B5) For any θ ∈ Θ, v 7→ Λ(v; θ) is continuous, v 7→ µ(v; θ) is continuously differentiable, and v 7→ σ(v; θ) is twice continuously differentiable. (B6) At least one of the functions Λ, µ, σ, σ 0 , or σ 00 is not constant. Then p̂∆ (v, w; θ) is an unbiased estimator of the transition density p∆ (v, w; θ) for any v, w ∈ S, and θ ∈ Θ. That is, EQ θ [p̂∆ (v, w; θ)] = p∆ (v, w; θ). A simulation estimator of the transition density p∆ (v, w; θ) of the jumpdiffusion X is given by the average of independent Monte Carlo samples of p̂∆ (v, w; θ) drawn from Qθ . Theorem 4.1 provides mild conditions on the coefficient functions of X guaranteeing the unbiasedness of this estimator. The practical implementation of the estimator will be discussed in Section 5, including the selection of the quantities L, ` and ρ. The density estimator (13) also applies to a diffusion, i.e., in the absence of jumps (Γ ≡ 0). In this case, and if Λ ≡ 0, ρ = 0, ` = 0, L = ∞, and inf w∈SY b(w; θ) > ∞ and supw∈SY b(w; θ) − inf w∈SY b(w; θ) < ∞ for all θ ∈ Θ, our density estimator reduces to the estimator of Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2009). Our approach requires weaker assumptions, so our estimator has a broader scope even in the diffusion case. Moreover, our approach allows us to select the Poisson rate `, the drift ρ, and the SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 13 localization bound L, and this facilitates the construction of computationally efficient density estimators (see Section 5). Often, one is interested in evaluating partial derivatives of p∆ (v, w; θ). For example, many sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of a MLE θ̂m are formulated in terms of partial derivatives of the density; see Appendix A. Conveniently, under certain conditions, the density estimator (13) can be differentiated to obtain unbiased estimators of the partial derivatives of the transition density. Corollary 4.2. Suppose that the conditions of Proposition 3.2 and Theorem 4.1 hold. In addition, suppose that: (B7) For any ξ > 0, the following functions are n-times continuously differentiable: (y, θ) 7→ minw∈[−ξ,ξ] b(y +w; θ) and (y, θ) 7→ maxw∈[−ξ,ξ] b(y + w; θ). (B8) The order of differentiation and Qθ -expectation can be interchanged for p̂∆ (v, w; θ) for the n-th partial derivative taken with respect to θ; i.e., for i1 , . . . , in ∈ {1, . . . , r}, Q n ∂in1 ,...,in EQ θ [p̂∆ (v, w; θ)] = Eθ ∂i1 ,...,in p̂∆ (v, w; θ) . Then the mapping θ 7→ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) is almost surely n-times continuously differentiable for any v, w ∈ S. In addition, any n-th partial derivative of p̂∆ (v, w; θ) with respect to θ is an unbiased estimator of the corresponding partial derivative of p∆ (v, w; θ). That is, for i1 , . . . , in ∈ {1, . . . , r}, n ∂ p̂ (v, w; θ) = ∂in1 ,...,in p∆ (v, w; θ). EQ ∆ i ,...,i θ n 1 The assumptions of Proposition 3.2 together with Assumption (B7) imply that the function fˆ in (12) is n-times continuously differentiable with respect to all its arguments. This is a necessary condition for the differentiability of the density estimator p̂∆ . Assumption (B8), again formulated loosely, ensures the unbiasedness of a derivative estimator. 5. Implementation of density estimator. This section explains the practical implementation of the transition density estimator (13). The algorithms stated below have been implemented in R and are available for download at Fix L, ` > 0 and ρ ∈ R. To generate a sample of p̂∆ (v, w; θ), we require a vector R = (P, T, E, W, V, D) of variates with the following properties: • P ∼ Poisson(`∆) is a sample of the jump count N∆ under Qθ • T = (Tn )1≤n≤P is a sample of the jump times (Tn )1≤n≤N∆ under Qθ 14 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER • • • • E = (Enk )1≤n≤P+1,k≥1 is a collection of i.i.d. samples of the exit time η W = (Win )1≤n≤P+1,i≥1 is a collection of i.i.d. uniforms on {−L, L} n ) V = (Vi,j 1≤n≤P+1,i,j≥1 is a collection of i.i.d. standard uniforms D = (Dn )1≤n≤P is a collection of i.i.d. samples from the density π The variates P and D can be sampled exactly using the inverse transform method. The Poisson jump times T can be generated exactly as the order statistics of P uniforms on [0, ∆]. The collection E of exit times can be generated exactly using an acceptance-rejection scheme; see Section 4.1 of Chen and Huang (2013). This scheme uses gamma variates. The sampling of the remaining variates is trivial. Algorithm 5.1 (Computation of Density Estimator). S, θ ∈ Θ, do: For given v, w ∈ (i) Set Y0x = x = F (v; θ) and y = F (w; θ). (ii) For n = 1, . . . , P, do: (a) Draw samples of YTxn − and YTxn under Qθ according to (5). Compute the quantity fˆ(YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ) according to (12). (iii) Draw samples of YTxP and Y∆x under Qθ and compute fˆ(YTxP , Y∆x , ∆ − TP ; θ). (iv) Compute the density estimator p̂∆ (v, w; θ) as fˆ(YTxP , Y∆x , ∆ − TP ; θ) a(F (w;θ);θ)−a(F (v;θ);θ)− p e 2π(∆ − TP )σ(w; θ) × P Y 2 y−ρ(∆−TP )−YTx P 2(∆−TP ) c(YTxn − , Dn ; θ) fˆ(YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ). n=1 Only Steps (ii)a and (iii) of Algorithm 5.1 are nontrivial. The following algorithm details the implementation of these steps. Algorithm 5.2 (Sampling YTxn − and YTxn and computing fˆ(YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ) ). Fix YTxn−1 , Tn−1 , Tn , and Dn . Let I = max{i ≥ 1 : E1 + · · ·+Ei ≤ Tn −Tn−1 } and set w1,0 = YTxn−1 and wi,0 = wi−1,0 +ρEi−1 +Wi−1 for i = 2, . . . , I + 1. For i = 1, . . . , I + 1, do: (i) Compute mi = Mi = min b(wi,0 + w; θ) max b (wi,0 + w; θ) − mi |w|≤L+|ρ|Ei |w|≤L+|ρ|Ei SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 15 (ii) Draw samples of the jump times τi,1 , . . . , τi,pi of a dominating Poisson process with rate Mi . Set τi,0 = 0 and τi,j = τi,j−1 − (log Vi,j )/Mi for j ≥ 1 while τi,j ≤ Ei . Set pi = max{j ≥ 0 : τi,j ≤ Ei }, P max{j ≥ 0 : τi,j ≤ Tn − Tn−1 − Ii=1 Ei }, i = 1, . . . , I i=I +1 (iii) Compute a skeleton wi,1 , . . . , wi,pi of a Brownian bridge reaching from 0 at time 0 to Wi at time Ei . For i = IP+ 1, compute the additional skeleton point w− at time Tn − Tn−1 − Ii=1 Ei (iv) Compute the normalizing factor ( exp(−m i = 1, . . . , I i Ei ), PI ei = i=I +1 exp −mi (Tn − Tn−1 − i=1 Ei ) , P A sample of YTxn − is given by y − = wI+1,0 + w− + ρ(Tn − Tn−1 − Ii=1 Ei ). A sample of YTxn is given by y + = y − + ΓY (y − , Dn ; θ). A sample of fˆ(YTxn−1 , YTxn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ) is given by I+1 Y i=1 ei pi Y j=1 ! b wi,0 + wi,j + ρτi,pj ; θ − mi 1− . Mi The correctness of Algorithm 5.2 follows from Theorem 4.1 after noting that an exact sample of the first jump time of a Poisson process with rate Mi (θ) is given by − log(U )/Mi (θ), where U is standard uniform. This observation is used in Step (ii). The skeleton of a Brownian bridge required in Step (iii) can be sampled exactly using the procedure outlined in Section 6.4 of Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2009), which constructs a skeleton in terms of three independent sequences of standard normals. Note that the vector of basic random variates R used in the algorithms above does not depend on the arguments (v, w; θ) of the density estimator (13). Thus, a single sample of R suffices to generate samples of p̂∆ (v, w; θ) for any v, w ∈ S and θ ∈ Θ. This property generates significant computational benefits for the maximization of the simulated likelihood based on the estimator (13); see Section 6. We discuss the optimal selection of the level L, the Poisson rate `, and the drift ρ. While these parameters have no impact on the unbiasedness of the density estimator, they influence the variance and computational efficiency of the estimator. The Poisson rate ` governs the frequency of the jumps of X under Qθ . If ` is small, then TN∆ ≈ 0 with high Qθ -probability and the 16 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER estimator (13) approximates the density p∆ as a weighted Gaussian density, ignoring the jumps of X. Thus, the estimator (13) has large variance in the tails. On the other hand, the computational effort required to evaluate the estimator increases with `. This is because EQ θ [P] = `∆ so that Step (ii)a of Algorithm 5.1 is repeated more frequently for large values of `. The level parameter L controls the number of iterations I +1 in Algorithm 5.2. Note that Qθ [|Ytx | > L] → 0 as L → ∞ for any fixed 0 ≤ t ≤ ∆ because Y x is non-explosive under Qθ . Thus, the larger L, the smaller I, and the fewer iterations of Algorithm 5.2 are needed to compute (12). On the other hand, large values of L make Mi (θ) large, which increases pi in (12) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ I + 1. This, in turn, increases both the variance of the thinning estimator (12) and the computational effort required to evaluate it. Similarly, large positive or negative values of ρ also make Mi (θ) large, increasing both the variance of the density estimator and the computational effort necessary to evaluate it. We propose to choose the quantities `, L, and ρ so as to optimally trade off computational effort and variance. We adopt the efficiency concept of Glynn and Whitt (1992) for simulation estimators, defining efficiency as the inverse of the product of the variance of the estimator and the work required to evaluate the estimator. Thus, we select `, L, and ρ as the solution of the optimization problem 2 (14) min max EQ θ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) × R(v, w; θ), `,L>0,ρ∈R v,w∈S θ∈Θ where R(v, w; θ) is the time required to compute the estimator for given v, w, θ, `, L, and ρ. The solution of this optimization problem leads to a density estimator that is efficient across the state and the parameter spaces.6 The problem (14) is a non-linear optimization problem with constraints, which can be solved numerically using standard methods. A run of Algorithm 5.1 yields R(v, w; θ) for given v, w, θ, `, L, and ρ. An unbiased estimator 2 of the second moment EQ θ [p̂∆ (v, w; θ)] can be evaluated using a variant of Algorithm 5.1. 6. Simulated likelihood estimators. This section analyzes the asymptotic behavior of the simulated likelihood estimator of the parameter θ of the jump-diffusion process X. Let p̂K ∆ be a transition density estimator based on K ∈ N Monte Carlo samples of (13). The simulated likelihood function of 6 One could also choose “locally” optimal parameters by solving 2 min`,L>0,ρ∈R EQ [p̂ (v, w; θ)]R(v, w; θ) for each (v, w; θ). However, this may be com∆ θ putationally burdensome. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 17 Q K θ at the data X is given by L̂K (θ) = m n=1 p̂∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ); this is the Monte Carlo counterpart of L(θ) is Section 2. A simulated maximum likeliK satisfies almost surely θ̂ K ∈ arg max K hood estimator (SMLE) θ̂m θ∈Θ L̂ (θ). m Conveniently, the maximization of the simulated likelihood is effectively a deterministic optimization problem. We draw K Monte Carlo samples of the basic random variate R to construct the density estimator p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ); see Section 5. Because p̂K (v, w; θ) is a deterministic function of (v, w, θ) ∆ given the samples of R, it can be evaluated at various data points (v, w) = (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ) without re-simulation. Thus, given the samples of R and the data X, the likelihood L̂K (θ) is a deterministic function of the parameter θ. There is no need to re-simulate the likelihood during the optimization, eliminating the need to deal with a simulation optimization problem. K . We first establish that θ̂ K is We study the properties of a SMLE θ̂m m asymptotically unbiased. A sufficient condition for this property is that limK→∞ L̂K (θ) = L(θ) almost surely and uniformly over the parameter space Θ. The strong law of large numbers and the continuous mapping theorem imply that the above convergence occurs almost surely in our setting, but they do not provide uniformity of the convergence. We use the strong law of large numbers for random elements in separable Banach spaces to prove uniform convergence, exploiting the compactness of the parameter space Θ and the fact that L̂K takes values in a separable Banach space (see, e.g., Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2009) and Straumann and Mikosch (2006)). Conveniently, asymptotic unbiasedness implies (strong) consistency of a SMLE if a MLE is (strongly) consistent. 18 Theorem 6.1. suppose that: GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Suppose the conditions of Theorem 3.1 hold. Moreover, h i (C1) For any v, w ∈ S, E supθ∈Θ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) < ∞. K is an asymptotically unbiased estimator of θ̂ , i.e., Then any SMLE θ̂m m K θ̂m → θ̂m almost surely as K → ∞. If a MLE θ̂m is (strongly) consistent, K is also a (strongly) consistent estimator of the true paramthen a SMLE θ̂m K → θ ∗ in P ∗ -probability eter θ∗ if K → ∞ as m → ∞. In other words, θ̂m θ (almost surely) as m → ∞ and K → ∞. Theorem 6.1 states that, for a given realization of the data X, a SMLE K converges to a theoretical MLE as the number of Monte Carlo samples θ̂m K → ∞. This implies that a SMLE inherits the consistency of a MLE if more Monte Carlo samples are used as more data becomes available (see Appendix A for sufficient conditions for consistency of a MLE). Condition (C1) is mild, and implies that the simulated likelihood is bounded in expectation. How many Monte Carlo samples K of the density estimator (13) need to be generated for each additional observation of X? In general, the number of samples will influence the variance of the density estimator and this will affect the asymptotic distribution of a SMLE. Standard Monte Carlo theory asserts that the error from approximating the true transition density p∆ −1/2 ). Thus, the Monte Carlo error by the estimator p̂K ∆ is of order O(K K arising from using p̂∆ instead of p∆ for a single observation vanishes as K → ∞. However, the aggregate Monte Carlo error associated with the simulated likelihood function L̂K (θ) may explode as m → ∞ if K is not chosen optimally in accordance with m. The following theorem indicates the optimal choice of K. Theorem 6.2. Suppose the conditions of Theorem 6.1 hold, and assume the conditions of Corollary 4.2 for differentiation up to second order. In addition, suppose the following condition holds. (C2) The mapping θ 7→ p∆ (v, w; θ) is three-times continuously differentiable for any v, w ∈ S. (C3) There exists a deterministic matrix Σθ∗ of full rank such that the following limit holds in Pθ∗ -distribution as m → ∞: √1m ∇ log L(θ∗ ) → N (0, Σθ∗ ). 1 2 (C4) The equality Σθ∗ = − limm→∞ m ∇ log L(θ∗ ) holds in Pθ∗ -probability for Σθ∗ from Condition (C3). h i p̂∆ (v,w;θ) (C5) For any θ ∈ int Θ, supv,w∈S VarQ ∇ < ∞. θ p∆ (v,w;θ) SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 19 m K is asympIf K → c ∈ [0, ∞) as m → ∞ and K → ∞, then a SMLE θ̂m √ −1 K − θ ∗ ) → N 0, Σ in Pθ∗ -distribution totically normal. That is, m(θ̂m θ∗ m as m → ∞ and K → ∞. On the other hand, if K → ∞ as m → ∞ and √ K − θ ∗ ) → 0 almost surely. K → ∞, then K(θ̂m Conditions (C3) and (C4) imply asymptotic normality of a MLE θ̂m −1 with asymptotic variance-covariance matrix Σ−1 θ∗ ; i.e., θ̂m → N (0, Σθ∗ ) as m → ∞. A SMLE inherits this asymptotic normality property if the density m estimator satisfies (C5) and K converges to some finite constant. There is no loss of efficiency when estimating θ using the simulated likelihood rather than the theoretical likelihood. The Monte Carlo variance does not impact the asymptotic distribution of a SMLE. If the number of Monte Carlo samples K grows fast enough, then the Monte Carlo variance vanishes in the limit as m → ∞. This is guaranteed by the choice K = O(m). Sufficient conditions for differentiability of the density p∆ are given in Proposition 3.2. Sufficient conditions for (C3) and (C4) are given in Appendix A. Condition (C5) is mild but necessary. It implies that the variance of the simulated score function is finite. Sufficient conditions for (C5) are given in Table 2. That our Monte Carlo approximation of the transition density does not affect the asymptotic distribution of the estimator is a consequence of the unbiasedness of our density approximation. To appreciate this feature, consider a conventional Monte Carlo approximation of the transition density, where one first approximates X on a discrete-time grid and then applies a nonparametric kernel to the Monte Carlo samples. In the special case of a diffusion that is approximated using an Euler scheme, Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006) show that this approach distorts the asymptotic distriEuler denote the bution of the likelihood estimator. More precisely, letting θ̂m estimator obtained from Km i.i.d. Monte Carlo samples of the Euler approximation of X∆ that are based on km discretization steps, Theorem 12 of Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006) implies that if Km → ∞ and √ Euler − θ ∗ ) → N β, ΣEuler as m → ∞ in km → ∞ as m → ∞, then m(θ̂m Pθ∗ -distribution, where either β 6= 0 or ΣEuler 6= Σ−1 θ∗ . In particular, Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006) show that β = 0 and ΣEuler = Σ−1 θ∗ cannot hold simultaneously. Thus, this approach either generates size-distorted asymptotic standard errors or is inefficient.7 Our exact Monte Carlo approach, in contrast, facilitates efficient parameter estimation and produces 7 Efficiency can be achieved if the number of Euler discretization steps √km is chosen according to the square-root rule of Duffie and Glynn (1995), i.e., km = O( Km ). Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006) develop an improved discretization scheme for diffusions for which β = 0. For jump-diffusions with state-independent coefficients, Kristensen and 20 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER correct asymptotic standard errors at the same time. It eliminates the need to discretize X, and generates an estimator that has the same asymptotic distribution as a true MLE. 7. Numerical results. This section illustrates the performance of the density and simulated likelihood estimators. We consider two alternative models. The first is the mean-reverting interest rate model of Das (2002). We specify the jump-diffusion SDE (1) by choosing the following functions for θ = (κ, X̄, σ, l0 , l1 , γ1 , γ2 ) ∈ R+ × R × R3+ × R × R+ , x ∈ S = R, and d ∈ D = R: µ(x; θ) = κ(X̄ − x), σ(x; θ) = σ, Γ(x, d; θ) = γ1 + γ2 d, and Λ(x; θ) = l0 + l1 x. The jump-diffusion X has dynamics (15) dXt = κ(X̄ − Xt )dt + σdBt + dJt , PNt where Jt = n=1 (γ1 + γ2 Dn ) and N is a counting process with statedependent intensity λt = l0 + l1 Xt . The marks (Dn )n≥1 are i.i.d. standard normal. We choose the parameter space as Θ = [0.0001, 3] × [−1, 1] × [0.0001, 1] × [0.0001, 100] × [−10, 10] × [−0.1, 0.1] × [0.0001, 0.1]. The true parameter θ∗ is taken as (0.8542, 0.0330, 0.0173, 54.0500, 0.0000, 0.0004, 0.0058) ∈ int Θ, the value estimated by Das (2002) from daily data of the Fed Funds rate between 1988 and 1997.8 We take X0 = X̄ = 0.0330. The second model we consider is the double-exponential stock price model of Kou (2002). For this model, we set θ = (µ, σ, l0 , l1 , p, γ1 , γ2 ) ∈ R × R+ × R2+ ×[0, 1]×R2+ , x ∈ S = R+ , d ∈ D = R2+ ×[0, 1], µ(x; θ) = µx, σ(x; θ) = σx, Λ(x; θ) = l0 + l1 x, and x(ed1 − 1), if d3 < p, Γ(x, d; θ) = x(e−d2 − 1), otherwise. This results in a jump-diffusion X with dynamics (16) dXt = µXt− dt + σXt− dBt + Xt− dJt P t Un with Jt = N − 1) for a counting process N with state-dependent n=1 (e intensity λt = `0 + `1 Xt . The random variable Un has an asymmetric (1) (3) double exponential distribution with Un = Dn if Dn < p, and Un = (2) (1) (2) (3) −Dn otherwise, for a mark variable Dn = (Dn , Dn , Dn ) that satisfies (1) (2) (3) Dn ∼ Exp(1/η1 ), Dn ∼ Exp(1/η2 ), and Dn ∼ Unif[0, 1]. We choose Θ = [−1, 1] × [0.0001 × 1] × [0.0001, 100] × [−1, 1] × [0.001, 100]2 . The true Shin (2012) show that β = 0 can be achieved under conditions on the kernel. 8 Das (2002) assumed l1 = 0. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 21 parameter is θ∗ = (0.15, 0.20, 10, 0, 0.3, 1/0.02, 1/0.04) ∈ int Θ, which is consistent with the choice of Kou (2002). We take X0 = 10. Model (15) is affine in the sense of Duffie, Pan and Singleton (2000), allowing us to compute the “true” transition density of X by Fourier inversion of the characteristic function of X. For Model (16), only the process log X is affine. We can nonetheless recover the transition density of log X in semianalytical form via Fourier inversion, and then compute the density of X via a change of variables. The density estimators derived from Fourier inversion in these ways serve as benchmarks for Models (15) and (16). We implement the Fourier inversion via numerical quadrature with 103 discretization points in [−103 , 103 ]. The characteristic functions of X in Model (15) and log X in Model (16) are known in closed form if l1 = 0. When l1 6= 0, the characteristic functions solve sets of ordinary differential equations that need to be solved numerically. We use a Runge-Kutta method based on 50 time steps to numerically solve these differential equations. The numerical results reported below are based on an implementation in R, running on an 2×8-core 2.6 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2670, 128 GB server at Boston University with a Linux Centos 6.4 operating system. All R codes are available for download at 7.1. Transition density estimator. We begin by evaluating the accuracy ∗ of the unbiased density (UD) estimator. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show p̂K ∆ (X0 , w; θ ) 1 1 1 for Models (15) and (16), ∆ ∈ { 12 , 4 , 2 }, and each of several K, along with pointwise empirical confidence bands obtained from 103 bootstrap samples.9 We compare the UD estimator with several alternatives: • A Gaussian kernel estimator obtained from K samples of X∆ generated with the exact method of Giesecke and Smelov (2013). • A Gaussian kernel estimator obtained from K samples of X∆ generated with the discretization method of Giesecke √ and Teng (2012). The number of discretization steps is taken as K, as suggested by the results of Duffie and Glynn (1995). The UD estimator oscillates around the true transition density, which is governed by the expectation Ψ∆ in (7). The expectation Ψ∆ can be viewed as a weighted sum of infinitely many normal distributions with variance TN∆ . The UD estimator approximates this infinite sum by a finite sum. The oscillations of p̂K ∆ correspond to the normal densities that are mixed by the UD estimator (13). The amplitude of the oscillations of p̂K ∆ is large for small 9 We find that the solutions of (14) yielding optimal configurations of the density estimator are ` = 58.18, L = 3.65 and ρ = 0.02 for Model (15) and ` = 21.92, L = 7.38, and ρ = 0.06 for Model (16). The optimizations were solved using the Nelder-Mead method. 22 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER K = 1000 0 10 20 30 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Euler) Kernel (Exact) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 K = w5000 0 10 20 30 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Euler) Kernel (Exact) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 K = 10000 w 0 10 20 30 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Euler) Kernel (Exact) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 ∗ Fig 1. Estimator p̂K ∆ (X0 , w; θ ) for Model (15) with K ∈ {1000, 5000, 10000}, w ∈ [0, 0.1] and ∆ = 1/12, along with 90% bootstrap confidence bands, as well as the true transition density and kernel estimators obtained from Euler’s method and exact simulation. values of K. As K increases, the amplitude of the oscillations decreases and the confidence bands become tight. This confirms the unbiasedness result of Theorem 4.1. If the number K of Monte Carlo samples is sufficiently large, the UD estimator p̂K ∆ accurately approximates the transition density over the entire range of X. In contrast, both kernel density estimators are biased. The biases are relatively large in the tails of the distribution; see Figure 2. They are also large when the time ∆ between consecutive observations is 23 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 1e−05 1e−03 1e−01 K = 1000 1e−09 1e−07 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Exact) Kernel (Euler) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 12 13 11 12 13 1e−05 1e−03 1e−01 K = w5000 1e−09 1e−07 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Exact) Kernel (Euler) 7 8 9 10 1e−05 1e−03 1e−01 K = 10000 w 1e−09 1e−07 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Exact) Kernel (Euler) 7 8 9 10 ∗ Fig 2. Estimator p̂K ∆ (X0 , w; θ ) for Model (16) with K ∈ {1000, 5000, 10000}, w ∈ [0, 0.1] and ∆ = 1/12, along with 90% bootstrap confidence bands, as well as the true transition density and kernel estimators obtained from Euler’s method and exact simulation. The y-axis in this plot is displayed in log scale. large, as can be seen in Figure 3. By construction, our density estimator respects the boundary of the state space S. That is, our density estimator assigns no probability mass to values outside of S. Figure 4 illustrates this property for Model (16), in which X has the bounded state space S = [0, ∞). The 90% confidence bands of p̂∆ (X0 , w; θ∗ ) are tight and close to zero for very small values of w regardless 24 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER ∆ = 0.25 (log scale) 0.0 1e−10 0.1 1e−06 0.2 0.3 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Exact) Kernel (Euler) 1e−02 0.4 ∆ = 0.25 6 8 10 12 14 16 6 8 12 14 16 0.00 1e−10 0.10 1e−06 0.20 1e−02 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion Kernel (Exact) Kernel (Euler) 0.30 10 ∆ = 0.5 (log w scale) ∆ =w0.5 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ∗ 1 1 Fig 3. Estimator p̂K ∆ (X0 , ·; θ ) for Model (16) with K = 1000, X0 = 10, and ∆ ∈ { 4 , 2 }, along with 90% bootstrap confidence bands, as well as the true transition density and kernel estimators obtained from Euler’s method and exact simulation. The y-axes of the right plots are displayed in log scale. of the size of X0 . Although not displayed in Figure 4, we know that the Gaussian kernel estimator derived from exact samples of X∆ will also restrict itself to S. If the samples are derived from Euler’s method, then the Gaussian kernel estimator may not satisfy this property because Euler’s method does not ensure that the approximate solution of the SDE (16) will stay within the state space S. Figure 4 also shows that our density estimator is always non-negative. This property holds because our estimator is a mixture of Gaussian densities and the weights are non-negative. Although not displayed, the kernel density estimators are also always non-negative. However, Figure 4 shows that the Fourier inverse estimator may become negative for extreme values of the state space S. This occurs because the numerical inversion of the Fourier transform may become numerically unstable in certain situations. 7.2. Computational efficiency. We run three experiments to assess the computational efficiency of our UD estimator. We start by analyzing the con- 25 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS X0 = 0.01 −1010 0.00 0.05 0.10 −200 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion −10100 −20 0 20 200 40 60 600 X0 = 0.1 0.15 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 X0 = 0.0001 w −101000 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 −1010000 −2000 0 2000 40000 6000 X0 = w0.001 UD Confidence bands Fourier inversion 0.00000 0.00005 0.00010 0.00015 ∗ Fig 4. Estimator p̂K ∆ (X0 , ·; θ ) for Model (16) with K ∈ {1000, 5000, 10000}, X0 ∈ {0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001}, and ∆ = 1/12, along with 90% bootstrap confidence bands, as well as the true transition density. vergence of the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the estimator p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) at a random parameter θ and 120 randomly selected points (v, w). The bias of the RMSE is computed relative to the “true” density obtained by Fourier inversion. We take ∆ = 1/12 for Model (15) and ∆ = 1/4 for Model (16). Repeated calculations of the transition density at the points (v, w) = (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ) are required for evaluating the likelihood. Thus, our analysis also indicates the efficiency of computing the likelihood given 10 years of monthly data for Model (15), and 30 years of quarterly data for Model (16). Figure 5 shows the RMSE of p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) as a function of the time required to evaluate the estimator at a randomly selected θ ∈ Θ and 120 randomly selected pairs (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 . It also shows the RMSE for the alternative estimators discussed above. The UD estimator has the fastest error convergence rate. It also has the smallest RMSE when the time between observations is small or when the available computational budget is large, consistent with the asymptotic computational efficiency concept of Glynn and Whitt (1992). Next, we study the computational effort required estimate the likelihood for different sample sizes. To this end, we select a random parameter θ ∈ Θ and m random pairs (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 , and measure the average time it takes 3 to evaluate p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) across all m pairs (v, w) for ∆ = 1/12 and K = 10 . 26 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER 1.0 Kernel (Euler) K = 750 K = 500 Kernel (Exact) K = 1000 UD K = 2500 0.5 RMSE (log scale) 2.0 K = 45 K = 5000 K = 5000 K = 10000 K = 15000 2 5 10 20 Run time (in mins, log scale) 0.030 0.040 0.015 0.020 RMSE (log scale) (a) Model (15), ∆ = 1/12. Kernel (Exact) K = 50 K = 1000 UD K = 100 K = 500 Kernel (Euler) K = 1000 K = 500 K = 5000 K = 1000 K = 5000 K = 10000 K = 15000 1 2 5 10 20 K = 10000 50 100 Run time (in mins, log scale) (b) Model (16), ∆ = 1/4. Fig 5. Root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of different density estimators as a function of computation time. The RMSE is the square root of the average squared error of an estimator of p∆ (v, w; θ) over 120 randomly selected pairs (v, w) and a randomly selected parameter θ. For Model (15) with ∆ = 1/12, we randomly select (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 and θ = (0.9924, 0.0186, 0.0345, 32.6581, 2.3996, 0.0006, 0.0039) ∈ Θ. For Model (16) with ∆ = 1/4, we randomly select (v, w) ∈ [5, 15]2 and θ = (−0.1744, 0.2342, 28.4388, 0.5418, 0.9278, 80.8277, 69.6841) ∈ Θ. Figure 6 shows the average run time as a function of m for Model (15). It also compares our average run times to the average run times associated with alternative density estimators. Our density estimator involves the smallest per-observation cost when evaluating the likelihood for a given m. Further, the per-observation cost decreases as m grows. Similar findings hold for Model (16), and for alternative choices of ∆. The UD estimator performs well in these first two experiments for two reasons. First, the samples of the basic random variates R used to compute the density estimator (see Section 5) need to be generated only once. They can 27 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 10 5 2 Fourier inversion Kernel (Euler) 1 Per−observation run time (in secs, log scale) Kernel (Exact) UD 50 100 200 500 Sample size m (log scale) Fig 6. Per-observation run time required to compute the likelihood of Model (15) with different density estimators as a function of the sample size m. The perobservation run time is measured as the average time necessary to estimate the density p∆ (v, w; θ) at m randomly selected pairs (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 for ∆ = 1/12 and θ = (0.9924, 0.0186, 0.0345, 32.6581, 2.3996, 0.0006, 0.0039) selected randomly from Θ. We take K = 1000 for the UD estimator. For the Kernel (Euler) estimator, we use 1000 Euler samples of X∆ as to achieve roughly the same RMSE (see Figure 5). Due to computational constraints, for the Kernel (Exact) estimator we use only 500 exact samples of X∆ . be reused to compute p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) for any v, w ∈ S and any θ ∈ Θ. This yields the small and decreasing per-observation cost for estimating the likelihood. Second, our density estimator is unbiased. Alternative estimators do not exhibit both of these properties. Kernel density estimation introduces bias, which slows down the rate of convergence for the RMSE. Euler discretization introduces additional bias. As a result, the discretization-based density estimator has the slowest rate of convergence. For the other simulation-based estimator, which is based on exact samples of X∆ , the samples of the process must be re-generated for every pair (v, w) at which the transition density is estimated. This increases computational costs. Finally, the Fourier density estimator of Duffie, Pan and Singleton (2000) is essentially error-free. However, evaluating this estimator requires numerically solving a system of ordinary differential equations for each pair (v, w), which increases the computational costs. A Monte Carlo estimator of the density has the implicit benefit that it 28 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Table 1 Run times of the different operations necessary to compute the density estimator p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) for Model (15) at a random parameter θ ∈ Θ and 120 random (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 using Kp processors. Generating K i.i.d. samples of R Computing one sample of p̂∆ given R Computing p̂K ∆ given K samples of R for K = 1000 Total run time in seconds Speed-up factor 1 9.84 0.10 98.86 108.70 Processors Kp 2 4 9.84 9.84 0.10 0.10 53.64 31.93 63.48 41.77 1.71 2.60 6 9.84 0.10 27.19 37.03 2.94 can be computed in parallel using multiple processors. If a density estimator requires K i.i.d. Monte Carlo samples and Kp processors are available, then each processor only needs to compute KKp Monte Carlo samples. We analyze the computational gains generated by parallel computing our density estimator. For Model (15), we measure the time it takes to generate K = 1000 i.i.d. samples of the basic random variates R and parallel compute p̂∆ (v, w; θ) at a random parameter θ ∈ Θ and 120 random pairs (v, w) ∈ [0, 0.1]2 using Kp ∈ {1, 2, 4, 6} processors. Table 1 shows that parallelization results in a significant reduction of the run time necessary to evaluate our density estimator. Increasing the number of processors from 1 to 4 reduces the total run time by a factor of 2.6. There are other possibilities to further reduce the run time required to evaluate our UD estimator. Graphics processing units (GPUs) may be used, for example. 7.3. Simulated likelihood estimators. A Monte Carlo analysis illustrates the properties of the simulated maximum likelihood estimators (SMLE). We generate 100 samples of the data X = {X0 , X∆ , . . . , Xm∆ } from the law Pθ∗ for m = 600 and ∆ = 1/12 for Model (15), and m = 400 and ∆ = 1/4 for Model (16) using the exact algorithm of Giesecke and Smelov (2013). This corresponds to 50 years of monthly data for Model (15) and 100 years of quarterly data for Model (16). For each data sample, we compute K by maximizing the simulated likelihood L̂K , and an MLE an SMLE θ̂m θ̂m by maximizing the likelihood obtained from the true transition density. The Nelder-Mead method, initialized at θ∗ , is used to numerically solve the optimization problems. In accordance with Theorem 6.2, we choose K = 10m for Model (15) and K = 15m for Model (16) in order to guarantee asymptotic normality of the SMLE. We verify the conditions that imply consistency and asymptotic normality. We first check that the conditions of Appendix A for consistency and 29 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS Table 2 Sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality as stated in Theorems 6.1 (k) and 6.2, and Appendix A. We choose K = 1000 and m = 600. Here, (p̂∆ )1≤k≤K are i.i.d. samples of the density estimator p̂∆ , and (Xn∆ )0≤n≤m is generated from Pθ . Panel A Proxy Condition (A2) supθ∈Θ,1≤n≤m p̂K ∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) < ∞ (A3) 2 supθ∈Θ,1≤i≤r,1≤n≤m (∂i p̂K ∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ)) < ∞ 2 K 2 ∂i,j p̂∆ (X(n−1)∆ ,Xn∆ ;θ) supθ∈Θ,1≤i,j≤r,1≤n≤m <∞ p̂K (X ,X ;θ) (A4) ∆ (n−1)∆ n∆ (m) (A6) inf θ∈Θ 1{Σ̂(m) is positiv definite} = 1 for Σ̂θ θ as defined in (A-5) in Appendix A 2 (k) (v,w;θ) k=1 p̂ 2 < ∞ supθ∈Θ,v,w∈[0,0.1]2 1 PK ∆ (k) p̂ (v,w;θ) k=1 ∆ K 2 P (k) K 1 k=1 ∂i p̂∆ (v,w;θ) 2 supθ∈Θ,1≤i≤r,v,w∈[0,0.1]2 K1 PK (k) ∂ p̂ (v,w;θ) k=1 i ∆ K 1 K (C5) Satisfied by: Model (15) Model (16) Model (15) Model (16) Model (15) Model (16) Model (15) Model (16) PK and Model (15) <∞ Model (16) asymptotic normality of a MLE are satisfied. We can verify the conditions using our density estimator p̂K ∆ . The analysis in Section 7.1 indicates that the density estimator is a finite mixture of Gaussian densities. As a result, our density estimator is three-times continuously differentiable, and Assumptions (A1) and (A5) of Appendix A are valid given that Θ is compact. Table 2 summarizes our procedure to evaluate the remaining conditions of Appendix A, and indicates that these conditions are satisfied. As a result, a MLE is consistent and asymptotically normal. Next, we verify the conditions of Theorems 6.1 and 6.2 implying consistency and asymptotic normality of a SMLE. Table 2 shows that Condition (C5) is satisfied. Condition (C1) is naturally satisfied because Θ is compact and p̂∆ is continuous. Conditions (C2)-(C4) are also satisfied as implied by the conditions of Appendix A. Thus, a SMLE is also consistent and asymptotically normal with the same variance-covariance matrix as a MLE. We test asymptotic unbiasedness of a SMLE (Theorem 6.1). Table 3 comK − θ̂ ] of a SMLE from a MLE to the average pares the average deviation E[θ̂m m deviation (E[(θ̂m − θ∗ )2 ])1/2 of a MLE from the true parameter, for Model (15) with ∆ = 1/12 in Panel A, and Model (16) with ∆ = 1/4 in Panel B. The expectations are estimated by sample averages across all 100 data sets. The values in Table 3 show that the average “error” of a SMLE is small when compared to the average error of a MLE. The null hypothesis that the error of a SMLE is equal to zero cannot be rejected for any model parameter over any horizon based on the asymptotic distribution implied by Theorem 30 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Table 3 Average deviation of a SMLE from a MLE and average deviation of a MLE from the true parameter θ∗ over all 100 data samples for Models (15) and (16). k X̄ σ l0 l1 γ1 γ2 µ σ l0 l1 p η1 η2 Model (15), ∆ = 1/12 m = 120, K = 1200 m = 600, K = 6000 K K E[θ̂m − θ̂m ] (E[(θ̂m − θ∗ )2 ])1/2 E[θ̂m − θ̂m ] (E[(θ̂m − θ∗ )2 ])1/2 0.0867 0.3627 0.2418 0.4296 0.0093 0.1739 −0.0506 0.1161 0.0071 0.0173 0.0088 0.0154 0.1192 3.2255 0.4691 2.5916 −1.9035 3.7097 −2.4162 4.1564 0.0000 0.0019 0.0005 0.0008 0.0012 0.0027 0.0003 0.0016 Model (16), ∆ = 1/4 m = 200, K = 3000 m = 400, K = 6000 K K E[θ̂m − θ̂m ] (E[(θ̂m − θ∗ )2 ])1/2 E[θ̂m − θ̂m ] (E[(θ̂m − θ∗ )2 ])1/2 0.0934 0.3465 0.1469 0.2987 0.1259 0.1618 0.2524 0.2293 −0.4477 12.8842 13.9345 14.2461 −0.1977 0.8127 −0.2395 0.8247 0.0623 0.3797 0.2956 0.3907 1.0535 14.1629 −1.2553 18.1835 −1.7469 9.4348 −6.7299 12.1261 6.2. This verifies the asymptotic unbiasedness property. We analyze the finite-sample distribution of a SMLE. Tables 4 and 5 √ K− compare the mean and the standard deviation of the scaled errors m(θ̂m √ ∗ ∗ θ ) for a SMLE and m(θ̂m − θ ) for a MLE across all 100 data sets for Models (15) and (16). They also indicates the theoretical asymptotic means √ K − θ ∗ ) and √m(θ̂ − θ ∗ ) in accordance and standard deviations of m(θ̂m m with Theorem 6.2. For most parameters, the moments of the scaled error of a SMLE are similar to the corresponding moments of the scaled error of a MLE over all time horizons for both models. Based on the asymptotic standard errors indicated in the column “Asymp.” of Table 4, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the differences between the scaled error moments of a SMLE and a MLE are equal to zero for any value of m. This tells us that the finite-sample distribution of a SMLE is similar to the finite-sample distribution of a MLE. Next, we consider the asymptotic distribution of a SMLE. According to Theorem 6.2, a SMLE and a MLE share the same asymptotic normal distribution with mean zero and variance-covariance matrix Σ−1 θ∗ . As a result, we expect that the differences between the means and the standard devia√ K − θ ∗ ) and √m(θ̂ − θ ∗ ) decrease as m increases. We find tions of m(θ̂m m SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 31 Table 4 √ K Empirical means (“M”) and standard deviations (“SD”) of the scaled error m(θ̂m − θ∗ ) √ ∗ of a SMLE and the scaled error m(θ̂m − θ ) of a MLE, over 100 independent data samples for Model (15) with ∆ = 1/12. The table also shows the differences (“Diff.”) between the sample moments of the scaled errors of a SMLE and a MLE, as well as the average asymptotic moments (“Asymp.”) of a SMLE in accordance with Theorem 6.2. The asymptotic mean is zero, the asymptotic standard deviations are given by the average of the square-roots of the diagonal entries of Σ−1 θ ∗ in Theorem 6.2 across all 100 data sets. √ √ m(k̂ − k∗ ) ˆ − X̄ ∗ ) m(X̄ √ m(σ̂ − σ ∗ ) √ √ m(lˆ0 − l0∗ ) m(lˆ1 − l1∗ ) √ m(γˆ1 − γ1∗ ) √ m(γˆ2 − γ2∗ ) √ √ m(k̂ − k∗ ) ˆ − X̄ ∗ ) m(X̄ √ m(σ̂ − σ ∗ ) √ √ m(lˆ0 − l0∗ ) m(lˆ1 − l1∗ ) √ m(γˆ1 − γ1∗ ) √ m(γˆ2 − γ2∗ ) M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD m = 120, K = 1200 SMLE MLE Diff. 0.706 −0.243 0.950 2.034 3.965 −1.931 0.240 0.138 0.102 0.409 1.900 −1.491 0.017 −0.060 0.077 0.047 0.179 −0.132 20.252 18.946 1.306 25.768 29.763 −3.996 12.536 33.388 −20.852 18.956 22.921 −3.965 0.000 −0.001 0.000 0.003 0.021 −0.017 −0.002 −0.016 0.013 0.006 0.025 −0.019 m = 600, K = 6000 SMLE MLE Diff. −3.266 −9.207 5.942 4.753 5.026 −0.273 0.276 1.507 −1.231 2.734 2.376 0.358 0.002 −0.219 0.221 0.092 0.309 −0.217 57.327 46.822 10.505 66.527 42.760 23.767 33.679 91.691 −58.011 50.360 42.808 7.552 0.001 −0.011 0.012 0.024 0.016 0.008 −0.007 −0.013 0.006 0.009 0.037 −0.029 Asymp. 0 4.614 0 2.089 0 0.499 0 50.588 0 110.867 0 0.161 0 0.207 Asymp. 0 4.614 0 2.089 0 0.499 0 50.588 0 110.867 0 0.161 0 0.207 32 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Table 5 √ K Empirical means (“M”) and standard deviations (“SD”) of the scaled error m(θ̂m − θ∗ ) √ ∗ of a SMLE and the scaled error m(θ̂m − θ ) of a MLE, over 100 independent data samples of Model (16) with ∆ = 1/4. When computing SMLE, we set K = 6000 for m = 400, and K = 3000 for m = 200. The table also shows the analogous scaled errors of the parameter estimators derived from the Kernel (Euler) estimator (“Euler”) as described in Section 7.1, and the average asymptotic moments (“Asymp.”) of a SMLE in accordance with Theorem 6.2. The asymptotic mean is zero, the asymptotic standard deviations are given by the average of the square-roots of the diagonal entries of Σ−1 θ∗ across all 100 data sets. For Kernel (Euler), we set K = 1400 for m = 200, and K = 2300 for m = 400. Model (16), ∆ = 1/4 µ σ l0 l1 p η1 η2 M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD SMLE 1.469 2.927 1.381 2.403 51.054 100.368 −1.703 2.350 1.049 3.141 6.588 62.247 2.827 60.441 m = 200 MLE 0.148 4.462 −0.401 1.001 57.385 166.556 1.092 11.421 0.167 4.749 −8.310 194.367 27.533 130.804 Euler −0.018 0.635 −0.058 0.242 9.990 14.138 0.862 1.503 0.197 0.810 17.309 23.556 24.319 26.252 SMLE 3.383 5.212 4.738 5.078 344.954 279.682 −4.696 5.806 5.335 6.492 −86.325 245.855 −101.198 228.143 m = 400 MLE 0.446 4.771 −0.311 0.843 66.263 182.975 0.094 15.617 −0.578 5.500 −61.220 320.415 33.399 172.182 Euler 0.057 0.717 −0.039 0.227 8.424 15.685 0.601 2.075 0.114 0.984 36.686 36.806 21.623 31.143 Asymp. 0 20.445 0 6.264 0 181.520 0 216.612 0 43.010 0 338.527 0 127.635 that these differences decrease in value or stay roughly unchanged for most parameters as m grows from 120 to 600 in Model (15) (Table 4) and from 200 to 400 in Model (16) (Table 5). The few large differences between these moments are due to large asymptotic standard deviations, as indicated in √ K − θ ∗ ) gets closer to the columns “Asymp.” Thus, the distribution of m(θ̂m √ ∗ the distribution of m(θ̂m − θ ) as m grows and more data becomes available. In support of Theorem 6.2, these findings confirm that the asymptotic distribution of a SMLE is the same as that of a MLE. For Model (16) with ∆ = 1/4, Table 5 also shows the means and standard deviations of the scaled errors of the parameter estimators derived from the Kernel (Euler) estimator; see Section 7.1.10 This method is implemented such that the evaluation of the corresponding likelihood takes the same com10 We do not carry out the analogous analysis using the Kernel (Exact) estimator from Section 7.1 because this would require that one resimulates samples of X∆ for every evaluation of the density, which makes the numerical optimization of the corresponding likelihood approximation unstable and imprecise. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 33 putational effort as the evaluation of the simulated likelihood derived from our density estimator. We see that the moments of the scaled parameter errors derived from the Kernel (Euler) estimator differ strongly from those of our SMLE and true MLE. The standard deviations are too small compared to the theoretical asymptotic distribution of an MLE. These findings suggest that the parameter estimators derived from Kernel estimation based on Euler discretization have distorted finite-sample and asymptotic distributions, consistent with the findings of Detemple, Garcia and Rindisbacher (2006). Furthermore, the findings indicate that in using up the same computational budget, our simulated likelihood estimators are more accurate approximations of true likelihood estimators than the parameter estimators derived from Kernel estimation based on Euler discretization. APPENDIX A: ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF MLES This appendix discusses the large-sample asymptotic properties of a MLE θ̂m satisfying ∇L(θ)|θ=θ̂m = 0 as m → ∞. Suppose the true data-generating parameter θ∗ ∈ int Θ. We begin by generalizing the conditions of Bar-Shalom (1971) for consistency of a MLE. Unlike the conditions of Bar-Shalom (1971), our conditions do not require knowledge of the true data-generating parameter. They can be verified in practice using an unbiased Monte Carlo approximation to p∆ developed in Section 3. On the other hand, they are somewhat stronger than the conditions of Bar-Shalom (1971) because they need to hold globally in the parameter space. Proposition A.1. Suppose the following conditions are valid. (A1) The mapping θ 7→ p∆ (v, w; θ) is three-times differentiable for any v, w ∈ S. (A2) For any θ ∈ Θ, Pθ sup p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) < ∞ = 1. n≥1 (A3) For any 1 ≤ i ≤ r and θ ∈ Θ◦ , h 2 i sup Eθ ∂i log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) < ∞. n≥1 (A4) For any 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r and θ ∈ Θ◦ , !2 2 p (X ∂i,j ∆ (n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) < ∞. sup Eθ p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) n≥1 34 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER (A5) There exists a function H : S × S → R with supv,w∈S H(v, w) < ∞, such that for any θ ∈ Θ◦ , v, w ∈ S, and 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ r, 3 ∂ i,j,k log p∆ (v, w; θ) ≤ H(v, w). Then any MLE θ̂m satisfying the first-order condition ∇L(θ) = 0 is consistent. Assuming that the conditions of Proposition A.1 hold, Taylor expansion for the first-order condition results in (17) 0 = ∇ log L(θ̂m ) = ∇ log L(θ∗ ) + ∇2 log L(θ∗ )(θ̂ − θ∗ ) + oP (1). If (18) (19) 1 √ ∇ log L(θ∗ ) → N (0, Σθ∗ ) in Pθ∗ −distribution and m 1 2 ∇ log L(θ∗ ) → −Σθ∗ in Pθ∗ −probability, m for (20) m 1 X Σθ = lim ∇ log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ)> ∇ log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) m→∞ m n=1 a deterministic matrix of full rank, then we can rewrite (17) as follows: √ 1 ∗ m(θ̂ − θ∗ ) = Σ−1 θ∗ √ ∇ log L(θ ) + oP (1). m In this case, a MLE θ̂m is asymptotically normal with asymptotic variancecovariance matrix Σ−1 θ∗ . The following Proposition provides sufficient conditions for (18)-(20). Proposition A.2. Suppose the conditions of Proposition A.1 hold. Then, for any θ ∈ Θ◦ the limiting matrix Σθ in (20) exists in Pθ -probability and is deterministic. Further, Conditions (18) and (19) hold. If in addition the following condition also holds, (A6) For any θ ∈ Θ◦ , the matrix Σθ in (20) is positiv definite, then Σθ is of full rank. SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 35 We provide sufficient conditions for differentiability in Proposition 3.2. The exact verification of Assumption (A6) is hard given the limited amount of data one has available in practice. One commonly only analyzes the finitesample counterpart m (m) (21) Σ̂θ = 1 X ∇ log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ)> ∇ log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ), m n=1 which is a consistent estimator of Σθ0 (see Greene (2008)). APPENDIX B: PROOFS Proof of Theorem 3.1. Define x = F (v; θ) and y = F (w; θ). Assumption (B1) implies that the process Y and the functions a, b, c are well-defined. The transition densities satisfy p∆ (v, w; θ) = 1 pY (x, y; θ). σ(w; θ) ∆ Assumption (B2) implies that (Zt (θ))0≤t≤∆ is a martingale so that the change of measure is well-posed with density process dQθ = Zt (θ) dPθ Ft for 0 < t ≤ ∆. Without loss of generality, assume that x = F (v; θ) = 0 and write Y instead of Y x . Let PY denote the (SY , σ(SY ), Pθ )-law of Y∆ , i.e., PY [A] = Pθ [Y∆ ∈ A] for A ∈ B+ . With B+ we denote the Borel σ-algebra on R+ . Further, define L as the Lebesgue measure on (SY , σ(SY )). Then PY is absolutely continuous with respect to L with Radon-Nikodym density dPY = pY∆ (0, Y∆ ; θ) dL since Y0 = 0. In addition, define QY as the (SY , σ(SY ), Qθ )-law of Y∆ . Iterated expectations and the fact that Pθ and Qθ are equivalent measures imply that dPY = EQ θ [1/Z∆ (θ) | Y∆ ]. dQY (22) As a consequence, the law QY is also absolutely continuous with respect to L since pY∆ (0, Y∆ ; θ) = dPY dPY dQY dQY Q = = E [1/Z (θ) | Y ] . ∆ ∆ θ dL dQY dL dL 36 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Hence, the transition density of Y under Qθ exists, i.e., dQY = q∆ (0, Y∆ ; θ). dL (23) It follows that (24) pY∆ (0, y; θ) = q∆ (0, y; θ)EQ θ [1/Z∆ | Y∆ = y] = q∆ (0, y; θ) exp (a(y; θ) − a(0; θ)) # " Y Z ∆ N∆ Q b(Ys ; θ)ds c(YTn − , Dn ; θ) Y∆ = y . × Eθ exp − 0 n=1 We simplify the conditional expectation in (24) using an iterative argument. Write Z t Y Nt c(YTn − , Dn ; θ) Φt (θ) = exp − b(Ys ; θ)ds 0 n=1 Note that YTn = YTn − + ΓY (YTn − , Dn ; θ) for n ≥ 1 under Qθ . By the law of iterated expectation, the strong Markov property of Y , and since no jump occurs between times TN∆ and ∆, we have Q Eθ Φ∆ (θ) Y∆ = y ! # # " " Z ∆ Q Q b(Ys ; θ)ds FTN∆ − , Y∆ = y Y∆ = y = Eθ ΦTN∆ Eθ exp − T N∆ " " ! # # Z ∆ Q Q b(Ys ; θ)ds YTN∆ , Y∆ = y Y∆ = y = Eθ ΦTN∆ Eθ exp − T N∆ Q = Eθ ΦTN∆ f (YTN∆ , Y∆ ; ∆ − TN∆ ; θ) Y∆ = y , where f as defined as (25) f (v, w, t; θ) = EQ θ − e Rt 0 Wt = w − v − ρt . b(v+ρs+Ws ;θ)ds We iterate the above argument by conditioning on the σ-algebras FTn − and σ{Ys : s ≥ Tn+1 } for n = N∆ − 1, . . . , 1, and conclude that " Q EQ θ [Φ∆ |Y∆ = y] = Eθ f (YTN∆ , Y∆ , ∆ − TN∆ ; θ) × N∆ Y n=1 # f (YTn−1 , YTn − , Tn − Tn−1 ; θ)c(YTn − , Dn ; θ) Y∆ = y . SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 37 The above expectation is taken with respect to the distribution of the random variable R̃∆ = (N∆ , (T1 , YT1 − , D1 ), . . . , (TN∆ , YTN∆ − , DN∆ )) conditional on Y∆ = y. The random variable R̃∆ contains the number of jumps of Y up to time ∆, the jump times of Y in [0, ∆], the realization of the random variable Dn at all jumps in [0, ∆], as well as the corresponding values of Y immediately before of a jump. Note that R̃∆ contains the same information as the path R∆ = (Rs : 0 ≤ s ≤ ∆), where R is the càdlàg process ! Ns Ns X X Dn . YTn − , Rs = Ns , n=1 n=1 This process is measurable relative to the Skorohod space of càdlàg functions mapping [0, ∆] onto N × R × R with the associated Skorohod σ-algebra. Define QY,C as the conditional Qθ -law of Y∆ on (SY , σ(SY )) given R∆ . Since Y follows a standard Brownian motion between jumps and the last jump of Y before time ∆ is known given R∆ , it follows that QY,C is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure L with Gaussian density: ! (y − YTN∆ )2 dQY,C 1 C ∆ (26) = q∆ (y | R ; θ) = p exp − . dL 2(∆ − TN∆ ) 2π(∆ − TN∆ ) In addition, write QR for the Qθ -law of R∆ and QR,C for its conditional Qθ -law given Y∆ , both defined on the corresponding Skorohod space. Bayes’ rule implies that QR,C × QY = QY,C × QR . We reformulate this result and obtain that the conditional law of R∆ is absolutely continuous with respect to its unconditional law: C (y | R∆ ; θ) q∆ dQR,C = , dQR q∆ (0, y; θ) We can do this given that the laws QY,C and QY are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure L. We apply this insight and obtain C ∆ Q Q q∆ (y | R ; θ) (27) Φ∆ . Eθ [ Φ∆ | Y∆ = y] = Eθ q∆ (0, y; θ) All in one, the claim follows after merging (24) and (27): pY∆ (0, y; θ) = q∆ (0, y; θ) exp (a(y; θ) − a(0; θ)) EQ θ [ Φ∆ | Y∆ = y] C = exp (a(y; θ) − a(0; θ)) EQ θ q∆ (y | R∆ ; θ)Φ∆ . 38 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Proof of Proposition 3.2. To prove differentiability, note that the Qθ -distribution of Y x is driven by a standard Brownian motion W and a Poisson process N of rate ` such that Ytx = x + ρt + Wt + Nt X ΓY (YTn − , Dn ; θ) n=1 for Dn ∼ π. Thus, Ytx is pathwise differentiable under Assumption (B3) as in Section 7.2 of Glasserman (2003). Assumption (B4) implies that the order of differentiation and integration can be interchanged for Ψ∆ . Furthermore, Assumption (B3) implies that the functions F , σ, ΓY , a, b, and c are n-times continuously differentiable. Proof of Theorem 4.1. Assumptions (B5) and (B6) together imply that the function y 7→ b(y; θ) is continuous but not constant. Thus, the functions mi (θ) and Mi (θ) are well defined and finite. The claim follows along the lines of Theorem 4.3 of Chen and Huang (2013) after accounting for the possibly non-zero drift ρ. Proof of Corollary 4.2. Assumptions (B3) and (B7) imply that fˆ(Ytx1 , Ytx2 , t2 − t1 ; θ) is n-times continuously differentiable in θ ∈ int Θ and x ∈ int SY except if τk,pk = η. Nevertheless, this event occurs with zero probability. Thus, the mapping θ 7→ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) is almost surely n-times continuously differentiable. For unbiasedness, Assumption (B8) and Theorem 4.1 imply that n Q n n EQ θ ∂i1 ,...,in p̂∆ (v, w; θ) = ∂i1 ,...,in Eθ [p̂∆ (v, w; θ)] = ∂i1 ,...,in p∆ (v, w; θ). where p∆ (v, w; θ) is n-times continuously differentiable according to Proposition 3.2. Proof of Theorem 6.1. Since L̂K is the product of the simulated transition densities as in (18), it suffices to show that the simulated transition densities converge almost surely and uniformly in the parameter space to the true simulated transition densities. Fix v, w ∈ S and t > 0. Set x = F (v; θ) and y = F (w; θ). Define the function (28) θ ∈ Θ 7→ H(θ) = p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) − p∆ (v, w; θ). SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 39 Corollary 4.2 implies that H is a continuous function on the parameter space Θ. Define (CΘ , k·k) as the space of continuous functions on Θ, equipped with the supremum norm. Since Θ is compact, (CΘ , k · k) is a separable Banach space. Now, H ∈ CΘ and we can rewrite H(θ) = K 1 X hk (θ) K k=1 for a sequence (hk )k=1,...,K of i.i.d. samples of p̂∆ (v, w; θ) − p∆ (v, w; θ). It follows that E [khk k] ≤ sup p∆ (v, w; θ) + E sup p̂∆ (v, w; θ) < ∞ θ∈Θ θ∈Θ by Theorem 3.1 and Assumption (C1). Further, E [hk (θ)] = 0 by Theorem 4.1. Thus, we are in position to use the strong law of large numbers in separable Banach spaces (see, e.g., (Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts, 2009, Theorem 2)). It follows that sup p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) − p∆ (v, w; θ) → 0 θ∈Θ almost surely as K → ∞. Consequenlty, also sup L̂K (θ) − L(θ) → 0 θ∈Θ K follows. almost surely as K → ∞ and the asymptotical unbiasedness of θ̂m For (strong) consistency, note that if K → ∞ as m → ∞, also lim θ̂K m→∞ m lim θ̂K m→∞ K→∞ m = lim = lim θ̂m = θ∗ m→∞ in probability (almost surely for strong consistency) given that Θ is compact. K is asymptotically unbiased almost surely This follows since the SMLE θ̂m and the MLE θ̂m is (strongly) consistent. Proof of Theorem 6.2. Taylor expansion together with the smoothK ness of p̂K ∆ implied by Corollary 4.2 and the consistency of θ̂m as m, K → ∞ as in Theorem 6.1 lead to i √ 1 2 1 h K ∗ K − ∇ log L̂ (θ ) m(θ̂m − θ∗ ) = √ ∇ log L̂K (θ∗ ) − ∇ log L(θ∗ ) m m 1 (29) + √ ∇ log L(θ∗ ) + oP (1) . m 40 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER Condition (C3) controls the convergence in distribution of the second summand on the right-hand side of (29). Thus, it remains to study the convergence of the first summand on the right hand side of (29), as well as of the 1 2 term − m ∇ log L̂K (θ∗ ). The strong law of large numbers, Theorem 4.1, and Assumption (B8) imply that, for any v, w ∈ S and θ ∈ int Θ, Q 2 2 Q 2 ∇2 p̂K ∆ (v, w; θ) → Eθ ∇ p̂∆ (v, w; θ) = ∇ Eθ [p̂∆ (v, w; θ)] = ∇ p∆ (v, w; θ) almost surely as K → ∞. It follows that (30) 1 2 1 2 ∇ log L̂K (θ∗ ) → lim ∇ log L(θ∗ ) = −Σθ∗ m→∞ m m in probability as m → (C4). h ∞ and K → ∞ by Condition i 1 K ∗ ∗ K Write Gm = √m ∇ log L̂ (θ ) − ∇ log L(θ ) for the first summand on the right-hand side of (29). Now GK m m K 1 X 1 1 X k =√ gn m n=1 hK n K k=1 for gnk = ∇ hK n p̂k∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) ! , θ=θ∗ K 1 X p̂k∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ∗ ) = , K p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ∗ ) k=1 and a sequence (p̂k∆ )k=1,...,K of i.i.d. samples of the unbiased density estimator (16). From the strong law of large numbers and Theorem 4.1 we conclude that Q 1 hK n → Eθ hn X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ = 1 almost surely as K → ∞. Thus, it suffices to study the convergence of m K 1 X 1 X k √ ḠK = gn m m n=1 K k=1 First, consider the case m K → 0. Chebyshev’s inequality and the i.i.d. prop- 41 SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS erty of (p̂k∆ )1≤k≤K imply that, for any > 0, !2 m X K X K 1 Qθ |Ḡm | > ≤ EQ gnk mK 2 2 θ n=1 k=1 " # m K X 2 1 X Q 1 X k 2 E (g ) + ≤ n θ mK2 K mK2 n=1 k=1 1≤n<l≤m " EQ θ # K 1 X k k |gn gl | K k=1 1 2 m − 1 1 1 1 ≤ max EQ (gn ) + max EQ |gn gl | . θ θ 2 2 K 1≤n≤m K 1≤n<l≤m Hölder’s inequaltity and Assumption (C5) imply that Qθ [|ḠK m | > ] → 0 as m K m → ∞ and K → ∞ if K → 0. We conclude that Ḡm → 0 in Pθ -probability as m, K → ∞. m → c ∈ (0, ∞). Asymptotically, we have K = Next, consider the case K O(m) and m/c m X X 1 c √ ḠK gnk . m = OP m m n=1 k=1 Assumption (C5) and the i.i.d. property of (gnk )1≤k≤K imply that the central limit theorem holds under Qθ so that m/c 1 X k √ gn → N m k=1 i 1 1 Qh k Q 1 , Xn∆ , Varθ gn | X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ . E g |X c θ n (n−1)∆ c Corollary 4.2 states that the partial derivatives of p̂k∆ are unbiased, which leads to h i k g | X , X EQ n∆ = 0. (n−1)∆ n θ Thus, (gn1 )n≥1 are uncorrelated. We conclude from the strong law of large numbers that ḠK m → 0 almost surely. m Finally, consider the case K → ∞ so that K m → 0. Taylor expansion yields r r √ 1 2 K K K 1 K ∗ K ∗ √ ∇ log L(θ∗ ) + oP (1) . K(θ̂m − θ ) = G + − ∇ log L̂ (θ ) m m m m m The second term on the right-hand side converges to zero almost surely as m → ∞ and K → ∞ according to Condition (C3). For the first term, note that " # r m K K K 1 X 1 1 X k 1 √ G =√ gn → 0 m m m m n=1 hK K k=1 n 42 GIESECKE AND SCHWENKLER almost surely according to the central limit theorem and√the strong law of m K − θ∗ ) → 0 large numbers as in the case K → c > 0. It follows that K(θ̂m almost surely given (30). Proof of Proposition A.1. We show that the conditions of Bar-Shalom (1971) (BS) for consistency of a MLE θ̂m obtained from dependent observations are valid in our setting. The generalization of the conditions of BarShalom (1971) to a multivariate parameter θ is straightforward. R Assumption (A1) implies Condition (C1) of BS. Since 1 = S p∆ (v, w; θ)dw, it follows from Assumption (A2) that Z ∇p∆ (v, w; θ)dw = Eθ [∇ log p∆ (v, X∆ ; θ)]. 0= S Thus, Condition (C2) of BS holds. Assumption (A3) yields Condition (C3) of BS. Note that ∇2 log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) is equal to ∇2 p∆,n,θ − ∇ log p> ∆,n,θ ∇ log p∆,n,θ . p∆,n,θ where p∆,n,θ = p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ). Assumption (A3) implies that 0 = h i R 2 2 p (v, X ; θ)/p (v, X ; θ) . Thus, ∂ p (v, w; θ)dw = E ∂ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ θ i,j i,j S i h ∇ log p Eθ ∇2 log p∆,n,θ = −Eθ ∇ log p> ∆,n,θ ∆,n,θ and Condition (C4) of BS follows. Assumption (A5) yields Condition (C5) R of BS. The fact that 0 = S ∇p∆ (v, w; θ)dw = Eθ [∇ log p∆ (v, X∆ ; θ)] implies that the sequence (∂i log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ , θ))1≤n≤m is pairwise uncorrelated so that Condition (C6’) of BS also holds. Finally, Assumptions (A3) and (A4) yield that the second moment of ∇2 log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ) is uniformly bounded for all n ≥ 1. Thus, Condition (C7) of BS also holds. Proof of Proposition A.2. The bounded convergence theorem and Assumption (A3) imply that the matrix Σθ exists in Pθ -probability for all θ ∈ Θ◦ . Further, Chebyshev’s inequality together with Assumptions (A3) and (A4) imply that Σθ is deterministic under Pθ . Therefore, Condition (20) holds. If Assumption (A6) also holds, then Σθ is of full rank. 1 2 For Condition (19), we have that m ∇ log L(θ) is equal to (31) m m n=1 n=1 1 X ∇2 p∆,n,θ 1 X − ∇ log p> ∆,n,θ ∇ log p∆,n,θ . m p∆,n,θ m SIMULATED LIKELIHOOD FOR JUMP-DIFFUSIONS 43 where p∆,n,θ = p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ). Chebyshev’s inequality yields 2 X m 2 p 2 p X m ∂i,j ∂ 1 ∆,n,θ ∆,n,θ i,j > m ≤ E Pθ θ p∆,n,θ m2 2 p∆,n,θ n=1 n=1 !2 " # 2 p 2 p 2 X ∂i,j ∂i,j 1 1 ∆,n,θ ∆,n,θ ∂i,j p∆,l,θ + ≤ max Eθ Eθ . m2 1≤n≤m p∆,n,θ m2 2 p∆,n,θ p∆,l,θ 1≤n<l≤m h i R 2 2 p (v, X ; θ)/p (v, X ; θ) , Given that 0 = S ∂i,j p∆ (v, w; θ)dw = Eθ ∂i,j ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ Assumption (A4) implies that the first sum in (31) converges to zero in Pθ probability. Assumption (A6) tells us that the second sum in (31) converges in Pθ -probability to Σθ . P For Condition (18), define Mm = √1m ∇ log L(θ∗ ) = √1m m n=1 ∇ log p∆,n,θ∗ . A multivariate version of the martingale central limit theorem of Brown (1971) implies that Mm converges in distribution to a normal random variable with mean 0 and variance-covariance matrix Σθ∗ as m → ∞ if the Lindeberg condition holds, i.e., if " # m 1 X > Eθ∗ ∇ log p∆,n,θ∗ ∇ log p∆,n,θ∗ 1An,m X(n−1)∆ → 0 m n=1 √ as m → ∞, where An,m = {|∇ log p∆,n,θ∗ | ≥ m} for an arbitrary > 0. Note that the left-hand side of the Lindeberg condition is bounded for large values of m given Assumption (A3). Further, Assumption (A3) also yields lim sup Pθ∗ |∇ log p∆ (X(n−1)∆ , Xn∆ ; θ∗ )| > M = 0. M →∞ n≥1 Thus, sup1≤n≤m 1An,m → 0 almost surely as m → ∞ for all > 0. As a result, the Linderberg condition is valid in our setting. REFERENCES Aı̈t-Sahalia, Y. (2008). Closed-form likelihood expansions for multivariate diffusions. The Annals of Statistics 36 906-937. Aı̈t-Sahalia, Y. and Yu, J. (2006). Saddlepoint approximations for continuous-time Markov processes. Journal of Econometrics 134 507 - 551. 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