Exploring the Sources of Default Clustering∗ S. Azizpour, K. Giesecke, G. Schwenkler July 17, 2015† Abstract The U.S. economy has repeatedly suffered significant clusters of corporate default events. This paper studies the sources of clustering using data on industrial and financial default timing in the U.S. between 1970 and 2012. We find strong evidence for the existence of several clustering channels, including firms’ joint exposure to macroeconomic factors such as GDP growth, the influence of a common latent factor with mean-reverting behavior, and the impact on firms of past default events. Our results have important implications for the management of portfolio credit risk at financial institutions as well as the risk analysis and pricing of securities exposed to correlated default risk. ∗ This paper is a significant revision of an earlier paper by the first two authors entitled “Self-Exciting Corporate Defaults: Contagion vs. Frailty.” Azizpour is at Apollo Global Management, Giesecke is at the Department of Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University, Schwenkler is at the Department of Finance, Boston University Questrom School of Business. Schwenkler is corresponding author: Phone (617) 358-6266, email: gas@bu.edu, web: http://people.bu.edu/gas/. † We are grateful for grants from Moody’s Corporation and the Global Association of Risk Professionals, and for data from Moody’s. Schwenkler was supported by a Mayfield Stanford Graduate Fellowship and a Lieberman Fellowship. We thank Richard Cantor for providing access to data, Antje Berndt, Jens Christensen, Darrell Duffie, Andreas Eckner, Jean-David Fermanian, Lisa Goldberg, Albert Kyle, Francis Longstaff, Michael Ohlrogge, George Papanicolaou, Bjorgvin Sigurdsson, Ken Singleton, Justin Sirignano, Ilya Strebulaev, Stefan Weber, Liuren Wu, Fan Yu, and seminar participants at the 5th Bachelier World Congress, the 14th FDIC/JFSR Annual Bank Research Conference, the 2014 MFA Conference, the 2015 AFA Meetings, Boston University, Columbia University, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Georgia Institute of Technology, the International Monetary Fund, Princeton University, Stanford University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Southern California for discussions and comments, and Xiaowei Ding, Baeho Kim, Supakorn Mudchanatongsuk, and Hannan Zheng for excellent research assistance. 1 1 Introduction The U.S. economy has repeatedly suffered significant clusters of corporate default events. Examples include the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, the burst of the dotcom bubble in 2001, and the financial crisis of 2007-09. Figure 1, which shows the annual number of defaults of U.S. industrial and financial firms with Moody’s rated debt between 1970 and 2012, illustrates these events. This paper analyzes the potential sources of the clusters observed in the default timing data. An understanding of these sources is crucial for the measurement of portfolio credit risk at financial institutions, the management of systemic financial risk, as well as the risk analysis and valuation of securities exposed to correlated corporate default risk, such as collateralized debt obligations. A major source of default clustering is the joint exposure of firms to common or correlated risk factors such as interest rates, stock returns, and GDP growth.1 The movements of these factors cause correlated changes in firms’ conditional default rates. For example, strong economic growth often reduces the likelihood of default across the board. In an important paper, however, Das, Duffie, Kapadia & Saita (2007) provide strong evidence that this channel on its own cannot explain the degree of clustering observed in U.S. industrial defaults between 1979 and 2004. Their findings suggest the existence of additional clustering channels. Using data on industrial and financial default timing in the U.S. between 1970 and 2012, we study the empirical significance of latent variables (frailty) and contagion for default clustering. In particular, we test whether frailty and contagion are potential sources of the excess clustering that Das et al. (2007) found to be unexplained by firms’ joint exposure to common systematic risk factors. The cases for frailty and contagion as potential clustering channels are easily made. Chava, Stefanescu & Turnbull (2011), Duffie, Eckner, Horel & Saita (2009), Koopman, Lucas & Monteiro (2008), Koopman, Lucas & Schwaab (2011), Monfort & Renne (2013), and other authors provide strong empirical evidence that some of the systematic risk factors influencing firms’ conditional default rates have not been identified or are simply unobservable. The uncertainty regarding the current values of these latent frailty factors, and the future time variation of these factors, have an influence on the conditional default rates of the firms that depend on the same frailty factors. This influence generates correlation between firms’ conditional default rates beyond the correlation due to the future movements of the observable systematic factors that have already been accounted for; see Benzoni, Collin-Dufresne, Goldstein & Helwege (2015), Giesecke (2004), and others for theoretical models of this mechanism. The additional correlation caused by frailty might be responsible for the excess clustering found by Das et al. (2007). There is also strong empirical evidence of contagion effects. Financial, legal, or business relationships between firms might act as a conduit for the spread of risk. For instance, 1 Campbell, Hilscher & Szilagyi (2008), Chava & Jarrow (2004), Duffie, Saita & Wang (2007), Giesecke, Longstaff, Schaefer & Strebulaev (2011), Lando & Nielsen (2010), Shumway (2001), and others analyze the significance of these and other factors for U.S. default timing. 2 150 100 0 50 Defaults per year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Figure 1: Annual number of defaults of U.S. firms with Moody’s rated debt. Source: Moody’s Default Risk Service. a default by the protection seller in a credit swap could expose the buyer of protection and increase the default risk borne by the protection buyer’s other counterparties, see Stulz (2010). A related example is the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, which pushed some of Lehman’s creditors, trading partners and clients into financial distress, see Aragon & Strahan (2012), Brunnermeier (2009), Chakrabarty & Zhang (2012), Dumontaux & Pop (2013), Fernando, May & Megginson (2012), and others. Contagion is not limited to the financial sector. For example, the default by major parts supplier Delphi in 2005 exposed General Motors, as indicated by a jump in GM’s stock price and credit swap spreads. Bams, Pisa & Wolff (2014), Boone & Ivanov (2012), Jorion & Zhang (2009), and Lang & Stulz (1992) provide evidence of default spillover effects on business partners. With contagion, the default by one firm may have a direct impact on the conditional default rates of other firms, as in the network models of Acemoglu, Ozdaglar & Tahbaz-Salehi (2015), Eisenberg & Noe (2001), and Elliott, Golub & Jackson (2014). This impact causes correlation between firms’ conditional default rates beyond the correlation due to firms’ exposure to observable and frailty factors. Thus, contagion might be another source of the excess clustering uncovered by Das et al. (2007). We develop tests to analyze whether frailty and contagion are potential sources of the default clustering in the U.S. not due to firms’ exposure to observable systematic factors. Our tests are based on a new reduced-form model of correlated default timing, which addresses firms’ exposure to observable factors, a latent frailty factor, and failure events. The conditional rate of defaults is allowed to depend on time-varying factors 3 that are observable throughout the sample period, a latent frailty factor with square-root dynamics that is not observable at all, and past failures. A default event ramps up the conditional arrival rate. The impact depends on the amount of defaulted debt and decays with time. Our model extends the standard doubly-stochastic formulation widely used in theoretical and empirical analyses of correlated default risk (see Chava & Jarrow (2004), Duffie & Garleanu (2001), Duffie et al. (2007), Jarrow, Lando & Yu (2005), Mortensen (2006), and others). In a doubly-stochastic formulation, default arrivals are assumed to be conditionally Poisson given the paths of the observable risk factors, and the only potential source of default clustering is firms’ joint exposure to these factors. Our model also extends a richer formulation with observable factors and a latent frailty factor, in which arrivals are assumed to be conditionally Poisson given the paths of all factors. The doubly-stochastic assumption imposes strong restrictions on the conditional distribution of events since it precludes a direct influence of past failures on the conditional default rate. Because we do not make the doubly-stochastic assumption, we avoid such restrictions. By allowing the conditional default rate to depend on past failures, our model of correlated default risk generates a much richer set of event distributions. We test a series of hypotheses regarding the roles of frailty and contagion. The results of these tests strongly suggest that both frailty and contagion are significant sources of clustering after controlling for the influence of the macroeconomic risk factors that prior studies have identified as predictors of U.S. defaults. Specifically, the likelihood estimates of our model highlight the significant dependence of conditional default rates on past failures as well as a latent frailty with strong mean-reverting behavior. A default is found to have a persistent impact on the default rate, with a half-life of about 3 months. Upon a default event with $173 million of defaulted debt, the average in our data set, the default rate increases by roughly 2.8 events per year. Likelihood ratio tests suggest that the contagion channel takes a somewhat more prominent role than the frailty channel for explaining the default clusters in the data. A decomposition of conditional default rates highlights the dominant role of the contagion channel during clustering episodes, such as the crisis of 2007-09. These findings provide empirical support for the network models of Acemoglu et al. (2015), Eisenberg & Noe (2001), Elliott et al. (2014), and many others, which emphasize the contagion channel. Robustness tests confirm that our results survive after removing financial firm defaults from our analysis, indicating that an industrial default event might cause the same contagion effects as a similarly sized financial default event. This observation complements the current debate about contagion and frailty effects in the financial sector; see, for example, Baur (2012), Chakrabarty & Zhang (2012), Helwege & Zhang (2012), and Lee & Poon (2014). Time-change tests indicate the importance of the frailty and contagion channels for fitting the significant time-variation of the event arrival rate during the sample period 1970–2012. We find evidence that a model ignoring the contagion channel tends to overstate the significance of the frailty channel. Out-of-sample tests of forecast accuracy for several test credit portfolios indicate that ignoring the contagion channel also leads to ex4 cessively high and volatile forecasts of portfolio credit risk. This finding is consistent with the results of Gouriéroux, Monfort & Renne (2014), who show that a CDS pricing model that ignores the contagion channel tends to overstate risk-neutral default probabilities. Only when addressing all three sources of default clustering do we obtain accurate and sensible out-of sample forecasts of correlated default risk in the United States. Our empirical analysis yields several additional insights into the nature of correlated default risk. We find that the firm-specific risk factors the literature has identified as significant predictors of firm-level default contain only little information about correlated default risk. For example, Duffie et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2009), and Lando & Nielsen (2010) find that distance-to-default, a volatility-adjusted measure of leverage, is the most statistically and economically significant predictor of firm-level default in the United States. However, when we aggregate the cross section of distance-to-default of publicly traded firms between 1991 and 2012, and regress a cross-sectional average on an extensive list of standard macroeconomic default risk factors, we find that these factors can explain about 71% of the time-variation of the cross sectional distance-to-default average. We obtain similar results for other firm-specific default risk factors, such as leverage, volatility, and short-term debt ratio. Further, the residuals of these regressions can only explain a small fraction of the portion of the default rate not tied to the macroeconomic risk factors. Thus, firm-specific risk factors are less relevant for clustered default risk, after controlling for the influence of macroeconomic default risk factors as well as the contagion and frailty channels. This finding complements the results of Bharath & Shumway (2008), Campbell et al. (2008), Tian, Yu & Guo (2015), and others, who find that distance-todefault plays only a minor role for forecasting firm-level defaults. Our results also suggest that there is extensive commonality in the cross-section of idiosyncratic risk factors influencing default timing. This observation complements recent findings by Atkeson, Eisfeldt & Weill (2014), who show that there is strong comovement in the cross-section of a financial soundness measure known as distance-to-insolvency. Our results have significant implications for the management of credit risk at financial institutions. Most importantly, our results indicate that the doubly-stochastic models of correlated default risk widely used to measure portfolio credit risk in practice may understate the risk of large losses from defaults, especially during clustering periods such as 2001-02 and 2007-09. As a result, financial institutions may end up with capital buffers that are inadequate to withstand the large losses typically associated with default clustering episodes. Our results suggest it is necessary to address the frailty and contagion channels of clustering when measuring correlated default risk and estimating risk capital. Accounting for the effects of frailty and contagion will lead to more accurate risk assessments and more adequate capital buffers. The reduced-form model of correlated default timing we propose in this paper addresses this need. It is shown to generate accurate out-of-sample forecasts of correlated default risk, and could replace conventional doubly-stochastic models in risk management applications. Our results also have significant implications for the pricing of correlated corporate 5 default risk. The models commonly used in practice for the valuation and hedging of structured securities exposed to correlated default risk, such as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), ignore the frailty and contagion channels of default clustering. Our findings suggest that these models may misprice clustered default risk, especially the risk of senior tranches of CDOs, because they understate the probability of large losses in the pool of reference credits. This conclusion is consistent with the difficulty of fitting the prices of senior tranches using conventional doubly-stochastic models of correlated default timing, as indicated in Feldhütter (2007). It is also supported by the findings of Coval, Jurek & Stafford (2009), who show that between 2004 and 2007 the senior tranches of the Dow Jones CDX Investment Grade Index were priced similarly to risk-matched single-name credit securities that are not exposed to clustered default risk. These authors conclude that senior CDO tranches did not fully compensate investors for bearing correlated default risk, consistent with the notion that CDO senior tranches were mispriced. Benmelech & Dlugosz (2009), Christoffersen, Ericsson, Jacobs & Jin (2010), and Griffin & Nickerson (2015) provide additional evidence of the potential mispricing of senior tranches of structured securities due to an understatement of correlated default risk. Our reduced form model of correlated default risk provides a more realistic assessment of the probability of large credit losses. It could be applied (under a risk-neutral measure) to treat the pricing and hedging problems associated with structured credit securities. 1.1 Related literature Previous research has studied the issue of default clustering. Using data on industrial defaults in the U.S. between 1980 and 2004, Duffie et al. (2007) identify a set of observable firm-specific and macroeconomic risk factors influencing the timing of defaults in a doublystochastic model. Das et al. (2007) develop time-change tests to evaluate the doublystochastic assumption that firms’ default times are correlated only as implied by the dependence of firms’ conditional default rates on these risk factors. They find evidence of clustering in excess of that explained by their model, and reject the joint hypothesis of well-specified default rates and the doubly-stochastic assumption. This important result motivates the analysis of additional channels of default clustering, going beyond the joint exposure of firms’ to systematic risk factors. Using data on U.S. industrial defaults between 1979 and 2004, Duffie et al. (2009) estimate a model in which firms’ default rates are allowed to depend on observable firmspecific and macroeconomic risk factors as well as a mean-reverting frailty.2 Their model is doubly-stochastic with respect to observable and latent frailty risk factors. They find that the frailty has a large impact on fitted default rates. In contrast to this study, we analyze industrial and financial defaults between 1970 and 2012, and, importantly, we control for the contagion channel when measuring the impact of frailty. Our results suggest that the 2 See Delloye, Fermanian & Sbai (2006), Koopman et al. (2008), Koopman et al. (2011), and others for related frailty models. 6 role of frailty is overstated when the contagion channel is ignored. Moreover, we find that the contagion channel is highly significant even in the presence of frailty. Both frailty and contagion are significant sources of the clustering of U.S. defaults, after controlling for firms’ exposure to systematic risk factors. Using data on U.S. industrial defaults between 1982 and 2005, Lando & Nielsen (2010) estimate a model in which firms’ default rates are influenced by observable firmspecific and macroeconomic factors as well as past defaults. They find that the influence of past defaults is not significant. In contrast to this study, we examine industrial and financial defaults between 1970 and 2012, and we control for the presence of frailty when measuring the impact of past defaults. We find strong evidence that the conditional default rate depends on past failures, regardless of whether or not frailty is present. Our findings are corroborated by robustness tests in which we restrict our model to the subset of data and clustering sources considered by Lando & Nielsen (2010). The aforementioned papers examine correlated default risk using firm-by-firm models that include firm-specific risk factors such as stock returns and distance-to-default. Our analysis of clustered default risk is based upon the portfolio-level default rate rather than firm-level rates, as in Bams et al. (2014), Bhansali, Gingrich & Longstaff (2008), Cont & Minca (2013), Longstaff & Rajan (2008), Giesecke et al. (2011), Giesecke, Longstaff, Schaefer & Strebulaev (2014), Hull & White (2008), and others. The advantages of this approach are its relative simplicity, ease of specification, and convenience of estimation. Robustness tests indicate that our portfolio-level model fits the event timing data at least as well as the firm-by-firm models of Duffie et al. (2007) and Lando & Nielsen (2010). Moreover, popular firm-specific default predictors such as distance-to-default are shown to play only a minor role for default clustering after controlling for the impact of standard macroeconomic variables. These observations support our approach. Self-exciting event timing models that incorporate the dependence of the conditional event rate on past events have been used by Aı̈t-Sahalia, Cacho-Diaz & Laeven (2015) for analyzing the dynamics of asset returns with feedback jumps, by Bowsher (2007) and others for studying the dynamics of order book data, and by Jarrow & Yu (2001) and others for pricing corporate bonds and credit derivatives. In contrast to these prior studies, we also model and estimate the dependence of the conditional event rate on a latent, dynamically-varying frailty factor. On the econometric front, we significantly extend the time-change tests developed by Das et al. (2007) for doubly-stochastic models with observable risk factors. Our tests facilitate the statistical assessment of models that are not doubly-stochastic because of the influence of past defaults or latent frailty factors. Unlike the tests developed by Das et al. (2007), our tests allow for the evaluation and comparison of models addressing different sources of default clustering. 7 1.2 Structure of paper Section 2 formulates the hypotheses we will test. Section 3 discusses the default timing data. Section 4 develops our reduced-form model of correlated default timing, and discusses our identification strategy and estimation methodology. Section 5 contains our empirical results. Robustness checks are carried out in Section 6. Section 7 concludes. There are several technical appendices. 2 Clustering sources and hypotheses This section discusses the three potential channels of default clustering we will analyze and formulates the hypotheses we will test. 2.1 Sources of clustering A number of papers highlight the significance of macroeconomic factors for corporate default rates. For example, Duffie et al. (2007) find that default probabilities of U.S. industrials rise when short-term interest rates decline. Lando & Nielsen (2010) document that U.S. industrial default probabilities also rise when the Treasury yield curve becomes steeper and when the U.S. industrial production growth rate falls. Giesecke et al. (2011) conclude that default rates increase during periods of GDP contraction, as well as during stock market crashes and periods of high stock market volatility. The importance of the macroeconomy for default timing is unsurprising: deteriorating macroeconomic conditions negatively impact corporate earnings and the valuation of corporate assets and liabilities. For example, Longstaff & Piazzesi (2004) document procyclicality in corporate earnings, Covas & Den Haan (2011) show that debt and equity issuance are also procyclical, forcing firms to reduce investments and operations in economic downturns, and Acharya, Amihuda & Bharath (2015) demonstrate that prices of speculative grade corporate bonds fall by excessive amounts during periods of macroeconomic stress. The joint exposure of firms to common macroeconomic risk factors is a major source of default clustering: movements in the factors induce correlated changes in firms’ conditional default rates. However, Das et al. (2007) provide strong evidence that this source on its own does not explain the degree of clustering found in U.S. default timing data. Their findings suggests that there are additional sources of default clustering. A candidate is frailty, i.e., incomplete information regarding the systematic risk factors influencing conditional default rates. It is possible that some of the relevant risk factors might not have been identified or are simply unobservable. There is strong empirical evidence of latent risk factors, see Chava et al. (2011), Duffie et al. (2009), Koopman et al. (2008), Koopman et al. (2011), Monfort & Renne (2013), and others. The uncertainty regarding the current values of the latent frailty factors, and the future time variation of these factors, have an influence on the conditional default rates of the firms that depend on the same 8 frailty factors. This influence generates correlation between firms’ conditional default rates beyond the correlation due to the future movements of the observable systematic factors that have already been accounted for. There is theoretical support for this mechanism. For example, Benzoni et al. (2015) develop an equilibrium model of default risk in which investors are uncertain about the underlying economic state of the world. In this model, a common frailty factor naturally arises as a driver of the cross section of conditional default probabilities. Using a structural model of multi-firm default, Giesecke (2004) shows how uncertainty regarding firms’ liabilities has an impact on conditional default probabilities across the board. Contagion is another potential source of default clustering. With contagion, the default by one firm may have a direct impact on the conditional default rates of other firms. Financial, legal, or business relationships between firms might act as a conduit for the spread of risk. A widely studied example is the downfall of Lehman Brothers in 2008, which exposed many of the firm’s creditors, clients, and trading counterparties. Chakrabarty & Zhang (2012) measure the impact of Lehman’s default on several measures of stock market liquidity for Lehman’s counterparties. They find that Lehman’s counterparties experienced a more severe deterioration of liquidity following Lehman’s collapse than comparable firms that had no counterparty relations with Lehman. In the same vein, Aragon & Strahan (2012) find that stocks held by hedge funds that had counterparty exposures to Lehman experienced abnormally large market liquidity deterioration after Lehman’s downfall compared to stocks that had no exposure to Lehman. Fernando et al. (2012) show that industrial firms that had investment banking relations with Lehman experienced significantly negative abnormal stock returns immediately after Lehman’s collapse. More generally, Hertzel, Li, Officer & Rodgers (2008) document that suppliers of a defaulted firm experience negative abnormal stock performance, suggesting that financial distress can spread across industries along the supply chain of a defaulted firm. Boone & Ivanov (2012) find that a default can have a negative impact on the financial performance of a firm’s strategic partners because of the inability of the defaulting firm to fulfill its partnership agreements. Mistrulli (2011) finds that the default of a firm in a conglomerate may force the parent firm to bailout the defaulted firm, raising the parent firm’s own default rate. Jorion & Zhang (2009) find evidence that a default may push the trade creditors of a defaulting firm into distress. The key feature of contagion is that a default has an impact on the default rates of other firms, as in the network models of Acemoglu, Carvalho, Ozdaglar & Tahbaz-Salehi (2012), Eisenberg & Noe (2001), Elliott et al. (2014) and many others. 2.2 Hypotheses to be tested There is evidence of the presence of frailty and contagion effects in corporate credit markets. But are frailty and contagion the sources of the excess default clustering that Das et al. (2007) found to be unexplained by firms’ exposure to common systematic risk fac9 tors? We will address this question by testing several hypotheses. Null Hypothesis H0 . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, neither frailty nor contagion are significant sources of corporate default clustering. Alternative Hypothesis H1 . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, only frailty is a significant source of corporate default clustering. Alternative Hypothesis H2 . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, only contagion is a significant source of corporate default clustering. Alternative Hypothesis H3 . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, both frailty and contagion are significant sources of corporate default clustering. Given support for Hypothesis H3 , we will also test the following competing subhypotheses regarding the roles of the contagion and frailty channels. Alternative Hypothesis H3(a) . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, both frailty and contagion are significant sources of corporate default clustering, but contagion is more dominant than frailty during clustering episodes. Alternative Hypothesis H3(b) . After controlling for firms’ joint exposure to common, observable systematic risk factors, both frailty and contagion are significant sources of corporate default clustering, but frailty is more dominant than contagion during clustering episodes. 3 The data We will test the hypotheses developed in Section 2 using data on industrial and financial default timing in the U.S. between 1/1/1970 and 12/31/2012. The data cover all defaults of firms domiciled in the U.S. with debt rated by Moody’s, and were obtained from Moody’s Default Risk Service. We adopt Moody’s definition of a default event (see Hamilton (2005)). A “default” is an event in any of the following categories: (1) a missed or delayed disbursement of interest or principal, including delayed payments made within a grace period; (2) bankruptcy (Section 77, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 7, Prepackaged Chapter 11), administration, legal receivership, or other legal blocks to the timely payment of interest or principal; or (3) a distressed exchange occurs where: (i) the issuer offers debt holders a new security or 10 package of securities that amount to a diminished financial obligation; or (ii) the exchange had the apparent purpose of helping the borrower avoid default. A repeated default by the same issuer is included in the set of events if it was not within a year of the initial event and the issuer’s rating was raised above Caa after the initial default. This treatment of repeated defaults is consistent with that of Moody’s. We observe a total of 2001 defaults by 1294 firms. There are 1452 days with default events. Figure 2(a) shows the face amount of defaulted debt for each day in our sample period. The date with the largest amount of defaulted debt is March 27, 2009, when Charter Communications Holdings LLC defaulted. April 8, 2009, the day on which Harrah’s Operating Company collapsed, is next on the list. The third largest event is the default of American Airlines on November 29, 2011. We observe that the face value of defaulted debt tends to increase over the sample period. This is primarily due to the fact that the firms in our default data set have increased both their total liabilities and their leverage ratios over time; see Figure 2(b). Figure 3 reports the distribution of defaulted debt. About 95% of the defaults involve $500 million or less of defaulted debt. The average amount of defaulted debt is $173 million; the median is $100 million. Figure 4 shows the number of defaults by event category. The vast majority of defaults is due to missed interest payments, Chapter 11 filings, or exchanges of distressed debt that resulted in losses to bond investors. Figure 4 also indicates the number of events by sector. Most defaults occur in the capital industry, followed by the consumer industry, technology, retail and distribution, and media and publishing sectors. Figure 5 shows the joint distributions of the sector of a defaulting firm, the event category, the amount of defaulted debt, and the time until the next default. Defaults involving Chapter 11 filings, distressed exchanges, and missed principal payments tend to be quickly followed by additional defaults. These types of defaults also tend to be large in terms of the amount of defaulted debt. Similarly, defaults in the finance, insurance, real estate, the consumer industry, the media and publishing, and the technology sectors tend to be quickly followed by additional defaults. These sectors also tend to have large amounts of defaulted debt. Figure 6 indicates that defaults with large amounts of debt tend to be quickly followed by additional defaults. Figure 6 also suggests that the impact of large defaults on the arrival of additional defaults tends to be persistent: there is higher cumulated defaulted debt over the one-month period after a large default than in the one-month period after a small default. These observations will inform the design of our reduced-form model in Section 4. We will study the influence on default timing of a number of explanatory variables (risk factors). We construct time series of variables from data obtained from the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Saint Louis; Table 1 reports summary statistics. The variables we consider include the quarterly growth rate of the U.S. industrial production calculated from final products and nonindustrial supplies (IP, observed monthly), the annualized quarterly growth rate of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP, observed 11 quarterly), the trailing 1-year return of the S&P 500 index (RET, observed daily), the trailing 1-year volatility of the S&P 500 index (VOL, observed daily), the level of the yield curve measured by the yield of the 3-month Treasury bill yield (LEVEL, observed daily), the slope of the yield curve measured by the spread between the 10-year Treasury note and the 1-year Treasury bill (SLOPE, observed daily), the 10-year Treasury note yield (10Y, observed daily), Moody’s AAA corporate yield (AAA, observed weekly), the credit spread between the Moody’s BAA and AAA corporate yields (CRED, observed weekly), and a recession indicator according to the NBER business cycle dates (REC, observed monthly). Under different econometric assumptions and using different default timing data, Chava & Jarrow (2004), Das et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2007), Campbell et al. (2008), Duffie et al. (2009), Lando & Nielsen (2010), Giesecke et al. (2011), and others have found some or all of these variables to be significant predictors of U.S. defaults. 4 Reduced-form model We develop a new reduced-form model of correlated default timing to test the hypotheses formulated in Section 2. Reduced-form models are widely used in theoretical and empirical analyses of correlated default risk; see Berndt, Ritchken & Sun (2010), Chava & Jarrow (2004), Das et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2009), Jarrow & Yu (2001), Jarrow et al. (2005), Lando & Nielsen (2010), Longstaff & Rajan (2008), and many others. Our model captures the influence of the observable, time-varying risk factors described in Section 3, of a dynamically-varying frailty, and of past defaults. The model provides portfolio loss forecasts for multiple future periods that take account of the time-series behavior of the observable and latent risk factors over the forecast period. 4.1 Model formulation The defaults in our sample arrive at an intensity that measures the conditional mean arrival rate of events per year (see Appendix A for details). To accommodate the potential sources of default clustering, we allow the intensity to depend on observable explanatory variables X1 , . . . , Xd , a latent frailty variable Z, and past defaults. More precisely, if Z were observable, the intensity at time t would be of the form d X λt = exp a0 + ai Xi,t + Yt + Zt , (1) i=1 where a = (a0 , a1 , . . . , ad ) is a vector of coefficients to be estimated, and Y , which will be specified below, models the influence of past defaults on the conditional default rate. The intensity at t given the actually available information is the posterior mean of λt ; details are provided in Appendix C. The first term in (1) captures firms’ exposure to the common risk factor X = (X1 , . . . , Xd ), which represents the variables described in Section 3 above (see Table 1). 12 As in Chava & Jarrow (2004), Das et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2007) and other articles, this term takes the classical proportional hazards form of Cox (1972). When Y and Z are positive, this formulation ensures that the intensity is positive for any value of the factor vector X. Moreover, when Y = 0 and Z = 0, the influence of the risk factor Xi is multiplicative and the parameter ai is a proportionality factor. If Xi increases by one unit, then the intensity increases by a factor of eai − 1. The term Z in (1) models the influence of a latent frailty risk factor on the timing of defaults in our sample. We propose a standard mean-reverting Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model for the dynamics of the latent factor Z: p dZt = k(z − Zt )dt + σ Zt dWt , (2) for z, k, σ ≥ 0 and 2kz ≥ σ 2 .3 Here, W is a standard Brownian motion independent of X, and Z is initialized at its stationary gamma distribution with shape parameter 2kz and σ2 σ2 scale parameter 2k . The choice of a mean-reverting model is motivated by the results of Duffie et al. (2009), who find strong evidence for the existence of a mean-reverting frailty influencing U.S. non-financial default timing between 1979 and 2004. The term Y in (1) addresses the influence of past failures on default timing. We propose the classical self-exciting specification of Hawkes (1971), which is widely used in the empirical and theoretical contagion literature:4 X Yt = b e−κ(t−Tn ) Un (3) n: Tn ≤t where b > 0 and κ > 0 are parameters to be estimated. The increasing sequence of times Tn represent the dates in the sample with at least one default, and the variables Un characterize the impact of defaults on the conditional default rate. The intensity is ramped up by bUn given at least one event at Tn . The impact fades away with time at rate κ. Letting un be the sum of the face values of defaulted debt at Tn , we take Un = max{0, log un }. (4) We justify the choice (4). Figure 6 indicates that defaults with large amounts of defaulted debt tend to be quickly followed by additional defaults, and that the impact of defaults with large amounts of defaulted debt on the arrival of future defaults is persistent. Figure 5 suggests that the variability in defaulted debt can capture the cross sectional variability of the impact of the industry sector and event category on the arrival of future defaults. We interpret that defaults with large amounts of defaulted debt have a strong impact on the default rate, regardless of other default characteristics. Hertzel et al. (2008), Jorion & Zhang (2007), and Jorion & Zhang (2009) provide evidence that bankruptcies of firms with large liabilities induce stronger contagion effects 3 We have considered alternative parameterizations of the model (2), including one with unit volatility but Z in (1) replaced by σZ. The results for these alternatives are very similar to those for (2). 4 See Aı̈t-Sahalia et al. (2015), Bowsher (2007), Errais, Giesecke & Goldberg (2010), and others. 13 than bankruptcies of firms with small liabilities. For the global network of large CDS counterparties, Yang & Zhou (2013) document that credit risk spillovers from distressed firms are more severe if the distressed firm has large leverage ratios. Using data of firm liabilities from Compustat, we find that the amount of defaulted debt is correlated with total liabilities at default. Among the defaulted firms in our dataset for which liabilities data is available, the correlation coefficient between the logarithm of defaulted debt and the logarithm of total liabilities at default is 0.39. Table 2 indicates that an OLS regression of total liabilities at default on defaulted debt has an adjusted R-squared of 0.15 without controlling for the influence of the explanatory variables X, and 0.27 after controlling for X. Figure 7 indicates that the quantiles of the logarithm of defaulted debt almost perfectly match the quantiles of the logarithm of total liabilities at default, except for a few defaults with very small and very large amounts of defaulted debt. As a result, defaulted debt provides a proxy for total liabilities at the time of default. Based on these observations and because liability data is only available for about one-third of the firms in our data set, we specify the impact of a default event on the conditional default rate in terms of defaulted debt and (4). Overall, our contagion factor roughly captures aggregate credit exposure to defaulted firms, consistent with the contagion mechanism of Jorion & Zhang (2007, 2009). 4.2 Likelihood estimation We estimate the parameter θ = (a, b, k, κ, σ, z, s) governing the reduced-form model (1) by the method of maximum likelihood. Since the frailty Z influencing the intensity cannot be observed, the likelihood problem is not standard unless z = σ = 0. We implement a variant of the filtered likelihood estimation developed by Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015); see Appendix B for details. The likelihood is the posterior mean of the complete-data likelihood given the observed data, which include the default dates, the defaulted debt, and time series of the explanatory variables X1 , . . . , Xd discussed in Section 3.5 The posterior mean is evaluated using a quadrature method. This approach eliminates the need to perform Monte Carlo simulations of the frailty path over the 43-year sample period, which would be computationally burdensome. It also avoids the loss of estimation efficiency and potential biases associated with the simulated expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm often used for this type of problem.6 The resulting likelihood estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal as the sample period grows (see Appendix B.3). 5 Following the empirical default timing literature, we interpolate the discrete observations of the explanatory variables to obtain continuous time series. 6 Duffie et al. (2009), Koopman et al. (2008), Koopman et al. (2011), and others use EM algorithms to estimate the influence of frailty on default timing. Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) indicate that EM algorithms may be unable to precisely differentiate between jump and diffusive movements of the intensity when the intensity depends on a latent frailty factor and a self-exciting factor as in (1). 14 4.3 Parameter estimates We fit our model along with three nested (i.e., restricted) alternatives that are described in Table 3. A model for which b = 0 ignores contagion. A model for which z = σ = 0 ignores frailty. A base model for which b = z = σ = 0 captures only the clustering implied by firms’ joint dependence on the observable risk factor X. Table 4 reports the parameter estimates and the corresponding asymptotic standard errors. The self-excitation term Y is highly significant. Past defaults appear to be significant predictors of future defaults after controlling for the influence of observable and frailty factors. A default has a persistent impact on the intensity, with a half-life of about 3 months. Upon a default event with $173 million of defaulted debt, the average in our data set, the intensity increases by roughly 2.8 events per year. The fitted values of the parameters b and κ governing the self-excitation term Y are very similar to the fitted values in the model ignoring the frailty channel. This observation suggests that the term Y has been appropriately identified. In particular, the role of the term Y is not overstated at the expense of the frailty term. The latent frailty factor Z exhibits significant mean-reverting behavior. Even though our data spans a longer time horizon and includes defaults of financial firms, the parameter estimates for our frailty factor in the restricted model are almost equal to the estimates for the frailty factor in the comparable model of Duffie et al. (2009).7 We conclude that our frailty factor is properly identified. However, the fitted parameters in the unrestricted model differ by orders of magnitude from those in the model ignoring contagion. On one hand, the fitted frailty has small volatility and quickly reverts to a low but significant level in the unrestricted model. On the other hand, the fitted frailty is very persistent and has a high reversion level and high volatility in the restricted model. These findings suggest that a model ignoring the contagion channel may overstate the role of frailty. Among the explanatory variables, GDP growth has a significant influence on the intensity. The sensitivity of the intensity to this factor is negative, consistent with the intuition that strong economic growth reduces the likelihood of defaults (see Giesecke et al. (2011)). Moreover, the fitted value of the sensitivity parameter is similar to the values estimated for the restricted models (if these values are significant), suggesting that the impact of GDP growth on the intensity is not overstated at the expense of other risk factors or the frailty and self-exciting terms. A one-standard deviation shock to GDP growth may increase the aggregate default intensity by up to 40%. Unlike Duffie et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2009), and Lando & Nielsen (2010), we find that the S&P 500 return is a significant risk factor only in the base model. Our parameter estimates suggest that this is due to the fact that we control for the frailty and contagion channels of clustering when measuring the impact of the explanatory variables. The afore7 Duffie et al. (2009) estimate that their frailty factor has a volatility of 0.125 and a mean-reversion speed of 0.018. We estimate that our frailty factor in the Base + Frailty model has a volatility of 0.129 and a mean-reversion speed of 0.016. 15 mentioned papers control for only one of these channels, or neither. Also the corporate bond yield spread is found to be insignificant. This finding complements previous results by Collin-Dufresne, Goldstein & Martin (2001), Giesecke et al. (2011), and Gilchrist & Zakrajšek (2012) on the connection between credit spreads and the business cycle. It provides additional evidence that credit spreads contain little information about physical default probabilities. 4.4 Fitted intensity Figure 8 compares the fitted intensity to the default data. The fitted intensity at time t is given by the fitted posterior mean of λt given the data observed to time t. Without frailty (z = σ = 0), the posterior mean, ht , is equal to λt . With frailty, the computation of ht is a filtering problem; see Appendix C. We observe that the base model does a relatively poor job at explaining the default clusters in the data. It lags clusters and significantly overstates the arrival rates during the first quarter of the sample period and during the recent financial crisis. The richer models capture the substantial time-variation of realized arrival rates much better. The models that address the contagion channel match the low arrival rates during the early part of the sample better than the models that ignore that channel. 5 Hypotheses tests Using our fitted models, we test the hypotheses formulated in Section 2 regarding the potential sources of default clustering. 5.1 Fitted parameters The Null Hypothesis H0 can be rejected if at least one of the parameters z, σ, or b is significantly larger than zero. If all of these parameter estimates are significantly positive, then we have evidence in favor of Alternative Hypothesis H3 . On the other hand, significantly positive estimates of z and σ and an insignificant estimate of b provide evidence in favor of Alternative Hypothesis H1 . A significantly positive estimate of b and insignificant estimates of both z and σ are evidence in favor of Alternative Hypothesis H2 . The model parameter estimates discussed in Section 4.3 above suggest rejection of the Null Hypothesis H0 . The fitted values of the parameters do not, however, provide clear evidence in favor of any of the Alternative Hypotheses H1 –H3 . Below, we run likelihood ratio tests and time-change tests in order to develop a better understanding of the validity of the alternative hypotheses. 16 5.2 Likelihood ratio tests Using likelihood ratio tests we measure the improvement in fit achieved by including the frailty and self-excitation terms. If we obtain a statistically positive likelihood ratio statistic by moving from a more restricted model to a less restricted one, then we can conclude that the clustering channel ignored in the restricted model is statistically significant. The test results are reported in Table 5. Relative to the base model, adding either the frailty term or the self-excitation term leads to a significant improvement in model fit. However, the inclusion of the self-excitation term leads to a bigger improvement in the test statistic than the inclusion of the frailty term. Relative to the model that includes observable risk factors and frailty, the inclusion of the self-excitation term as a third source of clustering yields further improvements. The inclusion of the frailty term in the model with observable risk factors and the contagion term does not significantly improve model fit, however. These tests suggest that even after controlling for frailty, the selfexcitation term representing the contagion channel plays a prominent role. These results provide evidence in favor of Alternative Hypotheses H2 and H3 , and against Alternative Hypothesis H1 . They also provide further evidence against the Null Hypothesis H0 . 5.3 Time-scaling tests We use time-scaling tests of goodness-of-fit to discriminate between Alternative Hypotheses H2 and H3 . An important result of Das et al. (2007) states that if there are no latent frailty factors and defaults are doubly-stochastic,8 then the default count Nt can be transformed into a standard Poisson process by a change of time given by the cumulative intensity. This result allows one to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of doubly-stochastic models with observable risk factors by testing the Poisson property of the time-scaled default times. Our model violates the doubly-stochastic hypothesis because it addresses the frailty and contagion channels. Therefore, the tests of Das et al. (2007) do not apply. We generalize the time-change result of Das et al. (2007) in Proposition D.1 in Appendix D. Our result also covers models in which the doubly-stochastic assumption is violated because of the presence of a latent frailty factor or a self-exciting term. We show that the default count Nt can always be transformed into a standard Poisson process by a change of time given by the cumulative posterior mean ht of the intensity. This result allows us to compare models addressing different sources of default clustering by testing the Poisson property of the time-scaled default times. For a bin of size w > 0, we construct an increasing sequence of times tw i so that the cumulative posterior intensity mean ht between two consecutive times is equal to w. 8 A model with observable risk factors is doubly-stochastic if default arrivals are conditionally Poisson given the paths of the factors. A doubly-stochastic model addresses only the default correlation caused by firms’ joint exposure to the risk factors. 17 R tw w Formally, twi hs ds = w for each i. Let Piw be the number of defaults between tw i−1 and ti . i−1 Proposition D.1 implies that the Piw are independent samples from a Poisson distribution with parameter w. We test this property for different bin sizes w using a series of tests described in Karlis & Xekalaki (2000) and Das et al. (2007). The Potthoff-WhittinghillBohning test evaluates the moments and the Kocherlakota-Kocherlakota test evaluates the generating function of the Piw . The other tests examine the independence, dispersion, tail properties, and distribution of the Piw . If Alternative Hypothesis H3 is valid, then the complete model should fail the fewest tests at low significance levels. On the other hand, if Alternative Hypothesis H2 is valid, then there should not be any significant differences between the test performances of the complete model and the nested model that ignores the frailty source. Table 6 reports the p-values of our Poisson property tests. The base model fails most of these tests at high significance levels. It generates correlated binned event counts and does not match the corresponding Poisson distributions. Table 7 indicates that the base model generates binned event counts that are overdispersed, with the variances of the Piw exceeding the theoretical counterparts. Overdispersed counts are a sign of model misspecification (see Cameron & Trivedi (1998)), consistent with the failure of the base model in the tests of Table 6. Consistent with Das et al. (2007), the time-change tests indicate that the Null Hypothesis H0 is rejected because a model based only on systematic default risk factors is misspecified. The model including the frailty channel but ignoring the contagion channel fails the Potthoff-Whittinghill-Bohning tests of the moments of the Poisson distribution. It also fails a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test. Table 7 suggest that the model ignoring contagion fails these tests because it tends to generate underdispersed binned event counts, with empirical variances of the Piw that are much lower than the corresponding empirical means. Underdispersion is a sign of positive correlation between model-implied interdefault times (see Winkelmann (1995)). It suggests that the model ignoring contagion does not properly reflect the correlation structure of default events in the data, resulting in rejection of Alternative Hypothesis H1 . The model including the contagion channel but ignoring the frailty channel also fails the Potthoff-Whittinghill-Bohning test and the chi-squared test, though only for small bin sizes. We conclude from Table 7 that the model ignoring frailty also fails these tests due to underdispersion, given the low empirical variances of the Piw in Table 7 for bin sizes 2 and 4. The unrestricted model, which addresses all three potential clustering channels, fails the fewest tests. It exhibits the smallest degree of under- or overdispersion, with empirical means and variances of the Piw in Table 7 that are closest to each other. All things considered, the time-scaling tests provide evidence in favor of Alternative Hypothesis H3 , which states that both contagion and frailty are significant sources of default clustering after controlling for firms’ joint exposure to observable risk factors. 18 5.4 Out-of-sample analysis To understand the distinct roles of the frailty and contagion channels for measuring portfolio credit risk, we consider tests of out-of-sample forecast accuracy. We use Monte Carlo simulation to generate the conditional distribution of the number of defaults in the year ahead, given a model fitted to the data available at the beginning of the year. Our approach, detailed in Appendix E, eliminates the need to simulate the paths of the frailty variable during the forecast period. It is computationally efficient and generates forecast distributions with small variance. Figure 9 contrasts the forecast distribution with the realized number of defaults, for each year between 1991 and 2012, and for each alternative model. We observe that the base model lags default clusters. It fails to predict the clusters associated with the burst of the dotcom bubble and the financial crisis. The model including frailty but ignoring the contagion channel performs better at predicting these clustering episodes. However, it generates forecast distributions with excessively heavy tails. Moreover, the means of the forecast distributions show very little variation through the test period. Thus, if the mean were used as a point forecast, then the forecast would change little every year, despite the significant variation of observed default rates. The model that includes the contagion channel but ignores the frailty channel generates much more concentrated forecast distributions. The forecast mean matches the realized number of defaults quite well. The unrestricted model, which addresses all potential clustering sources, performs better still, producing forecast distributions with lower variance during the first third of the test period. To test forecast accuracy, we consider the 99% value at risk (VaR) of the forecast distribution, a standard measure of portfolio credit risk. For a given model, we evaluate the sequence of “hit” indicators associated with violations of the VaR in different periods. Under the null, these indicators are independent draws from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability (1 − 0.99) = 0.01. Table 8 reports the violation rates and the p-values of an unconditional coverage test due to Kupiec (1995), which tests whether the actual violation rate is significantly different from 0.01. We also report the p-values of an independence test due to Christoffersen (1998), a combined test of independence and Bernoulli distribution against a Markov chain alternative due to Christoffersen (1998), and the out-of-sample dynamic quantile test of Engle & Manganelli (2004). The dynamic quantile test examines if there is significant correlation between the hit indicators and the level of the VaR. With a violation rate of 0/22, the model including the frailty channel but ignoring the contagion channel outperforms all other models according to these tests. With a violation rate of 1/22, the unrestricted model comes in second. The base model is rejected by these tests due its sluggishness. The model including the contagion channel but ignoring the frailty channel is rejected because its VaR forecasts are too low. The tests of the hit indicators may unduly favor the frailty model because it generates forecast distributions with excessively heavy tails, and VaR forecasts that are excessively 19 large. If one were to estimate risk capital according to the VaR, one would end up holding too much capital relative to the actual risk. While one would be covered in most situations, scarce risk capital would be wasted. To address this issue, we consider the mean relative bias and the root mean square relative bias of the VaR forecasts (see Hendricks (1996)). The former is the percentage deviation of a forecast from the average forecast of all models, averaged over all forecast periods. The latter accounts for the standard deviation of the former. The outcomes of these measures, reported in Table 8, indicate that the frailty model does indeed tend to overstate the VaR and to produce the largest forecast volatility. The unrestricted model, which addresses all clustering sources, generates the VaR forecasts with the least amount of bias and volatility. The results of the out-of-sample tests provide further support for Alternative Hypothesis H3 . A model addressing firms’ exposure to observable and frailty risk factors but ignoring the contagion channel tends to overstate correlated default risk, while a model addressing firms’ exposure to observable risk factors and contagion but ignoring frailty tends to understate it. The issues with these two models can be attributed to the underdispersion property detected by the time-change tests, which results in distorted forecasts of correlated default risk. The unrestricted model, which addresses all three potential clustering sources, provides the most balanced and accurate out-of-sample forecasts of correlated default risk. 5.5 Alternative Hypothesis H3(a) or H3(b) ? Both the in-sample and out-of-sample tests discussed above provide strong support for Alternative Hypothesis H3 : contagion and frailty are significant sources of corporate default clustering. Next, we evaluate Alternative Hypotheses H3(a) and H3(b) regarding the relative importance of frailty and contagion. We decompose the fitted intensity of the complete model into its three components: the component exp(a0 +a1 X1,t +· · ·+ad Xd,t ) capturing the exposure to observable systematic default risk factors, the contagion component Yt , and the frailty component given by the posterior mean Et [Zt ]. Figure 10 shows that, since the mid 1980’s, the first component consistently accounts for 25% to 35% of the default rate. This finding is consistent with the estimates of Koopman, Lucas & Schwaab (2012), and suggests that we have properly identified and controlled for the exposure to observable systematic risk factors when measuring the significance of the frailty and the contagion channels of default clustering. Figure 10 also indicates that the contagion component represents a significant fraction of the default rate, and that this fraction is especially large during clustering episodes. In contrast, the contribution of the frailty term to the default rate is small, and becomes larger during episodes of low default activity. Thus, we obtain strong support for Alternative Hypothesis H3(a) , that the contagion channel is a more prominent source of clustering than the frailty channel. 20 6 Robustness checks 6.1 Omitted firm-specific variables The literature has identified several firm-specific risk factors that are significant predictors of corporate default probabilities; see Altman (1968), Duffie et al. (2007), Campbell et al. (2008), Chava & Jarrow (2004), Lando & Nielsen (2010), Ohlson (1980), Shumway (2001), and many others. These factors include firm size, firm stock returns and volatilities, as well as distance to default (a volatility-adjusted measure of leverage). One could argue that our results might be biased because we do not control for the influence of firm-specific risk factors, resulting in an unjustified rejection of Null Hypothesis H0 . If variations in the cross section of firm-specific risk factors contain information about systematic default risks that are not captured by the systematic risk factors we include in our model (see Table 1), then firm-specific risk factors may be important for default clustering. To show that this is not the case, we test whether the cross section of omitted firm-specific default risk factors contains information not captured by our systematic variables. For the companies in our default data set, we construct monthly time series of cross sectional averages of significant firm-specific default risk factors.9 Table 9 provides summary statistics. The firm-specific variables we consider are the quick ratio (QUICK),10 ratio of short term debt to total debt (SD), total liabilities (TL), distance to default (DTD), log book asset value (LBA), net income to total assets ratio (NITA), total liabilities to total assets ratio (TLTA), log relative market capitalization with respect to the total market capitalization of all NYSE/NASDAQ/AMEX listed firms (RSIZE), 1-year trailing stock return (RET), and the realized standard deviation of monthly returns over rolling horizons of 12 months (VOL). Next, we regress the cross sectional averages on our macroeconomic variables. Table 10 gives a summary of the regression results. We see that our macroeconomic variables can capture at least 52 percent of the monthly variation of cross sectional averages of firm-specific default risk factors. Surprisingly, our macroeconomic variables capture 71 percent of the monthly fluctuations of average distance to default in our data set. Duffie et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2009), Lando & Nielsen (2010), and many others find that distance to default is the most economically and statistically significant determinant of U.S. corporate default probabilities. Yet, our regression analysis states that the cross-sectional average of distance to default is almost perfectly spanned by our macroeconomic variables. Next we regress the frailty and self-exciting terms of the intensity (Yt + Zt ) on the residuals of the regressions in Table 10. We find that the residuals can only explain about 22% of the variation of Yt + Zt estimated for the complete model over the sample 9 Proposition 1 of Duffie (1998) implies that the only relevant firm-specific data for modeling the conditional default rate in our sample are the cross sectional averages of firm-specific default risk factors after censoring defaulted firms. 10 The quick ratio is the ratio of a firm’s cash, short-term investments, and total receivables over its current liabilities. 21 period. We conclude that while firm-specific default risk factors may contain significant information about idiosyncratic default risk, they only contain little information about the systematic default risk not captured by our macroeconomic variables. Thus, the absence of firm-specific variables in our model is unlikely to bias our results. 6.2 Economy-wide vs. firm-level default rates Rather than modeling firm-by-firm default rates, our analysis focuses on the economywide default rate that describes events in the pool of Moody’s rated issuers. To show that this approach is appropriate for measuring correlated default risk and does not bias our results, we compare the goodness-of-fit of our simple base model to the goodness-of-fit of the leading firm-by-firm reduced-form models of Das et al. (2007) and Lando & Nielsen (2010). Das et al. (2007) study 495 U.S. non-financial default events during the time period January 1979 to October 2004. A firm’s default intensity depends on the distance to default, the firm’s trailing 1-year stock return, the 3-month Treasury bill rate, and the 1-year trailing return of the S&P-500 index. Lando & Nielsen (2010) analyze 370 U.S. non-financial default events between January 1982 and December 2005. A firm’s default intensity depends on the 1-year return on the S&P-500 index, the 3-month US Treasury rate, 1-year percentage change in U.S. industrial production, the spread between the 10year and 1-year Treasury rate, a firm’s 1-year equity return, 1-year distance-to-default, quick ratio, ratio of short-term debt to total debt, and log book value. Although our base model does not include firm-specific factors, it fits the data at least as well as the firm-by-firm models of Das et al. (2007) and Lando & Nielsen (2010). To show this, we re-estimate our base model from a subsample of our data that mirrors the data sets used by Das et al. (2007) and Lando & Nielsen (2010). Using the same time-change tests as these authors (see Section 5 above), Table 11 indicates that our base model performs slightly better than Model I and as well as Model II of Lando & Nielsen (2010). Further, Table 12 indicates that our base model slightly outperforms the model of Das et al. (2007). Thus, our base model of aggregate defaults performs as well as alternative firm-by-firm models of defaults that have been proposed in the literature. The choice of our modeling approach is not a driver of our results. 6.3 Financial firms Defaults of financial firms are special as they tend to be rare, large, and surrounded by government intervention. Among the 2001 distinct default events in our data set, there are only 126 default events by financial firms. The mean defaulted debt is $240 million, which is significantly larger than the mean defaulted debt for non-financial firms ($169 million). Further, all defaults of the type “Seized by regulators” in our data set are by financial firms. Despite the peculiarity of financial firm defaults, empirical evidence on the impact of financial firm defaults on aggregate default rates is sparse. Giesecke et al. (2014) 22 find evidence that, over the long term, the impact of financial default crises on the real economy is far more severe than the impact of non-financial default crises. This evidence is consistent with the financial accelerator mechanism of Bernanke, Gertler & Gilchrist (1999), which hypothesizes that distress of financial firms may amplify and propagate shocks to the real economy. Still, Helwege (2010) argues that financial firm distress may not significantly spread to the real economy given that financial firms are able to endure large shocks because they are well regulated and they practise extensive diversification. Further, Helwege & Zhang (2012) show empirically that financial firm bankruptcies have only triggered modest contagion effects in historical data. We test if our findings are sensitive to the exclusion of financial firms. Table 13 provides the maximum likelihood parameter estimates of the complete model and the three nested alternatives after excluding financial firm defaults from our data. We find that the parameter estimates are essentially the same as those for all (financial and non financial) firms; compare with the estimates in Table 4. We conclude that the inclusion of financial firms is not a key driver of our results. Contagion and frailty are significant sources of clustering even for industrial firms. 6.4 Days with multiple defaults Our data set includes days with multiple defaults. For example, the default of Texas International Air on 9/24/1983 was accompanied by the defaults of the Texas International Air Finance and Texas International Air Capital subsidiaries on the same date. The formulation (4) aggregates these defaults when modeling their impact on the default intensity. Alternatively, we could treat each default separately. For example, if there are Jn defaults on day Tn and unj denotes the face value of defaulted debt of the j-th default on one such day, then we could set Un = Jn X max 0, log unj . (5) j=1 We have analyzed our models using this alternative convention; see Table 14. The only affected models are those that include the contagion source. We find that the signs, magnitudes and statistical significance of the parameter estimates of all models are similar to those reported in Table 4, with few exceptions. The contagion sensitivity parameter b decreases by a factor of roughly 0.77. This is primarily driven by the fact that the average Un under the formulation (5) is about 1.3 times higher than under the formulation (4). The estimated contagion decay parameter κ is similar under formulations (4) and (5). However, the maximum log-likelihoods are much lower under specification (5) than under specification (4). We conclude that (5) yields an inferior specification of the contagion term that the data do not support. 23 6.5 Industry-specific contagion The formulations (4) and (5) do not distinguish among defaults in different industries. However, industry characteristics may be important determinants of the contagion effects induced by a default; see Hertzel et al. (2008), Hertzel & Officer (2012), Jorion & Zhang (2007), Jorion & Zhang (2009), and Lang & Stulz (1992), among others. Omitted industry-specific contagion effects may thus bias our estimates on the contagion channel. To demonstrate that this is not the case, we incorporate industry-specific contagion effects by formulating Un as follows: Jn X bInj Un = max 0, 1 + log unj , b j=1 (6) where Inj indicates the industry of the j-th default on day Tn . The parameter bInj measures the intensity sensitivity to a dummy variable which is equal to 1 if and only if the j-th default on day Tn occurs in industry Inj . We re-estimate the models that include the contagion source under formulation (6). We consider 10 different sectors as defined by Moody’s 11 Code (see Figure 4). Table 14 summarizes our results. The contagion sensitivity is smaller after accounting for different industries. The average sector contagion sensitivity, weighted by empirical default frequencies, is 0.0044. Significant contagion occurs after a default in the banking, the consumer industries, the energy & environment, and the retail & distribution sectors. An average default in these sectors increases the aggregate default intensity by 1.96, 1.88, 1.81, and 2.87 defaults per year, respectively. Despite the contagion sensitivity being smaller, the estimated contagion decay rate κ under formulation (6) implies a much large persistency of the contagion factor Y . Defaults in the banking, the consumer industries, the energy & environment, and the retail & distribution sectors cause large jumps up in the aggregate default intensity, and these jumps persist with a half-life of about 5 months (the half-life under specification (4) is only 3 months). All other parameter estimates and standard errors are roughly the same for formulation (6) than for our original formulation (4). Likelihood ratio tests of the complete model and the nested submodels under formulation (6) and under formulation (4) give the same results. We conclude that omitted industryspecific contagion effects do not bias any of our results. Consistent with Hertzel et al. (2008) and Jorion & Zhang (2009), our results on industry effects confirm that contagion can occur across industries. Our results also confirm that contagion does not necessarily need to originate in the financial sector, extending our findings of Section 6.3. A large industrial default can have a similar impact on aggregate default rates as a default with comparable defaulted debt in the financial sector. 24 7 Concluding remarks The U.S. credit markets have suffered several significant clusters of corporate default events. This paper studies the sources of clustering using data on industrial and financial default timing in the U.S. between 1970 and 2012. It presents strong evidence for the existence of several clustering channels, including firms’ joint exposure to macroeconomic factors, the influence of a common latent frailty factor with mean-reverting behavior, and the persistent impact on firms of past default events. The results have important implications for the management of portfolio credit risk at financial institutions. The models widely used to estimate risk capital address only the default clustering due to firms’ joint exposure to observable risk factors. Our results suggest that these models significantly understate the risk of large losses from defaults. This indicates that banks using these models might end up holding inadequate capital to withstand the large losses induced by default clusters like the one following the financial crisis of 2007-09. Our results suggest to estimate risk capital using an approach that also addresses the presence of a mean-reverting frailty factor influencing firms, and the impact of past failures on default rates. We find that such an approach generates the most accurate out-of-sample forecasts of correlated default risk. An understanding of the sources of default clustering is also essential for the pricing, rating, and risk analysis of securities that are exposed to correlated default risk, such as collateralized debt obligations. Our findings suggest to account for the impact of frailty and contagion when examining such securities. A Reduced-form model This appendix provides some technical details regarding our model of default timing (Section 4). The default data is a realization of a marked point process (Tn , Un )n≥1 defined on a complete probability space (Ω, F, P) equipped with an information filtration F = (Ft )t≥0 satisfying the usual conditions of right-continuity and completeness (see Protter (2004)). That is, (Tn )n≥1 is an increasing sequence of stopping times tending to ∞. The times Tn represent the dates in the sample with at least one default. Moreover, (Un )n≥1 is a sequence of FTn -measurable random variables, where Un represents the total amount of defaulted debt on date Tn . We assume that there exists a positive process λ such that the Rt P variables Nt − 0 λs ds form a local martingale, where Nt = n≥1 1{Tn ≤t} . The process λ is the intensity of N . We have that E[Nt+∆ − Nt | Ft ] ≈ λt ∆ for small ∆ > 0, suggesting the interpretation of a conditional mean arrival rate for λ. 25 B Maximum likelihood estimation Due to the presence of the frailty factor Z, the problem of estimating the parameter θ = (a, b, κ, σ, k, z) of the reduced-form model (1) is not standard unless z = σ = 0. We implement a variant of the filtered likelihood estimation method developed by Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) for point process models with incomplete data. This appendix provides some details. B.1 The likelihood function Let Dt denote the data available at time t. These include the default data {Tn , Un : n ≤ Nt } and the (interpolated) covariate data {Xs : s ≤ t}. Let [0, τ ] be the sample period. The likelihood function Lτ (θ) is the Radon-Nikodym density of the law of the data Dτ relative to its true distribution; see Section 3.1 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) for a more precise statement. A maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is a maximizer of the likelihood function. To compute the likelihood, let X Z τ (λs − 1)ds , (7) Mτ = exp log(λTn − )1{Tn ≤τ } − 0 n≥1 and assume that E[1/Mτ ] = 1. We define an equivalent measure P∗ on the σ-field Fτ with Radon-Nikodym density dP∗ 1 = . dP Mτ Proposition 3.1 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) states that Lτ (θ) ∝ E∗ [Mτ | Dτ ] . (8) The likelihood function (8) depends on the parameter θ because Mτ is a path functional of the intensity λ = ea·(1,X) + Y + Z. If z = σ = 0, the data set Dτ contains all relevant information to evaluate Mτ so the likelihood function simplifies to Lτ (θ) ∝ Mτ . If z, σ > 0, then the conditional expectation (8) is not trivial because the data Dτ do not include any observations of the frailty Z. The conditional expectation (8) is taken with respect to the conditional P∗ -law of the frailty given the data Dτ . Girsanov’s and Lévy’s theorems imply that the Brownian motion W driving the frailty Z remains a Brownian motion under P∗ . As a result, Z follows the CIR process (2) under P∗ . Furthermore, Girsanov’s and Watanabe’s theorems imply that N is a standard Poisson process under P∗ . Therefore, N is independent of the frailty Z under P∗ . Also, Z is independent of X by assumption. Thus, the conditional P∗ -law of Z given Dτ is governed by (k, z, σ). B.2 Approximate likelihood function There is no closed-form expression for the likelihood (8) if σ > 0 and z > 0. Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) propose to approximate the likelihood using a rectangular quadrature 26 method. We will use a slightly modified approximation based on a trapezoidal quadrature method that exploits the fact that our frailty Z follows a CIR process. This approximation does not interpolate the path of the frailty. Therefore, it is more accurate and less susceptible to the implementation choice. Since Z follows a CIR process under P∗ , a key result of Broadie & Kaya (2006) implies that for times 0 ≤ t1 < t2 ≤ τ and points z1 , z2 ∈ R+ , Z t2 ∗ λu du Dτ , Zt1 = z1 , Zt2 = z2 φ(z1 , t1 ; z2 , t2 ) = E exp − t1 Z = Φ(z1 , t1 ; z2 , t2 ) exp − t2 e a·(1,Xu ) + Yu du , (9) t1 where √ −0.5ζ∆ z1 z2 4ζe 1−e−ζ∆ −k∆ ) ζ(1+e−ζ∆ ) ζe−0.5(ζ−k)∆ (1 − e−k∆ ) (z1 +z2 ) k(1+e − −k∆ −ζ∆ 1−e 1−e Φ(z1 , t1 ; z2 , t2 ) = √ e −0.5k∆ −ζ∆ ) k(1 − e Iq z1 z2 4ke −k∆ 1−e √ for ∆ = t2 −t1 , ζ = k 2 + 2c2 , and Iq the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order q = 2kz − 1. An application of the law of iterated expectations leads to a reformulation of c2 the likelihood in terms of a product of terms as in (9). Iq Proposition B.1. For t ≤ τ and a function u on R+ such that u(λt ) is integrable, # " Nτ Y λTn − φ(ZTn−1 , Tn−1 ; ZTn , Tn ) Dt . E∗ [u(λt )Mt | Dt ] = et E∗ u(λt )φ(ZTNτ , TNτ ; Zτ , τ ) n=1 P Nt Proof. Letting Πt = u(λt ) exp n=1 log(λTn − ) , we calculate E∗ [ u(λt )Mt | Dt ] exp(−t) " " Z TN Z t ∗ ∗ λu du E exp − = E Πt exp − ! # # λu du Dt , (Zu )u≤TNt , Zt Dt 0 TNt Z TN t ∗ = E Πt exp − λu du φ(ZTNt , TNt ; Zt , t) Dt . (10) t 0 Line (10) uses the fact that, by Girsanov’s theorem, the change of measure induced by Mτ does not affect the law of Z. Consequently, Z is a Markov process under P∗ . We iterate to complete the proof. Proposition B.1 allows us to approximate the likelihood (8) using a trapezoidal quadrature rule that does not interpolate the path of the frailty Z. Algorithm B.2 summarizes the numerical scheme for terms of the form E∗ [u(λτ )Mτ | Dτ ]; the likelihood is given by u ≡ 1. Convergence of the scheme as the discretization becomes finer follows along the lines of Theorem 4.1 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015). Note that the transition law of Z is non-central chi-squared since Z follows a CIR process. 27 Algorithm B.2. Fix a state-space discretization {z 1 , . . . , z m } for the frailty Z. Let Ai be a neighborhood of z i . Define the terms F n (k, l) = eTn −Tn−1 ea·(1,XTn − ) + YTn − + cz k φ(z l , Tn−1 ; z k , Tn ), pn (k, l) = P∗ ZTn ∈ Ak Dτ , ZTn−1 = z l , for 1 ≤ k, l ≤ m and 1 ≤ n ≤ Nτ . In addition, set TNτ +1 = τ and F Nτ +1 (k, l) = eτ −TNτ u ea·(1,Xτ ) + Yτ + cz k φ(z l , TNτ ; z k , τ ) pNτ +1 (k, l) = P∗ Zτ ∈ Ak Dτ , ZTNτ = z l , For a given θ ∈ Θ, do: (1) Initialization: Let ξ = (ξ(1), . . . , ξ(m)) be an m-dimensional vector such that ξ(i) = 1 if y ∈ Ai and otherwise ξ(i) = 0. (2) Iteration: For n = 1, . . . , Nτ + 1 do (a) Define the m × m-matrix Q̂j with elements F n (k, l)pn (k, l) (b) Update the vector ξ to ξ ← Q̂j · ξ (3) Termination: Compute an approximation of E∗ [u(λτ )Mτ | Dτ ] as B.3 Pm i=1 ξ(i). Asymptotic properties Assume that the true parameter θ0 lies in the interior of the parameter space Θ. If z = σ = 0, we can compute an MLE θ̂τ analytically and Theorem 3.2 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) implies that the MLE is consistent.11 Under regularity and identifiability conditions, Theorem 3.3 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) states that θ̂τ will be √ asymptotically normal so that τ (θ̂τ − θ0 ) converges in distribution to a multivariate normal distribution with mean 0 and variance-covariance matrix −1 1 2 Σ = − lim ∇ log Lτ (θ0 ) . τ →∞ τ We use the following finite-horizon approximation of Σ: −1 1 2 Σ̂τ = − ∇ log Lτ (θ0 ) . τ If σ > 0 and z > 0, the likelihood is approximated using Algorithm B.2. Define B.2. An approximate MLE LA τ (θ) as the approximate likelihood computed by Algorithm A θ̂τ maximizes the approximate likelihood function: θ̂τA ∈ arg max LA τ (θ). θ∈Θ 11 Condition (A3) of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) is irrelevant in our setting because the parameters driving the explanatory factor X can be estimated separately from the default parameter θ. 28 Proposition 4.3 of Giesecke & Schwenkler (2015) implies that, under mild technical conditions, the approximate MLE θ̂τA will be consistent and asymptotically normal as the sample period grows and the discretization becomes finer. A finite-horizon approximation of the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix is given by −1 1 2 A A A Σ̂τ = − ∇ log Lτ (θ̂τ ) . τ B.4 Implementation The numerical algorithm and approximate likelihood maximization are implemented in R and run on an eight-core 32GB Sun blade system. We use the Nelder-Mead optimization method to locate the maximizers of the likelihood function. To address the issue of local optima, we run a number of optimizations with random initial values. In order to deal with very small or very large values of the intensity and the parameters, we scale the time unit to one week. C Posterior mean of intensity Since the data do not include observations of the frailty Z, the intensity λt cannot be measured unless z = σ = 0. We consider the posterior mean of λt , denoted by ht . This appendix explains the computation of ht . Let G = (Gt )t≥0 be the right-continuous and complete filtration generated by the observable data, i.e., Gt = σ(Dt ) ⊂ Ft . The posterior mean ht of λt is the optional projection of λ onto G.12 It satisfies ht = E [λt | Gt ] (11) almost surely, and represents the default rate given the observable data available at t (more precisely, it is the intensity relative to G). We exploit the change of measure defined by (7) to efficiently compute ht using two calls of Algorithm B.2, one with u(λ) ≡ 1 and one with u(λ) = λ. This is based on the following result. Proposition C.1. Suppose E[1/Mτ ] = 1 for Mτ defined in (7). For t ≤ τ , the posterior mean ht satisfies almost surely ht = E∗ [λt Mt | Dt ] . E∗ [ Mt | Dt ] (12) Proof. Theorem T3 of Section VI of Brémaud (1980) states that, given E[1/Mτ ] = 1, the exponential martingale M induces an equivalent probability measure P∗ on the σ∗ field Fτ with Radon-Nikodym density dP = 1/Mτ . Moreover, the process (1/Mt )t≤τ is dP 12 See Protter (2004) for details on the optional projection. 29 a martingale with respect to F by Theorem II.T8 of Brémaud (1980). Since Mt > 0 for all t ≤ τ , it follows that P is also absolutely continuous with respect to P∗ on Ft with Radon-Nikdoym density dP = Mt dP∗ Ft for t ≤ τ . Optional projection indicates that P is also absolutely continuous with respect to P∗ on the σ-algebra Gt ⊆ Ft for all t ≤ τ with Radon-Nikodym density E∗ [Mt | Gt ]. Now, λ is positive and F-adapted. This implies that ht = E [λt | Gt ] = E∗ [λt Mt | Gt ] . E∗ [ Mt | Gt ] In order to obtain (12), note that Gt = σ(Dt ). D Goodness-of-fit tests This appendix extends a key result of Das et al. (2007) for doubly-stochastic models with observable risk factors. The extension allows us to construct goodness-of-fit tests for our default timing model (1), which violates the doubly-stochastic hypothesis due to the presence of the frailty and self-exciting terms. A key role is played by the posterior mean ht of the intensity, which is discussed in Appendix C. Rt Proposition D.1. Let Ht be the right-continuous inverse to Ct = 0 hu du, i.e., Z s Ht = max s ≥ 0 : hu du ≤ t . (13) 0 The time-changed process J defined by Jt = NHt is a standard Poisson process on [0, ∞) relative to P and the minimal right-continuous completion H of (GHt )t≥0 . Proof. A result of Meyer (1971) implies that a counting process with compensator that is continuous and increasing to ∞ almost surely can be transformed into a standard Poisson process by a change of time given by the compensator. Relative to the filtration G generated by the observable data (see Appendix C), the counting process N has compensator Rt C given by Ct = 0 hu du, where h is the posterior mean of the intensity given by Proposition C.1. Since each Ht is a stopping time with respect to G, we can define the stopping time σ-algebra Ht = GHt , which is the smallest σ-algebra containing all right-continuous left limit processes sampled at Ht . Meyer’s theorem implies that the time-scaled process J is a standard Poisson process in the time-changed filtration H, which is the minimal right-continuous completion of (Ht )t≥0 . Proposition D.1 states that the default count Nt can be transformed into a standard Poisson process by a change of time given by the cumulative posterior mean of the intensity. The posterior mean is given by Proposition C.1, and can be computed using Algorithm B.2. This result allows us to test model fit by testing the Poisson property of the time-scaled default times. 30 E Out-of-sample simulation This appendix describes the simulation procedure we use to forecast the conditional distribution of the total number of defaults out-of-sample. Inspired by Das et al. (2007), Duffie et al. (2007) and Duffie et al. (2009), we employ a daily Gaussian vector auto-regression of order 41 for the vector containing the rolling S&P 500 yearly return and volatility, the yield of the 3-month Treasury Bill, and the spread between the yields of the 10-year and the 1-year Treasury bonds. We employ a monthly ARMA(1,1) model for the growth rate of the industrial production growth, a quarterly MA(1) model for the GDP growth rate, and a weekly AR(1) model for the spread between the yields of BAA and AAA rated corporate bonds. We choose the optimal autoregression and moving-average orders according to the Akaike information criterion. Using data Dt available at time t, we estimate the models of the explanatory variables and the models of default timing in Table 3. We then compute the model-implied conditional distribution of the number of defaults during (t, t + 1]. The distribution is calculated by Monte Carlo simulation of default times using 100,000 trials. The simulation is based on the (daily) discretization of the posterior mean ht during (t, t + 1] as described in Giesecke & Teng (2012), and the simulation of the explanatory variables during that interval. 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Yang, Jian & Yinggang Zhou (2013), ‘Credit risk spillovers among financial institutions around the global credit crisis: Firm-level evidence’, Management Science 59(10), 2343–2359. 37 38 Weekly Monthly CRED REC 0.19 1.11 8.05 6.98 −1.12 5.28 17.46 8.23 6.71 2.36 Mean 0.40 0.46 2.41 2.79 1.20 3.23 7.50 17.32 4.27 4.11 deviation Standard 1.55 1.78 0.78 0.61 0.35 0.58 3.40 7.26 3.53 3.27 2.91 3.75 2.50 3.11 −0.39 0.44 5.99 3.95 −0.70 0.75 Kurtosis Skewness 0.00 0.52 3.26 1.43 −3.53 0.00 2.11 0.00 0.80 6.45 4.89 −1.93 3.30 11.06 −2.14 4.40 −8.40 −48.82 0.62 quartile First −11.78 Min. 0.00 0.98 7.73 6.79 −1.20 5.10 16.97 9.95 6.10 2.76 Median 0.00 1.30 9.04 8.33 −0.30 7.13 22.43 20.35 8.60 4.90 quartile Third 1.00 3.47 15.85 15.84 3.44 17.14 37.07 68.57 25.50 11.22 Max. 516 2243 2243 10740 10740 10740 11218 11218 172 516 observations Number of Table 1: Summary statistics of explanatory variables. This table provides summary statistics for the time series of macroeconomic explanatory variables. Weekly Daily LEVEL AAA Daily VOL Daily Daily RET 10Y Quarterly GDP Daily Monthly IP SLOPE Sample frequency Variable Variable Constant log(DEFDEBT) Regression 1 Regression 2 *** 1.4334 *** 3.5208 (0.2583) (0.5284) *** 0.4556 *** 0.3581 (0.0415) (0.0408) IP 0.0250 (0.0197) GDP 0.0078 (0.0217) −0.0046 RET (0.0041) VOL 0.0094 (0.0076) LEVEL 0.0057 (0.1904) SLOPE 0.0985 (0.2147) −0.2689 10Y (0.1438) −0.1444 CRED (0.1708) AAA 0.0249 (0.1971) REC 0.0915 (0.1762) Adjusted R2 0.155 0.269 Data points 2001 2001 Table 2: Coefficient estimates and standard errors of ordinary least squares regressions of total liabilities. This table presents the results of ordinary least squares regressions of the logarithm of the total liabilities of a firm at default on the logarithm of the defaulted debt and our macroeconomic variables at the time of default. Data on total liabilities is obtained from the quarterly Compustat file when available and otherwise from the annually Compustat file. * indicates significance at the 95% level, ** significance at the 99% level, and *** significance at the 99.9% level. 39 40 b=z=σ=0 λt = λt = λt = λt = Intensity P exp(a0 + di=1 ai Xi,t ) P exp(a0 + di=1 ai Xi,t ) P exp(a0 + di=1 ai Xi,t ) P exp(a0 + di=1 ai Xi,t ) +Yt +Yt +Zt +Zt Table 3: Reduced-form model alternatives. The table reports the intensity specification for each reduced-form model we estimate. Each model addresses a different set of clustering sources. Base z=σ=0 b=0 Base + Frailty Base + Contagion None Parameter Restrictions Complete Model 41 Base Base + Contagion Base + Frailty *** 1.0141 ** −1.6639 0.5649 (0.1349) (0.6453) (0.8971) −0.0509 −0.0027 −0.0616 (0.0086) (0.0318) (0.0471) *** −0.1117 *** −0.1197 0.0031 (0.0098) (0.0343) (0.0391) * −0.0045 0.0015 −0.0193 (0.0018) (0.0074) (0.0173) ** 0.0112 0.0041 0.0123 (0.0038) (0.0222) (0.0246) ** −0.0466 0.0277 *** −0.6734 (0.0149) (0.0857) (0.1546) * 0.0821 0.0019 −0.4748 (0.0352) (0.2770) (0.2836) *** −0.7305 −0.0192 −0.0971 (0.0741) (0.4253) (0.3035) *** 0.1288 (0.0146) *** 0.0156 (0.0002) *** 0.5335 (0.0577) *** 0.0101 (0.0017) *** 0.0563 (0.0098) 446.12 606.21 599.24 Table 4: Parameter estimates for each of the four model alternatives described in Table 3. The asymptotic standard errors are given parenthetically. They are computed using the Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates reported. Some of the variables of Table 1 are not included here due to lack of significance. * indicates significance at the 95% level, ** significance at the 99% level, and *** significance at the 99.9% level. Log-likelihood Contagion decay rate κ Contagion sensitivity b Frailty mean reversion level z Frailty mean reversion rate k Frailty volatility σ CRED coefficient a9 SLOPE coefficient a8 LEVEL coefficient a6 VOL coefficient a5 RET coefficient a4 GDP coefficient a3 IP coefficient a1 Constant a0 Complete ** −1.6926 (0.6765) −0.0013 (0.0334) *** −0.1235 (0.0360) 0.0017 (0.0078) 0.0038 (0.0208) 0.0284 (0.0612) 0.0007 (0.1751) −0.01804 (0.3907) 0.2221 (0.1602) * 6.0203 (2.9545) * 0.0041 (0.0020) *** 0.0103 (0.0017) *** 0.0571 (0.0096) 606.29 42 Table 5: Likelihood ratio tests. This table reports likelihood ratio test statistics, p-values, and degrees of freedom for the corresponding asymptotic distributions. A likelihood ratio test evaluates the fit of an alternative model relative to a nested benchmark model. The test statistic is given by twice the difference between the maximum log-likelihood of the alternative model and the benchmark model. The log-likelihood values are reported in Table 4. The test statistic has, asymptotically, a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of additional parameters included in the alternative. *** indicates significance at the 99.9% level. Benchmark model Base Base Base Base + contagion Base + frailty Alternative model Base + contagion Base + frailty Complete Complete Complete Test statistic 320.18 299.60 320.34 0.16 14.10 Degrees of freedom 2 3 5 3 2 p-value *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 0.984 *** 0.001 43 *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** w 2 4 6 8 10 w 2 4 6 8 10 w 2 4 6 8 10 w 2 4 6 8 10 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** w 2 4 6 * 8 ** 10 *** Base 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Base 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Base 0.575 0.158 0.015 0.001 0.000 Kocherlakota-Kocherlakota Test Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 0.508 0.688 0.693 0.466 0.719 0.807 0.482 0.833 0.916 0.515 0.965 0.949 0.489 0.952 0.978 Fisher Dispersion Test Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.997 0.949 1.000 0.884 0.771 1.000 0.647 0.657 1.000 0.674 0.592 Chi-Squared Test Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 ** 0.008 0.115 *** 0.000 0.248 0.517 *** 0.000 0.763 0.746 *** 0.000 0.683 0.849 Table 6: Poisson distribution tests. p-values of Poisson distribution tests for the counts of the binned event counts Piw . The Potthoff-Whittinghill-Bohning test compares the empirical moments of the Piw to the theoretical moments. Its asymptotic distribution is standard normal (Karlis & Xekalaki (2000)). The Kocherlakota-Kocherlakota test evaluates the empirical moment generating function of the Piw and compares to its theoretical counterpart, see Karlis & Xekalaki (2000). The upper tail test examines the fatness of the right tail of the empirical distribution of the Piw ; see Das et al. (2007). We compute empirical p-values for the Kocherlakota-Kocherlakota and the upper tail tests via bootstrapping with 100, 000 samples. The independence test is a BDS test with a distance parameter of one standard deviation. The Fisher dispersion test examines the variance of the realized Piw s and is described in Das et al. (2007). Finally, we also perform a standard chi-squared goodness of fit test for the Poisson distribution. The number of samples of Piw for each model are as follows (ordered by increasing bin size). Base: 727, 364, 243, 182, 146. Base + frailty: 775, 388, 259, 194, 155. Base + contagion: 729, 365, 243, 183, 146. Complete: 730, 365, 244, 183, 146. * indicates rejection with 95% confidence, ** rejection with 99% confidence, and *** rejection with 99.9% confidence. *** *** *** *** *** w 2 4 6 8 10 Potthoff-Whittinghill-Bohning Test Base Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 0.000 *** 0.000 * 0.012 0.126 0.000 *** 0.000 0.253 0.499 0.000 ** 0.001 0.737 0.717 0.000 ** 0.002 0.660 0.820 Independence Test Base Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 0.000 0.911 0.961 0.517 0.000 0.655 0.148 0.163 0.000 * 0.030 0.118 0.064 0.000 0.074 0.296 ** 0.004 0.000 ** 0.002 * 0.018 ** 0.001 Upper Tail Test Base Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 0.004 1.000 0.994 0.985 0.000 1.000 0.921 0.796 0.000 1.000 0.742 0.630 0.000 1.000 0.741 0.672 0.000 1.000 0.769 0.632 Theoretical Base model Base + contagion model Base + frailty model Complete model Theoretical Base model Base + contagion model Base + frailty model Complete model Theoretical Base model Base + contagion model Base + frailty model Complete model Theoretical Base model Base + contagion model Base + frailty model Complete model Theoretical Base model Base + contagion model Base + frailty model Complete model w=2 Observations Mean 2.000 727 1.997 729 1.992 775 1.874 730 1.989 w=4 Observations Mean 4.000 364 3.989 365 3.978 388 3.742 365 3.978 w=6 Observations Mean 6.000 243 5.975 243 5.975 259 5.606 244 5.951 w=8 Observations Mean 8.000 182 7.978 183 7.934 194 7.485 183 7.934 w = 10 Observations Mean 10.000 146 9.945 146 9.945 155 9.368 146 9.945 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 2.000 0.707 3.500 2.617 1.134 6.161 1.585 0.565 3.268 1.302 0.613 3.606 1.597 0.611 3.206 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 4.000 0.500 3.250 6.997 0.846 4.581 3.247 0.391 2.989 2.466 0.393 2.999 3.527 0.592 3.301 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 6.000 0.408 3.167 13.983 0.800 4.274 5.371 0.343 2.854 3.720 0.309 3.203 5.586 0.232 2.690 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 8.000 0.354 3.125 21.900 0.570 3.618 7.655 0.206 3.055 4.987 0.069 2.572 7.633 0.236 2.488 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 10.000 0.316 3.100 33.087 0.502 3.353 9.431 0.095 3.093 6.104 0.168 2.876 9.680 0.130 2.549 Table 7: Moments of binned event counts. This table reports the first four empirical moments of the binned event counts Piw for bin sizes w ∈ {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, for each alternative model. We also report the moments of the theoretical Poisson distributions with rate w. 44 45 Base Base + frailty Base + contagion Complete 5/22 0/22 2/22 1/22 *** 0.000 0.506 * 0.020 0.221 0.951 1.000 0.107 0.752 *** 0.000 0.802 * 0.018 0.450 * 0.020 1.000 0.318 0.972 −11.98% 26.44% −8.13% −6.32% 17.31% 33.30% 14.37% 13.77% Table 8: Out-of-sample forecast accuracy tests. The table reports p-values of various tests of forecast accuracy and other measures of accuracy. The violation rate indicates the number of times that the realized number of defaults in a given year exceeds the forecast value-at-risk. The null hypothesis of the unconditional coverage test of Kupiec (1995) is that the violation rate does not exceed 1%. The null hypothesis of the independence test of Christoffersen (1998) is that a binary first-order Markov chain for the hit indicators has transition matrix given by the identity matrix. The asymptotic distribution of these tests is chi-squared with one degree of freedom. The Markov test combines the coverage and independence tests. It takes the null of the coverage test and the alternative of the independence test, see Christoffersen (1998). The asymptotic distribution of this test is chi-squared with two degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis of the dynamic quantile test due to Engle & Manganelli (2004) is that there is no correlation between the hit indicators and the number of defaults per year. The asymptotic distribution is chi-squared with three degrees of freedom. Finally, the mean relative bias is the average relative difference of the value-at-risk predicted by each model, compared to the average prediction of all models. The root mean squared relative bias is the standard deviation of the latter. * indicates rejection with 95% confidence, *** indicates rejection with 99% confidence, and *** rejection with 99.9% confidence. Model Violation Rate Unconditional Coverage Test Independence Test Markov Test Dynamic Quantile Test Mean Relative Bias Root Mean Squared Relative Bias 46 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly QUICK SD TL DTD LBA NITA TLTA RSIZE RET VOL 5.62 −1.10 10.76 2.69 −10.05 16.26 0.26 0.03 1.58 2.27 951.41 0.23 0.58 deviation Standard 0.72 0.00 4.68 3.16 628.71 0.18 0.92 Mean 9.89 −2.03 1.68 −1.19 −1.27 5.95 5.10 4.74 3.20 2.47 −0.04 0.28 3.76 10.50 5.06 3.55 Kurtosis 0.72 2.63 1.66 0.84 Skewness 0.00 −24.23 −19.74 0.00 −0.20 9.18 −3.39 −11.13 0.54 −0.01 3.56 1.50 −2.20 1.00 75.20 0.02 0.50 quartile First 0.00 0.00 0.00 Min. 13.15 0.00 −9.52 0.70 0.00 4.72 2.99 260.65 0.09 0.84 Median 19.71 2.36 −8.27 0.89 0.02 5.81 4.43 708.35 0.25 1.23 quartile Third 60.76 10.44 −5.64 1.52 0.08 8.51 13.06 5851.77 0.96 2.89 Max. 75529 75531 80636 106036 106590 83906 8751 106048 101739 95739 across firms Number of obs. Table 9: Summary statistics of firm-specific default risk factors. This table provides summary statistics for the time series of firm-specific default risk factors. Except for distance to default, we construct time series from accounting and stock market data from the joint Compustat/CRSP database quarterly file when available, and otherwise from the annually file. If we were to construct our own distance to default time series using Compustat/CRSP data, we would have to neglect about two thirds of our default events due to data unavailability. To circumvent this issue, we obtain distance to default data from the Credit Research Initiative (CRI) at the National University of Singapore, which is only available starting in the year 1991. The moments and quantiles are computed from the cross section of firms in our default data set with available data on CRSP/ Compustat / CRI. We exclude the 5% cross sectional extreme values to ensure continuity of our time series. Sample frequency Variable 47 (0.000) (0.000) 516 516 0.550 (0.005) *** −0.025 (0.005) *** 0.051 (0.005) *** −0.068 (0.006) *** −0.029 (0.006) 0.008 (0.005) −0.002 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) 0.000 (0.001) * −0.001 (0.001) −0.001 (0.011) 0.008 TL 264 0.705 (0.001) * 0.002 (0.001) *** 0.002 (0.001) *** −0.002 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) *** 0.003 (0.001) −0.001 (0.000) *** 0.000 (0.000) *** 0.000 (0.000) ** 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.002) * 0.004 DTD 516 0.602 (0.004) *** −0.016 (0.004) *** 0.037 (0.004) *** −0.048 (0.004) *** −0.016 (0.004) * 0.010 (0.004) −0.004 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) −0.001 (0.000) −0.000 (0.009) 0.002 LBA 516 0.536 (0.005) *** −0.026 (0.005) *** 0.054 (0.005) *** −0.071 (0.006) *** −0.030 (0.006) 0.009 (0.005) −0.003 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) 0.0000 (0.001) *** −0.002 (0.001) −0.001 (0.011) 0.016 NITA 516 0.539 (0.005) *** −0.026 (0.005) *** 0.052 (0.005) *** −0.067 (0.006) *** −0.030 (0.006) 0.009 (0.005) −0.002 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) 0.0000 (0.000) ** −0.001 (0.001) −0.001 (0.011) 0.014 TLTA 516 0.656 (0.003) ** −0.008 (0.003) *** 0.027 (0.003) *** −0.033 (0.003) ** −0.010 (0.003) * 0.007 (0.003) −0.003 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) 0.0000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 516 0.652 (0.003) * −0.007 (0.003) *** 0.023 (0.003) *** −0.031 (0.003) ** −0.008 (0.003) * 0.007 (0.003) −0.003 (0.000) *** 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.006) 0.003 −0.004 (0.006) RET RSIZE 516 0.660 (0.003) * −0.006 (0.003) *** 0.025 (0.003) *** −0.031 (0.003) ** −0.009 (0.003) * 0.007 (0.003) −0.003 (0.000) ** 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.006) 0.001 VOL Table 10: Coefficient estimates and standard errors of ordinary least squares regressions of firm specific default risk factors. This table presents the results of ordinary least squares regressions of the cross sectional averages of key firm-specific default risk factors on our macroeconomic variables. We censor firms from the cross sectional averages after a default. * indicates significance at the 95% level, ** significance at the 99% level, and *** significance at the 99.9% level. 516 Data points 0.522 (0.005) (0.005) 0.516 *** −0.026 *** −0.022 (0.005) (0.004) (0.005) *** −0.064 *** −0.060 (0.005) (0.006) (0.005) *** 0.051 *** −0.029 *** −0.025 *** 0.044 (0.005) (0.005) (0.004) (0.005) −0.003 −0.001 * 0.011 (0.000) (0.000) 0.007 ** 0.001 ** 0.001 Adjusted R2 REC AAA CRED 10Y SLOPE LEVEL VOL RET (0.000) ** −0.001 * −0.001 GDP (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) 0.000 −0.001 −0.001 0.000 (0.011) (0.010) IP 0.018 * 0.021 Constant SD QUICK Variable Fisher Dispersion Test w Base Model I Model II 2 0.981 0.110 0.324 4 0.775 * 0.021 0.377 6 0.278 * 0.013 0.406 8 0.111 ** 0.002 0.113 10 * 0.038 ** 0.004 * 0.037 Upper Tail Test (mean) w Base Model I Model II 2 0.891 0.476 0.428 4 0.523 0.211 0.447 6 0.268 0.062 0.501 8 0.138 * 0.012 0.233 10 0.224 * 0.013 0.120 Potthoff-Whittinghill-Bohning Test w Base Model I Model II 2 * 0.022 0.156 0.582 4 0.443 0.023 0.625 6 0.513 * 0.012 0.696 8 0.189 ** 0.001 0.154 10 0.051 ** 0.004 0.051 Serial Correlation Test 1 w Base Model I Model II 2 0.324 * 0.047 0.289 4 0.059 * 0.011 0.392 6 * 0.022 ** 0.004 0.722 8 ** 0.010 ** 0.003 0.170 10 ** 0.008 ** 0.002 0.177 Upper Tail Test (median) w Base Model I Model II 2 1.000 1.000 0.728 4 0.275 0.972 0.972 6 * 0.031 0.136 0.734 8 0.369 0.260 0.257 10 0.555 * 0.025 0.566 Kocherlakota-Kocherlakota Test w Base Model I Model II 2 * 0.023 0.152 0.558 4 0.353 * 0.028 0.768 6 0.656 * 0.012 0.787 8 0.305 ** 0.002 0.192 10 0.071 ** 0.006 0.112 Table 11: Comparison to Lando & Nielsen (2010). p-values of Poisson distribution tests for the base model and Models I and II of Lando & Nielsen (2010). We compute tests statistics and p-values as indicated in Lando & Nielsen (2010) after fitting the base model to the data subsample that mirrors the data used by Lando & Nielsen (2010). We copy p-values for Models I and II from Table 3 of Lando & Nielsen (2010). The number of samples for the base model are as follows (ordered by increasing bin size): 407, 204, 136, 102, 82. * indicates rejection with 95% confidence, ** rejection with 99% confidence, and *** rejection with 99.9% confidence. 48 Panel A: Poisson Distribution Tests Fisher Dispersion Test Upper Tail Test (mean) Upper Tail Test (median) w Base DDKS w Base DDKS w Base DDKS 2 0.982 *** 0.000 2 0.781 *** 0.000 2 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 4 0.970 *** 0.001 4 0.728 *** 0.000 4 0.274 *** 0.000 6 0.805 *** 0.000 6 0.636 * 0.020 6 0.056 0.060 8 0.447 *** 0.000 8 0.522 0.080 8 0.321 0.190 10 0.243 *** 0.000 10 0.285 *** 0.000 10 0.630 *** 0.000 Panel B: Distribution of Piw Mean Variance w Base DDKS Theory Base DDKS Theory 2 2.00 2.12 2.00 1.89 2.92 2.00 4 3.99 4.20 4.00 4.42 5.83 4.00 6 5.97 6.25 6.00 6.94 10.37 6.00 8 7.98 8.33 8.00 11.28 14.93 8.00 10 9.97 10.39 10.00 15.63 20.07 10.00 Skewness Kurtosis w Base DDKS Theory Base DDKS Theory 2 0.76 1.30 0.71 3.62 6.20 3.50 4 0.65 0.44 0.50 3.49 2.79 3.25 6 0.47 0.62 0.41 3.08 3.16 3.17 8 0.43 0.41 0.35 3.29 2.59 3.12 10 0.48 0.02 0.32 3.49 2.24 3.10 w Panel C: Distribution of ti Mean Base DDKS Theory Mean 1.00 0.95 1.00 Variance 0.96 1.17 1.00 Skewness 3.06 2.25 2.00 Kurtosis 20.22 10.06 6.00 Prahl’s Test ** 0.005 *** 0.000 KS Test *** 0.000 *** 0.000 Table 12: Comparison to Das et al. (2007). Moments and p-values of different tests of the binned defaults Piw and times tw i for the base model and the model of Das et al. (2007). We compute tests statistics and p-values as in Das et al. (2007) after fitting the base model to the data subsample that mirrors the data used by Das et al. (2007). We copy the p-values from Section III of Das et al. (2007). The number of samples are as follows (ordered by increasing bin size). Base model: 499, 250, 167, 125, 100. Das et al. (2007): 230, 116, 77, 58, 46. Our samples are larger than the ones in Das et al. (2007) because we do not need to eliminate data points for which no data is available on the CRSP data set given that we do not include firm-specific variables. * indicates rejection with 95% confidence, ** rejection with 99% confidence, and *** rejection with 99.9% confidence. 49 50 Base Base + Contagion Base + Frailty *** 0.9501 ** −1.7729 0.6876 *** −0.0502 −0.0097 −0.0938 *** −0.1086 *** −0.1182 0.0403 ** −0.0050 0.0016 −0.0190 ** 0.0115 0.0080 0.0074 ** −0.0483 0.0321 . −0.6211 * 0.0849 0.0078 . 0.5893 *** −0.7385 −0.0230 −0.1573 *** 0.1176 * 0.0213 ** 0.3278 *** 0.0094 *** 0.0523 466.55 617.36 601.61 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 Table 13: Parameter estimates for each of the four model alternatives described in Table 3 after excluding defaults of financial firms. Under a financial firm default we understand any default by a firm in our data set with the Moody’s 11 Sector Code “Banking” or “Finance, Insurance, Real Estate.” While unreported, the asymptotic standard errors are computed using the Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates reported. “.” indicates significance at the 90% confidence level, “*” indicates significance at the 95% level, “**” significance at the 99% level, and “***” significance at the 99.9% level. Constant a0 IP coefficient a1 GDP a3 RET coefficient a4 VOL coefficient a5 LEVEL coefficient a6 SLOPE coefficient a8 CRED coefficient a9 Frailty volatility σ Frailty mean reversion rate k Frailty mean reversion level z Contagion sensitivity b Contagion decay rate κ Log-likelihood Likehood ratio vs. Base model Likehood ratio vs. Base + Frailty model Likehood ratio vs. Base + Contagion model Complete * −1.8939 −0.0113 ** −0.1189 0.0015 0.0105 0.0319 −0.0005 0.0067 *** 0.2287 *** 5.9771 *** 0.0044 *** 0.0094 *** 0.0521 617.45 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 0.981 51 Table 14: Parameter estimates for the complete model and the Base + Contagion submodel after accounting for multiple defaults in one day separately, and for industry-specific contagion effects. While unreported, the asymptotic standard errors are computed using the Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates reported. We also report the p-values of likelihood ratio tests; see Table 5. “.” indicates significance at the 90% confidence level, “*” indicates significance at the 95% level, “**” significance at the 99% level, and “***” significance at the 99.9% level. Constant a0 IP coefficient a1 GDP coefficient a2 RET coefficient a4 VOL coefficient a5 LEVEL coefficient a6 SLOPE coefficient a7 CRED coefficient a8 Frailty volatility σ Frailty mean reversion rate k Frailty mean reversion level z Contagion sensitivity b Contagion decay rate κ Banking sensitivity b Capital Industries sensitivity b + b1 Consumer Industries sensitivity b + b2 Energy & Environment sensitivity b + b3 F.I.R.E sensitivity b + b4 Media & Publishing sensitivity b + b5 Retail & Distribution sensitivity b + b6 Technology sensitivity b + b7 Transportation sensitivity b + b8 Utilities sensitivity b + b9 Log-likelihood Likehood ratio vs. Base model Likehood ratio vs. Base + Frailty model Likehood ratio vs. Base + Contagion model Likehood ratio (6) vs. (5) Complete model Base + Contagion submodel Formulation (5) Formulation (6) Formulation (5) Formulation (6) . −0.8879 ** −1.6931 −0.8902 ** −1.7084 0.0081 −0.0152 0.0090 −0.0146 ** −0.1432 ** −0.0827 *** −0.1413 * −0.0805 0.0068 −0.0037 0.0076 −0.0040 −0.0107 −0.0052 −0.0110 −0.0054 0.0302 −0.0207 0.0335 −0.0159 −0.0449 0.0261 −0.0555 0.0009 −0.2329 0.3316 −0.2512 0.3069 0.2114 . 0.2222 6.0130 6.0374 0.0037 0.0041 *** 0.0072 *** 0.0079 *** 0.0567 0.0325 *** 0.0618 . 0.0320 * 0.0088 *** 0.0088 0.0030 0.0031 *** 0.0071 . 0.0070 ** 0.0064 ** 0.0065 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 *** 0.0116 * 0.0112 0.0006 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 599.63 615.92 599.31 615.76 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 1.000 *** 0.000 0.852 0.967 *** 0.000 *** 0.000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Defaulted debt (millions of USD) 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1.1 0.9 1.0 1500 0.7 0.8 1000 0.6 500 Total liabilities (millions of USD) Total liabilities Total liabilities to total assets Ratio of total liabilities to total assets 1.2 (a) Time series of daily defaulted debt. 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 (b) Time series of total liabilities and leverage across all surviving firms in our default data set. Figure 2: Time series of defaulted debt and leverage. In Figure 2(a) we display the time series of the sum of defaulted debt on every day of our sample period. In Figure 2(b) we show the time series of average total liabilities and average ratio of total liabilities to total assets across all surviving firms in our default data set. Data on total liabilities and total assets is obtained from the quarterly Compustat file when available and otherwise from the annually Compustat file. 52 Frequency 400 300 200 100 0 53 0 1000 Defaulted debt (millions of USD) 3000 Figure 3: Histogram of defaulted debt. 2000 4000 5000 6000 54 Utilities Transportation Technology Retail and Distribution Media and Publishing Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Energy and Environment Consumer Industries Capital Industries Banking 0 100 200 300 400 500 (a) Number of defaults by Moody’s event category. (b) Number of defaults by industry sector according to Moody’s 11 Code. Figure 4: Defaults by event category and industry sector. Other Suspension of payments Seized by regulators Prepackaged Chapter 11 Payment moratorium Missed principal and interest payments Missed principal payments Missed interest payment Liquidated Grace period default Distressed exchange Cross default Conservatorship Chapter 7 Chapter 11 Chapter 10 Bankruptcy, Section 77 Bankruptcy 0 200 400 600 800 0 0 0.2 0.22 0.11 0.09 0 0 0 0 0.17 0.53 0.75 0.18 0.43 0 0.19 0.14 0.17 0.47 0 0.21 0.17 0 0.16 0.29 0 1 0 0 1 0.15 0.28 0 3 or 4 days More than 5, less than 7 days More than 8, less than 14 days More than 15 days 0.21 0.19 0.2 0.25 0.29 0.2 0.38 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.17 0.16 0.08 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.24 0.16 0.14 0.2 0 1 or 2 days 0.28 0.25 0.08 1 0 0.27 0.26 0.32 0 0 0 0 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.19 0.3 0.16 0.15 0.28 0.09 0 0.18 0.28 0.19 0.17 Between $75 and $125 million Between $125 and $224 million More than $224 million 0 1 0 0.08 0.12 0.21 0.33 0.29 0 0 0.19 0.47 0 1 0 0.26 0.08 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.28 0.15 0.18 0.28 Less than $27 million Between $27 and $75 million 0 0 0 0.11 0.75 0.17 0.16 0.12 0 0 0.21 0.24 0.12 0.2 0.36 0.16 1 or 2 days 3 or 4 days More than 5, less than 7 days More than 8, less than 14 days More than 15 days 0.33 0.04 0.17 0.29 0.17 0.18 0.06 0.13 0.27 0.35 0.32 0.13 0.22 0.19 0.14 0.27 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.15 0.32 0.17 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.12 0.19 0.09 0.25 0.13 0.14 0.25 0.23 0.31 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.15 0.28 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.2 0.18 0.27 0.24 0.12 Between $75 and $125 million Between $125 and $224 million 0.08 0 0.42 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.16 0.16 0.36 0.33 0.12 0.17 0.14 0.21 0.29 0.17 0.2 0.35 0.16 0.12 0.25 0.27 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 0.13 0.14 0.1 0.04 (d) Sector versus quintiles of defaulted debt. More than $224 million Between $27 and $75 million 0.25 Less than $27 million 0.25 0.23 0.37 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.22 0.57 0.16 (b) Sector versus time until next default. Figure 5: Joint distributions. These charts show different empirical bivariate distributions of: (a) Default type versus time until the next default, (b) Sector of defaulted firm versus time until the next default, (c) Default type versus amount of defaulted debt, and (d) Sector of defaulted firm versus amount of defaulted debt. The breakdowns correspond to the quintiles of each variable. (c) Event category versus quintiles of defaulted debt. 1 0 0.18 0.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bankruptcy 0.2 Bankruptcy, Section 77 0 0 Chapter 10 0 1 Chapter 7 Chapter 11 0 0.26 0.5 0.19 0.71 0.2 (a) Event category versus time until next default. Cross default Conservatorship 0.33 0.05 0 0.67 0.68 0.5 0 0.15 0 1 0 Chapter 7 0.33 0 Bankruptcy 0 0.34 0.24 Bankruptcy, Section 77 0 Chapter 10 0.25 0.32 0.14 Chapter 11 0 Distressed exchange Distressed exchange 0.33 Cross default Conservatorship Liquidated Liquidated Banking Banking Grace period default Grace period default Capital Industries Capital Industries Missed interest payment Missed interest payment Consumer Industries Consumer Industries Missed principal payments Missed principal payments Energy and Environment Energy and Environment Missed principal and interest payments Missed principal and interest payments Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Payment moratorium Payment moratorium Media and Publishing Media and Publishing Prepackaged Chapter 11 Prepackaged Chapter 11 Retail and Distribution Retail and Distribution Seized by regulators Seized by regulators Technology Technology Other Suspension of payments Transportation Transportation Suspension of payments Other Utilities Utilities 55 1 or 2 days 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.13 0.16 3 or 4 days 0.15 0.19 0.18 0.23 0.16 More than 5, less than 7 days 0.22 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.23 More than 8, less than 14 days 0.26 0.21 0.12 0.1 0.12 More than 15 days More than $224 million 0.33 Between $125 and $224 million 0.32 Between $75 and $125 million 0.31 Between $27 and $75 million 0.25 Less than $27 million 0.21 (a) Defaulted debt versus time until next default. Less than $196 million 0.28 0.2 0.09 0.08 0.04 Between $196 and $565 million 0.24 0.25 0.18 0.15 0.18 Between $565 and $1145 million 0.14 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.18 Between $1145 and $2294 million 0.19 0.23 0.47 0.52 0.59 More than $2294 million More than $224 million 0.01 Between $125 and $224 million 0.02 Between $75 and $125 million 0.03 Between $27 and $75 million 0.08 Less than $27 million 0.16 (b) Defaulted debt versus cumulated defaulted debt over the 30-day period post default. Figure 6: Impact of defaulted debt. These charts show the empirical joint distributions of the amount of defaulted debt and the amount of days until the next default occurs (top chart), and the amount of defaulted debt and the cumulated defaulted debt over the 30-day period post default. The breakdowns of the buckets correspond to the quintiles of each variable. 56 ● 2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● 4 ●● ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● Quantiles of log total liabilities 6 8 ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● Figure 7: QQ-plot of log defaulted debt versus log total liabilities. This figure maps the realized quantiles of the logarithm of defaulted debt onto the quantiles of the logarithm of total liabilities at default of a firm. The slope of the line is 1.05. Number of observations: 650. Quantiles of log defaulted debt 8 6 4 2 0 −2 57 200 150 100 50 1/1/70 0 200 150 1/1/80 Fitted intensity, base + contagion model 1/1/80 Fitted intensity, base model 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/10 1/1/10 1/1/70 1/1/70 1/1/80 Fitted intensity, complete model 1/1/80 Fitted intensity, base + frailty model 1/1/90 1/1/90 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/10 1/1/10 Figure 8: Fitted intensities. A figure shows the fitted intensity (measured in defaults per year) implied by the maximum likelihood estimates reported in Table 4. A grey bar represents the realized number of defaults per year. 1/1/70 50 0 100 200 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 50 0 58 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 ● ● ● 1994 ● ● 1991 ● ● 1994 ● ● 1991 ● ● ● 1997 ● 2000 ● ● 2003 ● ● ● 2006 ● ● 2009 ● ● 2012 ● ● Realized number of defaults ● ● 2003 ● ● ● 2006 ● ● 2009 ● ● ● 2012 ● Realized number of defaults ● ● 2000 ● ● Forecast distributions, base + contagion model 1997 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Forecast distributions, base model ● ● ● 1994 ● ● 1991 ● ● 1994 ● ● 1991 ● ● ● 1997 ● 1997 ● ● ● ● ● ● 2006 ● ● 2009 ● ● 2012 ● ● ● ● ● ● 2006 ● ● 2009 ● ● ● 2012 ● Realized number of defaults 2003 ● ● ● Forecast distributions, complete model 2000 ● ● 2003 ● ● Realized number of defaults ● ● 2000 ● ● Forecast distributions, base + frailty model Figure 9: Out-of-sample forecast distribution of the number of defaults in the year ahead. The plot shows the Gaussian kernelsmoothed forecast distributions, with a horizontal line indicating the mean. The dot indicates the realized number of defaults. The forecast distributions are computed via Monte Carlo simulation as described in Appendix E. 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 59 1970 Frailty source Macro source Contagion source Defaults per year 1980 1990 2000 2010 Defaults per year Figure 10: Decomposition of fitted default intensity. This figure decomposes the time series of the fitted default intensity, Et [λt ], into its macro, contagion, and frailty components, and compares to the number of defaults in each year. The fitted intensity at any point of time is normalized to unity so that each component is displayed as percentage of the fitted intensity. The fitted intensity and its components are computed as described in Appendix C using the parameter estimates of Table 4. Fitted intensity decomposition 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 150 100 50 0 60