15 February, 2013 Exan i IA Math 1070 Tins exam will last 50 nunutes a.1i(l nisists of 13 probleiiis and 1 bonus prol)leiil. Write yolli answers iii the 51(e prouided. All solutions nuist be sufficiently justified to receive (rechit. You may use li sciciitifi( 01 grn.plimg calcUlator 1111(1 O11C 3’’ X 5 not ecard. You iiiiy not. use any other iiotes or texts. Good luck! Name: Section: - Advice: If you get stuck o a problem, don’t panic. Move on and come back to it later. Page Points 2 12 3 8 4 15 5 15 6 15 7 20 8 20 Total: 105 Score 1\’Iultiplc Choice: Circle the aiisvcr (1101(0 1 hat is either most accurate or best. answers the 10t iON ( 1 1 1. (4 points) The picture 1)010W is a liistograni which describes the clixtributioll of a quaIl— lit at ive variil 4c. Winch of the Iollowmg uiswcr choices best describes tins distribution? A. Uniforni B. Symmetric C. Skewed to the left ®Skewed to the right points) The figure below is a box plot. The arrow in the figure is pointing to the feature of the box plot which corresponds to which numerical summary? 2. (4 A. Minimum B. First Quartile @Median D. Mean E. Third Quartile 3. (4 points) The figure below is a scatterplot which shows the relationship between the ages of husbands and their wives. Which of the values below is closest to the correlation coefhicient (r) for this (lata? A. r=—O.4 B. r=O.1 @r=O.8 D. r=O Page 2 E. r=—O.8 1. (4 points) Suppose that a stl1(leult earns 10, 12, 8, and 13 points on her first four quizzes, is 14 1Cs1)e(I iX1(lY. What must she get on her fift ii ([1hz so that liei nieaii (111W score points? A. 13 B. 20 C.:32 @27 E. 17 5. (4 points) A normal distribution is completely described by which two parameters? A. Mean and Median B. Standard Deviation and Variance ®Mean and Standard Deviation Page 3 Visiializiiig Distributioiis 6. (15 point ) II oxeiwrant z meaxiired I lie heights of 30 of his elassmates incl fouiid that . The ineasiireiiieiits are listed below. Draw a 1 they were I)etwe ii 58 i1i(h 76 iiiclies I HI hiist)grn ii with 6 n)tervaIs which represents this (lata. 58.0 65.0 69.2 6i.0 61.2 62.1 65.2 65.7 67.0 69.5 69.6470.1 62.7 67.3 72.3 63.2 67.5 72.5 63.2 67.8 72.5 64.3 68.0 73.1 64.9 68.5 74.7 J7 —--‘ &* 3 evcQ c (9 4tu4 jO Cf L S 4 3 I (Th 1-o 7- C) I Page 4 ?( 65.0 69.2 76.0 7. (10 points) Guildeusteni (oulitcd dif-fcreiit colored beetles in his garden. His observa— I 10115 are recorded ill the table below. Make a bar graph to show the relative amounts of (lifl(1ellt colored beetles that lie saw. [[_mberColor of Beetles Green 1 Red 5 B,eF*\es Orange 4 L Vi A 4 Brown 8 Blac1J 13 cxrc 1, 2- I Qs Coors Numerical Summaries of Distributions I 8. (5 points) Three students in a math course received the following scores (out of 100) on the first midterm exam: 76,83,81 Given that the exam average for these three students is 80, calculate the standard devi ation of the exam scores. (i -o) Page 5 1 11(’StioHx l)eloW: 1 9. (15 1)OilltX) Use the lohlowing (bun to answer the ( 12, 7, 14, 10,9, 11 (a) Conipuite the iiiean of the ohseivatiouis. —= iZL (b) Compute the median of the observations. M 2- (c) Compute the first and third quartiles of the observations. Page 6 Normal 10. Distributions (10 points) The prices of honies iii the Kingdom of Deimiark follow a normal (listriblitioll with a mean ol $1,000,000 and a staiidard deviation of $300,000. What percentage of lioiiic (051 itiore Ihan $1 ,600,000? ¶_ ,t i boo QO — IOOO,D0D 3Q0,000 I— PC.oo) .OZ2- - 11. (10 points) The heights of 13-year-old girls are normally distribriteci with mean 62.6 inches and standard deviation 7.2 inches. Ophelia wants to be taller than 80o of the girls her age so that she can be on the basketball team. How tall does she need to be? .2) Pc& joS 9 zo ( 9 .Qp. Page 7 12. (15 poiiits) A re earclier wishes to use st,udeuts IQ’s to predict their SAT score. There score is a (olTelatiohl of 0.S2 between SAT score and IQ score. The average SAT Verbal stauCard is 500, with a standard (leViatioll of 100. The average IQ score is 100, with (lcviatiol) 15. Calculate flue equation for the least squares regression Inie. = bv = i 5QO-(.)(IDD) 13. (5 points) A teacher wishes to predict his students’ performaice in a class based on their scores on an aptitude test. He calculates that the least squares regression line is grade in the course if they = 26.768 + 0.644x. Use this equation to predict a student’s received a score of 80 on the aptitude test. l.:(Q— o.fq (go) = o4-s.c2. Page 8 I3oiiiis Qucstioii 14. (1 U points (bonus)) ( — :i —:r ifi;>() if r <0 Coiiipiitc the 1)O11iOi ol stall(lal(l iiornial obsei’vatioiis whose absohite value is bigger t.lmii 1 7. i.e. Coniimte P{N(0,1)I > 1.7} p(- +P(x) L t-i Page 9