Polynomial Equations A polynomial equation in two variables is an equation of the form p(x, y) = q(x, y) where both p(x, y) and q(x, y) are polynomials in two variables. Examples. • xy + 2 = y 2 3x 4 (xy + 2 is a quadratic polynomial. So is y 2 •y 3x 4.) x=2 (y • x2 • 3x2 x is a linear polynomial. 2 is a constant polynomial.) 5x + y 2= xy + 4y 2 7xy y+2 5x + 6 7=0 Domains of polynomial equations Because every polynomial in two variables has a domain of R2 , the implied domain of any polynomial equation in two variables is R2 , the entire plane. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Solutions of equations If p(x, y) = q(x, y) is a polynomial equation in two variables, then a point in the plane (↵, ) 2 R2 is a solution of the equation if the number p(↵, ) equals the number q(↵, ). That is, if p(↵, ) = q(↵, ). Examples. • The point in the plane (1, 2) is a solution of the equation x2 + y 2 = x + y + 2 because 12 + 22 = 5 = 1 + 2 + 2. • The point (0, 1) is a solution of the same equation x2 +y 2 = x+y +2 because 02 + ( 1)2 = 1 = 0 + ( 1) + 2. 119 • The point (3, 1) is not a solution of the same equation x•2 + y2 = x +(3, y +1)2 isbecause 32 + 12 = 10 6= 6 = 3 + 1 + 2. The point not a solution of the same equation 32+12 = 106=3+i+2. because + x 2 y =x+y+2 The set of every solution of an equation p(x, y) = q(x, y) is the set The set of S = {solutions (↵, ) 2 Rof2 an | p(↵, ) = q(↵, equation p(x, y)) }= q(x, y) is the set Thus, if S is the set of solutions ofER the equation from the previous examples, S={() 2 p(3)=q(3)} 2 2 x + Thus, y = xif+Syis+the 2, set thenof (1, 2) 2 S and (0, 1) 2 S, while (3, 1) 2 / S. solutions of the equation from the previous examples, = x+y+2, then (1,2) E Sand (0,—i) eS, while (3,1)ØS. Solutions as geometric objects The set of solutions of a polynomial equation in one variable is always finite, Solutions as geometric objects so we can just write out a list of the solutions. In contrast, a polynomial of solutions of a polynomial eauatirrtiiio variables is a subset of equation in two variables can have infinitely many solutions. It would be the plane. :aw the set of solutions of a particular impossible to write a list of infinitely many points in the plane, but it often equation. 1is o or. is possible to make a drawing of every point in the planea that is a solution of s.4 ti a particular equation. Examples. Examples. • Let p(x, y) be the linear polynomial x 3 and let q(x, y)e constant polynomial 0. The solutions of the equation p(r, y) = q(x, y), the+Zc cç • Let p(x, y) be the linear polynomial x and let q(x, y) be the constant 4 equation x 3 = 0, are the points (, 3) in the plane with the property thatC polynomial 3. The solutions of the equation p(x, y) = q(x, y), the equationv..tiy (Whcq Lt x = 3, are the points (↵, ) in the plane with the property that wSS or more simply, points↵ (a, in the plane with /) ) = q(↵, ) = 3 o = 3. Thus, (3, 7), and = p(↵, (3, —2), and (3, 100) are solutions of the equation x 0. The set of Thus, (3, 7), and (3, 2), and (3, 100) are solutions of the equation x = 3. all solutions, of all pairs of numbers whose x-coordina’qual 3, forms a The set of all solutions, of all pairs of numbers whose x-coordinates equal 3, vertical line in the plane. forms a vertical line in the plane. — — — S SoLA+;or1s o x-O 120 116 • Similar to to thethe previous thethe setset of of solutio • Similar to the previous example, the set of solutions ofexample, the equation • Similar previous example, solut forms 5= 0 also vertiline in in thethe plane. x = 5 also forms a vertical linexinx the It’s a avertical line comprised of It’sIt’s a verti forms 5 plane. = 0 also a vertiline plane. a ve points of of whose x-coordinat’equal 5. 5. points whose x-coordinates equal 5.points whose x-coordinat’equal — — 55 • x• = anan equation inofin two • x = y is an equation in two variables. solutions this equation variables. solution y isy The x = is equation two variables.The The solut areare allallof the /3)words, (ce,(ce, are all of the points (↵, ) such that ↵ of = thepoints . points In other thethat solutions o o= =/3. /3.In Inother /3)such suchthat otherwo this areare allall of of thethe of this equation are all of the of points of equation the form (↵, ↵) — all of the points of points thetheform c) c) of thisequation points of form(ce,(ce, whose x-coordinates equal whose x-coordinates equal their y-coordinates. There aretheir infinitely many of There y-coordinates. whose x-coordinates equal their y-coordinates. Therearear • Similar to the previous example, the set of solutions of the equation these solutions, including 7) 7)and (—10, —10). these solutions, including (4, 4), (7, 7) and ( 10, 10). (4,4), If (4,4), we placed a and tiny (7,(7, these solutions, including (—10, —10).If x 5 = 0 also forms a vertiline in the plane. It’s a vertical line comprised in in thethe plane dot in the plane for each of these solutions, they’d collectively form a line,they’d a they’d dotdot forfor each of of these solutions, collecti plane each these solutions, collec of points whose x-coordinat’equal 5. line that’s line that’s often called the “x = yline line”. often called thethe“x “x y line”. that’s often called y line”. = = — 5 x = y is an equation in two2 variables.2 The solutions of this equation • The set of •solutions of the equation 4x 2xy + y of + of 3x 7yequation 5 =4x 0 4x • The of of set solutions thethe equation 2 • The 2 y set solutions ++ 2 2xy 2xy are all of the points (ce, /3) such that o = /3. In other words, the solutions form a geometric object called angeometric ellipse. We’ll have more to sayWe’ll about isa object called ananellipse. have more to isa geometric object called ellipse. We’ll have more of this equation are all of the points of the form (ce, c) of the points all ellipses later. They’re exampleslater. of conics. They’re examples of of conics. later. They’re examples conics. whose x-coordinates equal their y-coordinates. There are infinitely many of these solutions, including (4,4), (7, 7) and (—10, —10). If we placed a tiny dot in the plane for each of these solutions, they’d collectively form a line, a line that’s often called the “x = y line”. — — qx 2 2 ÷+3x-75 2 2 qx ÷+3x-75o 121 117 117 4 • •The Theset solutionsofofthe setofofsolutions equation yy the equation 4 devil’s curve”. 4“devil’s curve’ — = y2 = x4 — 2x2 2x2 isis callee called the ‘I N i. • •The Thethree threeprevious previousexamples exampleswere wereofofequations thathad hadinfinitely equationsthat infinitely many manysolutions. solutions.Sometimes Sometimesa apolynomial polynomialequation equationwill willhave haveno nosolutions. solutions. IfIf you yousquare squarea anumber, number,the theresult resultcannot cannotbebenegative. negative.IfIfyou youadd addtwo twononnegnonneg ative ativenumbers numberstogether, together,the theresult resultisisstill stillnonnegative. nonnegative.This Thisisistotosay saythat thatthe the 2 2 equation 1 has equationx x 2++y y hasnonosolution. solution.There Thereare arenonopairs pairsofofnumbers 2= —1 numbersthat that you can square and then add together to get the negative number 1. you can square and then add together to get the negative number —1. • •Some Someequations equationsinintwo twovariables variableshave havea afinite finitenumber numberofofsolutions. solutions. The claim below displays one such equation. The claim below displays one such equation. Claim: 0). Claim:The Theonly onlysolution solutionofofthe theequation equationx2x 2++y 2y thepoint point(0, 2==0 0isisthe (0,0). —. ‘(0,0) 2 Proof: ++y 2y Proof:Suppose Supposethat that(↵, ,B)isisa asolution solutionofofthe theequation equationxx 2 We’ll 2==0.0. We’ll (a’, ) show 0). That 0) isisthe showthat that(↵, Thatmeans 3)==(0,(0,0). that(0, meansthat theonly onlysolution. solution. (0,0) (a’, ) 22 2 2 2 Ifi(↵, solutionofofthe theequation equationx ++y y then↵ ++ 2 ==0.0. The The 2==0,0,then ta’, )i’isisa asolution 2 2 /32 square 0.0.Since squareofofa anumber numbercan’t can’tbehenegative. negative.Thus Thus↵a’ and 2 0 0and Sinceneither neither 2 2,2 ↵ a’ are negative, the only way they could sum to 0 is if they both 2nor nor are negative, the only way they could sum to 0 is if they bothequal equal 2 2/32 2 2 32 zero. ++ ==0 0implies zero.That Thatis,is,↵a’ 2 impliesthat that↵a’ 2==0 0and and ==0.0.The Theonly onlynumber number 122 118 that you can square to get 0, is 0 itself. In other words, since ↵2 = 0, we must have that ↵ = 0. Since 2 = 0, we must have that = 0. We’ve now shown what we wanted to. If (↵, ) is a solution of the equation 2 x + y 2 = 0, then ↵2 + 2 = 0, which implies that (↵, ) = (0, 0). Thus, (0, 0) is the only solution of the equation x2 + y 2 = 0. ⌅ * * * * * * * * * * * * * Equivalent equations Similar to equations in one variable, there are rules for when equations in two variables are equivalent, and equivalent equations have the same solutions. When it comes to polynomial equations in two variables, there are only two rules for equivalent equations that we’ll need. Equivalent by addition: The equation p(x, y) + h(x, y) = q(x, y) is equivalent to p(x, y) = q(x, y) h(x, y). Equivalent by multiplication: If c 6= 0 is a number, then the equation cp(x, y) = q(x, y) is equivalent to p(x, y) = q(x,y) c . Consequence of equivalent equations: Equivalent equations have the same set of solutions. Example. • The equation 8x2 + 2y 2 + 6x = 4xy + 14y + 10 123 Similar to the previous example, the set of solutions of the equation 5 = 0 also forms a verticQine in the 5plane. It’s a vertical line comprised points whose x-coordiuaiequal 5. x5O is equivalent by addition to the equation . x = 2 y is an equation in two variables. The solutions of this equa 8x2 + 2y + 6x (4xy + 14y + 10) = 0 are all of the points (ce, ,8) such that c = /3. In other words, the solut thisterms We aboveare to all write this points equation as form (cu, c) of the equation of the all of the po 5 can rearrangeofthe whose2 x—coordinates 2 equal their y-coordinates. T•here are infinitely man 8x solutions, 4xy + 2y + 6x (4,4), 14y 10 x5O these including (7, = 7) 0and (—10, —10). If we placed a the plane2 for solutions, as of these they’d collectively form a li We can factor outdot theinconstant andeach rewrite this equation line that’s often called the “ = y line”. . x = y is an equation in two2 variables.2 The solutions 2(4x 2xy + y + 3x 7y 5) =of0 this equation all of the points (ce, ,8) such that c = /3. In other words, the solutions Thisare is equivalent multiplication to the(cu, equation his equation all of theby points of the form all of the points c) ose x—coordinates equal their y-coordinates. T•here are infinitely many of 0 2 2 4x 2xy + y + 3x 7y 5 = = 0 se solutions, including (4,4), (7, 7) and (—10, —10). If we placed a tiny 2 in the plane for each of these solutions, they’d collectively form a line, a We called saw thethe solutions of this equation earlier in the chapter. The solutions that’s often “ = y line”. form an ellipse. Because equivalent equations have the same set of solutions, the ellipse is also the set of solutions of our original equation from this example — — 2 of solutions of the equation 4x 2 2xy + y 5 2 + 3x 8x. 2The + 2yset + 6x = 4xy + 14y + 10 geometric object called an ellipse. We’ll have more to say about ell later. They’re examples of conics. — — — Zi z . The set of solutions of the equation 4x 2 2xy + y 5 = 0 2 + 3x geometric object called an ellipse. We’ll have more to say about ellipses +1L+1O er. They’re examples of conics. — — — 117 Zi z * * * * * * * * * * * * * +1L+1O Planar transformations of solutions 117 Solutions of polynomial equations are geometric objects, and at times, we’ll be interested in how planar transformations a↵ect these geometric objects. The general principal is described in the following claim. 124 Claim: Suppose T : R2 ! R2 is a planar transformation — either an addition function or an invertible matrix — and that S ✓ R2 is the set of solutions of the polynomial equation p(x, y) = q(x, y). Then T (S) is the set of solutions of the equation p T 1 (x, y) = q T 1 (x, y). Proof: Let’s take a point in the set T (S). That is, a point of the form T (↵, ) where (↵, ) 2 S, which means that (↵, ) is a solution of the equation p(x, y) = q(x, y), or in other words, that p(↵, ) = q(↵, ) We want to show that this point, T (↵, ), in the set T (S) is a solution of the equation p T 1 (x, y) = q T 1 (x, y) To see this, we need to check that p T 1 (T (↵, )) equals q T 1 (T (↵, )). We’ll do this in a moment, but before we do, remember two things: that the definition of inverse functions is that T 1 (T (x, y)) = (x, y), and that p(↵, ) = q(↵, ). Now we check that p T 1 (T (↵, )) equals q T 1 (T (↵, )): 1 (T (↵, )) = p(T S p T 1 (T (↵, ))) = p(↵, ) oç 1 cuo = q(↵, ) = q(T =q T 1 (T (↵, ))) 1 (T (↵, )) Thus, points in the set T (S), such as T (↵, ), are solutions of the equation p T 1 (x, y) = q T 1 (x, y). ⌅ The previous claim is important to stress. We’ll call it the Principle of Transforming Solutions (POTS). If S is the set of solutions of p(x, y) = q(x, y), then T (S) is the set of solutions of p T 1 (x, y) = q T 1 (x, y). S cLo(R’Loa 125 :S’AOQS Example. • Let p(x, y) = x and q(x, y) = 3. If S is the set of solutions of the equation p(x, y) = q(x, y), which is the equation x = 3, then we’ve seen that S is a vertical line. ,o) : R 2 The addition function A( 2 —+ R moves ponts in the plane right by The addition function A(2,0) : R2 ! R2 moves points in the plane right by .o)(S) is the line of so1utions — 3 = 0 shifted right by 2 2 units, so the set A( 2 units, so the set A(2,0) (S) is the line of solutions of x = 3 shifted right by 2 2 units. It’s the vertical line of points whose x-coordinatqua1.’5. units. It’s the vertical line of points whose x-coordinates equal 5. - S 3 S POTS tells us that the line A(2,0) (S) is the set of solutions of the equation 1 1 Namely, p A(2,0) (x, y) = q A(2,0) (x, y) ,o) (S), is the set of solutions 2 A( of the equation 1 Because A(2,0) (x, y) = (x 2, y), you can check that the equation poA’O)(x,y) =0 1 1 p A(2,0) (x, y) = q A(2,0) (x, y) In order to progress further, we’d need to know what the inverse of the is the same asA( the equation planar transformation ,o) 2 is, and we do: A’ ) = A_( 0 ,o). Thus, our new 2 x 2 = 3 line, A( ,o) (8), is the set of solutions of the equation 2 In summary, POTS tells us that the line A(2,0) (S) is the set of solutions of ,o)(x, y) = 0 2 p o A_( x 2 = 3, or equivalently, of x = 5. We want to write the above equation more simply. To this end, notice that o ,o)(x, y) 2 A(_ = p(x — 2, y) (x 2) 3 x 5 r p = — — = — I Thus, theVA( ,o)(S)is the set of solutions of the equation x — 5 = 0. We 2 had seen lier in this chapter that this is indeed the case. The solutions of x — 5 = 0 are a vertical line of points whose x-coordinate equals 5. In-i 126 If S is the set of solutions of p(x, y) = 0, then T(S) is the set of solutions of p o T (x, y) 1 122 = 0. U J%J The statement of the previous claim is important -po4ii- to stress. We’ll use it to help us determine what sorts of solutions there are to equations p(x, y) = 0 when p(x, y) is a quadratic polynomial. S :S’AOQS POTS This is very important. It’s worth repeating. cLo(R’Loa If S is the set of solutions of p(x, y) = q(x, y), then T (S) is the set of solutions of p T 1 (x, y) = q T 1 (x, y). S (5)1 ç 0 (R’ 127 Exercises Let’s look at the equation 5x + y 2 = 3x2 xy. Determine whether the points given in #1-4 are solutions of this equation. 1.) (2, 3) 2.) (1, 0) 3.) ( 1, 2) 5.) Are the equations x2 + 2 = x and x2 6.) Are the equations xy = y 2 and xy 7.) Are xy + 3 = y 2 x2 and 3 = y 2 8.) Are the equations 2x 4.) (3, 4) x + 2 = 0 equivalent by addition? x = y2 x2 y equivalent by addition? xy equivalent by addition? 3 = x2 and 2x = x2 equivalent by addition? 9.) Are the equations 2xy 3x2 = y 2 equivalent by multiplication? x 10.) Are 5x2 plication? x + 2 = 4y 2 equivalent by multi- 5x + 10 = 20y 2 and x2 y and xy 3x2 = y 2 x y We saw in this chapter that x2 +y 2 = 0 has a single solution, the point (0, 0). In #11-14, let p(x, y) = x2 + y 2 and q(x, y) = 0, so that p(x, y) = q(x, y) is an equation whose only solution is (0, 0). 11.) What is A(2,3) (0, 0)? 1 1 12.) What are p A(2,3) (x, y) and q A(2,3) (x, y)? 13.) What’s the only solution of the polynomial equation 1 1 p A(2,3) (x, y) = q A(2,3) (x, y)? (You can use POTS and #11 to answer this.) 14.) Use POTS and the polynomials p(x, y) = x2 + y 2 and q(x, y) = 0 (as in #13) to write a polynomial equation in two variables that has only one solution: the point (a, b) in the plane. 128 loge (x) is the most common logarithm used in math. There are lots of benefits to using logarithms base e, and these benefits will be explained in calculus. Because of these benefits, some call logarithm base e the “natural logarithm”, and they write it as ln(x). (Scientists often prefer to write ln(x). Mathematicians often write loge (x) as log(x). To make matters more confusing, if a calculator has a button for log(x), it probably means log10 (x).) Because plenty of people write loge (x) as ln(x), we should practice seeing and writing the logarithm base e in this way. Find the values asked for in #15-30. 15.) ln 1 (2) 16.) ln(e) 17.) ln(e2 ) 18.) ln(e3 ) 19.) ln(e4 ) 20.) ln( 1e ) 21.) ln( e12 ) 22.) ln( e13 ) p 23.) ln( e) p 24.) ln( 3 e) p 25.) ln( 4 e) 26.) ln( p1e ) 27.) ln( p31e ) 28.) ln( p41e ) 29.) ln(1) 30.) ln 1 (e) Find the solutions of the following equations in one variable. 31.) ln(2x 3) = 0 32.) ln(3x 5) = 2 129 33.) 3 ln(7 x) 4= 5