College Algebra Math 1050, Section 3 Summer 2012 Course Syllabus Instructor: Morgan Cesa Email: Office: JWB 219 Office Hours: Monday 8:30-9:30 a.m., Wednesday 1:00-2:00 p.m., or by appointment. Course Website:∼cesa/1050 Course Meeting Times: Monday-Thursday 10:00-12:15, ST 104 Weekly review sessions will be held on Fridays, from 10:00 to 12:15 in ST 104 Text: Available online at∼cesa/1050/text. Prerequisites:“C” or better in MATH 1010 or MATH 1060, or Accuplacer CLM score of 60 or better, or University Math Placement score of 3. Fulfills Quantitative Reasoning (Math). Course Topics: Functions, inverses and graphs; polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and matrices; applications; arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. Homework: Homework will be assigned for each section of the text and will consist of two components. The online component will be collected and graded through WeBWorK. The written component will consist of one or two problems each night. You will be required to explain how to do each problem, as though you were helping a classmate who was absent during that lecture. The written homework will be collected midway through class, and will not be accepted after this point. I encourage you to work with others on the homework. However, each student must independently write up and submit his or her own solutions for the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted. Expectations: You are expected to attend class every day, complete all assignments Exams: There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. The midterm exams will take place during class on May 21 and June 4th. The final exam will be held in class on June 20th, from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Because this is an accelerated course, make up exams will be allowed only in emergencies, at the discretion of the instructor. If an emergency arises and you think you may qualify for a make-up exam, you must notify me before the start of the exam. 1 If you require testing accommodations, you must contact me during the first week of the course to make these arrangements. (See ADA Statement below.) Grading: Your grade will be computed as follows: • 50% - The average of your two midterm exam scores. • 30% - Final exam • 20% - Homework A letter grade will be assigned according to the University grading policy (find it here: and the standard division of grades. Calculator Policy: Calculators are not required for this course, are not necessary for homework, and will not be allowed on exams. Classroom Policies: In order to ensure an environment conducive to learning, the following policies will be enforced: • No computers will be allowed in class. • Cell phones must be turned off or silenced during class. • If you behave disruptively or inhibit the class’s learning, you may be asked to leave the classroom for the remainder of the lecture. Other Resources: The T. Benny Rushing Mathematics Student Center (adjacent to JWB & LCB), Rm 155 is open M - Th 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., F 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free drop-in tutoring is available there. You may also contact a private tutor from the Math department list (available in JWB 233) if you require additional help. This course has Supplemental Instruction attached. See the additional handout for more information. ADA: The American with Disabilities Act requires reasonable accommodations be provided for students with physical, cognitive, systemic, learning, and psychiatric disabilities. Please contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss any such accommodations for this course. 2