NUR 102 Fundamentals of Nursing Assessing Respiration Name _______________________________ Date _____________________ Instructor ____________________________ Results Step 1. Determine client’s baseline respiratory and pertinent laboratory values. 2. Explain procedure; assess for factors than influence respiratory rate. 2. Assess respirations after pulse measurement. Keep hands in place and slight pressure on radial pulse while counting respirations. 3. Close door, pull curtain, raise side rails, raise bed to working height. Perform hand hygiene. 4. Assist client to assume a supine position; place client’s forearm across lower chest or upper abdomen with wrist extended. Be sure client’s chest and abdomen are visible. If necessary, move bed linens or gown. 5. Elevate head of bed 45 – 60 degrees. 6. Observe complete respiratory cycle (one inspiration and one expiration). 7. Observe complete respiratory cycle (one inspiration and one expiration) 8. Look at watch’s second hand, and count rate. 9. If respirations rhythm is regular, count rate for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. 10. If respirations rhythm is irregular or rate is less than 12, or more than 20, count rate for 60 seconds. 11. Note depth and rhythm of ventilatory cycle. 12. Replace bed linens and client’s gown. 13. Raise side rails, lower bed 14. Wash hands 15. Document/report S U S U NP NP