J. C. L.

C. L. ALTMEYE~, Cornell,
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CHARLES M. HAYWOOD . . . . . . ... . . .. . ... . .. . . ..... . Owego, N. Y.
''Much like other mortals, no better, no wo rse, only funnier. "
~·[ e mb e r
o f D. C. E ., Cl ass Trea sur er 19 14.
Ch a rlie receiv ed hi s earli er educati o n a t th e O wego Acad emy and M. E. Sunday School. He
g raduat ed fr om O wego Acad emy in 19 1 r.
'vVh en o nl y two clays old Cha rli e saw an electric milk warmer and deci ded at once to be an electrical engineer , but changed his mind at th e beginnin g of th e Seni or year a nd decided tha t he
would rath er desig n machin ery tha n expl or e th e interior of <1oo r bell s and shunt wound volts.
As a clas treas urer he is I OO per ce nt . effici ent. His "Got a quart er ?'' query ha mad e him fa mou am o ng th e fell o ws.
H e ha s a ve ry pl easin g disposition and is always jo ll y. H e is seri ous onl y wh en in th e mos t tryin g moments. as in a physics exam.
Charlie prid es him se lf on bein g a female imper sonator. H e see ms to ta ke special deli g ht in
burstin g fo rth in g irli sh lau g hter wh en everybody is seri o us.
Ch arlie is an a uth ority on a uto mobil es . and i a li censed driver in New Y ork State. spendin g
mos t of hi s vaca ti o ns as a cha uffeur.
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The other clay I was h orrified to hear what seemed to be a very fair-sized young riot coming
fro m the electrical lab. Loud and angry erie , sho uts, the soun d of a heavy blow and all was still.
I at once rushed for th e lab., onl y to find th e electri cals working calml y, and when I asked where the
murder was they r eplied that it was o nl y Goldsmith and Glasby trying to clecicle whether to put the
amm eter across or in series with th e lin e. Th e's e two scrap over every point that comes along, but
ye t a rc friends. Therefore, I predict th at upon grad uation th ey will be placed on the K eith circuit
as the best pair of li ght-w eig ht boxers in th e country and if th ose fights a re as violent as their wordy
o nes they wiii be wo rth seei ng.
Another natural sc rapper from o ur class is Geo rge Bower. He has the most imrn ovable opinio ns of any one I ever saw. His ideas are as firmly fixcu as th e trees on hi s fath er·s farm and just
as hard to pull up.
The o nl y thin g I can see for Bower to do is to become a suffragette, because they are the onl y
people on ea rth who hav e such decid ed op ini ons as he ha s and who cha nge them as infreq uently.
As an oppos ite from th e peopl e with firm ide:1s we have Charles, alias ·Bill. ' Hayw ood. Not
that Charles does not have id eas, fo r he does, but they are usna iiy of the funn y na ture. Cha rles is
a t the same time the mo t fooli sh and th e wittiest chap in the class. Now I clon·t like to say a nything directly, but at th e sa me time if M r. Ringlin g should ever ee Charles at his bes t he wo uld be
lost to engin ee rin g and some costumer wo uld get an order for a clow n suit to fit a man who was
no t fat, but merely st ut.
Charles lab. partner is Walter Mill er. ·walter swea rs ea rn estly that it isn·t a girl that makes
him consult that iittle yeii ow timetable and ge t back to No rri stown as soon as he does. \ i\l hen an experiment is finished in lab., befo r e th e r est have tim e to turn around , vValter dashes pa st with a g rip ,
a timetabl e and a worri ed look and we a il kn ow he is off fo r ho me. Now th er e is o nl y one thing that
I can think of fo r Walter to become, and so I will predict that he becomes a railroad president
a ncl that he builds a road straig ht to hi fr ont doo r a nd in stall s five-minute train service.