Document 11717244

INNOVATING TOGETHER: AGENDA •  What problem did we try to solve? •  What was the soluAon? •  How does Drexel CNHP use the soluAon? •  What are the results? CHALLENGE Build an online learning plaHorm that mimics a highly interac)ve and effec)ve live classroom experience WHY skills. These types of classrooms build Less than 40% of employers feel that skills they need to be graduates have the successful on the job. What are the components of a highly interac(ve and effec(ve classroom? Frequent PracAce Peer InteracAon Coaching THEORY: PracAce “The more deliberate pracAce an individual accumulates in a field, the closer the individual will come to becoming an expert in that field.” -­‐ K. Anders Ericcson PRACTICE: PracAce QUESTIONS? THEORY: Peer InteracAon “Not only is social life idenAcal with communicaAon, but all communicaAon is educaAve. To be a recipient of a communicaAon is to have an enlarged and changed experience.” -­‐ John Dewey PRACTICE: Peer InteracAon QUESTIONS? THEORY: Coaching “To ensure effecAve learning, [learners] ideally should be given explicit instrucAons about the best method and be supervised by a teacher to allow individualized diagnosis of errors, informaAve feedback, and remedial part training.” -­‐ John Dewey PRACTICE: Coaching QUESTIONS? ImplementaAon • 
RN-­‐BS Moral Distress MSN Clinical Performance Learner Feedback “ApprenNet is an innovaAve way for students to observe, evaluate, address, and communicate. It is difficult composing a 3 minute response, but this process helps me to idenAfy the specifics of a situaAon and formulate a thoughHul and concise response. Overall it provides a great learning experience.” – Drexel Nursing Student, 2013 “It was great to hear other students’ views on topics. I really enjoyed the feedback that I received.” -­‐ Drexel Nursing Student, 2013 “I prepared a lot because I wanted to make sure that my argument was well backed up and clear.” -­‐ Drexel Nursing Student, 2013 An ApprenNet Story During the summer of 2014, Drexel College of Nursing and Health Professions assigned 17 ApprenNet exercises in four different courses. Each exercise included a Challenge stage, a Peer Review stage, and an Expert Response stage. All ApprenNet learning stages are gated (i.e. you can’t access one stage without first comple=ng the prior stage). Across the 17 exercises, 422 videos were submijed to the Challenge stage. From here, 417 Peer Reviews were completed. From here, 410 Expert Response videos were watched from start to finish. What can we learn from this story? ApprenNet promises interac(vity •  98.8% of nursing students who unlocked access to Peer Review gave feedback to at least three of their peers •  98.3% of nursing students who unlocked access to the Expert Response stage watched the expert video in its enArety Is ApprenNet also effec(ve? •  INTERVENTION: 3-­‐month online course for middle school math teachers delivered exclusively on ApprenNet’s plaHorm •  METHODOLOGY: Compare pre and post video submissions of learners who completed the course •  RESULTS: Learners that parAcipated in the ApprenNet course demonstrated significantly higher results than a comparable study conducted by Harvard for the Gate FoundaAon Philadelphia Users Contact Diane D. DePew, PhD, RN-­‐BC Assistant Clinical Professor 215-­‐571-­‐3461 Emily Foote COO & Co-­‐Founder 610-­‐213-­‐1174 References Bandura, Albert. (1977). Self-­‐efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review. Ericsson, K, Krampe, R., and Tesch-­‐Romer, C. (1993). The Making of an Expert. Psychological Review. Grusec, Joan. (1992). Social Learning Theory and Developmental Psychology: The Legacies of Robert Sears and Albert Bandura. Developmental Psychology. Han, Xue, & Paine, Lynn. (2010). Teaching MathemaAcs as Deliberate PracAce through Public Lessons. The Elementary School Journal. Mielke, Paul G. InvesAgaAng a SystemaAc Process to Develop Teacher ExperAse: A ComparaAve Case Study. (2012). DissertaAon Cardinal Stritch University. Rodgers, Carol. (2002). Defining ReflecAon: Another Look at John Dewey and ReflecAve Thinking. Teachers College Record. Scales, Peter. (2008). The ReflecAve Teacher. Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Maidenhead: McGraw-­‐Hill/Open UP. York-­‐Barr, Jennifer. (2001). ReflecAve PracAce and ConAnuous Learning. Reflec=ve Prac=ce to Improve Schools: An Ac=on Guide for Educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. 