Course Development Documents Course Verification Form-It is important that the developer verifies the information on this form with their Program Coordinator. Please do not ask the Coordinator to fill out the form for you. Rubric-The Online Course Development Rubric is used to evaluate all online courses at the end of the development cycle. The rubric is comprised of three sections: Template, Technical, Pedagogy. The Template and Technical sections are each worth 5 points and the Pedagogy section is worth 15 points. The line items within each category are assigned a point value and are weighted according to significance. As you are building your course, please use the rubric as a guide. When you have completed the development, you will use the rubric to score your course. The rubric is formatted in an excel spreadsheet. Next to each line item, you will see a box with the word “Rating” written in it. When you click the bottom right corner of the box you will see a drop down box. You will have the option of selecting one of the following ratings: Not Evident, Incomplete, Promising, Accomplished, or Exemplary. Select a rating for each category, the excel spreadsheet is formatted to calculate your overall course rating. The course must receive a rating of “Promising” or above on the rubric in order for the contract stipend to be paid. Planning Sheet-The planning sheet has been prepared to assist you in the development of the course. As planning is an integral component to the course development process, this outline must be completed in full and approved by the Instructional Design team before you will be issued a CRDV (course development) site in Blackboard. Higher Level Thinking Reference Chart-Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Move Our Students toward More Critical and Reflective Thinking As you plan and design your course, please utilize the reference chart titled “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Move Our Students toward More Critical and Reflective Thinking”. The goal is to have the course content elicit students’ higher level of thinking. The chart should be read from left to right with the right side of the chart representing higher level thinking skills. Concentrate on the Products/Activities and the Question Stem areas during the development process. *Use the question stems to write your discussion board questions. Once you have completed the document in full, you will need to submit it to the Instructional Designer/Design Assistant assigned to work with you. The Instructional Designer/Design Assistant will review the document and return to you with feedback. Once changes have been made, re-submit the document. The Instructional Designer/Design Assistant will review the document and upon approval will issue you a CRDV (course development) site in Blackboard. Syllabus-Wilmington University provides a “generic” syllabus for each course. It is expected that course developers utilize the generic syllabus provided by the Instructional Designer/Design Assistant. All outcomes and objective on the syllabus must be embedded into the online course. You may add objectives/outcomes, but you may not delete any of the outcomes/objectives from the syllabus. 2011. Kirkpatrick, B. Wilmington University