a Stereo, 24-Bit, 192 kHz, Multibit DAC AD1853 FEATURES 5 V Stereo Audio DAC System Accepts 16-/18-/20-/24-Bit Data Supports 24 Bits and 192 kHz Sample Rate Accepts a Wide Range of Sample Rates Including: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz and 192 kHz Multibit Sigma-Delta Modulator with “Perfect Differential Linearity Restoration” for Reduced Idle Tones and Noise Floor Data Directed Scrambling DAC—Least Sensitive to Jitter Differential Output for Optimum Performance 120 dB Signal to Noise (Not Muted) at 48 kHz (A-Weighted Mono) 117 dB Signal to Noise (Not Muted) at 48 kHz (A-Weighted Stereo) 119 dB Dynamic Range (Not Muted) at 48 kHz Sample Rate (A-Weighted Mono) 116 dB Dynamic Range (Not Muted) at 48 kHz Sample Rate (A-Weighted Stereo) –107 dB THD+N (Mono Application Circuit, See Figure 30) –104 dB THD+N (Stereo) 115 dB Stopband Attenuation (96 kHz) On-Chip Clickless Volume Control Hardware and Software Controllable Clickless Mute Serial (SPI) Control for: Serial Mode, Number of Bits, Interpolation Factor, Volume, Mute, De-Emphasis, Reset Digital De-Emphasis Processing for 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz Sample Rates Clock Auto-Divide Circuit Supports Five Master-Clock Frequencies Flexible Serial Data Port with Right-Justified, LeftJustified, I2S-Compatible and DSP Serial Port Modes 28-Lead SSOP Plastic Package APPLICATIONS Hi End: DVD, CD, Home Theater Systems, Automotive Audio Systems, Sampling Musical Keyboards, Digital Mixing Consoles, Digital Audio Effects Processors PRODUCT OVERVIEW The AD1853 is a complete high performance single-chip stereo digital audio playback system. It is comprised of a high performance digital interpolation filter, a multibit sigma-delta modulator, and a continuous-time current-out analog DAC section. Other features include an on-chip clickless stereo attenuator and mute capability, programmed through an SPIcompatible serial control port. The AD1853 is fully compatible with all known DVD formats and supports 48 kHz, 96 kHz and 192 kHz sample rates with up to 24 bits word lengths. It also provides the “Redbook” standard 50 µs/15 µs digital de-emphasis filters at sample rates of 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. The AD1853 has a very flexible serial data input port that allows for glueless interconnection to a variety of ADCs, DSP chips, AES/EBU receivers and sample rate converters. The AD1853 can be configured in left-justified, I2S, right-justified, or DSP serial port compatible modes. The AD1853 accepts serial audio data in MSB first, twos complement format. The AD1853 operates from a single +5 V power supply. It is fabricated on a single monolithic integrated circuit and is housed in a 28-lead SSOP package for operation over the temperature range 0°C to +70°C. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM INT2 VOLUME MUTE DIGITAL DATA INPUT SERIAL MODE 2 SERIAL DATA INTERFACE ATTEN/ MUTE 2 3 VOLTAGE REFERENCE SERIAL CONTROL INTERFACE AD1853 8 FS INTERPOLATOR CLOCK IN DIGITAL SUPPLY CONTROL DATA INPUT INT4 MULTIBIT SIGMADELTA MODULATOR AUTO-CLOCK DIVIDE CIRCUIT IDAC ANALOG OUTPUTS ATTEN/ MUTE 8 FS INTERPOLATOR MULTIBIT SIGMADELTA MODULATOR IDAC 2 RESET MUTE DE-EMPHASIS ANALOG SUPPLY 2 ZERO FLAG REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781/329-4700 World Wide Web Site: http://www.analog.com Fax: 781/326-8703 © Analog Devices, Inc., 1999 AD1853–SPECIFICATIONS TEST CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Supply Voltages (AVDD, DVDD) Ambient Temperature Input Clock Input Signal Input Sample Rate Measurement Bandwidth Word Width Input Voltage HI Input Voltage LO +5.0 V +25°C 24.576 MHz (512 × FS Mode) 996.094 kHz –0.5 dB Full Scale 48 kHz 20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 Bits 3.5 V 0.8 V ANALOG PERFORMANCE (See Figures) Min Resolution Signal-to-Noise Ratio (20 Hz to 20 kHz) No Filter (Stereo) No Filter (Mono—See Figure 30) With A-Weighted Filter (Stereo) With A-Weighted Filter (Mono—See Figure 30) Dynamic Range (20 Hz to 20 kHz, –60 dB Input) No Filter (Stereo) No Filter (Mono—See Figure 30) With A-Weighted Filter (Stereo) With A-Weighted Filter (Mono—See Figure 30) Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (Stereo) 107.5 110 –94 Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (Mono—See Figure 30) Analog Outputs Differential Output Range (± Full Scale w/1 mA into IREF) Output Capacitance at Each Output Pin Out-of-Band Energy (0.5 × FS to 75 kHz) CMOUT DC Accuracy Gain Error Interchannel Gain Mismatch Gain Drift Interchannel Crosstalk (EIAJ Method) Interchannel Phase Deviation Mute Attenuation De-Emphasis Gain Error Typ Max 24 Bits 114 117 117 120 dB dB dB dB 113 116 116 119 –104 0.00063 –107 0.00045 dB dB dB dB dB % dB % 3.0 30 –90 2.75 –0.15 Units ± 3.0 0.01 25 –125 ± 0.1 –100 +0.15 ± 0.1 mA p-p pF dB V % dB ppm/°C dB Degrees dB dB NOTES Single-ended current output range: 1 mA ± 0.75 mA. Performance of right and left channels are identical (exclusive of the Interchannel Gain Mismatch and Interchannel Phase Deviation specifications). Specifications subject to change without notice. DIGITAL I/O (+25C–AVDD, DVDD = +5.0 V 10%) Min Input Voltage HI (VIH) Input Voltage LO (VIL) Input Leakage (IIH @ VIH = 3.5 V) Input Leakage (IIL @ VIL = 0.8 V) Input Capacitance Output Voltage HI (VOH) Output Voltage LO (VOL) Typ Max 2.4 0.8 10 10 20 DVDD–0.5 DVDD–0.4 0.2 0.5 Units V V µA µA pF V V Specifications subject to change without notice. –2– REV. A AD1853 POWER Supplies Voltage, Analog and Digital Analog Current Digital Current Dissipation Operation—Both Supplies Operation—Analog Supply Operation—Digital Supply Power Supply Rejection Ratio 1 kHz 300 mV p-p Signal at Analog Supply Pins 20 kHz 300 mV p-p Signal at Analog Supply Pins Min Typ Max Units 4.5 5 12 28 5.5 15 33 V mA mA 200 60 140 mW mW mW –77 –72 dB dB Specifications subject to change without notice. TEMPERATURE RANGE Min Specifications Guaranteed Functionality Guaranteed Storage Typ Max Units 70 125 °C °C °C 25 0 –55 Specifications subject to change without notice. DIGITAL FILTER CHARACTERISTICS Sample Rate (kHz) Passband (kHz) Stopband (kHz) Stopband Attenuation (dB) Passband Ripple (dB) 44.1 48 96 192 DC–20 DC–21.8 DC–39.95 DC–87.2 24.1–328.7 26.23–358.28 56.9–327.65 117–327.65 110 110 115 95 ± 0.0002 ± 0.0002 ± 0.0005 +0/–0.04 (DC–21.8 kHz) +0/–0.5 (DC–65.4 kHz) +0/–1.5 (DC–87.2 kHz) Specifications subject to change without notice. GROUP DELAY Chip Mode Group Delay Calculation FS Group Delay Units INT8x Mode INT4x Mode INT2x Mode 5553/(128 × FS) 5601/(64 × FS) 5659/(32 × FS) 48 kHz 96 kHz 192 kHz 903.8 911.6 921 µs µs µs Specifications subject to change without notice. DIGITAL TIMING (Guaranteed Over 0C to +70C, AVDD = DVDD = +5.0 V 10%) tDMP tDML tDMH tDBH tDBL tDBP tDLS tDLH tDDS tDDH tPDRP MCLK Period (With FMCLK = 256 × FLRCLK)* MCLK LO Pulsewidth (All Modes) MCLK HI Pulsewidth (All Modes) BCLK HI Pulsewidth BCLK LO Pulsewidth BCLK Period LRCLK Setup LRCLK Hold (DSP Serial Port Mode Only) SDATA Setup SDATA Hold PD/RST LO Pulsewidth *Higher MCLK frequencies are allowable when using the on-chip Master Clock Auto-Divide feature. Specifications subject to change without notice. REV. A –3– Min Units 54 0.4 × tDMP 0.4 × tDMP 20 20 140 20 5 5 10 5 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns AD1853 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* DVDD to DGND AVDD to AGND Digital Inputs Analog Outputs AGND to DGND Reference Voltage Soldering PIN CONFIGURATION Min Max Units –0.3 –0.3 DGND – 0.3 AGND – 0.3 –0.3 6 6 DVDD + 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 0.3 (AVDD + 0.3)/2 +300 10 V V V V V DGND 1 28 DVDD MCLK 2 27 SDATA CLATCH 3 26 BCLK CCLK 4 25 L/RCLK CDATA 5 24 RST 23 MUTE INT4 6 °C sec TOP VIEW 22 ZEROL ZEROR 8 (Not to Scale) 21 IDPM0 INT2 7 *Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. PACKAGE CHARACTERISTICS Min θJA (Thermal Resistance [Junction-to-Ambient]) θJC (Thermal Resistance [Junction-to-Case]) Typ Max AD1853 DEEMP 9 20 IDPM1 IREF 10 19 FILTB AGND 11 18 AVDD OUTL+ 12 17 OUTR+ OUTL– 13 16 OUTR– FILTR 14 15 FCR Units 109 °C/W 39 °C/W ORDERING GUIDE Model Temperature Package Description Package Options AD1853JRS AD1853JRSRL 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 28-Lead Shrink Small Outline 28-Lead Shrink Small Outline RS-28 RS-28 on 13" Reels CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the AD1853 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. –4– WARNING! ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE REV. A AD1853 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pin Input/Output Pin Name Description 1 2 I I DGND MCLK 3 4 I I CLATCH CCLK 5 I CDATA 6 I INT4× 7 I INT2× 8 O ZEROR 9 I DEEMP 10 11 12 13 14 I I O O O IREF AGND OUTL+ OUTL– FILTR 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I O O I O I I O FCR OUTR– OUTR+ AVDD FILTB IDPM1 IDPM0 ZEROL 23 24 I I MUTE RST 25 26 27 I I I L/RCLK BCLK SDATA 28 I DVDD Digital Ground. Master Clock Input. Connect to an external clock source. See Table II for allowable frequencies. Latch input for control data. This input is rising-edge sensitive. Control clock input for control data. Control input data must be valid on the rising edge of CCLK. CCLK may be continuous or gated. Serial control input, MSB first, containing 16 bits of unsigned data. Used for specifying control information and channel-specific attenuation. Assert HI to select interpolation ratio of 4×, for use with double-speed inputs (88 kHz or 96 kHz). Assert LO to select 8× interpolation ratio. Assert HI to select interpolation ratio of 2×, for quad-speed inputs (176 kHz or 192 kHz). Assert LO to select 8× interpolation ratio. Right Channel Zero Flag Output. This pin goes HI when Right Channel has no signal input for more than 1024 LR Clock Cycles. De-Emphasis. Digital de-emphasis is enabled when this input signal is HI. This is used to impose a 50 µs/15 µs response characteristic on the output audio spectrum at an assumed 44.1 kHz sample rate. Curves for 32 kHz and 48 kHz sample rates may be selected via SPI control register. Connection point for external bias resistor. Voltage held at VREF. Analog Ground. Left Channel Positive line level analog output. Left Channel Negative line level analog output. Voltage Reference Filter Capacitor Connection. Bypass and decouple the voltage reference with parallel 10 µF and 0.1 µF capacitors to the AGND (Pin 11). Filter cap return pin for cap connected to FILTB (Pin 19). Right Channel Negative line level analog output. Right Channel Positive line level analog output. Analog Power Supply. Connect to analog +5 V supply. Filter Capacitor connection, connect 10 µF capacitor to FCR (Pin 15). Input serial data port mode control one. With IDPM0, defines one of four serial modes. Input serial data port mode control zero. With IDPM1, defines one of four serial modes. Left Channel Zero Flag output. This pin goes HI when Left Channel has no signal input for more than 1024 LR Clock Cycles. Mute. Assert HI to mute both stereo analog outputs. Deassert LO for normal operation. Reset. The AD1853 is placed in a reset state when this pin is held LO. The AD1853 is reset on the rising edge of this signal. The serial control port registers are reset to the default values. Connect HI for normal operation. Left/Right clock input for input data. Must run continuously. Bit clock input for input data. Serial input, MSB first, containing two channels of 16/18/20/24 bit twos-complement data. Digital Power Supply Connect to digital +5 V supply. REV. A –5– AD1853 L/RCLK INPUT LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BCLK INPUT SDATA INPUT LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB Figure 1. Right-Justified Mode L/RCLK INPUT LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BCLK INPUT SDATA INPUT MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB Figure 2. I2S-Justified Mode L/RCLK INPUT LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BCLK INPUT SDATA INPUT MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 Figure 3. Left-Justified Mode L/RCLK INPUT RIGHT CHANNEL LEFT CHANNEL BCLK INPUT SDATA INPUT MSB MSB–1 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 Figure 4. Left-Justified DSP Mode L/RCLK INPUT LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BCLK INPUT SDATA INPUT LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 MSB–2 LSB+2 LSB+1 LSB MSB MSB–1 Figure 5. 32 × FS Packed Mode –6– REV. A AD1853 Figure 1 shows the right-justified mode. LRCLK is HI for the left channel, LO for the right channel. Data is valid on the rising edge of BCLK. OPERATING FEATURES Serial Data Input Port The AD1853’s flexible serial data input port accepts data in twos-complement, MSB-first format. The left channel data field always precedes the right channel data field. The serial mode is set by using either the external mode pins (IDPM0 Pin 21 and IDPM1 Pin 20) or the mode select bits (Bits 4 and 5) in the SPI control register. To control the serial mode using the external mode pins, the SPI mode select bits should be set to zero (default at power-up). To control the serial mode using the SPI mode select bits, the external mode control pins should be grounded. In normal operation, there are 64-bit clocks per frame (or 32 per half-frame). When the SPI word length control bits (Bits 8 and 9 in the control register) are set to 24 bits (0:0), the serial port will begin to accept data starting at the 8th bit clock pulse after the L/RCLK transition. When the word length control bits are set to 20-bit mode, data is accepted starting at the 12th bit clock position. In 16-bit mode, data is accepted starting at the 16th-bit clock position. These delays are independent of the number of bit clocks per frame, and therefore other data formats are possible using the delay values described above. For detailed timing, see Figure 6. In all modes except for the right-justified mode, the serial port will accept an arbitrary number of bits up to a limit of 24 (extra bits will not cause an error, but they will be truncated internally). In the right-justified mode, control register Bits 8 and 9 are used to set the word length to 16, 20, or 24 bits. The default on power-up is 24-bit mode. When the SPI Control Port is not being used, the SPI pins (3, 4 and 5) should be tied LO. Figure 2 shows the I2S mode. L/RCLK is LO for the left channel, and HI for the right channel. Data is valid on the rising edge of BCLK. The MSB is left-justified to an L/RCLK transition but with a single BCLK period delay. The I2S mode can be used to accept any number of bits up to 24. Serial Data Input Mode Figure 3 shows the left-justified mode. L/RCLK is HI for the left channel, and LO for the right channel. Data is valid on the rising edge of BCLK. The MSB is left-justified to an L/RCLK transition, with no MSB delay. The left-justified mode can accept any word length up to 24 bits. The AD1853 uses two multiplexed input pins to control the mode configuration of the input data port mode. Table I. Serial Data Input Modes IDPM1 (Pin 20) IDPM0 (Pin 21) Serial Data Input Format 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Right Justified (24 Bits) Default I2S-Compatible Left Justified DSP tDBH Figure 4 shows the DSP serial port mode. L/RCLK must pulse HI for at least one bit clock period before the MSB of the left channel is valid, and L/RCLK must pulse HI again for at least one bit clock period before the MSB of the right channel is valid. Data is valid on the falling edge of BCLK. The DSP serial port mode can be used with any word length up to 24 bits. tDBP BCLK tDBL tDLS L/RCLK SDATA LEFT-JUSTIFIED MODE tDDS MSB MSB-1 tDDH tDDS SDATA I2S-JUSTIFIED MODE MSB tDDH tDDS tDDS SDATA RIGHT-JUSTIFIED MODE MSB tDDH 8-BIT CLOCKS (24-BIT DATA) 12-BIT CLOCKS (20-BIT DATA) 16-BIT CLOCKS (16-BIT DATA) Figure 6. Serial Data Port Timing REV. A –7– LSB tDDH AD1853 Table II. Chip Mode Allowable Master Clock Frequencies Nominal Input Sample Rate Internal Sigma-Delta Clock Rate INT8× Mode INT4× Mode INT2× Mode 256 × FS, 384 × FS, 512 × FS, 768 × FS, 1024 × FS 128 × FS, 192 × FS, 256 × FS, 384 × FS, 512 × FS 64 × FS, 96 × FS, 128 × FS, 192 × FS, 256 × FS 48 kHz 96 kHz 192 kHz 128 × FS 64 × FS 32 × FS In this mode, it is the responsibility of the DSP to ensure that the left data is transmitted with the first LRCLK pulse, and that synchronism is maintained from that point forward. CLATCH is used internally to latch the parallel data from the serial-to-parallel converter. This rising edge should be aligned with the falling edge of the last CCLK pulse in the 16-bit frame. The CCLK can run continuously between transactions. Note that the AD1853 is capable of a 32 × FS BCLK frequency “packed mode” where the MSB is left-justified to an L/RCLK transition, and the LSB is right-justified to the opposite L/RCLK transition. L/RCLK is HI for the left channel, and LO for the right channel. Data is valid on the rising edge of BCLK. Packed mode can be used when the AD1853 is programmed in rightjustified or left-justified mode. Packed mode is shown is Figure 5. The serial control data is 16-bit MSB first, and is unsigned. Bits 0 and 1 are used to select 1 of 3 registers (control, volume left, and volume right). The remaining 14 bits (bits 15:2) are used to carry the data for the selected register. If a volume register is selected, then the upper 14 bits are used to multiply the digital input signal by the control word, which is interpreted as an unsigned number (for example, 11111111111111 is 0 dB, and 01111111111111 is –6 dB, etc.). The default volume control words on power-up are all 1s (0 dB). The control register only uses bits 11:2 to carry data; the upper bits (15:12) should always be written with zeroes, as several test modes are decoded from these upper bits. The control register defaults on power-up to 8× interpolation mode, 24-bit right-justified serial mode, unmuted, and no de-emphasis filter. The intent with these reset defaults is to enable AD1853 applications without requiring the use of the serial control port. For those users that do not use the serial control port, it is still possible to mute the AD1853 output by using the MUTE pin (Pin 23) signal. Master Clock Auto-Divide Feature The AD1853 has a circuit that autodetects the relationship between master clock and the incoming serial data, and internally sets the correct divide ratio to run the interpolator and modulator. The allowable frequencies for each mode are shown above. Serial Control Port The AD1853 serial control port is SPI-compatible. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is an industry standard serial port protocol. The write-only serial control port gives the user access to: select input mode, soft reset, soft de-emphasis, channel specific attenuation and mute (both channels at once). The SPI port is a 3-wire interface with serial data (CDATA), serial bit clock (CCLK), and data latch (CLATCH). The data is clocked into an internal shift register on the rising edge of CCLK. The serial data should change on the falling edge of CCLK and be stable on the rising edge of CCLK. The rising edge of Note that the serial control port timing is asynchronous to the serial data port timing. Changes made to the attenuator level will be updated on the next edge of the LRCLK after CLATCH write pulse as shown in Figure 6. t CHD CDATA D15 D14 D0 t CCH CCLK t CCL t CSU t CLL t CLH CLATCH Figure 7. Serial Control Port Timing –8– REV. A AD1853 Table III. Digital Timing tCCH tCCL tCSU tCHD tCLL tCLH CCLK HI Pulsewidth CCLK LOW Pulsewidth CDATA Setup Time CDATA Hold Time CLATCH LOW Pulsewidth CLATCH HI Pulsewidth Min Units 40 40 10 10 10 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns SPI REGISTER DEFINITIONS VOLUME LEFT and VOLUME RIGHT Registers The SPI port allows flexible control of many chip parameters. It is organized around three registers; a LEFT-CHANNEL VOLUME register, a RIGHT-CHANNEL VOLUME register and a CONTROL register. Each WRITE operation to the AD1853 SPI control port requires 16 bits of serial data in MSB-first format. The bottom two bits are used to select one of three registers, and the top 14 bits are then written to that register. This allows a write to one of the three registers in a single 16-bit transaction. A write operation to the left or right volume registers will activate the “auto-ramp” clickless volume control feature of the AD1853. This feature works as follows. The upper 10 bits of the volume control word will be incremented or decremented by 1 at a rate equal to the input sample rate. The bottom 4 bits are not fed into the auto-ramp circuit and thus take effect immediately. This arrangement gives a worst-case ramp time of about 1024/FS for step changes of more than 60 dB, which has been determined by listening tests to be optimal in terms of preventing the perception of a “click” sound on large volume changes. See Figure 8 for a graphical description of how the volume changes as a function of time. The SPI CCLK signal is used to clock in the data. The incoming data should change on the falling edge of this signal. At the end of the 16 CCLK periods, the CLATCH signal should rise to latch the data internally into the AD1853. The 14-bit volume control word is used to multiply the signal, and therefore the control characteristic is linear, not dB. A constant dB/step characteristic can be obtained by using a lookup table in the microprocessor that is writing to the SPI port. Register Addresses The lowest two bits of the 16-bit input word are decoded as follows to set the register into which the upper 14 bits will be written. Bit 1 Bit 0 Register 0 1 0 0 0 1 Volume Left Volume Right Control Register 0 LEVEL – dB VOLUME REQUEST REGISTER –60 0 ACTUAL VOLUME REGISTER –60 20ms Figure 8. Smooth Volume Control REV. A –9– TIME AD1853 Control Register The following table shows the functions of the control register. The control register is addressed by having a “01” in the bottom 2 bits of the 16-bit SPI word. The top 14 bits are then used for the control register. Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9:8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5:4 INT2× Mode OR’d with Pin. Default = 0 INT4× Mode OR’d with Pin. Default = 0 Number of Bits in RightJustified Serial Mode. 0:0 = 24 0:1 = 20 1:0 = 16 Default = 0:0 Soft Reset. Default = 0 Soft Mute OR’d Serial Mode OR’d with Pin. with Mode Pins. Default = 0 IDPMI:IDPM0 0:0 Right-Justified 0:1 I2S 1:0 Left-Justified 1:1 DSP Mode Default = 0:0 Bit 3:2 De-Emphasis Filter Select. 0:0 No Filter 0:1 44.1 kHz Filter 1:0 32 kHz Filter 1:1 48 kHz Filter Default = 0.0 Mute De-Emphasis The AD1853 offers two methods of muting the analog output. By asserting the MUTE (Pin 23) signal HI, both the left and right channel are muted. As an alternative, the user can assert the mute bit in the serial control register (Bit 6) HI. The AD1853 has been designed to minimize pops and clicks when muting and unmuting the device by automatically “ramping” the gain up or down. When the device is unmuted, the volume returns to the value set in the volume register. The AD1853 has a built-in de-emphasis filter that can be used to decode CDs that have been encoded with the standard “Redbook” 50 µs/15 µs emphasis response curve. Three curves are available; one each for 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz sampling rates. The external “DEEMP” pin (Pin 9) turns on the 44.1 kHz de-emphasis filter. The other filters may be selected by writing to control Bits 2 and 3 in the control register. If the SPI port is used to control the de-emphasis filter, the external DEEMP pin should be tied LO. Analog Attenuation The AD1853 also offers the choice of using IREF (Pin 10) to attenuate by up to 50 dB in the analog domain. This feature can be used as an analog volume control. It is also a convenient place to add a compressor/limiter gain control signal. Output Drive, Buffering and Loading The AD1853 analog output stage is able to drive a 1 kΩ (in series with 2 nF) load. The analog outputs are usually ac coupled with a 10 µF capacitor. Figures 9–14 show the calculated frequency response of the digital interpolation filters. Figures 15–27 show the performance of the AD1853 as measured by an Audio Precision System 2 Cascade. For the wideband plots, the noise floor shown in the Control Signals The IDPM0 and IDPM1 control inputs are normally connected HI or LO to establish the operating state of the AD1853. They can be changed dynamically (and asynchronously to LRCLK and the master clock), but it is possible that a click or pop sound may result during the transition from one serial mode to another. If possible, the AD1853 should be placed in mute before such a change is made. plots is higher than the actual noise floor of the AD1853. This is caused by the higher noise floor of the “High Bandwidth” ADC used in the Audio Precision measurement system. The two-tone test shown in Figure 18 is per the SMPTE standard for measuring Intermodulation Distortion. 0.001 0 0.0008 –20 0.0006 –40 ATTENUATION – dB 0.0004 dB 0.0002 0 –0.0002 –0.0004 –60 –80 –100 –120 –0.0006 –140 –0.0008 –0.001 0 2 4 6 10 12 14 8 FREQUENCY – kHz 16 18 –160 20 0 Figure 9. Passband Response 8× Mode, 48 kHz Sample Rate 50 100 150 200 250 FREQUENCY – kHz 300 350 Figure 10. Complete Response, 8× Mode, 48 kHz Sample Rate –10– REV. A Typical Performance Characteristics–AD1853 0.5 0 0.4 –20 0.3 –40 0.2 –60 dB 0.1 dB 0 –0.1 –80 –100 –0.2 –120 –0.3 –140 –0.4 –0.5 –10 5 10 15 20 25 30 FREQUENCY – kHz 35 –160 40 0 2.0 0 1.5 –20 1.0 –40 0.5 –60 0 150 200 FREQUENCY – kHz 250 300 –80 –0.5 –100 –1.0 –120 –1.5 –140 –2.0 100 Figure 14. Complete Response, 4× Mode, 96 kHz Sample Rate dB dB Figure 11. 44 kHz Passband Response 4× Mode, 96 kHz Sample Rate 50 –160 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 FREQUENCY – kHz 70 80 0 50 100 150 FREQUENCY – kHz 200 250 Figure 15. Complete Response, 2× Mode, 192 kHz Sample Rate Figure 12. 88 kHz Passband Response 2× Mode, 192 kHz Sample Rate 0 –50 –10 –60 –20 –30 –70 –40 dB dBr –80 –50 –60 –90 –70 –100 –80 –90 –110 –100 –120 10 100 1k FREQUENCY – Hz –110 –120 10k Figure 13. THD vs. Frequency Input @ –3 dBFS, SR 48 kHz REV. A –11– –100 –80 –60 dBFS –40 –20 0 Figure 16. THD + N Ratio vs. Amplitude Input 1 kHz, SR 48 kHz, 24-Bit AD1853 –90 0 –100 –2 –110 –4 –120 dBr dBr 2 –6 –130 –8 –140 –10 –150 –12 10 100 1k FREQUENCY – Hz –160 10k 0 Figure 17. Normal De-Emphasis Frequency Response Input @ –10 dBFS, SR 48 kHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 FREQUENCY – kHz 16 18 20 22 Figure 20. Noise Floor for Zero Input, SR 48 kHz, SNR –117 dBFS A-Weighted –10 0 –10 –20 –30 –30 –40 –50 –50 –60 dBr dBr –70 –90 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –110 –120 –130 –130 –140 –150 –150 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 FREQUENCY – kHz 16 18 20 22 0 Figure 18. SMPTE/DIN 4:1 IMD 60 Hz/7 kHz @ 0 dBFS 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 FREQUENCY – kHz 16 18 20 22 Figure 21. Input 0 dBFS @ 1 kHz, BW 10 Hz to 22 kHz, SR 48 kHz, THD+N 104 dBFS 0 –50 –60 –20 –70 –80 –40 –90 dBr dBr –60 –80 –100 –110 –120 –100 –130 –140 –120 –150 –140 –140 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 –160 0 dBFS Figure 19. Linearity vs. Amplitude Input 200 Hz, SR 48 kHz, 24-Bit Word 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 FREQUENCY – kHz 16 18 20 22 Figure 22. Dynamic Range for 1 kHz @ –60 dBFS, 116 dB, Triangular Dithered Input –12– REV. A AD1853 –60 0 –10 –20 –30 –70 –40 –50 dBr dBr –60 –80 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –90 –140 –150 –100 10 100 1k FREQUENCY – Hz –160 10k 0 0 –10 –20 –10 –20 –30 –30 –40 –50 –60 –40 –50 –110 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –120 –140 dBr dBr –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –130 –150 20 40 60 80 FREQUENCY – kHz 100 –160 120 Figure 24. Wideband Plot, 15 kHz Input, 8× Interpolation, SR 48 kHz 0 –20 –30 –40 –50 dBr –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 20 40 60 80 FREQUENCY – kHz 100 120 Figure 25. Wideband Plot, 37 kHz Input, 4× Interpolation, SR 96 kHz REV. A 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 FREQUENCY – kHz Figure 27. Wideband Plot, 75 kHz Input, 2× Interpolation, SR 192 kHz –10 –140 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 FREQUENCY – kHz Figure 26. Wideband Plot, 25 kHz Input, 2× Interpolation, SR 192 kHz Figure 23. Power Supply Rejection vs. Frequency AVDD 5 V dc + 100 mV p-p ac –140 5 –13– AD1853 STEREO MODE OUTPUT FILTER HDR2 DVDD 1 EXT SDATA EXT L/RCLK EXT SCLK R24 100 R12 10k C37 47pF EXT I/F IN R18 10k R17 10k EXT MCLK R25 100 R13 10k C35 47pF R26 100 R14 10k C36 47pF R27 100 R15 10k C34 47pF 9 IDPM0 2 S2B HDR3 FN 44/48 96 192 NO DVDD DVDD S2C 8 IDPM1 3 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 DVDD R6 10k SAMPLE RATE MODE R5 10k DVDD HDR3 C11 100nF DVDD DVDD SPDIF/EXT R11 10k I/F SELECT C5 100nF 10 1 S2A FB2 600Z SPDIF/EXT EXT MCLK C6 100nF I /O9 I2 I/O8 I3 I /O7 I4 I /O6 I5 I /O5 I6 I /O4 I7 I /O3 I8 I /O2 I9 I/O1 DVDD AVDD M0 I10 I/O 0 M1 I11 U5 AD1853JRS EXT SDATA SIGNAL SOURCE J1 SPNIF IN SDATA 1 S1 0 FS FSYNC C1 10nF 64FS SCK MCK RXP R1 75 256FS U2 CS8414-CS C2 10nF RXN DVDD AVDD C9 100nF C8 100nF INT4 M2 SDATA C CBL VERF FB1 600Z C4 100nF Cc/F0 FILT DGND VERF R4 1k IDPM0 MCLK PREEMPH U3A 74HC00D 1 2 3 CCLK CDATA ZR DVDD ZL SEL RST OUTL– LOUT– IREF CCLK FILTB CDATA R10 10k C56 100nF ZEROL RST FCR AGND ON 7 S2D 4 ZL MUTE ON MUTE HDR1 DVDD 1 ZR CDATA EXT C I/F NOTE: CCLK = AGND SET Ib = 1mA DVDD C10 100nF R20 11 274 DS1 ZERO LEFT DS2 ZERO RIGHT U3C 74HC00D R21 9 8 274 10 CLATCH MCLK = DGND U3D 74HC00D 12 13 OFF 6 S2E 5 R28 2.67k AGND DGND DEEMPH C26 + 10F – ZEROR FB3 600Z R16 10k VREF +2.7V FILTR CLATCH DVDD OFF LOUT+ MUTE DGND DGND DEEMPH OUTL+ IDPM1 CLATCH CSI2/FCK AGND DGND C24 47nF ROUT– DEEMP Ce/F2 R3 750 OUTR– MCLK Q1 2N2222 Cd/F1 OUT ROUT+ L/RCLK BCLK R19 VREF 10k Ca/E1 Cb/E2 SHLD DVDD C0/E0 R2 3.40k U1 TORX173 DS4 ERF DVDD TOSLINK IN R23 274 U DVDD OUTR+ INT2 M3 500mVp-p S2A S2B S2C S2D S2E DEEMPH OFF 4 MUTE OFF 5 I1 VD+ 0 U2 DATA SOURCE 1 2 I2S SERIAL DATA MODE 3 CLK/I0 EXT SCLK EXT L/RCLK VA+ 1 U4 PALCE22V10-J R7 10k R8 10k R9 10k U3B 74HC00D 4 6 5 DVDD R22 274 DVDD DS3 DEEMPH C12 100nF #98107-02-3 REV. 1.1 Figure 28. Digital Receiver, MUX and AD1853 DAC –14– REV. A AD1853 R48 4.12k OUTPUT BUFFERS AND LP FILTERS –AVSS C46 330pF, NP0 C23 100nF R34 2.74k R33 2.74k ROUT+ C52* NP U6A C43 680pF NP0 OP275 C57 220pF NP0 C21 100nF +AVCC R35 2.74k OP275 C53* NP R53 402 OP275 R30 2.94k R49 4.12k R50 4.12k R43 49.9k GAUSSIAN FILTER RESPONSE –3dB CORNER FREQUENCY: 75kHz –AVEE C48 330pF, NP0 C22 100nF R38 2.74k R37 2.74k LOUT+ C54* NP RIGHT OUT 0 C39 220pF NP0 R36 2.74k C47 330pF, NP0 + C25 – 10F C42 680pF NP0 C50 2.2nF NP0 J2 1 U6B R52 402 C7 100nF R41 604 U8B ROUT– VREF +2.7V C38 220pF NP0 R29 2.94k U7A C18 100nF C45 680pF NP0 OP275 C58 220pF NP0 C40 220pF NP0 –AV SS R31 2.94k C20 100nF R42 604 +AVCC R39 2.74k OP275 LOUT– C55* NP C44 680pF NP0 OP275 C19 100nF R32 2.94k C51 2.2nF NP0 J3 1 U8A LEFT OUT 0 R44 49.9k U7B C49 330pF, NP0 C41 +AVCC 220pF NP0 R40 2.74k *NOT POPULATED R51 4.12k RESET GENERATOR VOLTAGE REGULATORS AND SUPPLY FILTERING J6 DVDD +15V dc C17 100nF VCC U10 ADM707AR PFI RESET RESET MR S3 CR2 1SMB15AT3 PFO GND RESET + C30 – 10F J7 0V AGND OUT IN OUT ERR C15 100nF RST IN SD +AVCC + C32 – 10F U11 ADP3303-5.0 FB4 600Z +5V REG AVDD C16 100nF NR GND C3 10nF R47 332 + C31 – 10F DS5 POWER AGND + C33 – 10F J8 –AVSS –15V dc CR3 +9V dc J4 1N4001 TO +15V dc NOTE: = DGND CR1 1SMB15AT3 = AGND J5 0V DGND U9 LM317 FB5 600Z +5V REG VIN C27 10F VOUT GND + – C13 100nF + C28 – 10F R46 715 C14 100nF + C29 – 10F DGND Figure 29. DAC Output LP Filter, Power and Reset REV. A DVDD R45 243 –15– AD1853 I/V CONVERTERS AND LP FILTER R9* 2.87k GAUSSIAN FILTER RESPONSE –3dB CORNER FREQUENCY: 75kHz R11 100 R4 2.74k R3 2.74k PIN 12 LOUT+ R1 2.94k C3503a–8–4/99 C6 68pF, NP0 C1 220pF NP0 U2 PIN 13 LOUT– C4 680pF NP0 AD797 R7 604 U1 C3 680pF R2 NP0 2.94k R5 2.74k C5 2.2nF NP0 AD797 U3 PIN 17 ROUT+ AD797 PIN 16 ROUT– 1 R8 49.9k J1 OUT 6Vrms 0 C2 220pF NP0 R6 2.74k C7 R12 68pF, NP0 100 C8 100nF R10* 2.87k + C15 10F – TANT NOTES: 1. R9, R10 MUST BE LOW NOISE TYPES. METAL FILM IS RECOMMENDED. 2. RIGHT CHANNEL DIGITAL DATA MUST BE INVERTED. J2 +16.5V dc +AVCC NOTE: C10 100nF C12 100nF C14 100nF + C16 10F – TANT J3 C9 100nF C11 100nF C13 100nF + C17 10F – TANT J4 0V AGND = AGND –16.5V dc –AVSS Figure 30. Mono Application Circuit OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). 28-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP) (RS-28) 0.407 (10.34) 0.397 (10.08) 28 15 0.311 (7.9) 0.301 (7.64) PRINTED IN U.S.A. VREF +2.78V 0.212 (5.38) 0.205 (5.21) 1 0.078 (1.98) PIN 1 0.068 (1.73) 0.008 (0.203) 0.0256 (0.65) 0.002 (0.050) BSC 14 0.07 (1.79) 0.066 (1.67) 8° 0.015 (0.38) 0° SEATING 0.009 (0.229) 0.010 (0.25) PLANE 0.005 (0.127) –16– 0.03 (0.762) 0.022 (0.558) REV. A