Senate Faculty Forum Commission on the Future of UC March 29, 2010

Senate Faculty Forum
Commission on the
Future of UC
March 29, 2010
University of California at Berkeley
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Commission on the Future of UC
‘The Commission is charged with developing a
new vision for the University within the context of
the University’s mission and budget, while
reaffirming our commitment to quality, access
and affordability. UC will continue to play a vital
role in sustaining California’s economy and
cultural life, operating strategically and as
efficiently as possible within available resources."
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Commission on the Future of UC
◦ Regent’s Chair Gould and President Yudof
◦ 20 Members + 6 Ex Officio Members
◦ Regents (4), Staff (1), Labor (2), Students (3),
UCOP (7), Faculty (8), & Alumnus (1)
◦ 5 Working Groups
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The Working Groups
Size and Shape (25)
Access and Affordability (18)
Funding Strategies (23)
Education & Curriculum (22)
Research Strategies (26)
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The Working Groups
Members Presenting Today
2:40-2:50 (S&S): Miguel Daal Grad. Assembly
2:50-3:00 (A&A): Prof. Kevin Grumbach & Prof. Bob
3:00-3:10 (F S): Dean Henry Brady
3:10-3:20 (E&C): Prof. Molly Cooke
3:20-3:30 (R S): Co-Chair Mary Croughan & Dean
Janet Broughton
2 Minute Questions from 3:30-4:30
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UCCF Formed July 16, 2009
Fall of 2009: Working Groups Formed
First Round of Recommendations Presented
March 23
Senate Review: Now through May and then
End of Summer
Fifth Meeting May 7, Sixth Meeting June 15
Early Fall: Prioritized List from UCCF sent to
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Faculty Consultation I
‘Close consultation with the Academic Senate is
essential for recommendations pertaining to
curriculum and other core faculty
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Faculty Consultation II
‘The Commission and working groups will rely on
previous and ongoing studies by the Office of the
President, Academic Senate, campuses, and
faculty researchers in their deliberations.
Implementation of recommendations will be
subject to traditional review by the Academic
Senate in the areas for which it has delegated
authority. For recommendations in all other
areas, the Academic Senate will have full
opportunity for consultation and review."
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