AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Kai Gu for the degree of Master of Science in Wood Science presented on May 21, 2010 Title: Evaluation of New Formaldehyde-free, Soy Flour-based Wood Adhesives for Making Particleboard Abstract approved: _____________________________________________________________________ Kaichang Li Formaldehyde-based adhesives such as urea-formaldehyde (UF), phenolformaldehyde (PF) are widely applied in wood-based composite industry. However, these adhesives are all petrochemical-based and could not sustain in a long term due to a limited reserve of oil and natural gas. Moreover, these adhesives emit carcinogenic formaldehyde in the production or use of wood composite panels, thus reducing indoor air quality and posing a health risk to human beings. Soy flour (SF) is an abundant, readily available, renewable, and inexpensive material and is mainly used for food application at present. Its potential for industrial applications has not been fully realized. In this study, we evaluated two SF-based formaldehyde-free wood adhesives for making M-2 Grade particleboard panels. The first adhesive was composed of SF, polyethylenimine (PEI), maleic anhydride (MA) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The weight ratio of SF/PEI/MA/NaOH was 7/1.0/0.32/0.1. The hot-press temperature, hot-press time, panel density and adhesive usages were optimized in terms of enhancing the modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond (IB) of the particleboard panels. It was found that the MOR, MOE and IB exceeded the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboards under the following variables and conditions: hot-press temperature, 170 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the adhesive usage of surface particles, 10 wt%; the adhesive usage of the core particles, 8 wt%; and the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. The second adhesive consisted of SF, a new curing agent (CA) and NaOH. Effects of the weight ratio of adhesive components on strengths of the particleboard panels were investigated. It was found that this adhesive resulted in the highest strengths at the SF/NaOH/CA weight ratio of 9/0.3/1. Effects of hot-press temperature and hotpress time on strengths of the panels were also investigated. The MOR, MOE and IB met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboard panels under the following variables and conditions: hot-press temperature, 190 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the adhesive usage of surface particles, 12 wt%; the adhesive usage of the core particles, 10 wt%; and the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. ©Copyright by Kai Gu May 21, 2010 All Rights Reserved EVALUATION OF NEW FORMALDEHYDE-FREE, SOY FLOUR-BASED WOOD ADHESIVES FOR MAKING PARTICLEBOARD by Kai Gu A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented May 21, 2010 Commencement June 2010 Master of Science thesis of Kai Gu presented on May 21, 2010. APPROVED: _____________________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Wood Science _____________________________________________________________________ Head of the Department of Wood Science and Engineering _____________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. _____________________________________________________________________ Kai Gu, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS An old Chinese idiom says: “The man who teaches me even for only one day should be respected and treated as my father during my whole life”. At this moment, I could only find this piece of sentence to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Li for his tutoring and help during my study period. His passion for academic pursuit and intelligence in digging fountain from “dull and plain” knowledge mountain surface first among other sparkling merits and definitely will guide me for my future life. I also could not forget the happy time I spent with Milo Clauson who always extends his hands when I was in need during my experiment and he really has a golden heart for students. I confess: he is also really good at fixing broken stuffs. Many former and current members in our group helped me a lot during last several years and we are like a big family. I also want to thank Dr. John A, Nairn, Dr. Willie E. Skip Rochefort and Dr HsiouLien Chen for being my committee members and spending their time reviewing my thesis. Here, I need acknowledge the financial support from USDA and Flakeboard for granting wood furnish. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents for their persistent support and my fiancée Tang Min who always infuses me with love and lively passion for life. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 1.1 Definition and advantages of wood composites ................................................... 1 1.2 The production and application of wood composites ........................................... 2 1.2.1 Plywood ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 Particleboard .................................................................................................. 2 Manufacture of particleboard .................................................................. 3 Adhesives used for making particleboard ............................................... 4 1.2.3 Oriented standboard (OSB) ........................................................................... 4 1.2.4 Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) ............................................................... 5 1.2.5 Composite lumber products ........................................................................... 5 1.3 Introduction of wood adhesives............................................................................ 6 1.3.1 Adhesives from petrochemicals ..................................................................... 7 Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins .............................................................. 7 Melamine-formaldehyde resins (MF) ..................................................... 9 Phenol-formaldehyde resins (PF).......................................................... 10 Isocyanate adhesives ............................................................................. 11 Poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) adhesives .................................................. 13 Issues associated with synthetic wood adhesives.................................. 14 Dependence on petroleum and natural gas ..................................... 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Emission of carcinogenic formaldehyde ........................................ 14 1.3.2 Adhesives from natural resources ................................................................ 16 Animal adhesives .................................................................................. 16 Casein-based adhesives ......................................................................... 16 Blood-based adhesives .......................................................................... 17 Tannin-based adhesives ........................................................................ 17 Lignin-based adhesives ......................................................................... 18 Soy-based adhesives ............................................................................. 19 Production and composition of soybean......................................... 19 Soybean as a wood adhesive .......................................................... 21 Soy-based adhesives: their market and barriers ............................. 26 1.4 Reference ............................................................................................................ 28 CHAPTER 2 PREPARATION AND EVALUATION OF PARTICLEBOARD WITH A SOY FLOUR-POLYETHYLENIMINE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE ADHESIVE.... 35 2.1 Abstracts ............................................................................................................. 36 2.2 Keywords ............................................................................................................ 36 2.3 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 36 2.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................................ 38 2.4.1 Materials ...................................................................................................... 38 2.4.2 Preparation of SF-coated wood particles ..................................................... 38 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 2.4.3 Preparation of PEI-MA-NaOH solution ...................................................... 39 2.4.4 Preparation of three-layer particleboard ...................................................... 39 2.4.5 Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard ................................. 40 Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard .......................... 40 Statistical analysis of data ..................................................................... 41 2.5 Results ................................................................................................................ 41 2.5.1 Effects of hot-press temperature on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 41 2.5.2 Effects of hot-press time on the mechanical properties of the particleboard .............................................................................................................................. 43 2.5.3 Effects of core adhesive usage at different densities on the mechanical properties of the particleboard .............................................................................. 45 2.5.4 Effects of surface adhesive usage on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 49 2.5.5 Effects of the moisture content of surface wood particles on the mechanical properties of the particleboard .............................................................................. 51 2.5.6 Effects of adhesive composition on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 53 2.6 Discussions ......................................................................................................... 55 2.7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 59 2.8 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 59 2.9 References .......................................................................................................... 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page CHAPTER 3 PREPARATION AND EVALUATION OF PARTICLEBOARD WITH A SOY FLOUR-NEW CURING AGENT ADHESIVE ............................................. 61 3.1 Abstracts ............................................................................................................. 62 3.2 Key words ........................................................................................................... 62 3.3 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 62 3.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................................ 64 3.4.1 Materials ...................................................................................................... 64 3.4.2 Preparation of SF-coated wood particles ..................................................... 65 Wet method ........................................................................................... 65 Dry method ........................................................................................... 65 3.4.3 Preparation of CA-NaOH solution .............................................................. 66 3.4.4 Preparation of three-layer particleboard ...................................................... 66 3.4.5 Determination of mechanical properties of particleboard ........................... 67 Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard .......................... 67 Statistical analysis of data ..................................................................... 67 3.5 Results ................................................................................................................ 68 3.5.1 Effects of SF/CA weight ratio on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 68 3.5.2 Effects of NaOH usages on the mechanical properties of the particleboard 70 3.5.3 Effects of hot-press temperature on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 72 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3.5.4 Effects of hot-press time on the mechanical properties of the particleboard .............................................................................................................................. 74 3.5.5 Effects of different preparation methods on the mechanical properties of the particleboard ......................................................................................................... 76 3.6 Discussions ......................................................................................................... 78 3.7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 80 3.8 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 81 3.9 References .......................................................................................................... 81 CHAPTER 4 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS ................................................................ 83 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 84 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Addition of urea and formaldehyde ......................................................................... 8 1.2 Condensation of hydroxymethylurea ....................................................................... 9 2.1 Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE of particleboards ........... 42 2.2 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboards. ............................................. 43 2.3 Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE of particleboards. ...................... 44 2.4 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboards .............................................. 45 2.5 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOR at a high density level and a low density level. ................................................................................................................ 46 2.6 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOE at a high density level and a low density level. ................................................................................................................ 48 2.7 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOE at a high density level and a low density level. ................................................................................................................ 49 2.8 Effects of the surface adhesive usage on the MOR and MOE of particleboards ... 50 2.9 Effect of surface adhesive usage on the IB of particleboards ................................ 51 2.10 Effects of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the MOR and MOE of particleboards. ................................................................................................ 52 2.11 Effect of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the IB of particleboards. .............................................................................................................. 53 2.12 Effects of the adhesive composition on the MOR and MOE. .............................. 54 2.13 Effect of the adhesive composition on the IB ...................................................... 55 3.1 Effects of SF/curing agent ratio on the MOR and MOE of particleboards ............ 69 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 3.2 Effect of SF/curing agent ratio on the IB of particleboards ................................... 70 3.3 Effects of NaOH / (SF + curing agent) ratio on the MOR and MOE of particleboards. .............................................................................................................. 71 3.4 Effect of NaOH / (SF + curing agent) ratio on the IB of particleboards ................ 72 3.5 Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE of particleboards ........... 73 3.6 Effect of hot-press temperature on the IB of particleboards .................................. 74 3.7 Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE of particleboards ....................... 75 3.8 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboards .............................................. 76 3.9 Effects of different preparation methods on the MOR and MOE of particleboards. ...................................................................................................................................... 77 3.10 Effect of different preparation methods on the IB of particleboards ................... 77 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1 Source of raw materials for the production of major synthetic wood adhesives ... 14 1.2 Major components of soy proteins ......................................................................... 20 1.3 Composition of different soy protein products ...................................................... 21 1.4 Amino acid group chains involved in Chemical Modification .............................. 24 1 EVALUATION OF NEW FORMALDEHYDE-FREE, SOY FLOUR-BASED ADHESIVES FOR MAKING PARTICLEBOARD CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Definition and advantages of wood composites Composites are defined as materials that are made up of distinct components while attaining new properties out of these components. In this meaning, wood composites are made of wood elements and other materials, such as adhesives. Wood composites are classified in accordance with wood elements that are different in size and geometry. Compared to the solid wood, wood composites can provide more uniform properties because reduction of wood into small, relatively uniform particles, fibers, or flakes averages out natural differences of wood. Wood composites with desired properties can be manufactured by controlling the properties of the wood elements. Wood composites can have superior resistance to fire, weathering and biological degradation by adding different kinds of additives. Moreover, wood composites utilize the trees more efficiently and turn a lot of production waste materials such as sawdust into valuable products. Currently the most commonly used wood composites include plywood, particleboard, oriented strandboard (OSB), medium density fiberboard (MDF), and composite lumber products [1, 2]. 2 1.2 The production and application of wood composites 1.2.1 Plywood Plywood is a flat panel product made by bonding wood veneers together under heat and pressure. For overcoming the drawbacks of anisotropic properties of wood, plywood is typically constructed with an odd number of layers with the grain direction of adjacent layers being perpendicular to each other. There are two types of plywood: structural softwood plywood and decorative hardwood plywood. Softwood plywood is mainly used in structural applications such as roof, sub-floors, underlayment, wall sheathing, and siding because softwood plywood is much stronger and stiffer than hardwood plywood. Hardwood plywood is generally used for decorative purposes such as cabinets, fixtures and furniture because hardwood could provide attractive wood grains [2]. Phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin is typically used for production of softwood plywood that requires high strengths and high water resistance for structural uses, while urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin is typically used for production of hardwood plywood because of its low cost and light color [1-2]. Because of the high cost of veneers the plywood market is expected to decline in the future. 1.2.2 Particleboard Particleboard is manufactured by bonding homogeneous wood particles or waste materials such as sawdust and shavings with adhesives to form a flat panel product under heat and pressure. The most common particleboard has three layers including 3 two face layers and one core layer. The face layers consist of fine particles to get smooth surfaces for overlaying, laminating, painting or veneering. The core layer consists of coarse particles. Particleboard is less expensive to make than other wood composites and can well utilize the waste woody materials. Another advantage of particleboard is that it can be tailored to meet requirements of various applications. However, particleboard is not as strong as solid wood and fiberboard. Particleboard is mainly used for making furniture and kitchen cabinets [1-2]. Manufacture of particleboard The first step of making particleboard is the preparation of wood particles. Standard particleboard plants use combinations of chippers, hammermills, ring flakers, ring mills and attrition mills to break the large pieces of wood into small particles. Many plants buy raw woody materials in form of shavings, chips, mixed mill residues, or sawdust. The specification for particle sizes is different for each particleboard plant, but generally requires that the particles be slender for attaining high strength. Fine particles are used for face layers and coarse particles are used for the core layer. Once particles are prepared, they are dried by means of rotary, disk or suspension drying. Particle drying is a critical step in production of particleboard and the moisture content of the particles leaving the dryer is usually in the range of 4% to 8%. After drying, the particles are blended with an adhesive and additives. The adhesive-blended particles typically have a final moisture content of near 10%. Then the adhesive-blended particles are formed into a mat and pre-pressed to reduce mat thickness prior to hot 4 pressing. Hot-press temperature usually ranges from 140 °C to 165 °C, and pressure in the range of 1.37 to 3.43 MPa for medium density particleboard [2]. Adhesives used for making particleboard Most particleboard panels are used for interior applications and have lower requirements in water resistance than those used for exterior applications. Therefore urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesive is most commonly used due to its low cost, short curing time and light in color. The adhesive usage can range from 4 to 10% on the dry weight of the particles. The adhesive usage of face layers is usually higher than that of the core layer. Other adhesives such as phenol-formaldehyde (PF) adhesive, melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesive and isocyanate adhesives are also used in some special cases [2]. 1.2.3 Oriented strandboard (OSB) OSB is a flat panel made with wood flakes (long and thin strip with a rectangular shape) and adhesives under heat and pressure. OSB typically includes two face layers and a core layer with longer flakes for face layers. The grain directions of wood flakes are typically perpendicular between face and core layers. It costs less to produce OSB than plywood, but OSB has similar mechanical properties to plywood. Therefore, OSB has gradually replaced plywood in the market. OSB is mainly used in flooring, wall and roof sheathing, furniture and industrial containers [2]. 5 Two types of adhesives are currently used in the industry for making OSB. Phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin is used in the face layers and polyisocyanates (pMDI) in the core layer. 1.2.4 Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) MDF is a flat panel product made by bonding wood fibers with adhesives and additives under heat and pressure. MDF has the density ranging from 640 to 800 g/cm3. MDF is usually produced with long fine wood fibers in a similar fashion to the particleboard. When compared to particleboard and OSB, MDF is much stronger and more dimensionally stable, but costs more as well [2]. MDF is widely used for furniture, flooring, interior door skins, moldings and interior trim components. UF resin is the commonly used adhesive for making MDF. 1.2.5 Composite lumber products Due to the decreasing availability of the high quality lumbers, a lot of lumber-like composites (commonly called composite lumber) are now produced in a large quantity every year. The commonly used composite lumber products include laminated veneer lumber (LVL), parallel strand lumber (PSL), laminated strand lumber (LSL), and oriented strand lumber (OSL). LVL is produced by bonding many layers of veneers whose grains are parallel under heat and pressure to form a board that is then cut into a lumber-like product. The adhesives used for making LVL are PF resins and isocyanates. LVL is mainly used for headers of garage doors, large windows and flanges in I-beams [3]. 6 PSL is made from strands whose grains are parallel to the length of the final product. The strands are prepared from veneers with the dimension of about ¾ inches wide and at least 24 inches long. Exterior-type plywood adhesives such as PF are applied onto the strands and a microwave type heating system is used to cure the adhesives. After pressing the resulting board is cut into the small pieces with desired dimensions. The resulting PSL can replace the high-strength lumber or timber materials [3]. LSL is very similar to PSL, but there are three major differences. LSL is made from smaller strands with 12 inches long. The isocyanate resin is used to provide the light-colored gluelines. A steam-injection press system is used to provide uniform density of LSL. The major market of LSL is where clear lumbers are desired such as wall studs, beams, columns and windows [1]. OSL is made with bonding nominal 12-inch-long strands with adhesives. In many ways the production of OSL is similar to that of OSB except that the grains of strands to making OSL are aligned in the same direction. For reducing production time a steam-injection pressing is used. OSL is mainly used for making furniture [1]. 1.3 Introduction of wood adhesives Wood adhesives are essential components of wood composites. In the long history of human civilization people gradually learned how to make adhesives for bonding different materials together for their needs. As for wood adhesives, the history also witnessed a development from primitiveness to high industrialization. In 2001, the 7 worldwide wood adhesive consumption was 13.3 million tons and total sale value reached $6.1 billion [4]. Since 2001 the global wood composite output has increased steadily which means an increasing consumption of wood adhesives. Wood adhesives can be broadly classified as petrochemical-based and natural-material-based adhesives. 1.3.1 Adhesives from petrochemicals Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins UF resins are one of the most important thermosetting adhesives in the world. UF resins are prepared through the reaction of two simple chemicals: urea and formaldehyde. The synthesis of UF resins takes two stages: addition (methylolation) and condensation as shown in Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2. In the first stage, urea is hydroxymethylated by the addition of formaldehyde to amino groups of urea. A mixture of mono-, di-, trihydroxymethylureas are generated. Tetrahydroxymethylurea is almost undetectable [5]. The pH is generally controlled at 8-9. In the second stage, the methylolated urea derivatives polymerize to provide the UF resins in the presence of an acid catalyst, usually ammonium chloride. A wide range of conditions such as molar ratio between urea and formaldehyde, reaction temperature, reaction time, and pH can be modified to make UF resins for different end uses. Advantages of UF resins include high reactivity, short hot-pressing time, clear glueline, cold tack ability, aqueous system, no flammability and low price. However, UF resins have low water and weather resistance because aminomethylene linkages are susceptible to hydrolysis and therefore is not stable at high humidity and temperature. Another disadvantage of 8 UF resins is the emission of formaldehyde due to the unreacted formaldehyde and the hydrolysis of methylene ether linkages (-CH2-O-) [6]. Extensive efforts have been devoted to the reduction of formaldehyde emission. At present, UF resins are still widely used for making interior plywood, particleboard and MDF. Figure 1.1 Addition of urea and formaldehyde* 9 Figure 1.2 Condensation of hydroxymethylurea* *Adopted from Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology (A. H. Conner, 2001) [5]. Melamine-formaldehyde resins (MF) MF resins are also important thermosetting adhesives in the wood composites industry. The reactions between melamine and formaldehyde are very similar to those between urea with formaldehyde, first the addition reaction and then the condensation reaction. However, the addition of formaldehyde to melamine occurs more easily than that of formaldehyde to urea and the residual formaldehyde content in the MF resins is much lower than that in the UF resins [7]. This is the reason why melamine is often added into UF resins as a formaldehyde scavenger. The molar ratio of formaldehyde to melamine is generally at 1.2 to 3. The good stability of the symmetrical triazine ring makes the MF adhesives very resistant to water once the resin has been cured to the insoluble cross-linked state [8]. MF is mainly used for 10 making exterior or semi-exterior grade plywood and particleboard. MF is also used for the impregnation of paper sheets in the production of overlays for the surface of wood composites and laminates due to its hardness and transparency [8]. However, melamine is much more expensive than urea. Melamine is often added to UF to make melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives. MUF is more water resistant than UF. MUF is also used for exterior applications such as finger joints and edge-glued lumber. Phenol-formaldehyde resins (PF) PF resins are reaction products between phenol and formaldehyde. Depending on the pH value of catalysts, PF resins could be classified as resol resins and novolac resins. As for resol resins, usually but not necessarily, a molar excess of formaldehyde is used. By using a basic catalyst, the formaldehyde attacks the ortho- and para- positions of phenol to form methylol phenol. These methylolated phenol derivatives are able to further react with each other or phenol to form methylene linkages (-CH2-) or methylene ether bonds (-CH2-O-CH2-). The most important point in resol resins is that, when an excess of formaldehyde is used, a sufficient number of methylol groups remain reactive to complete the polymerization. As consequence, resol resins are cured by elevating temperature and no additional formaldehyde is needed. Therefore the resol resins are commonly referred as one-step resins. Although the resol resins polymerize quickly at a high temperature, they also can continue the polymerization reaction at ambient temperatures so they have limited shelf lives [9]. 11 Novolac resins are made through the reactions between formaldehyde and phenol in the presence of an acidic catalyst. Methylol phenol derivatives are first formed and then further react with additional phenol to create a methylene bridge at either the ortho- or the para-position of the phenolic aromatic ring. The reactions stop when the formaldehyde reactant is exhausted, leaving some un-reacted phenol. Novolac resins are thermoplastics. For use as wood adhesives, a cross-linking agent is usually added to cure the novolac resins. The most commonly used cross-linking agent is hexamethylene tetramine (HEXA). Therefore, novolac resins are also referred as twostep resins [9]. PF resins are mainly used for exterior application for structural plywood, OSB and LVL because they have good water and weather resistance. The reactions between phenol and formaldehyde are not reversible; cured PF resins thus contribute little to the formaldehyde emission. The formaldehyde emission is mainly from residual formaldehyde in PF resins. PF resins have dark gluelines which are not desirable for interior or decorative applications [10-11]. Isocyanate adhesives Isocyanates are loosely referred to all compounds containing an isocyanate group (N=C=O). The isocyanate group has a very high reactivity with groups that contain reactive hydrogen, such as amino and hydroxyl groups at room temperature. Those compounds having two isocyanate groups are called diisocyanates. Today, the most commonly used isocyanates are polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (pMDI) in 12 the wood composites industry. PMDI is a mixture of monomeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate and methylene-bridged polyaromatic polyisocyanates [12]. The isocyanate group first reacts with water to form an unstable carbamic acid that easily gives off carbon dioxide to from an amine that can react with another isocyanate group to form a biuret as illustrated below [13]. Isocyanate group reacts with water: R-NCO + H2O R-NH-C(=O)-OH Carbamic acid gives off carbon dioxide: R-NH-C(=O)-OH R-NH2 + CO2 Amine reacts with another isocyanate: R-NH2 + R-NCO R-NH-C(=O)-NH-R The whole curing process proceeds very rapidly and forms a complex cross-linking network. Isocyanates may form covalent linkages with wood through urethane bonds [12]. Advantages of pMDI resins include their rapid curing and their ability to form adhesive bonds in the presence of high moisture content. Therefore, pMDI is commonly used as a core resin for the production of OSB because the core has a lower temperature than the faces during hot-pressing. PMDI can also bond wood to metal plates such as hot-press platens very well. A releasing agent has to be used to coat the hot-press platens if pMDI is used as a face resin in the production of OSB. Isocyanates are volatile and hazardous. Special protective measures have to be taken 13 when pMDI is used for making OSB. Once pMDI is cured, the resulting OSB panels are safe to use. PMDI is much more expensive than UF or PF resins [14]. Poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) adhesives Until 1950s UF resins were widely used for bonding joints in the furniture industry. However, they were gradually replaced by poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) adhesives because of the long curing time of UF resins at ambient temperature. PVAc adhesives are commonly known as „„white glue‟‟. They are manufactured via a conventional radical polymerization technique in the presence of catalysts [15]. PVAc adhesives are odorless, nonflammable emulsions. They set to coalesce to form a continuous solid film after water evaporates. The whole process takes about 15 min at room temperature and no hot-pressing is required. Therefore their application is very easy and they do not damage tools of processing the PVAc-bonded products. However, PVAc adhesives are thermoplastic and soften when heated, and their bond strength is very dependent on the temperature used. They lose bonding strengths at over 70 °C [15-18]. For improving their moisture and temperature resistance, PVAc adhesives are incorporated with a crosslinkable monomer such as N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide [19]. PVAc adhesives are very versatile, and they are supplied in different forms for various applications such as veneering, edgebanding and jointing in furniture production [15]. 14 Issues associated with synthetic wood adhesives Dependence on petroleum and natural gas There are many concerns about synthetic wood adhesives although they are predominantly used in the production of wood composites due to their superior properties For example, raw materials of these adhesives heavily rely on the petroleum resources. The detailed raw material sources are listed in Table 1. 1. Table 1.1 Source of raw materials for the production of major synthetic wood adhesives* *Adopted from Encyclopedia of materials (A. Conner, 2001) [5]. However, the total petroleum reserve in the world is limited and the price for the crude oil and natural gas will continue to hike in a long run. Being very similar to many industries that depend on petroleum and natural gas, wood composites industry also needs to find a new way for future sustainable growth. Emission of carcinogenic formaldehyde Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas which can causes watery eyes, burning throat, nausea, and difficulty in breathing for humans at certain level. High 15 concentrations may trigger attacks in people with asthma [20]. In June of 2004 the International Agency for Research on Cancer reclassified formaldehyde as a human carcinogen [21]. Exposure to formaldehyde in indoor environments first gained public attention in the early 1980s, in large part due to problems with mobile homes [22]. The most recent case involved in formaldehyde emission was that people living in government-provided trailers after Hurrican Katrina reported adverse health effects, including headaches, running noses, chronic respiratory problems and nose bleeds [23]. At present formaldehyde-based wood adhesives are predominantly used in interior wood composites, such as cabinets, floorings, furniture, etc. Formaldehyde is the main ingredient for making UF and PF resins. As for UF resins, formaldehyde is emitted from the hydrolysis of unstable methylene-ether bonds in the presence of water or at elevated temperatures. As for PF resins, formaldehyde released is generally from residual free formaldehyde in the adhesives [24]. Although a lot of efforts have been devoted to solving this problem, the issue of formaldehyde emission still persists especially for the UF resin application. In 2007, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) passed a regulation for reducing public exposure to formaldehyde. This regulation set new formaldehyde emission limits from wood composites in two phases. The phase I implementation has already been in force since January 1, 2009 [25]. Additionally, US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is also considering regulatory action on the national level to protect against risks posed by formaldehyde emitted from wood composites [26-27]. 16 1.3.2 Adhesives from natural resources Animal adhesives Animal glues are collagen derivatives that are made from animal hide, connective tissues and bones. Animal glues are in essence protein-based adhesives [28]. The general manufacturing procedure is as follows: animal hides are first soaked in water and treated with lime. The hides are then rinsed to remove the lime, and a weak acid solution is used to neutralize any residual lime. The hides are heated in water to certain temperature to make the glue. The liquor glue is also dried and chopped into pellets for storage [29]. The animal glue was once the most commonly used woodworking glue for thousands of years until it was replaced by synthetic adhesives in the 20th century because of their many undesirable properties such as poor moisture resistance, susceptibility to biological degradation, and a relatively high price [30]. Animal adhesives are still used in high-quality furniture and critical applications such as pianos. Casein-based adhesives Casein is prepared from milk. It precipitates when the milk is acidified to about pH 4.5 when its solubility is the minimum. The casein is held together by calcium ions and hydrophobic interactions. It is readily dispersible in dilute alkaline and salt solution such as sodium oxalate and sodium acetate and after water is removed the residue forms as an adhesive [29]. The viscosity and consistence of a casein adhesive can be altered by a number of protein denaturants such as sulfur compounds, 17 formaldehyde donors or complex metal salts [30-31]. Casein was perhaps the first adhesive used for structural wood composites. Now casein is still used in bonding door skins with linseed oil being added for improving the surface quality [31]. Blood-based adhesives New technology was developed in 1910 to dry liquid blood without damaging its protein while maintaining its solubility [32]. After that the blood could be collected, transported and processed for industrial applications. Blood adhesives once played an important role in World War I and II because there was an urgent need for water resistant plywood in aircraft manufacturing. It was subsequently replaced by PF resins in 1970s [33]. Blood-based adhesives are very heat sensitive, resulting in a very short hot-pressing curing time [34]. At present, animal blood, in form of solid powder, is used as an essential ingredient for foaming adhesives in the production of industrial and structural plywood [32]. However, animal blood tends to degrade rapidly and has a limited number of suppliers [35]. Tannin-based adhesives There are two types of tannins: hydrolysable tannins and condensed tannins. The hydrolysable tannins are composed of simple phenols and esters of a sugar with gallic and digallic acids [36]. Its industrial uses are limited due to its lack of macromolecular structure and limited worldwide production. The condensed tannins account for more than 90% of the world production of commercial tannins and are chemically and economical meaningful for making adhesives and resins [37]. Tannin- 18 formaldehyde adhesives are obtained by polycondensation of condensed tannins with formaldehyde. However, the purity of the condensed tannin extracts varies considerably and most extracts have a large fraction of other substances which do not react with formaldehyde. It also has been proved that it is very difficult and expensive to refining these extracts so some fortifiers are added into the extracts to make adhesives. Fortifiers include some common synthetic adhesives such as PF, UF and MDI [38-42]. The tannin extracts generally have a high viscosity so a series of acid or alkaline treatment are needed to tailor the viscosity of tannin-based adhesives for making exterior-grade particleboard [41]. Tannin-based adhesives are rarely used in North America wood composites industry due to a limited resource, but in southern hemisphere they have been widely used. Lignin-based adhesives Lignin is one of the main components of wood and it is the second most abundant natural polymer in the world. Lignin is mainly recovered as a waste product in pulp mills. A lot of researches have been done to utilize this material, but worldwide largescale applications are still at a very low level. At present, most of spent liquor in pulp mills is burned for recovering pulping chemicals and heat. Although lignin is composed of phenylpropane units, it is in fact a very complex polymer and does not react like a simple phenol molecule. In the past a lot of condensation reactions were investigated for crosslinking lignin, but these reactions were always associated with high temperature and strong mineral acids which all had negative effects on the wood 19 particles [43-44]. Hydrogen peroxide was also used to replace strong mineral acids through free radical condensation reactions, but use of peroxides was not favored in wood composites plants [45]. Formaldehyde was also applied for crosslinking lignin but a long curing time was unacceptable in real practice [46]. Other works concentrated on partial substitution of phenol with lignin in making PF resins. It was found that methylolated lignin could replace up to 30% PF in making plywood under regular hot-press conditions without negative effects of the adhesive strength [47]. At present, some modified lignin is used for the partial replacement of phenol. Soy-based adhesives Production and composition of soybean Soybean, originated from eastern Asia, is one of the most important crops in the USA. Soybean oil and soybean meal are two major products of soybean. At present, soybean meal is mainly used as animal feed. In 2008, about 29.1 million metric tons out of 38.4 million metric tons produced in the US was used to feed animals and poultry. Only about 1.0 million metric tons was applied for human food and industrial uses [48]. Soybean consists of about 40 wt% protein, 21 wt% oil, 34 wt% carbohydrate and 4.9 wt% ash [49]. Soybean oil is mainly composed of saturated and unsaturated triglycerides. Soybean carbohydrates consist of the complex polysaccharides including cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectin. Soybean proteins are mainly storage proteins that provide amino acids during seed germination and protein synthesis. The amino 20 acids of the storage protein are linked by amide bonds into polypeptide chains. The polypeptide chains are associated and entangled into a three-dimensional complicated structure by disulfide and hydrogen bonds [50]. Most soy proteins are globulins, containing about 25% acidic amino acids (aspartic acid and glutamic acid), 20% basic amino acids (lysine and arginine), and 20% hydrophobic amino acids (alanine, valine and leucine). Aspartic acid and glutamic acid account for almost 30% of all amino acids in soy protein [51]. Based on sedimentation coefficients obtained from centrifugation [52], soy protein could be subdivided into 4 main components which are listed in the Table 1.2. Table 1.2 Major components of soy proteins* Fraction Content (%) Principal component 11S 52 Globulins 7S 35 Lipoxygenase, amylase, globulins 15S 5 Polymer 2S 8 Trypsin inhibitor, cytochrome *Adopted from Functional properties of soybean proteins (Kinsella, 1979) [52] Based on protein content, the soybean products are classified as: flour and grits (40-55 wt% protein); protein concentrate (70 wt% protein); soybean protein isolate (>90 wt% protein) [53]. The composition of all three soybean products is given in Table 1.3. 21 Table 1.3 Composition of different soy protein products* g/100 g Soy Soy protein concentrate Soy protein isolate product flour (SPC) (SPI) Protein (as is) 48 64 92 Fat (min) 0.3 0.3 0.5 Moisture (max) 10 10 <5 Fiber (crude) 3.0 4.5 <1 Ash 7 7 4 Carbohydrate 31-32 14-15 - *Adopted from Functional properties of soybean proteins (Kinsella, 1979) [52] Soybean as a wood adhesive Soy-based adhesives were widely used in the production of wood composites from the 1930s to the 1960s [54]. Those soy-based adhesives were inexpensive and easy to make and handle. However, wood composite panels bonded with these soy-based adhesives had relatively poor strength, poor water-resistance, and poor biological stability, and require long press times for their production. These drawbacks led to their replacements by petroleum-based adhesives. As discussed previously, petroleum-based adhesives have their own problems such as formaldehyde emission and heavy dependence on petroleum and natural gas. With the gradual depletion of the world oil reserve and ever-increasing concern about the environment and public 22 health, soy-based adhesives gained renewed interest in recent years. Currently there are four approaches for developing soy-based adhesives. The first approach is the addition of soy flour to the currently used synthetic adhesives, so the usage of the synthetic adhesives is reduced. For example, soy flour was added into PF or phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF) adhesives to make hybrid adhesives [55-62]. Unless the soy flour could replace synthetic resins to a large portion while maintaining required mechanical properties of wood composites, the wood composite industry is still heavily dependent upon petrochemicals. The second approach is the use of soy flour as a foaming agent in PF resins for making plywood. Animal blood protein is currently the main source of foaming agents, but animal blood is prone to degradation and may cause some diseases if inhaled by people. Research found that soy flour had good foaming properties and adhesive strengths were at least equal to those of the control adhesive without any foaming agentThe cost of the final adhesive was lower than the current adhesives using blood-based foaming agents [35]. The third approach is that soybean protein is first denatured with different chemical and enzymatic treatments and then used as wood adhesives. Denaturation is referred to a process that changes the secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structures of a protein molecule [63]. Improvements have been reported on the adhesive strength and water resistance of small veneer laminates made in laboratories using soybean protein samples that were denatured with alkali, protease, urea, guanidine hydrochloride, and 23 sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)[63-67]. However, none of these modified soybean protein has been used in commercial production of wood composite panels such as plywood. The mechanisms by which denaturing protein could improve the strength and water-resistance of the resulting wood composites have been proposed as follows: most soy proteins are globulins which mean that the soy protein has a very compact structure. Protein chains are held together by disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged groups, and hydrophobic interactions [68]. The compact structure of protein, after denaturation, is unfolded and some hydrophobic amino acids are exposed outward instead buried inside. Therefore, the modified soy protein has higher hydrophobicity so as to enhance its water-resistant properties [69]. The proposed mechanisms are flawed. The denaturing processes may increase the hydrophobicity of the denatured protein. However, the increased hydrophobicity may slow down water penetration, but cannot make the adhesive more water-resistant. The fourth approach is the use of a cross-linking agent to cure the soybean protein. Crosslinking is a process of chemically joining two or more molecules by a covalent bond. Soybean protein contains many different amino acids, and a number of functional groups on the amino acid side chain are available for chemical modification (Table 1.4). Among them some functional groups are more accessible than the others. 24 Table 1.4 Amino acid group chains involved in Chemical Modification* Side chain Chemical modification Amino Acylation, alkylation Carboxyl Esterification, amidation Disulfide Oxidation, reduction Side chain Chemical modification Sulfhydryl Oxidation, alkylation Side chain Chemical modification Thioether Oxidation, alkylation Phenolic Acylation, electrophilic substitution Imidazole Oxidation, alkylation Indole Oxidation, alkylation *Adopted from Food protein properties and characterization (Shuryo Nakai, et al, 1996) [70]. Epoxy resins are good cross-linking agents for curing soy protein. The main mechanism is that an epoxy functional group can react with amino, carboxyl or hydroxyl groups in soy protein. Epoxy functional groups can be imparted onto the soy protein before curing the adhesives [71-72], or epoxy-group containing materials, such as epoxidized soybean oil is mixed with soy protein before cuing [73]. The crosslinking reactions require high curing temperature and long curing time, which make these epoxy-soy adhesives not suitable for making wood composite panels. In 25 addition, these adhesives are much more expensive than the currently used synthetic adhesives. Aldehydes can also react with amino, and hydroxyl groups of soybean protein. They crosslink and denature soy protein, thus resulting in enhanced water-resistance, increased pot life, improved assembly time tolerance, and increased water-holding capacity [74]. Examples of compounds of this group include: tris-hydroxymethyl nitromethane, dimethylol urea, aldehydic starch, glyceraldehyde, hexamethylene tetramine, urea–formaldehyde, methylolated phenols [75]. However, linkages from the reactions between aldehydes and soy protein are reversible under hydrothermal conditions, so the final uses of these soy-based adhesives are still limited. Inspired by the fact that some marine animals, such as mussels, can stick themselves to the rock and other substances in seawater by secreting a glue called the marine adhesives protein (MAP) [76], the researchers found that if the soy protein isolate (SPI) was imparted with a 3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl group or a mercapto group which were abundant in MAP the strength and water-resistance of wood composites bonded with modified SPI could be greatly improved [77-78]. Wood composites bonded with SPI-PAE (a polyamidoamine-epichlorohydrin adduct) adhesive had shear strengths comparable to or higher than those bonded with commercial urea-formaldehyde resins. Wood composites bonded with this new adhesive system had high water resistance and retained relatively high strength even after they had undergone a boiling-water test [79]. This new soy-based adhesive has 26 been successfully used to replace urea-formaldehyde resins for the commercial production of hardwood plywood since 2004. Another formaldehyde-free soy-based adhesives consisting of soy flour, polyethylenimine (PEI), maleic anhydride (MA) and sodium hydroxide has recently been developed for making interior plywood [80]. At present, this adhesive is still too expensive to be commercially viable because of the high price of PEI. However this research represents a new way of developing soy-based adhesives. Soy-based adhesives: their market and barriers At present, there are three soy-based adhesives on the market [81]. The first soybased adhesive is soy-phenol-formaldehyde resins. In this adhesive, low cost soy flour is converted into a soy hydrolyzate and then mixed with PF reins. The main advantage of this adhesive system is that the inexpensive soy flour could replace up to 40% more expensive phenol without negative impacts on the properties of the final wood composites. This adhesive could be used in softwood plywood, OSB and engineered wood products. The second soy-based adhesive involves the use of soy flour in a foamed PF glue for LVL. The soy flour is used to replace animal blood as a foaming agent for PF resins. The benefits of this technology include a reduction of adhesive usage and increase in user safety. The third soy-based adhesive system is based on soy flour and PAE. This soy-based adhesive is easy to prepare, and can be used under commonly used hot-press conditions in the industry. adhesive is truly formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly [82]. Moreover, this 27 These soy-based adhesives either reduce formaldehyde emissions from UF bonded wood composites or reduce the cost of using PF in structural wood composites such as OSB and softwood plywood. The continued success of soy-based adhesives depends on relative prices of petrochemicals and soybean flour and regulations of formaldehyde emission. The prices of petrochemicals for making UF and PF resins have been volatile in recent years and are expected to increase in the future. The price of the soy meal/soy flour has been relatively stable in the past twenty years and will increase, but typically at a slower pace than petrochemicals. At some particular time when the price of soybean flour is significantly higher than UF and PF resins, the soybased adhesives may lose their competitive edges. Regulations on formaldehyde emission from wood composites also have significant impacts on the market share of the soy-based adhesives. 28 1.4 Reference 1. Haygreen, J.G. and J.L. Bowyer, Forest products and wood science. 3 rd ed. 1996, Iowa State University Press: Ames, IA. 2. John A. Youngquist, Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material. Chap. 10, Forest Products Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, 1999, Madison, WI. 3. Maloney, T.M., The family of wood composite materials. Forest Products Journal, 1996. 46(2): p. 19-26. 4. 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The weight ratio of SF/PEI/MA/NaOH was Hot-press temperature, hot-press time, particleboard density and adhesive usage were optimized in terms of enhancing the modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond strength (IB) of the resulting particleboard. The MOR, MOE and IB met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboard under the following variables: hot-press temperature of 170 °C, hotpress time of 270 s, the adhesive usage of surface particles at 10 wt%, the adhesive usage of the core particles at 8 wt%, and the targeted particleboard density of 0.80 g/cm3. 2.2 Keywords Wood adhesive ∙ Particleboard ∙ Soy flour ∙ Polyethylenimine 2.3 Introduction Particleboard is mainly composed of wood particles and an adhesive. The most commonly used particleboard has three layers: two face layers and one core layer. The face layers consist of fine particles, and the core layer is made of coarse particles. Wood particles are first coated with an adhesive, and then formed into a mat that is further hot-pressed to form a panel product [1]. At present, urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin is the most commonly used adhesive for making particleboard. Formaldehyde is 37 considered to be carcinogenic to human [2]. Formaldehyde is emitted in the production and use of particleboard bonded with UF resins. California Air Resource Board has passed a tough regulation on limiting formaldehyde emission from wood composite panel products sold and used in California. The phase II standard for particleboard will take effect on January 1, 2011. Particleboard bonded with the currently used UF resins may not be able to meet the phase II standard. Therefore, there is an urgent need for development of a commercially viable formaldehyde-free adhesive for making particleboard. Soy flour is abundant, renewable, and inexpensive. The soy-based adhesive was widely used for the commercial production of plywood from 1930s to 1960s and then replaced by synthetic resins such as UF resins because of the low water-resistance of plywood panels bonded with the soy-based adhesive [3]. There has been a renewed interest in recent years for the development of water-resistant soy-based wood adhesives. Through mimicking mussel adhesive protein, several formaldehyde-free soy-based adhesives have been developed and one of the soy-based adhesive has been used to replace UF resins for the commercial production of plywood since 2004 [4-6]. One of the newly developed formaldehyde-free adhesives consists of soy flour (SF), polyethylenimine (PEI), and maleic anhydride (MA). This SF-PEI-MA adhesive was successfully used for preparation of type II plywood [7]. This adhesive was investigated in this study to see if it could be used for production of particleboard. 38 2.4 Materials and methods 2.4.1 Materials SF (7% moisture content) was provided by Cargill Incorporated (Minneapolis, MN, USA); a 50 wt% aqueous PEI solution (Mw = 750,000) and MA were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI, USA). Douglas fir wood particles (surface and core wood particles) were obtained from Flakeboard (Albany, OR). 2.4.2 Preparation of SF-coated wood particles The following is a representative procedure for the preparation of SF-coated wood particles. For coating surface wood particles, SF (175 g, dry weight) and water (696 g) were sequentially added into a HOBART A-200 blender (Hobart, Topeka, KS) and stirred for 10 min at room temperature to form 20% SF slurry. Surface wood particles (1403 g, dry weight) were then added into the SF slurry in the HOBART blender and the resulting mixture was stirred for 10 min. The resulting wet SF-coated wood particles were put in a cloth bag, and dried in a rotary dryer (Speedqueen, Ripon, WI) for 1 h. After drying, the SF-coated surface wood particles had the moisture content of 2%. SF-coated core wood particles (2% moisture content) was prepared by following the same procedure as for the preparation of the SF-coated surface wood particles using SF (245 g dry weight), water (898.9 g), and core wood particles (2456 g, dry weight). 39 2.4.3 Preparation of PEI-MA-NaOH solution The following was a representative procedure for the preparation of PEI-MANaOH solution. MA (19.2 g) and water (100 g) were added into a 400 mL beaker, and stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 30 min. The resulting MA solution (50 g), the PEI solution (50 g), and 1 N NaOH (65 g) were added into a KitchenAid mixer, and stirred for 6 min. The resulting solution was then sprayed onto the oven-dried SF-coated surface wood particles (1578 g, dry weight) in a rotary drum-blender. The resulting adhesive-coated surface wood particles had the adhesive usage of 15 wt% (the adhesive usage was defined as the dry weight of SF, PEI, MA and NaOH divided by the dry weight of the wood particles) and had the moisture content of 9%. A mixture of the PEI solution (70 g), the MA solution (69.2 g), and 1 N NaOH (90 g) was sprayed onto the oven-dried SF-coated core wood particles (2701 g, dry weight) in the rotary drum-blender. The resulting adhesive-coated core wood particles had the adhesive usage of 12% and had the moisture content of 9%. Adhesive-coated wood particles with a different adhesive usage were prepared in accordance with the previous described procedures while SF/PEI/MA/NaOH dry weight ratio was maintained at 7/1/0.32/0.1. 2.4.4 Preparation of three-layer particleboard The adhesive-coated surface wood particles (807 g, dry weight) were added onto a forming box (60.96 cm × 60.96 cm) by hand to form a uniform layer. The adhesivecoated core wood particles (2748 g, dry weight) were evenly distributed on top of the 40 surface wood particles layer, followed by a uniform layer of the adhesive-coated surface wood particles (807 g, dry weight). The resulting three-layered wood particle mat was hand-pressed with a flat plywood panel (60.96 cm × 60.96 cm) and then hotpressed at 170 °C for 300 s. The target thickness was 17 mm. The hot-press time and hot-press temperature were changed when their effects on particleboard properties were investigated. Two particleboard panels were prepared for each experimental variable. 2.4.5 Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard Particleboard was cut into 7.62 cm × 46.99 cm rectangular specimens for the measurement of modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE), and into 5.08 cm × 5.08 cm specimens for the measurement of internal bond strength (IB) in accordance with ASTM D1037-99 (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999) using a MTS Sintech 1/G testing machine (MTS Systems Corp., Eden Prairie, MN). The crosshead speeds were 9 mm/min for the measurement of MOR and MOE and 1.5 mm/min for the measurement of IB. For each particleboard panel, four specimens were obtained for the measurement of MOR and MOE, and eight specimens for the measurement of IB. 41 Statistical analysis of data All data were analyzed with Welch modified two-sample t-test with a S-PLUS® statistical software package (Edition version 8.0, Insightful Corp., Seattle, WA, USA). All comparisons were based on 95% confidence interval. 2.5 Results 2.5.1 Effects of hot-press temperature on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE of particleboard panels are shown in Fig. 2.1. At all hot-press temperatures studied, the MOR exceeded the minimum industrial requirement of 14.5 MPa (horizontal solid line) for M-2 Grade particleboard. The average MOR value significantly increased by 23.7% when hotpress temperature was raised from 160 to 170 °C. In the range of 170 to 190 °C the MOR did not significantly change. The MOR at 200 °C was statistically higher than that at other hot-press temperatures except that at 180 °C. At all hot-press temperatures studied, the MOE exceeded the minimum industrial requirement of 2.25 GPa (horizontal dashed line) for M-2 Grade particleboard (Fig. 2.1). The MOE significantly increased by 10.0% when hot-press temperature was raised from 160 to 170 °C. In the range of 170 to 190 °C the MOE did not significantly change. However, the average MOE at 200 °C was significantly higher than that at all other temperatures. Effect of the hot-press temperature on the IB of particleboard is shown in Fig. 2.2 with the minimum industrial requirement (0.45 MPa) shown as a horizontal 42 dashed line. The IB exceeded the minimum industrial requirement at all hot-press temperatures. The IB significantly increased by 14.6% when the temperature was raised from 160 to 170 °C. The IB values in the 170 - 200 °C range were not significantly different from each other. With the MOR, MOE and IB all being considered, 170 °C appeared to be the best hot-press temperature and was used for subsequent investigations. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 30 5 20 3 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 160 170 180 190 200 Hot-press temperature (C) Fig. 2.1 Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 15 wt%; core adhesive usage, 12 wt%; hot-press time, 300 s; the targeted panel density, 0.70 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 43 1.0 IB (MPa) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 160 170 180 190 200 Hot-press temperature (C) Fig. 2.2 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.1) 2.5.2 Effects of hot-press time on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE of particleboard are shown in Fig. 2.3. The MOR did not significantly change when the hot-press time was raised from 200 to 230 s. The MOR significantly increased when the hot-press time was raised from 230 to 270 s. Further increase in the hot-press time from 270 to 300 s did not significantly increase the MOR although the average MOR at 300 s was higher than that at 270 s. The MOR markedly decreased when the hot-press time was increased from 300 to 370 s. The MOR at all hot-press times tested met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.3). The MOE remained the same when the hot-press time was increased from 200 to 230 s. However, the MOE significantly increased when the hot-press time was increased from 230 to 270 s. The MOE remained the same when the hot-press times was increased from 270 to 300 s, and 44 then significantly decreased when the hot-press time was further increased from 300 to 370 s. The MOE at all hot-press temperature tested met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line, Fig. 2.3). The IB significantly increased when the hot-press time was increased from 200 to 270 s (Fig. 2.4). The IB remained the same when the hot-press time was in the range of 270 to 370 s. The IB at all hot-press temperature tested met the minimum industrial requirement (Fig. 2.4). The 270 s was used as the optimum hot-press time for subsequent evaluation. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 5 20 4 15 3 10 2 5 1 0 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 25 0 200 230 270 300 370 Hot-press time (s) Fig. 2.3 Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 15 wt%; core adhesive usage, 12 wt%; hot-press temperature, 170 °C; the targeted panel density, 0.70 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 45 0.8 IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 200 230 270 300 370 Hot-press time (s) Fig. 2.4 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.3) 2.5.3 Effects of core adhesive usage at different densities on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effect of core adhesive usage on the MOR of particleboard panels made at two different density levels is shown in Fig. 2.5. Particleboard under both density levels still belonged to medium density particleboard. At the high density level (0.80 g/cm3), the MOR remained the same when the core adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 10 wt% and then significantly increased when the core adhesive usage was further reduced from 10 to 9 wt% (Fig. 2.5). At the high density level, the MOR rapidly decreased when the adhesive usage was reduced from 9 to 7 wt%. The MOR at all adhesive usages tested exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.5). At the low density level (0.70 g/cm3), the MOR was statistically the 46 same when the adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 8 wt%. The MOR at the core adhesive usage of 9 wt% was significantly higher than that at 7 wt%, and the MOR at 8 wt% was statistically the same as that at 7 wt%. The MOR at the adhesive usage of 11 to 8 wt% met the minimum industrial requirement while the MOR at 7 wt% was very close to meet the requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.5). At the same adhesive usage, the MOR at the low density level was significantly lower than that at the high density level. Low density level 40 High density level MOR (MPa) 30 20 10 0 11 10 9 8 7 Core adhesive usage (%) Fig. 2.5 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOR at a high density level and a low density level. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 15 wt%; hotpress temperature, 170 °C; hot-press time, 270 s. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOE of particleboard panels made at two different density levels is shown in Fig. 2.6. At the high density level (0.80 g/cm3), 47 the MOE remained the same when the adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 9 wt% and then significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 9 to 7 wt%. All MOE values at the high density level exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.6). At the low density level (0.70 g/cm3), the MOE significantly increased when the core adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 10 wt% and then significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was reduced from 10 to 8 wt%. The MOE somehow significantly increased when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 8 to 7 wt%. All MOE at this density level exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.6). At each adhesive usage tested, the MOE at the high density level was always higher than that at the low density level (Fig. 2.6). Low density level 6 High density level MOE (GPa) 5 4 3 2 11 10 9 8 Core adhesive usage (%) 7 48 Fig. 2.6 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOE at a high density level and a low density level. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.5) Effect of the core adhesive usage on the IB of the particleboards made at two different density levels is shown in Fig. 2.7. At the high density level (0.80 g/cm3), the IB decreased significantly when the core adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 10 wt%, but remained statistically the same when the adhesive usage was reduced from 10 to 9 wt%. Further reduction of the adhesive usage from 9 to 8 wt% or from 8 to 7 wt% significantly decreased the IB. The IB at all adhesive usages except 7 wt% met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.7). At the low density level (0.70 g/cm3), the IB significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was reduced from 11 to 8 wt% and then remained the same when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 8 to 7 wt%. The IB met the minimum industrial requirement when the adhesive usage was 10 wt% or higher (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.7). At the same adhesive usage, the IB at the high density level was significantly higher than that at the low density level. 49 Low density level 1.0 High density level IB (MPa) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 11 10 9 8 7 Core adhesive usage (%) Fig. 2.7 Effect of the core adhesive usage on the MOE at a high density level and a low density level. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.5) 2.5.4 Effects of surface adhesive usage on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of surface adhesive usage on the MOR and MOE of particleboard panels are shown in Fig. 2.8. The MOR significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was reduced from 15 to 13 wt% and then remained the same when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 13 to 12 wt%. The MOR significantly decreased again when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 12 to 11 wt%. The MOR at all surface adhesive usages tested exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.8). The MOE did not significantly change when the surface adhesive usage was reduced from 15 to 14 wt%, and then significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 14 to 13 wt%. The MOE remained the same 50 when the adhesive usage was reduced from 13 to 12 wt% and then significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was further reduced from 12 to 11 wt% (Fig. 2.8). The MOE at all adhesive usages tested met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line, Fig. 2.8). The effect of the surface adhesive usage on the IB of particleboard panels is shown in Fig. 2.9. The IB significantly decreased when the adhesive usage was reduced from 15 to 13 wt%. The IB at 13 wt% was somehow significantly lower than that at 12 wt%. The IB remained the same when the adhesive usage was reduced from 12 to 11 wt%. The IB met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line, Fig. 2.9) when the adhesive usage was at 14 wt% or higher. MOR (MPa) 30 5 MOE (GPa) 20 3 2 10 M OE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 surface adhesive usage (%) Fig. 2.8 Effects of the surface adhesive usage on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 8 wt%; hot-press temperature 51 170 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted panel density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 0.6 IB (MPa) 0.4 0.2 0.0 15 14 13 12 11 Surface adhesive usage (%) Fig. 2.9 Effect of surface adhesive usage on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.8) 2.5.5 Effects of the moisture content of surface wood particles on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the MOR and MOE are showed in Fig. 2.10. The MOR significantly increased when the moisture content was raised from 7.1 to 8.6 wt% and then remained the same when the moisture content was further raised from 8.6 to 9.0 wt%. However, the MOR significantly increased when the moisture content was raised from 9.0 to 9.4 wt%. The MOR at all moisture contents tested met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 52 2.10). The MOE did not significantly change when the moisture content was raised from 7.1 to 9.0 wt% and then significantly increased when the moisture content was further raised from 9.0 to 9.4 wt%. All MOE at the moisture contents tested met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.10). The effect of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the IB is showed in Fig. 2.11. The IB significantly increased when the moisture content was increased from 7.1 to 8.6 wt% and then remained statistically the same when the moisture content was further raised from 8.6 to 9.0 wt%. However, The IB reduced significantly when the moisture content was further increased from 9.0 to 9.4 wt%. The IB met the minimum industrial requirement when the moisture content was in the range of 8.6 to 9.0 wt%. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 30 5 20 3 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 7.1 8.6 9.0 9.4 Moisture content of the surface wood particles (%) Fig. 2.10 Effects of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 8 wt%; hot-press temperature 170 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted panel density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 53 IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 7.1 8.6 9.0 9.4 Moisture content of surface wood particles (%) Fig. 2.11 Effect of the moisture content of the surface wood particles on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.10) 2.5.6 Effects of adhesive composition on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of the adhesive composition on the MOR and MOE are showed in Fig. 2.12. Adhesive I consisted of SF, PEI, MA and NaOH with the SF/PEI/MA/NaOH weight ratio of 7/1.0/0.32/0.1. Adhesive II consisted of SF, PEI and MA with the SF/PEI/MA weight ratio of 7/1.0/0.32. Adhesive III consisted of SF, PEI, succinic acid and NaOH with the SF/PEI/succinic acid/NaOH weight ratio of 7/1.0/0.32/0.1. The MOR of the adhesive I was significantly higher than that of the adhesive II and the adhesive III. The MOR of the adhesive II and the adhesive III was statistically the same. The average MOR of all adhesives met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.12). The MOE of the adhesive I was significantly higher than that of 54 the adhesive II and the adhesive III. The adhesive II and the adhesive III had the same MOE values. All MOE met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line, Fig. 2.12). The effect of the adhesive composition on the IB is showed in Fig. 2.13. The adhesive I and the adhesive III had the same IB. The IB of the adhesive II was significantly lower than that of the adhesive I and the adhesive III. Moreover, the IB of the adhesive I and the adhesive III just met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line, Fig. 2.13), whereas the IB of the adhesive II did not. MOR (MPa) 25 5 3 10 2 5 1 0 0 II iv e dh es A A dh es iv e iv e dh es A II I 15 I 4 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 20 Fig. 2.12 Effects of the adhesive composition on the MOR and MOE. (surface adhesive usage, 10 wt%; core adhesive usage, 8 wt%; hot-press temperature 170 °C; hot-press time 270 s; the targeted panel density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean. Adhesive I: SF/PEI/MA/NaOH; Adhesive II: SF/PEI/MA; Adhesive III: SF/PEI/succinic acid/NaOH) 55 0.5 IB (MPa) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 III iv e dh es A si ve dh e A A dh es iv e II I 0.0 Fig. 2.13 Effect of the adhesive composition on the IB. (Processing parameters, sample denotation and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 2.12) 2.6 Discussions The previous publication showed that SF/PEI/MA/NaOH at the weight ratio of 7/1.0/0.32/0.1 was an optimum recipe for making interior type II plywood [7]. We assumed that this recipe was also optimum for making M-2 grade particleboards. The function of the hot-pressing in particleboard production is to provide the necessary heat and pressure for curing the adhesive, and consolidating the discrete particles into a solid board. During the hot-pressing, the heat is transferred from surface to core so the core temperature is generally lower than that of the surface temperature. Full curing of an adhesive can be accomplished by either increasing hot-press temperature at a fixed hot-press time or increasing hot-press time at a fixed hot-press temperature. 56 However, if the hot-press temperature was higher than that needed for full curing of the adhesive at a fixed hot-press time or if the long hot-press time was longer than that needed for full curing of the adhesive, mechanical properties of resultant particleboard panels would either remain the same or decreased due to partial degradation of adhesives and wood particles. Therefore, hot-press temperature and hot-press time should be optimized. At a fixed hot-press time of 300 s, it appeared that the adhesive was already fully cured at 170 °C and further increase in the hot-press temperature did not significantly change the MOR, MOE and IB (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2). At a fixed hotpress temperature of 170 °C, it appeared that the adhesive was already fully cured at the hot-press time of 270 s. The decreased MOR and MOE at the hot-press time of 370 s over 300 s implied that the hot-press time of 370 s was too long (Fig. 2.3). The mechanical properties of the particleboard are highly dependent upon the panel density. Increase in the density would increase the contact of the wood particles and tightly consolidate the particle mat, thus increasing the strength. This explanation is consistent with our results that at any given core adhesive usage, the particleboard panels with the density of 0.80 g/cm3 always had higher MOR, MOE and IB than those with the density of 0.70 g/cm3, respectively (Figs 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7). In the preparation of particleboard panels, the adhesive was sprayed as fine droplets on surfaces of wood particles. The adhesive coverage on wood particles had to be sufficiently high to form good adhesive bonding. It was believed that not all surfaces could be covered by the adhesive. Therefore, the increase in the adhesive usage 57 would typically increase the strengths (MOR, MOE and IB) of the resulting particleboard panels. The IB was particularly dependent upon the core adhesive usage because failure of all test specimens occurred in the core layer during the IB test, which explained why the IB almost decreased linearly when the core adhesive usage was reduced from 11 wt% to 7 wt% at both high and low density levels (Fig. 2.7). Stress first occurred on face layers of test specimens during the bending test. Therefore, the MOR and MOE were more closely related to the strength of face layers than that of the core layer unless the core layer was too weak to support the face layers during the bending test. The MOR at both high and low density levels and MOE at the high density level did not significantly decrease until when the core adhesive usage was reduced from 9 wt% to 7 wt% (Figs 2.5 and 2.6). It is still poorly understood on why the MOE at the low density level fluctuated when the core adhesive usage was in the range of 11 wt% to 7 wt% (Fig. 2.6). That MOR and MOE gradually decreased when the surface adhesive usage was reduced from 15 wt% to 11 wt% was consistent with the explanation that the MOR and MOE were closely related to the surface adhesive usage (Fig. 2.8). The surface adhesive usage was not supposed to have great impact on the IB because all test specimens failed at the core layer, which was not consistent with the results shown in Fig. 2.9 where a reduction of the surface adhesive usage significantly decreased the IB. One possible explanation was that reducing surface adhesive usage also reduced the moisture content of the surface layer and thus reduced the heat 58 transfer from the surface layer to the core layer, which in return slowed down the cure of the adhesive in the core layer. The results from Fig. 2.11 indeed indicated that the IB increased significantly when the moisture content of surface layers was increased from 7.1 to 8.6% (Fig. 2.11). The high moisture of face layers is not always helpful for improving the IB though. During the hot-pressing, water was turned into stream, resulting in the build-up of internal pressure. The stream would come out and disrupt the adhesive bonds when the hot-press was open, thus reducing the IB, which explained that the IB decreased when the moisture content of surface wood particles was raised from 9.0 to 9.4%. Cell walls of wood particles were compressed during hot-pressing and tended to bounce back when the hot-press was open. phenomenon is known as springback in wood composite industry. This The internal pressure from the stream build-up also contributes to the springback. The MOR, MOE and IB are compromised results of adhesive strength and springback. Effects of some adhesive components on the mechanical properties of the resulting particleboard panels were also investigated. Results from Figs. 2.12 and 2.13 further confirmed that NaOH was an essential component of this SF-PEI-MA adhesive. That the adhesive I had higher MOR and MOE than the adhesive III appeared to indicate that the double bond of MA played in important role in the adhesive, whereas that the IB was the same for the adhesive I and the adhesive III suggested that the double bond of MA did not play a significant role. Further investigation is warranted for a better understanding of the exact roles of each component in the adhesive. 59 2.7 Conclusions This study demonstrated that the formaldehyde-free, environmentally friendly SFPEI-MA-NaOH adhesive could be used for making M-2 grade particleboard panels. The following variables and conditions were most desirable for making particleboard: hot-press temperature, 170 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the adhesive usage of surface particles, 10 wt%; the adhesive usage of the core particles, 8 wt%; and the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. 2.8 Acknowledgements Wood particles were provided by Flakeboard (Albany, OR). 2.9 References 1 John A. Youngquist (1999) Wood handbook, Forest Product laboratory, MI, USA 2 Formaldehyde, International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans, International Agency for Research on Cancer Press release # 153 (2004). 3 Liu K (1997) Soybeans-chemistry, technology, and utilization. International Thomson Publishing, New York 4 Li K, Peshkova S, Geng X (2004) Investigation of soy protein-Kymene adhesive systems for wood composites. J Am Oil Chem Soc 81:487-491 5 Li K (2002) Formaldehyde-free lignocellulosic adhesives and composites made from the adhesives. US Patent 7,252,735 6 Li K, Liu Y (2006) Modified protein adhesives and lignocellulosic composites made from the adhesives. US Patent 7,060,798 60 7 Huang J, Li K (2008) New soy flour-based adhesive for making interior type II plywood. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 85:63-70 8 Liu Y, Li K (2007) Development and characterization of adhesives from soy protein for bonding wood. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 27: 59-67 61 CHAPTER 3 PREPARATION AND EVALUATION OF PARTICLEBOARD WITH A SOY FLOUR-NEW CURING AGENT ADHESIVE 62 3.1 Abstracts Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin is one of the most commonly used wood adhesives for making interior particleboard. However, UF is petrochemical-based so it is not sustainable in a long run. Moreover UF emits carcinogenic formaldehyde to cause human health problem. In this study we evaluated a new soy flour-based, formaldehyde-free wood adhesive for making M-2 Grade particleboard. This adhesive consisted of soy flour (SF)/sodium hydroxide (NaOH)/a new curing agent at a dry weight ratio of 9/0.3/1.0. The modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond (IB) met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboards at the following variables: hot-press temperature at 190 °C, hot-press time at 270 s, the adhesive usage of surface particles at 12 wt%, the adhesive usage of the core particles at 10 wt%, and the target particleboard density of 0.80 g/cm3. 3.2 Key words Wood adhesive ∙ Particleboard ∙ Soy flour ∙ Curing agent ∙ Crosslinking 3.3 Introduction Particleboard is a flat panel product manufactured by bonding homogeneous wood particles or wood waste materials such as sawdust, shavings with adhesives under the heat and pressure. In general, particleboard has three layers including two face layers and one core layer. The face layers consist of fine particles to get smooth surfaces for laminating, overlaying, painting or veneering. The core layer consists of coarse materials. Particleboard is mainly used for making furniture and kitchen cabinets [1- 63 2]. Currently urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin is the most commonly used adhesives for making interior particleboard. Urea and formaldehyde are two main raw materials for making UF resins. However, formaldehyde is derived from natural gas and natural gas is not sustainable in the long run because of the limited reserve of natural gas or fossil oil [3]. Another negative impact of using UF as a wood adhesive is related to the emission of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas which can have adverse effects on human health. In June of 2004 the International Agency for Research on Cancer reclassified formaldehyde as a human carcinogen [4]. According to United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the most significant indoor sources of formaldehyde are wood composites made with UF resins [5]. In response to this situation the California Air Resources Board (CARB) passed a regulation for reducing public exposure to formaldehyde in 2007. This regulation placed a new formaldehyde emission limit from wood composite panel products and took effect in two phases. The phase I implementation has already been in force since January 1, 2009 [6]. Additionally, EPA is also considering a regulatory action on the national level to protect people against risks posed by formaldehyde emitted from wood composite panels [7-8]. Thus, it is very crucial and also urgent to develop new formaldehyde-free wood adhesives to replace UF resins. Soybean is one of the most important crops grown in the US. Soybean oil and soybean meal are two major soybean products. At present, a large portion of soybean meal is mainly used for feeding poultry and other animals in the US. How to use this 64 abundant, inexpensive, renewable and environmentally friendly material for other industrial purposes gains a lot of research interest. In fact soybean meals were used as wood adhesives for making plywood in 1930s-1960s [9]. However, these soy-based adhesives were replaced by synthetic adhesives because of plywood made with the soy-based adhesives had poor water resistance. A number of new water-resistant soybased adhesives have been developed in recent years [10-15]. One of the adhesives, consisting of soy flour and a petrochemical-based curing agent, has been commercialized for the production of interior plywood since late 2004 [14]. A new curing agent that can be derived from renewable glycerol and ammonia has recently been developed. This soy flour-(curing agent) (SF-CA) adhesive is 100% based on renewable materials. In this study, this SF-CA adhesive was evaluated to see if it has potential of being used for production of particleboard. 3.4 Materials and methods 3.4.1 Materials SF (8.5% moisture content) was provided by Cargill Incorporated (Minneapolis, MN, USA); Douglas fir wood particles (surface and core wood particles) were obtained from Flakeboard (Albany, OR). A 30 wt% aqueous new curing agent was prepared and provided by Kaichang Li‟s laboratory at Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR). 65 3.4.2 Preparation of SF-coated wood particles Wet method The following is a representative wet method for the preparation of SF-coated wood particles. For coating surface wood particles, SF (181.3 g, dry weight) and water (792.6 g) were sequentially added into a HOBART A-200 blender (Hobart, Topeka, KS) and stirred for 10 min at room temperature to form 20% SF slurry. Surface wood particles (1733 g, dry weight) were then added into the SF slurry in the Hobart blender and the resulting mixture was stirred for 10 min. The resulting wet SF-coated wood particles were put in a cloth bag, and dried in a rotary dryer (Speedqueen, Ripon, WI) for1 h. After drying the SF-coated surface wood particles had the moisture content of 2%. SF-coated core wood particles (2% moisture content) was prepared by following the same procedure for the preparation of the SF-coated surface wood particles using SF (261.9 g, dry weight), water (1144.9 g), and core wood particles (2997.3 g, dry weight). Most results in this study using wet method to prepare SF-coated wood particles unless a dry method was mentioned. Dry method The following is dry method for the preparation of SF-coated wood particles. For coating surface wood particles, SF (181.3 g, dry weight) and surface wood particles (1733 g, dry weight) were poured in a rotary drum-blender and blended for 5 min to mix SF with surface wood particles homogeneously. For coating core wood particles, SF (261.9 g, dry weight) and core wood particles (2997.3 g, dry weight) were poured 66 in the rotary drum-blender and blended for 5 min to mix SF with core wood particles homogeneously. 3.4.3 Preparation of CA-NaOH solution The following was a representative procedure for the preparation of CA-NaOH solution. NaOH (6.0 g) and water (110 g) were added into a 400 mL beaker, and stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 30 min. The CA (67.2 g) was further added into the beaker and stirred for another 5 min. The resulting solution was then sprayed onto the wet or dry method-prepared SF-coated surface wood particles (1914.3 g, dry weight) in a rotary drum-blender. The resulting adhesive-coated surface wood particles had the adhesive usage of 12 wt% (the adhesive usage was defined as the dry weight of SF, CA and NaOH divided by the dry weight of the wood particles) and had the moisture content of 9%. A mixture of the CA solution (97 g), NaOH solution (8.7 g solid + water 110 g) was sprayed onto the wet or dry method-prepared SF-coated core wood particles (3259.2 g, dry weight) in the rotary drum-blender. The resulting adhesivecoated core wood particles had the adhesive usage of 10% and had the moisture content of 7%. In this case, SF/CA//NaOH dry weight ratio was at 9/1.0/0.3. 3.4.4 Preparation of three-layer particleboard The adhesive-coated surface wood particles (807 g, dry weight) were added onto a forming box (60.96 cm × 60.96 cm) by hand to form a uniform layer. The adhesivecoated core wood particles (2748 g, dry weight) were evenly distributed on top of the surface wood particle layer, followed by a uniform layer of the adhesive-coated 67 surface wood particles (807 g, dry weight). The resulting three-layered wood particle mat was hand-pressed with a flat plywood panel (60.96 cm × 60.96 cm) and then hotpressed at 180 °C for 270 s. The target thickness was 17 mm. The target density was 0.80 g/cm3. The hot-press time and hot-press temperature were changed when their effects on particleboard properties were investigated. Two particleboard panels were prepared for each experimental variable. 3.4.5 Determination of mechanical properties of particleboard Evaluation of mechanical properties of particleboard Particleboard was cut into 7.62 cm × 46.99 cm rectangular specimens for the measurement of modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE), and into 5.08 cm × 5.08 cm specimens for the measurement of internal bond strength (IB) in accordance with ASTM D1037-99 (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999) using a MTS Sintech 1/G testing machine (MTS Systems Corp., Eden Prairie, MN). The crosshead speeds were 9 mm/min for the measurement of MOR and MOE and 1.5 mm/min for the IB measurement. For each particleboard panel, four specimens were obtained for the measurement of MOR and MOE, and eight specimens for the IB measurement. Statistical analysis of data All data were analyzed with Welch modified two-sample t-test with a S-PLUS® statistical software package (Edition version 8.0, Insightful Corp., Seattle, WA, USA). All comparisons were based on 95% confidence interval. 68 3.5 Results 3.5.1 Effects of SF/CA weight ratio on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of SF/CA weight ratio on the MOR and MOE are shown in Fig. 3.1. The weight ratio was based on the dry weight of soy flour and dry solid weight of the CA. The MOR significantly increased when the SF/CA weight ratio was reduced from 11/1 to 9/1. However, the MOR did further increase when the SF/CA weight ratio was further reduced from 9/1 to 7/1. The MOR decreased when the SF/CA weight ratio was reduced from 7/1 to 5/1 and then remained the same when the SF/CA weight ratio was further reduced from 5/1 to 3/1. The MOR at the SF/CA weight ratios studied all met the minimum industrial requirement of 14.5 MPa (horizontal solid line) for M-2 grade particleboard. The MOE increased with reducing the SF/CA ratio from 11/1 to 9/1, and remained the same with further reduction of the ratio from 9/1 to 7/1. The MOE first decreased and then remained the same when the SF/CA ratio was reduced from 7/1 to 5/1 and then to 3/1. The MOE at selected ratios all met the minimum industrial requirement of 2.25 GPa (horizontal dashed line) for M-2 grade particleboard. Effect of SF/CA weight ratio on the IB is shown in Fig. 3.2. When the SF/curing agent ratio was at 11/1 the average IB was the lowest and the IB was also significantly lower than that at 9/1 or 5/1. The IB remained statistically the same when the SF/CA 69 weight ratio was in the range of 9/1 to 3/1. The IB at all ratios studied met the minimum industrial requirement of 0.45 MPa shown as a horizontal dashed line. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 25 4 3 15 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 20 1 5 0 0 11/1 9/1 7/1 5/1 3/1 SF/CA weight ratio Fig. 3.1 Effects of SF/CA weight ratio on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 12 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; NaOH/CA (dry weight basis), 3 wt%; hot-press temperature, 180 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 0.8 IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 11/1 9/1 7/1 5/1 SF/CA weight ratio 3/1 70 Fig. 3.2 Effect of SF/CA weight ratio on the IB of particleboard. parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 3.1) (Processing 3.5.2 Effects of NaOH usages on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of NaOH usages on the MOR and MOE are shown in Fig. 3.3. The NaOH usage was defined as a percentage of dry NaOH weight over/(dry weight of SF + dry weight of CA). When no NaOH was added the average MOR was the lowest. The MOR remained statistically the same when the NaOH usage was increased from 0 wt% to 1 wt% and then significantly increased when the NaOH usage was further increased from 1 wt% to 3 wt%. However, the MOR significantly decreased when the NaOH usage was increased from 3 to 5 wt%. The MOR remained statistically the same when the NaOH usage was raised from 5 wt% to 7 wt%. The MOR at all NaOH usages studied exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line). The MOE remained statistically the same when the NaOH usage was increased from 0 wt% to 1 wt% and then significantly increased when the NaOH usage was increased from 1 wt% to 3 wt%. Further increasing the NaOH usage from 3 wt% to 5 wt% decreased the MOE significantly and the MOE did not change significantly when the NaOH usage was in the range of 5-7 wt%. The MOE at all NaOH usages studied exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). Effect of NaOH usages on the IB is shown in Fig. 3.4. The IB did not significantly change when the NaOH usage was raised from 0 wt% to 1 wt% and then significantly increased when the NaOH usage was raised from 1 wt% to 3 wt%. However, the IB 71 significantly decreased when the NaOH usage was raised from 3 wt% to 5 wt% and then remained the same when the NaOH usage was raised from 5 wt% to 7 wt%. the IB all exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line) when the NaOH usage was in the range of 1-7 wt%. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 25 4 3 15 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 20 1 5 0 0 0% 1% 3% 5% 7% NaOH usages Fig. 3.3 Effects of NaOH usages on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 12 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; SF/CA weight ratio, 9/1; hot-press temperature, 180 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0% 1% 3% NaOH usages 5% 7% 72 Fig. 3.4 Effect of NaOH usages on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 3.3) 3.5.3 Effects of hot-press temperature on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE are shown in Fig. 3.5. The MOR did not change significantly when the temperature was in the range of 150160 °C. The MOR at each temperature was significantly higher than that at 160 °C when the temperature was higher than 160 °C. In the range of 170-180 °C the MOR did not change significantly. However, the MOR at 190 °C was significantly higher than that at 170 or 180 °C. The MOR was the highest when the temperature was at 190 °C. However, the MOR decreased significantly when the temperature was further raised from 190 to 200 °C. All MOR met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line) at all hot-press temperatures studied. MOE remained statistically the same in the range of 150-160 °C. However, the MOE at a temperature higher than 160 °C was significantly higher than that at 160 °C. The MOE did not significantly change when the temperature was raised from 170 to 180 °C or from 180 to 190 °C. However, the MOE at 190 °C was significantly higher than that at 170 °C. The MOE significantly decreased along with increasing the temperature from 190 to 200 °C. MOE exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line) at all hot-press temperatures studied. 73 Effect of hot-press temperature on the IB is shown in Fig. 3.6. When the hot-press temperature was in the range of 150-160 °C, the IB remained statistically the same and could not meet the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). The IB increased significantly when the temperature was raised from 160 to 170 °C and then remained the same when the temperature was raised from 170 to 200 °C. When the temperature was above 160 °C, all IB exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 30 5 20 3 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 150 160 170 180 190 200 Hot press temperature (C) Fig. 3.5 Effects of hot-press temperature on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particle), 12 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; SF/CA/NaOH, 9/1.0/0.3; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 74 IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 150 160 170 180 190 200 Hot press temperature ( oC) Fig. 3.6 Effect of hot-press temperature on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 3.5) 3.5.4 Effects of hot-press time on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE are shown in Fig. 3.7. The MOR decreased significantly when the hot-press time was raised from 200 to 240 s, and then significantly increased when the hot-press time was further raised from 240 to 270 s. The MOR significantly decreased along with increase in the time from 270 to 300 s and then remained the same with the further increase in the time from 300 to 330 s. All the MOR met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid line) at the hot-press times studied. The MOR was the highest at the hot-press time of 270 s. The MOE had the same trend as the MOR. The MOE first decreased and then increased when the hot-press time was raised from 200 to 240 s and then to 270 s. The MOE decreased and then remained the same when the hot-press time was raised from 270 to 75 300 s and then to 330 s. The MOE was the highest at the hot-press time of 270 s. All the MOE exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). Effect of the hot-press time on the IB is shown in Fig. 3.8. The IB at the hot-press time of 200 s was significantly lower than that at any other hot-press time and was the only one that did not meet the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). The IB increased significantly when the hot-press time was raised from 200 to 240 s. The IB remained the same in the temperature ranges of 240-270 s and 270-330 s. However, the IB at 300 s or 330 s was significantly higher than that at 240 s. The IB at a hot-press time of over 240 s exceeded the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line). MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 30 5 20 3 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 200 240 270 300 330 Hot-press time (s) Fig. 3.7 Effects of hot-press time on the MOR and MOE of particleboard. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 12 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; SF/CA/NaOH, 9/1.0/0.3; hot-press temperature, 190 °C; the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] 76 IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 200 240 270 300 330 Hot-press time (s) Fig. 3.8 Effect of hot-press time on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 3.7) 3.5.5 Effects of different preparation methods on the mechanical properties of the particleboard Effects of two different methods for preparing particleboard on the MOR and MOE are shown in Fig. 3.9. Wet method referred to the method described in section, i.e., the SF was first prepared in the form of 20 wt% slurry and was then coated on the wood particles. Dry method referred to the method described in the section, i.e., an aqueous solution of CA, water and NaOH was directly sprayed onto a mixture of SF and wood particles. The wet method was superior to the dry method in terms of increasing the MOR and MOE (Fig. 3.9) although both MOR and MOE from either method met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal solid and dashed lines). Effect of two different methods for preparing particleboard panels on the IB is shown in Fig. 3.10. The IB from the wet method was significantly higher than that from the 77 dry method. The IB from the wet method met the minimum industrial requirement (horizontal dashed line), whereas the IB from the dry method did not. MOR (MPa) MOE (GPa) 30 5 20 3 2 10 MOE (GPa) MOR (MPa) 4 1 0 0 Wet method Dry method Fig. 3.9 Effects of two different methods for preparing particleboard on the MOR and MOE of particleboards. [surface adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particle), 12 wt%; core adhesive usage (dry basis on wood particles), 10 wt%; SF/CA/NaOH, 9/1.0/0.3; hot-press temperature, 190 °C; hot-press time, 270 s; the targeted particleboard density, 0.80 g/cm3. Data are the means of eight replications, and the error bar represents one standard error of the mean] IB (MPa) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Wet method Dry method Fig. 3.10 Effect of two different methods for preparing particleboard on the IB of particleboard. (Processing parameters and statistical details are the same as those in Fig. 3.9) 78 3.6 Discussions SF is mainly a mixture of soy protein and carbohydrates that contain a high amount of polar functional groups such as hydroxyl, amino and carboxylic acid groups. These poplar functional groups can form hydrogen bonds with wood substrates, which explains why SF was widely used as a wood adhesive in 1930s to 1960s. However, plywood panels bonded with SF alone are not water-resistant and not strong because the hydrogen bonds can be easily disrupted by water. During the hot-pressing of making particleboard, water inside the wood particle mat becomes stream that is trapped inside the particleboard panel and will tend to come out when the hot-press is open. The ventilation of the steam will disrupt the hydrogen bonding, thus reducing the strength of the resulting particleboard. Under the hot-press conditions used in this study, particleboard panels could not be made with SF alone as an adhesive in our laboratory because all panels blew out, i.e., delaminated when the hot-press was open. For improving the strength and water resistance of the resulting wood composite panels, one of the most effective approaches is to use a curing agent (CA) that can reacts with the polar functional groups in soy flour and crosslink soy flour and potentially wood substrates, thus significantly increasing the bonding strengths between the adhesive and wood and the strengths of adhesive networks. Therefore, the amount of CA has to be sufficient for providing good crosslinking reactions, which explains that the MOR, MOE and IB at 9/1 SF/CA weight ratio were much stronger than those at 11/1 ratio (Fig. 3.1). The curing agent used in this study is low- 79 molecular weight polymers containing numerous reactive functional groups that are able to react with the polar functional groups in soy flour. The low molecular weight characteristic of the CA might lead to reduction of the strengths of adhesive networks, which explains why the MOR and MOE decreased along with increasing the SF/CA weight ratio from 9/1 to 3/1 (Fig. 3.1). Most of reactive functional groups in the CA used in this study are expected to be chlorohydrin (CH(OH)-CH2Cl). A base such as NaOH is known to be able to activate the chlorohydrin group to form epoxy functional group and de-protonate the polar functional groups, thus facilitating its reactions with polar functional groups in SF and wood substrates. This explains why addition of NaOH to the SF-CA adhesive improved the MOR, MOE and IB. A strong base such as NaOH can also hydrolyze the chloride group in the chlorohydrin, thus destroying the reactivity of the chlorohydrin. Therefore excessive NaOH might lead to reduction of the particleboard strengths, which is consistent with the results shown in Fig. 3.3. All curing reactions of the adhesive occurred during the hot-pressing. At a fixed hot-press time, the higher the hot-press temperature the higher the strengths, which is consistent with the results shown in Figs. 3.5 and 2.6 that the MOR, MOE and IB increased along with increasing the hot-press temperature. The adhesive would be fully cured if the hot-press temperature was sufficiently high. Further increase in the hot-press temperature would not further increase the strengths. As a matter of fact, 80 some degradations of wood and the adhesive might occur, thus reducing the strength if the hot-press temperature was too high such as 200 °C in the Fig. 3.5. At a fixed hot-press temperature, the longer the hot-press time the higher degree of the curing reactions. Results in Figs. 3.7 and 3.8 appear to suggest that 270 s was required to fully cure the adhesive at the hot-press temperature of 180 °C. Unlike the traditional aqueous UF resin which is directly sprayed on the surface of the particles using regular air pump system, soy slurry with a high solid content is highly viscous and is very difficult to spray. In this study, two methods (dry method and wet method) were investigated for applying the SF-CA adhesive onto wood particles. According to the dry method, a CA solution was directly sprayed onto a mixture of SF and wood particles. The adhesive-coated wood particles were then used for making particleboard. According to the wet method, wood particles were first coated with a dilute SF slurry and dried for reducing the moisture content of the SFcoated wood particles. A CA solution was then sprayed onto the SF-coated wood particles. Results in Figs 3.9 and 3.10 suggested that the wet method was superior to the dry method in terms of enhancing the MOR, MOE and IB. The dry method might result in poor mixing between SF and CA, which led to low strengths of the resulting particleboard. 3.7 Conclusions In this study particleboard was successfully prepared and evaluated with a new soybased, formaldehyde-free wood adhesive. It was found that the best recipe of this 81 adhesive was composed of SF/curing agent/NaOH with a ratio of 9/1.0/0.3. The MOR, MOE and IB met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboards at the following variables: hot-press temperature at 190 °C, hot-press time at 270s, the adhesive usage of surface particles at 12 wt%, the adhesive usage of the core particles at 10 wt%, and the targeted particleboard density of 0.8 g/cm3. 3.8 Acknowledgements We thank Flakeboard for providing wood particles. 3.9 References 1. Haygreen, J.G. and J.L. 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J Am Oil Chem Soc 85:63–70 83 CHAPTER 4 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The adhesive consisting of soy flour (SF), polyethyleneimine (PEI) and maleic anhydride (MA) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was evaluated for making particleboard. The weight ratio of SF/PEI/MA/NaOH was 7/1.0/0.32/0.1. Hot-press temperature, hot-press time, particleboard density and adhesive usage were optimized in terms of enhancing the modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond strength (IB) of the resulting particleboard. The MOR, MOE and IB met the minimum industrial requirements of M-2 particleboards at the following variables: hot-press temperature at 170 °C, hot-press time at 270 s, the adhesive usage of surface particles at 10 wt%, the adhesive usage of the core particles at 8 wt%, and the targeted particleboard density of 0.80 g/cm3. Another new adhesive consisting of SF, a novel curing agent (CA) and NaOH was evaluated for making particleboard. 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