The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Overview of 2009 Survey Results Calhoun Community College Introduction The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) provides information about effective educational practice in community colleges and assists institutions in using that information to promote improvements in student learning and persistence. CCSSE’s goal is to provide member colleges with results that can be used to inform decision making and target institutional improvements. Student engagement, or the amount of time and energy that students invest in meaningful educational practices, is the underlying foundation for CCSSE’s work. CCSSE’s survey instrument, the Community College Student Report (CCSR), is designed to capture student engagement as a measure of institutional quality. CCSSE Member Colleges CCSSE will again utilize a 3-year cohort of participating colleges (2007 through 2009) in all of its data analyses,1 including the computation of benchmark scores. This cohort is referred to as the 2009 CCSSE Cohort. This approach, which was instituted in 2006, increases the total number of institutions and students contributing to the national dataset; this in turn increases the reliability of the overall results. In addition, the 3-year cohort approach minimizes the impact, in any given year, of statewide consortia participation. The 2009 CCSSE Cohort is comprised of a total of 663 institutions across 48 states, plus British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and the Marshall Islands. Three hundred thirty-one of these member colleges are classified as small (< 4,500), 162 as medium (4,500-7,999), 112 as large (8,000-14,999), and 58 as extra-large institutions (15,000 + credit students).2 One hundred twenty-one of the Cohort member colleges are classified as urban-serving, 140 as suburban-serving, and 391 as rural-serving.3 Our college falls into the Large Colleges size category and is classified as being located in a rural-serving area. 1 For returning participants, the college’s most recent year of participation is included in data analyses. For example, if a college participated in 2007 and 2008, only the 2008 data would be used in the 3-year cohort. 2 These enrollment statistics are based on the most recent IPEDS data with the exception of situations in which it is necessary for colleges to self-report. 3 These designations are based on the Carnegie Foundation Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. 1 Student Respondents Credit classes were randomly selected – stratified by time of day (morning, afternoon, and evening) – from institutional class data files to participate in the survey. Of those sampled at our institution, 880 students submitted usable surveys. The number of completed surveys produced an overall “percent of target” rate of 88% Percent of target rate is the ratio of the adjusted number of completed surveys to target sample sizes. (The adjusted survey count is the number of surveys that were filled out properly and did not fall into any of the exclusionary categories.4) 2009 Student Respondent Profile To compare the characteristics of student respondents with the characteristics of the underlying student population for each participating college, CCSSE uses the data reported by the institution in its most recent IPEDS Enrollment Report for the following variables: gender, race and ethnicity, student age, and enrollment status (part- or full-time). The data are aggregated to compare the 2009 CCSSE Cohort survey respondent population to the total student population of the 2009 CCSSE Cohort member colleges. Gender (survey item #30) Of the 870 student respondents at our college who answered this item, 50% are male and 50% female. This does not exactly match the full population of the CCSSE Cohort of community college students, comprised of 42% males and 58% females. Age (survey item #29) 2009 CCSSE student respondents at Calhoun Community College range in age from 18 to 64 years old. The majority (57%) of the respondents are between 18 and 21 years of age. Racial Identification (survey item #34) Seventy percent of student respondents identify themselves as White/non-Hispanic, 2% as Hispanic/Latino/Spanish, 16% as Black or African American, and 2% as Asian. Three percent of the student respondents are Native American. Three percent marked “other” when responding to the question, “What is your racial identification?” These numbers closely resemble the ethnicity distribution of the total student body at Calhoun. International Students (survey item #33) Five percent of our students responded yes to the question, “Are you an international student or foreign national?” Enrollment Status (survey item #2) Sixty-eight percent of the student respondents at Calhoun Community College report attending college full-time, while 40% of the 2009 CCSSE Cohort colleges’ total student population attended full-time. Only 32% of surveyed students report being part-time college students, compared to 60% as reported for the CCSSE Cohort for community college students. This inverse representation is a result of the sampling technique and the in-class administration process. For this reason, survey results are either weighted or disaggregated on the full-time/part-time variable so that reports will accurately reflect the underlying student population. 4 See exclusionary rules on page 4. 2 The results for the following student respondent categories are weighted according to the most recent IPEDS population data. Limited English Speaking Students (survey item #32) Students with limited English speaking skills, or those whose native language is not English, comprise a significant proportion of students in community colleges. At Calhoun, 4% of respondents are non-native English speakers. Educational Attainment (survey items #1 and #35) Seventy percent of the respondents report starting their college careers at Calhoun. Approximately 82% of students indicate that their highest level of educational attainment is a high school diploma or GED. External Commitments (survey item #10) Six percent of Calhoun students reported working 1-5 hours per week; 6%, 6-10 hours per week; 9%, 11-21 hours per week; 15%, 21-30 hours per week; and 46%, more than 30 hours per week. Sixty percent of Calhoun students report spending at least one hour per week caring for dependents and 75% of students spend from 1-5 hours per week commuting to class. 3 Excluded Respondents Respondents may be excluded from institutional reports for the following reasons: The respondent did not indicate whether he or she was enrolled part- or fulltime at the institution. Because all results are either weighted or broken down by enrollment status, this is essential information for reporting. The survey is invalid. Students reported their age as under 18. Students indicated that they had taken the survey in a previous class. Selected Findings The following tables highlight selected findings in terms of several key topic areas: Cultural Diversity, Critical Thinking, Academic Rigor, Student Learning Outcomes, Time on Task, Academic Experience, Barriers to Persistence, Student Satisfaction, and Student and Academic Support Services. 4 Time e on Task 3.1 C Calhoun 3.7 1.7 10 0% 2.8 20 0% 2.6 12.3 30 0% 5.8 26.5 40 0% 17.2 50 0% 29.8 60 0% 42.3 52.0 Questio on 10a ‐ Abo out how man ny hours do you spend in n a typical 7‐ day week preparing for class (sstudying, rea ading, writin ng, rehearsin ng, doing homework, h o other activities related or d to your pro ogram)? C CCSSE Cohort 0 0% None 1‐5 hours 6‐10 hours 11‐20 hours 21‐30 hours More than 30 ours ho 46.4 Questtion 10b ‐ Ab bout how maany hours do o you spend in a typical 7‐ day week w working g for pay? 36.4 50 0% 17.4 14.5 12.8 9.3 6.4 5.6 10 0% 5.6 5.8 20 0% 21.5 30 0% 18.4 40 0% C Calhoun C CCSSE Cohort 0 0% None 1‐5 hours 6‐10 hours 11‐20 hours 21‐30 hours More than 30 ours ho 82.1 82 1 10 00% 88.0 Questtion 10c ‐ Ab bout how maany hours do o you spend in a typical 7‐ day week w particip pating in colllege‐sponso ored activitiees (organizations, ca ampus publiccations, stud dent governm ment, interccollegiate or intramural sports, s etc.)?? 8 80% 6 60% 0.7 02 0.2 0.6 0.5 1.4 0.6 2.6 2.0 8.6 2 20% 12.6 C Calhoun 4 40% C CCSSE Cohort 0% None e 1‐5 hours 6‐10 hours 11‐20 hours 2 21‐30 hours Moree than 30 h hours 5 1‐5 hours C Calhoun 6‐10 hours 11‐20 hours 3.9 4.2 5.9 6.4 7.8 C CCSSE Cohort 8.2 None 22.8 15.5 15.9 25.4 44.1 50 0% 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 39.9 Questtion 10d ‐ Ab bout how maany hours do o you spend in a typical 7‐ day week w providin ng care for dependents d living with yyou (parentss, children, spouse, etc.)? e 21‐30 hours More than 30 ours ho 8 80% 7 70% 68.9 75.0 Questtion 10e ‐ About how many m hours do you spend d in a typical 7‐ day week w commu uting to and from f classess? 6 60% 5 50% 3 30% C CCSSE Cohort 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.4 5.0 4.2 6.8 68 10% 4.5 2 20% 15.9 C Calhoun 13.3 4 40% 0% None e 1‐5 hourss 6‐10 hours 11‐20 hours 21‐30 hours Mo ore than 30 hours 6 Acad demic Expe erience 25.2 29.3 35.4 32.3 32.8 Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 2.6 4.9 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 37.6 Questio on 4a ‐ In your experiencces at this co ollege duringg the current school year, about how often have h you askked questio ons in class or o contributeed to class discussions? d Neve er Sometimes Ofteen Very often o 40.1 30.9 30 9 16.9 20 3 20.3 30 0% CCSSE Cohort 5.8 20 0% Calhoun 10 0% 78 7.8 40 0% 37.2 50 0% 41 0 41.0 Questio on 4b ‐ In your experiencces at this co ollege duringg the current school year, y about how often h have you ma ade p a class presentatio n? 0 0% Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 23.0 37.2 11.2 11 2 20% % 16.1 30% % 15 3 15.3 28.7 40% % 32.8 35.7 Question 4d ‐ In your y experien nces at this co ollege during the ent school yeear, about how w often have you worked on a curre papeer or project that required d integrating ideas or inforrmation from m various sources? C Calhoun C CCSSE Cohort 10% % 0% % Never Sometimes Offten Veery often 7 54.7 54.9 Questio on 4e ‐ In your experiencess at this collegge during thee current school year, about how often have you u come to cla ass withoutt completing readings or assignments? a ? 60 0% 31.3 40 0% 31.5 50 0% Calhoun 30 0% 3.6 10 0% 5.3 87 8.7 9.9 CCSSE Cohort 20 0% 0 0% Neve er Someetimes Often V Very often C Calhoun 12 9 12.9 13.2 13 2 20% % 14.9 30% % 13.7 26.0 40% % 32.7 50% % 40.4 46.3 Questio on 4f ‐ In yourr experiencess at this collegge during thee currentt school year, about how often o have you worked witth other students on prrojects during g class? C CCSSE Cohort 10% % 0% % Never Sometimes Offten Veery often 37 5 37.5 40 0% 35.9 50 0% 40.6 40 6 60 0% 48.0 Questio on 4g ‐ In you ur experiencess at this college during thee currentt school year, about how often o have you worked witth classma ates outside of o class to prrepare class assignments? a ? Calhoun 10 0% 61 6.1 CCSSE Cohort 5.0 20 0% 15 8 15.8 11.1 30 0% 0 0% Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 8 30 0% 33 5 33.5 30 9 30.9 24 6 24.6 27.3 35 5% 31.0 40 0% 31.9 Questiion 4j ‐ In you ur experiencees at this colleege during thee curren nt school yearr, about how often have yo ou used the Internet or instant messaging to o work on an n assignment? 25 5% Calhoun 11.0 11 0 15 5% 9.8 20 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 21 1 21.1 30% % 15% % 14.5 14 5 20% % 14.2 25% % 22.4 27.3 35% % 29.0 40% % 34.1 37.4 Questio on 4k ‐ In your experiencess at this college during thee currentt school year, about how often o have you used emaill to commu unicate with an a instructor? C Calhoun C CCSSE Cohort 10% % 5% % 0% % Never Offten Veery often 30.8 40 0% 31.1 50 0% 44 2 44.2 Questtion 4L ‐ In your y experien nces at this college c durin ng the cu urrent schoo ol year, about how often have you discusssed grades or assignmeents with an n instructor?? 45.2 60 0% Sometimes 10 0% 15.3 12.4 9.4 94 20 0% 11.6 30 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 0 0% Neverr Sometim mes Often n Very offten 9 10 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 7.9 79 9.5 20 0% 16.5 30 0% 17 5 17.5 39 0 39.0 40 0% 37.3 36.7 50 0% 35 6 35.6 Questiion 4o ‐ In yo our experien nces at this college c durin ng the current school year, aboutt how often have you fe (wrritten or ora al) from receiveed prompt feedback instrucctors on you ur performan nce? 0 0% Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 43 1 43.1 50 0% 44.1 51.2 51 2 60 0% 49.5 Questiion 4u ‐ In yo our experien nces at this college c durin ng the current schooll year, aboutt how often have you skippeed class? 40 0% Calhoun 30 0% CCSSE Cohort 1.7 2.3 10 0% 41 4.1 4.1 20 0% 0 0% Neverr Sometim mes Often n Very offten 32.0 40 0% 35 5% 33 1 33.1 45 5% 42.9 40.6 Questtion 9g ‐ How w much does Calhoun em mphasize the use off computers in academicc work? 25 5% 10 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 6.4 64 15 5% 7.4 20 0% 17 7 17.7 20.0 30 0% 5 5% 0 0% Very litttle Somee Quite a bit Very much 10 Cultu ural Diversity 18 9 18.9 23.8 23 8 23.8 23.8 33 7 33.7 23.6 23 6 21.0 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 31.4 Questio on 4s ‐ In you ur experiencces at this co ollege duringg the current school year, y about how often have h you had d serious conversatio ons with students of a different d racee or ethnicitty other tha an your own? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 17 0 17.0 20 0% 21.4 23 8 23.8 21.6 23.3 23 3 30 0% 21.9 40 0% 35 9 35.9 35.1 Questio on 4t ‐ In you ur experiences at this college duringg the currrent school year, y about how h often have you had d serious conversatio ons with stud dents who differ d from you y in termss of their relligious belief efs, political opinions, orr persona al values? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Never Sometim mes Often n Very oftten 11 Criticcal Thinking g 10 0% 20 4 20.4 38 7 38.7 18.9 20 0% 7.5 75 30 0% 11.8 40 0% 32.0 37.3 50 0% 33 5 33.5 Questio on 5c ‐ Durin ng the current school yeear, how mucch has you ur coursewo ork at this co ollege emphaasized synthesizing and organizing o id deas, inform mation, or w ways? experieences in new Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 17 0 17.0 34 2 34.2 16.6 20 0% 12.4 12 4 30 0% 14.3 40 0% 27.9 50 0% 36 4 36.4 41.2 Questio on 5d ‐ Durin ng the curren nt school yeaar, how mucch has your courseworrk at this college emphassized making judgmeents about th he value or soundness s o informatio of on, argumeents, or meth hods? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 17.0 10.0 10 0 20 0% 14.7 30 0% 20 0 20.0 35 8 35.8 31.1 40 0% 34 2 34.2 37.3 Questio on 5e ‐ Durin ng the curren nt school yeaar, how mucch has you ur courseworrk at this college emphasized applyiing theoriess or conceptts to practica al problemss or in new situatio ons? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 12 Barriiers to Pers sistence 41.1 41 1 50 0% 41.1 Quesstion 14a ‐ How likely is it that workiing full‐timee would d cause you to withdraw w from class or from thiss collegge? 19 8 19.8 20.1 17 6 17.6 20 0% 17.2 30 0% 21 5 21.5 21.6 40 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not likely Somewhat likely Likelyy Very likkely 50 0% 49.0 49 0 60 0% 48.0 Questio on 14b ‐ How w likely is it that caring for fo dependen nts would cause c you to o withdraw frrom class orr from this college?? Calhoun 12 3 12.3 14.9 15 9 15.9 20 0% 17.4 30 0% 22 8 22.8 19.8 40 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not likely Somewhat likely Likelyy Very likkely 60 0% 58.3 58 3 70 0% 59.2 Question 14c ‐ How w likely is it that t being academically a y unprep pared would d cause you to t withdraw w from class or o from th his college? 66 6.6 10 0% CCSSE Cohort 7.0 20 0% Calhoun 12 0 12.0 30 0% 12.3 21.5 40 0% 23 0 23.0 50 0% 0 0% Not likely Somewhat likely Likelyy Very likkely 13 27.5 31.2 18.9 20 0% 18.6 25 5% 22 9 22.9 21.1 30 0% 30.7 30 7 35 5% 29.2 Questio on 14d ‐ How w likely is it that lack of ffinances wou uld cause yo ou to withdrraw from claass or from this college? Calhoun 15 5% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% Not like ely Somewhatt likely Likelyy Very likkely 30 1 30.1 17 8 17.8 17 6 17.6 17.2 20.2 34.4 34 4 26.0 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 36.6 Questio on 14e ‐ How w likely is it tthat transfeerring to a 4‐‐ year co ollege or uniiversity wou uld cause you u to withdraaw from cllass or from this college? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort Not likely Somewhat likely Likelyy Very likkely 14 Student and Ac cademic Support Serviices 40 0% 9.1 91 10 0% 6.3 20 0% 13.2 30 0% 12 9 12.9 32.1 50 0% 34 8 34.8 60 0% 43 2 43.2 48.4 Queestion 13a(1)) ‐ How often n do you usee academic adviising / plann ning services? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 0 0% Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes Often n 28.8 40 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 98 9.8 9.7 14.5 20 0% 18.3 18 3 30 0% 28 4 28.4 50 0% 43 5 43.5 47.0 Que estion 13a(2 2) ‐ How satiisfied are you with the acaademic advissing / plannin ng services?? 10 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 70 0% 62 2 62.2 66.3 Quesstion 13a(3) ‐ How impo ortant are th he academic advissing / planniing services to you? 60 0% 26.6 40 0% 10 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10.1 20 0% 7.1 30 0% 27.8 50 0% 0 0% Not at all Somewhat Very 15 60 0% 50 5 50.5 50.3 Question 13b(1) ‐ How often n do you usee the career coun nseling services? 24.7 20.9 20 9 30 0% 20.6 40 0% 23 1 23.1 50 0% Calhoun 10 0% 55 5.5 4.4 20 0% CCSSE Cohort 0 0% Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes Often n 30 0% 15 5% 13 0 13.0 13.7 20 0% 17.8 25 5% 16.2 35 5% 29 2 29.2 30.0 40 0% 41.6 41 6 45 5% 38.4 Questio on 13b(2) ‐ How H satisfieed are you with w the career counse eling servicess? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewhat Veryy 51.5 60 0% 49.9 Question 13b(3 3) ‐ How imp portant are the t career cou unseling servvices to you?? 20 0% 17.3 30 0% Calhoun 20.8 31.3 40 0% 29.3 50 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 16 41 5 41.5 40.8 50% 48.6 60% 46.9 Qu uestion 13c(1 1) ‐ How ofteen do you usse the job plaacement assistance services? 40% 30% Calhoun 20% 2.7 2.7 10% 8.8 8.0 CCSSE Cohort 0% Do not know w/N.A. Rarely//never Som metimes Often 63.4 70 0% 63.9 Quesstion 13c(2) ‐ How satisffied are you with the job b place ement assistaance servicees? 60 0% 50 0% 40 0% 7.3 Series2 10 0% 7.1 16 1 16.1 13.3 12.7 20 0% 16.2 Series1 30 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at a all Som mewhat Very 37.8 39.9 28.4 29.4 33.8 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 30.6 Questio on 13c(3) ‐ How H importa ant are the job placement assistan nce servicess to you? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort Not at a all Somewhat Very 17 46 3 46.3 Calhoun 18 4 18.4 Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes 73 7.3 CCSSE Cohort 3.6 13.4 28.0 28 0 35.5 50 0% 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 47.6 Questtion 13d(1) ‐ How often d do you use peer p or otheer tutorin ng services?? Often n 60 0% 50.2 50 2 70 0% 59.3 Questio on 13d(2) ‐ How H satisfied d are you wiith the peer or other tu utoring services? 50 0% 40 0% 17 2 17.2 23 1 23.1 11.2 9.4 20 0% Cahoun 95 9.5 20.2 30 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 30 0% 34.1 31.3 34.0 35 5% 29.2 40 0% 31.9 45 5% 25 5% 39.4 Question 13d(3) ‐ How importtant are the peer or otheer tutorin ng services to o you? Calhoun 20 0% CCSSE Cohort 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 18 15.0 18.5 24.3 28.4 37 3 37.3 23.4 23 4 18.5 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 34.7 Questtion 13e(1) ‐ How often do you use the skill labss (writing, math, ettc.)? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort Do not know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes Often 22.6 26.1 28 3 28.3 33.6 32.9 Calhoun N.A. 74 7.4 CCSSE Cohort 7.4 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 41.7 41 7 Questio on 13e(2) ‐ How H satisfied d are you with the the skkill labs (wrriting, math,, etc.)? Not at all a Somewhat Veryy 24.7 30 0% 21.1 40 0% 31.5 32.5 50 0% 43.8 46.4 Queestion 13e(3)) ‐ How impo ortant are th he skill labs (writing, math, etc.) e to you?? Calhoun 20 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 19 17.3 27.7 28.5 17.0 25 5% 22.8 22 8 30 0% 24.5 35 5% 32.2 30.1 Questio on 13g(1) ‐ How H often do you use th he financial aid a advising services? 20 0% 15 5% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% Do no ot know/N N.A. Rarely/never Sometimes Ofteen 25 5% 15 5% Calhoun 12 9 12.9 13.2 20 0% 26 0 26.0 22.6 30 0% 26 0 26.0 30.3 35 5% 35.1 35 1 40 0% 34.0 Questio on 13g(2) ‐ How satisfied d are you witth the financcial aid advising services? CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 58.7 70 0% 60 0% 61.1 Questtion 13g(3)‐ How importtant are the financial aid d advisiing services to you? 50 0% Calhoun 17.8 20 0% 21.9 21.1 30 0% 19.4 40 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 20 15 5% 32 6 32.6 13.3 13 3 20 0% 16.0 25 5% 26.4 30 0% 24 1 24.1 26.3 35 5% 30 0 30.0 31.3 Question 13h(1) ‐ How often do d you use the t computeer lab? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes Often n 37.2 28 6 28.6 31.0 22.3 22 3 26.6 Calhoun N.A. 53 5.3 CCSSE Cohort 5.1 50 0% 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 43 7 43.7 Que estion 13h(2 2) ‐ How satiisfied are you with the com mputer lab? Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 52.3 70 0% 60 0% 59.6 Questio on 13h(3) ‐ How H importa ant is the co omputer lab to you? 20 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 15.2 30 0% 15.8 40 0% 25.2 31.9 50 0% 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 21 44.9 44.5 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 38.7 43.5 Quesstion 13i(1) ‐ How often do you use the t student organ nizations serrvices? 11.7 Do o not know w/N.A. Rarelly/never Som metimes 4.7 CCSSE Cohort 35 3.5 8.6 Calhoun O Often 60.5 60 5 70 0% 65.7 Questio on 13i(2) ‐ How satisfied d are you witth the studeent organizzations servicces? 60 0% 50 0% 40 0% 19 8 19.8 94 9.4 CCSSE Cohort 8.6 10 0% 10 3 10.3 8.3 20 0% 17.4 Calhoun 30 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 35.5 40% 35.8 40.6 45% 40.0 Que estion 13i(3)) ‐ How impo ortant are th he student organizations seervices to yo ou? 30% 25% 24.0 24.2 35% Calhoun 20% CCSSE Cohort 15% 10% 5% 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 22 20 6 20.6 21.9 36 8 36.8 37.3 35.4 35 4 Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes 72 7.2 Calhoun 7.6 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 33.2 Quesstion 13j(1) ‐ How often do you use the transfer crediit assistance services? CCSSE Cohort Often n Calhoun 15 0 15.0 9.7 20 0% 11 3 11.3 30 0% 16.5 25.9 40 0% 23 0 23.0 50 0% 50.7 50 7 60 0% 47.9 Questio on 13j(2) ‐ How satisfied d are you witth the transffer credit assistance a seervices? CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 60 0% 50.8 54.6 Question 13j(3) ‐ How H importa ant are the transfer t cred dit assistance servicess to you? 22.0 21.2 30 0% 24.2 40 0% 27.1 50 0% Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 20 0% 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 23 33.1 50 0% 40 0% 33 2 33.2 60 0% 58.4 58 4 70 0% 57.8 Question 13k(1) ‐ How H often d do you use th he services to t studen nts with disabilities? CCSSE Cohort 4.0 10 0% 37 3.7 20 0% 48 4.8 Calhoun 5.0 30 0% 0 0% Do nott know/N.A. Rarely/neever Sometim mes Often n 74.5 74 5 80 0% 71.1 Questio on 13k(2) ‐ H How satisfied d are you witth the servicces to stude ents with dissabilities? 70 0% 60 0% 50 0% 81 8.1 9.0 6.4 10 0% 98 9.8 CCSSE Cohort 20 0% 13.4 Calhoun 30 0% 76 7.6 40 0% 0 0% N.A. Not at all a Somewh hat Veryy 40 0% 43.9 40.5 35.1 50 0% 47.0 Quesstion 13k(3) ‐ How imporrtant are thee services to o stude ents with dissabilities to you? y 20 0% Calhoun 15.6 17.9 30 0% CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Not at a all Somewhat Very 24 Student Satisfaction 92.1 94.4 Questtion 26 ‐ Would you reco ommend thiss college to a friend d or family member? m 1 100% 80% 60% Cahoun 40% CCSSE Cohort 5.6 7.9 20% 0% Yes No 60% 55.1 52.7 Que estion 27 ‐ Ho ow would yo ou evaluate your entire educcational experience at th his college? 30.8 40% 31.2 50% 30% CCSSE Cohort 1.3 10% 2.3 20% 12.3 14.3 Calhoun 0% Poor F Fair Go ood Exceellent 25 Acad demic Rigorr 17.3 Calhoun CCSSE Coh hort 3.6 9.4 13.0 30.8 28.1 32.0 10.4 14.8 45 5% 40 0% 35 5% 30 0% 25 5% 20 0% 15 5% 10 0% 5 5% 0 0% 40.5 Question 6c ‐ During the curreent school yeear, how many o any length h have you written w at this paperss or reports of collegee? None Between 1 and 4 Between 5 and 10 Between 11 and 20 More than 20 33.9 33.9 Questio on 7 ‐ On a scale s of 1‐to‐7, mark thee box that beest represe ents the exteent to which h your examiinations during the currentt school year have challeenged you to o do your beest work at this college. 30 0% 21.9 23 2 23.2 23.8 23.7 40 0% Extremely easy 2 9.3 10.6 7.4 5.8 5 8 2.8 2.0 10 0% 0.9 0.9 20 0% Calhoun CCSSE Coh hort 0 0% 3 4 5 6 Extremely challenging 26 Student Learnin ng Outcome es 10 0% 29 4 29.4 Calhoun 5.5 55 20 0% 5.0 30 0% 27.0 25.7 40 0% 23 1 23.1 50 0% 42 0 42.0 42.3 Questtion 12a ‐ Ho ow much has your experrience at thiss collegge contributeed to your kn nowledge, skills, and personal development in acquiring a bro oad general ation? educa CCSSE Cohort 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 37.8 21.8 Calhoun 11.4 11 4 12.4 20 0% 20.3 30 0% 29 0 29.0 30.3 40 0% 37.0 Questio on 12c ‐ How w much has yyour experieence at this college contributed d to your kno owledge, skills, and personaal development in writin ng clearly an nd effectivelly? CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very litttle Somee Quite a bit Very m much 19.1 14.2 14 2 20 0% 14.5 30 0% 20 2 20.2 35 2 35.2 36.8 29.6 40 0% 30 5 30.5 Questiion 12d ‐ Ho ow much hass your experience at thiss college e contributed to your kn nowledge, skkills, and person nal developm ment in spea aking clearlyy and effectiively? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 27 10 0% 26 6 26.6 Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 6.4 64 20 0% 9.2 30 0% 23.7 27.8 40 0% 25 2 25.2 39.3 50 0% 41 8 41.8 Questtion 12e ‐ Ho ow much has your experrience at thiss collegge contributeed to your kn nowledge, skills, and personal development in thin nking criticallly and analyytically? 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 15% % 10% % 20.9 16 1 16.1 20% % 11.9 25% % 21 6 21.6 28.5 35% % 30% % 29.3 40% % 33.7 38.1 Questiion 12f ‐ How w much has your experience at this college e contributeed to your kn nowledge, skkills, and person nal developm ment in solviing numericcal problemss? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 5% % 0% % Very littlle Som me Quitte a bit Veery much 26 7 26.7 26.0 32 9 32.9 13.3 13 3 20 0% 12.8 30 0% 27 1 27.1 27.4 40 0% 33.8 Questio on 12g ‐ How w much has your y experience at this college contributed to your kno owledge, skills, and personaal developmeent in using computing and informa ation techno ology? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 28 16 7 16.7 20 0% 15.0 26 6 26.6 33 6 33.6 34.0 22.5 30 0% 23.0 23 0 40 0% 28.5 Questio on 12k ‐ How w much has your y experieence at this college contributed d to your kno owledge, skills, and ment in underrstanding peeople of oth her personaal developm racial and a ethnic backgrounds? Calhoun CCSSE Cohort 10 0% 0 0% Very little Some Quite a bit Very mu uch 29