Student Satisfaction Survey For CAPP Report Calhoun Community College Survey Administered in: Various Calhoun Classrooms Surveys Coordinated by Office of Planning and Research May 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Student Satisfaction Survey Spring 2006 NARRATIVE ....................................................................................................... i-ii LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................1-127 ADMISSIONS ................................................................................................1-8 Summary Data ................................................................................................ 1 Admissions Charts .......................................................................................2-8 ORIENTATION ............................................................................................9-18 Summary Data ................................................................................................ 9 Orientation Charts....................................................................................10-18 REGISTRATION ........................................................................................19-29 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 19 Registration Charts ..................................................................................20-29 ADVISING .................................................................................................30-36 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 30 Advising Charts........................................................................................31-36 INSTRUCTIONAL LABS ...........................................................................37-43 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 37 Instructional Labs Charts .........................................................................38-43 FINANCIAL AID ........................................................................................44-51 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 44 Financial Aid Charts.................................................................................45-51 BOOK STORE ...........................................................................................52-61 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 52 Book Store Charts....................................................................................53-61 BUSINESS OFFICE ..................................................................................62-70 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 62 Business Office Charts ............................................................................63-70 STUDENT ACTIVITIES .............................................................................71-78 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 71 Student Activities Charts..........................................................................72-78 LIBRARY ...................................................................................................79-94 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 79 Library Charts ..........................................................................................80-94 INSTRUCTION ........................................................................................95-109 Summary Data .............................................................................................. 95 Instruction Charts........................................................................................ 109 SAFETY AND SECURITY .....................................................................110-117 Summary Data ............................................................................................ 110 Safety and Security Charts ..................................................................111-117 APPEARANCE OF COLLEGE ..............................................................118-127 Summary Data ............................................................................................ 118 Appearance of College Charts .............................................................119-127 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Office of Planning and Research at Calhoun Community College wishes to thank the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, Division Chairs, and selected faculty for their cooperation in this endeavor. Faculty and students who allocated class time to the project should be recognized. A special thanks is offered to Beth Butler and Charlie Bowden who put aside other tasks to design and analyze the scantron form of the survey instrument. i ABSTRACT Student Satisfaction Survey Spring 2006 The Student Satisfaction Survey was administered during the month of April to a total of 318 Calhoun students. Primary Objective: The Student Satisfaction Survey was given for the purpose of obtaining data needed to complete the CAPP Report for the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education. Secondary Objectives: Secondary objectives for the CAPP Student Satisfaction Survey include gathering data to support positive change in critical service areas of the college, such as Admissions and the Business Office. Methods: The Survey Instrument administered for the Student Satisfaction Survey was developed by the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education to support the College Accountability and Performance Profile (CAPP) Report. Calhoun initially planned to use data derived from the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey to support CAPP, but determined the questions on the survey instrument provided by ADPE more closely matched the CAPP items. Since CAAP tests and Noel-Levitz surveys had recently been administered during class time of spring 2006 semester, the Dean for Planning & Research and the Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Instruction & Student Services identified classes that meet two criteria—the class should not have been previously interrupted for institutional testing and surveys, and the class should have high enrollment to maximize return. A total of 17 classes were selected to participate. However, low attendance in the selected classes required additional surveys to be administered in classes of volunteer instructors. Seven additional volunteer classes were surveyed. Timeline: The surveys were administered at various times during the month of April. It was left to the discretion of the faculty members to administer and return the surveys to the Office for Planning and Research. Study Limitations: The survey was administered under a tight CAPP reporting deadline, which caused the selection of classes to be less deliberate than it might have been. Consequently, the sample may not be representative of the entire student body. About 370 students should have been surveyed to meet published standards of educational research. Suggestions for Future Surveying: The Student Satisfaction Surveys should be administered annually during the Spring semester. A greater number of classes should be selected to be surveyed next year, because of student low attendance. ii Q5 -- The admissions process was efficient Q6 -- The admissions office is open at convenient times Q7 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the admissions process DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q4 -- The application for admission was easy to complete DISAGREE Q3 -- The admissions office staff embers provide accurate information AGREE Q2 -- The admissions office staff members are helpful STRONGLY AGREE Q1--The admissions office staff members are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES ADMISSIONS 129 178 4 4 125 176 11 3 116 181 14 2 137 168 3 2 118 176 16 3 115 178 16 3 118 182 11 3 2 0 2 0 3 1 6 1 3 1 5 0 1 2 315 315 313 310 313 312 314 Question 1: The Admissions Office Staff Members are Courteous 1.27% 1.27% 40.95% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.51% Question 2: The Admissions Office Staff Members are Helpful 3.49% 0.95% 39.68% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 55.87% Question 3: The Admissions Office Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 4.47% 0.64% 37.06% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.83% Question 4: The Application for Admission was Easy to Complete 0.97% 0.65% 44.19% 54.19% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 5: The Admissions Process was Efficient 5.11% 0.96% 37.70% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.23% Questions 6: The Admissions Office is Open at Convenient Times 5.13% 0.96% 36.86% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.05% Question 7: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Admissions Process 3.50% 0.96% 37.58% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.96% This item used for reporting on CAPP Q13 -- The orientation helped with study skills Q14 -- The orientation helped with time management Q15 -- The orientation was scheduled at convenient times Q16 -- Overall, the orientation was a valuable experience for me 78 115 16 72 123 12 77 111 19 65 112 30 78 119 15 59 113 32 53 108 43 65 120 21 62 109 25 10 10 13 10 8 11 12 10 20 96 2 97 3 95 2 98 2 95 2 100 2 99 2 99 2 98 3 219 217 220 217 220 215 216 216 216 Q11 -- The orientation helped me become familiar with the campus Q provided me with useful quidance about my college goals Q9 -- The orientation included topics that were relevant Q provided information about important resources for student assistance STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q8 -- The orientation included topics that were important STUDENT RESPONSES ORIENTATION Q8: The Orientation Included Topics that were Important 7.31% 4.57% 35.62% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.51% Question 9: The Orientation Included Topics that were Relevant 5.53% 4.61% 33.18% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.68% Question 10: The Orientation Provided Me with Useful Guidance About My College Goals 8.64% 5.91% 35.00% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 50.45% Question 11: The Orientation Helped Me Become Familiar with the Campus 4.61% 13.82% 29.95% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 51.61% QUESTION 12: The Orientation Provided Information About Important Resources for Student Assistance 6.82% 3.64% 35.45% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 54.09% Question 13: The Orientation Helped with Study Skills 14.88% 5.12% 27.44% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.56% Question 14: The Orientation Helped with Time Management 5.56% 24.54% 19.91% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 50.00% Question 15: The Orientation Was Scheduled at Convenient Times 9.72% 4.63% 30.09% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 55.56% Question 16: Overall, the Orientation was a Valuable Experience for Me 9.26% 28.70% 11.57% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 50.46% This item used for reporting on CAPP Q18 -- The registration staff members are helpful Q19 -- The registration staff members provide accurate information Q20 -- The registration process is easy Q21 -- The registration process is efficient Q22 -- The schedule of classes is easy to use Q23 -- The schedule of classes provides accurate information Q24 -- I am able to get the classes I need with little difficulty Q25 -- The registration process is available at convenient times Q26 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the registration process STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q17 -- The registration staff members are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES REGISTRATION 108 186 7 111 178 11 104 177 15 108 178 16 104 186 7 112 170 19 110 179 13 90 164 40 102 185 14 99 191 12 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 9 1 1 3 11 3 12 5 13 2 11 2 15 2 12 2 12 3 11 4 11 3 11 303 302 299 304 300 303 303 303 302 303 Question 17: The Registration Staff Members are Courteous 2.31% 0.66% 35.64% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.39% Question 18: The Registration Staff Members are Helpful 3.64% 0.66% 36.75% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.94% Question 19: The Registration Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 5.02% 1.00% 34.78% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.20% Question 20: The Registration Process is Easy 5.26% 0.66% 35.53% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.55% Question 21: The Registration Process is Efficient 2.33% 1.00% 34.67% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 62.00% Question 22: The Schedule of Classes is Easy to Use 6.27% 0.66% 36.96% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.11% Question 23: The Schedule of Classes Provides Accurate Information 4.29% 0.33% 36.30% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.08% Question 24: I am Able to Get the Classes I Need with Little Difficulty 13.20% 2.97% 29.70% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 54.13% Question 25: The Registration Process is Available at Convenient Times 4.64% 0.33% 33.77% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.26% Question 26: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Registration Process 3.96% 0.33% 32.67% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.04% This item used for reporting on CAPP Q28 -- My academic advisor is helpful Q29 -- My academic advisor provides accurate information Q30 -- My academic advisor offers useful career advice Q31 -- My academic advisor is available at convenient times Q32 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the advising process STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q27 -- My academic advisor is courteous STUDENT RESPONSES ADVISING 135 124 5 131 125 6 130 119 12 124 116 18 118 131 9 129 121 12 4 6 5 5 5 5 38 11 38 11 39 12 43 11 41 13 39 11 268 268 266 263 263 267 Question 27: My Academic Advisor is Courteous 1.87% 46.27% 1.49% 50.37% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 28: My Academic Advisor is Helpful 2.24% 2.24% 48.88% 46.64% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 29: My Academic Advisor Provides Accurate Information 4.51% 1.88% 48.87% 44.74% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 30: My Academic Advisor Offers Useful Career Advice 6.84% 1.90% 47.15% 44.11% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 31: My Academic Advisor is Available at Convenient Times 3.42% 1.90% 44.87% 49.81% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 32: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Advising Process 4.49% 1.87% 48.31% 45.32% This item used for reporting on CAPP % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Q35 -- The college labs helped to improve my study skills Q36 -- Tutors are available for a variety of courses 89 151 21 92 150 16 80 124 41 64 147 19 75 143 37 77 165 24 3 4 8 8 11 3 51 2 53 2 63 1 79 0 49 2 48 0 264 262 253 238 266 269 satisfied with the college labs and academic support Q37 -- The college labs are open at convenient times Q , Q34 -- The staff in college labs are helpful STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q33 -- The staff in college labs are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES INSTRUCTIONAL LABS Question 33: The Staff in College Labs are Courteous 7.95% 1.14% 33.71% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.20% Question 34: The Staff in College Labs are Helpful 6.11% 1.53% 35.11% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.25% Question 35: The College Labs Helped to Improve my Study Skills 3.16% 16.21% 31.62% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 49.01% Question 36: Tutors are Available for a Variety of Courses 7.98% 3.36% 26.89% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.76% Question 37: The College Labs are Open at Convenient Times 4.14% 13.91% 28.20% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 53.76% Question 38: Overall, I am Satisfied with the College Labs and Academic Support 8.92% 1.12% 28.62% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.34% This item used for reporting in CAPP Q40 -- The financial aid office staff members are helpful Q41 -- The financial aid office staff members provide accurate information Q42 -- The application for financial aid is easy to complete Q43 -- The financial aid application process is efficient Q44 -- The financial aid office is open at convenient times Q45 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the financial aid application process STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q39 -- The financial aid office staff members are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES FINANCIAL AID 96 114 16 89 122 19 87 129 13 80 121 24 82 132 15 87 135 8 86 125 15 7 3 3 7 5 2 5 84 0 84 0 85 0 85 0 83 0 85 0 86 0 233 233 232 232 234 232 231 Question 39: The Financial Aid Office Staff Members are Courteous 6.87% 3.00% 41.20% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 48.93% Question 40: The Financial Aid Office Staff Members are Helpful 8.15% 1.29% 38.20% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.36% Question 41: The Financial Aid Office Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 8.15% 1.29% 38.20% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.36% Question 42: The Application for Financial Aid is Easy to Complete 10.34% 3.02% 34.48% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.16% Question 43: The Financial Aid Application Process is Efficient 6.41% 2.14% 35.04% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.41% Question 44: The Financial Aid Office is Open at Convenient Times 3.45% 0.86% 37.50% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.19% Question 45: Overall, I am satisfied with the Financial Aid Application Process 6.49% 2.16% 37.23% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 54.11% This item used for reporting on CAPP Q47 -- The book store staff members are helpful Q48 -- The book store staff members provide accurate information Q49 -- The book store stocks enough copies of textbooks required for courses Q50 -- The book store has an adequate variety of school supplies Q51 -- The book store has an adequate variety of other products Q52 -- The book store's prices are reasonable Q53 -- The book store is open at convenient times Q54 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the book store STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q46 -- The book store staff members are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES BOOK STORE 143 133 6 142 136 7 127 144 11 89 144 45 109 162 7 108 165 7 64 132 63 96 176 12 103 171 10 5 2 4 9 4 4 28 4 4 11 19 11 19 12 19 11 19 14 21 12 21 11 19 10 19 10 19 287 287 286 287 282 284 287 288 288 Question 46: The Book Store Staff Members are Courteous 2.09% 1.74% 49.83% 46.34% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 47: The Book Store Staff Members are Helpful 2.44% 0.70% 49.48% 47.39% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 48: The Book Store Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 3.85% 1.40% 44.41% 50.35% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Question 49: The Book Store Stocks Enough Copies of Textbooks Required for Courses 15.68% 3.14% 31.01% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 50.17% Question 50: The Book Store has an Adequate Variety of School Supplies 2.48% 1.42% 38.65% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.45% Question 51: The Book Store has an Adequate Variety of Other Products 2.46% 1.41% 38.03% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.10% Question 52: The Book Store's Prices are Reasonable 9.76% 22.30% 21.95% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 45.99% Question 53: The Book Store is Open at Convenient Times 4.17% 1.39% 33.33% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.11% Question 54: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Book Store 3.47% 1.39% 35.76% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.38% Used this item for reporting on CAPP Q56 -- The business office staff members are helpful Q57 -- The business office staff members provide accurate information Q58 -- Bills for tuition and fees are clear and accurate Q59 -- Reminders for tuition/fee balances are sent in a timely manner Q60 -- The process for paying bills is convenient Q61 -- The business office is open at convenient times Q62 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the services of the business office STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q55 -- The business office staff members are courteous STUDENT RESPONSES BUSINESS OFFICE 86 138 9 88 134 10 83 144 5 87 144 8 81 128 9 87 137 4 84 147 6 88 140 10 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 61 21 62 21 62 21 56 21 75 21 65 22 57 22 56 22 235 234 234 240 221 230 238 239 Question 55: The Business Office Staff Members are Courteous 3.83% 0.85% 36.60% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.72% Question 56: The Business Office Staff Members are Helpful 4.27% 0.85% 37.61% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.26% Question 57: The Business Office Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 2.14% 0.85% 35.47% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.54% Question 58: Bills for Tuition and Fees are Clear and Accurate 3.33% 0.42% 36.25% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 60.00% Question 59: Reminders for Tuition/Fee Balances are Sent in a Timely Manner 4.07% 1.36% 36.65% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.92% Question 60: The Process for Paying Bills is Convenient 1.74% 0.87% 37.83% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.57% Question 61: The Business Office is Open at Convenient Times 2.52% 0.42% 35.29% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.76% Question 62: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Services of the Business Office 4.18% 0.42% 36.82% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.58% Item used in reporting on CAPP Q64 -- The college offers a variety of recreational activities Q65 -- The college offers a variety of cultural activities Q66 - The college offers a variety of student organizations Q67 -- I feel connected to this college Q68 -- Out-of-class college activities are offered at convenient times Q69 - Overall, I am satisfied with out-of-class college activities STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q63 -- The college offers a variety of sports STUDENT RESPONSES STUDENT ACTIVITIES 33 92 82 42 125 65 46 138 42 59 157 31 53 124 64 51 122 40 54 127 46 38 20 19 11 30 16 14 67 5 60 5 67 5 54 5 41 5 83 5 71 5 245 252 245 258 271 229 241 Question 63: The College Offers a Variety of Sports 15.51% 13.47% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 33.47% 37.55% Question 64: The College Offers a Variety of Recreational Activities 7.94% 16.67% 25.79% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 49.60% Question 65: The College Offers a Variety of Cultural Activities 7.76% 18.78% 17.14% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.33% Question 66: The College Offers a Variety of Student Organizations 12.02% 4.26% 22.87% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 60.85% Question 67: I Feel Connected to this College 11.07% 19.56% 23.62% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 45.76% Question 68: Out-of-Class College Activities are Offered at Convenient Times 6.99% 22.27% 17.47% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 53.28% Question 69: Overall, I am Satisfied with Out-of-Class College Activities 5.81% 22.41% 19.09% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 52.70% Item used for reporting on CAPP Q71 -- The other resource materials in the library are in good condition Q72 -- The library has the books I need Q73 -- The library has the other resource materials I need Q74 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the library's collections Q75 -- The library is open at convenient times Q76 -- The library staff members are helpful Q77 -- The library staff members provide accurate information Q78 -- The library staff members are courteous Q79 -- The library staff members are friendly Q80 -- The copying machines in the library are in good working order Q81 -- The library has quiet places to study Q82 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the library's services Q83 -- The library's cataloging system is easy to use Q84 -- Overall, the library's electronic information access meets student needs STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q70 -- The books in the library are in good condition STUDENT RESPONSES LIBRARY 81 155 3 85 163 5 74 156 13 82 163 9 82 159 8 91 158 12 95 164 6 100 156 2 103 157 5 102 159 3 76 148 6 96 162 3 95 169 2 80 143 5 100 154 9 1 1 3 2 3 5 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 72 5 58 5 66 5 56 5 60 5 46 5 47 5 51 5 47 5 46 6 82 5 48 6 45 5 81 6 47 5 240 254 246 256 252 266 265 261 265 265 230 263 267 230 265 Question 70: The Books in the Library are in Good Condition 1.25% 0.42% 33.75% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 64.58% Question 71: The Other Resource Materials in the Library are in Good Condition 1.97% 0.39% 33.46% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 64.17% Question 72: The Library has the Books I Need 5.28% 1.22% 30.08% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.41% Item used for reporting on CAPP Question 73: The Library has the Other Resource Materials I Need 3.52% 0.78% 32.03% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.67% Question 74: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Library's Collections 3.17% 1.19% 32.54% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.10% Question 75: The Library is Open at Convenient Times 4.51% 1.88% 34.21% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.40% Question 76: The Library Staff Members are Helpful 2.26% 0.00% 35.85% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.89% Question 77: The Library Staff Members Provide Accurate Information 0.77% 1.15% 38.31% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.77% Question 78: The Library Staff Members are Courteous 1.89% 0.00% 38.87% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.25% Question 79: The Library Staff Members are Friendly 1.13% 0.38% 38.49% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 60.00% Question 80: The Copying Machines in the Library are in Good Working Order 2.61% 0.00% 33.04% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 64.35% Question 81: The Libary has Quiet Places to Study 1.14% 0.76% 36.50% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.60% Question 82: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Library's Services 0.75% 0.37% 35.58% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.30% Item used for Reporting on CAPP Question 83: The Library's Cataloging System is Easy to Use 2.17% 0.87% 34.78% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 62.17% Question 84: Overall, the Library's Electronic Information Access (Internet, Virtual Libraries) Meets Student Needs 3.40% 0.75% 37.74% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.11% Item used for reporting on CAPP Q86 -- Classrooms are well-lighted Q87 -- Visuals used in teaching are easy to see Q88 -- Classroom seating is comfortable Q89 -- Classroom seating is convenient for taking notes Q90 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the classrooms Q91 -- Laboratories are adequate in size to accommodate most classes Q92 -- Laboratories are wellfurnished with up-to-date materials Q93 -- The equipment in laboratories is in good working order Q94 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the laboratories Q95 -- Computer technology is used in many classrooms and laboratories Q96 -- The courses I take have the necessary equipment for learning Q97 -- The equipment needed in courses I take is in good working order Q98 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the equipment for learning STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q85 -- Classrooms are adequate in size to accommodate most classes STUDENT RESPONSES INSTRUCTION 90 92 187 191 15 10 89 186 15 61 142 66 64 166 42 70 184 33 66 165 10 56 159 15 62 179 10 58 184 10 70 172 25 75 198 10 78 194 11 74 181 12 2 1 2 25 24 6 3 3 3 3 5 4 2 1 2 21 2 21 4 21 2 21 3 18 4 20 34 39 34 50 45 18 40 22 25 20 12 18 11 21 10 39 294 294 292 294 296 293 244 233 254 255 272 287 285 268 Question 85: Classrooms are Adequate in Size to Accommodate Most Classes 5.10% 0.68% 30.61% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.61% Question 86: Classrooms are Well-Lighted 3.40% 0.34% 31.29% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 64.97% Question 87: Visuals Used in Teaching are Easy to See 5.14% 0.68% 30.48% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.70% Question 88: Classroom Seating is Comfortable 8.50% 20.75% 22.45% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 48.30% Question 89: Classroom Seating is Convenient for Taking Notes 8.11% 21.62% 14.19% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 56.08% Question 90: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Quality of the Classrooms 11.26% 2.05% 23.89% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 62.80% Item used for reporting on CAPP Question 91: Laboratories are Adequate in Size to Accommodate Most Classes 4.10% 1.23% 27.05% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 67.62% Question 92: Laboratories are Well-Furnished with Up-to-Date Materials 1.29% 6.44% 24.03% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 68.24% Question 93: The Equipment in Laboratories is in Good Working Order 3.94% 1.18% 24.41% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 70.47% Question 94: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Quality of the Laboratories 3.92% 1.18% 22.75% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 72.16% Item used for reporting on CAPP Question 95: Computer Technology is Used in Many Classrooms and Laboratories 9.19% 1.84% 25.74% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.24% Question 96: The Courses I Take have the Necessary Equipment for Learning 1.39% 3.48% 26.13% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 68.99% Question 97: The Equipment Needed in Courses I take is in Good Working Order 3.86% 0.70% 27.37% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 68.07% Question 98: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Quality of Equipment for Learning 4.48% 0.37% 27.61% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 67.54% Item used for reporting on CAPP Q100 -- College security officers patrol the campus regularly Q101 -- College security officers respond quickly to emergencies Q102 -- The building areas are well lighted Q103 -- The parking lots are well lighted Q104 -- Emergency call boxes are available at convenient locations Q105 -- Overall, I feel safe while I am at college STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q99 -- College security officers are helpful STUDENT RESPONSES SAFETY AND SECURITY 80 171 16 85 166 33 71 135 19 89 186 19 79 175 30 58 121 40 93 194 15 9 5 6 4 9 18 4 38 3 25 3 83 3 16 3 21 3 74 6 6 5 276 289 231 298 293 237 306 Question 99: College Security Officers are Helpful 3.26% 5.80% 28.99% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.96% Question 100: College Security Officers Patrol the Campus Regularly 11.42% 1.73% 29.41% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 57.44% Question 101: College Security Officers Respond Quickly to Emergencies 8.23% 2.60% 30.74% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 58.44% Question 102: The Building Areas are Well Lighted 6.38% 1.34% 29.87% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 62.42% Question 103: The Parking Lots are Well Lighted 3.07% 10.24% 26.96% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 59.73% Question 104: Emergency Call Boxes are Available at Convenient Locations 7.59% 24.47% 16.88% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 51.05% Question 105: Overall, I Feel Safe While I am at College 4.90% 1.31% 30.39% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 63.40% Item used for reporting on CAPP Q107 -- The grounds contribute to an appropriate college environment Q108 -- Overall, the college is an attractive place to go to school Q109 -- College buildings are well maintained Q110 -- College grounds are well maintained Q111 -- College buildings are clean Q112 -- College grounds are clean Q113 -- Overall I am satisfied with the maintenance at the college Q114 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the appearance of the college STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL APPLICABLE RESPONSES Q106 -- The buildings contribute to an appropriate college environment STUDENT RESPONSES APPEARANCE OF COLLEGE 83 208 15 83 202 19 79 186 35 76 190 32 81 204 17 73 204 24 80 209 16 77 208 20 79 207 20 2 3 7 9 5 7 4 3 3 6 3 7 3 6 4 6 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 308 307 307 307 307 308 309 308 309 Question 106: The Buildings Contribute to an Appropriate College Environment 4.87% 0.65% 26.95% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 67.53% Question 107: The Grounds Contribute to an Appropriate College Environment 0.98% 6.19% 27.04% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 65.80% Question 108: Overall, the College is an Attractive Place to go to School 11.40% 2.28% 25.73% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 60.59% Question 109: College Buildings are Well Maintained 2.93% 10.42% 24.76% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 61.89% Question 110: College Grounds are Well Maintained 1.63% 5.54% 26.38% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 66.45% Question 111: College Buildings are Clean 7.79% 2.27% 23.70% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 66.23% Question 112: College Grounds are Clean 1.29% 5.18% 25.89% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 67.64% Question 113: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Maintenance at the College 0.97% 6.49% 25.00% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 67.53% Item used for reporting on CAPP Question 114: Overall, I am Satisfied with the Appearance of the College 0.97% 6.47% 25.57% % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE 66.99% Item used for reporting on CAPP % STRONGLY AGREE % AGREE % DISAGREE % STRONGLY DISAGREE Q85 -- Classrooms are adequate in size to accommodate most classes Q86 -- Classrooms are well-lighted Q87 -- Visuals used in teaching are easy to see Q88 -- Classroom seating is comfortable Q89 -- Classroom seating is convenient for taking notes Q90 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the classrooms STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE NOT APPLICABLE LEFT BLANK TOTAL RESPONDING SA/A/D/SD 90 187 15 2 2 21 294 92 191 10 1 2 21 294 89 186 15 2 4 21 292 61 142 66 25 2 21 294 64 166 42 24 3 18 296 70 184 33 6 4 20 293 30.61% 31.29% 30.48% 20.75% 63.61% 64.97% 63.70% 48.30% 5.10% 3.40% 5.14% 22.45% 0.68% 0.34% 0.68% 8.50% 21.62% 56.08% 14.19% 8.11% 23.89% 62.80% 11.26% 2.05% Q91 -- Laboratories are adequate in size to accommodate most classes Q92 -- Laboratories are well-furnished with up-to-date materials Q93 -- The equipment in laboratories is in good working order Q94 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the laboratories Q95 -- Computer technology is used in many classrooms and laboratories Q96 -- The courses I take have the necessary equipment for learning Q97 -- The equipment needed in courses I take is in good working order Q98 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the equipment for learning 66 165 10 3 34 39 244 56 159 15 3 34 50 233 62 179 10 3 45 18 254 58 184 10 3 40 22 255 70 172 25 5 25 20 272 75 198 10 4 12 18 287 78 194 11 2 11 21 285 74 181 12 1 10 39 268 27.05% 67.62% 4.10% 1.23% 24.03% 68.24% 6.44% 1.29% 24.41% 70.47% 3.94% 1.18% 22.75% 72.16% 3.92% 1.18% 25.74% 63.24% 9.19% 1.84% 26.13% 68.99% 3.48% 1.39% 27.37% 68.07% 3.86% 0.70% 27.61% 67.54% 4.48% 0.37% 29.41% 57.44% 11.42% 1.73% Q105 -- Overall, I feel safe while I am at college % STRONGL 28.99% % AGREE 61.96% % DISAGREE 5.80% % STRONGL 3.26% Q104 -- Emergency call boxes are available at convenient locations Q101 -- College security officers respond quickly to emergencies 71 135 19 6 83 3 231 Q103 -- The parking lots are well lighted Q100 -- College security officers patrol the campus regularly 85 166 33 5 25 3 289 Q102 -- The building areas are well lighted Q99 -- College security officers are helpful 80 171 16 9 38 3 276 89 186 19 4 16 3 298 79 175 30 9 21 3 293 58 121 40 18 74 6 237 93 194 15 4 6 5 306 30.74% 29.87% 26.96% 58.44% 62.42% 59.73% 8.23% 6.38% 10.24% 2.60% 1.34% 3.07% 24.47% 51.05% 16.88% 7.59% 30.39% 63.40% 4.90% 1.31% % STRON % AGREE % DISAGR % STRON Q109 -- College buildings are well maintained Q110 -- College grounds are well maintained 76 190 32 9 6 4 307 81 204 17 5 6 4 307 26.95% 67.53% 4.87% 0.65% 27.04% 65.80% 6.19% 0.98% 25.73% 60.59% 11.40% 2.28% Q113 -- Overall I am satisfied with the maintenance at the college Q108 -- Overall, the college is an attractive place to go to school 79 186 35 7 6 4 307 Q112 -- College grounds are clean Q107 -- The grounds contribute to an appropriate college environment 83 202 19 3 7 3 307 Q111 -- College buildings are clean Q106 -- The buildings contribute to an appropriate college environment 83 208 15 2 6 3 308 73 204 24 7 5 4 308 80 209 16 4 4 4 309 77 208 20 3 4 5 308 24.76% 26.38% 23.70% 25.89% 61.89% 66.45% 66.23% 67.64% 10.42% 5.54% 7.79% 5.18% 2.93% 1.63% 2.27% 1.29% 25.00% 67.53% 6.49% 0.97% 79 207 20 3 4 4 309 25.57% 66.99% 6.47% 0.97% Q114 -- Overall, I am satisfied with the appearance of the college