Table of Contents President’s Message 3 The Year in Review 4 Highlights of Programs, Activities and Events for 2005 7 The Alabama State Board of Education The Honorable Bob Riley Governor of the State of Alabama President of the Board Mr. Randy McKinney District I Mrs. Betty Peters Student, Faculty and Staff Accomplishments 10 Grants Awarded to the College in 2005 13 District II Mrs. Stephanie Wolfe Bell District III Dr. Ethel H. Hall The Calhoun Foundation District IV Mrs. Ella B. Bell District V Financial Picture 15 20 Mr. David F. Byers, Jr. District VI Mrs. Sandra Ray District VII Presiding Officer Dr. Mary Jane Caylor District VIII Dr. Roy W. Johnson Chancellor The Alabama College System Calhoun Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30003-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award AssociateÕs degrees and certificates. Calhoun is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges and the Alabama College System. 1 PresidentÕs Message At this time each year, we reflect back on the previous year’s accomplishments in preparation for the College’s Annual Report. Excitedly, we look back at what has become one of the most successful years in Calhoun Community College’s 59 year history. As you read through the pages of this 2005 Annual Report, you’ll see more about these accomplishments and many others. 2005 was indeed a year of successes for Calhoun Community College, and we thank each of you for your role in the realization of these accomplishments. In 2005, we saw over $44 million in new construction and renovation projects which included completed renovation of the Noble Russell building as well as completion of the College’s new “One Stop” Center, allowing students to carry out their entire admissions, advising and registration process under one roof. As the year progressed, we also witnessed the continuing construction of our new Health Sciences Building, as a steel frame quickly materialized into this 64,609 square foot, three-story jewel which will soon become home to all of the College’s health programs. Additionally, we broke ground for the new Math and Science building, which is projected for completion in early 2007. As the largest of Alabama’s two-year colleges and a leader in the field of postsecondary education, Calhoun Community College has truly become a benchmark for institutions of higher education throughout the nation. We are excited about what the future holds for us and thank you for your continued support as we embark on our journey. For the past few years, Calhoun has experienced steady increases in local, state and federal grant funding. However, through the magnificent efforts of our Grants Office and dozens of faculty, staff and community supporters, in 2005 we broke all records for grant awards to the College, receiving close to $13 million in public and private funding. Most significant among these awards was the over $6 million awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for two new projects which will allow Calhoun to expand our efforts toward providing a highly skilled workforce. Marilyn C. Beck President 3 Year in Review Health Sciences Building to be complete Summer 2006 The year 2005 will certainly go into the record books as one of the most successful and exciting years for Calhoun Community College. During the year, the College was involved in a record $44 million in new construction and renovation projects; a record $17 million in public and private grants and student aid funding was awarded; the largest nursing class in the College’s history was admitted in the fall; and the Student Government Association sponsored an event during Springfest attempting to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the World’s Largest Balloon Toss. In addition, the much-anticipated decision was made to reinstate Calhoun’s athletics program by bringing back baseball and women’s fastpitch softball. Throughout the year, many of Calhoun’s outstanding students, faculty, staff and alumni were recognized for their notable accomplishments on the local, state and national levels, and one of Calhoun’s very own, former student Bo Bice, received national acclaim as runner-up in the 2005 American Idol competition. Calhoun’s efforts in support of the city of Huntsville’s bicentennial celebration resulted in a first place trophy for members of the College’s Art Department (Kristine Beadle, Daniel Dillon, and Johanna Littleton) in the College Division of the Bicentennial Rocket Blast-Off design contest. Major initiatives continued last year in the area of Workforce Development. In June, news came that the College would receive a $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for the creation of a regional Center for Manufacturing Innovation (CMI), followed by the announcement in October that DOL had again selected Calhoun for a grant award, this time to the tune of $2.5 million, to fund the new AHEAD (Alternate Health Education Asynchronous Delivery) project targeting careers in nursing, surgical technology, radiography and clinical laboratory technology. Through funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the College will become home to one of the state’s 16 Alabama Technology Network (ATN) centers, designed to work closely with local economic development agencies to attract business and industry. 4 The CollegeÕs recruiting efforts were greatly enhanced by the addition of several new recruiter/advisors. A meeting with area manufacturing CEOs hosted by the College led to the formation of significant partnerships in the area of workforce development, and visits to the College by Alabama Governor Bob Riley and Alabama Department of Postsecondary Chancellor Roy Johnson last fall confirmed Calhoun’s role in the preparation and training of a highlyskilled workforce for the state. In addition, displaced workers from Solutia, Inc. of Decatur were offered tuition waivers in an effort to retrain these individuals for other employment opportunities. CalhounÕs efforts in support of the city of HuntsvilleÕs bicentennial celebration resulted in a first place trophy for members of the CollegeÕs Art Department (Kristine Beadle, Daniel Dillon, shown here, and Johanna Littleton) in the College Division of the Bicentennial Rocket Blast-Off design contest. The College’s recruiting efforts were greatly enhanced by the addition of several new recruiter/advisors. These excited, energetic individuals joined several dedicated, hard-working members of the Student Affairs staff to become our new “Champions for Student Success”. This team hit the ground running last fall making a number of visits, establishing valuable contacts within each of Calhoun’s service-area high schools, and conducting two very successful recruitment activities: “Hats Off” for high achievers from area high schools and “Pathways” for non-traditional and returning students. Student concerns resulting from rising gas prices led to the College’s decision in October to retool the spring 2006 class schedule. Because such a large percentage of students attend day classes at the Decatur campus, classes formerly on the Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule were rescheduled for Monday-Wednesday classes, alleviating one day of travel each week. A variety of Friday only classes were also offered allowing those interested in attending part-time to take up to six credit hours by coming to campus one day a week. The schedule change was met with much satisfaction and appreciation by students, parents, and college faculty. 5 6 Highlights of Programs, Activities and Events for 2005 $44 Million in Construction and Renovation Projects Top 2005 Accomplishments Last year was a banner year for Calhoun in the area of new construction and renovation projects. Never in the College’s 59 year history has building activity taken place at this level, activity that will completely change the appearance and architecture of the Decatur campus. Students, faculty and staff and the surrounding community were excited to see the steady progress made on the new Health Sciences Building. The 64,609 square foot, $13.5 million building, set for completion in time for the 2006 fall semester, will become home to all of the college’s existing health-related programs as well as several anticipated new programs. The structure will feature 10 classrooms; two large lecture halls; state-of-the-art nursing, emergency medical services, dental assisting and surgical technology labs; and a mock hospital. Once completed, the building will allow the College to expand enrollment in all health programs, particularly in the nursing program, which admitted its largest class ever last fall. Just as exciting was the ground breaking for the new Math and Science Building. This 84,000 square foot, $21.5 million project is set for completion in early 2007. The building will house all math and science classrooms and faculty offices and will feature a planetarium, learning center, and several modern labs. In addition, administrative offices for the College will move from the Wallace Administration Building to the third floor of the new building to allow greater interaction among students, faculty and administration. Several major projects were completed in 2005. These included renovations of the Chasteen Student Center, home to the new “One Stop” Center for student services; renovation and repair of the Kelly gymnasium, which now houses the college bookstore and print shop; and updates to the Brewer Library. The highlight among completed projects was the renovation/new construction of the Noble Russell building, Phase III and the final phase of the College’s Aerospace and Advanced Technology Park. The building opened for spring 2006 classes and has become home for CIS, photography, networking, and web design classes; a multi-media and design lab; faculty offices; a virtual reality theatre; and Calhoun’s television station, 4CTV. $6 Million in Department of Labor Grants Top List of 2005 Awards 2005 proved to be an outstanding year for public and private funding to Calhoun. According to the College’s Grants Office, over $17 million in grants were awarded to Calhoun during 2005, which included several million dollars in student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Top among these awards was over $6 million in U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) grants, targeting workforce development. The first award came in June, when U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced that Calhoun would receive a two-year, $3.5 million grant for the establishment of a regional Center for Manufacturing Innovation (CMI). According to Chao, funding for the project came through the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative, a strategic effort to prepare workers to take advantage of new and increasing job opportunities in high growth, high demand and economically vital sectors of the American economy. The grant was the first of its kind awarded to the state of Alabama. The CMI will provide training in Industrial Maintenance and Machine Tool Technology through modularized curriculum structures and flexible delivery options such as web-based, industry based, open labs, self-directed, apprenticeships and internships allowing students multiple entry and exit points in the program. As the lead institution, Calhoun will partner with the state of Alabama, the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, the Alabama Manufacturing Association, the Alabama Technology Network (ATN), Drake State Technical College, Snead State Community College, Northeast Community College and area Chambers of Commerce and local industry in the development of the CMI. “This partnership between the state of Alabama, Calhoun Community College, the Alabama Manufacturing Association, the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education and others involved in this unique project is indicative of our commitment to workforce training for the citizens of Alabama, and I provide my unwavering support for the initiative,” said Alabama Governor Bob Riley of the award. Dr. Roy Johnson, chancellor of the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, discusses the Center for Manufacturing Innovation with the community. 7 “This Center for Manufacturing Innovation will transform technical education within the state’s community college system through short-term, intensive, industry-focused skills training and will provide the opportunity for workers in this state to gain employability skills to enter or re-enter the workforce quickly,” said Dr. Roy Johnson, chancellor of the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education. In October, the College received news from DOL of yet another major award of $2.5 million to fund the AHEAD (Alternate Health Education Asynchronous Delivery) project, geared toward improving and expanding training programs targeting careers in nursing, surgical technology, radiography and clinical laboratory technology. Funding for this project also came through President Bush’s High Growth Job Training Initiative. Project AHEAD will be rolled out over a three-year period and, like the CMI initiative, will involve a number of college and community partners. The involvement of these partners will allow Calhoun to leverage an additional $4.6M in resources through the project. “One of the keys to sustaining Alabama’s recent economic growth is providing highly skilled workers to meet the demands of growing industries,” commented Governor Riley. “The quality of our workforce is our number one industrial recruiting tool. With grants such as this, we can expand worker training programs for high growth sectors of the job market and increase our ability to recruit new industries.” A complete listing of all 2005 grant awards may be found on page 13 of this publication. Calhoun Supports Area Workforce Development through Major Initiatives Calhoun’s recent workforce training initiatives funded through Department of Labor grants set the ball rolling for a number of other programs in the area of workforce development at the College. Meetings of area industry leaders hosted last year by the College resulted in the development of a number of significant partnerships. One such meeting in November attracted dozens of manufacturing industry CEOs, plant and site managers and educational leaders (including Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education Chancellor Dr. Roy Johnson and Dr. Mary Jane Caylor, member of the state school board) to discuss specifics related to the Center for Manufacturing Innovation and take the first step toward the establishment of a Manufacturers Advisory Council. During a visit to the campus in the fall, Governor Bob Riley reported that Alabama had received more federal money than any other state for workforce development programs, with a large percentage coming directly to Calhoun. Governor Riley commended the College for its continuing efforts in workforce training, stating that “The future of the state of Alabama is literally in your hands.” 8 Other successful workforce training projects included Calhoun’s annual Career and Workforce Expo, which last year brought close to 1000 students, parents, and educators together with local employers to discuss current and future workforce needs and the training needed for these jobs. Sports Return to Calhoun In May, Calhoun President Dr. Marilyn Beck made the muchanticipated announcement that athletics would return to the College. After a five-year absence, the sports program was reinstated with baseball and women’s fast-pitch softball. In support of the return of athletics to Calhoun, Alabama College System Chancellor Dr. Roy Johnson said, “Calhoun Community College is one of the state’s premier comprehensive community colleges, and the addition of athletics at the college will make it ‘comprehensive’ in the truest sense of the word. Calhoun has a long and very successful legacy in the area of athletics, and I am extremely pleased with this decision to bring the program back.” Along with the reinstatement announcement, Dr. Beck announced that Jim Morrill, former head baseball coach at Jefferson Davis Community College, would become Calhoun’s new baseball coach. Veteran Calhoun coach Dr. Nancy Keenum was named softball coach and athletic director. Record-Setting Nursing Class Enrolls Last Fall Among the close to 9000 students enrolled last fall at Calhoun Community College were 400 nursing students — the largest single class of nurses in the College’s history. According to Jan Peek, chairperson of Calhoun’s Nursing department, this class also included the largest class of first-time students. “250 new students were admitted into the College’s RN and LPN classes in the fall,” commented Peek. “The significance of these numbers becomes even greater when you consider the growing demand for nurses in the workforce. Like the rest of the nation, the state of Alabama is experiencing a severe shortage of primary health care providers. While the U.S. Department of Labor predicts the healthcare industry will add 3.5 million new jobs between 2002-2012 (an increase of 30%), 62% of the 67 counties in Alabama are listed as Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas” Peek added. Community colleges like Calhoun are the most accessible and affordable entry into higher education. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, more than 60% of new registered nurses and 70% of licensed practical nurses are educated at two-year colleges. Over 6600 students have graduated from Calhoun’s nursing programs since their inception. College Assists in Katrina Efforts Calhoun was among dozens of colleges and universities around the country offering assistance last year to victims of Hurricane Katrina. Calhoun, along with other two-year colleges within the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, provided tuition assistance and extended late registration for any students enrolling at the College who were impacted by Katrina. Options for these students included distance education courses, second term and late-starting classes and some regular classes which were already in progress where instructors allowed the students to catch up with course materials. According to the College’s Admissions Office, several students relocating to Calhoun’s service area enrolled at the College. In addition, Calhoun’s women’s softball team conducted a successful t-shirt drive on behalf of Katrina victims. Business Division Receives National Accreditation In July, the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) awarded initial accreditation to the College’s business division. “This accreditation of our Business program is important to our students as they continue their education and enter the workforce, and I commend the faculty and staff of this department for this outstanding accomplishment,” commented Calhoun President Dr. Marilyn Beck. Douglas G. Viehland, executive director of the ACBSP, spoke of the accomplishment of the initial accreditation, “Calhoun Community College has shown its commitment to teaching excellence by participating in the accreditation process, achieving accreditation, and then continuing the process of quality improvement. This initial accreditation is evidence of Calhoun’s commitment to quality business programs.” For institutions that achieve initial accreditation for their business schools and programs, this attainment certifies that the teaching and learning processes within that institution meet the rigorous educational standards established by the ACBSP. Fifth Annual “Let’s Pretend Hospital” Brings Over 1200 First Graders to Campus Each spring the Calhoun Nursing Department, in partnership with Decatur General Hospital, hosts the annual “Let’s Pretend Hospital”, a mock hospital for area first graders. The project was established five years ago as an avenue to provide first graders with ‘friendly’ information about what actually happens when someone is admitted to the hospital, has surgery, etc. All the information presented in the mock hospital setting is done on a non-threatening, first grade level. Eighteen schools from the city of Decatur, Morgan County, and local private schools participated in the activity, allowing over 1200 first graders to tour the various areas of the mock hospital. The hospital, assembled by Calhoun Nursing students and faculty, was set up throughout the Shelton Health Building and included an admissions office, ER, hospital patient room, operating room, x-ray, and discharge area. 9 Student, Faculty and Staff Accomplishments Calhoun Students and Faculty Big Winners in State Art Competition Students and faculty representing Calhoun Community College made a big showing during the 2005 Chancellor’s Art Exhibition. Five students and three faculty from the college’s art department were recognized with honors, with each of the students taking first place within his/her respective category. Student winners were: Mary Nelle Black, who won first place in the Student Painting category for her work entitled “Hurlburt Morning”; Dolores Owen, first place in the Student Photography category for “Twisted Wood”; Carrie Swan, first place in the Student Printmaking category for “Iris”; Barbara Coleman, first place in the Student Sculpture category for “Sojourner Truth 1797-1883”; and Vivian Rose Dean, Best of Show in the Student category for “Paint in the Rain”. Calhoun faculty winners were: Kathryn Lansing Vaughn , second place in the Employee Drawing category for “We All Need Another Hero” ; Patricia McDonald , third place in the Employee Painting category for “Gourd and Blue Plate” ; and Garth Fraser , second and third place wins in the Employee Photography category for “Lake Guntersville ” (second place) and “Seven Sacred Pools” (third place). Winners’ works are displayed in the Department of Postsecondary’s building in Montgomery throughout 2006. Calhoun Students, Faculty and Staff Attempt Guinness World Record-Breaking Event The day could only be described as “wet and wild”, as over 200 Calhoun students, faculty, staff and members of the local community participated in the college’s attempt to break the Guinness world record for water balloon tossing during Calhoun’s annual Springfest activities. According to Will Payton, a member of the College’s Student Government Association and event organizer, the current record stood at 7800 balloons tossed during a five-minute period. Participants met the challenge, tossing a total of 11,640 balloons well before the five-minute horn sounded. Registration monies raised from the event were donated to last year’s tsunami relief effort. l Former Calhoun student Bo Bice received national attention and fame when he was voted runner-up in the 2005 edition of American Idol. During his time at Calhoun (November 1996-May 1997), Bo took several music classes and was enrolled in classes taught by Calhoun music 10 instructor Jimmy Cantrell. Of Bo’s new-found stardom, Jimmy commented, “He’s very talented and was a super guy, even when he was in school. He was kind of quiet, very punctual and turned everything in on time. I’ve had several students who were in class with him call me to ask if I knew that Bo was in their class. I’ve been proud of him, especially his attitude. He still has everything in perspective and he’s given it all he’s got.” l Calhoun student Melanie Landers was selected as a 2005 New Century Scholar by Phi Theta, the international honor society for two-year colleges. As a New Century scholar, Melanie was the highest scoring student from the state of Alabama in the All-USA Academic Team competition. For her honor, she received a $2000 cash award funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation and Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation and was featured in several national publications, including USA Today. Melanie joined Calhoun student Jeremy Sanderfer as Calhoun’s representatives on the 2005 All-Alabama Academic Team, an annual recognition honoring the state’s top two-year college students. l Calhoun’s student literary magazine, The Muse, was recognized as Best Literary Magazine from Two-Year Colleges during the 2005 national conference for Sigma Kappa Delta (SKD) National English Honor Society in Kansas City, Missouri. Calhoun serves as the national headquarters for SKD; Calhoun English instructor Jill Chadwick was recently elected Vice President/Presidentelect for the organization. l Calhoun alumnae Chrissa Hall, a human resource specialist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, was recognized for dedication, leadership and innovation to her profession with the Charles F. Kettering Award at the national conference of the Cooperative Education & Internship Association, Inc., in Anaheim, Calif. Hall, who manages the Marshall Center Cooperative Education Program in the Academic Affairs Office, was credited with revitalizing a program that had seven participants in 1999 into a formalized training program that now serves up to 48 college students every year. She also is responsible for Marshall Center and NASA-wide corporate recruiting. The Knoxville, Tenn., native earned an associate’s degree in office administration from Calhoun Community Calhoun Student Vivian Rose Dean won Best of Show in the Student category of the 2005 ChancellorÕs Art Exhibition for this photograph, ÒPaint in the RainÓ College in 1987, and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Athens State University in 1991. l Long-time Calhoun adjunct instructor and local civil rights leader Dr. Sonnie Hereford received news that a documentary for which he had provided original footage had received an Oscar during the 77th Annual Academy Awards. “Mighty Times: The Children’s March”, which contained footage shot by Dr. Hereford in Huntsville during the height of the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, received an Academy Award in the Documentary Short Subject category. l During the College’s 2004-05 Honors’ Day program, awards were presented for Outstanding Full and Part-time Faculty and Outstanding Service Awards for College Staff. Individuals considered for the awards are nominated by students, faculty and staff at the College. Recipients were Dr. Myra Hannah, department chair for Business Administration, winner of the Carlton W. Kelley Teaching Excellence Award for Full-time Faculty; Ms. Brenda Harper, recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award for Part-time Faculty; Dr. Izora Harrison, director of Services for Special Student Populations, recipient of the Outstanding Administrator Award; and Kelly Hovater, Student Activities coordinator, recipient of the Outstanding Service Award. l Three new Deans were named last year at the College. Jack Burrow joined the Calhoun family as the new Dean for Business and Finance; Dr. Mary Yarbrough left her post as Dean of the Huntsville/Cummings Research Park campus to become the new Dean of Technologies and Workforce Development; and Alicia Taylor, formerly Director of Academic Programs for the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, came to Calhoun as the new Huntsville campus Dean. l The College’s Public Relations office was recognized by the Alabama College System Public Relations Association (ACSPRA) for outstanding marketing/public relations efforts in the annual Pyramid Awards competition. The college received three first place Pyramid Awards and two second place Awards of Achievement. First place awards 11 were presented in the Annual Report, Full Color Newsletter and Electronic Publications categories. Awards of Achievement were earned in the Viewbook and College Promotional Video categories. 2005 American Idol runner-up Bo Bice l Barbering instructor Gary Rathbone was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Institute of Trichology during the Institute’s 6th Annual Summit on Hair and Scalp Disorders. l Phillip Smith was named the “Outstanding Cooperative Education Professional of the Year” by the Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers at its annual conference in Mobile, AL. Phillip is past president of the organization and has been a member since it was formed. The association is made up of colleges and universities that have cooperative education and placement programs and employers that hire cooperative education students and graduates of those schools. Phillip recently retired from Calhoun Community College where he had been associated with the cooperative education program for 27 years. Melanie Landers and Jeremy Sanderfer at the 2005 All-Alabama Academic Team Banquet 12 Grants Awarded to the College in 2005 l Center for Manufacturing Innovation (U.S. Department of Labor) - $3,535,035 over two and a half years for the development of modular curriculum for Industrial Maintenance and Machine Tool Technology l Project AHEAD – Alternative Health Education Asynchronous Delivery - (U.S. Department of Labor) $2,465,656 over two years to support Nursing, Surgical Tech, Radiography and the development of a Clinical Lab Technician program. The grant was submitted by Calhoun in consortium with Southern Union and Central Alabama Community Colleges and area hospitals and businesses. (This award was the 5th largest in the nation under President Bush’s High Growth Job Training Initiative.) l Tech Prep Program (Alabama Department of Education) - $83,000 l Carl D. Perkins funding (Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education) - $442,079 l Health Sciences Equipment (Appalachian Regional Council) - $194,152 l U.S. Department of Education - $7,155,761 for Pell Grants l U.S. Department of Education - $522,697 for SEOG l U.S. Department of Education - $195,770 for College Workstudy program l Student Support Services (U.S. Department of Education) - $942,756 over four years l ACETEA consortium (National Science Foundation) $15,000 continuation funding l Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (National Science Foundation) - $31,732 for the development of curriculum for BIO 101 and BIO 102 for non-science degree students l Upward Bound (U.S. Department of Education) $331,752 continuation funding l Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (Health Resources and Services Administration) - $58,704 for one year to aide Associate Degree Nursing students with tuition, books and fees l Community Needs (Wachovia Foundation) - $15,000 for establishing a Workforce Certification Testing Center to complement the Center for Manufacturing Innovation project l JOBS Readiness (Alabama Department of Education) $47,000 to assist the unemployed and underemployed in obtaining skills for employment l TVA Corporate Contributions - $5,000 for MasterCam (CNC) software l Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering Scholarships (National Science Foundation) - $100,000 continuation funding l Title III (U.S. Department of Education) - $365,000 continuation funding l SpaceTEC consortium (National Science Foundation) $296,687 over four years continued funding l Transportation Enhancement Project Department of Transportation) - $98,175 (Alabama Total of new grants awarded: $8,764,004 Total combined new grants and continuation funding: $17,844,846 (includes federal student financial aid) l FACES Program (Office of School Readiness) - $60,000 for the Childcare Learning Laboratory l Adult Basic Education (Governor’s Office) - $883,890 13 Sean Travis, 2005 recipient of the Betsy Cantrell Leadership Memorial Scholarship awarded by the Calhoun Foundation 14 The Calhoun Foundation GREAT EXPECTATIONS It is a privilege to be associated with such a fine institution as Calhoun Community College. Under the leadership of President Marilyn Beck, the College is on the move! And, your Calhoun Foundation Board is excited about the days ahead with Terri Bryson as our new Executive Director. Other than our spiritual condition, I firmly believe an education is the most important determinant of success during our sojourn on earth. A good education opens doors and provides avenues to reach our fullest potential as human beings. When we reach our full potential, society benefits along with the individual. our students by generously giving to this campaign. I look forward to working with you to make this area a better place in which to live and work by promoting the gift of education. Arthur Orr President, Calhoun Foundation Board of Directors Here in the Tennessee Valley, we have been blessed. I trust that you will continue being a blessing to others through the Calhoun Foundation. As you will read elsewhere in this report, we will be embarking on a capital campaign in 2006. There will be many opportunities to make an indelible mark on the lives of Calhoun Foundation Board Of Directors Cathy Anderson Woody Anderson Ford Wally Kirkpatrick DESE Research, Inc. Stephen W. Raby Direct Communications Emmette L. Barran, III Gateway Commercial Brokerage, Inc. Philip R. Marshall The Boeing Company Barrett C. Shelton, Jr. The Decatur Daily Paul H. Bishop, DMD General Dentistry Stan McDonald Reli Inc., Attorney at Law Jimmy D. Smith Jimmy Smith Jewelers Angie McCarter Davidson Technologies Kaye Meeks Great Southern Engineering Nita Wallace Private Duty Nursing Services Dan M. David First American Bank Billy C. Mitchell Diamond Hollow Farms John T. Wigington COLSA Corporation Philip C. Dotts Public Finance Association, LLC Arthur W. Orr Cook’s Pest Control Patricia (Pat) Woller Retired Public Officer J. Jeffrey Irons Main Street Solutions Cary Payne Athens Limestone Hospital J. W. (Bill) Wyker, III Morgan Keegan Company Bradley E. Jones Crestwood Medical Center Lyla Peebles Terri Bryson (ex-officio) Executive Director, 256-306-2579 Marilyn C. Beck (ex-officio) President, Calhoun Community College 15 SCHOLARSHIPS Foundation Donors 2005-2006 Endowed Scholarships The following scholarships are endowed through investments from businesses, individuals, employees, and organizations. Endowed scholarships are the foundation and the future of our scholarship program – gifts that keep on giving. AmSouth Bank, Decatur Applied Research, Inc. Automatic Screw Machine Products Co. Raymon J. Baker Family Scholarship Clay Blizzard Memorial Hilda and J.C. Brown Florence Nicolette (Nicky) Byrd Scholarship Elliott Henry Caddell Memorial D. Ray Campbell Betsy J. Cantrell Leadership Memorial Cargill Inc. Fund Lucy B. Cauthen Memorial Nina Hodges Cline Memorial Mavis and William Cofield Memorial Compass Bank Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harold Cook Memorial Cook’s Pest Control The Decatur Daily Decatur Kiwanis Club Fund Decatur New Car Dealers’ Association Denbo Iron and Metal Company, Inc. Lloyd and Betty Dinsmore Honorary Disabled American Veterans David & Karen Duke Engelhard Mr. and Mrs. William B. Eyster First American Bank Foundation Tribute Charles A. Gober Honorary William G. and Wilma P. Hall Memorial Kathleen Haney-Security Mutual Memorial Dr. Cathy Hansberry Honorary Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry Tribute I Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry Tribute II George and Ida Hansberry Memorial Dr. and Mrs. Frank Haws Dr. Virginia S. Hill Nursing Memorial Elton and Marguerite Hinnant Memorial Willie Esma Hodges Memorial Jean and Billy Hunter Katie and Robert Hutson Memorial Suzanne B. Joiner Honorary 16 William Lee Jones Phi Theta Kappa Memorial Dr. Carlton Kelley Nursing Memorial Hafford Leeman Memorial Les Jeunes Meres Club Donna Wilburn McDonald Nursing Memorial Management Advisory Group Fund Elizabeth Smith Maund Honorary Robin Horton Milam Nursing Memorial James T. Morgan Memorials Morgan/Lawrence County Medical Alliance Dr. Frances P. Moss Tribute Office Supply Company, Inc. (OSCO) Jean Osborne Memorial PAR Enterprises, Inc. PH&J Architects’ Scholarship Bill and Inez Prince Professional Secretaries International Luke Pryor Honorary Regions Bank Smith Family Scholarship Honoring Hollis and Sue Smith Jimmy Smith Jewelers Solutia Fund Maureen Stephens Memorial William H. Stevens, Jr. Memorial Sue-Jac, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sundback C. Wilson Taylor Memorial I C. Wilson Taylor Memorial II Bobby Terry Memorial Bertha Timberlake Memorial/Decatur Women’s Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tucker Jacquelin Woolley Villadsen Memorial Amanda Susan Walker Memorial Robin Frenzel Wallace Nursing Memorial S.S. Wang Memorial Steve Waters Memorial Paul and Susie Dell Wildes Memorial Wendy Williams Memorial Willo Products Dr. Mary M. Yarbrough Honorary 2005-2006 Designated Scholarships The following scholarships were established by businesses, individuals, employees, and organizations to provide financial assistance to deserving students. Designated scholarships vary from year to year, depending on funding. 3M AAUW, Decatur American Legion Auxiliary, Decatur American Legion Commander American Legion Post 15 Memorial The Boeing Company Kurtis Charleson Theatre Memorial National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Tennessee Valley Town Committee Disabled American Veterans’ Commander Delmore Brothers Memorial Decatur Culture Club Decatur-Morgan County Minority Development Association Decatur Veterans Representative Bill Dukes Mary Ann Faulkner Honorary Golden K Kiwanis Club Dr. Joan Goree Honorary Representative Laura Hall, District 19 Huntsville Representative Laura Hall Dual Enrollment, District 19 Huntsville Carol & Florin Hodges/Nobel J. Russell Memorial Hospital Partners Athens-Limestone Hospital Crestwood Hospital Decatur General Hospital Huntsville Hospital Billy N. Hunter Memorial/Compass Bank Dr. Rhoda Hutchinson Nursing Honorary A. B. Lightfoot/Billy Mitchell Limestone County Homemakers’ Club LaJune McClusky Nursing Memorial Mortimer Jordan High School Shugart Scholarship Dr. Frances Moss Honorary/Austinville United Methodist Church Leslie Perry Memorial Redstone Federal Credit Union Rising Sun Lodge No. 29/Arthur Prince Gambino Sanchez Memorial Sexton Family Foundation Shetland Sheepdog Club Steelcase Foundation Three Springs Foundation Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4190 Commander Robin Frenzel Wallace Memorial Wildwood Electronics Lexie Williams Nursing Memorial Scholarships Open for Contribution The following scholarships are ongoing and welcome contributions. Jeremy Chad Long Eagle Scout Memorial Joan Goree Honorary Kurtis Charleson Theatre Memorial Jazz Band Fund Leslie Perry Memorial Robin Frenzel Wallace Nursing Memorial Lexie Williams Memorial Amber Lynn Ellis Memorial Jim D. Raby Honorary/STI ANNUAL GIVING LEVELS Calhoun Community College is truly grateful for the gifts and generous support shown by businesses, organizations, employees and friends during 2005. Your support is vital to the strength of the College. The PresidentÕs Club The President’s Club recognizes donors who gave $1000 or more to the College in 2005. This prestigious and loyal group of supporters makes a significant difference to the College. 3M Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Unit #15 American Legion Post 15 AmSouth Bank Mrs. Cathleen W. Anderson ARC Management Services, Inc. Austinville United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Raymon J. Baker Dr. Marilyn C. Beck The Boeing Company - Huntsville BP Chemical Company Dr. and Mrs. Waymon E. Burke Compass Bank Mrs. Katherine T. Cook Estate Cook’s Pest Control Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cox Crestwood Medical Center Daniel Foundation Dr. and Mrs. J. Felton Davenport Decatur-Morgan County Minority Development Association, Inc. DESE Research, Inc.- Mr. Wally Kirkpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Gerry F. Ellis Engelhard First American Bank - Mr. Dan David Golden K Kiwanis Club Mr. Michael Innes Mr. Jeff Irons Jimmy Smith Jewelers - Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Knight Lexie Ellis Williams Charitable Trust Lockheed Martin Corporation MILTEC Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Orr P H & J Architects, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Cary J. Payne Tom Place - Tom Place Construction Service Private Duty Nursing Services, Inc.- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Raby Redstone Federal Credit Union Campaign for Excellence and Opportunity Our vision for the future is on target with the campaign for Excellence & Opportunity. The campaign’s $3 million goal will address four initiatives: Health Sciences: Address the valley’s growing healthcare worker shortage by raising $1 million for Health Sciences to add new programs and equip the new Health Sciences building. Math/Sciences: Ensure that the coming generation is equipped to problem solve, analyze and invent the world of tomorrow, protecting the future of high-tech jobs throughout the region by raising $2 million for Math and Science programs. Funds will create smart classrooms, offer more advanced programs, build high-tech labs, and equip the new Math/Science classroom building with vital technology. Scholarships: Help overcome the financial obstacles common to many college students by raising $500,000 for new scholarship endowments. Campus Development: Create an inspirational campus for students, faculty, staff, and community by raising $500,000 for beautification. Funds enhance campus appearance, improve access and the use of space and mobility on campus. Regions Bank Rising Sun Masonic Lodge #29 Sallie Mae, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett C. Shelton, Jr. Mr. Richard Smedstad State of Alabama Steelcase Foundation Dr. Dena M. Stephenson Temple-Inland Foundation Wachovia Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation Ms. Gail D. Webb Col. John T. Wigington III Wildwood Electronics, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim K. Worthey Patron This annual giving level recognizes individuals and corporations with gifts from $500 to $999 in 2005. Alabama Sales Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen American Association of University Women Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks Lodge # 655 D. W. Bergner Boeing Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson Ms. Judy Chalfant Compass Bank Mrs. Billie Anne Dampier Disabled American Veterans Chapter 11 Mrs. Teresa J. Flowers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hamilton, III Mr. Dennis Holmes Mrs. Deborah Lee Dr. Frances P. Moss National Society of Colonial Dames Mr. Ottie L. Newsom North Alabama Educators Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce Mr. David Raby Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Reed Mr. and Mrs. Britt Sexton Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Sheppard South Limestone Co-operative Three Springs Foundation, Inc. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4190 Sponsor Individuals and organizations at this level have invested in Calhoun with gifts from $250 to $499 in 2005. Alpha Kappa Club Mr. and Mrs. James M. Blizzard Mr. Charles Bowden Dr. Taylor Byrd Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kermit Carter Mrs. Barbara Chapman Dr. and Mrs. John Colagross Dawson Machine Works Domino’s Pizza Mr. David Embody Ms. Lawanda K. Guthrie Mrs. June Holt Mr. Chet Kubina Limestone Farmers Cooperative Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. McCain Nelnet Marketing Solutions Reliance Bank Mrs. Beverly T. Stovall Ms. Patricia Stueck Ms. Carla Swinney Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Douthit Ms. Elizabeth Thames Ms. Nancy Thomas Dr. Wayne Tosh University of Alabama in Huntsville Dr. Wyla Washington Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson Mr. John A. Woller and Mrs. Pat Woller Education Society This annual giving level recognizes individuals and organizations whose gifts were from $100 to $249 in 2005. Mr. Bill Achenback Alaplex, Inc. Mrs. Jan Anderson Mrs. Mary Asherbranner Mr. Thomas J. Barham Ms. Sarah S. Bates Ms. Kristine Beadle Mrs. Kay Blackwell Dr. Carmen Blalock Mr. Frazer Brannon Mr. Mike Bridges Bunge North America Foundation (Matching) Mrs. Mattie Burks Ms. Beth Butler Mrs. Deborah Byrd Mr. Jimmy Cantrell Ms. Sandra I. Caudle Dr. Jill May Chadwick Dr. and Mrs. Claudio Chaves Dr. Carol D. Chenault Dr. and Mrs. Don Collier Ms. Christi Corn Dr. Ben Currin Mrs. Marilyn Darwin Mr. Norman K. Davenport David Sherman Corp. Decatur Culture Club Mrs. Pamela L. Doran Mr. James F. Duke Ms. Leonette Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faulkner Mr. Richard Ferrara Foshee & George, LLC Mr. Frank A. Fowler Ms. Karen E. Fowler Dr. Frank Franz Mrs. Mary Ellen Garrett Mrs. Jo Ann Gentry Mrs. Dawn M. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. William Godsey Mr. James F. Graham Mrs. Jackie Guice Dr. Mike Haghighi Mr. Christopher R. Hall Mr. Keith C. Hallmark Ms. Jennetta Hampton Mrs. Myra C. Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Hargrove Dr. Izora Harrison Ms. Paula G. Henry Dr. Lynn C. Hogan Hugh Holland Mr. Roger Hornbuckle Ms. Kelly Hovater Mrs. Donna Huffman Mr. James Hughes Huntsville City Schools International Society for Optical Engineering Ms. Betty J. Jarrell Mr. Glen Jimerson Mr. David Johnson Mrs. Annie Jones Mr. Renis O. Jones Mr. John Jordan Mr. Alan Kelley Ms. Janice Kelley Ms. Janet Kincherlow-Martin Ms. Jolanda Kirkpatrick Mr. William Kissam Mrs. Jannett Knight-Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Kuzmicic Ms. Susan LoCascio Dr. Thalia F. Love Ms. Linda Lowery Mr. Charles B. Martin 17 Foundation Donors Mrs. Cecilia Maxfield Mr. David McMurry Mrs. Regina A. Mitchell Dr. Sue L. Mitchell Moet Hennessy, USA Mr. Harry V. Moore Ms. Kathy Nave Mrs. Laquita Nelson Ms. Linda Newman North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence Ms. Deborah C. Ott Mr. Charles Lynn Parker Mr. Phillip E. Parker Peck Funeral Home Mrs. Jan Peek Mrs. Gail Pisani Mr. William Provin Radiology Group Mrs. Catherine H. Rice Richardson & Deemer, Inc. Mr. John R. Russell, III Mrs. Phyllis Salyer Mrs. Cherri Scott Mr. Jimmy M. Scott Mr. Robert B. Simmons Mr. Ronald G. Sims Mr. Dennis Smith Mr. Phillip Smith and Mrs. Jackie H. Smith Dr. Cynthia Snead Ms. Roberta Sommerville Mr. Ronald M. Taylor Teledyne Brown Engineering Mr. Archie Tennison Mr. Billy Terry Mr. Edward Terry Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Thiessen Dr. Paul D. Thomas Mrs. Barbara Thompson Mr. Wes Torain Ms. Suzanne Turner Mr. David Tuyo Mr. Joseph Warden Ms. Carol S. Waters Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wyker III Friends The Foundation acknowledges with sincere appreciation these loyal friends of the College. Their gifts have enhanced the educational experience of our students. Anonymous Mr. Don Belcher Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Betts Mr. Tommy Brown Mrs. Rebecca Caddell Mr. and Mrs. Bingham D. Edwards Dr. Nancy Fabisinski Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fisher 18 Mrs. Karen M. Fite Fraternal Order of Eagles - Ladies Auxiliary # 3263 Mrs. Kim Gaines Mr. and Mrs. John L. Garth Mr. and Mrs. Welman Gebhart Mr. Quentin Gillette Girl Scouts of North Alabama Troop # 20 Girl Scouts of North Alabama Troop # 603 Mr. Kurt Glasscock Ms. Gina Grissom Mrs. Edith Haney Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hardwick Dr. and Mrs. Dabney Y. Hofammann Mrs. Charles B. Howell Ms. Shirley Hughes Dr. Harry Joiner and Mrs. Suzanne Joiner Mrs. Chrystal Jones Mrs. Louella Kelley Ms. Barbara Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight Ms. Patricia M. Landers Mrs. Melanie Little Ms. Anne M. Malcolm Ms. Jean Martin Ms. Jean McCraney Mr. and Mrs. George McCrary Mr. Donald F. McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWhorter Ms. Rita Mintz Mr. Tony Mitchell Mr. Claborn W. Mooney Morgan County Medical Alliance Ms. Lynda Morris Nina Hodges Cline Estate Ms. Brenda Parris Ms. Beth Pawluk Mr. Mykola Taras Pawluk Mr. James M. Payne Mr. Willie Pickett Mr. Douglas Powell Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Prewitt Ms. Betty Randall Ms. Leigh A. Rhea Mr. Bill C. Rudolph Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sewell Mr. Roy Stewart Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson Dr. and Mrs. Dale E. Trammell Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Tweedy Ms. Ann Wagnon Mr. George O. Williams, Jr. LIFETIME DONOR LEVELS Throughout the years, valued donors have helped to sustain the College through their cumulative support for campus initiatives. Their generosity has enabled Calhoun Community College to achieve success and will help this institution maintain excellence for years to come. FounderÕs Circle This distinguished donor level recognizes individuals and organizations with a lifetime of giving to Calhoun Community College exceeding $100,000. 3M Company Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dinsmore Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry Mr. James T. Morgan Estate Steelcase Foundation Steelcase, Inc. The Decatur Daily Fealty Society This donor category recognizes individuals and organzations with lifetime giving levels of $50,000. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Raymon J. Baker Compass Bancshares Compass Bank Mrs. Katherine T. Cook Estate Cook’s Pest Control Daikin America, Inc. Daniel Foundation Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems First American Bank Tennessee River, Inc. Champions Individuals and corporations with lifetime giving histories in excess of $25,000 receive this recognition. 3M Foundation AmSouth Bank Anonymous BellSouth Mr. H. Clay Blizzard The Boeing Company – Huntsville BP Chemical Company Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc. Byrd Maintenance Service, Inc. Cabane 1012 Bingo Fund Cargill, Inc. Clark & James, L. L. C. Disabled American Veterans Chapter 11 Engelhard Mrs. Ann K. Eyster Golden K Kiwanis Club Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goss Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Haws Mrs. Suzanne Joiner McGraw-Hill Companies Motorola Mutual Savings Life Insurance Co. The PAR Group, LLC Regions Bank Sexton Family Charitable Foundation Jimmy Smith Jewelers Solutia, Inc. Mrs. Caroline B. Taylor Mrs. Jean B. Templeton Tennessee Valley Voiture 1012 Dr. Michael M. J. Wang and Dr. Susan Olmstead-Wang Mr. and Mrs. James K. Worthey Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worthey Benefactors This donor category is a tribute to individuals and organizations with lifetime giving levels in excess of $10,000. Adtran Alabama Power Foundation American Legion Post 15 Anonymous Athens Broadcasting Company Athens Pharmacy The Boeing Company – Decatur Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown Burger King, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Byrd, Jr. Mr. John A. Caddell Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cauthen City View Estates Nina Hodges Cline Estate Dr. and Mrs. Don Collier Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cox Dr. and Mrs. J. Felton Davenport Decatur Kiwanis Dr. and Mrs. Gerry F. Ellis Eyster, Key, Tubb, Weaver and Roth First United Methodist Church – Decatur Mrs. Teresa J. Flowers Friskies Petcare Company General Electric Wilma P. Hall Estate Ms. Betty Hinnant Mrs. Jean Hunter A NOTEWORTHY ROLE MODEL Gifted with musical talent and graced with a giving heart, music instructor Dr. Frances Moss is a steadfast contributor to the Calhoun Foundation. Through her work and her giving, she is a role-model for all. Years ago her good friend, internationally acclaimed composer and conductor Dr. Jack E. Platt, endowed a scholarship in honor of Dr. MossÕ work as a music educator. In turn, Dr. Moss began a scholarship to honor her co-worker, Dr. Joan A. Goree, a world renowned vocalist, author, and retired Calhoun instructor. Three wonderfully talented lives are now intertwined in good works. Dr. Moss continues to contribute to these scholarship funds and donates the fees from the private classes she teaches to home-schooled chorus students. Huntsville Hospital East Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mrs. Louella Kelley Lynn Layton Chevrolet Local Mortgage Company M.E.W.S., Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William Manifold Dr. Frances P. Moss P H & J Architects, Inc. Dr. Jack E. Platt Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Prewitt Mr. and Mrs. William L. Prince Professional Secretaries International Mr. and Mrs. Luke Pryor Redstone Federal Credit Union Regions Bank Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rowe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour Mrs. Virginia H. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith Mrs. Virginia H. Smith Mrs. Harold C. Steele Dr. Dena M. Stephenson Stevens Oil Company Teledyne Brown Engineering Tennessee Valley Recycling, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Turner Mr. Wayne and Dr. Alice Villadsen Wachovia Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallace Mr. Michael J. Wilburn Wildwood Electronics, Inc. Willo Products Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wyker III IN HONORARIUM Dr. Marilyn Beck Calhoun Planning Council Mr. Frank Collazo John T. Wigington, III Dr. Randy Cross Mrs. Rebecca Caddell Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards Mrs. Edith Haney Mrs. Barbara Kelly Mrs. Shirley McCrary Mrs. Kay McWhorter Mrs. Susan Morley Mrs. John B. Sewell, Jr. Ms. Penny Trammell Mary Ann Faulkner Anonymous Dr. Frances Moss Austinville United Methodist Church Jim D. Raby/Soldering Technology International Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mitchell David Raby Mary Ellen Raby Betty Randall Shawn Sparkman Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Gillette Emma Pearl Stover Dr. and Mrs. Gerry F. Ellis Judy Montgomery White Employees of Judy’s Place George and Pat Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thiessen IN MEMORIAM Ethel Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Welman Gebhart June Brazelton Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Mrs. Treva M. Brown Don Belcher Charles Spenser Browning, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Nicole Cardwell and Ciara Cardwell May Mrs. Karen Weston Girl Scouts of N. Alabama -Troop 20 Girl Scouts of North Alabama Troop 603 Kenny Carter Jan Anderson Bowes Channell Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Joshua Chaves Dr. and Mrs. Claudio Chaves The Delmore Brothers Ms. Billie Anne Dampier Ms. Norma Gail Weimer Amber Lynn Ellis Mr. Mike Adams Andy’s Cabinets and Millwork Mr. Jack Atkinson Mr. Lee Barran Dr. and Mrs. Charles Betts Mr. and Mrs. Billy Biles Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman Decatur General Hospital - Labor and Delivery Employees Dr. Mike Dishman Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John Garth Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hardwick Mrs. Charles Howell and Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hull Mr. Joe T. Jones Judy’s Place Employees Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight Morgan County Medical Alliance Ms. Lynda Morris Mr. Malcolm Prewitt, Jr. Radiology Group, P.A. Mr. Rick Sanders Mr. Allen Sartain Mr. Phillip Smith Mr. Jimmy Sykes Bill, Debbie, Beth and Jennifer Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tweedy Mr. Andy Villareal Mr. Todd Witt Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wyker, III Kenneth R. Frederick Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Diane Hamlin Alabama Sales Co. Donn and Michele Lux Rich and Debbie Valentine Friends at David Sherman Corporation Alaplex, Inc. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladies Auxiliary #3263 Friends at Moet Hennessy, USA Tom Johnson Andy, Jan and Walton Anderson Aerica Taylor Jones Jan Anderson Terri Bryson Karen Fowler Melanie Little Dr. Nancy Fabisinski Bill Locke Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Joseph Earl Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Woller Jim Pearce Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Alice Pressler Pitt Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis William “Bill” Pyron, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis Joe Rice Jan Anderson Harry W. Rice Mrs. Catherine Rice Kris J. Thiessen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thiessen Steve Waters Carol S. Waters IN KIND DONORS Pepsi-Cola - Mr. Ronnie Dukes Tommy Brown Anthony & Aaron Crutch Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Isbell College House, Inc.- Mr. Don Fletcher Dallas Pen Company- Mr. Ray Russell Mr. Rick O’Dell Inland Buildings Mr. Patrick Campbell Federal Mogul Ruby Tuesday’s Point Mallard Aquatic Center Mark Davis Photography Etc. By Ross - Mr. Ross Railey Chel’Dens - Mrs. Shelia Stewart U. S. Army Recruiting Station - Sgt. First Class Israel Baugh Mr. Pete Broussard MATCHING GIFT PROGRAMS We thank all businesses, corporations, and foundations with matching gift programs for their generous support. These programs enabled friends of Calhoun to double their annual gifts to the College during 2005. 3M Community Affairs BellSouth The Boeing Company The Bunge Foundation Temple-Inland Foundation 19 Financial Report Calhoun Community College REVENUE/PERCENT BY SOURCE 2001-2002 Ñ 2004-2005 SOURCE 2001-2002 Amount % % 2003-2004 Amount % 2004-2005 Amount % $15,539,616 33 $15,777,807 29 $16,114,371 30 $16,546,563 29 Federal/State/ Local Contracts, Grants 10,109,890 22 11,568,633 22 10,677,417 20 11,174,301 20 Tuition and Fees 12,139,135 26 16,253,886 30 16,166,653 31 17,293,325 31 Other Income 5,660,324 12 6,236,358 12 6,569,198 12 7,348,051 13 Bookstore 2,345,730 5 2,661,858 5 2,793,903 5 2,882,225 5 Auxiliary 1,167,425 2 931,227 2 1,081,151 2 1,173,866 2 $46,962,117 100 $53,429,769 100 $53,402,693 100 $56,418,331 100 Government Appropriations TOTAL 2002-2003 Amount 2004-2005 EXPENDITURES Instruction $33,764,311 66% Student Services 3,654,278 7% Institutional Support 5,252,345 10% Operations/Maintenance 3,619,008 7% Auxiliary 3,901,500 8% Public Service 1,099,700 2% $51,291,142 100% Total 20 CALHOUN COMMUNITY COLLEGE P.O. Box 2216 • Decatur, AL 35609-2216 ADA/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Non-Profit Orgn. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 304 Decatur, Alabama 35601