2009 Annual Report C ALHOUN OMMUNITY

P.O. Box 2216
Decatur, AL 35609-2216
2009 Annual Report
The Alabama State
Board of Education
The Honorable Bob Riley
Governor of the
State of Alabama
President of the Board
Mr. Randy McKinney
District I
Vice President
Mrs. Betty Peters
District II
Mrs. Stephanie Wolfe Bell
District III
Dr. Ethel H. Hall
District IV
Vice President Emerita
Mrs. Ella B. Bell
District V
Mr. David F. Byers, Jr.
District VI
Mr. Gary Warren
District VII
Dr. Mary Jane Caylor
District VIII
President Pro Tempore
Dr. Freida Hill
The Alabama
Community College System
Calhoun Community College is accredited
by the Commission on Colleges of the
Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools to award Associate’s degrees and
certificates. Contact the Commission on
Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur,
Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for
questions about the accreditation of
Calhoun Community College. Specific
questions regarding Calhoun’s educational
programs, admissions and other matters
related specifically to the College should be
forwarded directly to the College.
Calhoun is a member of the American
Association of Community Colleges and the
Alabama Community College System.
Calhoun Community College is committed to equal
opportunity in employment and education. The College does
not discriminate in any program or activity on the basis of
race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability,
marital status or any other protected class.
Table of Contents
President’s Message / 1
A Campus that Encourages Learning / 3
The Numbers Tell the Story / 5
A New Leader in our Midst / 7
Opening Doors to Opportunity / 9
Robotics Technology Park Moves Full Steam Ahead / 11
Tradition Takes a Back Seat in Students Pursuit of
High Tech Careers / 13
Highlights of 2009 / 14
Students, Faculty and Staff / 16
Grants / 18
Financial Report / 20
The Calhoun Foundation / 21
Our Mission
The mission of Calhoun Community
College is to ensure student success
and promote community development
and cultural enrichment. The mission
will be accomplished by
• Providing quality, innovative instruction
• Ensuring open access
• Promoting lifelong learning
• Valuing diversity
• Securing partnerships for economic development
• Providing comprehensive student support services
• Institutionalizing assessment, accountability and
• Providing a supportive, responsive environment
• Ensuring opportunities for professional
Our Values
Letter from the President
Whether you’ve been associated with Calhoun
Community College for one year, ten years, fifty
years or more, I know that we can all agree that in no
other time in the 62 year history of this great
institution have there been so many significant
accomplishments and so many milestones reached
in such a relatively short period of time.
Over the past few years, Calhoun has experienced
many tremendous successes, a number within the
past year. We have seen our enrollment sky-rocket to
over 11,000; progress on the construction of The Robotic Maintenance
Training Center, Phase I of the Robotics Technology Park, is moving along
nicely; our $44 million redevelopment project at the Decatur campus and
$3.3 million dollar expansion project resulting in additional classroom
space, parking, a new bookstore and student center for our Huntsville
campus are complete; and millions of dollars in grant funding have been
awarded to the College.
And, while all of these successes are truly impressive, what is just as
noteworthy is the fact that literally thousands of students, faculty and staff,
contributors, supporters and friends of the College have been involved. To
quote famed author, political activist, lecturer and Alabama native Helen
Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
It is indeed because of the involvement of so many that we have and
continue to accomplish so much. We thank you for your many
contributions on behalf of Calhoun and the students we serve and hope you
enjoy this 2009 year in review.
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A Campus that Encourages Learning
he completion of a $44 million redevelopment project literally transformed the Decatur campus, providing an educational environment
designed to support and encourage teaching and learning. Included
in the project was the construction of two new, state-of-the-art facilities (the
Health Sciences Center and the Math/Science/Administration building),
both featuring a more traditional academic look. Renovations to the Noble
Russell building, Harris Hall and the Wallace building were also included.
A $3 million beautification initiative which included landscaping, parking,
new signage, a new electronic marquee, a brick walkway extending the entire one-mile length of the campus, underground utilities, upgraded exterior
lighting and an impressive brick and wrought iron main entrance were
added to enhance the project.
Significant upgrades were also made to the College’s Huntsville campus.
The $3.3 million project includes 200 more parking spaces and 28,000
square feet of inside renovated space providing seven new state-of-the-art
classrooms, a new student center, new bookstore, and over 5,500 square
feet of additional space dedicated to the College’s Adult Education program.
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The Numbers Tell the Story
nrollment for the 2009 fall semester reached an all time high of
11,334 students. The 16% increase also marked the sixth straight
semester of enrollment growth for the College.
Of the students taking classes last fall, 4753 were enrolled in day and
evening classes at the Decatur campus and 4524 took day, evening and
weekend classes at the college’s Huntsville/Cummings Research Park site.
Distance Education enrollment increased 41% over Fall 2008 with 1180
students taking classes on-line. Enrollment numbers for the college’s Dual
Enrollment program totaled 594 students and enrollment for the program at
Limestone Correctional Facility stood at 283.
Commenting on the increase, President Marilyn Beck, said, “We are
extremely excited about reaching this all-time record for enrollment at
Calhoun. As the largest of Alabama’s two-year colleges, Calhoun
continues to offer quality instruction and training opportunities at an
affordable cost and in various schedules and formats, which is indicated
through our continued enrollment increases.”
Some interesting facts about Calhoun students:
57% of students are female; 43% are male
26% of students are minority (19%-African American; 3%-American
Indian/Alaskan Native; 2%-Asian/Pacific Islander; 2%-Hispanic)
44% are enrolled full time
92% are Alabama residents
43% of Calhoun’s students receive financial aid
61% of degrees/awards were in career/technical fields (AAS and
certificates – 714 out of 1178 students graduating in 2008-09)
Average student age is 27
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Photos courtesy of The Decatur Daily
A New Leader in our Midst
n December 1, 2009, Dr. Freida Hill officially became the new
chancellor of the Alabama Community College System (ACCS),
making her the first woman in the System’s history to serve as
permanent chancellor. Later that month, the Decatur campus of Calhoun
and our local community were fortunate to be among the first stops made
by Dr. Hill in her travels throughout the state and the System.
Dr. Hill visited the Decatur area to meet with the administrative staff of
Calhoun and local business leaders, elected officials and others as she
shared her vision for the system and put her “stamp of approval” on the
new downtown Decatur fine arts center, a collaborative effort between
Calhoun and Athens State University.
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Opening Doors to Opportunity
ast summer, a $20,000 grant from the Alabama Department of
Education allowed Calhoun to literally open our doors to many
students and potential students who may not have otherwise visited
one of our traditional campus sites.
Funding from the “Opening Doors” College Access Challenge Grant Model
program enabled the College to open a temporary enrollment center in
Huntsville’s Parkway Place Mall and to meet students and potential
students where they work and play.
Referred to as the “Calhoun Connection”, the center provided financial aid
information, admissions assistance, advising/counseling, placement testing,
and even the opportunity to register for the 2009 fall semester. “Having a
location in such a high-traffic area as Parkway Place Mall was a perfect way
for us to reach students,” said Deborah Byrd, Calhoun Financial Aid
The Opening Doors grant also provided funding for the Financial Aid staff
to go on the road with information and assistance through a series of bus
tours to area Wal-Marts.
The enrollment center proved to be a good investment of state dollars and a
successful way to reach students. Of the over 625 students assisted
through the center during its six-week “run”, close to 200 completed an onsite survey, with 97% indicating that they were very satisfied with their
experience, and 50% indicating that they would not have applied and
registered for classes had they not visited the center. The “dollar amount”
of the classes taken by these students came to almost $42,000, more than
doubling the initial funding of the project.
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Robotics Technology Park Moves
Full Steam Ahead
Architects’ Rendering
mid frigid temperatures, snow and a few sunny days sprinkled here
and there, workers with G.C. Wyatt General Contracting quickly
transformed the once empty lot off Highway 31 north across from
Calhoun’s Decatur campus into the building that will anchor the Alabama
Robotics Technology Park (RTP). The Robotic Maintenance Training
Center, Phase I of the RTP, is set to open in mid-September 2010. “It is so
exciting; a truly remarkable site to look out the window of my office and
witness the daily progress that the construction company has made,”
commented Calhoun President Marilyn Beck.
Construction of the RTP’s Phase II facility, the Advanced Technology
Research and Development Center, is expected to begin soon, with an
anticipated completion date of early 2011. The $8.5 million, 35,000 squarefoot project will include a large open shop space, labs and classrooms for
robotics research and development, and a 53-acre outdoor track to allow for
testing in a variety of environments.
Funding options for Phase III, the Integration and Entrepreneurial Center,
are being explored.
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Tradition Takes a Back Seat in
Pursuit of High Tech Careers
ven in the face of a recession, great careers are still available in many
technical fields, and throughout the nation efforts are underway to
grow the workforce in those jobs through greater diversity.
A week-long free summer camp offered by Calhoun continues to spark the
interest of area high school girls in non-traditional, high-tech, high wage
careers in welding and electrical technology.
During the college’s 3rd annual Summer Welding and Electrical Technology
(SWeETy) camp, participants were given a unique opportunity to learn
hands-on about technical skills that can lead to high-paying, satisfying
careers in high growth industries.
“The students were challenged to break down stereotypes that may deter
girls from pursuing technical professions by introducing them to successful
women who currently work in nontraditional fields and by offering them a
number of convincing reasons why girls should consider technical careers,”
said camp coordinator Gwen Baker.
Athena Hinkle, a student from Athens Bible School who was also enrolled
in the welding program at Limestone County Career Technical Center,
attended the camp because one of the camp’s instructors was also her high
school welding teacher. Hinkle says that her plans are to enter a college
welding program when she leaves high school.
Sixteen-year old Casey Hamer, a student from Woodville High School,
traveled almost an hour each morning to get to the camp, but felt it was
worth the drive. “My mom found out about this online and I really like
trying new experiences, so I decided to come. The welding is fun and it’s
something I might like to do later,” she said.
“By introducing these career options to young women still in high school,
we hope to guide them early on into the math and science courses they will
need to prepare them for earning a degree or certificate in these highdemand, high-paying fields,” said Jim Swindell, associate dean for
technology education at Calhoun.
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he following are selected highlights of notable events and
programs which occurred throughout the last year.
In April, Calhoun’s Decatur campus served as the site for a regional meeting
announcing the results of the Tennessee Valley Regional Growth Coordination Plan,
a report on how the Valley will address the needs associated with the area’s Base
Realignment and Closure (BRAC) effort. More than 100 business, educational and
civic leaders; government and elected officials; law enforcement representatives and
others attended the meeting. Among the priorities set forth in the plan is to increase
the number of graduates and students in vocational/ technical programs, specifically
in machine trades and other manufacturing disciplines, an area which is of
particular interest to Calhoun as we do our part to provide highly-qualified
individuals to assume the increased number of jobs resulting from BRAC.
EMT Dual Enrollment program
Military Friendly School
Calhoun was among eight area two-year colleges featured in the local launch of a
national awareness campaign designed to change the image of manufacturing
careers in the minds of 16 to 26 year olds, their parents, teachers and counselors.
“Dream it, Do it” (DIDI) is a program developed by the National Association of
Manufacturers in Washington D.C. and piloted in the Kansas City area. The local
campaign has already made a significant impact on increasing the awareness of
career options in the manufacturing area.
The Alabama Office of Workforce Development awarded the College a $31,500 grant
to establish a pilot Dual Enrollment program in the Emergency Medical Technician
(EMT)-Basic certificate program. The pilot program, which kicked-off during the
2009 fall semester at Sparkman High School, targeted seniors to provide EMT-Basic
training. Upon successful completion, eligible students were prepared to take the
National Registry EMT exam. Students Jacob Nesmith and Alexandria Gray
successfully completed their first attempt at the certification test to become
nationally registered and state-licensed EMT-Basics. Sparkman was selected to pilot
the program because of its established Medical Academy with a proven method of
identifying high-achieving students having a genuine interest in health education.
The school also has a strong Dual Enrollment relationship with Calhoun. The
Calhoun-Sparkman High program was the first in the state allowing high school
students the opportunity to complete the EMT-Basic certification entirely through
Dual Enrollment. The tremendous success of the Sparkman program has led to the
development of programs with Bob Jones and Grissom High schools.
Calhoun was among the educational institutions included in the 2010 list of
Military Friendly Schools by the newsletter, G.I. Jobs. The list honors the top 15
percent of colleges, universities and trade schools throughout the nation which are
doing the most to embrace America’s veterans as students. The common bond of the
schools listed is their shared priority of recruiting students with military experience.
The list was compiled through exhaustive research starting last May during which
G.I. Jobs polled more than 7,000 schools nationwide. Criteria for making the Military
Friendly Schools list included efforts to recruit and retain military and veteran
students, results in recruiting military and veteran students, and academic
Associate Degree Nursing Program
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Associate Degree nursing graduates last fall posted an impressive 9 point gain over
the previous class for the 2008-09 NCLEX (National Council of Licensure
Examination). The graduates’ 88.3% score represented an 11% increase over last
year. Health Sciences Dean Bret McGill credited the increase in scores to several
things which included implementing a system designed to identify at an earlier
point in the semester students who are struggling with the curriculum and then
providing additional instruction and assistance for these students throughout the
semester and prior to their sitting for the licensure exam. The College’s scores for
the Associate Degree or registered nursing program graduates exceeded the national
average of 88.2% and were just slightly under the state’s average of 89.6%. The
averages were based on registered nursing programs at both 2-year and 4-year
institutions. Licensed Practical Nursing graduates performed just as well on their
exam, with an 89.7% passage rate, again exceeding the national average (85.2%) and
just under the state average of 94.8%.
Over 1000 middle and high school students, teachers and parents representing 19
schools from across north Alabama and southern Tennessee descended on Calhoun’s
Decatur campus on October 24 for the 2009 Tennessee Valley (TVB) BEST (Boosting
Engineering Science and Technology) robotics competition. Headquartered at
Auburn University, the BEST program was created to help address the critical
shortage of engineers and scientists the country is now facing. Calhoun serves as one
of four “hubs” for Alabama’s BEST program. According to Calhoun BEST Director
Sue Mitchell, industry sees BEST as an ideal workforce development program
because in the process of building their robots, students learn to identify and analyze
design problems, brainstorm solutions for them, and build and test their designs, all
in a team-building setting.
Last fall, the College’s Adult Education program was awarded $1.4 million in
funding from the state for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, a 20% increase over the last
year. During the previous year, the program served over 2000 students across its
three-county service area of Madison, Morgan and Limestone counties, 16% more
students than in 2007-08. Calhoun’s Adult Education program, which was
recognized as an Outstanding Program in the state, last year added 10 additional
program sites across its service area to meet the growing demand.
Adult Education
Calhoun students started the 2009 academic year last fall "on the road to success"
when nationally-recognized motivational speaker Dennis Rahiim Watson visited the
College. President and CEO of The Center for Black Student Achievement, Watson
has been ranked as one of the top 50 motivational speakers in the nation and is often
described as a cross between Bill Cosby, Jesse Jackson and Les Brown. He has
spoken at colleges and universities around the country including Yale, Harvard,
Howard, Kent State, Cornell, Morehouse, UCLA, Columbia , Hampton, Vanderbilt,
Brown and Stanford. During his presentation, Watson addressed the topic "No
Excuses for a Lack of Student Achievement in a Globally Competitive World."
Calhoun, in conjunction with event sponsors ATK, Boeing, ERC, InfoPro, Jacobs,
LM, Qualis, Teledyne Brown Engineering and ULA (United Launch Alliance)
honored north Alabama aerospace technicians during the 2nd Annual Regional
Aerospace Technician Appreciation Night on May 1. Venue for the event was the
U.S. Space and Rocket Center’s Davidson Center for Space Exploration. Over 450
local aerospace technicians, company representatives and community leaders
attended the event. Guest speakers included NASA/MSFC Director Robert Lightfoot;
Phillip R. Marshall, Vice President Production Operations, ULA; and Colonel John
Olshefski (U.S. Army Ret). “Technicians make the world go round,” commented Col.
Olshefski during the event.
Based on the most recent report from the National Registry Examination for
Emergency Medical Services graduates, students from Calhoun Community
College’s Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic programs achieved
passage rates significantly above the state and national averages. According to
the report, Calhoun’s paramedic students achieved a 100% passage rate,
exceeding the state rate of 70% and the national rate of 75% during the same
Calhoun Community College 2009 Annual Report
On the Road to Student Success
Aerospace Technician Appreciation
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time period. Calhoun students taking the EMT Certification exam posted a 96%
passage rate, compared to the state rate of 74% and national rate of 70%.
Calhoun’s Paramedic program was awarded continuing accreditation by the
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
during the 2008 academic year. The College’s Emergency Medical Services and
Paramedic programs have been listed among the best in the country.
Alicia Taylor
Calhoun’s 2009 WORKFORCE EXPO was held February 4. Close to 1,000
students, parents and educators from seven area school systems attended. Each
year, the Expo brings together local businesses, industries and employers who
provide the jobs in our area and the young people who will soon fill those jobs.
Over 50 area businesses and industries participated in last year’s Expo. The
Career & Workforce Expo is an annual program sponsored by the Calhoun
Community College Tech Prep Consortium and the Decatur-Morgan County
Chamber of Commerce with support provided by area businesses and industries.
Students, Faculty and Staff
Dr. Debi Garrison
Terri Bryson
Jimmy Duke
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Several administrative changes have been made at the College. Following
national searches, Calhoun President Dr. Marilyn Beck announced the selection
of Alicia Taylor as the College’s new Vice President of Instruction and Student
Success and the naming of Dr. Debi Garrison (formerly Grants Coordinator at the
College) as the new Dean for Planning, Research and Grants. Both searches were
the result of retirements. Dr. Beck also announced the appointment of Terri
Bryson as the new dean of the Calhoun’s Huntsville/Cummings Research Park
campus, replacing Alicia Taylor, who held the position just prior to her selection
as VP. Bryson, who previously served as Calhoun’s Director of Development,
retains this position in addition to her duties as Huntsville campus dean.
Jimmy Duke, dean of Calhoun’s Math and Science division, was featured in the
cover story “Technology & the Community College: The Three R’s: Resourceful,
Resilient, and Ready,” published in the March 2009 issue of Campus Technology
Magazine. In the article, Duke discusses the widespread investment in
technology by community colleges across the country that is boosting the image
of these two-year schools and making them more competitive with four-year
Computer Information Systems instructors Mike Haghighi and Nick Agrawal
attended the Cisco CCNA-Security program, becoming Cisco Certified Academy
Instructors for CCNA-Security. Calhoun has also been designated a CISCOCCNA, Wireless and Security Academy.
Ms. Angela Watkins, MSN, RN, was selected for the 2010 The Face of Nursing
calendar. Ms. Watkins was one of 12 nurses in Alabama selected for the calendar.
The Alabama State Nurses Association sponsors the project each year to celebrate
and recognize professional nurses. Nurses are nominated by informative essay
submitted by a colleague. Watkins was nominated by Dr. Sybil Roark of the
Calhoun Nursing department. Candidates selected have served as an inspiration
to other nurses and patients through demonstration of outstanding professional
nursing practices.
Mike Haghighi
The Public Affairs, Community Relations and Special Events department at
Calhoun continued its record of winning by returning with an impressive 11
awards from last year’s annual conference of the Alabama Community College
System Public Relations Association (ACCSPRA). During ACCSPRA’s annual
conference held June 22-23 in Montgomery, Calhoun’s Public Relations
department received 6 first place Pyramid Awards, 1 second place Award of
Achievement, 3 third place Awards of Merit and a “Best of Show” award in the
Broadcast/Electronic Publications area for the “We are Calhoun” television ad.
Mindy Birdwell, a student in the Machine Tool Technology program at Calhoun,
was named first place winner of the Community College Week /NISOD (National
Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Student Essay Contest.
Mindy’s essay won first place from the more than 700 essays submitted from
community college students nationwide. Entitled “A Hero in an Unlikely Place,”
Mindy’s essay speaks about the impact her instructor, Mike Blizzard, made on her
life after coming to Calhoun as an older student. In her essay, Mindy says that
Blizzard, “opened up a whole new world to me, and in his own way mentored me
through my first two years at Calhoun. Mike Blizzard not only taught me how to
be a pretty good machinist, but he also helped me get my self-esteem and selfconfidence back that I had lost during an abusive twenty-seven year marriage. I
will never be able to repay him for the encouragement and compassion shown to
me during my first two years at Calhoun.”
Nick Agrawal
Joey King, a second-year Machine Tool Technology student at Calhoun, won the
gold medal in the CNC Milling competition during last year’s National SkillsUSA
conference in Kansas City, Mo. A 3rd generation machining student at Calhoun,
both Joey’s father and great uncle were enrolled in the College’s program a
number of years ago.
Mindy Birdwell and Mike Blizzard
Joey King
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Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) – Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) - $134,901 for one year to assist Associate
Degree Nursing students with tuition, fees and books.
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) – Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA) funds - $59,152 for one year to assist Associate Degree Nursing
students with tuition, fees and books.
Tech Prep – Alabama Department of Education - $50,000 for one year to
provide Career-Technical opportunities to high school students.
Carl D. Perkins – Alabama Department of Education - $453,449.01
U.S. Department of Education – Pell Grants - $14,249,404.85
U.S. Department of Education – SEOG - $214,877
U.S. Department of Education – Workstudy - $236,000
Upward Bound – U.S. Department of Education - $390,000 continuation
Title III – U.S. Department of Education - $365,000 continuation funding.
SpaceTEC – National Science Foundation - $18,000 continuation funding.
Student Support Services – U.S. Department of Education - $235,689
continuation funding.
Project AHEAD – U.S. Department of Labor - $2,465,656 continuation
Alabama Parenthood Initiative – Alabama Children’s Trust Fund - $30,000
WIRED – U.S. Department of Labor - $5,100,000 continuation funding.
Dream It, Do It – The Governor’s Office - $50,000 continuation funding.
Robotics Equipment – Small Business Administration - $175,000
continuation funding.
Business & Industry – TVA Corporate Contributions - $5,000
Virtual Journeys Summer Camp – The Daniel Foundation of Alabama $5,000 to add a music component to the summer robotics camp.
Opening Doors – Alabama Department of Education - $20,000 to assist
students with completing the FAFSA.
Career-Technical opportunities are
provided through the Tech Prep grant.
Upward Bound students enjoy the
college experience.
SpaceTEC honors technicians at
Aerospace Technician
Appreciation Night
Student Support Services students
enjoy a cultural field trip.
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SSTEM – National Science Foundation - $586,354 over 4 years for
scholarships for students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and
TechCOR – National Science Foundation - $150,000 over two years to develop
instructor’s manuals in traditional and web-based formats in the technologies
core curriculum.
Transfer Advising – Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. This program provides an
academic transfer advisor on campus for Calhoun students. No dollar value
Dual Enrollment – Alabama Department of Workforce Development Precision Machining - $129,590.
Career Coaches – Alabama Department of Workforce Development - $172,224
over one year places Career Coaches in service area high schools to assist
students in making career choices.
Lineworker Initiative – Alabama Department of Workforce Development $125,000 over one year trains students to become electrical lineworkers.
EMT Basic Dual Enrollment – Alabama Department of Workforce
Development - $30,618.
ALPACTT – Governor’s Office of Workforce Development - $90,160 over one
year provides NCCER core skills training.
Tech Skills Plus – Governor’s Office of Workforce Development - $145,914
over one year to provide NCCER Level 1 skills training and certification.
Adult Education – Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education $1,158,159
E.L. Civics – Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education - $50,000
Employment Preparation – Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education
- $100,500
Ready to Work – Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education - $50,000
HUD Adult Ed – HUD - $38,146
Project AHEAD Health Career Camps
demonstrate health care fields.
Virtual Journeys Summer Camp
added a musical component for 2009.
Opening Doors provided assistance
to students completing FAFSA.
Total New Grants = $18,284,448.86
Total New and Continuation Grants = $29,948,793.86
(includes Federal Student Financial Aid)
The Lineworker Initiative trained students to become electrical lineworkers.
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Financial Report
Calhoun Community College
REVENUE 2005-2006 — 2007-2008
Tuition and Fees
Federal/State/Local Grants and Contracts
Sales and Service
Academic Support
Student Services
Institutional Support
Operation & Maintenance
Scholarships & Fellowships
State Appropriations
EXPENDITURES 2005-2006 – 2007-2008
Public Service
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The Calhoun Foundation
Board of Directors
Mr. Em Barran, III
Gateway Commercial Brokerage, Inc.
Dear Friends,
What you are doing is wonderful!
On behalf of the College and its Foundation, I want
to thank all of Calhoun’s contributors for their
continued support of our students and our College.
Your gifts are changing lives.
There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Give a man
a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish
and he will eat for a lifetime.” Today, education is
the net that makes it possible for families to catch their future.
Mr. Joe W. Campbell
Lanier, Ford, Shaver & Payne
Mr. Rex Cheatham
Alabama Education Association
Mr. Floyd Cook, Jr.
The Boeing Company
Mr. Dan M. David
Mr. Tracy Doughty
Huntsville Hospital
Mr. W. Russell Graydon
BBVA Compass Bank
Mr. J. Jeff Irons – Board President
ironSclad Solutions, Inc
Education is a treasure. It is the most meaningful and enduring gift you
can share. It is the gift that students carry with them for the rest of their
lives - a student’s Calhoun Community College education will provide
them the means to do their part in making our community a better place
to live.
Mr. Zach Jacobsen
Redstone Village
I am happy to report that through your generosity this past year, we were
able to provide financial assistance to more than 300 students. Those
that received your support represent a cross-section of talented
individuals who might have been recruited from our community without
the incentive of your scholarship support. Our scholarships retained
these “best and brightest” for our local workforce and opened the doors of
education to those who needed your helping hand.
Mr. Stan McDonald
Thank you for being a champion of education. Please continue to make a
place for Calhoun in your heart and in your giving. Your support is
changing lives and blessing our community.
J. Jeffrey Irons
Calhoun Community College Foundation
Mr. Jeremiah Knight
Verizon Wireless
Mr. Doug Maund
Athens Pharmacy
Mrs. Kaye Meeks
Great Southern Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Billy C. Mitchell
Diamond Hollow Farms
Mr. Arthur R. Orr
Cook’s Pest Control
Dr. Jeanne Payne
Decatur City Schools
Mrs. Lyla M. Peebles
Lyla’s Flowers & Fine Food
Mr. Stephen W. Raby
Direct Communications
Mr. Barrett C. Shelton, Jr.
The Decatur Daily
Mr. Jimmy D. Smith
Jimmy Smith Jewelers
Ms. Loretta Spencer
Laughlin-Service Funeral Home
Ms. Sandra Steele
Enfinger-Steele Development
Mr. J. Glynn Tubb
Eyster, Key, Tubb, Roth, Middleton & Adams, LLP
Mrs. Nita Frenzel Wallace
Mr. Russ Wilson
BP America, Inc.
Dr. Marilyn C. Beck
President, Calhoun Community College
Mrs. Terri B. Bryson
Executive Director, Calhoun Foundation
Calhoun Community College 2009 Annual Report
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Foundation Donors
2009-2010 Endowed Scholarships
The following scholarships are endowed
through investments from businesses,
individuals, employees and
organizations. Endowed scholarships
are the foundation and the future of our
scholarship program – gifts that keep on
Applied Research, Inc.
Automatic Screw Machine Products
Raymond J. Baker Family
Mr. Clay Blizzard
Hilda and J.C. Brown
Florence Nicolette Byrd Honorary
Elliott Henry Caddell Memorial
D. Ray Campbell
Betsy Cantrell Leadership Memorial
Cargill, Inc.
Lucy B. Cauthen Memorial
Nina Hodges Cline Memorial
Mavis & William Cofield Memorial
BBVA - Compass Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ward Cook
Cook’s Pest Control
The David Family
Julian & Dorothy Davidson
Decatur Daily
Decatur Kiwanis Club
Decatur New Car Dealer’s Association
Decatur Orthopaedic Clinic
Denbo Iron & Metal Co., Inc.
Lloyd & Betty Dinsmore Honorary
Disabled American Veterans
David & Karen Duke
Amber Ellis Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Eyster
Foundation Tribute
Charles A. Gober Honorary
William G. & Wilma P. Hall Memorial
Kathleen Haney Memorial
Drs. George & Cathy Hansberry Tribute I
Drs. George & Cathy Hansberry Tribute II
Dr. Cathy Hansberry Honorary
George & Ida Hansberry and Eunice
and Ernest Cockrall Memorial by
Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry
Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Haws
Dr. Virginia S. Hill Nursing Memorial
Elton & Marguerite Hinnant Memorial
Willie Esma Hodges Memorial
Hudson-Alpha Institute
Mr. & Mrs. Billy N. Hunter
Katie & Robert Hutson
The Irons Family Scholarship for
Science and Technology
Suzanne B. Joiner
William Lee Jones Memorial
Dr. Carlton Kelley Nursing Memorial
Hafford Leeman Memorial
Les Jeunes Meres Club
Jeremy Chad Long Eagle Scout
Management Advisory Group
Elizabeth Smith Maund Honorary
Donna Wilburn McDonald Memorial
Robin Horton Milam Memorial
James T. Morgan Memorials
Morgan County Commission
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Morgan-Lawrence County Med.
Dr. Frances Moss Tribute
Nucor Steel
OSCO, Inc.
Jean Osborne Memorial
PH&J Architects
Par Enterprises
Kathleen Jordan Peebles
Bill & Inez Prince
Professional Secretaries International
Luke Pryor Memorial
Jim Raby/STI
Regions Bank
Sexton Family Scholarship
Jimmy Smith Jewelers
Smith Family Scholarship honoring
Hollis & Willie Sue Smith
Russell L. Smith Memorial by Rep. Bill
Solutia Fund
Maureen Stephens Memorial
William H. Stevens, Jr. Memorial
Sue-Jac, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Sundback
C. Wilson Taylor, Jr. Memorial
C. Wilson Taylor, Jr. Memorial by BBVA
- Compass Bank
Bobby Terry Memorial
Bertha Timberlake Memorial/Decatur
Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tucker
Eileen Terry Usery Honorary
Jacquelin Wooley Villadesen Memorial
Wachovia – Wells Fargo
Amanda Susan Walker Memorial
Robin Frenzel Wallace Memorial
S.S. Wang Honorary
Steve Waters Memorial
Dr. David White Memorial
Paul & Susie Dell Wildes Memorial
Wendy Williams Memorial
Willo Products Fund
The Workman/McCormack Nursing
Mr. and Mrs. JW Wyker, III in honor of
Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry
Dr. Mary Yarbrough Honorary
2009-2010 Annual Scholarships
The following scholarships were
established by businesses, individuals,
employees and organizations to provide
financial assistance to deserving
students. Designated scholarships vary
from year to year depending on funding.
The O. J. Hyde Honorary Scholarship
By American Legion Post 15
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 237
BP Process Technology
Kurtis Charleson Theatre Memorial
National Society of Colonial Dames of
America by the Tennessee Valley
Town Committee
Decatur-Morgan County Minority
Development Association
Delmore Brothers Memorial
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 11
Representative Bill Dukes GED/
Adult Ed.
The Benevolent & Protective Order of
the Elks
Mary Ann Faulkner Honorary
Golden K Kiwanis
Joan Goree Honorary
Representative Laura Hall District 19
Stephen Grant Wilson Helping
Dr. Rhoda Wilson Hutchinson
LaJune McClusky Nursing Memorial
Dr. Frances Moss Honorary/Austinville
United Methodist Church
Leslie Snead Perry Memorial
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Harry Rice Memorial
Sexton Foundation
Shetland Sheepdog Club
Hulett M. Smith, Jr.
Kim Nam Suk Memorial
Trinity High School Class of 1973
VFW Post 4190
Veteran’s Commander
Wildwood Electronics
Lexie Williams Nursing Memorial
Penny Lynn Aden
Ms. Else Aden
Ms. Cheryl Aden
Mr. Virgil Aden
Ms. Barbara Allen
Ms. Jerelyn Douglas
Mr. Billy Oliver
Donna P. Adkins
Dr. Thomas Ray
Ann Coleman
Mrs. Cynthia Conrad
Ms. Ruth Coulter
Dr. Hortense Dodo
Mrs. Pamela Doran
Mr. Gilmer Ellis
Mr. Jeff Enfinger
Gayla Feldman
Senator R. Griffith, MD
Ms. Dawn Hale
Mrs. Donna Huffman
Huntsville Education Assoc.
Ms. Nadine Johnson
Mr. Haresh Khanna
Ms. Janet Kincherlow-Martin
The Honorable Bill Kling, Jr.
Ms. Jannett Knight-Spencer
Mrs. Carla Larry
Mrs. Susan Locascio
Sandra McCully
Mrs. Sandra McDole
Dr. Sandra McLeod
Mr. John McPhillips
Mrs. Rita Mintz
Dr. Sue Mitchell
Morgan County Democratic
Executive Committee
Mr. Charles Ogles
Mr. Arthur Orr
Ms. Lanita Parker
Mr. Larry Pollock
Ms. Thelma Richey
Mrs. Frieda Scott
Mr. Barrett Shelton, Jr.
Ms. Beverly Sims
Ms. Beverly Smith
Dr. Martin Steelmon
Dr. Dena Stephenson
Mr. Stephen Stewart
Ms. Doris Strode
Mrs. Elizabeth Willingham
Dr. Mary Yarbrough
Ms. Mary Yates
Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae
Roy Childers
Mrs. L.L. Fabisinski
John Bibb
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
Ed Clowes
Dr. Cathy Hansberry
Mr. Arthur Orr
Gilmer Blackburn
Mr. Arthur Orr
Mark Collier
Mr. Arthur Orr
Ed. Brignac
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
John Cook, Sr.
Mr. Dan David
Ewell J. Briscoe
Dr. Cathy Hansberry
Mr. Arthur Orr
C. Lloyd Dinsmore
Mrs. Betty Dinsmore
Roy Burchel
Mr. Arthur Orr
Rebekah Moss Fletcher, M.D.
Mr. Dan David
Dr. Gerry Ellis
Elizabeth Cheatham
Alabama Education Assoc.
Athens City Educators
Ms. Anita Baugher
Mr. Steven Berryman
Blue Chip Investors Club
Mr. Douglas Bolton
Mrs. Beth Butler
Mr. John Cady
Ms. Eloise Carroll
Mr. Rex Cheatham
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garrett
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
Ruth N. Gay
Mr. Arthur Orr
Betty Jo Green
Dr. George Hansberry
Ruth N. Hackett
Mr. Hunter Horton
Dr. George Hansberry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Belsky
Ms. Carolyn Besnyl
BBVA - Compass Bank
Custom Travel, Inc.
Mr. Charles Daniel
Mr. Judson Davis Jr.
Mrs. Betty Dinsmore
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Dukes
Jones Family Fund
Ms. Anita Nunley
Mr. & Mrs. R.W. ‘Bud’ Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Orr
Mr. John Parker
Mr. Robert Peck
Ms. Beverly Smith
Mr. Henry Tindol
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Villadsen, Jr.
Mr. Rick Walter
Mr. Tom Wright
Kathryn King
Mr. Dan David
Mr. Arthur Orr
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
Alfred Truitt Land, Jr.
Dr. Gerry Ellis
Gina McCreless
Mr. Arthur Orr
Rev. Charlie McKimmon
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
Henry Morgan
Mr. Arthur Orr
Mr. Marion O. Parks, Sr.
Ms. Alicia Taylor
Harold Pilgrim, Jr.
Mr. Arthur Orr
Rachel Pride-Pieper
Dr. Cathy Hansberry
Quilla Reed
Mrs. Lyla Reebles
Harry W. Rice
Mrs. Catherine Rice
Elizabeth Richardson
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
James Riggs
Mrs. Lyla Peebles
L.E. Sheppard
Adult Basic Education
Hulet M. Smith, Jr.
Key Engineering
Robert Stephens
Mrs. L.L. Fabisinski
Lewis Tew
Ms. Carmen Fountain
Steve Waters
Ms. Carol Waters
Dr. David White
Dr. Charles Betts, Jr.
Dr. Paul Bishop
Dr. William Davis
Decatur Family Dentistry
Dr. Otis Kirby, Jr.
Dr. Steven Leach
Dr. Alicia Nails
Piper, LLC
Dr. Lew Sample
Dr. Randall Sandlin
Dr. Thomas Willis
Wendy Williams
Ms. Jan Cribbs
Dr. Marilyn Beck
Mrs. Terri Bryson
Mr. Jack Burrow
Ms. Janet Kincherlow-Martin
Dr. Dena Stephenson
Ms. Alicia Taylor
Dr. Mary Yarbrough
Dr. Rhoda Hutchinson
Ms. Mary Barley
Mr. Hundley Batts, Sr.
Ms. Mary Brown
Mr. Frederick Carodine
Mr. James Coleman
Ms. Sandy Cross
Ms. Alicia Cunningham
Mr. Joseph Dade
Mr. Leroy Daniels
Dr. Earnest Dees
Ms. Elizabeth Dove
Ms. Andrea Dye
Ms. Edna Fails
First Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. V. P. Gilchrist
Ms. Betty Gordon
Mr. James Gurley
Mrs. Cleopatra Hill
Ms. Josephine Horn
Mr. Purvis Hunt
Mrs. Helen Jamar
Dr. Murray Joiner
Mr. Willie Littlepage
Ms. Sarah Mauldin
Ms. Regina McDonald
Ms. Sonja Moffett
Mrs. Judith Orr
Ms. Annie Robinson
Ms. Carol Scott
Dr. Julius Scruggs
Mrs. Ernestine Street
The Twickenham Group
Mr. Larry Warren
Ms. Ophelia Willis
Mr. Marvin Winston
Mr. James D. Raby
Mr. Richard Bradford
Mr. Sanford Mitchell
Mr. Tony Mitchell
Surface Mount Technology
Cartee’s Slaughter House
Mr. Ellis Chenault
Follett Books
Dr. Nancy Keenum
Ms. Ashley McCarty
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. Tom Place
Mr. Donovan Thomas
Annual Giving Level
Calhoun Community College is truly
grateful for the gifts and generous
support shown by businesses,
organizations, employees and friends.
Their support is vital to the strength of
the College. These prestigious and loyal
groups of supporters make a significant
difference to the College. Annual giving
levels include:
Founders Society
Chancellors Society
Presidents Society
Deans Society
Educators Society
$10,000 or more
$5,000 - $9,999
$1,000 - $4,999
$250 - $999
$100 - $249
Founder’s Society
This society recognizes donors who gave
$10,000 or more to the College in 2009.
BBVA – Compass Bank
Dr. Cathy Hansberry
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Haws
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Regions Bank
Mr. Barrett Shelton, Jr.
Blue Chip Investors Club
The Grainger Foundation
Chancellor’s Society
This society recognizes donors who gave
$5000 - $9,999 to the College in 2009.
Decatur Orthopaedic Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Irons
The Boeing Company – Huntsville
Sexton Family Foundation
Mr. Billy Mitchell
Mrs. Betty Dinsmore
3M Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Raby
Jones Family Fund
President’s Society
This society recognizes donors who gave
$1000 to $4,999 to the College in 2009.
Dr. Marilyn Beck
ERC, Inc.
Steelcase Foundation
Mrs. Catherine Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Em Barran, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fowler
Dr. Dena Stephenson
Sparta, Inc.
Golden K Kiwanis Club
Decatur-Morgan Co. MDA
National Space Club
Rotary Club of Daybreak Decatur
United Launch Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smart, Jr.
Fite Building Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Orr
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Mr. Hunter Horton
Calhoun Community College 2009 Annual Report
Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis
Southern Comfort Pool Company
ATK Launch Systems
Mrs. Susan Locascio
Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae
Cook’s Pest Control
Jacobs Technology, NTOG Group
Mr. Randall Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Enfinger
Athens Limestone Hospital
Ms. Loretta Spencer
Byrd, Smalley & Adams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Glynn Tubb
American Legion Auxiliary Unit
Dr. Lew Sample
Austinville United Methodist Church
BP Chemicals
Key Engineering
BASF Catalysts, LLC
Dr. George Hansberry
Dr. Sandra McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCollum
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Peebles
Mr. Rex Cheatham
First Missionary Baptist Church
AFCEA Education Foundation
Dean’s Society
Individuals and organizations at this
level have invested in Calhoun with gifts
from $250 to $999.
Baptist Foundation of Alabama
Mr. and Mrs. Dan David
Jimmy Smith Jewelers
Mr. Stephen Grant Wilson
American Legion Post 15
Disabled American Veterans
VFW Post 15
Lexie Williams Charitable Trust
Hunter Safety Systems
Dr. Sue Mitchell
Mrs. Deborah Lee
Mr. Dennis Holmes
Mr. Ottie Newsom
Ms. Lucinda Beddow
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson
Dr. and Mrs. Waymon Burke
Mr. and Mrs. James McGill
Lockheed Martin
NSCDA in Alabama
Ms. Gail Webb
Dr. Steven Leach
Dr. Randall Sandlin
Alabama Education Association
Qualis Corporation
Mr. Jerald Reed
Dr. Otis Kirby, Jr.
Morgan County Baseball League
Piper LLC
Senator R. Griffith, MD
Ms. V. P. Gilchrist
Decatur Family Dentistry, PC
Kuykendall’s Press
Shetland Sheepdog Club of N. Amer.
Dr. Mary Yarbrough
Decatur Morgan Co. Chamber of
Jacobs Technology, ESTS Group
Chenault Heating & Cooling
Tennessee Valley Printing
Big Bob Gibson’s BBQ
Domino’s Pizza
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Foundation Donors
Lynn Layton Chevrolet, Inc.
Joe Sartain Ford
Early Services, Inc.
Lowell Stinson Agency
WWTM – R&B Communications
Hannah’s Lawn and Landscape
Mr. David Embody
Ms. Alicia Taylor
Mrs. Janice Kirk
Mr. James Blizzard
Ms. Lori Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Raby
Ms. Gaynell Coby
Nolan Lang’s Sporting Goods
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Wachovia – Decatur
Dr. Thomas Willis
Mr. Jimmy Scott
Mr. Rick Walter
Mr. Doug Dutcher
Morgan County Democratic Committee
Mr. Haresh Khanna
Ms. Rebecca Adams
Dr. Alicia Nails
Educators’ Society
This annual giving level recognizes
individuals and organizations whose
gifts were from $100 to $249.
Mrs. Beverly Stovall
Mr. Jack Burrow
Decatur Culture Club
Mr. James Swindell
Ms. Carol Waters
Office Interiors by OSCO,Inc.
Hill & Dale Garden Club
Boeing Matching Gift Program
Water Brothers Contractors, Inc.
Mr. Arthur Orr
Dr. Hortense Dodo
Mr. Gilmer Ellis
Mr. Glen Jimerson
Mr. Phillip Parker
Mr. James Duke
Ms. Janet Kincherlow-Martin
Mrs. Phyllis Salyer
Ms. Beverly Smith
Ms. Dawn Hale
Richardson & Deemer, Inc.
Teledyne Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen
Mr. Charles Daniel
Ms. JoAnn Gentry
Ms. Ruth Coulter
Dr. Nancy Keenum
Ms. Elizabeth Thames
Mr. Jimmy Cantrell
Ms. Eloise Carroll
Mrs. Helen Jamar
Mr. James Coleman
Dr. Charles Betts, Jr.
Mr. Leroy Daniels
Mr. Frederick Carodine
Mr. James Gurley
The Twickenham Group
Ms. Jennetta Perkins
Dr. and Mrs. Don Collier
Dr. Lynn Hogan
Ms. Lawanda Guthrie
Mr. Archie Tennison
Mr. Alan Kelley
Mr. Hugh Holland
Ms. Sandra McCully
Mr. Charles Parker
Ms. Roberta Sommerville
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Dr. Cynthia Wallace
Mrs. Pamela Doran
Mr. Hoyt Williamson, Jr.
Mr. Kevin Davenport
Huntsville Education Association
Dr. William Davis
Ms. Mary Yates
Mr. Willie King
Mrs. L. L. Fabisinski
Mr. David Raby
Mrs. Carmen Fountain
AT&T Foundation
Mr. John Parker
Mr. Tom Wright
Mrs. Hazel Hacker
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Belsky
Dr. Julius Scruggs
Mr. Purvis Hunt
Mr. Hundley Batts, Sr.
Mr. Charles Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Villadsen,Jr.
Mr. Richard Bradford
Mr. Robert Peck
Mr. Charles Ogles
Mr. John Cady
Ms. Doris Strode
Mr. Bruce Cheatham
Ms. Betty Gordon
Ms. Jan Cribbs
Ms. Carol Scott
Ms. Nadine Johnson
Dr. Murray Joiner
Mr. John McPhillips
Mr. Willie Littlepage
Throughout the years, valued donors
have helped to sustain the College
through their cumulative support for
scholarships and campus initiatives.
Their generosity has enabled Calhoun
Community College to achieve success
and will help this institution maintain
excellence for years to come. Lifetime
giving levels include:
Capstone Circle
$1,000,000 or more
Regalia Circle
$100,000 - $999,999
Medallion Circle
$50,000 - $99,999
Laurel Circle
$25,000 - $49,999
Hallmark Circle
$10,000 –$24,999
Capstone Circle
This distinguished donor level recognizes
individuals and organizations with a
lifetime of giving to Calhoun Community
College exceeding $1,000,000.
The Estate of Josephine Powell
Regalia Circle
This distinguished donor level recognizes
individuals and organizations with a
lifetime of giving to Calhoun Community
College exceeding $100,000.
3M Company
The Decatur Daily
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dinsmore
Drs. George and Cathy Hansberry
Mr. James T. Morgan Estate
Steelcase, Inc & Foundation
Wachovia Bank and Foundation
Medallion Circle
Hallmark Circle
This donor category recognizes
individuals and organizations with
lifetime giving levels of $50,000 $99,999.
This donor category is a tribute to
individuals and organizations with
lifetime giving levels of $10,000 $24,999.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymon J. Baker
BP Chemicals
Bunge Corporation
BBVA - Compass Bancshares
BBVA - Compass Bank
Mrs. Katherine T. Cook Estate
Cook’s Pest Control
Daikin America, Inc.
Daniel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Davidson
Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Haws
Hudson Alpha Institute
Nucor Steel
Regions Bank
Jimmy Smith Jewelers
Tennessee River, Inc.
Alabama Power Foundation
American Legion Post 15
Athens Broadcasting Company
Athens Pharmacy
The Boeing Company – Decatur
Mr. Charles Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown
Burger King, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Waymon Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Byrd, Jr.
Mr. John A. Caddell
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cauthen
City View Estates
Clark, Hanlin & Hunt, LLC
Nina Hodges Cline Estate
Dr. and Mrs. Don Collier
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cox
Crestwood Medical Center
Dr. and Mrs. J. Felton Davenport
Decatur Kiwanis
Eyster, Key, Tubb, Weaver and Roth
First United Methodist Church –
Mrs. Teresa J. Flowers
Friskies Petcare Company
General Electric
Wilma P. Hall Estate
Healthgroup of Alabama
Ms. Betty Hinnant
Mrs. Jean Hunter
Huntsville Hospital East
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson
Dr. Nancy Keenum
Mrs. Louella Kelley
Mr. Bobby Lindsay
Lynn Layton Chevrolet
Local Mortgage Company
M.E.W.S., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William Manifold
Mr. Billy C. Mitchell
Dr. Frances P. Moss
Dr. Jack E. Platt
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Prince
Professional Secretaries International
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Pryor
Mr. Stephen W. Raby
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rowe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour
Mrs. Virginia H. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smartt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith
Mrs. Virginia H. Smith
Mrs. Harold C. Steele
Dr. Dena M. Stephenson
Stevens Oil Company
Sweet Sue Foods
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Tennessee Valley Recycling, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Turner
Mr. Wayne and Dr. Alice Villadsen
Mr. Michael J. Wilburn
Wildwood Electronics, Inc.
Willo Products Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wyker III
Laurel Circle
Individuals and corporations with a
lifetime giving history of $25,000 $49,999
3M Foundation
AmSouth Bank
Mr. H. Clay Blizzard
The Boeing Company
BP Foundation
Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc.
Byrd Maintenance Service, Inc.
Cabane 1012 Bingo Fund
Cargill, Inc.
Clark & James LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dan David
Disabled American Veterans Chap.11
Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Ellis
Mrs. Ann K. Eyster
Golden K Kiwanis Club
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Irons
Mrs. Suzanne Joiner
McGraw-Hill Companies
Mutual Savings Life Insurance Co.
The Par Group, LLC
PH&J Architects, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Raby
Sexton Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Shelton, Jr.
Solutia, Inc.
Mrs. Caroline B. Taylor
Mrs. Jean B. Templeton
Tennessee Valley Voiture 1012
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallace
Drs. Michael and Susan Wang
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Workman
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Worthey
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worthey
P.O. Box 2216
Decatur, AL 35609-2216
2009 Annual Report