Spring I, 2015 GRADUATE COURSE SCHEDULE TERM DATES: January - March 6 Mid-term and final exams will be scheduled in 2-hour block sessions in addition to weekly class meeting times on Friday and Saturday in week 4 and on Monday and Tuesday in the break week. See timetable for further specifc exam times. Please refer to the Academics section on the WUV website < www.webster.ac.at> to view the course descriptions and and the registration/payment schedule. Please note that this course schedule is subject to change. All courses are offered as 3 credits unless otherwise specified. BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BUSN 5600/17 BUSN 5760/17 Accounting Theory and Practice Eugene Burns, F.C.C.A. CLASS LIMIT: 20 MEETING TIME: M: 18:00-22:00 CLASS LIMIT: 20 BUSN 6120/17 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 5000 Applied Business Statistics PREREQUISITES: None Dr. Erich Neuwirth LAB FEE: €60 Dr. Menebere Workie CLASS LIMIT: 20 MEETING TIME: TH: 18:00-22:00 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 5620, BUSN 5760 Business Research Analysis/ Integrated Studies in: Human Resources Management, International Business/ Marketing BUSN 6140/ HRMG 6000/ INTB 6000/ MRKT CLASS LIMIT: 20 6000 FINC 5000/17 MRKT 5000/17 Dr. Maria Madlberger MEETING TIME: TH: 18:00-22:00 Johan Winbladh, M.Sc. PREREQUISITES: BUSN 5600, BUSN 5760 MEETING TIME: M: 18:00-22:00 Organizational Behavior Dr. Julia Skobeleva CLASS LIMIT: 20 MEETING TIME: F: 18:00-22:00 PREREQUISITES: None Marketing CLASS LIMIT: 20 MRKT 5920/17 PREREQUISITES: Completion of all required courses in the program. Finance CLASS LIMIT: 20 MNGT 5590/17 MEETING TIME: TBA Managerial Economics Emil Tsenov, M.B.A. PREREQUISITES: None MEETING TIME: M: 18:00-22:00 Marketing Channel Management Dr. Maria Madlberger CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: MRKT 5000 MEETING TIME: TU: 18:00-22:00 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS INTL 5000/17 INTL 5100/17 INTL 5605/17 INTL 5400/17 INTL 5900/17 Introduction to International Relations Dr. Franco Algieri CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: TH: 18:00-22:00 PREREQUISITES: None Research Methods and Perspectives Dr. Guido Tiemann CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: M: 18:00-22:00 PREREQUISITES: None Topcs in Comparitive Politics: Political Mobilization and Non-state actors Dr. Manuela Caiani CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: TU: 18:00-22:00 PREREQUISITES: INTL 5000, INTL 5100 International Political Economy Dr. Eric Frey CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: M&TU: 18:00-20:00 PREREQUISITES: INTL 5000, INTL 5100 Advanced Research Methods Dr. Elina Brutschin PREREQUISITES: INTL 5000, INTL 5100 NOTE: This course is offered every term based upon student need. Please contact your graduate advisor for further details. MEETING TIME: W: 18:00-22:00 PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 5100/17 PSYC 5500/17 PSYC 6100/17 PSYC 6300/17 ENGLISH ESLG 4050/50 Approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy Dr. Kathleen Hodkinson & Raimund Woess, M.A. CLASS LIMIT: 20 MEETING TIME: F: 9:00-13:00 Assessment CLASS LIMIT: 20 Master's Thesis CLASS LIMIT: 20 Internship CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 5000 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 5000 LAB FEE: €90 PREREQUISITES: 24 cr. in PSYC MA PREREQUISITES: 24 cr. in PSYC MA Dr. Brigitte Holzinger & Mag. Krista Rothschild MEETING TIME: M&W: 11:00-13:00 PSYC Faculty MEETING TIME: TBA PSYC Faculty MEETING TIME: TBA English as a Second Language Seminar Samia Geldner, M.A., M.B.A. CLASS LIMIT: 15 MEETING TIME: W: 18:00-22:00 Webster Vienna Private University PREREQUISITE: None 10/20/2014 3:21 PM