Summer, 2015 UNDERGRADUATE COURSE SCHEDULE This course schedule is subject to change. See for updates. TERM DATES (8 weeks): May 18 - July 10 NOTE: The university will be closed on May 25 and June 4 due to Austrian Holidays. Make-up classes will be scheduled. Please refer to the Academics section on the WUV website <> to view the course descriptions and and the registration/payment schedule. REFERENCES: NOTE 1: Courses are listed alphabetically by academic department. NOTE: 2 Courses are offered for 3-credits and for 8-weeks unless otherwise specified. GENERAL PREREQUISITES 1. Completion of WRIT 2000 - Advanced Composition is required before enrolling in 3000 level courses. 2. It is highly recommended that all course levels be taken in sequence (e.g. 1000s before 2000s; 2000s before 3000s etc.) 3. BUSN 2750/MATH 3200 (Statistics) is a prerequisite to all 4000 level courses in the Business and Management program as well as MNGT 3500, ECON 3020 and FINC 3210. BUSN 2750/MATH 3200 cannot be taken concurrently to these courses. Other MNGT 3000-level courses can be taken without having completed statistics unless otherwise stated. 4. All Capstone courses as follows can only be taken once all other courses from the major have been completed: MNGT 4900/BUSN 4990 MNGT 4940, MNGT 4920 and MNGT 4600. CROSS LISTED COURSES (CL) Cross-listed courses (combined courses offered for different programs) are denoted by the superscripts "CL". WRITING INTENSIVE COURSES (WI) Writing Intensive courses are denoted by the superscripts"WI". GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM (GCP) The superscripts GCP: CRI,…etc. indicate the following Globl Citizenship Program Requirement(s) fulfilled by the given course. Courses with knowledge areas: ROC: Roots of Culture SSHB: Social Systems & Human Behavior PNW: Physical and Natural World GLBL: Global Understanding ARTS: Arts Appreciation QL: Quantitative Literacy Courses with skills areas: CRI: Critical Thinking ETH: Ethical Reasoning INTC: Intercultural Competence OCOM: Oral Communication WCOM: Written Communication GENERAL EDUCATION AREA REQUIREMENTS (GEA) The superscripts GEA: 1,2,3, etc. indicate the General Education Area Requirement(s) fulfilled by the given course. All undergraduate students are required to complete one course (3-credit hours) in each of the following nine areas. Transfer credits may be used to satisfy these requirements. Area 1: Critical thinking Area 2: Communications Area 3: Historical Consciousness Area 4: Humanities Area 5: Values Area 6: Cultural Understanding Area 7: Art Appreciation Area 8: Scientific Understanding Area 9: Mathematics REQUISITE COMPETENCIES (RC) Depending on placement test scores, undergraduate students may be required to take Requisite Competency (RC) courses in composition, mathematics, and computer applications during their first year of enrollment at WUV. Students must pass these courses with a grade of C- or better, and they may not be dropped/withdrawn from the courses. Webster Vienna Private University 12/19/2014 3:02 PM BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT MNGT 3100/50 Issues in Management: Start-up Business in eCommerce Dr. Maria Madlberger CLASS LIMIT: 25 MNGT 3700/50 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management CLASS LIMIT: 25 MNGT 4200/50 Innovation, Creativity and the Entrepreneur CLASS LIMIT: 25 MNGT 4970/50 Ahmad Jamal Majid, M.B.A. PREREQUISITES: None Mag. Walter Schönthaler PREREQUISITES: None Senior Thesis (Part II: Thesis Project) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: MNGT 4970 (Part I: Methods) Christian Newman, M.S.e. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COAP 3120/50 CLASS LIMIT: 20 COAP 3010/50 CL: MNGT 3100/50 Dejan Dimitrovski, M.B.A Designing with Style Sheets PREREQUISITES: None Advanced Application Topics - Information and Knowledge Management CLASS LIMIT: 20 Dr. Florin Abazi PREREQUISITES: None INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS POLT 2250/50 Politics in the Industrialized World GEA: 5, 6 CLASS LIMIT: 25 HIST 2090/50 TBA PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050 Encounter with History: Conflicts of the Modern Middle East. CLASS LIMIT: 25 Dr. Samuel Schubert PREREQUISITES: NONE MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS VIDE 3650/50 Holger Lang, M.A. Special Topics: Video CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None LAB FEE: None PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 3000/50 Topics: Social Psychology of Physical Attractiveness CLASS LIMIT: 25 PSYC 4875/50 Dr. Nora Ruck (TBC) PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100 plus 9 credit hours of psychology. Advanced Psychology Lab (1-credit) CLASS LIMIT: 25 Mag. Krista Rothschild PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100 plus 12 credit hours of psychology. GENERAL EDUCATION ANTH 2890/50 Culture and Disease: African Situations and Solutions (6-week course) CLASS LIMIT: 25 ARHS 2200/50 PHIL 2320/50 Dr. Gretchen Simms PREREQUISITES: None Topics in Culture: Know Kenya (6-week course) CLASS LIMIT: 25 Dr. Dorothy Kopel & Dr. Anthony Löwstedt PREREQUISITES: None Current Art: Art After Apartheid (6-week course) GEA: 4,7; GCP: ROC,CRI CLASS LIMIT: 25 GCP: PNW,ETH PREREQUISITES: none GEA: 6; GCP: GLBL, INTC Dr. Giles Pope LAB FEE: TBA ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE There are no courses are offered this term. Webster Vienna Private University 12/19/2014 3:02 PM