Spring I, 2015 UNDERGRADUATE COURSE SCHEDULE This course schedule is subject to change. See www.webster.ac.at for updates. TERM DATES (8 weeks): January 12 - March 6 SEMESTER DATES (15-weeks): January 12 - May 2* (BREAK WEEK: March 9 - 13) * The university will be closed on Friday, May 1 due to the Austrian Publlic Holiday. Saturday, May 2 may be used to schedule a make-up class. Please refer to the Academics section on the WUV website < www.webster.ac.at> to view the course descriptions and and the registration/payment schedule. REFERENCES: NOTE 1: Courses are listed alphabetically by academic department. NOTE: 2 Courses are offered for 3-credits and for 8-weeks unless otherwise specified. GENERAL PREREQUISITES 1. Completion of WRIT 2000 - Advanced Composition is required before enrolling in 3000 level courses. 2. It is highly recommended that all course levels be taken in sequence (e.g. 1000s before 2000s; 2000s before 3000s etc.) 3. BUSN 2750/MATH 3200 (Statistics) is a prerequisite to all 4000 level courses in the Business and Management program as well as MNGT 3500, ECON 3020 and FINC 3210. BUSN 2750/MATH 3200 cannot be taken concurrently to these courses. Other MNGT 3000-level courses can be taken without having completed statistics unless otherwise stated. 4. All Capstone courses as follows can only be taken once all other courses from the major have been completed: MNGT 4900/BUSN 4990 MNGT 4940, MNGT 4920 and MNGT 4600. CROSS LISTED COURSES (CL) Cross-listed courses (combined courses offered for different programs) are denoted by the superscripts "CL". WRITING INTENSIVE COURSES (WI) Writing Intensive courses are denoted by the superscripts"WI". GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM (GCP) The superscripts GCP: CRI,…etc. indicate the following Globl Citizenship Program Requirement(s) fulfilled by the given course. Courses with knowledge areas: ROC: Roots of Culture SSHB: Social Systems & Human Behavior PNW: Physical and Natural World GLBL: Global Understanding ARTS: Arts Appreciation QL: Quantitative Literacy Courses with skills areas: CRI: Critical Thinking ETH: Ethical Reasoning INTC: Intercultural Competence OCOM: Oral Communication WCOM: Written Communication GENERAL EDUCATION AREA REQUIREMENTS (GEA) The superscripts GEA: 1,2,3, etc. indicate the General Education Area Requirement(s) fulfilled by the given course. All undergraduate students are required to complete one course (3-credit hours) in each of the following nine areas. Transfer credits may be used to satisfy these requirements. Area 1: Critical thinking Area 2: Communications Area 3: Historical Consciousness Area 4: Humanities Area 5: Values Area 6: Cultural Understanding Area 7: Art Appreciation Area 8: Scientific Understanding Area 9: Mathematics REQUISITE COMPETENCIES (RC) Depending on placement test scores, undergraduate students may be required to take Requisite Competency (RC) courses in composition, mathematics, and computer applications during their first year of enrollment at WUV. Students must pass these courses with a grade of C- or better, and they may not be dropped/withdrawn from the courses. Webster Vienna Private University 10/20/2014 3:04 PM BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ACCT 2010/50 BUSN 2750/50 CL: MATH 3200/50 BUSN 4110/50 Introduction to Statistics (Semester) GEA: 8, 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: MATH 1430 and MATH 1470 LAB FEE: €60 Operations Management (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ACCT 2025, ECON 2020, BUSN 2750, MNGT 2100, FINC 3210 David Pamphlett. M.A., F.C.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 Ahmad Jamal Majid, M.B.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 David Pamphlett. M.A., F.C.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 Gordon van der Veen, M.A. MEETING TIME: F; 11:00-14:00 Ibrahim Wazir, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 Mag. Ferry Habasche MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 BUSN 4990/50 Business Policy (Semester) Dr. Hanno Poeschl ACCT 2010/51 ACCT 2025/50 ACCT 2025/51 Financial Accounting (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Financial Accounting (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Managerial Accounting (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ACCT 2010 Managerial Accounting (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ACCT 2010 Global Competitive Strategies (NEW SEMESTER) MEETING TIME: M; 9:00-11:00 & TH;13:00-15:00 Gordon van der Veen, M.A. MEETING TIME: TH; 18:30-21:30 Christian Newman, M.S.e. MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Ralph G. Schoellhammer MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Luba Habodaszova MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Ralph Schoellhammer MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Eric Frey MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Christian Kreuzer MEETING TIME: M; 18:30-21:30 Dr. Hanno Poeschl MEETING TIME: TH; 9:00-12:00 Mag. Svetla Pehlivanova-Porenta MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Charles La Fond, M.B.A. MEETING TIME: M; 10:00-13:00 Dipl. Ing. Remzi Kirkgoeze MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:00-18:00 Dr. A. Nicholas Simon MEETING TIME: TU; 18:30-21:30 Christian Newman, M.S.e. MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:00-13:00 Dr. Julia Skobeleva MEETING TIME: TU&F; 9:00-10:30 Leigh Rowland, M.B.A MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 TBA MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 Dr. Maria Madlberger MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 Dr. Hanno Poeschl MEETING TIME: M; 9:00-11:00 & TH; 13:00-15:00 Dr. Julia Skobeleva CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 2750 & Completion of all other courses in the area of emphasis. ECON 2020/50 ECON 2030/50 ECON 2030/51 ECON 3020/50 ECON 3030/50 ECON 3100/50 CL: INTL 3100 FINC 3210/50 MNGT 2100/50 MNGT 2100/51 MNGT 2900/50 MNGT 3100/50 CL: COAP 3010/50 MNGT 3320/50 MNGT 3420/50 MNGT 3400/50 MNGT 3450/50 MNGT 3500/50 MNGT 4570/50 MNGT 4900/50 Principles of Microeconomics (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 2000 Principles of Macroeconomics (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 2000, ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 2000, ECON 2020 Intermediate Microeconomics (Semester ) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ECON 2030 , ECON 2020, BUSN 2750 Intermediate Macroeconomics (Semester ) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ECON 2030 , ECON 2020, BUSN 2750 Issues in Economics: International Political Economy (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 2750 ECON 2020 and ECON 2030 Principles of Finance (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: ACCT 2025, ACCT 2010, BUSN 2750 Management Theory and Practices (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Management Theory and Practices (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Human Communications: Presentational Speaking (week 0) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: English Proficiency Advanced Application Topics: Business Analytics - Big Data CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Business Law: International (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: none Labor-Management Relations CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: MNGT 2100, WRIT 2000 Principles of Organizational Behavior (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: MNGT 2100 Marketing (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 2000 Marketing Research (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 2750, MNGT 3500 Managerial Policies and Strategies (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 2750 & Completion of all other courses in the area of emphasis. MNGT 4940/50 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: BUSN 2750 & Completion of all other courses in the area of emphasis. MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 MATH 1470/50 Survey of Calculus (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: Proficiency in Algebra MATH 1430 MATH 3200/50 CL: BUSN 2750/50 Statistics (Semester) GEA: 8, 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: MATH 1430, MATH 1470 LAB FEE: €60 Dr. Rania Wazir MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Ibrahim Wazir, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 COAP 1020/50 Introduction to Computer Applications (Semester course) CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Introduction to Computer Applications (Semester course) CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Introduction to Web Programming (previously XHTML Programming) CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Design Principles I CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: COAP 2000, COAP 2170 LAB FEE: €60 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COAP 1020/51 COAP 2000/50 COAP 2150/50 COSC 1550/50 COAP 3010/50 CL: MNGT 3100/50 COAP 2020/50 CL: JOUR 2300/50 CSIS 3410/50 Computer Programming I (Semester course) GEA:1 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Advanced Application Topics: Business Analytics - Big Data CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Desktop Publishing (Semester course) CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: COAP 1020 LAB FEE: €60 Information Analysis (Semester Course) CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: None Webster Vienna Private University Rudolf Rössel, M.B.A. MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Mr. Rudolf Rössel, M.B.A. MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Mr. Riccardo Rubini MEETING TIME: TBA Mag. Roman Menyhart MEETING TIME: W; 18:00-22:00 Ioan Vlad, M.S. MEETING TIME: TU; 18:30-21:30 Dipl. Ing. Remzi Kirkgoeze MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:00-18:00 Seth Weiner, M.A. MEETING TIME: M&W; 13:30-15:30 Dr. Florin Abazi MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:30-18:00 10/20/2014 3:04 PM INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS POLT 1050/50 Introduction to International Relations (Semester) GCP: GLBL, CRI; GEA: 6 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None POLT 1070/50 Introduction to Political Theory (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None POLT 1080/50 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None POLT 2550/50 Politics of the Developing World (Semester) GEA: 5, 6 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050 or simultaneous with POLT 1050 HIST 2230/50 Age of Total War - Europe 1890-1945 GCP: ROC, CRI CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: NONE International Political Economy (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050, POLT 2600 International Organizations CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050, POLT 2600 Advocacy, NGOs, and Civil Society CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050, POLT 2600 Research Methods and Approaches in Political Science (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050 Research Methods and Approaches in Political Science (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: POLT 1050 INTL 3100/50 CL: ECON 3100/50 INTL 3700/50 INTL 2610/50 POLT 2600/50 CL: INTL 2700 INTL 2700/50 CL: POLT 2600/50 GCP: ROC, CRI; GEA: 4, 5 GCP: GLBL, INTC; GEA: 5,6 Dr. Elina Brutschin MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Johannes Pollak MEETING TIME: W; 18:30-21:30 Dr. Marcel Fink MEETING TIME: TU&F; 14:00-15:30 Dr. Monika Mokre MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Thomas Grischany MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:00-13:00 Dr. Eric Frey MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Franco Algieri MEETING TIME: TU&W; 11:00-13:00 Andreas Papp MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:00-18:00 Dr. Elina Brutschin MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:30-18:00 Dr. Elina Brutschin MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:30-18:00 MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS ANIM 2030/50 Introduction to 3D Animation (Semester) LAB FEE: €90 ANIM 3150/50 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Stop Motion Animation (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Audio Production 1 (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Filmmaking Fundamentals (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None LAB FEE: €90 AUDI 1000/50 FILM 1000/50 FILM 2060/50 FLST 1800/50 INTM 1600/50 INTM 2000/50 CL: JOUR 2600/50 INTM 2200/50 CL: MEDC 3350 JOUR 2300/50 CL: COAP 2020/50 JOUR 2410/50 CL: VIDE 2200/50 JOUR 2600/50 CL: INTM 2000/50 Juraj Bohus M.F.A. LAB FEE: None LAB FEE: €TBA Randy Hunter, M.F.A. CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: TBA Dr. Monika Schwärzler-Brodesser MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:00-13:00 Elisabeth Knass, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU; 13:30-17:30 Alison Langley MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 Elisabeth Knass, M.A. PREREQUISITES: FILM 2050 Film Appreciation GEA: 6, 7 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Intoduction to Interactive Digital Media CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: EPMD 1000 LAB FEE: €60 Writing for Interactive Digital Media (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: INTM 1600 LAB FEE: €60 Visual Design for Interactive Digital Media CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: INTM 1600 LAB FEE: €60 Layout and Design (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None LAB FEE: €60 Introduction to Radio-TV Journalism (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: JOUR 1030 LAB FEE: €90 Online Journalism (Semester; WI) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: JOUR1030, INTM1600 LAB FEE: €60 Introduction to Mass Communications (Semester) GEA: 2 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None MEDC 1500/50 Applied Media Aesthetics GEA: 7 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: EPMD 1000 MEDC 2200/50 Ethics in the Media GEA: 5 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: MEDC 1010 LAB FEE: None Topics in Modern Media: Power and Media CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None International Communications CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None LAB FEE: None Visual Design for Interactive Digital Media CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: INTM 1600 LAB FEE: €60 Field Production (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: JOUR 1030 LAB FEE: €90 MEDC 3260/50 MEDC 3350/50 CL: INTM 2200 VIDE 2200/50 CL: JOUR 2410/50 LAB FEE: €30 PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 1100/50 PSYC 2825/50 PSYC 3550/50 PSYC 3775/50 PSYC 3850/50 PSYC 4875/50 Mag. Stefan Stratil MEETING TIME: TH; 14:00-17:00 Michael Kreiner MEETING TIME: TU: 18:30-21:30 Juraj Bohus M.F.A. MEETING TIME: W; 18:30-21:30 Modern World Cinema MEDC 1010/50 MEDC 3150/50 MEETING TIME: F; 9:00-12:00 MEETING TIME: W; 09:00-13:00 Seth Weiner, M.A. MEETING TIME: M&W; 13:30-15:30 Dr. Philip Moran MEETING TIME: TH; 18:30-21:30 Alison Langley MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Michael Freund MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 14:00-15:30 Holger Lang, M.A. MEETING TIME: W; 9:00-13:00 Dr. Anthony Löwstedt MEETING TIME: M&TH; 13:30-15:30 Alison Langley MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 TBA MEETING TIME: TBA Elisabeth Knass, M.A. MEETING TIME: W; 09:00-13:00 Dr. Philip Moran MEETING TIME: TH; 18:30-21:30 Introduction to Psychology (Semester; WI) GCP: CRI, SSHB; GEA: 8 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Introduction to Research Methods (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100, PSYC 2750 History, Philosophy, and Systems of Psychology CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100, PSYC 2825 plus 6 credit hours of psychology. Personality Theory CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100 plus 9 credit hours of psychology. Sensation and Perception CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100, PSYC 2825 plus 6 credit hours of psychology. Dr. Lauren Christensen MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Marc Méhu MEETING TIME: M&TU; 9:00-10:30 Dr. Marc Méhu MEETING TIME: M&TU; 13:30-15:30 Dr. Kathleen Hodkinson MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:00-13:00 Dr. Peter Walla MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 Advanced Psychology Lab (1-credit) Mag. Krista Rothschild CLASS LIMIT: 25 MEETING TIME: M; 16:00-17:30 Webster Vienna Private University PREREQUISITES: PSYC 1100 plus 12 credit hours of psychology. 10/20/2014 3:04 PM GENERAL EDUCATION ANTH 2300/50 Culture and Communication GCP: ROC, INTC CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None ANTH 2510/50 World Musics GCP: ARTS, INTC CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Samia Geldner, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:00-18:00 Dr. Lyle Barkhymer MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 13:30-15:30 ART 1010/50 Creative Strategies GCP: ARTS, CRI Seth Weiner, M.Arch EDUC 2750/50 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None Student Leadership Development (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: None FRSH 1200/50 First Year Seminar: We Are Family (4-credit course)(Semester) MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:00-13:00 Elisabeth Cassels-Brown, M.A. MEETING TIME: M&TU; 16:30-18:00 Dr. Giles Pope, Mag. Katharina Ferris, & Seth Weiner, M.Arch MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 CLASS LIMIT: 15 FRSH 1200/51 PREREQUISITES: Completion of ESLG program. LAB FEE: €50 First Year Seminar: MyLife - Narrative Identity in Fiction, Film, and Social Media (4-credit course)(Semester) Dr. Bernadette Hoefer, Mag. Katharina Ferris, & Seth Weiner, M.Arch CLASS LIMIT: 15 MEETING TIME: M&W; 16:30-18:00 PREREQUISITES: Completion of ESLG program. LAB FEE: €50 FRSH 1200/52 First Year Seminar: The Medium is the Message (4-credit course)(Semester) GNST 2500/50 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: Completion of ESLG program. Scholars Seminar I: Paradigms of Global Citizenship (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: Acceptance into WSP LAB FEE: €50 GRMN 1090/50 Elementary German: Level I GCP: GLBL, INTC; GEA: 6 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None GRMN 2090/50 Intermediate German: Level I GEA: 6 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: GRMN 1100 ILC 2150/50 Topics in Culture: Know Kenya GEA: 6; GCP: GLBL, INTC CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: none LAB FEE: TBA Keystone Seminar: School on a Shoestring (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: Completion of all other GCP Courses Introductory College Mathematics (Semester)GCP: QL; GEA: 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: Math placement test. KEYS 4000/52 MATH 1410/50 Dr. Ryan Crawford, Mag. Katharina Ferris, & Seth Weiner, M.Arch MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 16:30-18:00 Rita Pollozhani, M.B.A. MEETING TIME: TH; 9:00-13:00 Mag. Alexandra Pölzlbauer MEETING TIME: M, TU&TH; 8:30-10:30 Katja Lang, M.A. MEETING TIME: M, TU&TH; 11:00-13:00 Dr. Giles Pope MEETING TIME: M&W; 8:30-10:30 Dr. Giles Pope MATH 1410/51 Introductory College Mathematics (Semester)GCP: QL; GEA: 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: Math placement test. MATH 1430/50 College Algebra (Semester) GCP: QL: GEA: 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: Math placement test. MATH 1430/51 College Algebra (Semester) GCP: QL: GEA: 9 CLASS LIMIT: 20 PREREQUISITES: Math placement test. Dr. Rania Wazir MEETING TIME: M&W; 11:30-13:00 TBA MEETING TIME: TBA Ibrahim Wazir, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 Mag. Johann Kornell MEETING TIME: TH; 18:30-21:30 MATH 1470/50 Survey of Calculus (Semester) Dr. Rania Wazir PSYC 1000/51 CLASS LIMIT: 25 PREREQUISITES: Proficiency in Algebra MATH 1430 Learning Strategies (1-credit) MEETING TIME: M&W; 9:00-10:30 Benjamin Calhoun, M.A. MEETING TIME: F; 09:00-10:30 CLASS LIMIT: 8 PREREQUISITES: Placement only A: All new students enrolled in FRSH 1200 are required to participate in the Ethics 2-day Workshop on dates TBA. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESLG 2090/50 Intermediate Language Skills, Level 1 (8-credits) CLASS LIMIT: 15 ESLG 3070/50 ESLG 3500/50 INDZ 2500/52 PSYC 1000/50 WRIT 1000/50 WRIT 1000/51 PREREQUISITES: None Advanced Intensive EnglishGEA: 6 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Topics: Crime and Punishment CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Becoming an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (break week course) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITE: Permission of the Department Head Learning Strategies (1-credit) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Basic Writing Workshop (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None Basic Writing Workshop (Semester) CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None WRIT 1010/50 Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None WRIT 1010/51 Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: None WRIT 2000/50 Advanced Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 1010 or placement WRIT 2000/51 Advanced Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 1010 or placement WRIT 2000/52 Advanced Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 1010 or placement WRIT 2000/53 Advanced Composition (Semester)GCP: WCOM, GEA:2 CLASS LIMIT: 15 PREREQUISITES: WRIT 1010 or placement Vera Hollander (r&w), Mag. Linda Robinson (o) & Geldner M.A. (g) MEETING TIME: M,TU&TH; 11:00-13:00 Vera Hollander MEETING TIME: M,TU&TH; 13:30-15:30 Andrew Horsfield, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU, W&F; 16:00-18:00 TBA MEETING TIME: TBA Samia Geldner, M.A., M.B.A. MEETING TIME: W; 11:30-13:00 Benjamin Calhoun, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 9:00-10:30 Andrew Horsfield, M.A. MEETING TIME: TU&F: 16:30-18:00 Dr. Ryan Crawford MEETING TIME: M&W; 16:30-18:00 Dr. Dorothy Kopel MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 11:30-13:00 Dr. Bernadette Höfer MEETING TIME: M&W; 18:00-20:00 Benjamin Calhoun, M.A. MEETING TIME: W&F; 11:00-13:00 Dr. Ryan Crawford MEETING TIME: TU&TH; 13:30-15:30 Rafal Morusievicz MEETING TIME: TBA B. WRIT 2000 classes meet in weeks 1 - 10 and in week 15. Webster Vienna Private University 10/20/2014 3:04 PM Vienna Campus Accredited in Austria and in the USA Spring I 2015, UNDERGRADUATE TIMETABLE Term and semester classes: Monday, January 12 – Friday, March 6 10/20/2014 3:05 PM MEETING TIME/DAY 08:30 - 10:30 09:00 - 10:30 Monday ILC 2150/50 Dr. Pope GRMN 1090/50 Mag. Poelzlbauer Ro om Tuesday n o. Ro om Wednesday no ILC 2150/50 . Dr. Pope R o o m Thursday n o .GRMN 1090/50 no. Friday GRMN 1090/50 Mag. Poelzlbauer ESLG 2090/50 note 2 Ms. Robinson (o) Mag. Poelzlbauer ESLG 2090/50 note 2 Ms. Robinson (o) MNGT 4940/50 Dr. Skobeleva WRIT 1000/50 Mr. Calhoun, M.A. MNGT 4940/50 Dr. Skobeleva WRIT 1000/50 Mr. Calhoun, M.A. PSYC 1000/51 Mr. Calhoun, M.A. PSYC 2825/50 Dr. Mehu PSYC 2825/50 Dr. Mehu POLT 2550/50 Dr. Mokre POLT 1050/50 Dr. Brutschin ACCT 2010/51 Mr. Majid, M.B.A POLT 2550/50 Dr. Mokre POLT 1050/50 Dr. Brutschin ACCT 2010/51 Mr. Majid, M.B.A MNGT 2100/51 Mag. Pehlivanova-Porenta MNGT 2100/51 Mag. Pehlivanova-Porenta BUSN 4110/50 TBA MATH 1470/50 Dr. Wazir ECON 3020/50 Dr. Habodaszova BUSN 4110/50 TBA MATH 1470/50 Dr. Wazir ECON 3020/50 Dr. Habodaszova MNGT 3400/50 Dr. Skobeleva ECON 2030/50 Mr. Newman, M.S.e. 09:00-11:00 Room MEDC 3150/50 Ms. Langley MNGT 3400/50 Dr. Skobeleva ECON 2030/50 Mr. Newman, M.S.e. ECON 2030/51 Dr. Schoellhammer ECON 2030/51 Dr. Schoellhammer COAP 1020/50 Mr. Roessel, M.B.A COAP 1020/50 Mr. Roessel, M.B.A MEDC 3150/50 Ms. Langley MNGT 4900/50 BUSN 4990/50 Dr. Poeschl 09:00 – 12:00 MNGT 2100/50 Dr. Poeschl MEDC 1500/50 Mr. Lang, M.A. 09:00 - 13:00 ANIM 2030/50 Mr. Bohus, M.F.A. INTM 2200/50 Knass, M.A. GNST 2500/50 Ms. Pollozhani, M.B.A. 10:00 - 13:00 MNGT 2900/50 (note 1) Mr. La Fond, M.B.A. 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK INTL 3700/50 Dr. Algieri INTL 3700/50 Dr. Algieri HIST 2230/50 Dr. Grischany ESLG 2090/50 note 2 Ms. Hollander (r&W) FLST 1800/50 Dr. Schwaerzler ESLG 2090/50 note 2 Ms. Hollander (r&W) HIST 2230/50 Dr. Grischany WRIT 2000/51 note 3 Mr. Calhoun, M.A. FLST 1800/50 Dr. Schwaerzler ESLG 2090/50 note 2 Ms. Hollander (r&W) ART 1010/50 Mr. Weiner, M.A. PSYC 3775/50 Dr. Hodkinson ART 1010/50 Mr. Weiner, M.A. PSYC 3775/50 Dr. Hodkinson 11:00 - 13:00 MNGT 3400/50 Mr. Newman, M.S.e. WRIT 2000/51 note 3 Mr. Calhoun, M.A. MNGT 3400/50 Mr. Newman, M.S.e. GRMN 2090/50 Ms. Lang, M.A. PSYC 3850/50 Dr. Walla PSYC 3850/50 Dr. Walla 11:00 - 14:00 11:30 - 13:00 ACCT 2025/51 Mr. Van der Veen, M.A. ECON 3030/50 Dr. Schoellhammer PSYC 1100/50 Dr. Walla WRIT 1010/51 Dr. Kopel ECON 3030/50 Dr. Schoellhammer WRIT 1010/51 Dr. Kopel JOUR 2600/INTM 2000/50 PSYC 1000/50 JOUR 2600/INTM 2000/50 Ms. Langley Ms. Geldner, M.A. Ms. Langley ACCT 2010/50 Mr. Pamphlett, M.A.F.C.A. PSYC 1100/50 Dr. Walla ACCT 2010/50 Mr. Pamphlett, M.A.F.C.A. MNGT 3450/50 Ms. Rowland, MBA MATH 1410/50 Dr. Wazir MNGT 3450/50 Ms. Rowland, MBA MATH 1410/50 Dr. Wazir Room no. Vienna Campus Accredited in Austria and in the USA MEETING TIME/DAY Monday Room no. Tuesday Room no. Wednesday Room Thursday no. INTL 3100/ ECON MATH 1430/50 INTL 3100/ ECON MATH 1430/50 3100/50 Dr. Frey Mr. Wazir, M.A. 3100/50 Dr. Frey Mr. Wazir, M.A. FRSH 1200/50 FRSH 1200/50 Dr. Pope & Mag. Ferris & Mr. Weiner, Dr. Pope & Mag. Ferris & Mr. Weiner M.A. M.A. 1020/51 COAP Mr. Roessel, M.B.A COAP 1020/51 Mr. Roessel, M.B.A 13:00 - 13:30 MNGT 4900/50 BUSN 4990/50 Dr. Poeschl WRIT 2000/52 note 3 WRIT 2000/52 note 3 Dr. Crawford PSYC 3550/50 Dr. Crawford PSYC 3550/50 Dr. Mehu Dr. Mehu JOUR 2300/ COAP ESLG 2090/50 note 2 JOUR 2300/ COAP ESLG 2090/50 note 2 ESLG 2090/50 note 2 2020/50 TBA (g) 2020/50 TBA (g) TBA (g) 13:30 - 15:30 Mr. Weiner, M.A. ESLG 3070/50 Mr. Weiner, M.A. ESLG 3070/50 ESLG 3070/50 Ms. Hollander Ms. Hollander Ms. Hollander ANTH 2510/50 Dr. Barkhymer ANTH 2510/50 Dr. Barkhymer MEDC 2200/50 MEDC 2200/50 Dr. Loewstedt Dr. Loewstedt INTM 1600/50 Ms. Knass, M.A. 13:30 - 17:30 ` 14:00 - 15:30 MNGT 3500/50 MNGT 3500/50 TBA POLT 1080/50 TBA POLT 1080/50 Dr. Fink Dr. Fink MNGT 4570/50 MNGT 4570/50 Dr. Madlberger Dr. Madlberger BUSN 2750/MATH BUSN 2750/MATH 3200/50 3200/50 Mr. Wazir, M.A. ACCT 2025/50 Mr. Wazir, M.A. ACCT 2025/50 Mr. Pamphlett, Mr. Pamphlett, M.A.F.C.A. MEDC 1010/50 Dr. Freund M.A.F.C.A. MEDC 1010/50 Dr. Freund ANIM 3150/50 14:00 - 17:00 Mag. Stratil 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:00 Friday no. BREAK 13:00 - 15:00 16:00 – 17:30 Room BREAK PSYC 4875/50 Mag. Rothschild ANTH 2300/50 Ms. Geldner, M.A. ANTH 2300/50 Ms. Geldner, M.A. INTL 2610/50 INTL 2610/50 Mr. Papp Mr. Papp ESLG 3500/50 ESLG 3500/50 Mr. Horsfield, M.A. Mr. Horsfield, M.A. ESLG 3500/50 Mr. Horsfield, M.A. COAP 3010/MNGT COAP 3010/MNGT 3100/50 3100/50 Dipl.-Ing. Kirkgoeze Dipl.-Ing Kirkgoeze Room no. Vienna Campus Accredited in Austria and in the USA MEETING TIME/DAY 16:30 - 18:00 Monday Room Tuesday no. WRIT 1010/50 Dr. Crawford FRSH 1200/51 Dr. Hoefer, M.A. & Mag. Ferris & Mr. Weiner, M.A. CSIS 3410/50 Dr. Abazi POLT 2600/ INTL 2700/50 Dr. Brutschin FRSH 1200/52 Dr. Crawford & no. Wednesday Room no. WRIT 1010/50 Dr. Crawford FRSH 1200/51 Dr. Hoefer, M.A. & Mag. Ferris & Mr. Weiner, M.A. Thursday Room no. Dr. Brutschin FRSH 1200/52 Dr. Crawford & Weiner, M.A. Ms. Cassels-Brown, Friday 2700/50 Mag. Ferris & Mr. Ms. Cassels- no. POLT 2600/ INTL Weiner, M.A. EDUC 2750/50 Room CSIS 3410/50 Dr. Abazi Mag. Ferris & Mr. EDUC 2750/50 Brown, M.A. Room M.A. WRIT 1000/51 WRIT 1000/51 Mr. Horsfield, M.A. Mr. Horsfield, M.A. 18:00 - 18:30 18:00 – 20:00 BREAK WRIT 2000/50 note 3 Dr. Hoefer, M.A. WRIT 2000/50 note 3 Dr. Hoefer, M.A. COAP 2150/50 18:00 - 22:00 18:30 - 21:30 Mag. Menyhart FINC 3210/50 Dr. Kreuzer COSC 1550/50 Mr. Vlad, M.S. POLT 1070/50 Dr. Pollak MATH 1430/51 AUDI 1000/50 Mr. Kreiner FILM 100050 ECON 2020/50 Mr. van der Veen, M.A MNGT 3320/50 Dr.Simon Mr. Bohus, M.F.A. Mag. Kornell JOUR 1000 VIDE 2200/50 Dr. Moran NOTES: 1. MNGT 2900/50 class will meet during the Break Week between Spring I and Spring II. Dates and meeting times as follows: Monday – Friday, March 9-13, 10:00 – 1p.m. and 2 – 4 p.m. and on Saturday, March 21, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. ESLG 2090 modules abbreviations: r&w – reading and writing; o – oral; g – grammar. WRIT 2000 classes meet Week 1 – 10 and Week 15. 2. 3. TBAs: PSYC 3850/50; FILM 2060/50; INTM 2000/50; MATH 1410/51; INDZ 2500/52; MEDC 3260/50; MNGT 4900/50; BUSN 4990/50; KEYS 4000