Document 11699777

A memory interrupts the flow of the story, but
reveals something important about the character or
the plot.
A wiser, often older, character shares his or her experience,
wisdom, or lesson about life with the main character,
hoping to guide him or her through difficulty.
A time when the main character asks him or herself, or
someone else, tough question, one that doesn't have an
easy answer.
Memory Moment:
Words of the Wiser:
Tough Questions:
Stop and Ask Yourself: Why might this memory be important?
Wha t wa s ha ppeni ng
when the cha ra cter
reca l l ed the memory?
Pg. #
Wha t memory ca me to the Why do you thi nk the
memory i s i mporta nt to
cha ra cher's mi nd?
the cha ra cter or to the
s tory?
Stop and Ask Yourself: How could this advice affect the character?
Which character gave the
words to the wiser advice?
What relationship is this
person to the main character?
Pg. #
Wha t a dvi ce or i ns i ght di d How do you thi nk thi s wi l l
the wi s er cha ra cter
a ffect the ma i n cha ra cter
s ha re?
who recei ved the a dvi ce?
Stop and Ask Yourself: What does this tough question make me wonder about?
Wha t tough ques ti on i s
bei ng a s ked? Wha t i s
ha ppeni ng i n the s tory
tha t s pa rks thi s ques ti on?
Pg. #
Wha t di d you wonder
a bout when you thought
a bout the ques ti on?
How i s thi s ques ti on
i mporta nt to the s tory a nd
how do you thi nk the
cha ra cter wi l l a ns wer i t?
The character acts in a way that contradicts how he
or she has acted before or that contrasts with how
we would act or that reveals a difference among the
The character's insight or sudden understanding reveal
something important about the character or the plot.
Aha Moment:
A word, phrase, or idea is repeated, making us wonder
about its significance or importance.
Wha t cha ra cter a cti on or
feel i ng wa s unexpected?
Again and Again:
Contrasts and Contradictions:
Stop and Ask Yourself: Why did the character act or feel that way?
Pg. #
Wha t wa s unexpected
Why do you thi nk the
a bout the a cti on/feel i ng? cha ra cter a cted/fel t tha t
wa y?
Stop and Ask Yourself: Why might the author bring this up again and again?
What did you find that keeps
coming up again and again?
Pg. #
Why do you thi nk the
a uthor keeps repea ti ng
thi s word, phra s e, i ma ge,
i dea , or s i tua ti on?
Wha t does thi s a ga i n a nd
a ga i n s i gnpos t l ea d you
to thi nk i s goi ng to
ha ppen l a ter on?
Stop and Ask Yourself: Why might this realization be important?
Wha t words tol d you thi s
wa s goi ng to be a n Aha
Pg. #
Wha t rea l i za ti on ca me to
the cha ra cter's mi nd?
How i s thi s rea l i za ti on
l i kel y to be i mporta nt to
the s tory?