New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:06 PM Page 3 TheFuture of Energyin NewYork New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:07 PM Page 4 Advocates for cleaner, more efficient energy New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:06 PM Page 1 The NYS Smart Grid Consortium was founded in 2008 when key energy leaders in NYS determined that meaningful progress required the inclusion of all stakeholders to define and work toward a common smart grid vision. The primary objective in forming the Consortium was to harness the collective efforts of key stakeholders across the state to implement an electric power system that is efficient, secure, and reliable while simultaneously facilitating renewable resources and enabling customers to reduce cost and energy consumption. The Consortium strategically positions NYS to more effectively define and deploy the Smart Grid • The only organization of its scale in the United States representing all major contributors across the energy value chain from generation to delivery to end-users • A formal, “permanent” entity capable of guiding long-term and phased smart grid implementation • Commitment to educating consumers on the smart grid and its benefits, which are critical to increasing overall acceptance and participation • Alignment of New York State’s broad research initiatives to support innovative technology development with a cost effective commercialization strategy • Advocacy for federal and state policies that will support long-term, sustainable economic development New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:07 PM Page 5 Collaborating to meet our future energy needs The NYS Smart Grid Consortium is a not-for-profit 501(c) 6 corporation, officially incorporated on July 22, 2009, to harness the unique resources of the state as it manages the collaborative development of the smart grid. “The energy challenges facing our society today require coordination and collaboration among all sectors of the electric power industry. The formation of the Consortium represents a strategic public-private partnership that leverages resources in support of a secure and reliable smart grid to protect and serve all consumers.” Robert B. Catell, Chairman NYS Smart Grid Consortium The Consortium’s founding institutions are: AERTC, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Consolidated Edison, General Electric, IBM, LIPA, National Grid, NYISO NYPA, NYSDPS, NYSERDA, NYSTAR, SUNY Stony Brook. The Board of Directors consists of up to 25 members across multiple sectors to provide flexibility in the Board’s composition to maintain the broadest possible perspective. The fundamental goal is to promote equitable representation among all key energy stakeholders in New York State. working with industry leaders and the private sector, we can drive the “ By evolution to a clean, smart, national electricity system that will create jobs, reduce energy use, expand renewable energy production, and cut carbon pollution. Dr. Steven Chu, U.S. Secretary of Energy ” New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:07 PM Page 6 Enabling the Implementation of an Efficient, Secure and Reliable Electricity System The smart grid vision represents a comprehensive, coordinated The smart grid will be built upon its three primary components and collaborative approach to implement an efficient, effective, – customer enablement, grid enhancements and diverse supply and secure electric power supply and delivery system that meets integration. The ongoing Consortium process will help focus the energy needs of all customers in the state (see below). New effective implementation, resulting in enhanced economic York has three primary energy policy goals — sustainability, development, higher levels of customer satisfaction, reliability and affordability. The state has a unique wealth of improved reliability, increased efficiency, better grid visibility intellectual, industrial and institutional resources focused on the and situational awareness, accurate pricing signals that development of the smart grid. The purpose of the NYS reflect the true cost of service, the highest levels of security Smart Grid Consortium is to harness these unique assets and a more timely incorporation of renewable energy. to address the state’s energy policy goals and achieve its smart grid vision. New York State Strategic Smart Grid Vision DRIVING FORCES Driving Forces and New York Resources Energy Policy Goals Harnessing Resources New York State Smart Grid Components CO 2 Emissions Power Outages SUSTAINABILITY Security Threats UNIQUE NEW YORK RESOURCES Innovative Technology RELIABILITY Evolving Standards Research Nexus Clean Energy Leader SG Industry Expertise Financial and Media Capital AFFORDABILITY N E W YORK STATE SM ART G RI D C O N SO RTI UM Customer Enablement Grid Enhancement Diverse Supply Integration BENEFITS Economic Development Timely Renewables Shorter Outages Improved Reliability Higher Security Increased Efficiency Higher Customer Satisfaction Consumer Energy/ Cost Savings Smart Grid Benefits New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:07 PM Page 7 Maximize Mutually Beneficial Relationships Throughout the State A critical function of the Consortium is to bring together innovation and technology commercialization. Consortium mem- members from all sectors of the energy value chain to discuss bers will maintain equal voting privileges and have an opportunity how state and federal funds can be co-optimized. The to demonstrate their commitment to realizing statewide public Consortium will coordinate with all federal grant recipients on benefits. The Consortium will further work with members to how best to leverage external funds and promote technology identify and pursue future smart grid funding opportunities that transfer among members (see below). The Consortium will promote economic development in New York. further provide recommendations to state entities such as The Consortium will play a critical role in fostering the develop- NYSERDA and NYSTAR on how internal funds can further ment of a technology nexus that positions New York to become a reinforce critical statewide smart grid projects. national hub and leader in smart grid. The Consortium structure and Federal and state funds will be used to support technology framework are intended to focus the R&D initiatives of govern- development and demonstration projects. Private membership ment, industry, and universities and set the stage for accelerating funds (annual dues from Consortium members) will support the pace of innovation. The Consortium will nurture R&D activities the Consortium’s administrative costs and other initiatives. on advanced products and applications that are commercially- This public-private partnership is unique and intends to nurture focused and targeted to address real-world problems. New York State Strategic Smart Grid Consortium Framework STATE MEMBERSHIP State Funding FEDERAL Private Funding Federal Grants NYSERDA DOE RGGI, SBC, CAIR Stimulus ARPA-e National Carbon Program SMART GRID COLLABORATIVE Generators Utilities Markets Universities Government End Users Industry Strategic Smart Grid Vision Reporting/Monitoring Optimize/coordinate state public funds Research and development Reporting/Monitoring Optimize/coordinate federal funds Identify/facilitate regional funding opportunites Identify/facilitate federal funding opportunites Government R&D SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY NEXUS Industrial R&D University R&D New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:07 PM Page 8 “ Investments in our grid are expected to make it more secure and reliable, saving us some of the $150 billion we lose each year during power outages and will save consumers more than $20 billion over the next decade on their utility bills. By facilitating the creation of a clean energy economy, building this 21st century energy infrastructure will help us lay a foundation for lasting growth and prosperity.” President Barrack Obama Our Operating Principles Membership in the Consortium is based on embracing a common set of operating principles. Customer-focused – Committed to developing the most effective, efficient and accessible smart grid to benefit all customers and communities. Strategically Aligned – Committed to building a robust, dynamic and secure electricity infrastructure by being collectively focused on the sustainable execution and progression of the NYS Smart Grid strategy. Collaborative – Committed to integrating and leveraging the resources of the consortium membership – across industry, utility, market, academic and government institutions – to assure the open and effective development of shared institutional knowledge. Innovative – Committed to a well-defined and managed nexus of R&D smart grid technologies and systems to accelerate the advancement of technical and institutional interoperability. Performance-driven – Committed to a transparent validation process to ensure the progression and long-term achievement of the NYS Smart Grid to foster economic development. New Gate Fold Promotional Final Art.qxd:Layout 1 11/12/10 2:06 PM Page 2 For further information about the New York State Smart Grid Consortium and on how to become a member, please contact us at (646) 472-2064 or send an e-mail to Visit us online at New York State Smart Grid Consortium | 387 Park Avenue South, Third Floor | New York, NY 10017 | (646) 472-2064 |