CALHOUN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CALHOUN COMMUNITY COLLEGE GRAPHICS CLINICALCOMPUTER LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY GRAPHICS CLINICALCOMPUTER LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY Associate Science AssociateofofApplied Applied Science Associate Science AssociateofofApplied Applied Science Graphic Animation, Electronic Imaging - Option III About the Program About theinProgram The Associate Applied Science degree in Clinical Laboratory Technology prepares Graphic Animation, Electronic Imaging - Option III About the Program About theinProgram The Associate Applied Science degree in Clinical Laboratory Technology prepares graduates for eligibility to apply for the American Society for Clinical Pathology The Computer Graphics Program is designed teach the practical applicaMedical Laboratory Technician (MLT) (ASCP) to national registry examination. Alternately, students eligible toencountered take the National Credentialing Agency (NCA) tion of artistic skillsare to projects in business and industry. Both exam. be granted Associate in Applied Science degree, a student sucoptionsToteach basic an skills and concepts and current techniques andmust applicacessfully the general education course requirements the tions. A complete good foundation is offered in drawing, design andinartaddition The core CLT courses. Program accreditation is pending from the National Accrediting studentforisClinical encouraged to use these(NAACLS). skills to develop a portfolio to use in Agency Laboratory Sciences graduates for eligibility to apply for the American Society for Clinical Pathology The Computer Graphics Program is designed teach the practical applicaMedical Laboratory Technician (MLT) (ASCP) to national registry examination. Alternately, students eligible toencountered take the National Credentialing Agency (NCA) tion of artistic skillsare to projects in business and industry. Both exam. be granted Associate in Applied Science degree, a student sucoptionsToteach basic an skills and concepts and current techniques andmust applicacessfully the general education course requirements the tions. A complete good foundation is offered in drawing, design andinartaddition The core CLT courses. Program accreditation is pending from the National Accrediting studentforisClinical encouraged to use these(NAACLS). skills to develop a portfolio to use in Agency Laboratory Sciences What are CLT’s? In recent years, the computer has become an important tool for the design- What are CLT’s? In recent years, the computer has become an important tool for the design- finding employment. finding employment. Clinical laboratory professionals, CLT/MLT, are important members of the healther. Students in the Computer Graphics Program have access to a computcare team performing a wide variety of chemical and biological analyses on blood er lab equipped with the latest industry standard hardware and and other specimens to aid doctors in the diagnosis and treatment ofsoftware. disease. Courses are opportunities designed to teach theCLT creative application these programs to Employment for the graduate include ofhospital laboratories, physicians’ offices & clinics, and research Emphasis projects that would be encountered in or thecommercial workplace.laboratories. Both individual and on accuracy and validity of laboratory information, communication skills, customer solving are practiced. team approaches to problem service, high standards of ethical and moral behavior and principles are necessary for gaining and maintaining the confidence of patients, professional associates and Career Opportunities in the Field a capacity for calm and reasoned the community. The ability to relate to people, judgment, and a demonstration of commitment to the patient are essential qualiSome students enroll in this program at entry level. Others enroll for job ties. Salary ranges from $28,000 to $45,000 annually depending on the employadvancement ment setting. or to learn new skills for a variety of reasons. Graduates Clinical laboratory professionals, CLT/MLT, are important members of the healther. Students in the Computer Graphics Program have access to a computcare team performing a wide variety of chemical and biological analyses on blood er lab equipped with the latest industry standard hardware and and other specimens to aid doctors in the diagnosis and treatment ofsoftware. disease. Courses are opportunities designed to teach theCLT creative application these programs to Employment for the graduate include ofhospital laboratories, physicians’ offices & clinics, and research Emphasis projects that would be encountered in or thecommercial workplace.laboratories. Both individual and on accuracy and validity of laboratory information, communication skills, customer to problem solving are practiced. team approaches service, high standards of ethical and moral behavior and principles are necessary for gaining and maintaining the confidence of patients, professional associates and Career Opportunities in the Field a capacity for calm and reasoned the community. The ability to relate to people, judgment, and a demonstration of commitment to the patient are essential qualiSome students enroll in this program at entry level. Others enroll for job ties. Salary ranges from $28,000 to $45,000 annually depending on the employadvancement ment setting. or to learn new skills for a variety of reasons. Graduates scheduled between the hours of 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Please dress appropriately for this visit:Do no Iopen-toed shoes, blue jeans, short skirts, or caps are to be worn. A How Apply? new program starts every summer and fall semester. Application deadline is March 1Everyone or June 15.must Notification of acceptance into the for program will be bytoletter. submit an application admission either the scheduled between the hours of 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Please dress appropriately for this visit:Do no Iopen-toed shoes, blue jeans, short skirts, or caps are to be worn. A How Apply? new program starts every summer and fall semester. Application deadline is March 1Everyone or June 15.must Notification of acceptance into the for program will be bytoletter. submit an application admission either the may be employed in the printing industry, an in-house advertising department in a technical or manufacturing firm, an advertising agency or marketHow do I Apply? ing firm, a video production firm, at a magazine or newspaper, or at a Everyone must submit an application for admission to the College to the Admissions variety otherthebusinesses. Some graduates preferthe tostudent work free-lance or Office onofeither Decatur or Huntsville campus. Next, should comstartan their own businesses. of area employing stuplete APPLICATION PACKET A forfew the examples CLT program, foundfirms at grants/AHEAD/CLT. Includedinclude in this Golden packet are thePrinting, instructions for theColor, student to dents from the program Rule Graphic Precomplete one required experience at Marshall any hospital clinical laboratory cision Graphics, Unitedobservation Technologies, Adtran, Space Flight Center, department to increase your knowledge and awareness of Clinical Laboratory Boeing, Tennessee Valley Press, The Decatur Daily, and Sales FAX. Technology. The visit must be a minimum of three hours in length and must be Admissions Office on the Decatur campus or to the Huntsville campus may be employed in the printing industry, an in-house advertising department in a technical or manufacturing firm, an advertising agency or marketHow do I Apply? ing firm, a video production firm, at a magazine or newspaper, or at a Everyone must submit an application for admission to the College to the Admissions variety otherthebusinesses. Some graduates preferthe tostudent work free-lance or Office onofeither Decatur or Huntsville campus. Next, should comstartan their own businesses. of area employing stuplete APPLICATION PACKET A forfew the examples CLT program, foundfirms at grants/AHEAD/CLT. Includedinclude in this Golden packet are thePrinting, instructions for theColor, student to dents from the program Rule Graphic Precomplete one required experience at Marshall any hospital clinical laboratory cision Graphics, Unitedobservation Technologies, Adtran, Space Flight Center, department to increase your knowledge and awareness of Clinical Laboratory Boeing, Tennessee Valley Press, The Decatur Daily, and Sales FAX. Technology. The visit must be a minimum of three hours in length and must be Admissions Office on the Decatur campus or to the Huntsville campus Aorcomplete application packet Redstone Arsenal extension. At thatincludes: time, you’ll receive further infor- Aorcomplete application packet Redstone Arsenal extension. At thatincludes: time, you’ll receive further infor- Tuition at Calhoun — the fees paid to take classes— is among the lowest inMuch the area. Refer to Calhoun’s website at for curHow Will it Cost? rent tuition and fees Since college does not dormitories, Tuition at Calhoun – theschedule. fees paid to take the classes – is among thehave lowest in the area. Athe full-time will paywill $1140 per 15-week semester. A single 3-credonly student other costs be to for$1520 transportation to and from class and itbooks hour course will cost And, $285.if Other costshelp include supplies, uniand supplies. you need withbooks, college costs,clinical the Office forms, student malpractice insurance, health exam and lab tests. If you need help of Student Financial Services has information on grants, work study, with college costs, the Office of Student Financial Services has information on loans. scholarships, andscholarships grants, work study, and loans. Contact the CLT office for a full list of Tuition at Calhoun — the fees paid to take classes— is among the lowest inMuch the area. Refer to Calhoun’s website at for curHow Will it Cost? rent tuition and fees Since college does not dormitories, Tuition at Calhoun – theschedule. fees paid to take the classes – is among thehave lowest in the area. Athe full-time will paywill $1140 per 15-week semester. A single 3-credonly student other costs be to for$1520 transportation to and from class and itbooks hour course will cost And, $285. if Other costshelp include supplies, uniand supplies. you need withbooks, college costs,clinical the Office forms, student malpractice insurance, health exam and lab tests. If you need help of Student Financial Services has information on grants, work study, with college costs, the Office of Student Financial Services has information on andscholarships loans. scholarships, grants, work study, and loans. Contact the CLT office for a full list of •mation Signedonand dated application admissions requirements. • Signed ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS statement • Official High School Transcript (if you would like HS GPA or grades considIt is best to Calhoun talk with the Computer ered) AND Transcript (unofficialGraphics accepted)instructor prior to regisat (256) 306-2703. •tration Transfer Equivalency Report from Calhoun Admissions Office for transfer coursework from other colleges • COMPASS Reading score (minimum of 76 required to be considered) or ACT composite score, if taken. How Much Will it Cost? • Completed CLT Hospital Observation Form needed supplies and costs. •mation Signedonand dated application admissions requirements. • Signed ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS statement • Official High School Transcript (if you would like HS GPA or grades considIt is best to Calhoun talk with the Computer ered) AND Transcript (unofficialGraphics accepted)instructor prior to regisat (256) 306-2703. •tration Transfer Equivalency Report from Calhoun Admissions Office for transfer coursework from other colleges • COMPASS Reading score (minimum of 76 required to be considered) or ACT composite score, if taken. How Much Will it Cost? • Completed CLT Hospital Observation Form needed supplies and costs. Curriculum COMPUTER GRAPHICS OPTION III CHILD DEVELOPMENT Graphic Animation, Electronic Associate of Applied Imaging Science Curriculum Curriculum COMPUTER GRAPHICS OPTION III CHILD DEVELOPMENT Graphic Animation, Electronic Associate of AppliedImaging Science Curriculum Associate of Applied Science Degree Associate of Applied Science Degree GENERAL EDUCATION CORE REQUIREMENTS Year I (Fall) ART 113 Drawing I.............................................................................3 ORI to College ..........................................................1 ART101 121Orientation Two Dimensional Composition I..........................................3 ENG 101 English Composition I.........................................................3 ART 221 Computer Graphics I ..........................................................3 ENG Composition II........................................................3 VCM102 180English Introduction to Graphic Design .........................................3 Fine Elective................................................................................3 ORI Arts 101 Orientation to College ..........................................................1 MTH Mathematical Applications OR Social116 Science Elective.......................................................................3 MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra .......................................................3 Total .................................................................................................16 BIO 103 Principles of Biology I ..........................................................4 CIS Microcomputer Applications ................................................3 Year146 I (Spring) History Elective ..................................................................................3 CAT 182 3D (Graphics and Animation) ..............................................3 PSY Psychology.............................................................3 VCM200 232General Advanced Computer Graphics ...........................................3 SPH Speaking .......................................3 VCM107 281Fundamentals Digital Designof ORPublic CIS 197C Dreamweaver.........................3 ART 204 Art History II........................................................................3 Total General Credit Hours ...............................................................29 ENG 101 Composition I......................................................................3 Total .................................................................................................15 MAJOR COURSE REQUIREMENTS Year II (Fall) VCM100 145 Introduction Introduction of to Early DigitalCare Photography ...................................3 CHD and Education VCM Introduction to Technical Illustration..................................3 of 250 Children ....................................................................................3 VCM202 285Children’s MultimediaCreative Production .......................................................3 CHD Experiences ..........................................3 ART 203 283 Children’s Graphic Animation ...........................................................3 CHD LiteratureI and Language Development...............3 ENG 204 102 Methods Composition CHD and II.....................................................................3 Materials for Teaching Children.....................3 Natural Elective .....................................................................4 CHD 205Science Program Planning for Educating Young Children ...............3 Total206 .................................................................................................19 CHD Children’s Health and Safety ...............................................3 CHD 209 Infant and Toddler Education Programs .............................3 Year 215 II (Spring) CHD Supervised Practical Experiences in VCM 282Development........................................................................3 Advanced Digital Design.....................................................3 Child VCM 286 Advanced Multimedia Production.......................................3 PSY 211 Child Growth and Development Principles ..........................3 ART 284 Graphic Animation II ..........................................................3 Child Development Electives (Choose two of the following: Animation Electives ............................................................................6 CHD 210, CHD 214, CHD 220) .....................................................6 Choose 2 from VCM 251, ART 253 or ART 254 General Electives ................................................................................6 MTH 100 or Higher ............................................................................3 ART 299 Portfolio...............................................................................1 Total Credit Hours ............................................................................39 Total .................................................................................................19 GENERAL EDUCATION CORE REQUIREMENTS Year I (Fall) ART 113 Drawing I.............................................................................3 ORI 101 to College ..........................................................1 ART 121 Orientation Two Dimensional Composition I..........................................3 ENG 101 English Composition I.........................................................3 ART 221 Computer Graphics I ..........................................................3 ENG 102 Composition II........................................................3 VCM 180 English Introduction to Graphic Design .........................................3 Fine 101 ArtsOrientation Elective................................................................................3 ORI to College ..........................................................1 MTH 116 Mathematical Applications OR Social Science Elective.......................................................................3 MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra .......................................................3 Total .................................................................................................16 BIO 103 Principles of Biology I ..........................................................4 CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications ................................................3 Year I (Spring) History Elective ..................................................................................3 CAT 182 3D (Graphics and Animation) ..............................................3 Psychology.............................................................3 PSY 200 VCM 232 General Advanced Computer Graphics ...........................................3 SPH 107 of Public Speaking .......................................3 VCM 281 Fundamentals Digital Design OR CIS 197C Dreamweaver.........................3 ART 204 Art History II........................................................................3 Total101 General Credit Hours ...............................................................29 ENG Composition I......................................................................3 Total .................................................................................................15 MAJOR COURSE REQUIREMENTS Year II (Fall) VCM Photography ...................................3 CHD 145 100 Introduction to of Digital Early Care and Education VCMof250 Introduction to Technical Illustration..................................3 Children ....................................................................................3 VCM 285 Multimedia Production .......................................................3 CHD 202 Children’s Creative Experiences ..........................................3 ART Animation I ...........................................................3 CHD 283 203Graphic Children’s Literature and Language Development...............3 ENG CHD 102 204 Composition Methods andII.....................................................................3 Materials for Teaching Children.....................3 Natural Science Elective .....................................................................4 CHD 205 Program Planning for Educating Young Children ...............3 Total CHD .................................................................................................19 206 Children’s Health and Safety ...............................................3 CHD 209 Infant and Toddler Education Programs .............................3 Year (Spring) CHD II215 Supervised Practical Experiences in VCMChild 282 Development........................................................................3 Advanced Digital Design.....................................................3 VCM 286 Child Advanced Multimedia Production.......................................3 PSY 211 Growth and Development Principles ..........................3 ART 284 Graphic Animation II ..........................................................3 Child Development Electives (Choose two of the following: Animation Electives ............................................................................6 CHD 210, CHD 214, CHD 220) .....................................................6 Choose 2 from VCM 251, ART 253 or ART 254 General Electives ................................................................................6 MTH 100 or Higher ............................................................................3 ART 299 Portfolio...............................................................................1 Total Credit Hours ............................................................................39 Total .................................................................................................19 TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS...............................................................................68 CREDITS...............................................................................69 TOTAL CREDITS...............................................................................69 CREDITS...............................................................................68 TOTAL Students also have the option of completing the following specialty course requirements for additional professional training. Students also have the option of completing the following specialty course requirements for additional professional training. Administrationcall Kristine Beadle at 256-306-2703 CHD 208 Administration of Child Development Programs.................3 Rev. 11/14 BUS 263 The Legal and Social Environment of Business ..................3 BUS 275 Principles of Management ..................................................3 BUS 279 Small Business Management ..............................................3 Administrationcall Kristine Beadle at 256-306-2703 CHD 208 Administration of Child Development Programs.................3 Rev. 11/14 BUS 263 The Legal and Social Environment of Business ..................3 BUS 275 Principles of Management ..................................................3 BUS 279 Small Business Management ..............................................3 Total Administration Credit Hours ....................................................12 Total Administration Credit Hours ....................................................12 For program information, For program information, Calhoun Community College Calhoun Community College P.O. Box 2216 • Decatur, AL 35609-2216 • 256-306-2500 P.O. Box 2216 • Decatur, AL 35609-2216 • 256-306-2500 Your Community. Your College. Your Future. Your Community. Your College. Your Future. ADA/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ADA/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION