Unit Title: Addition Strategies Length of Unit: 10 Days Grade/Teacher: 2 grade

Unit Title: Addition Strategies
Unit Assessment Date: September 5, 2014
Length of Unit: 10 Days
August 25th- September 5th, 2014
Unit Standards: What standards will I explicitly teach and intentionally
2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two step word
problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart,
and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations
with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
2.OA.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2,
know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
21st Century Skills/ Mathematical Practices —How can I provide opportunities
for my students to collaborate, communicate, think critically, and be creative?
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Grade/Teacher: 2nd grade
Materials and Resources Needed:—Other than Envisions, what other
materials and resources will be utilized during unit instruction?
Reteaching, enrichment and practice pages based on students’ needs (should
be used in conjunction with manipulatives)
Connecting cubes, red and yellow counters, paper bag, Double Ten-frame
mat, number cube, part-part whole mat, part/part/part whole mat
Essential Question(s) — What BIG Questions will guide student learning?
 How can tools, structures and strategies be helpful when solving
 How are addition and subtraction related?
Program Review Connection:
Writing/Communication: Do you understand section on Guided Practice side
Practical Living/Career Studies:
Arts & Humanities:
Student-Friendly Targets—What do I want
students to know and be able to do?
Instructional Sequence—What lessons will lead
to mastery of the targets?
Formative/Summative Assessment—How will
students demonstrate progress toward or
mastery of learning targets?
I can fluently add 0, 1 and 2 to any addend.
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of using 0, 1, and 2
Quick Check 2-1
I can use doubles facts strategy to add.
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 37). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Observation of student strategies during small group
McBrayer Elementary
Math Unit Planning Guide
I can use doubles facts to solve a near doubles
I can choose the best strategy to help me add.
I can use the commutative property to find sums
(order of addends).
I can choose the best strategy to help me add.
I can find the sum of three addends using addition
I can find sums by making ten when adding.
I can draw a picture and write a number sentence
to solve a story problem.
Interactive Learning (page 41). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 45). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 49). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 53). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 57). Pose a problem, model
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Whole Group: Discuss target. Problem Based
Interactive Learning (page 61). Pose a problem, model
Look for Ideas: Mastery of using doubles
Quick Check 2-2
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of using near doubles
Quick Check 2-3
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of adding in any order
Quick Check 2-4
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of adding three numbers using
addition strategies.
Quick Check 2-5
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of making 10 when adding
Quick Check 2-6
Observation of student strategies during small group
Look for Ideas: Mastery of drawing a picture and
McBrayer Elementary
Math Unit Planning Guide
(All Targets from Topic 2)
(All Targets from Topic 2)
and use vocabulary; group activity
Small Group: Guided Practice
Centers: Independent Practice page, game from
differentiated instruction, technology, fluency center
(part-part whole cards, dice, etc.), review center
Whole Group: Review target, Quick Check, Self-Assess
Review, Reteach and Enrich
writing a number sentence that corresponds to the
Quick Check 2-7
Review Games; Can do unit assessment in small
 Reteaching & Extensions
 Clear up Misconceptions
Unit Assessment
Summative/Common Assessment Overview
Multiple Choice Question Assessing Target
Number of Short Answer Questions
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Numbers of Extended Response (OR)
(See Below)
Extended Response: Choose one of the following equations.
Solve the equation using a strategy of your choice. Name the strategy you used and explain how it helped you solve the problem.
4- Chose an equation. Solved the equation correctly. Named the strategy used and explanation was correct.
3- Chose an equation. Solved the equation correctly. Named the strategy used or explained.
2- Chose an equation and solved it correctly.
1-Some attempt with little accuracy.
McBrayer Elementary
Math Unit Planning Guide