Weekly Lessons: September 8-11, 2015 Cathy Byron – English – 8th grade – RCMS Language Arts – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th periods College/Career Ready Goal: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. Enduring Understanding: Effective readers use a variety of strategies to make sense of key ideas and details presented in text. Focus Standard(s): Writing objective summaries RI.8.2 Learning Target(s) fall into one of four levels of learning: Knowledge (K), Reasoning/understanding (R), Skill (S), and Product (P). Monday Learning Target(s) I can Tuesday Wednesday Learning Target(s) Learning Target(s) I can practice writing I can an objective summary. (P) Thursday Learning Target(s) I can “read” a picture and write an objective summary. (P) Friday Learning Target(s) I can demonstrate my learning of standard RI.I.8.2 on a summative assessment. (P) Class Activities Class Activities Class Activities Class Activities Class Activities Bell work Bell work Independent Reading and discussion Skill Work DOG #6 NIPPAVAC handout/notes Core Lesson Summary practice (handout)/FA Poll Everywhere/video to introduce child labor Homework: Bell work Bell work Independent Reading and discussion Skill Work DOG #7 NIPPAVAC handout/notes Core Lesson Picture Activity: Write an objective summary Bell work Independent Reading and discussion Skill Work Moby Max Homework: Homework: Homework: RTI/gifted: Moby Max RTI/gifted: Moby Max Work with students on Summaries and DOGS During IR RTI/gifted: Moby Max Skill Work Core Lesson No school Labor day Homework: RTI/gifted: Moby Max RTI/gifted: Moby Max Work with students on Summaries and DOGS During IR Skill Work Core Lesson MAP TESTING Core Lesson FA – write an objective summary of independent reading