ENG II Syllabus 2013-2014 Instructor:

Instructor: Kay M. Hedrick
Course Overview: In this course, students will read short stories and novels, autobiographies and other types of nonfiction, poems,
and plays. The works come from a broad range of time periods and cultures. Through reading and analysis of literature, students will
become more skilled interpreters of literature and the world we live in.
In addition to reading, students will be writing expository, narrative and persuasive essays. Grammar study and vocabulary
development will be an integral part of instruction.
Course Units:
A1) Introduction and PLAN Review
A2) Novel or Autobiography
A3) Agreement – Subject/Verb and Pronoun/Antecedent
A4) Constructed Response
B1) Analysis of Speeches
B2) Persuading Your Audience
B3) Dramatic Literature
B4) Punctuation – Commas, Semi-Colons, Dashes, Hyphens, Quotation Marks
Attendance/Absences/Makeup Work: Your presence (mind and body) in class is essential. If an absence occurs, it is the student’s
responsibility to find out which assignments were missed, to acquire the handouts, and to borrow and copy the class notes for the
day(s) absent. A make-up work sheet will be prepared for each class meeting and easily obtained from the make-up work folder
located on the teacher’s school website (http://www.rowan.k12.ky.us/admin/olc/folder.aspx?id=25883&cid=25789&s=960) .
Because lead-time will be given for papers and other major assignments, the due date remains the same regardless of any absence. If
an absence occurs the day an assignment is due, e-mail it to the instructor at kay.hedrick@rowan.kyschools.us . If an emergency
arises (illness or otherwise) and the assignment can absolutely not be completed, a note from a parent/guardian explaining the situation
will be required to avoid penalty.
Do not interrupt class to get missed assignments. Questions or needed materials should be addressed with the instructor before or after
Late Assignments: Responsibilities in this class include keeping an up-to-date assignment notebook, maintaining pace with the
reading, and turning all assignments in on time. Ask for help far enough in advance to have time to finish all assignments. Personal
difficulties apart from class will be addressed but require communication with the instructor before an assigned due date so that other
arrangements can be made. Once an assignment has been graded and returned, submission of the assignment for credit will not be
allowed. If an excused absence occurs on a test date, the student must schedule a time to make-up the test with the teacher after
Note-Taking and Notebook: In order to be successful in this course, note-taking is imperative. For some assessments a student may
use his or her notebook class notes. Students will keep daily notes with the class date, board announcements and assignments, class
agenda,notes activities. Students are expected to maintain these class notes even if an absence occurs. For all absences, students are
expected to write the date and the word absent. To accompany this the student is responsible to copy from a classmate the
information missed or to attach a copy of the printed Make-Up Work sheet from the class web page. Note-taking entries are expected
to be neat, well-organized, and complete.
90-100 A, 80-89
B, 70-79
C, 60-69
All written late work will receive at most 50% of the total amount of points for the given assignment. Late work assignments are
those that are turned in to the teacher after the due date and time. All in-class speaking assessments, individual presentations and
group presentations must be presented on scheduled time or a zero is received on the assignment. Students will conduct a random
draw for presentation date and presentation placement.
There is no extra credit.
Classroom Expectations: It is expected that all students work together to create a respectful and disciplined classroom. To achieve
this a few simple policies are necessary. As a student, it is your responsibility to comply with these policies. If you decide not to
comply, there will be logical consequences. Through the enforcement of these policies, fairness and order in the classroom should be
Class Rules
In addition to the Rowan County District and Rowan County Sr. High School Rules and Policies:
Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of Room 91 and the school.
1. No swearing, teasing, name calling or put downs
2. No personal grooming, eating or drinking during class time.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Do not interrupt or disrupt class time.
5. Have all appropriate materials and supplies at your desk and be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
If you CHOOSE to Break a Rule Punishments will always fit the crime. Of course there are behaviors that will warrant a
Disciplinary Referral immediately. Examples include gross subordination or violent behavior. Behaviors that are less
severe, but in violation of the basic rules of the class will be dealt with in the manner described below. This format is in no
way all inclusive and is subject to change:
1st Incident – Verbal Warning and Incident Recorded
2nd Incident - 1 minute detention – Stay in class one minute after the bell and Incident Recorded
(Complete Written Behavior Sheet during Detention)
3rd Incident – Conference with teacher before or after school – Student will call parent and
explain the incident to parent in the presence of teacher. A Behavior Action Plan will be sent home to be
completed by the student and their parent/guardian to be returned to the teacher the following day. Should
a student not report for assigned conference, disciplinary action will immediately defer to a 4 th Incident.
4th Incident – Disciplinary Referral to Office and Parent Phone Call