EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. • Tel: 781.329.4700 • Fax: 781.461.3113 • www.analog.com Evaluation Board for the ADAS3023 16-Bit, 8-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling Data Acquisition System FEATURES Full-featured evaluation board for the ADAS3023 Versatile analog signal conditioning circuitry On-board reference, clock oscillator, and buffers Converter evaluation and development board (EVAL-CED1Z) compatible PC software for control and data analysis (time and frequency domain) KIT CONTENTS EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ evaluation board ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED EVAL-CED1Z board Precision signal source World-compatible 7 V dc supply (enclosed with EVAL-CED1Z) USB cable EVALUATION BOARD DESCRIPTION The EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ is an evaluation board for the ADAS3023 16-bit data acquisition system (DAS). This device integrates an 8-channel low leakage track and hold, a high impedance programmable gain instrumentation amplifier (PGIA) stage with high common-mode rejection, a precision 16-bit successive approximation (no latency) analog-to-digital converter, and precision 4.096 V reference. It is capable of converting two channels simultaneously up to 500,000 samples per second (500 kSPS) throughput. The evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the performance of the ADAS3023 and to provide an easy-to-understand interface for a variety of system applications. A full description of this product is available in the product data sheet and should be consulted when utilizing this evaluation board. The evaluation board is intended to be used with the Analog Devices, Inc., converter evaluation and development (CED) board, EVAL-CED1Z, a USB-based capture board connected to P4, the 96-pin interface. On-board components include a high precision, buffered band gap 4.096 V reference (ADR434), a reference buffer (AD8032), passive signal conditioning circuitry, and an FPGA for deserializing the serial conversion results and configuring the ADAS3023 via a 4-wire serial interface. The P3 connector allows users to test their own interface with or without the optional Altera FPGA, U6 (programmed using the P2 and passive serial EEPROM, U5). FPGA PROGRAMMING PORT ADAS3023 PROTOTYPE AREA FPGA 96-PIN INTERFACE POWER SERIAL INTERFACE 40-PIN IDC Figure 1. EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ Evaluation Board PLEASE SEE THE LAST PAGE FOR AN IMPORTANT WARNING AND LEGAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Rev. B | Page 1 of 30 11221-001 ANALOG INPUTS UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Jumpers and Test Points ...............................................................6 Kit Contents....................................................................................... 1 Evaluation Board Software ...............................................................8 Additional Equipment Needed ....................................................... 1 Software Installation .....................................................................8 Evaluation Board Description......................................................... 1 Powering Up the Board ............................................................. 11 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Running the Software with the Hardware Connected .......... 11 Evaluation Board Hardware ............................................................ 3 Software Operation .................................................................... 12 Overview........................................................................................ 3 Time Domain Tab ...................................................................... 16 Device Description ....................................................................... 3 Histogram Tab ............................................................................ 17 Jumpers, Solder Pads, and Test Points ....................................... 3 Spectrum Tab .............................................................................. 18 Analog Interface ........................................................................... 3 Summary Tab .............................................................................. 19 FPGA .............................................................................................. 4 Evaluation Board Schematics and Artwork ................................ 20 Reference ....................................................................................... 4 Products on this Evaluation Board .............................................. 28 Evaluation Board Schematics/PCB Layout ............................... 5 Bill of Materials ........................................................................... 28 Basic Hardware Setup .................................................................. 5 Related Links ................................................................................... 30 REVISION HISTORY 9/14—Rev. A to Rev. B Reorganized Layout ....................................................... Throughout Changes to Reference Section ......................................................... 4 Changes to Basic Hardware Setup Section .................................... 5 Changes to Software Installation Section, System Requirements Section, and Website Download Section ....................................... 8 Replaced Figure 4 ............................................................................. 8 Added Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7, Renumbered Sequentially ....................................................................................... 8 Removed USB Drivers Section ....................................................... 8 Added Figure 8 to Figure 13............................................................ 9 Changes to Running the Software with the Hardware Connected Section.......................................................................... 11 Removed AC Testing Section ............................................................. Changes to Software Operation Section ...................................... 12 Added File Menu (Label 1) Section, Edit Menu (Label 2) Section, Help Menu (Label 3) Section, Throughput (Label 4) Section, Samples (Label 5) Section, Single Capture (Label 6) and Continuous Capture (Label 7) Section, and Tabs Section . 12 Removed Configuring the ADAS3023 Device Section, Channel Pairing Section, Figure 11, Figure 12, and Figure 13; Renumbered Sequentially.............................................................. 12 Changes to Figure 18 ...................................................................... 13 Added Figure 19.............................................................................. 13 Added Figure 20 to Figure 22 ....................................................... 14 Added Figure 23.............................................................................. 15 Removed Histogram Display Section, Time Domain Display Section, Figure 15, and Figure 16 ................................................. 14 Changes to Start Up Section and Input Channel Section, Programmable Gain Section, and Software Controls Section....... 15 Added Time Domain Tab Section and Figure 24 ...................... 16 Changes to Histogram Tab Section and Figure 25..................... 17 Added DC Testing Section and AC Testing Section .................. 17 Changes to Spectrum Tab Section and Figure 26 ...................... 18 Changes to Summary Tab Section and Figure 27 ...................... 19 Changes to Related Links Section ................................................ 30 5/13—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Title and Evaluation Board Description Section ......1 Changes to Device Description Section .........................................3 Removed CD-ROM Section ............................................................8 Changes to Running the Software with the Hardware Connected Section ......................................................................... 10 Changes to Figure 10 and Changes to Start Up Section ............ 11 Changes to Figure 14...................................................................... 13 Changes to Figure 16...................................................................... 14 Changes to Figure 17...................................................................... 15 Changes to Figure 18...................................................................... 16 Changes to Figure 19...................................................................... 17 4/13—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 EVALUATION BOARD HARDWARE OVERVIEW The EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ evaluation board is designed to offer simple evaluation of this integrated device. From a block diagram perspective, the board uses a set of analog input test points (or an IDC header), some passive footprints for RC filtering and external reference, the ADAS3023 device, a serial interface to the on-board FPGA, and power that can be supplied locally or via EVAL-CED1Z or externally. Note that the ADAS3023 device also has an on-chip reference; however, external circuitry is provided for those who need to test other suitable options. The small prototyping area can be useful for building additional circuitry, if desired. Each block has a specific function as defined in the following sections. DEVICE DESCRIPTION Table 1. Typical Input Range Selection Single-Ended Signals1 0 V to 1 V 0 V to 2.5 V 0 V to 5 V 0 V to 10 V 1 Manufactured using the Analog Devices patented high voltage iCMOS® process, the ADAS3023 is a complete data acquisition system (DAS) on a single chip that is capable of converting two channels simultaneously up to 500 kSPS. This part allows the differential voltage range up to ±20.48 V when using ±15 V supplies. The ADAS3023 can resolve the full-scale differential voltages of ±2.56 V, ±5.12 V, ±10.24 V, and ±20.48 V, and it can be configured to sample two, four, six, or eight channels simultaneously. The key difference between the ADAS3022 and ADAS3023 is that the ADAS3023 does not offer the AUX± channels and temperature sensor (using the CFG register) In addition, the BUSY/SDO2 (Pin 19) functionality of the ADAS3023 is different. The ADAS3022/ADAS3023 devices become pin compatible and can be exchanged on the same footprint if the no connect (NC) pins (Pin 14/Pin 29/Pin 30 on the ADAS3022) and AUX± (Pin 5 and Pin 40 on the ADAS3022) are tied to AGND, and if the SDO2 (using the CFG register) of the ADAS3023 is not enabled, so that the user can actually work with either one of these options using the same evaluation board. Leaving these pins floating is not recommended. Note that the differential paired mode does not exist in the ADAS3023 and, therefore, its 2/4/6/8 channels are always referenced to COM. The ADAS3023 is an ideal replacement for a typical 16-bit, simultaneous sampling precision data acquisition system that simplifies the design challenges by eliminating signal buffering, level shifting, amplification/attenuation, common-mode rejection, settling time, or any of the other analog signal conditioning challenges while allowing smaller form factor, faster time to market, and lower costs. Data communication to and from the ADAS3023 occurs asynchronously without any pipeline delay using a common 4-wire serial interface compatible with SPI, FPGA, and DSP. A rising edge on CNV samples the differential analog inputs of a channel or channel pair. The ADAS3023 configuration register allows the user to configure the number of enabled channels, the differential input voltage range, and the interface mode using the evaluation board and software as detailed in this user guide. Complete specifications for the ADAS3023 are provided in the product data sheet and should be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation board. Full details on the EVAL-CED1Z are available on the Analog Devices website. Input Range, VIN (V) ±1.28 V ±2.56 V ±5.12 V ±10.24 V See the ADAS3023 data sheet for more information JUMPERS, SOLDER PADS, AND TEST POINTS Numerous solder pads and test points are provided on the evaluation board and are detailed fully in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6. Note the nomenclature for this evaluation board for a signal that is also connected to an IDC connector would be signal_I. The two 3-pin user selectable jumpers are used for the ADCs reference selection and are fully described in the Reference section. ANALOG INTERFACE The analog interface is provided with test points for each of the analog inputs IN[7:0] and COM (that is, IN0_I is common to both the test point and to P1). The passive device footprints can be used for filtering, if desired. A simple RC filter made up of 22 Ω and 2700 pF NPO capacitors is provided. Note that the use of stable dielectric capacitors, such as NPO or COG, is required in the analog signal path to preserve the ADAS3023 distortion. Using X5R or other capacitors in the analog signal path greatly reduces the performance of the system. Also, note that many bench top arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) use 12-bit or 14-bit digital-to-analog converter outputs such that the 16-bit ADAS3023 devices digitize this directly resulting in erroneous looking data. If such an AWG is used, a high-order band-pass filter should be used to filter the unwanted noise from these sources. The P31 center pin is connected to the ADAS3023 COM input, which can be routed to P1 or GND using P31. For channel ‐to‐ COM configuration, set the jumper across Pin 1 and Pin 2 to route to P1. For channel pairs configuration, set the jumper across Pin 2 to Pin 3 to route to GND. This is useful for singleended applications. For dynamic performance, an FFT test can be done by applying a very low distortion ac source, such as an Audio Precision System 2702. This source can be set for balanced or unbalanced, and can be floated or grounded depending on the user’s choice. Rev. B | Page 3 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide FPGA The on-board FPGA performs a number of digital functions, one of them being the sample rate conversion controlled using the software. Another function is deserializing the serial conversion results as the CED data capture board uses a 16-bit parallel interface. If desired, the deserialized data can be monitored on the 96-pin edge connecter P1, BD[15:0]. The CED uses a buffered busy signal, BBUSY, as the general interrupt for the data transfer to the CED board. buffered with U20, the AD8032; both of these are set to the factory default setting. Table 2. Factory Reference Jumper Configuration Jumper Setting P5 P9 REFIN to GND1 REF to BUF (U20) 1 The connection is made through R102 = 10 k to GND. To use another reference source, there are two methods: The FPGA also provides the necessary ADAS3023 asynchronous control signals for RESET and power down (PD). • For an external unbuffered reference, remove the P9 jumper and connect a source to the REF test point. The signals from the FPGA to the ADAS3023 can be bypassed by modifying the default solder pad connections. As shown in Figure 2, each digital signal on the ADAS3023 is connected to the larger (top) pad of the three. The default configuration is the small pad and larger pad (no text) which connects the FPGA to the ADAS3023 (CNV, BUSY, and SDO signals shown). The labeled pads, CNV_I, BUSY_I, SDO_I, and so on, are the signals that are routed to P3. To use P3 instead of the FPGA, unsolder the default connections and resolder from the large pad to the xxx_I pads. The FPGA will remain powered; however, if all the signals are bypassed in this fashion, it will not have any influence on the ADAS3023. • Since the ADR434 is a standard 8-lead SOIC, it can also be removed and replaced with the user’s reference. In this case, the user reference and the U20 AD8032 buffer can be used as a reference source. DEFAULT Internal 4.096 V Reference The ADC has an internal 4.096 V precision reference and can be used on most applications. When enabled, 4.096 V will be present on the ADAS3023 REFx pin and test point, REF. In addition, a voltage will also be present on the ADAS3023 REFIN pin and test point, REFIN. The voltage present on REFIN can be used for other purposes, such as to provide the bias voltage; however, it would need a suitable buffer as the output impedance of the REFIN is on the order of a few kilo ohms and loading this voltage down will degrade the internal reference’s performance. Table 3. Internal Reference Jumper Configuration 11221-003 CONNECTION TO P3 Setting P5 P9 Open Open Note that the ADAS3023 configuration register needs to be updated either using the included software or by writing the appropriate bits to enable the internal reference. Figure 2. Digital Interface Solder Pads—Partial View Serial Interface The 4-wire serial interface consisting of CS, DIN, SCK, and SDO is present on the digital interface test points and is controlled by the FPGA. The FPGA can be bypassed by using the solder pads. REFERENCE The ADAS3023 has an internal 4.096 V reference, along with an internal buffer, useful for using an external reference or one can use an external 4.096 V reference directly, such as the ADR434 provided on the evaluation board. The evaluation board can be configured to use any of these references. Two jumpers (P5 and P7) are used for setting the reference in conjunction with software control. External Reference–Factory Configuration The evaluation board includes the ADR434, A1, which is a 4.096 V precision voltage reference. This reference can drive the ADC REF1 or REF2 (REFx) pin directly or it can also be Jumper Internal Reference Buffer The internal reference buffer is useful when using an external 2.5 V reference. When using the internal reference buffer, applying 2.5 V to REFIN, which is directly connected to the ADC’s REFIN pin, produces 4.096 V at the ADCs REFx pin and REF test point. POWER SUPPLIES AND GROUNDING The on-board ADP3334 low dropout regulators are provided for 2.5 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V and also for the FPGA I/O supply which is user configurable and set to 3.3 V by default. The FPGA core is supplied by a pair of ADP1715 devices set for 1.2 V. Additional power is supplies via the CED board for an alternative +5 V analog and digital 3.3 V/5 V digital through P4. Rev. B | Page 4 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 Figure 3 shows a photograph of the connections made between the ADAS3023 daughter board and the EVAL-CED1Z board. The ADAS3023 requires ±15 V supplies for VDDH and VSSH. These must be supplied by the user using a standard lab supply ensuring that the return paths are at the same potential. Refer to CN-0201 for the complete information on generating these ±15 V supplies from a +5 V single supply. The differential input common-mode voltage (VCM) range changes according to the maximum input range selected and the high voltage power supplies (VDDH and VSSH). In other words, the specified operating input voltage of any input pin requires 2.5 V of headroom from the VDDH and VSSH supplies. 3. The evaluation board ground plane consists of a solid plane on one PCB layer shared on another layer with the power plane. To attain high-resolution performance, the board was designed to ensure that all digital ground return paths do not cross the analog ground return paths, that is, all analog on one side and digital on the other. 4. 1. 2. EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICS/PCB LAYOUT The evaluation board is a 6-layer board carefully laid out and tested to demonstrate the specific high accuracy performance of the ADAS3023 devices. The Evaluation Board Schematics and Artwork section of this user guide shows the schematics of the evaluation board. Before connecting power, ensure that the EVALADAS3023EDZ and the EVAL-CED1Z boards are connected firmly together. Connect the power supplies on the EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ board. The EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ requires external power supplies of ±15 V. Connect them from a bench top power supply. Connect the EVAL-CED1Z board to the PC via the USB cable enclosed in the EVAL-CED1Z kit. If using a Windows® XP platform, you may need to search for the EVAL-CED1Z drivers. Choose to automatically search for the drivers for the EVAL-CED1Z board if prompted by the operating system. Proceed to the Software Installation section to install the software. Note that the EVAL-CED1Z board must not be connected to the PC’s USB port until the software is installed. The 7 V dc supply can be connected, however, to check that the board has power (green LED lit). BASIC HARDWARE SETUP The ADAS3023 evaluation board connects to the EVAL-CED1Z converter evaluation and demonstration board. The EVALCED1Z board is the controller board, which is the communication link between the PC and the main evaluation board. EVAL-CED1Z PC EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ SIGNAL SOURCE USB 11221-002 TO WALL WART Figure 3. Hardware Configuration—Setting Up the EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ Rev. B | Page 5 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide JUMPERS AND TEST POINTS Three-pin jumpers are used to configure the ADC reference. Refer to the Reference section for further details and settings. Table 4. Pin Jumper Descriptions Jumper P5 Default REFIN to GND P7 REF to BUF P31 COM to PIN 1 Function REFIN Select. Buffered reference input selection. Use in conjunction with P7. Note that the ADAS3023 REFx pin and any other circuit traces/test points will produce 4.096 V when using the buffered reference configuration; P7 must be left in the open position. REFIN to A2: Uses the on-board ADR381, A2 (2.5 V) reference. The ADAS3023 must use the buffered reference configuration. REFIN to GND: Disables the ADAS3023 internal reference. The ADAS3023 must use the full external reference configuration. Open: For use either when using the ADAS3023 on-chip reference or when applying an external 2.5 V source. When using the on chip reference, a voltage is present on Pin 2 and any other circuit traces/test points. When using an external source, the ADAS3023 must use the buffered reference configuration. REF Select. External 4.096 V reference input selection. Use in conjunction with P5. Note that the ADAS3023 REFIN pin and any other circuit traces/test points produce 2.5 V when using the internal or external reference configuration and P5 must be left in the open position. REF to A1: Uses the on-board ADR434, A1 (4.096 V), reference. The ADAS3023 must use the external reference configuration. REF to BUF: Uses the on-board ADR434 followed by the AD8032, U20 unity gain buffer. This allows some adjustment to the reference voltage by use of some resistors around the AD8032. The ADAS3023 must use the external reference configuration. Open: For use when using the ADAS3023 on-chip reference or an externally applied source connected directly to Pin 2 or the REF test point. COM Input Select. Center pin connected to ADAS3023 COM pin. Center pin to PIN1 routes COM to P1. Center to PIN3 routes COM to GND. Solder pads jumpers are factory configured and can be changed by the user. Table 5. Analog and Digital Solder Pads Descriptions Jumper P9 P16 P17 P18 P19 P27 P28 P29 P25 Name SDO DIN CNV SCK BUSY RESET PD CS DSPCLK Default 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 Soldered Function SDO Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P34. DIN Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P35. CNV Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P36. SCK Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P33. BUSY Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P37. RESET Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P38. PD Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P39. CS Interface Select. Pad 1 to Pad 3 for FPGA; Pad 2 to Pad 3 for P3 to P40. CED Clock Source. Rev. B | Page 6 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 Table 6. Power Supply Solder Pads Jumper P6 P13 P8 P10 P11 P12 Name VDDH VSSH AVDD – – VIO Default Soldered Soldered +5VA Soldered Soldered Open P14 P15 P33 P34 P35 P22 P23 P24 P26 P30 DVDD VDRVVDRV+ U4 V+ U4 V− −15V −5VA +5VA +5VD +15V +5VD −5VA +5VA VDRV+ VDRV− Soldered Soldered Soldered Soldered Soldered Function VDDH Supply. VSSH Supply. AVDD Supply. Selection of +5 V A, analog supply from the CED board or +5 V from U3. VIO Supply. This solder pad can be used to power the FPGA VIO and ADAS3023 VIO together. FPGA VIO Supply. Supplied from U8, 3.3 V, dedicated digital supply. VIO Supply. Selection of 2.5 V (2V5), 3.3 V (3V3), or DVDD (5V). Note that the ADAS3023 digital outputs are set to this level and are directly wired to the FPGA, U6, which is 3.3 V max. When using the 5 V setting, the ADAS3023 outputs, SDO and BUSY must be resistively divided using the 0603 pads provided on the evaluation board. For this reason, P10 is used as the default. DVDD Supply. Selection of +5 V digital, +5 V D, and +5 V from U3. U20 V−/P34 Supply. Selection of −5 V A, analog supply from the CED board or GND. U20 V+/P35 Supply. Selection of +5 V A, analog supply from the CED board or +5 V from U3. U4 V+ Supply. Selection of VDRV+ or U2. U4 V− Supply. Selection of VDRV− or GND. −15 V CED Supply. −5 V A (Analog) CED Supply. +5 V A (Analog) CED Supply. +5 V D (Digital) CED Supply. +15 V (Analog) CED Supply. Table 7. Test Points (By Signal Type) Test Point IN0_I IN1_I IN2_I IN3_I IN4_I IN5_I IN6_I IN7_I COM_I REF REFIN CNV BUSY SDO SCK PD RESET DIN CSB MSCL VDDH VSSH AVDD DVDD VIO +5VA −5VA +15V −15V +5VD GND(s) Type Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Digital Input Digital Output Digital Output Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Output Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Description Path for IN0 Input. Path for IN1 Input. Path for IN2 Input. Path for IN3 Input. Path for IN4 Input. Path for IN5 Input. Path for IN6 Input. Path for IN7 Input. Path for COM Input. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 REFx Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 REFIN Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 CNV Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 BUSY Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 SDO Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 SCK Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 PD Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 RESET Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 DIN Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 CS Pin. Eval Board Master Clock Form Y3, 100 MHz Oscillator. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 VDDH Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 VSSH Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 AVDD Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 DVDD Pin. Direct Connection to ADAS3023 VIO Pin. Connected to P24; CED +5 V A. Connected to P23; CED −5 V A. Connected to P30; CED +5 V A. Connected to P22; CED −5 V A. Connected to P26; CED +5 V D. Connected to Eval Board GND Plane. Rev. B | Page 7 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide EVALUATION BOARD SOFTWARE SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Close major Windows applications prior to installing the software. System Requirements • • • Windows® XP (SP2, 32-bit), Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) USB 2.0 (for CED board) Administrator privileges The evaluation board software is available for download from the evaluation board page on Analog Devices website. Click the setup.exe file to run the install. The default location for the software is C:\Program Files (x86)\Analog Devices\ ADAS3023 Evaluation Software. 11221-205 Website Download Figure 5. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software Destination Directory To ensure that the evaluation system is correctly recognized when connected to the PC, install the evaluation software before connecting the evaluation board and the EVAL-CED1Z board to the USB port of the PC. There are two portions of the software installation process: • • ADAS3023 evaluation board software installation EVAL-CED1Z board driver installation Figure 4 to Figure 9 show the separate steps to install the ADAS3023 evaluation software. Figure 10 to Figure 12 show the separate steps to install the EVAL-CED1Z drivers. 11221-206 Proceed through all of the installation steps to allow the software and drivers to be placed in the appropriate locations. Only connect the EVAL-CED1Z board to the PC after the software and drivers are installed. 11221-204 11221-207 Figure 6. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software License Agreement Figure 7. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software Start Installation Evaluation Figure 4. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software Installer Rev. B | Page 8 of 30 UG-515 11221-211 11221-208 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide Figure 8. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software, Installation in Progress 11221-209 Figure 11. CED Drivers Install Setup Wizard, Installation in Progress 11221-212 Figure 9. ADAS3023 Evaluation Software Installer, Installation Complete 11221-213 Figure 12. CED Drivers Install Setup Wizard, Installation Complete 11221-210 Figure 13. Computer Restart Notice Figure 10. CED Drivers Install Setup Wizard Rev. B | Page 9 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide On some PCs, the Found New Hardware Wizard may open. If so, follow the same procedure to install it properly. The USB device can be opened to view the uninstalled properties. 11064-006 The Device Manager can be used to verify that the driver was installed successfully. Figure 14. Device Manager Troubleshooting the Installation 11064-008 If the driver was not installed successfully, the Device Manager displays a question mark for Other devices because Windows does not recognize the EVAL-CED1Z board. Figure 16. USB Device Properties 11064-007 This is usually the case if the software and drivers were installed by a user without administrator privileges. If so, log on as an administrator with full privileges and reinstall the software. Figure 15. Device Manager Troubleshooting Rev. B | Page 10 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 POWERING UP THE BOARD The evaluation board, as configured from the factory, uses the local LDOs for power where necessary. A ±15 V dc lab supply must be connected to the board. Test points (yellow and white) are provided for these external supplies. This evaluation software is located at <local_drive>:\Program Files\Analog Devices\ADAS3023 Evaluation Software. To launch the software, click Start>All Programs>Analog Devices\ADAS3023 Evaluation Software. You can then apply the signal source and capture the data. To uninstall the program, click Start>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs>Analog Devices ADAS3023 Evaluation Software. 11221-009 See Figure 19 to Figure 27 for further details and features of the software. Figure 17. Test Points RUNNING THE SOFTWARE WITH THE HARDWARE CONNECTED The evaluation board includes software for analyzing the ADAS3023. The EVAL-CED1Z is required when using the software. The software is used to perform the following tests: • • • Histogram tests for determining code transition noise (dc) Time domain analysis Fast Fourier transforms (FFT) for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), SNR and distortion (SINAD), total harmonic distortion (THD), and spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) Rev. B | Page 11 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide SOFTWARE OPERATION Throughput (Label 4) This section describes the full software operation and all windows that appear. When the software is launched, the panel opens and the software searches for hardware connected to the PC. The user software panel launches, as shown in Figure 18. The labels listed in this section correspond to the numbered labels in Figure 18. The default throughput (sampling frequency) is 104 kSPS. The ADAS3023 is capable of operating a maximum sample frequency up to 1000 kSPS. File Menu (Label 1) The File menu, labeled 1 in Figure 18, provides the following: • • • • Save Captured Data saves data to a .csv file. Take Screenshot saves the current screen. Print prints the window to the default printer. Exit quits the application. Help Menu (Label 3) The Help menu, labeled 3 in Figure 18, offers help from the following sources: • • • • Single Capture (Label 6) and Continuous Capture (Label 7) Tabs There are four tabs available for displaying the data in different formats. The Edit menu, labeled 2 in Figure 18, provides the following: Initialize to Default Values: This option resets the software to its initial state. Select the number of Samples to analyze when running the software. This number is limited to 65,536 samples. Single Capture performs a single capture, whereas Continuous Capture performs a continuous capture from the ADC. Edit Menu (Label 2) • Samples (Label 5) • • • • Time Domain Histogram Spectrum Summary To exit the software, click File>Exit. Analog Devices website User Guide Context Help About Rev. B | Page 12 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 3 5 6 7 10 4 9 8 11 11221-218 2 Figure 18. Setup Screen 11221-219 1 UG-515 Figure 19. Dialog Box for Label 8, Number of Input Channels Settings Rev. B | Page 13 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 11221-220 UG-515 11221-222 Figure 20. Dialog Box for Label 9, PGIA Settings 11221-221 Figure 21. Dialog Box for Label 10, Conversion Mode Settings Figure 22. Dialog Box for Label 10, SDO2/BUSY Settings Rev. B | Page 14 of 30 UG-515 11221-223 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide Figure 23. Dialog Box for Label 11, Reference Settings Start Up Refer to the numbered labels in Figure 18. Click the blue buttons to reveal the dialog boxes shown in Figure 19 through Figure 23. To begin evaluating the device, the on-board supplies must be enabled. • • • • • RESET resets the ADAS3023 device to a known state. Click RESET twice: once to reset the ADAS3023 and again to bring it out of the reset state. Note that the CFG is also reset to the default condition. Reference Selection: At this time, it is recommended to use the evaluation board’s externally generated reference (default). To select the on-chip reference, remove the P5 and P7 jumpers and click the button in the REF block to display the Reference Settings dialog box, then choose REFERENCE ENABLED. PD (0) places the ADAS3023 device in power-down. This does not need to take place when starting the software. Serial Data Output 2 (SDO2) Option: The ADAS3023 busy signal is always output on the BUSY/SDO2 pin when CS is logic high. If SDO2 is enabled when CS is brought low after the EOC, the SDO outputs the data from Channel 0, Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3 and SDO2 outputs the data from Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6, and Channel 7 after 16 SCK rising edges. The conversion result output on this pin synchronizes to the SCK falling edges. Click SDO2 DISABLED once to display SDO2 ENABLED. Click OK: If the default configuration (number of channels, PGIA, reference, and SDO2 settings) is acceptable, clicking OK writes to the ADAS3023 configuration register (CFG). The ADAS3023 device is configurable using a 16-bit on-chip register, CFG (refer to the ADAS3023 data sheet for more details). Note that after changing any of the CFG register settings, OK button must be clicked for the new setting to take effect. Input Channel To select the number of input channels to be simultaneously sampled, make a selection from the pull-down menu. (see Figure 19). Programmable Gain The most useful and innovative feature of the ADAS3023 is the on-chip programmable gain instrumentation amplifier. This amplifier has the added flexibility of allowing for inputs ranging from ±2.56 V to ±20.48 V. Select the appropriate setting for the input voltage span, not including any common-mode signals, since they are rejected. Note that the ADAS3023 devices do not need the usual level shifting that is common in SAR ADC systems. The ADAS3023 devices can accommodate singleended unipolar and bipolar input signal types. Software Controls Within any of the chart panels, these controls are used to control the display. Rev. B | Page 15 of 30 Controls the cursor. Controls zooming in and out. Controls panning. UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide TIME DOMAIN TAB 11221-224 Figure 24 illustrates the Time Domain tab. The ADAS3023 output is twos complement output; however, the software outputs the results in straight binary. Note that Label 1 shows the Waveform Analysis that reports the amplitude recorded from the captured signal in addition to the frequency of the signal tone, and Label 2 shows that Y-axis units can be displayed in volts or code (LSB). Figure 24. Time Domain Tab Rev. B | Page 16 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 HISTOGRAM TAB The histogram is most often used for dc testing or ac testing, where a user tests the ADC for the code distribution for dc input and computes the mean and standard deviation, or transition noise, of the converter, and displays the results. Raw data is captured and passed to the PC for statistical computations. Figure 25 shows the Histogram tab. To perform a histogram test, 1. Select the Histogram tab. 2. Click Single Capture or Continuous Capture. DC Testing filter the signal to make the dc source noise compatible with that of the ADC. Note that 0805 and 0603 SMT pads are provided in each signal path and can be used for filtering the source, if necessary. AC Testing Figure 25 shows the histogram for a 1 kHz sine wave applied to the analog inputs IN[7:0]_I via test points or P1 from a quality precision signal source, such as Audio Precision. It may be required to filter the input signal from the ac source. There is no suggested band-pass filter, but consider all choices carefully. The Waveform Analysis (Label 1) chart displays the various measured histogram values for the ADAS3023. 11221-225 To test other dc values, apply a source to the selected analog inputs IN[7:0]_I via test points or P1. It may be required to Figure 25. Histogram Tab Rev. B | Page 17 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide SPECTRUM TAB Figure 26 shows the FFT spectrum capture tab. This tab tests the traditional ac characteristics of the converter and displays a fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the results. As in the histogram test, raw data is captured and passed to the PC where the FFT is performed, displaying SNR, SINAD, THD, and SFDR. • • The top part of the image displays the FFT results including SNR, dynamic range, THD, SINAD, and noise performance (see Label 1). The lower part of the image displays the fundamental frequency and amplitude in addition to the 2nd to 5th harmonics (see Label 2). 11221-226 To perform an ac test, apply a sinusoidal signal to the evaluation board to any pair of the analog inputs IN[7:0]_I, either via test points or P1. Very low distortion—a better than 130 dB input signal source, such as Audio Precision)—is required to allow true evaluation of the part. One possibility is to filter the input signal from the ac source. There is no suggested band-pass filter, but carefully consider the choices. Figure 26 displays the results of the captured data. Figure 26. FFT Spectrum with FFT Results (Top) and with Harmonic Content Results (Bottom) Rev. B | Page 18 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 SUMMARY TAB 11221-227 Figure 27 shows the Summary tab, which summarizes all the data capture information and displays it in one panel with a synopsis of the information, including key performance parameters such as SNR, THD, and SINAD. Figure 27. Summary Tab Rev. B | Page 19 of 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P1 GND AUX–I GND DNI R61 50Ω 1 GND DNI R60 50Ω IN0_I BLU AUX+I 3M30326-6002HB 1 GND COM_I BLU 1 CH4I GND DNI R66 50Ω 1 COMI CH7I GND DNI R67 50Ω GND DNI R68 50Ω 1 R39 90.9Ω 0Ω GND 0Ω C56 TBD0805 R40 90.9Ω R49 C55 TBD0805 R48 GND 2 TBD0805 C54 90.Ω9 0Ω DNI 1 R38 C10 2700pF R47 DNI GND GND 90.9Ω 0Ω C53 2700pF R37 R46 DNI C52 2 TBD0805 90.9Ω 0Ω DNI 1 C48 GND C50 2700pF GND C49 2700pF 2 TBD0805 DNI 1 C47 2700pF GND GND C46 2700pF C64 2 TBD0805 C63 2700pF GND C62 2700pF C51 2700pF R36 DNI 1 C61 2 TBD0805 DNI 1 C60 2700pF GND GND C59 2700pF GND R45 DNI C58 2 TBD0805 DNI 1 C57 2700pF GND GND GND 90.9Ω 90.9Ω R34 0Ω 2700pF 2 TBD0805 C5 C4 2700pF R35 DNI DNI DNI R44 0Ω R43 GND GND R51 90.9Ω 0 C3 2700pF R42 DNI 2 TBD0805 C2 R50 DNI 1 90.9Ω C1 2700pF GND 0 DNI PSTRNKPE4117 GND 2 3 4 5 R41 IN4_I BLU CH3I IN6_I 1 BLU GND DNI R65 50Ω IN7_I BLU CH6I GND DNI R64 50Ω CH1I CH2I IN3_I 1 BLU IN5_I 1 BLU CH5I GND DNI R63 50Ω IN2_I 1 BLU GND DNI R62 50Ω CH0I PSTRNKPE4117 GND 2 3 4 5 IN1_I 1 BLU PSTRNKPE4117 P31 IN7 IN6 IN5 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 1 AUX– VSSH AUX+I AUX–I COM COM_2 GND 1 IN7 1 IN6 1 IN5 1 IN4 1 IN3 1 IN2 1 IN1_2 1 IN0_2 VDDH VSSH R82 AUX–I BLU VCM_AUX R33 49Ω9 GND VCM_AUX TBD0805 R95 R52 TBD0805 499Ω 1 GND R81 TBD0805 R80 TBD0805 1 AUX+I BLU PD DIG1 RESET DIN CSB IN0 1 IN1 2 IN2 3 IN3 4 AUX+ 5 IN4 6 IN5 7 IN6 8 IN7 9 COM 10 TBD0402 R94 GND C38C92 0.1µF 0.1µF DUT CIRCUITS GND ADAS3XXX R85 R86 GND R54 499Ω GND 499Ω R84 TBD0805 GND GND R53 499Ω 499Ω R38 TBD0805 GND GND AVDD DVDD ACAP DCAP SCK VIO SDO BUSY_AUX CNV 499Ω U4 R87 1 TBD0805 U4 7 ADA4841-2YRZ 5 499Ω R88 TBD0805 C94 DNI ADA4841-2YRZ 6 3 2 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 REFIN GND GND 22Ω R58 R79 499Ω 22Ω R57 IN0 IN1 IN2 IN3 AUX+ IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 COM ACAP 1 YEL GND +2.5V P20 1 2 3 4 4PJUMPER DCAP 1 YEL AUXPARTFOOTPRINT GND AUX+ GND AUX– C91 TBD0805 DNI COMMON MODE CAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GEN_QFN40_6X6_PAD C93 U7 RCAP REF RCAP 1 YEL RCAP 2 3 4 5 ACAP COM 1 COMI R71 R2 IN1 1 CH1I C41 DCAP IN0 1 CH0I 1 2 3 PAD 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 C42 AUX– VDDH VSSH TBD0603 TBD0603 C43 C44 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TBD0805 TBD0805 REF REFIN RCAP 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 U9 GND AVDD DVDD ACAP GND DCAP C68 TBD0603 C67 TBD0603 ADA4841-2YRZ AMPVEE U4 8 V+ V– 4 10µF C84 10µF C72 0.1µF C71 0.1µF C70 0.1µF GND GND P35 1 2 3 P34 1 2 3 C77 0.1µF C76 0.1µF C75 0.1µF AMPVEE DO NOT INSTALL IF VEE = GND P C89 0.1µF N P C45 0.1µF N AMPVCC RCAP ACAP AVDD SUPPLY DECOUPLING PLACE CLOSE TO THE DUT GND C47 10µF C96 10µF C73 0.1µF REF DECOUPLING C65 0.1µF C66 TBD0603 REF REF REFIN GEN_48LQFP 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 AMPVCC CSB DIN RESET DIG1 PD SCK VIO SDO BUSY_AUX CNV Rev. B | Page 20 of 30 2700pF Figure 28. Schematic, DUT, Analog 2700pF VDRV– GND VDRV+ AUX_AMPVCC AMPVCC C81 TBD0603 VIO C80 TBD0603 DCAP AMPVEE C82 10µF C79 TBD0603 DVDD C78 0.1µF UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICS AND ARTWORK 11221-020 P14 VSSH +3.3V DVDD +2.5V GND AVDD BLU P12 VIO GND C15 10µF GND C16 10µF GND +15V –15V GND +15V P33 VIO_FPGA EN_5V_N +5VA +5V VIO 1 BLU VDRV1 BLU GND C14 10µF DVDD 1 BLU GND C13 10µF VDRV– AVDD 1 C12 10µF GND VSSH 1 BLU VIO_FPGA 0Ω 2 10kΩ R11 –5VA 0Ω +5VD +5VD +5VD 1 RED GND C23 10µF VDRV+ BLU 1 R90 R24 -5VA –5VA 1 WHT 1 10kΩ R10 VDRV+ +5VA RED +5VA GND +15V –15V GND+5VA GND1 +15V -15V GND 1 BLK 1 YELWHT 1 1 BLK 1 –5VA P15 +5VD +5VDVDD +5VA +5V P8 –15V P13 C11 10µF GND TBD0805 R25 R69 2.2µF GND GND GND GND GND GND2 GND3 1 BLK 1 BLK GND GND GND GND6 GND5 BLK 1 BLK 2.2µF 1 GND U3 ADP3334ACPZ 7 IN1 OUT1 1 8 2 IN2 OUT2 6 3 SD_N FB PAD GND 5 PAD GND C29 AVDD +15V C30 1 2 +15V C26 TBD0805 C27 1 2 1000pF 2 1000pF EN_3.3V_N R13 140kΩ 1 C32 JP1 2 0 0Ω R22 64.9kΩ 210kΩ C33 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 +5V +3.3V AVDD 0Ω +15V R96 VIO_FPGA EN_2P5V_N GND GND 3 VDD_REF381 1 RED A2 ADR381ARTZ 1 VIN VOUT 2 GND TP TP1 VIN NC2 NC1 VOUT GND TRIM 8 7 6 5 1 0Ω 2 R97 R12 10kΩ TBD0805 1 R91 1 P5 1 2 3 JP2 2 0 REF381_OUT RED ADR434ARMZ 1 2 3 4 A1 EXTERNALREFERENCE 0Ω 1 R20 2 2.2µF 2.2µF VDDH 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 GND R102 10kΩ REFIN REFIN 1 RED 10 R23 R98 10kΩ TBD0805 C28 C85 GND 0Ω R92 TBD0805 DNI GND 1 R21 2 0Ω 0Ω –IN OUT 1 3 +IN AD8032 2 U20 0kΩ R7 C83 TBD0805 +2.5V 1 REF RED FPGA SUPPLIES GND U11 R5 ADP1715ARMZ-R7 1kΩ 1 EN 2 IN OUT 3 4 ADJ GND R6 5 6 7 8 2kΩ LDO ADJUSTED TO 1.2V GND U10 R3 ADP1715ARMZ-R7 1kΩ 1 EN 2 IN OUT 3 4 ADJ GND R4 5 6 7 8 2kΩ LDO ADJUSTED TO1.2V 1 R8 2 0Ω 1 R9 2 0Ω REF GND C88 0.1µF R28 59K 36.5kΩ R27 GND 8 +VS –VS 4 VDRV+ 0 GND –IN OUT 7 5 +IN AD8032 6 R70 GND REGULATES FPGA VIO SUPPLIES TO 3.3V (MAX ALLOWED) U8 ADP3334ACPZ +5VD 7 IN1 OUT1 1 8 IN2 OUT2 2 6 SD_N FB 3 R55 140kΩ PAD GND 5 PAD +5VD +5VD U20 AD8032 R101 AUX_AMPVCC REFIN CONNECTION: OPEN: INTERNAL 2.5V BAND GAP 1:EXTERNAL 2.5V BAND GAP, INT REF BUF 3:EXTERNAL 4.096 REFERENCE, INT REF BUF DISABLED P7 REF 0Ω DNI R93 GND PAD GND 5 PAD U2 ADP3334ACPZ 7 IN1 OUT1 1 8 IN2 OUT2 2 6 SD_N FB 3 GND 7 IN1 OUT1 1 8 IN2 OUT2 2 6 3 SD_N FB PAD GND 5 PAD U1 ADP3334ACPZ R29 1 R14 2 78.7kΩ 1 R152 1 R16 2 C31 C86 TBD0805 +15V C37 R99 1 R19 2 0Ω C35 C17 R26 2.2µF DNI 1 2 1000pF 1000pF C40 U12 ADP3334ACPZ 7 IN1 OUT1 1 8 2 IN2 OUT2 6 3 SD_N FB PAD GND 5 PAD C36 C87 1 R17 2 300kΩ C34 TBD0805 TBD0805 VDDH 1 BLU 0.1µF 2.2µF 2.2µF R1 C19 1 2 P6 10µF 0.1µF C39 1 R18 2 60.4kΩ R100 C24 1 2 C25 1 2 ANALOG SUPPLIES C20 3 2 1 Rev. B | Page 21 of 30 TBD0805 Figure 29. Schematic, Power 0.1µF TBD0805 2.2µF 2.2µF 2 2 2 2 C18 1 2 C7 2.2µF 2.2µF 2.2µF C21 1 2 C22 1 2 C8 0.1µF 0.1µF 2.2µF 2.2µF 1000pF 1 VCM_AUX R56 1 1 C9 1 78.7kΩ 1 2.2µF SUPPLYOPTIONS VIO_FPGA VPLL VFPGA EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 11221-021 GND C107 100pF 0Ω R31 CSB PD RESET VIO BUSY_AUX R30 0Ω CNV DIN VIO VIO R128 0Ω VIO 10kΩ R126 GND GND GND GND GND GND 15kΩ DNI GND 10kΩ DNI R32 R125 R72 R73 R74 3 2 1 P16 P17 DIN_I SDO_I P19 CNV_I P27 BUSY_I P28 RESET_I P29 PD_I CSB_I 0.1µF C108 5 CNV DIN SCK SDO CNV 1 BLU DIN 1 BLU SCK 1 BLU SDO 1 BLU VIO_FPGA U6 ASDI ASDO C3 D4 GND F3 4 EPCS4SI8N E1 E2 GND K2 K1 K4 K5 M1 L1 F4 N_CSO L2 J4 M2 M3 N1 N2 L3 P1 P2 P3 C1 L4 M4 C2 D5 EN_3.3V_N E5 E3 EN_5V_N EN_2P5V_N E4 D3 G2 CSB RESET PD R121 10kΩ 1 1 1 CSB BLU RESET BLU PD BLU GND L6 VCCD_PLL1 IO CLK0 IO CLK1 IO CLK2 IO CLK3 IO DATA0 IO VPLL VPLL GND IO DCLK IO IO NCE IO NCONFIG IO IO TCK IO TDI TMS IO IO IO IO BANK_1 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO TDO GND_PLL1 N5L5 BUSY BLU 1 DIG1 GND R122 10kΩ DIG1 BUSY_AUX1 PS_DCLK 1 GND 2 PS_CDONE_N 3 VIO_FPGA 4 PS_CONFIG_N 5 PS_STATUS_N 6 DATA 7 N_CSO 8 ASDO 9 GND 10 3M2510-5002UB P2 ASDO 3 7 U5 VCC N_CSO 1 nCS 8 2 DATA PS_DCLK 6 DCLK DATA GND GND P21 1 2 3 GND EP2C5F256C7N F2 H5 G1 G5 PS_STATUS_N J5 PS_CONFIG_N F1 DATA H4 PS_DCLK H2 MCLK H1 J2 J1 VCCIO3 GND POWER_FPGA VCCIO2 VCCIO1 VIO_FPGA VCCINT VIO BANK_2 B16 G14 K14 R16 TBD0603 DNI 15kΩ DNI TBD0603 DNI TBD0603 DNI 10kΩ R130 R103 10kΩ TBD0603 DNI R75 R76 R77 R78 R132 10kΩ DNI 10kΩ DNI 10kΩ DNI 10kΩ DNI P10 VFPGA 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 P11 G9 H7 H10 J7 P3 OH_D0 OH_D1 OH_D2 OH_D3 OH_D4 OH_D5 OH_D6 OH_D7 2 2 1 2 VCCIO1 B1 G3 K3 R1 BANK_4 OH_D8 OH_D9 OH_D10 OH_D11 OH_D12 OH_D13 OH_D14 OH_D15 C110 C109 1 2 VIO_FPGA A2 A15 C7 C10 E7 E10 LA_CLK1 LA_CLK2 1000pF GND U6 MSEL0 MSEL1 J13 K12 DSPCLK H16 H15 J15 J16 LA_CLK2 LA_CLK1 EP2C5F256C7N VCCIO4 M7 M10 P7 P10 T2 T15 G8 C9 E8 E9 H3 H14 J3 J14 M8 M9 P8 H8 P9 R2 R15 T1 T16 J9 K9 H9 J8 A1 A16 B2 B15 C8 M5 R3 IO VCCA_PLL1 CLAMP_ENT3 IO P5 IO P4 IO T4 IO R4 IO T5 IO U6 R5 IO T6 IO N8 IO T7 IO R7 IO L7 IO L8 IO T8 IO R8 IO OH_D15 T9 IO OH_D14 R9 IO OH_D13 N9 IO OH_D12 N10 IO OH_D11 T11 IO OH_D10 R11 IO OH_D9 P11 IO OH_D8 L9 IO OH_D7 L10 IO OH_D6 R10 IO OH_D5 T10 IO OH_D4 K11 IO OH_D3 K10 IO OH_D2 N11 IO OH_D1 P12 IO OH_D0 P13 IO T12 IO R12 IO L12 IO T13 IO R13 IO T14 IO R14 IO M11 IO L11 IO GNDA_PLL1 EP2C5F256C7N M6 R59 3M2540-6002UB VIO_FPGA GND GND GND 2 VIO_FPGA R134 10kΩ GND C112 0.1µF C114 0.1µF 0.1µF C117 L13 PS_CDONE_N H13 BD<0> D15 BD<1> D16 BD<2> E16 BD<3> C14 BD<4> D13 BD<5> E14 BD<6> D14 BD<7> N12 BD<8> M12 BD<9> N13 BD<10> N14 P14 BD<12> P15 BD<13> P16 BD<14> N15 BD<15> N16 AD<0> M15 AD<1> M16 AD<2> M14 AD<3> L14 AD<4> L15 L16 BD<11> K16 K15 BWR_N H12 BRESET J12 CONTROL G16 BBUSY G15 BRD_N F15 BCS_N VIO_FPGA F16 ADCOK J11 PLLOK H11 R135 G12 10kΩ G13 M13 EP2C5F256C7N VFPGA VPLL U6 F11 VCCD_PLL2 CLK4 CONF_DONE CLK5 IO CLK6 IO CLK7 IO IO MSEL0 IO MSEL1 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO BANK_3 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO NSTATUS GND_PLL2 F12 D12 GND C113 SDO 0.1µF VPLL C116 VIO_FPGA 0.1µF GND C118 P9 C120 GND 0.1µF 2 0.1µF VIO 0.1µF C119 C122 GND 2 GND 0.1µF VIO_FPGA 0.1µF VIO_FPGAVIO_FPGA R136 0Ω 10kΩ R141 10kΩ R140 10kΩ R139 R138 GND R137 0Ω 0.1µF C123 PLLOK ADCOK AC GND R150 0Ω VIO_FPGA GND R151 0Ω GND ADCOK GND ADCOK CR1 AC CR2 GND GND GND GND GND GND VCCIO1 604Ω R89 604Ω R145 10kΩ 10kΩ BRESET R142 10kΩ CONTROL R143 10kΩ DSPCLK R144 BWR_N BRD_N BBUSY BCS_N MSEL0MSEL1 C121 C124 SCK_I C125 SCK 0.1µF 2 2 C126 1000pF E12 U6 VCCA_PLL2 B14 IO IO A14 IO C13 IO C12 IO B13 IO A13 B11 IO IO B12 IO A12 IO A11 IO C11 IO G10 IO G11 IO B10 IO A10 IO F10 IO F9 D11 IO IO D10 IO A9 IO B9 IO A8 IO A7 IO B7 IO F7 IO F8 IO D8 IO B6 A6 IO IO G6 IO G7 IO D6 IO C6 IO C5 IO C4 IO B5 IO A5 IO B4 IO A4 A3 IO IO B3 IO E6 IO F6 GNDA_PLL2 E11 EP2C5F256C7N C111 SCK_I SDO_I DIN_I CNV_I BUSY_I RESET_I PD_I CSB_I C127 MCLK MCLK 1 YEL MCLK 0.1µF 2 2 100MHZ Y3 4 V+ 3 1 EN OUT C115 C129 P18 0.1µF 0.1µF VIO 0.1µF 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0.1µF Rev. B | Page 22 of 30 1 C128 1 C130 Figure 30. Schematic, FPGA C131 1 1 0.1µF 1 1 0.1µF 1 0.1µF UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 11221-022 0.1µF EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide UG-515 CONTROL 1 VDIG 1 2 1 BRESET BD<12> DSPCLK_CED –15V -5VA +5VA 1 2 P24 P23 1 2 1 2 P22 DSPCLK –5VA_CED +5VA_CED BD<8> BD<9> BD<10> BD<11> BD<13> –5VA_CED +5VA_CED 1 GND BWR_N 1 VDIG BWR_N BCS_N AD<4> AD<2> AD<0> BBUSY 1 BBUSY BD<14> BD<15> +15V ERNI533402 ERNI533402 GND BCS_N +15V_CED –5VA_CED +5VA_CED ERNI533402 GND Figure 31. Schematic, 96-Pin Interface 11221-024 P25 AD<3> BRESET AD<1> BD<2> BD<3> BD<4> VDIG BD<5> BD<6> BD<7> P4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 11221-023 1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 B31 B32 BD<0> BD<1> P30 1 2 BRD_N +5VD BRD_N P4 CONTROL A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 1 2 P26 P4 Figure 32. Silkscreen, Top Rev. B | Page 23 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 11221-025 UG-515 11221-026 Figure 33. Silkscreen, Bottom Figure 34. Top Layer 1 Rev. B | Page 24 of 30 UG-515 11221-027 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 11221-028 Figure 35. GND Layer 2 Figure 36. Signal Layer 3 Rev. B | Page 25 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide 11221-029 UG-515 11221-030 Figure 37. Signal Layer 4 Figure 38. Power Layer 5 Rev. B | Page 26 of 30 UG-515 11221-031 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide Figure 39. Bottom Layer 6 Rev. B | Page 27 of 30 UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide PRODUCTS ON THIS EVALUATION BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS Table 8. Qty 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 6 6 11 7 11 9 8 15 10 2 7 1 4 6 6 9 18 2 2 14 25 2 9 1 Reference Description U1 to U3, U8, U12 U10, U11 U20 U4 A1 A2 U6 U5 Y3 C108, C111 to C131 C45, C89 C107 C17, C20, C24, C25, C36, C88 C66 to C68, C79 to C81 C38,C65, C70, C71, C72, C73, C75, C76, C77, C78, C92 C8, C29 to C31, C86, C109, C110 C43,C44, C46, C47, C49, C50, C57, C59, C60, C62, C63 C1, C3, C4, C6, C10, C51, C53, C55, C56 C2, C5, C48, C52, C54, C58, C61, C64 C7, C9, C18, C19, C21, C22, C26 to C28, C32 to C34, C37, C85, C87 C11 to C16, C23, C35, C69, C74 C84, C90 C39 to C42, C91, C93, C94 R94 R32, R72, R73, R103 R2, R71, R125, R126, R136, R151 R30, R31, R59, R137, R137, R151 R60 to R68 R74 to R78, R121, R122, R128, R130, R132, R134, R138 to R144 R125, R126 R13, R55 R1, R24 to R26, R29, R80 to R82, R85, R86, R95, R97, R99, R100 R7 to R9, R19 to R23, R41 to R49, R69, R70, R90 to R93, R96, R101 R57, R58 R34 to R40, R50, R55 R27 Part Description IC-ADI LDO IC-ADI LDO IC-ADI OPAMP IC-ADI OPAMP IC-ADI REFERENCE IC-ADI REFERENCE IC-CYCLONE II IC SERIAL CONFIG IC CRYSTAL OSC CAP X7R 0402 CAP X7R 0508 CAP NP0 0603 CAP X8R 0603 CAP X7R 0603 CAP X7R 0805 Value – – – – – – – – 100 MHZ 0.1 µF 0.1 µF 100 pF 0.1 µF Manufacturer Analog Devices Analog Devices Analog Devices Analog Devices Analog Devices Analog Devices Altera Devices Altera Devices C-MAC Murata TDK Phycomp Murata Part Number ADP3334ACPZ ADP1715ARMZ AD8032ARZ ADA4841-2YRZ ADR434ARMZ ADR381ARTZ EP2C5F256C7N EPCS4SI8N SPXO009437-CFPS-73 GRM155R71C104KA88D C1220X7R1E104K 2238 867 15101 GRM188R7E104KA01D Instructions 0.1 µF Murata GRM21BR71H104KA01L CAP C0G 0805 CAP NPO 0805 1000 pF 2700 pF Murata Murata GRM2165C2A102JA01D GRM2165C1H272JA01D CAP NPO 0805 2700 pF Murata GRM2165C1H272JA01D DNI CAP NPO 0805 5600 pF Murata GRM2195C1H562JA01D DNI CAP X5R 0805 2.2 µF Murata GRM21BR71E225KA73L CAP X5R 0805 CAP TANT CAP 0805 10 µF 10 µF Murata AVX Murata GRM21BR61C106KE15L TAJA106K010RNJ – DNI RES 0402 RES 0603 RES 0603 0 – – Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG ERJ-2GE0R00X – – DNI DNI RES 0603 0 Panasonic-ECG ERJ-3GEY0R00V RES 0603, 5% RES 0603, 5% 50 10 K Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG ERJ-3EKF49R9V ERJ-3EKF1002V RES 0603, 5% RES 0603, 1% RES 0805 15 K 140 K – Yageo Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG RC0603FR-0715KL DNI – DNI RES 0805 0 Panasonic-ECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% 22 90.9 365 Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG ERJ-6ENF22R0V ERJ-6ENF90R9V ERJ-6ENF3652V DNI DNI Rev. B | Page 28 of 30 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide Qty 9 1 2 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 2 26 Reference Description R33, R52 to R54, R79, R83, R84, R87, R88 R28 R89, R145 R3, R5 R4, R6 R10 to R12, R98, R102, R135 R16 R14, R56 R18 R17 R15 CR1,CR2 P5, P7, P31 P2 P1 P3 P4 GND(S) +15 V, MCLK REF, +5 V A, +5 V D, REFIN −15 V, −5 VA PD, CNV, CSB, DIN, SCK, SDO, VIO, AVDD, BUSY, DVDD, VDDH, VSSH, AUX+I, AUX−I, COM_I, IN0_I−IN7_I, RESET, VDRV+, VDRV− UG-515 Part Description RES 0805, 1% Value 499 Manufacturer Panasonic-ECG Part Number ERJ-6ENF4990V RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 5% RES 0805, 5% RES 0805, 5% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% RES 0805, 1% LED CONN-3 PIN MALE CONN-10 PIN MALE CONN-26 PIN MALE CONN-40 PIN MALE CONN-96 PIN MALE Test point, black Test point, yellow Test point, red Test point, white Test point, blue 590 604 1K 2K 10 K 64.9 K 78.7 K 95.3 K 107 K 210 K Green Breakaway RA, shroud Shroud RA, shroud RA, DIN – – – – – Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Panasonic-ECG Yageo Panasonic-ECG CML Samtec 3M 3M 3M ERNI Components Corp. Components Corp. Components Corp. Components Corp. Components Corp. ERJ-6ENF5902V ERJ-6ENF6040V ERJ-6ENF1001V ERJ-6ENF2001V ERJ-6ENF1002V ERJ-6ENF6492V ERJ-6ENF7872V ERJ-6ENF6042V RC0805FR-07300KL ERJ-6ENF2103V CMD28-21VGCTR8T1 TSW-103-08-G-S 2510-5002UB 30326-6002HB 2540-6002UB 533402 TP-104-01-00 TP-104-01-04 TP-104-01-02 TP-104-01-09 TP-104-01-06 Rev. B | Page 29 of 30 Instructions UG-515 EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ User Guide RELATED LINKS Resource ADAS3023 AD8032 ADR434 ADP1715 ADP3334 EVAL-CED1Z AN-931 CN0201 Description Product Page, ADAS3023, 16-Bit, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling Data Acquisition System Product Page, AD8031/AD8032, Low Power, Low Noise Amplifier Product Page, ADR434, 4.096 Precision Reference Product Page, ADP1715, 500 mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulator with Soft Start Product Page, ADP3334, High Accuracy Low IQ, 500 mA, ANYCAP®, Adjustable Low Dropout Regulator Product Page, Converter and Evaluation Development board Application Note, Understanding PulSAR ADC Support Circuitry Circuit from the Lab, Complete 5 V, Single-Supply, 8-Channel Multiplexed Data Acquisition System with PGIA for Industrial Signal Levels ESD Caution ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Legal Terms and Conditions By using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer, assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer, their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer. Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT. ADI SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT. Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed. ©2013–2014 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. UG11221-0-9/14(B) Rev. B | Page 30 of 30