Hostility, Adiposity and the Adrenal Medulla Psychological Factors And The Physiology of Glucose Regulation Richard S. Surwit Richard S. Surwit Disclosure: This work is supported by R01HL076020 and P01HL36587. B k Background d • Exaggerated glycemic response to stress and to epinephrine (EPI) have be found in animals and humans predisposed to obesity and diabetes C57BL6J Ob/Ob Mouse 600 GLUCO OSE (MG//DL) OBESE 500 400 300 LEAN 200 100 0 0 30 5 15 60 120 TIME (MIN) Kuhn et al: 1987, PHARMACOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & BEHAVIOR Pima Indians Se erum glucose (mM M) 6.8 6.2 5.6 Caucasian 5.0 4.4 4 4 0 Pima 30 60 Minutes post prandial 120 130 140 150 1 2 3 Stress Test Times Stress Test Times Esposito‐del Puente, 1994, International Journal of Obesity Personality Factors Have Also Been Related to Glucose Metabolism • Depressed affect • Hostility Hostility • Hostility is a personality construct that has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality. Hostility y is Commonlyy Measured By y The 27 item Cook Medley Hostility Questionnaire ((CMHOST)) Covers primary cognitive dimensions reflecting cynicism and mistrust “I think most people would lie to get ahead.” “People People often disappoint me me.” “It’s safer to trust nobody” The Mechanism of Hostility’s Relationship to Disease is Unknown • Hostility y has been related to increased neuroendocrine response to stress. • Hostility y has also been associated with increased food intake, BMI, and decreased insulin sensitivity. Does Hostility Impact Glucose Does Hostility Impact Glucose Metabolism? • Fasting glucose and HbA1c are linearly related to risk for cardiovascular disease, even throughout the “normal” normal range. Hostility Is Correlated with Fasting Glucose in African Americans Adju usted BG (mg g/dl) 120 120 African American 110 R=.44, p<.01 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 5 10 15 Hostility Score 20 Caucasian 5 10 15 Hostility Score Surwit et al 2002, Diabetes Care 20 Relationship of Hostility to Fasting Glucose Was Repeatedly Found in African American Women Studyy A N=101 Fasting glucose *p<.04 .22* Replication Replication Studyy B Studyy C N=44 N=38 .34* .34* Georgiades et al 2009 Psychosomatic Medicine Georgiades, et al, 2009 Psychosomatic Medicine How Does Hostility Impact Glucose Metabolism? • Determine the variables which may y mediate Hostility’s impact glucose metabolism in these populations – Sympathoadrenal activity – BMI – Physical Activity • Determine the relationship between Hostility and glucose kinetics in healthy White and African American men and women Surwit et al 2009 Psychosomatic Med Surwit et al, 2009, Psychosomatic Med The Labeled IVGTT The Labeled IVGTT • Enables modeling of glucose kinetics in vivo • Enables separation of endogenous glucose (from liver and kidneys) from exogenous glucose Method • 115 African American and White male and f female l volunteers l • Glucose bolus (300mg/kg) containing 2mg/kg (0 7%) 13C6-glucose administered by IV push (1 (0.7%) min) • Specimens p collected at t= -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 180, 210, 240 min. • Total T t l Glucose Gl & Insulin I li assayed d • Glucose Isotope ratio by mass spec Minimal Model of Glucose Kinetics • DI= Glucose Disposition Index, reflects the ability of the beta cells in the pancreas to compensate for increased insulin resistance. • Sg= Glucose effectiveness, is a measure of the ability of glucose to stimulate its own uptake independent of insulin insulin. • AIRg= Glucose-stimulated insulin release. • Si= Insulin Sensitivity. • NEFA= Non-esterified fatty acids. • EGP= Endogenous glucose production, refers to glucose produced in the liver and kidneys through the process of gluconeogenesis. l i •Hostility was related to metabolic y parameters only in African American Women •Hostility was unrelated to self‐report of •Hostility was unrelated to self report of physical activity as measured by the IPAQ. Hostility and BMI Figure 1. Association of Hostility to BMI in women and men. Blue squares and lines represent African Americans and green circles and lines represent Whites. Relationship of Hostility to BMI in African American Women 45.00 r=.42, p=.02 BMI kg/m22 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 R Sq Linear = 0 0.172 172 20.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 CMHOST Surwit, R. S. et al. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009 30 Relationship of Hostility to Epinephrine Change in African American Women g r=.40, p=.03 Delta E EPI 20.00 0.00 -20.00 -40.00 R Sq Linear = 0 0.155 155 0 5 10 15 20 25 CMHOST Surwit, R. S. et al. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009 30 Relationship of Hostility to Fasting NEFA in African American Women African American Women Non-Esterified Fatty Ac cids (meq/L) 1.20 r=.44, p=.01 1.00 0.80 0.60 0 40 0.40 0.20 R Sq Linear = 0.193 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 CM HOST Surwit, R. S. et al. Psychosomatic Medicine 25 30 Relationship of Hostility to DI in Af i African American Women A i W 10.00 rr=-.44, .44, p p=.01 .01 LnDI 9.00 8 00 8.00 7.00 6.00 R Sq Linear = 0 0.19 19 5.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 CM HOST Surwit, R. S. et al. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009 30 Relationship of Hostility to Sg in Af i African American Women A i W -2.00 2 00 r=.49, p=.008 LnSg -3.00 -4.00 -5.00 -6.00 R Sq Linear = .24 24 -7.00 0 5 10 15 20 CM HOST Surwit, R. S. et al. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009 25 30 Hostility is Related to Hepatic Glucose Production • Hepatic Hepatic glucose production was estimated by glucose production was estimated by assessing the ratio of labeled to unlabeled glucose and then measuring the latency of glucose and then measuring the latency of suppression of hepatic glucose following the IV bolus Latency Time of Endogenous Glucose S Suppression During the IVGTT i D i h IVGTT Endogenous G Glucose Latency Time EGP laten ncy time (m min.) Hostility Was Associated with Increased Time to Suppression of pp Endogenous Glucose in African American Women American Women 40 r=.50, p=.001 30 20 10 R Sq q Linear = 0.25 0 0 5 10 15 CMHOST 20 25 30 Endogenous Glucose Latency Time g y in Relation to NEFA and Sg Spearman’s rho NEFA .50* 50* Sg .50* * P<.01 How Hostility Appears to Impact Fasting Glucose Fasting Glucose Suppression Endogenous Glucose Production EPI Hostility NEFA Central l C Adiposity Fasting Glucose Pancreatic Beta Cell Function (DI) Hostility Metabolism and Serotonin Hostility, Metabolism and Serotonin • Recent studies showed that AN SSRI (citalopram) successfully reduced hostility and improved metabolic parameters in high hostile individuals. Kamarck et al, Psychosomatic Medicine Medicine, 2009 2009, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2011). Does Serotonin Metabolism Play a Role in the Relationship of Hostility y to Metabolic Function? Methods Sample 37 healthy African American women. Mean age 32(9) years. Measures Hostility was assessed by a 27-item version of the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale. Tryptophan (TRYP), 5OH-tryptophan (5HTP) and 5HIAA was assayed from cerebrospinal fluid drawn after lumbar puncture. Glucose and insulin were assayed from blood samples drawn after an overnight fast. Associations Among Study Variables TRYP TRYP 5HTP 5HIAA Hostility Glucose Insulin 1.00 .37* .01 -.03 .16 1 00 1.00 .52** 52** .43** 43** .42** 42** .56** 56** 1.00 .46** .38* 5HTP 5HIAA Hostility Glucose 1.00 -.06 .29 .52** .41** 1.00 Insulin .68** 1.00 * P<.05, **P<.01 Boyle et al, 2010, Psychosomatic Medicine Common Factor Analysis A common factor analysis performed on ageadjusted hostility scores, fasting glucose and insulin, 5HTP and 5HIAA yielded a single factor (Eigenvalue = 2.31) in which all variables loaded above .55. Hypothesized yp Interrelations Between Central Serotonin, Hostility and Glucose Metabolism CNS SEROTONIN H tilit Hostility Glucose metabolism Do Central Adiposity and E i Epinephrine h i IInteract t t tto D Determine t i Glucose Levels in African American Women? Surwit et al, 2010, Obesity DEXA scan 1 3 2 4 2 5 6 Standard regions of a DEXA scan: 1. head 2. trunk 3. right arm 4 left arm 4. 5. right leg 6. left leg Association between % Trunk Fat and Fasting Glucose in African American Women Fasting Glucose in African American Women Fasting g Glucos se (mg/d dl) 120.00 r=.45, p<.001 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 R Sq Linear = 0.204 60 00 60.00 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 TRUNK FAT 50.0 60.0 Association Between Plasma EPI Levels and Fasting Glucose in African American Women with High Central Adiposity African American Women with High Central Adiposity African American women, High Trunk fat (>32%) group Fastting Gluco ose 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 R Sq Linear = 0.361 70.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 ln EPI mean 4.00 5.00 Association Between Plasma EPI Levels and Fasting Glucose in African American Women with Low Central Adiposity African American Women with Low Central Adiposity African American women, low trunk fat (<32%) group Fasting Gluco ose 100 00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 R Sq Linear = 6.57E-4 60.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 ln EPI mean 4.00 5.00 95% CI Faasting Gluccose (mg/ddl) Fasting Glucose Levels by Trunk Fat Group (Low/High) and Epinephrine Group (Low/High) 105 00 105.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 Low Trunk fat, Low EPI High Trunk fat, Low Trunk fat, Low EPI High EPI Surwit et al. 2010, Obesity High Trunk fat, High EPI NEFA levels by EPI and Obesity Group in African American Women in African American Women Conclusion • Epinephrine interacts with central adiposity in d t determining fasting NEFA and fasting glucose in i i f ti NEFA d f ti l i African American women Does Adrenal Medullary Function Play a Role in Maintaining Euglycemia? Method We examined 445 healthy euglycemic individuals ( (159 white women, 156 white men, 75 AA , , women and 55 AA men) who had completed a p DEXA scan as well as collection of both plasma and urine epinephrine measurements. Plasma Epinephrine Levels In Men and Women With Fasting Glucose <95 mg/dl Women With Fasting Glucose <95 mg/dl Urinary Epinephrine Levels in Men and Women With Fasting Glucose < 95 Women With Fasting Glucose 95 mg/dl Relationship of Urinary Epinephrine to BMI in Chinese Euglycemic Subjecs BMI in Chinese Euglycemic BMI 16 20 16‐20 21 23 21‐23 24 25 24‐25 26 28 26‐28 28 38 28‐38 N 577 N=577 Urinary EPI (nm/dl) 72 67 53 62 41 P<.001 Lee et al, 2001, Metabolism , , Several Smaller Studies Show the Same Phenomenon in Other Populations Phenomenon in Other Populations • Caucasian men. Loebig et al, 2010, PloS One. • Adolescent Boys. Jabbour et al, 2011, Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise and Science in Sports & Exercise. EPI Does Not Decrease With Increasing BMI When Fasting Glucose > 95 mg/dl BMI When Fasting Glucose > 95 mg/dl Does Adipose Tissue Mass Feed Back To Limit Adrenal Medullary Function to Maintain Euglyemia Medullary Function to Maintain Euglyemia Glucose Adrenal Medulla CNS ? ? ? Liver FFAs Adipose Tissue Summary • Hostility is related to body weight, adrenal medullary function, and CNS serotonin metabolism, and fasting glucose. • Adrenal medullary function interacts with central adiposity to determine fasting NEFA and fasting glucose. adiposity to determine fasting NEFA and fasting glucose. • Adrenal medullary function decreases with increasing adiposity in euglycemic individuals, but not in individuals with impaired fasting glucose with impaired fasting glucose. • Abnormal glucose metabolism could be due, in part, to a failure of the adrenal medulla to adapt to increasing adiposity. di it Collaborators • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Anastasia Georgiades David Millington James Lane Mark Feinglos Sharon Minda H Haoyue Zyang Z Raymond Boston Rhonda Merwin Redford Williams Redford Williams Ilene Siegler John Barefoot Cynthia Kuhn Cynthia Kuhn Stephen Boyle Rima Kaddurah‐Daouk