The 1920s I can identify the characteristics of social conflict and social change that took place in the early 1920s Specifics O What were the causes and effects of the first Red Scare? O How did labor strife grow during the postwar years? O How did the United States limit immigration after WWI? The First Red Scare O 1917- The Rise of the Bolsheviks (the bigger of the two communist groups vying for power. The other was the Mensheviks) O Headed by Vladimir Lenin O 1922 – The Soviet Union is formed O Communism is officially in control of a large nation What is Communism? O Why is this economic system so bad that we actually “fear” it? O What are its principles and beliefs? O If that is what people choose how could it be bad for America? Why is this idea threatening? It’s just a party. Capitalism O You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Socialism O You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. Communism (in theory) O You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. Communism (in reality) O You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for your share of the milk, but it's so long that the milk is sour by the time you get it. Russian Communism O You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you. O American Reaction to Communism O Feared the overthrow of capitalism (what are capitalism’s values) O Fear of violent revolution O Shift in American thought from “fear the Hun” to “fear the Red” O Communist parties began to form O Bombs were mailed to some individuals O Palmer Raids O A. Mitchell Palmer O Targeted Aliens O Goal was Deportation OWho are we “scared” of today? OWhy? Labor Strife O In 1919 4 million workers took part in 3,000 strikes O And in almost every case labor lost O Why the postwar difficulties? O Why the postwar difficulties? O Wartime prosperity was gone O Sinking demand for war goods O Wilson focused on the peace plan O Returning soldiers expected their jobs back O Red Scare connection with labor Nativism and Racism O Limiting Immigration O Backlash against foreigners in the postwar era O Competition for scarce jobs O Red Scare O Increase in nativism O All these combined with the ill feelings left after WWI helped create a push for immigration reform O The National Origins Act of 1924 O Only 2% of that nation’s representation in America using 1890 as the base year Sacco and Vanzetti O Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti O Italian immigrants and anarchists O Accused of robbery and murder O Evidence was weak O http://law2.umkc.ed u/faculty/projects/ft rials/SaccoV/s&vevi dence.htm Conflicts over Values O The shift from a mostly rural America to an urban one was highly significant O Rural had meant traditional hard-working, self-reliant, religious (Protestant), and independent O ernment;jsessionid=AD2A745A90CAF485D6CCC182D 66B2038 O There was a reaction to the changes O Immigration reform was one O The others. . . O Rebirth of the KKK O Why? O For Native, White, Protestant Supremacy O Millions signed up O Rise of Fundamentalism O Literal interpretation of the Bible and the teaching of evolution O Scopes Monkey Trial – Dayton, TN O Clarence Darrow v. William Jennings Bryan O LSW8 Prohibition O twenties/videos/america-goes-dry-withprohibition?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefine d&f=1&free=false O d&f=1&free=false Prohibition O Women’s Christian Temperance Union had O O O O O fought for years to outlaw alcohol Progressives, a bias against immigrants and WWI had aided the cause (German beer!) Rural vs. urban politics played a role as well By 1917 over half the states had already passed some form of alcohol restriction 18th Amendment is ratified in 1919 The Volstead Act was passed to enforce the amendment O Prohibition in practice O Alcohol consumption did decrease, but enforcement was virtually impossible O New illegal activities sprang up O Bootleggers, speakeasies, increase in prescriptions O It was repealed with the 21st Amendment O Identify and evaluate the impact of new cultural movements on American society in the 1920s O Identify the characteristics of social conflict and social change that took place in the early 1920s U.S. History: Dec. 18 O O O O O Get a Blue U.S. History Textbook Turn to page 302 Write down the following in your notes O Main Idea O Reading Focus 1, 2, and 3 Then look at Geography Skills Interpreting Maps on page 303. Answer the following: O Which states had the largest population decrease during the Great Migration? O Which cities had the greatest population increase during the Great Migration? O What do you believe would be two positives and two negatives associated with this new population dynamic in the Northern cities? Look at History Close-up: Skills Focus Interpreting Infographics on page 306 and answer the Drawing Conclusions questions. I can. . . O Identify and evaluate the impact of new cultural movements on American society in the 1920s The Great Migration O Northern cities increase black populations by 40% O 1910 – Harlem became a favorite destination O Problems in the South O Sharecropping O Low-paying jobs O Segregation laws (Jim Crow) O Racial violence The Great Migration O Why the North? O WWI provided jobs (war equipment) O African-American newspapers help spread the word O However, O this did not mean racism didn’t exist O 1919 riots O Disillusionment after WWI Migration of the Negro Life in Harlem O A renaissance – rebirth O Why? O Resources – Opportunity: Urban League; The Crisis: NAACP O African-Am. wealth improves O Changing white attitudes (+/-) O Patronage Marcus Garvey: Universal Negro Improvement Association Themes O Primitive simplicity (?) O Pride in being black- similar to Garvey’s teachings O How to be both black and American O Du Bois’ remarks “two souls” Poems O What imagery stands out the most (words, lines, etc.)? O What do you think this author is trying to say? What is this poem about? Reactions O Many in white America were unaware of true Af.-Am. Exp. O Saw it as an escape – something so different O Many Europeans saw this as America’s only legitimate export Decline of the Movement O The Depression O Poets abandoned by wealthy patrons O No new contracts from publishers O Disillusionment O Older figures died Question #1 OWhat was the Harlem Renaissance? Question #2 OWhat factors contributed to the birth of the Harlem Renaissance? Question #3 OWhat was “primitive simplicity?” Question #4 OWhat was the NAACP? Question #5 O What two magazines contributed most to the development of AfricanAmerican artists? And for which organizations did they print? Question #6 O Explain three reasons for the decline of the Harlem Renaissance? U.S. History Jan. 4 You need a sheet of paper. It will be handed in at the end of class. I can. . . O Identify and evaluate the impact of new cultural movements on American society in the 1920s O Identify the characteristics of social conflict and social change that took place in the early 1920s Mass Entertainment in the 1920s O Technology allowed everyone across the nation to experience the same things O Radio O First radio station, KDKA in Pittsburgh O Sports, news, religious services O Almost ½ of all homes had a radio by the end of the decade O It broke down regional barriers O Movies O D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation O The Jazz Singer was the first talkie O Disney releases Steamboat Willie O Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino, Clara Bow, and Mary Pickford were the stars O Sports O Babe Ruth, Red Grange, Helen Willis, Bill Tilden, Bobby Jones, Jack Dempsey, Man O’War, Johnny Weissmuller O Authors O Earnest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis O Other heroes O Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart Jack Dempsey Red Grange Helen Willis Bobby Jones Johnny Weissmuller Ford Revolutionizes Industry O The Model T begins selling in 1908 O Used the assembly line (each person had one of 84 jobs) O First year a car rolled off the line every 90 mins.; later one per minute O They eventually sold for under $500, and 15 million were sold by 1927 (switched to the Model A) O He paid his workers $5 a day, but bitterly opposed unions O The automobile creates other industries O System of roads- Route 66 O Suburbs O Gas stations O Tourism O Advertising O Altered shopping and socializing patterns O The New Consumer O Cars, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, radio O Electricity was the key O Advertising O Installment buying for major items U.S. History O Get a blue U.S. History book and complete the following. . . NOW! O Pg. 277 Faces of History O Pg. 278 Skills Focus O Pg. 280 Consumer Culture O Pg. 300 Skills Focus O Pg. 313 Skills Focus O What more than anything else helped fuel the public’s passion for sports during the 1920s? O What allowed Charles Lindbergh to fly non-stop across the Atlantic?