Glossary of Usage Unit Plan (Optional Unit) KCAS: Grades 11-12 Language Standards (Conventions of Standard English) 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Apply the understanding that usage is a matter of convention, can change over time, and is sometimes contested. Grades 11-12 Language Standards (Knowledge of Language) 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. Learning Targets: 1. I can demonstrate my command of the conventions of standard English usage when writing or speaking. Assessment Plan: Pre-Assessment: Each student will take the pre-assessment for the unit. This will be an optional unit for any student that performs at mastery on the pre-assessment. ***Required Unit*** Formative Assessments: Step One: On your own (or schedule a time with Mrs. Johnson) review the PowerPoint with rules for the GOU. The slides tell you when to complete the formative assessments listed below. Step Two: Complete the following Formative Assessments from Mrs. Johnson’s website. You can either print and complete these, complete them digitally and e-mail them to Mrs. Johnson, write your answers on notebook paper, or ask Mrs. Johnson (before school, during break, or after school) to print them for you. With the exception of the MiniSummative, all of the following formative assessments are practice exercises. You will turn in evidence that you completed all practices, but only the mini-summative will be scored for a grade. Copies of the answer keys will be placed in the room and students can use it to review their progress. 1. Exercise 1 page 601 2. Exercise 2 page 605 3. Mini-Summative: (review of the first half) Exercise 3 **Mrs. Johnson will give all students a copy of this which will be scored for points. 4. Exercise 4 page 611 5. Exercise 5 page 615 6. Review Exercise A page 616 Summative Assessment Before students can take the summative assessment, they must have performed at mastery on the mini-summative and class final review. They must also turn in evidence that they have completed the practice exercises. The summative assessment is divided into three parts: Part One: Multiple-Choice (formatted similar to Exercise 1) Part Two: Correcting Sentences (formatted similar to the Mini-Summative) Part Three: Explanation of rules. There will be two sentences that are correct and students must explain in sentence form the rule behind them. ***Optional Unit*** Even though you have mastered these skills, you have chosen to complete the optional review to help your grade and/or review for the ACT. Formative Assessments: On your own (or schedule a time with Mrs. Johnson) review the PowerPoint with rules for the GOU. You can complete the formative assessments listed on the other side of this paper for review, if you would like. The only required formative assessment for you is the mini-summative, which Mrs. Johnson will give you. Summative Assessment Before students can take the summative assessment, they must have performed at mastery on the mini-summative. The summative assessment is divided into three parts: Part One: Multiple-Choice (formatted similar to Exercise 1) Part Two: Correcting Sentences (formatted similar to the Mini-Summative) Part Three: Explanation of rules. There will be two sentences that are correct and students must explain in sentence form the rule behind them. Schedule of GOU Unit Thursday 2/18 or Friday 2/19 Introduction to the unit Monday 2/22 Pre-Assessment Thursday 2/25 Mini-Summative (review of the first half) Friday 2/26 Class Review GOU Monday 2/29 Summative Assessment