This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. TheCondor 92:674-687 ? TheCooper Society1990 Ornithological EFFECTSOF PREDATION AND COMPETITORINTERFERENCE ON NESTING SUCCESSOF HOUSE WRENS AND TREE SWALLOWS' DEBORAHM. FINCH' RockyMountainForestand Range ExperimentStation, 222 South 22nd Street, Laramie, WY82070 Abstract. I examined the relationshipsamong brood survival in House Wrens (Troglodytesaedon) and Tree Swallows(Tachycinetabicolor)and rates of nest-box use, species interference,and nest predation.Tree Swallowsnested in boxes in one of three woodlands occupied by House Wrens. Over a 4-year period, clutch mortalityrates in swallows were significantlyhigherthan those in wrens, but wrens on swallow-freeplots had lower failure rates than wrens that coexisted with swallows. Though conspecificsinterferedat 9 of 99 (9%)wrennests, predationwas the majorcause of wren nest failure,accountingfor 70%of 27 unsuccessfulattempts.Increasednest failurein wrenswas associatedwith increasedrates of box use. In contrast,clutch mortalityin Tree Swallowswas relatedto nest interference by wrens. Of 29 swallownests, 13 (45%)showed signs of interferenceby wrens, and eight of these 13 (62%)were initiatedin boxes containingempty "dummy"nests built earlierby wrens.House Wrensareinterferencecompetitorsbecausethey excludeswallowsfromboxes by destroyingswallownests. Destroyingnests of other species has advantagesfor wrens if high concentrationsof empty nests, includingdummy nests, inhibits search efficiencyof predators.An experimentalapproachis recommendedfor testingthe hypothesisthat House Wrens build dummy nests and destroy heterospecificnests because empty nests deceive predators. Key words: Interferencecompetition;clutchmortality;nestpredation;box-userate;dummy nest;riparianwoodlands;House Wren;Troglodytesaedon; TreeSwallow;Tachycineta bicolor. INTRODUCTION The availability of nest holes may limit abundances of secondary cavity-nestingbirds (Von Haartman1957;Holroyd1975;Gustafsson1988; Brawnand Balda 1987, 1988). House Wrensand TreeSwallowsaresecondarycavity-nesterswhose abundancesoften increaseafter introductionof nest boxes (Low 1933, Drilling and Thompson 1984, Yahner 1983/1984). Male House Wrens build dummy nests and defendmultiplecavities withintheirterritoryboundaries(Kendeigh1941, Belles-Islesand Picman 1986a),therebylimiting breedingopportunitiesfor othernestingpairs.In Tree Swallows,territorialdefensein the form of aggressiveattackscan preventconspecificsfrom breedingeven when unoccupiedboxes are present (Harris 1979, Robertson and Gibbs 1982). Intraspecificcompetitionfor nest sites and mates in these speciescan apparentlylead to nest usurpation (Leffelaarand Robertson 1985), floating I Received 27 November 1989. Final acceptance12 April 1990. populations (Stutchbury and Robertson 1987a), brood parasitism and egg dumping (Lombardo 1988, Picman and Belles-Isles 1988, Price et al. 1989), bigamy and extra-pair copulations (Quinney 1983, Johnson and Kermott 1989), infanticide (Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b, Robertson and Stutchbury 1988), and killing of adult conspecifics (Lombardo 1986, Belles-Isles and Picman 1987). Under conditions of nest-site limitation, the consequences ofinterspecific competition for nest boxes and natural tree holes may overshadow the effects of intraspecific competition (Van Balen et al. 1982, Gustafsson 1988, Ingold 1989), resulting in reduced reproductive success of the subordinate competitor (Gustafsson 1987, Ingold 1989). In House Wrens, both sexes puncture eggs and destroy nests of open-nesting birds (Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b) and other cavity-nesting species (Gardner 1925, Sherman 1925, Kendeigh 1941). Belles-Isles and Picman (1986b) speculated that interspecific competition for food or nest sites may explain nest-destroying behavior by House Wrens. If House Wrens dominate [674] NESTING SUCCESSOF HOUSE WRENS AND TREESWALLOWS interactions, then interferencecompetition by wrensmay resultin loweredreproductivesuccess in other species. Yet, no studies have compared reproductivesuccess in House Wrensto success in hole-nestingspecies exposed to wren interference. Unfortunately,effectsof predationon nest distributionand brood survival can mask or be mistaken for results of competition (Nillson 1984). To determineif interspecificcompetition is assymetrical,interferenceeffectsmust firstbe isolatedfromnestinglosses causedby factorslike predation. In the centralRockyMountains,House Wrens and TreeSwallowsfrequentlyco-occurin foothill riparianwoodlands(Finch 1989a);House Wrens numericallydominate cavity-nesting avifaunas in these habitats,with populationlevels that are two to three times higher than Tree Swallows (Finch 1987, Finch 1989b). During a study of nest-siteselectionby House Wrens(Finch 1989c), I observed that swallows and wrens were syntopic in one of three woodlands containingnest boxes. Here, I postulate that temporal, spatial, and interspecificdifferencesin frequenciesof box use influencereproductivesuccess of wrens and swallowsthrougheffectson probabilitiesof nest destructionand competitiveinterference.Forexample, rates of nest predation were positively associated with densities of box-nesting Great Tits (Parusmajor)(Krebs 1971, Dunn 1977) but were unrelatedto densities of other cavity-nesting species (Tompa 1967, Brawn 1987). Variation in the densities or spacing of box-nesters may also influence competition for nest sites, dictatingrates of box intrusion(Kendeigh1941, Muldal et al. 1985) and subsequentnesting success. In this study,I predictedthe following:(1) rates of nesting failurein wrens and swallowsvary in relationto probabilitiesof nest predationor interspecificinterference,(2) spatialand temporal changes in frequenciesof nest destruction and interspecificnest intrusion are associated with differencesin box availability and rates of box use, (3) in areas of syntopy, House Wrens outcompete Tree Swallowsfor boxes as reflectedby interspecificdifferencesin rates of interference and nestingsuccess,and (4) wrensbenefitby the absence or exclusion of nesting swallows such that wrenproductivityis higherin areaswithout swallowsthan in areaswith swallows.These predictions were addressed by first assessing and then controlling for spatial and temporal vari- 675 ability in nesting productivity and focusing on correlativerelationshipsamong the residualsof ratesof box use, interference,and nestingfailure. To determineif availabilityand frequencyof use of nest boxes influencedratesof nest destruction and competition,I used the ratio of used to total nest boxes as an index. If the numberof potential sites that remain unused or empty is as informative to search-strategypredatorsor competitorsas the numberof used sites(e.g.,Watts 1987, Martinand Roper 1988), then this ratio may be a more relevant predictor of "density-dependent" interactionsthan abundancesof birds or nests. STUDY AREA Three study plots were establishedin May 1982 in streamsidehabitatsin CarbonCounty,southeasternWyoming,at elevations rangingbetween 2,050 and 2,250 m. One plot was establishedat Rock Creek 5 km northeast of Arlington, and two plots, named Foote Camp and TreasureIsland, were spaced 34 km apartalong the North Platte River near Saratoga.House Wrensnested in boxes at all three plots, but Tree Swallows usedboxes at Foote Camponly. Woodlandswere dominated by narrowleafcottonwood (Populus angustifolia), a variety of shrub species, especiallywillows(Salix spp.),andherbaceousspecies. Shortgrassprairie interspersedwith sagebrush (Artemisiatridentata)bordered riparianwoodlands. Vegetationcompositionof the studyareas is described in greater detail in Finch (1987, 1989c). METHODS On each of the three plots, 21 to 22 nest boxes (n = 65 boxes) were mounted at heights of 2 m on live deciduoustrees > 10 cm dbh. The number of boxes on each plot was limited by habitat patch size. Boxes were spacedat intervalsof 3035 m in grids conformingto the shape and size of the ripariancorridor.Nest boxes were built of cedar 1.7 cm thick, 14 x 14 x 28 cm in outside dimension, with latchable top doors and entrances3.8 cm diameter.Boxeswerelabeledwith grid coordinates.Althoughnaturalcavities were available, spot-map checks indicated that most cavity-nesters shifted to boxes after they were erected. I determinedstatus(emptyor occupied)of box and progressof nesting attemptsby checkingall nest boxes earlyin the afternoonevery 2-4 days 676 M. FINCH DEBORAH from mid-May to earlyAugust of 1983 through 1986. Because of the short period of temperate weather,only a few boxes were nested in more than once in a single breedingseason, either by the same nesting pair, by differentpairs, or by differentspecies.Based on observationsof entry by other species or additional conspecificsinto occupied boxes, and recordsof egg destruction, followed by subsequentegg laying, it appeared that some "second" clutches were products of usurpingbirds. Therefore,to indicate competitive pressurefor boxes, estimates of box-occupancyrateswere based on all nests. Use rates of species were pooled because concurrentuse of multipleboxes by both species(1) reducesavailabilityof nest sites, fosteringconditionsthat may favorinterspecificand intraspecificcompetition, and (2) increasesabundanceof active box nests, possibly encouragingsearch-strategypredation. Occupancyrate, definedas the ratio of the number of nests to the total number of boxes available, was computed by plot and year for comparisons with rates of interspecific nest interferenceand nesting failure.Occupancyrate was also calculatedusing wren nests only. Boxes were cleaned out each September so that new twigs and nests were not confusedwith box contents from the previous year. Because individual male House Wrens frequently stuff multiple cavities with twigs (Kendeigh 1941), the appearanceof the first egg was used as an index to nesting. Nests were considered abandonedif adults no longerattendedthe nest, and nest contents failed to hatch or fledge. Predationwas assumedif nest materialwas disturbed,whole clutchesdisappeared,eggsor nestlings were partially eaten, predator feces were found in the nest, boxes were damaged or unlatched,or nestswereemptybeforenestlingswere due to fledge. Partial losses resulted from egg puncturingby intruders, hatching failure, and nestling starvation.Reproductiveoutcome was classifiedas successful,even in reducedbroods, if at least one offspringfledgedfrom the nest. HouseWrens,whichareknownto destroynests of their own and other species, may interfereat nests of nearest neighbors.Observationsof behavioral interactionsbetween species were recordedduringnest checks.Becausethe materials used to constructnests differbetweenTree Swallows and House Wrens,I inferredentry into an occupied box by another species when foreign nesting material appeared.Boxes were used by TreeSwallowsand House Wrensexclusively.Interferenceby House Wrensat TreeSwallownests was determinedif twigswerefoundin boxes after swallowsconstructedgrassnests, or if wrenswere observed at swallow nests. Pierced or cracked eggs, partial clutch losses, or emptied swallow nests were sometimes discovered at, or following, the time of box intrusion by wrens. Interferenceby swallowsat wren nests was recorded if twig nests lined with featherswere built first, followedby constructionof grassnests. Interference by conspecificswas assumedwhen threeor more birds were observed simultaneouslyusing an occupied box, when a singing male chased another singer from the box, or when, on the swallow-freeplots, wren eggs were puncturedor lost between successive nest checks from nests that otherwise remained unaltered and active. Somecasesof destructionof entireclutches(Freed 1986a) were probably overlooked because I scoredthemas predationby mammalsand snakes (see Finch 1989c); thus, my estimates of nest interferenceare conservative. If partial clutch losses were recordedprior to total loss, egg destructionby wrens or swallowswas designated. Interferenceratewas definedas the numberof nests showing signs of interferencedivided by the total number of nests. The likelihood of interferenceat nests of wrens, swallows, or both speciesmay be relatedto availabilityof nest sites, herein indicated by box-occupancyrate. I first assessedthe influenceof the factorsPLOT (1-3) and YEAR (1983-1986) on occupancyrate and interferencerateat nests of House Wrensor both speciesby applyingtwo-wayanalysisof variance (procedureMANOVA, SPSS/PC+). Differences in occupancyrates between plots were detected using a Student-Newman-Keuls(SNK) test of multiple comparisons.To determineif interference rate was associated with occupancyrate, I controlledforthe effectsof the extraneousfactors PLOT and YEAR by enteringthe casewise residuals listed by MANOVA in subsequenttests. Pearson's product-moment correlations were used to comparethe residualsof occupancyrate with the residualsof eitherof the dependentvariables, interferencerate at wren nests or interference rate at all nests. Number of plots occupied by Tree Swallowswas insufficientfor statistical analysesof interferencerates at swallow nests. The probabilityof clutch mortality was calculated using Mayfield's (1961, 1975) method based on the numberof days of exposure(EXP) OF HOUSEWRENSAND TREESWALLOWS 677 NESTINGSUCCESS that a known nest is at risk. Estimates of daily probmortalityrateof whole clutches(clutchMin), ability of survival for one day (clutch s), and probability of survival through the incubation and nestling phases of length t days (clutch s') were calculatedfor each speciesby plot and year. I used Mayfield'sformulabased on egg or nestling days of exposureto compute the daily rate of partiallosses (partialIfi) and the survivalprobabilityof reducedclutchesthroughthe entirenest period (partial?). Total probabilityof mortality for the entire nest period (total mt) is equal to 1 - (clutch iht x partial ti' x hatching rate). Nests werevisited frequentlyso I used Mayfield'smidpoint assumption(Johnson 1979). To obtain a large-sampleestimate of the variance (1V)of fii, I used Johnson's(1979) estimator EXP3/((EXP- losses) x losses). To test for variationin daily mortalityratesbetweenspeciesand study areas, I used the statistic (s2 - ?,)/(V(?1) + V(s2))1/2 (Johnson 1979), where the subscript specifies each treatmentgroup (note that fih - 1). If the resultingvalue is greater ri2 = than the statistic, z1/2, then the null hypothesis that ih = fih2 is rejected. I pooled wren nests from the two box grids that had no swallows becausewrenfledgingsuccessby yearwas similar between these grids (Finch 1989c). Using z-statistics,nestingmortalityin this pool of wrennests was then comparedby year to mortalityof wren or swallownests foundon the gridsharedby both species. Probabilityvalues obtained from independenttests by yearwere combinedusingFisher's procedure(Sokaland Rohlf 1981) for deriving an overall significancetest based on multiple outcomes. The first study year was regardedas a transitionalperiod duringwhich returningmigrants learned the locations of nest boxes, and therefore,1983 resultswere excludedfrom combined-yeartests to reducebias. Effectsof ratesof box use and nest interference on nestingsuccess of wrensor both species were assessed using partial correlationalanalyses. I first used two-way ANOVAs to remove the effects of PLOT and YEAR from each continuous variable and then correlatedresultantresiduals of clutch fii and partiali to residualsof interferencerate and occupancyrate enteredconcurrently. To evaluate the independent influences of interferencerate and occupancyrate on nesting success, I separatedout the effect of either variable and reportedthe resultingpartial correlationcoefficient(rn).Numbersof swallownests t 0.8 Interference rate Box use rate S.. 0.4 0 0.2 83 84 85 86 83 84 85 86 83 84 85 86 Foote Camp Treasure Island Rock Creek FIGURE1. Ratesof boxuseandratesofinterference at poolednestsof HouseWrensandTreeSwallowsin threestudyareasfrom1983through1986. per plot were insufficientto analyze effects of occupancyrate and interferenceon swallow offspringsurvival.But if probabilitiesof interaction with predatorsor competitorsare dependenton the total number of boxes occupied or empty, then occupancy patterns of swallows may not explain variation in swallow productivity. I pooled wren and swallow nests to determine if overallratesof box use or interferenceinfluenced probabilitiesof predation,competition,or overall nest failure. RESULTS BOXUSEAND NESTINTERFERENCE Of 128 nestsfoundin 65 boxesfrom 1983through 1986, 77.3%were initiatedby House Wrensand 22.7%by Tree Swallows.Most nests (44%)were at the Foote Campplot, while 35%were at Rock Creek, and only 21% at Treasure Island. AlthoughTree Swallowsnested primarilyat Foote Campin all studyyears(86%of all swallownests), the speciesbuiltfournestsin boxesat Rock Creek in 1985. Box occupancy rates varied somewhat by PLOT(F2,6 = 4.52, P = 0.064), but not by YEAR (F3,6= 1.99, P = 0.272) (Fig. 1); over the 4-year period, 64% of all boxes at Foote Camp were used, whereas 32% were occupied at Treasure Island,and 49%at Rock Creek.Total occupancy rate differedbetween Foote Camp and Treasure Island (SNK tests, P < 0.05), but not between other pairsof plots. Wrenoccupancyratedid not vary among plots or years (P > 0.1). Rates of interferenceby House Wrens (estimated by direct observation, and from occurrencesof puncturedeggs and displacedor added 678 M. FINCH DEBORAH nest material)at active nests of conspecificswas similar among plots and years (P > 0.10 for all comparisons),but wren interferenceat nests of both species varied by PLOT (F2,6 = 5.68, P = 0.041) but not by YEAR (F3,6= 0.83, P = 0.522) (Fig. 1). Over the 4-yearperiod,interferencewas detectedat 9 of 99 (9%)wren nests and 13 of 29 (45%)swallow nests. At Foote Camp, the plot sharedby both species in all years, wren interferencewas evident at only 3 of 31 (10%)wren nests, whereas 12 of 25 (48%)nest boxes used by swallows were invaded, primarilyby House Wrensdepositingtwigs. Although 5 of 41 (12%) of all House Wrennests at Rock Creekdisplayed signs of intrusion by conspecifics,only 1 of 27 (4%)of all wren nests at TreasureIsland showed signs of interference. At least 20 of 22 (90%)recordsof intrusionat nests of eitherspeciesinvolved House Wrens.Of the nine wren nests that sufferedconspecificintrusions,five weretotallydestroyed,probablyby conspecifics.Circumstantialevidence(chasingof conspecifics;new twigs deposited onto featherlined nest; and egg destruction,followed by the appearanceof new eggs) suggested that wrens usurped at least one conspecific box at Rock Creek.In addition,an adultwrenwas founddead, but uneaten, in a failed Rock Creek nest with intact eggs, suggestingeither conspecifickilling (Freed 1986a, Belles-Islesand Picman 1987) or mortalityfor reasons other than predation. Clear signs of interferenceby Tree Swallows at nests of conspecifics or wrens were not observed, possibly because they were obscuredby effectsof wrenintrusions.Of the 13 swallownests havingsignsof wreninterference,12 failed,either at the time of interferenceor later. At Foote Camp, wrens apparentlyusurpedtwo boxes settled by Tree Swallowsby first depositingtwigs, then laying eggs in new nests after the swallow nests were destroyed. On four occasions, Tree Swallows were observed chasing House Wrens away from swallow-occupiedboxes. Tree Swallows built nests and laid eggs in eight boxes that containedtwigsor dummynestsplacedby wrens, and four additionalswallownests had twig nests constructedover them. Eleven of these 12 swallow nests failed, and six failed during the egglayingstage.A second swallowclutchlaid in one of thesetwignestswas also destroyedafterfailure of an earlierincomplete clutch. At Rock Creek, wren(s)intrudedat one unsuccessfulswallownest also. After effects of PLOT and YEAR were removed, correlationalanalysis showed a significant positive relationshipbetween residuals of interferencerate (both species) and total occupancy rate (r = 0.66, P = 0.020). That is, interference rates increasedat nests of both species as more boxes were occupied. At House Wren nests only, interferencerate was not related to total occupancyrate (r = -0.0 13, P = 0.969) or wren occupancyrate(r = -0.34, P = 0.273), nor was interferencerate at nests of both species related to wren occupancy rate (r = 0.014, P = 0.964). NESTINGFAILUREIN WRENSAND SWALLOWS Of 99 nestingattemptsby House Wrens,70 (7 1/%) fledgedone or more offspring,two had unknown outcomes,and 27 failed.Predationaccountedfor 19 (70%)of the 27 failures,while five (19%)were destroyedby conspecifics,and three (11%)were desertedduringthe egg-layingor incubationstages for reasonsunknown.Fifty successfulnests (71% of 70) lost one to four eggs or nestlings before fledging.The mean (? SE)numberof losses from successfulnests was 1.2 ? 0.1 young/nest. Tree Swallowslost 20 of 29 nests (71%), 10-12 (5060%) due to wren destruction (two nests were abandoned after interference),and eight (40%) by predation.The outcome of one swallow nest was unknown.Of eight successfulswallownests, four lost one to four eggs (.X? SE = 1.00 ? 0.35 losses/nest). In House Wrens at the sharedplot, the probabilityof clutchmortalityover the entirenesting period (i.e., partialrahx clutch il?) rangedfrom a low of 50.3% in 1983 to a high of 89.1% in 1984 (Table 1). The overall riS of Tree Swallows ranged from 31.6% in 1983 to 99.3% in 1986. Althoughdaily mortalityratesof whole clutches (clutch rh) were statistically similar between species at the sharedplot in the firstthree study years, Tree Swallowyoung sufferedhigherdaily mortalitythan House Wrens in 1986 (Tables 1 and 2). Daily ratesof partialclutchlosses (partial fi) in wrenswere similarto those in swallowsin each year except 1986, a year in which partial losses were lower in swallows only because no swallow clutches survived. Considering nests pooled over all years, overall fi' at the shared plot was 87.3%in swallowsand 67.1%in wrens (Table 1). Results of combined-probabilitytests demonstratedthat daily clutch rh in swallows OFHOUSEWRENSAND TREESWALLOWS 679 NESTINGSUCCESS TABLE1. Meandailyrates? SE of wholeclutchand partialclutchmortalities(If), numbersof daysof of clutchmortalitythroughthenestingperiod(fin')in 1983,1984,1985,and exposure(EXP),andprobabilities orseparate boxareas.a 1986in HouseWrensandTreeSwallowsusingthesame(shared) swallow-free) (unshared, House Wren TreeSwallow Unsharedarea House Wren 125 758 0.008 ? 0.008 0.012 ? 0.004 0.503 116 464 0.000 ? 0.000 0.011 ? 0.005 0.316 430 2,219 0.005 ? 0.003 0.005 ? 0.001 0.286 127 607 0.055 ? 0.020 0.007 ? 0.003 0.891 94 394 0.106 ? 0.032 0.003 ? 0.003 0.983 529 2,361 0.006 ? 0.003 0.010 ? 0.002 0.427 239 1,393 0.017 ? 0.008 0.004 ? 0.002 0.524 102 479 0.039 ? 0.019 0.002 ? 0.002 0.771 313 2,038 0.013 ? 0.006 0.006 ? 0.002 0.473 86 433 0.023 ? 0.016 0.009 ? 0.005 0.683 30 121 0.133 ? 0.062 0.000 ? 0.000 0.993 493 2,642 0.006 ? 0.004 0.006 ? 0.001 0.338 577 3,191 0.024 ? 0.006 0.007 ? 0.002 0.671 342 1,458 0.053 ? 0.012 0.005 ? 0.002 0.873 1,765 9,260 0.007 ? 0.002 0.007 ? 0.001 0.375 Sharedarea Mortalityrate 1983 ClutchEXP PartialEXP Clutchfin Partialri Total fint 1984 ClutchEXP PartialEXP Clutchfn Partialfn Total fi' 1985 ClutchEXP PartialEXP Clutchfn Partialfin Total fin' 1986 ClutchEXP PartialEXP Clutchfn Partialfin Total fn' Total years Clutch EXP PartialEXP Clutchfn Partialfin Total fin aThe standarderror(SE)of Ifi is computedusingEXP, the numberof days of exposurethat a clutchor individualegg/nestlingrisksmortality. was significantlyhigher than that in wrens, but partialnii was similarbetween species (Table2). Overallrhtin wrensover all 4 yearswas 37.5% at the swallow-freeplots comparedto 67.1%at the swallow-used plot (Table 1). The greatest within-yeardifferencewas in 1984 when clutch 1•t throughthe entire nesting period was 89.1% in wrens on swallow-usedplots and only 42.7% in wrens on swallow-freeplots (Table 2). The outcome of the combined-probabilitytest indicated that daily clutchAl in wrens on the shared plot was significantlygreaterthan that in wrens on the swallow-free plot. In comparisons between swallows at Foote Camp and wrens occupying the swallow-freeplots, daily clutch rhi differedsignificantlyin 1984 and 1986, as well as in the combined-year test, while partial ri differedin 1984 and 1986, and in the all-year test. RELATIONSHIPSAMONG RATESOF BOX USE, INTERFERENCE,AND MORTALITY The daily mortality rate (ri^) of House Wren clutcheswas positively associatedwith total occupancyrate (partialrp= 0.67, P = 0.025) (Fig. 2), but was unrelatedto interferencerateat wren nests = 0.32, P = 0.335). That is, wren nests (rp were more likely to fail as box-occupancyrates, rather than interferencerates, increased. Daily clutchrhwas not associatedwith wrenoccupancy rate (P > 0.05). Incompleteclutch losses (partial di) in wren nests were negativelyrelatedto total occupancyrate (r, = -0.80, P = 0.003) and unrelated to interferencerate at wren nests (r, = 680 M. FINCH DEBORAH TABLE2. Z-statisticsandcombined-probability testscomparing dailymortalityrates(ri) betweennestsof (1)HouseWrensandTreeSwallowsin theareasharedbybothspecies,(2)wrenson areasusedby swallowsand wrenson swallow-free areasandswallows.a areas,and(3) wrenson swallow-free z-values Comparisonb Sharedarea Wrenvs. swallow Clutchfn Partialfi Sharedvs. unshared Wrenvs. wren Clutchn Partialrf Wrenvs. swallow Clutchrf Partialri 1983 1984 1985 1.01 0.18 1.36 0.98 1.07 0.84 1.72* 2.02* 11.14* 10.34 0.39 1.68* 2.41" 0.92 0.38 0.44 1.03 0.74 12.09* 5.80 1986 Combined-Ptestc 1.40 3.15** 1.31 2.05* 1.16 1.25 22.45*** 2.41"* 4.01"*** 30.39*** a* P- 0.1,**P Ps 0.01,***P s 0.001. bClutchrAmeansdaily mortalityrateof wholeclutches;partialrAmeansdaily rateof clutchreductionat nests that remainactive. cComparisonsweremadebetweengroupsby combiningprobabilitiesacrossyearsusingFisher'sprocedure(SokalandRohlf 1981).Theteststatistic is distributedas x2with 6 degreesof freedom(2k, wherek = the numberof yearsand probabilities).Probabilitiescomputedfor 1983 wereexcluded fromthesetests because1983 was a transitionyearfor nestingbirds. -0.01, P = 0.973). In sum, wren clutches were more likely to be totally destroyedthan partially lost as box-occupancyrates increased. AlthoughTree Swallownestingwas primarily on one plot, preventingstatistical comparisons of rates of interferenceand nesting failure, the positive relationshipbetween wren interference rates and clutch mortality at swallow nests is clear (Fig. 3). I combined Tree Swallow nests with wren nests to determineif the addition of swallow nests influenced relationships among clutch mortality,interferencerate, and total occupancy rate. Daily clutch ri of pooled species was positively related to interferencerate = (rp 0.92, P = 0.0001) (Fig. 4) but was unrelatedto total occupancy rate (rp = -0.50, P = 0.117). Partial at all nests was not associated with rh either interferencerate (rp= -0.19, P = 0.569) or occupancyrate(rp= -0.53, P = 0.093). Thus, due to the strongeffectof interferenceat swallow nests, the independentvariableaffectingsurvival of whole broodsshiftedfrombox-occupancyrate (wren nests only) to interferencerate at pooled nests of swallowsand wrens. Factors related to failure appeared to affect probabilityof partial losses and mortalityrates of whole clutches in opposite directions. In a partial correlationalanalysis of these two mortality components with interferencerate at all nests, interferencerate increasedas daily clutch increased(r, = 0.98, P = 0.0001), and partial r ri correspondingly declined (rp = -0.94, P = 0.0001). Because variation in partial-loss rates may be contingenton variation in failure rates of whole nests, effects of interferencerate and occupancyrate on partiallosses shouldprobably be interpretedwith caution. DISCUSSION EFFECTS OFCONSPECIFIC INTERFERENCE AT WRENNESTS Conspecifics, rather than swallows, were primarily responsiblefor interferenceat boxes occupied by wrens. Some wren nests lost one or moreeggsdue to interference,but weresuccessful in producingfledglings.House Wrens achieved highestratesof broodsurvivalon the plots where box use by swallowswas absent or rare. Predation, ratherthannest interference,explainedhigh rates of total nest failurein House Wrensat the swallow-usedplot. In contrast,Freed(1986a)reported that conspecific destruction of whole clutchesby tropicalHouse Wrenswas common. Although box-use rates were higher at Foote Campthanat the swallow-freeplots,interference rates at wren nests did not vary among plots, suggestingthat interferencewas not directly explained by reduced availabilityof nest sites. In densepopulationsof tropicalHouseWrens,mates ratherthan nest sites per se are in short supply; unmatedwrensvigorouslycompetefor matesby destroyingeggs,usurpingterritories,and mating NESTING SUCCESSOF HOUSE WRENS AND TREE SWALLOWS 681 3 Partialr=0.92, P=0.001. Partialr=0.67, P=0.025. 2 - .C 20 E 0 1 o -2 -2 I -2 1 -1 I I 1 0 2 -2 Numberof nests/number of boxes 1 0 -1 Interferencerate at all nests 2 FIGURE 2. Standardizedpartialregressionplot for FIGURE 4. Standardizedpartialregressionplot for mortalityrate in nests of both species and interdaily mortalityrate of House Wren clutchesand ratio daily of the number of all nests to the number of boxes. ferencerate at all nests. Residualsof the two variables Residuals of the two variables were plotted after re- wereplottedafterremovingthe effectsof PLOT,YEAR, and box occupancyrate. moving the effectsof PLOT, YEAR, and interference rate at House Wren nests. with territory owners (Freed 1986a, 1986b). In this study, not all box-nesters were conspecifics which may explain the lack of relationship between box-use rates and wren-nest interference. I found little evidence that swallows intervened at wren nests, and therefore, I did not expect increased rates of box use (due in part to presence of swallows at Foote Camp) to result in increased interference at wren nests. Interference effects on wrens may be more important when wrens alone occupy a high percentage of boxes, resulting in increased opportunities for intraspecific interactions like infanticide, brood parasitism, extrapair copulations, bigamy, nest confiscation, and mate theft. - S......------1.0 o0 0.8 Interferencerate Swallow clutch mortality / 0.6 0.4 * 0.2 01 1983 1984 1985 1986 Foote Camp FIGURE 3. Interferencerates and probability of overall clutch mortality of Tree Swallows at Foote Camp. Nor was the probability of partial wren losses related to interference rates, possibly because interference occurred at failed whole nests as well as at nests that remained active after clutch reduction. In addition, partial losses were caused by multiple factors (e.g., nestling starvation, egg and nestling mortality at hatching, predation) so that the effects of any single factor were obscured. RELATIONSHIPBETWEENBOX-USE RATE AND PREDATIONAT WREN NESTS Total nest failure in House Wrens was strongly associated with rates of box occupancy. Clutch mortality rates in wrens were especially high, ranging from 50-89% over the 4-year period, at the box-plot with highest nest densities. Nests that may have survived with partial losses caused by interference or starvation at low box-use rates were likely to be totally destroyed by predators at high occupancy rates. Predators usually destroy whole clutches rather than leave any surviving offspring (Brown and Brown 1988). Predation was the major cause of nest failure, accounting for 70% of all unsuccessful nesting attempts by wrens. I detected signs of nest predation by red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and small rodents (unknown species) (Finch 1989c). Weasels (Mus- tela frenata) and bullsnakes(Pituophismelano- leucus sayi), other predators that destroy House Wren nests in riparian woodlands of Wyoming (L. Scott Johnson, pers. comm.), were also observed in my study areas. 682 M. FINCH DEBORAH Fieldexperimentshave demonstratedthathigh nest densities resulted in heightened predation rates (Tinbergenet al. 1967, Goransson et al. 1975, Pageet al. 1983). Anderssonand Wiklund (1978) suggestedthat spacingout of nests was a predatoravoidance strategy,but Picman (1988) concludedthat dispersingnests widely apartwas only advantageousin habitatswith high predation rates. Because deciduous riparian woodlands typically have higher bird densities than surroundinghabitats (Hehnke and Stone 1978, Johnson and Haight 1985), rates of nest predation may be high. For instance, Janzen (1978) reportedhigher rates of egg mortalityin deciduous woodlandsof CostaRica thanin otherhabitat types.Thus, spacingnests out by minimizing occupancyrateof boxes could have adaptivevalue in the cottonwood woodlands of this study. Reduced predation rates are associated with increasednumbers of empty nests in Northern Cardinals(Cardinaliscardinalis) (Watts 1987) and MarshWrens(Cistothoruspalustris)(Leonard and Picman 1987). Likewise,a high proportion of empty boxes may inhibit predatorsearch efficiency.In this study,destructionratesof House Wrennests declined as the proportionof vacant boxes increased.If predatorsuse nest boxes as search images based on previous rewards,then risk of predationmay be highest when the ratio of empty-to-occupiedboxes is low. Martin and Roper (1988) similarly concluded that the predation rate on open nests of Hermit Thrushes (Catharusguttatus)was influencedby the association between unused sites and used sites. In this study,I detectedsignsthata predator(s) sequentiallydestroyednests in multiple yearsat the plot sharedby both species. Its dexterityin unlatchingboxes, rippingoffbox lids, andtearing up nests implicatesthe raccoon,a knownsearchstrategy predator (Bowman and Harris 1980). Raccoon tracks were observed along the river banks bounding the box grid, and claw marks werevisible on some nest boxes. Serialpredation in response to high rewardrate set by the high density of box nests may explainincreasednesting mortalityin wrensat Foote Camp.Following 1984, the year of peak mortality, fewer boxes had nests at Foote Camp, suggestingeither that box-nestersadopteda predator-avoidancestrategy (i.e., shiftingto new cavities, Sonerud 1985) or that bird populationswere lower due to high nest failurethe year before. AT EFFECTS OFWRENINTERFERENCE SWALLOW NESTS Male House Wrens build and guard multiple empty nests within their territories,but each female selects one site for egg laying (Kendeigh 1941). Multiple-nestdefense by males may be a tactic for attractingmates (Kendeigh 1941), for increasing opportunities for bigamy (Freed 1986b),or for ensuringthe availabilityof surplus nest sites if the first nesting attempt fails. But high densities of dummy nests may also protect actual nest sites from search-strategypredators, as is evident in Marsh Wrens (Leonard and Picman 1987). If Tree Swallows nest in boxes defendedby male House Wrens,then a dummynest strategyis negatedby the presenceof swallow eggs. Wrens began building nests in boxes on my studyareas6 days earlieron averagethan swallows (two-way ANOVA with factors year and species; species effect:P < 0.05). Although Tree Swallowsgenerallyarriveon North American breedinggroundsearlierthan House Wrens (G. Holroyd, pers. comm.), territory-settlement dates in swallowsare not relatedto timing of egg laying (Stutchburyand Robertson 1987b). Latebreedingswallowsnestedunsuccessfullyin seven of eightboxes that containeddummy nests built by wrens. If swallows nest in an "empty" box that is defendedby a multiple-nestHouse Wren, then the wren may interferewith the swallow nest duringa territorialvisit. If some or all eggs are destroyedby wrens, swallowsmay abandon the nest site, and then the box will returnto its originalcondition, that of a dummy nest. In this study,wreninterferenceat swallownests often preceded or accompanied whole-clutch failure.Destroyingactive swallow nests has advantages for wrens if the function of a dummy nest is to deceive predators.Just as predation rates are reducedin areas where old nests have accumulated(Watts 1987), so too might search efficiencyof predatorsbe inhibited by high concentrations of empty swallow nests and wren dummy nests. Becausecavity-nestpredatorsare also likely to prey upon the contents of open nests, high densities of empty nests of any type may benefitHouseWrens.By destroyingthe eggs of open-nestingand cavity-nestingbirds (Kendeigh 1941, Belles-Islesand Picman 1986b) and forcingpairsto nest furtheraway, House Wrens may causereducedpredationratesin the locality of their own nest sites. OFHOUSEWRENSAND TREESWALLOWS 683 NESTINGSUCCESS Other possible advantagesto destroyingeggs in hole nests include: (1) cannibalism and diet augmentation(Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b, Brown and Brown 1988), (2) freeing the cavity so that a House Wren pair can readily renest in a surplus site if their first attempt fails; (3) for males, attractingfemales by displayingsuperior mate quality as advertisedby his ability to defend surplus cavities (Kendeigh 1941); (4) reducing risks of nest usurpationby spacingnests of secondarycavity-nestersmore widely apart; (5) reducingrisksof eggdestruction,eggdumping (Priceet al. 1989), extra-paircopulations(Johnson and Kermott 1989), and mate theft by increasingdistancesbetweenconspecificpairs(e.g., Tree Swallows,Muldal et al. 1985);(6) reducing nest-mate competition in broods parasitizedby conspecifics(sensu Brown and Brown 1988, see also Lombardo et al. 1989), and (7) reducing local competition for other resourceslike food or foraging substrate (Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b). The seventh point is also an alternative explanationfor destructionof open nests (BellesIsles and Picman 1986b).Unlike the empty-nest hypothesis, however, the food-competition hypothesis does not accountfor indiscriminatedestructionof open nests by House Wrensregardless of whether their diet or foraginghabits are similar to that of the "competing"species. Nor does it explain why nest-destroyingbehavior is suppressedin males afterpairingand in females afteregglayingwhen energyrequirementsshould be higher (Belles-Islesand Picman 1986b). As no wrens have ever been observed to eat the eggs that they puncturedor ejected (BellesIsles and Picman 1986b), it is safe to rule out diet supplementationas a major reason for egg destruction.Though House Wrens may benefit from the destructionof hole nests for the other six reasons listed, these reasons do not readily explain the evolution of egg destructionbecause they do not account for the destructionof open nests. Factors two, four, and five explain intraspecific interactions only. Nor does factor two explain why female wrens (not just males) destroy nests. And factor six does not answerwhy wrensdestroythe nestsof TreeSwallows,a species that foragesin the air on a differentfood supply. Perhaps House Wrens are genetically "programmed"to destroy a neighbor'seggs on sight even when there is no immediate advantage.Indiscriminatedestructionof open and hole nests may be naturallyselected if the trait results in fewerbehavioralerrorsthan one involving a reasoning process (i.e., deciding to destroy or not). In otherwords,harmingothersmay benefitwrens more often than not. But, if harmingothersdoes not rendermanifest or potential benefits to the harmer,it can be interpretedas spitefulbehavior (sensu Hamilton 1970). Though spiteful behavior is feasiblein interspecificrelationshipswhere kinshipis zero (Hamilton 1970), it is an unlikely reasonfor nest destroyingbehaviorby wrensbecause destructionis nonselective,i.e., directedat conspecificsand heterospecificswho may or may not possess the trait; it seems to be inherent to all wrens(Belles-Islesand Picman 1986b);it carries the potentiallyhigh cost of retaliation;and it affordsmany plausible advantages.Possibly, no single factor or advantageis responsiblefor the selection of egg puncturingby male and female wrens. Interspecificcompetition for limited numbers of nest sites is yet anotherfactorthat mightcause HouseWrensto interferewith TreeSwallownests. If swallows occupy a high proportionof boxes, then wrens have fewer nest sites from which to choose.MaleHouseWrenshave highreturnrates to breedingsites that they occupied the year before (Drilling and Thompson 1988). Returning wrens may try to usurp occupied boxes within their territories.Despite intrusions at swallow nests, however, only a few swallow boxes were actuallyconfiscatedby nestingwrens, suggesting that wrens did not destroy most swallow nests for purposes of unsurpation.By building nests earlier,House Wrensseeminglyavoided agonistic interactionswith swallows.Wrensmay build nestsearlierthanswallowsto reducecompetition for nest cavities among conspecifics or among species. Stutchburyand Robertson(1987b) suggested that swallows in Ontario timed their egg layingfor mid-Mayto benefitfrom synchronous breeding and favorable environmental conditions. Also, because swallows typically choose nest sites in open meadows and woodland edges (Munro and Rounds 1985), interior woodlands may be less preferredby them. Hence, swallows that breed later than averagein woodlandsmay be floaters using suboptimal sites (e.g., Stutchbury and Robertson 1987a). Lack of swallow nestingon two of three study areas supportsthe interpretationthat swallows avoided nesting in interiorwoodlandswherewrenswere abundant, 684 M. FINCH DEBORAH even thoughthey wereobservedin adjacentopen areas. In conclusion,interferenceby House Wrensat Tree Swallownests may be more relatedto territorial defense of dummy nests and nest-protectiontacticsthanto attemptsto usurpnest sites. AlthoughI have listed numerouspossible explanations, an experimentalapproachis needed to factor out the underlyingreason(s)for wren interferenceand egg destruction.To test the hypothesis that high concentrationsof empty nests discouragepredation at active nests, I recommend that densities of empty nests (in boxes or in the open)be experimentallyincreasedin study areas containingmultiple active nests of House Wrensor an alternatespecies. The null hypothesis of no effect on predatorsis rejectedif nest predation is (1) higher in study areas with no treatment (spatial control) than in treatment areas,and (2) higherin the same areasin year(s) prior to treatment (temporal control) than in treatmentyear(s).Bothtemporaland spatialcontrols are recommendedto accountand adjustfor naturalvariationin nesting success by area and year. Testing the reverse hypothesis, that predation at wren nests is increasedin areashaving high densitiesof nests with prey,will not support or refutethe empty-nesthypothesis. But, if this second hypothesis is also supported,then nestdestroyingbehaviorhastwo advantagesforHouse Wrens,i.e., creatingempty nests that deterpredators and eliminatingactive nests that facilitate predation.The ratioof emptyto active nestsmay then act as a dynamiccontinuumthat selects for the evolution of eggdestructionby House Wrens. The study design for the active-nest hypothesis would parallelthat used for the empty-nest hypothesis, expect that real eggs (e.g., quail eggs) would be added to experimentalnests. BETWEEN COMPETITION ASYMMETRICAL WRENSAND SWALLOWS By destroyingswallownests and controllingsurplus nest sites, House Wrenspreventaccess and successful breeding by swallows; such interactions areusuallyconsideredcompetitive(Dhondt and Eyckerman1980). Asymmetricalcompetition occurswhen one species is more negatively affectedthan the other (Connell 1983, Schoener 1983, Persson 1985). In this study,House Wrens dominatedinteractionswith swallowsby (1) destroyingeggs and nests of swallows, (2) having few or no nests damagedor usurpedby swallows, and (3) having higher nesting success. Interference competition, defined as immediate exclusion of a competing individual from a resource (Ricklefs 1979), was the most obvious type of interspecificcompetition in this study. House WrensexcludedTree Swallowsfrom nest boxes by destroyingswallownests, forcingthem to nest elsewhere (see also Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b). After the first year, interference rates were greaterat swallow nests than at wren nests and were associated with low survival of swallow clutches. This evidence suggests that swallows were less successful than nesting wrens at defending nests from intruders (but see Kuerzi 1941), or were less likely or less able to invade wrennests. AlthoughTree Swallowsdestroyeggs andusurpterritoriesofconspecifics(Harris1979), they have not been reportedto regularlydestroy the nests of other species (but see Butler and Campbell 1987). Furthermore,swallows apparently do not defend multiple surplusnests from other species (Robertson and Gibbs 1982, but see Rendell and Robertson 1989), althoughthey can prevent conspecific access to empty boxes throughterritorialdefense of active nests (Robertsonet al. 1986). By generalizingnest-destroying behaviorto includeotherspecies(Belles-Isles and Picman 1986b),possibly in relationto multiple nest control, House Wrens outcompete swallows for boxes. Exploitation competition, in which resource availability is diminished for some animals throughuse by others (Alataloet al. 1987), may operate secondarily in wren-swallow relationships. For example, by occupyingboxes earlier and by having higher population levels than swallows (Finch 1989b), House Wrens may indirectly reduce the availability of nest sites for Tree Swallows. Establishmentof dummy nests by wrensalso may deterswallowsfrom nest-box settlement.Results from this study cannot support or refute the concept of exploitation competition because they are subjectto other interpretations;however, the results from this study do offer new directions for future experimental tests. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Interspecific competition may be minimized when cavity resourcesare partitionedin space. When boxes are distributedin a wide variety of habitats,TreeSwallowsreadilychoose those that NESTING SUCCESSOF HOUSE WRENSAND TREESWALLOWS are in or adjacent to open areas (Rustad 1972, Munro and Rounds 1985), whereas House Wrens prefer boxes that are in tree and shrub habitats (Willner et al. 1983, Munro and Rounds 1985). House Wrens also select natural cavities in shorter trees and snags than those preferred by Tree Swallows (Stauffer and Best 1982). By introducing nest boxes, competitive interactions between species may be artificially increased, particularly when boxes are placed at the same height or in habitats where both species coexist. Boxes may be more attractive or more easily found than natural nest sites, resulting in shifts away from use of natural cavities (Gustafsson 1988). Moreover, population densities of secondary cavitynesters often increase after introduction of nest boxes (Gustafsson 1988). Thus, establishment of nest-box plots is an excellent means of experimentally inducing interspecific competition. On the other hand, if the purpose of nest-box establishment is to enhance habitats for cavity-nesting species, then standardized placement of boxes may not provide suitable nest-site resources for targeted species, especially if some species exclude boxes from others. By spacing boxes widely apart in a broad range of habitat patches and heights, managers may increase box access and species use. 685 spatialheterogeneityon ground-nestdepredation. J. Wildl. Manage.44:806-813. BRAWN, J. D. 1987. Density effectson reproduction of cavity nesters in northernArizona. Auk 104: 783-787. BRAWN, J. D., AND R. P. BALDA. 1987. Investigations of density interactionsamong breedingbirds in ponderosa pine forests: correlative and experimental evidence. Oecologia72:348-357. BRAWN, J. D., AND R. P. BALDA. 1988. 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