Approved December 9, 2013 1 Table of Contents Constitution Preamble Name Mission Statement Responsibilities Membership Organization & Operation Advisor Executive Committee Representatives Meetings Elections Amendments Adoption 3-8 By-Laws Rush 9-19 3 3 3 3 4 5-8 5 5-6 6 7 7-8 8 8 Definitions Rush Calendar Closed Rush Alcohol & Illegal Drugs Greek Fair Activities Fair Rush Parties Preference Policy Rush Etiquette Family Members Due Process Colonization Pledging/Association Requirements Social Policy Scholarship Service/ Philanthropy Financial Obligations Hazing Arbitration IFC Violations Judicial Procedure Approved December 9, 2013 2 9-12 9 9 9-10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14-15 15 16 16-17 17-18 18-19 Constitution of the Interfraternity Council At Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Preamble We, the men’s social Fraternities of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, realizing the need to strengthen the Fraternity system, to promote leadership, education, service, and to uphold the unbiased regulation of interfraternity affairs, do hereby establish and subscribe to this Constitution. Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the Interfraternity Council of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, hereafter known as “IFC”. Article II: Mission Statement The IFC is designed to be a self-governing body which strives to promote the continuation and improvement of Greek life. Article III: Responsibilities Section 1: Rush IFC shall provide a structured and effective rush program. Section 2: Social Affairs IFC shall sponsor activities that encourage interfraternal association. Section 3: Scholarship IFC shall promote high academic standards amongst the Greek community. Section 4: Service IFC shall organize and encourage Greek participation in philanthropic events in the community. Section 5: Arbitration IFC shall mediate inter-fraternal disputes when necessary. Section 6: Colonization IFC shall oversee the admission of additional men’s social fraternities into the Greek community of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in accordance with the IFC by-laws. Approved December 9, 2013 3 Article IV: Membership Section 1: Full Membership All men’s social Fraternities within the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology community must be represented on the IFC, and hereafter will be referred to as Members. Section 2: Probationary Membership Upon receiving approval for colonization from the Institute, a Fraternity is admitted to IFC as a Probationary Member and assumes all the responsibilities thereof. Section 3: Admission into Full Membership Probationary members shall receive full membership with a ¾ unanimous vote of the IFC upon verification of the following criteria: A. Scholarship - The Probationary Member’s cumulative GPA must be at or above 2.50. B. Service – The Probationary Member must participate in at least two (2) IFC sponsored service events. 75% of the member’s body must participate at each event. C. IFC Attendance – The representative for the Probationary Member must attend at least 75% of the weekly IFC meetings per quarter. D. Application for Full Membership – The Probationary Member shall be considered for full membership upon submitting a report detailing the completion of the above items after at least six months from the date of admission to probationary status. Section 4: Rights of Membership A. Full Membership 1. Members are entitled to appoint two representatives to the IFC. 2. Representatives of Members are eligible to run for a position on the Executive Committee. B. Probationary Membership 1. Probationary Members are entitled to appoint one representative to the IFC. 2. Representatives of Probationary Members are not eligible to run for a position on the Executive Committee. Approved December 9, 2013 4 Article V: Organization & Operation Section 1: Advisor The Associate Dean of Students for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology shall serve as the advisor to the IFC. The advisor shall hold no direct influence over IFC decisions, having no vote on IFC matters. Section 2: Executive Committee The Executive Committee (EC) is the body through which IFC policy is enacted. Its members do not vote on IFC matters. The EC shall be made up of the following members: A. President 1. It is the duty of the President to call and preside over IFC meetings. 2. The President may call special meetings in accordance with Article V, Section 4 and the IFC by-laws. 3. In the case of a tie, the President shall serve as the deciding vote for IFC decisions. 4. The President must create an IFC meeting agenda for every IFC meeting. B. Vice President 1. In accordance with IFC by-laws, the Vice President must preside over IFC meetings in the absence of the President. 2. The Vice-President shall be in charge of the IFC mailing list and IFC website. 3. The Vice President shall serve as Parliamentarian for the IFC. C. Secretary/Treasurer 1. Secretarial Responsibilities i. The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance and online distribution of IFC minutes. ii. The Secretary/Treasurer will keep an accurate attendance record for all IFC meetings. 2. Treasury Responsibilities i. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all expenses. ii. The Secretary/Treasurer must display the amount of money currently in IFC account on every IFC meeting agenda. iii. The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for collecting dues from each constituent chapter. The amount of dues collected from each constituent chapter will be determined using procedure outlined in By-laws (8:A:1). Approved December 9, 2013 5 D. Rush Chairmen 1. The Co-Rush Chairmen shall coordinate the fall rush program. 2. The fall rush program must include, but is not limited to, the preparation and distribution of a schedule for one informal and two formal rush parties in accordance with IFC by-laws. 3. Must have participated in official fall rush as an active member of the respective fraternity. 4. The Co-Rush Chairmen are responsible for the preparation of the IFC rush booklet, due be distributed to the freshman class each fall. 5. The Co-Rush Chairmen are responsible for coordinating the Greek Activities Fair. This fair is an event that is open to all eight RoseHulman fraternities and to all men with a desire to rush. E. Greek Activities Chairman 1. The Greek Activities Chair shall serve as the IFC’s representative on the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology IM Council. 2. The Greek Activities Chair shall coordinate IFC involvement in the quarterly campus blood drives. 3. It is the responsibility of the Greek Activities Chair to plan and prepare for the IFC-sponsored Greek Games, to be held in the spring academic quarter. 4. The Greek Activities Chair shall assist the Office of Student Affairs with the planning and preparation of other IFC-sponsored functions. 5. Plan and execute a winter and spring Greek activity. F. Public Relations Chairman 1. The PR Chair shall serve as the public voice of the IFC. 2. It is the responsibility of the PR Chair to coordinate IFC presence at the fall student activities fair. 3. The PR Chair shall keep the campus community informed of IFC events through the Residence Hall Staff. 4. The PR Chair shall coordinate with the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology External Affairs Department as needed. 5. The PR Chair will be responsible for any philanthropy event that involves IFC, including the yearly IFC sponsored Philanthropy event. 6. Plan and execute at least one community philanthropy event per quarter. 7. The PR Chair is responsible for publishing a Greek Newsletter at least once per quarter. Section 3: Representatives A. IFC Responsibilities 1. A Representative holds one vote on all IFC matters. 2. If a Representative is unable to attend an IFC meeting, he must appoint a member of his chapter to attend in his stead. Approved December 9, 2013 6 3. Representatives may also serve on committees created by the EC chairmen. B. Selection – Representatives are appointed to the IFC by their respective Fraternities in accordance with Article V, Section 5. Section 4: Meetings A. Regular Meetings 1. Weekly IFC meetings shall be scheduled by the President. 2. The President may cancel IFC meetings with at least 4 hours advance notice. 3. Three-fourths of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. 4. A simple majority vote shall decide any matter of organizational business. 5. Any amendments to the IFC By-laws must be approved by a simple majority and must take place in new or old business. 6. Any financial transactions that will be supported by IFC, with the expectation of IFC aid described in By-laws (7:A:1-3), must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the IFC Representatives. Approval of these transactions can only transpire during a scheduled IFC meeting. 7. All meetings shall be run in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, except when in conflict with this Constitution, the IFC by-laws or IFC judicial procedures. Section 5: Elections A. Schedule 1. A “term of service” shall be defined as the period of time between the installation of a new Executive Committee and the following Executive Committee elections. 2. Nominations for all Executive Committee positions shall be open during the first two IFC meetings of the calendar year. 3. Elections to the Executive Committee shall be held during the third meeting of the calendar year. 4. New Executive Committee officers shall be installed in the meeting following the elections. 5. IFC Members shall appoint new Representatives during the weeks while nominations are open. The new Representatives must be initiated members of their respective fraternity and will begin their respective terms of service when the new officers are installed. B. Eligibility 1. IFC Representatives wishing to run for executive office must have served at least one quarter prior by the day of elections. 2. Representatives serving the IFC before the adoption of this Constitution will be eligible for the election immediately following said adoption. Approved December 9, 2013 7 C. Procedure 1. A “candidate” shall be defined as a current or past Representative who is nominated and seconded for an Executive Committee position. 2. The elections shall be held in the following order: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Rush Chairmen, Greek Activities Chairman, and finally Public Relations Chairman. 3. Candidates for each position will be given two minutes to speak regarding their election platform. 4. After speaking, the floor will be opened for IFC questions directed to the candidates. 5. The candidates will be removed from the meeting room, and the floor will remain open for discussion of the current position up for election. 6. When discussion is closed, a majority vote will decide the winner. 7. When a “Candidate” is nominated for a position they shall also be automatically nominated for all subsequent positions. Article VI: Amendments Section 1: Procedure A. A proposed amendment must be distributed to the IFC Representatives at least one week prior to holding a vote. At the following meeting, the floor must be opened for discussion of the amendment before a vote can take place. B. An amendment may be ratified on the same week if there is a three-fourths majority vote of the present IFC representatives. If a majority is received the floor will be opened for discussion of the amendment before a vote for approval takes place. Section 2: Approval A. A three-fourths majority vote of the present IFC is required in order for the amendment to take effect. Article VII: Adoption A unanimous vote of the IFC is required for the adoption of this Constitution. When approved, the Constitution will take effect at the start of the meeting immediately following the adoption vote. Approved December 9, 2013 8 By-Laws of the Interfraternity Council at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Section 1: Rush A. Definitions 1. A rushee is defined as any first-year male Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology student who is neither 21 years of age nor recognized as a transfer student from an accredited college or university by RoseHulman Institute of Technology. 2. A member is defined as an initiate, alumnus or pledge/associate of a Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology fraternity, regardless of any athletic of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology club affiliation. 3. A rush function is defined as any event sponsored by a Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology fraternity or a Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology fraternity member at which a rushee is present. 4. Normal social interaction is defined as a polite greeting or a response to a salutation. Discussion of anything pertaining to rush or an individual chapter does not constitute normal social interaction. B. Rush Calendar 1. Fall rush will be scheduled and regulated by IFC during each Fall Quarter. The IFC co-rush chairmen in conjunction with the rush chairs of each chapter will prepare a rush calendar which includes, but is not limited to, dates for: open and closed rush, informal and formal rush parties, and Preference Tuesday. 2. The rush calendar will be approved by IFC no later than week 9 of spring quarter. 3. Residence halls will be open on all days not specified as closed rush during the hours of 8:00am to 10:00pm. Public areas of the residence halls [lobbies and hallways only] will be open Sunday through Thursday during the hours of 10:00pm to 1:00am and Friday at 8:00am through Sunday at 3:00am unless otherwise specified as closed rush. 4. Fraternity houses will be open Sunday through Thursday during the hours of 8:00am to 1:00am and Friday through Sunday during the hours of 8:00am to 3:00am unless otherwise specified as closed rush, the date and time specified on a social registration form, or when an individual chapter has clearly indicated that its house is closed. This rule also applies to any member’s private residence or “satellite house” where chapter members live. C. Closed Rush 1. Closed rush begins upon a rushee's acceptance of enrollment into RoseHulman Institute of Technology. With exception of IFC sponsored events, the dates that are specified as closed rush hold the following restrictions: i. No rush functions are permitted. Approved December 9, 2013 9 ii. No contact outside of normal social interaction is permitted between members and rushees. iii. No rushees are permitted to be in chapter houses, a member’s private residence or “satellite houses” where chapter members live. iv. No members are permitted to be in residence halls where rushees are present. This rule does not apply to Resident Assistants, Sophomore Advisors, residents of the hall, or students pursuing justifiable academic endeavors. 2. Rush must be closed on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the RoseHulman Homecoming. 3. Rush must be closed Thursday through Sunday of the Rose-Hulman Fall Break. D. Alcohol & Illegal Drugs 1. Members may not be in the presence of a rushee while under the influence of alcohol or consuming alcohol. Members may not provide alcohol to anyone, members or non-members, while in the presence of a rushee. This includes when a rushee is present at the chapter house, member’s private residence, or “satellite house” where chapter members live. Furthermore, rushees may not be offered alcohol by a member nor may they be in the presence of a member while under the influence of alcohol. 2. Illegal drugs are not permitted in any circumstance. 3. Members may not purchase alcohol or illegal drugs for a rushee. E. Greek Fair 1. Fair Definition: A gathering of members, as defined in the IFC bylaws section 1.A.2, that will occur at the start of the fall academic quarter. The purpose of the “Greek Fair” is to showcase Greek life at RoseHulman Institute of Technology. 2. Greek Fair will occur at a time determined by the IFC Co-chairmen 3. All members of both fraternities and sororities are encouraged to attend. 4. Dress Code for members: a. Members cannot wear anything that shows affiliation to a particular fraternity b. Members are encouraged to wear “Greek Life” shirts as provided by Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 5. Greek Fair will follow “Greek Fair social interaction” a. Members may not discuss anything related to any other particular chapter, b. Members are encouraged to promote formal rush to rushes c. Members are encouraged to promote Greek life in general d. Members may discuss, in a limited amount, their own chapter Approved December 9, 2013 10 6. Each Fraternity is will be given an individual table. There are to be only 5 people per fraternity around their table. Fraternities are only allowed to hand out fraternity specific things behind their specified table. F. Activities Fair 1. Fair Definition: Fall quarter gathering of extracurricular clubs from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology sponsored by the Student Activities Office 2. Fraternities are limited to a maximum of 10 members at the fair unless extra members are there for the purpose of supporting a Rose-Hulman club of which they are a member. 3. Members of fraternities must conduct themselves in a way so that they do not interfere with the normal operations of the activities fair. 4. Normal social interaction applies to the activities fair. If fraternity members are representing another organization or visiting the fair, they are not permitted to wear fraternity specific clothing or speak about their fraternity. G. Rush Parties 1. There will be two [2] formal rush parties and one [1] informal rush open house. 2. 1st Formals shall have a duration of 30 minutes. Dates and times of all other formal rush parties and informal rush open-houses will be determined by the IFC co-rush chairmen. 3. Rushees attending all formal rush parties will be determined by the IFC co-rush chairmen. The names of all rushees wishing to attend specific formal rush parties must be obtained by the IFC co-rush chairmen and presented to each chapter along with a schedule at least 36 hours in advance of each formal rush party. The schedule must be presented to rushees at least 24 hours in advance of each formal rush party. 4. Rushees may attend only one formal rush party per chapter per formal rush weekend. 5. Rushees may attend a maximum of six [6] formal rush parties during the second formal rush weekend. 6. Formal rush parties will be scheduled to allow forty-five minutes of travel time between chapters. Chapters will be responsible for transporting rushees to and from their houses. The rushees must be returned to their residence halls at least twenty minutes prior to the beginning of the next scheduled party for off campus, and fifteen minutes for on campus. 7. Rush will be closed after informals and dorm-storming until 8:00 AM the next morning 8. Rush will be closed after the last scheduled formal rush party until 5:00pm on Preference Tuesday, when preference rules take effect. 9. No fraternity may have a rush event during an IFC sponsored event. Approved December 9, 2013 11 H. Preference Policy 1. Fraternities are not permitted to extend written preferences to rushees until Preference Tuesday. 2. Fraternities are not permitted to extend oral preferences to rushees until the second formal rush weekend. 3. Every chapter must submit to the IFC faculty advisor a list of rushees who are to receive preferences from that fraternity by the time designated by the IFC faculty advisor. It is the responsibility of the IFC faculty advisor to place the preference cards into an envelope for each rushee receiving a preference. Every rushee’s envelope will contain at minimum a NO PREFERENCE card. 4. Rushees are responsible for attending the preference-signing session on Preference Tuesday. The IFC faculty advisor will schedule the time and location of the aforementioned preference-signing session. At this session, a rushee will receive an envelope containing the preference cards that were extended to him along with the NO PREFERENCE card. Rushees may sign only one card, making all other preference cards invalid at that time. A rushee with no signed cards will be considered as having NO PREFERENCE. No rushee will be able to sign after 8am on preference Tuesday. 5. A rushee signing a NO PREFERENCE card or having NO PREFERENCE on Preference Tuesday will have one week of no contact from that date with all fraternities. The no contact rule does not apply to new pledges/associates of all fraternities. After this period, chapters wishing to offer the rushee a preference card may do so. 6. A rushee becomes a pledge or associate in the eyes of IFC when he signs a preference card. I. Rush Etiquette 1. Each chapter is responsible for the actions of its members. 2. Every chapter is responsible for educating its members on the information contained in Section 1. 3. When in residence halls between the hours of 6:00pm and 9:00pm, a fraternity is permitted a maximum of twenty minutes in a room unless there is no other fraternity waiting to speak with the rushee. 4. When members are inside a rushee’s room, the door must remain open. 5. While in contact with a rushee, no member shall refer to any other chapter by anything other than that chapter’s full name or a nickname designated as OK by the chapter being referenced. 6. Members will not slander another chapter or answer questions pertaining to any chapter other than their own. 7. No fraternity shall use unaffiliated upperclassman to talk to rushees negatively about another fraternity. Approved December 9, 2013 12 H. Family Members 1. Family members of a rushee may exempt themselves from rush rules regarding limitations on contact and interaction between themselves and the rushee. However all rules still apply between the rushee and all other fraternity members, including the family member’s fraternity. Section 2: Due Process A. Executive Vacancies 1. Executive committee members that are unable to fulfill their obligation of one full term of service for any reason must be replaced during the first IFC meeting following the resignation. 2. The procedure to fill an Executive Committee vacancy follows the standard procedure for electing Executive Committee members. Newly elected members will assume their positions at the following regularly scheduled IFC meeting. 3. In the case of the resignation of the President, the IFC Vice President will preside over the election meeting in accordance with the IFC constitution. 4. Current executive committee members are eligible for nomination to the vacant position with the following conditions: i. If elected, the newly vacated executive committee position must be filled using the procedure outlined in Section 2:A. ii. The current President may not run for other vacant executive committee positions. B. Representative Vacancies 1. A representative that misses three [3] meetings without replacements in an academic quarter is considered to be delinquent. 2. The delinquent member is no longer considered an IFC member and the represented chapter loses their vote until he is replaced. 3. Delinquent representatives must be replaced by the member chapter upon receiving notification from the IFC Secretary/Treasurer. 4. Upon the 4th absence the Secretary/Treasurer should notify EC and the respective representative. Section 3: Colonization A. IFC Approval 1. Fraternities wishing to obtain IFC’s approval to colonize at RoseHulman Institute of Technology must provide proof of the following: i. The colony must have selected and received the support of a North-American Interfraternity Conference [NIC]. ii. The colony membership must have a cumulative GPA greater than or equal to the all men’s fraternity average. Approved December 9, 2013 13 iii. The colony must demonstrate a commitment to philanthropy or community service. 2. A ¾ vote is required to approve a fraternity’s request to colonize at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. B. Consideration Procedure 1. Fraternities wishing to colonize will present their case to IFC during a regularly scheduled meeting. 2. After the presentation, the floor will be opened for questions and discussion. 3. Voting for approval will take place during the next regularly scheduled meeting in accordance to (3:A:2). 4. A fraternity that does not obtain approval of its request to colonize may present its case again no sooner than the next academic quarter. Section 4: Pledging/Association Requirements A. Grade Requirements 1. A fraternity may offer a preference card to any rushee irrespective of GPA. 2. A freshman having a GPA below 2.0 may not participate in the pledge/associate program of any chapter. B. Depledging/Disassociation – A man must wait a minimum of one [1] academic quarter after de-pledging/disassociating before pledging a different fraternity. Section 5: Social Policy A. Requirements for Social Functions 1. Chapters must comply with all federal, state and local laws when planning and holding a social function or party. 2. Social functions or parties where alcohol is to be served must be registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least 48 hours prior to the start time of the event. 3. Attendance must be limited to three hundred [300] people or the maximum safe occupancy of the building, whichever is smaller. 4. Advertisements for social functions or parties distributed on campus or to the public may not contain references to alcohol. B. Alcohol Restrictions 1. Chapters may not provide alcohol for mass consumption [beer trucks, kegs, etc.] 2. Chapters are not permitted to serve hard liquor. 3. Chapters are not permitted to sell alcohol. Approved December 9, 2013 14 Section 6: Scholarship A. GPA Standard 1. Chapters are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. 2. Failure to maintain the required GPA will result in a chapter’s move to Probationary Membership with regard to IFC. 3. Chapters receiving Probationary Membership are restored to Full Membership immediately upon receiving a satisfactory cumulative GPA. Section 7: Service/Philanthropy A. IFC will financially support the charitable organizations that are the focus of chapter’s philanthropic events. For every dollar a chapter raises for a charitable organization, IFC will give additional ten cents to that organization. The donation will be in the name of both IFC and the chapter. Also, a donation shall not exceed four hundred dollars. B. In order to receive the financial support the following conditions must be met. 1. A receipt from the charitable organization of the chapter’s donation must be submitted to the IFC Secretary/Treasurer 2. This receipt must be given to the IFC Secretary/Treasurer within six months of the philanthropic event. 3. A Funding Request Form must be filled out and presented to IFC. C. IFC can also financially support a chapter’s running of a philanthropic event. In order for this to transpire, a motion must be passed in the new business of an IFC meeting. For a given philanthropic event; a chapter will not be allowed to receive both financial support to run the event, and financial support directly to the charitable organization. This type of financial support will not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars. D. In order to receive IFC’s financial support of a chapter’s philanthropic event the following conditions must be met. 1. The IFC contribution shall not exceed that of the chapter. Therefore, in order to receive the full one hundred and fifty dollars, the chapter must also be contributing at least one hundred and fifty dollars to the planning of the events. 2. Proof of the chapter’s contribution is necessary in order to receive the IFC funds. E. IFC may support other organizations philanthropic events up to $250. Section 8: Financial Obligation A. IFC Dues 1. Quarterly chapter dues will be set by the IFC Secretary/Treasurer before the start of each academic quarter. 2. Dues must be paid by each member chapter by the ninth [9th] week of each academic quarter. Approved December 9, 2013 15 3. The IFC Secretary/Treasurer will set policy regarding fees for late payment. Policy cannot take affect until after respective fraternity has been notified for two weeks. B. Delinquency 1. Chapters that fail to pay dues for three [3] consecutive academic quarters will be moved to probationary membership in accordance with the IFC constitution. i. In addition to the probationary chapter receiving only one voting representative, the Secretary/Treasurer will send a formal letter to the chapter’s National Headquarters notifying them of the probationary status. 2. If a member of a new probationary chapter is on EC, they will be removed. 3. Election for that position will be held the following IFC meeting in accordance with Section 2:A of the By-Laws. 4. The probationary chapter will be restored to full membership immediately upon payment of all unpaid dues, but the changes to the EC are permanent. Section 9: Hazing A. Definition 1. Any form of physical abuse 2. Any activity that might reasonably be expected to bring embarrassment or psychological harm to the individual 3. Any activity that might reasonably be expected to bring physical harm to the individual 4. Any activity that might reasonably be expected to degrade or otherwise compromise the dignity of the individual 5. Any activity that might reasonably be expected to require an unreasonable or inordinate amount of the individual’s time, or in any manner impair the individual’s academic efforts 6. Any activity that might reasonably be expected to make the individual an object of amusement or ridicule 7. The required consumption of any liquid, gas or solid matter 8. Any requirement which compels an individual to participate in any activity which is illegal or contrary to the individual’s genuine moral and/or religious beliefs, or contrary to the rules and regulations of the educational institution. B. Conduct 1. No chapter shall conduct any hazing activities. 2. Each member and pledge shall refuse to participate in any hazing activity, and shall refuse to permit hazing from being inflicted upon themselves and others. Approved December 9, 2013 16 3. Conduct of each fraternity shall follow the guidelines set in the RoseHulman Institute of Technology Student Handbook. Section 10: Arbitration A. Petition Process 1. Outside groups wishing to address an issue before the Council must submit a letter to the IFC President in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting (unless otherwise specified within the IFC bylaws) with the following details: i. Reason for the petition. ii. If the petition is for community service aid, the amount of aid being requested. 2. The representatives of the petitioning chapter will present the details to the Council during new business. 3. The floor will be opened for questions and discussion. 4. The IFC President has the power to honor or deny any petitions. B. Non-Trial Issues 1. Chapters wishing to address concerns that do not require a trial may request an open forum at the next regularly scheduled IFC meeting. 2. The IFC President will moderate the open forum. 3. The issue will be addressed by the representatives of the chapter bringing the request. 4. The floor will then be opened for discussion until the issue is sufficiently resolved. C. Litigation 1. Motion for investigation is submitted to the IFC President along with evidence of a violation. 2. The IFC President, Vice President and Advisor will meet with the accused chapter’s president and IFC representatives, the chapter/party representatives responsible for bringing the charges, and any other involved parties within 72 hours of the motion to allow for the following: i. Determination of the specifics of the case. ii. The accused chapter to ask questions of the other involved parties. iii. The chapter bringing the charges to offer rebuttal questions and evidence. 3. The IFC President, Vice President and Advisor will then decide if the case is strong enough to go to trial. 4. The IFC President must set the trial date and time within 48 hours of the decision to proceed. 5. Trial format will follow the procedures outlined in Section 12. Approved December 9, 2013 17 6. If either or both the IFC President and Vice-President are of the accused fraternity, then the next officer(s) in line from Article V Section 2 (with the exception of the Secretary/Treasurer) will take over their duties and roles in regard to litigation. D. Investigation 1. The investigation parties must have a neutral 3rd party present at the time of questioning. Section 11: IFC Violations A. Level I 1. Any violation of section 1.D where the safety and/or health of the rushee is compromised. B. Level II 1. Any violation of section 1.D where the safety and/or health of the rushee is not compromised. C. Level III 1. Any other violation of section 1. Section 12: Judicial Procedure A. Trial Roles 1. The IFC President shall serve as the Judge. 2. The IFC Vice President shall serve as Chief Investigator and CoCouncil for the Prosecution. 3. The IFC Representatives will vote for one [1] representative or EC member to serve as the second Co- Council for the Prosecution. 4. The IFC Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as the Bailiff and Court Reporter. 5. The Chapter President or another appointed member and the IFC representatives of the accused chapter shall serve as the Defense Council. No member of the IFC Executive Committee will be allowed to serve on the Defense Council. 6. The remaining IFC representatives shall serve as the trial jury. B. Ineligibility 1. If an IFC officer directly mentioned above is a member of the accused chapter, he must remove himself from all aspects of the trial and the next Executive Committee member in line as pertaining to Article V Section 2 will assume his role. 2. If any party specified above does not wish to involve himself in the trial, he may recluse himself and the next Executive Committee member in line as pertaining to Article V Section 2 will assume his role. Approved December 9, 2013 18 C. Trial Format 1. Opening Statements i. The Prosecution will formally announce the charge in a statement summarizing the case. ii. The Defense will formally announce its plea to the charge in a rebuttal statement. iii. The opening statements will each be no longer than five minutes. 2. Witnesses i. A list of witnesses to be called by both the Prosecution and Defense must be submitted immediately following the opening statements. ii. The Prosecution shall call their witnesses first in the order they are listed. The Defense will have the right to cross-examine. iii. The Defense will then present their witnesses in the order listed, with the Prosecution having the right to cross-examine. iv. Witnesses may not be kept on the stand for longer than 10 minutes for both the Prosecution and the Defense. v. Each party is responsible for the punctual arrival of their witnesses. 3. Closing Statements i. The Prosecution will present their closing argument after both sides have called all of their witnesses and restate the level of violation. ii. The Defense will present their closing argument at the conclusion of the Prosecution’s statement. iii. The closing statements will each be no longer than five [5] minutes. 4. Jury Deliberation i. The jury's purpose is to determine whether or not an accused fraternity is guilty of any of the three levels of violation. ii. The jury can determine which level of violation the accused chapter is guilty of, but not the punishment for any violation. iii. The jury will be excused to deliberate for no more than thirty minutes without interruption after the closing statements. iv. The jury may motion for an extension if in need of more time. v. A 3/4 vote is necessary to assign guilt. 5. Sentencing i. A level I violation will result in the loss of right to gain any new members until Preference Tuesday of the following academic year. ii. A level II violation will result in the loss of right to gain any new members until two weeks after Preference Tuesday and loss of the equivalent of 50% of the current rush. iii. A level III violation will result in the loss the next 50% of rush, with exception of informals and formals. Approved December 9, 2013 19 iv. In a level II and III violation, the number of lost rush days is 50% of the number of open rush days in the length of the rush in which the violation occurred. If the violation occurs with less than 50% of rush remaining, then the rest of the lost rush days will be carried out in the next formal rush with exception to informals and formals. 6. Appeals i. Requests for an appeal will be submitted to the IFC Advisor. ii. The appeal will be brought before a board consisting of one [1] faculty advisor from each full member chapter. iii. The board must have a 2/3 majority to overturn the jury’s decision. iv. Any resolutions must be a unanimous decision of the board. Approved December 9, 2013 20