Curriculum Vitae JULIE PRESENT KOLLER, B.A. __________________________

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Psychology
Drexel University
1505 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(650) 996-1757
2009Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology, Provost Fellow
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Graduate Level Coursework – Wharton School
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (6/05)
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (6/06)
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Undergraduate Level Coursework
Honors College
Stanford, CA
Stanford Overseas Program
Oxford, England
Stanford Overseas Program
Florence, Italy
2004Member of Cap and Gown, Stanford University’s Women’s Honors Society
Member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research
Provost Fellowship, Drexel University
2010Member of American Psychological Association
2010Member of American Psychology-Law Society
2007- 2008
Journal of Clinical Psychology
2009- 2011 Criminal Justice and Behavior
CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Community First Aid and Safety
HIPAA and Research Ethics Training – Stanford University
Peer Counseling Training and Certification for Stanford’s Bridge Peer Counseling
Center - Stanford University
Mediation Training for Santa Clara County Court System - Stanford University
Patient Oriented Research Certification – University of Pennsylvania
HIPAA Training – University of Pennsylvania
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) training - University of
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders (SCID-I) training University of Pennsylvania
Domestic violence/intake telephone counselor training - Women’s Law Project of
Stanford Undergraduate Admissions Office Alumni Interviewer training
Trained to administer, score, and interpret the WAIS-IV, WISC-IV, & WPPSI-III
Trained to administer, score, and interpret intelligence, achievement, personality,
and specialized batteries, conduct clinical interviews, and integrate collateral data
for forensic mental health assessments for civil and criminal litigation
Proficient with SPSS, HTML and web page design, MSExcel, MSAccess, MSPowerPoint,
Intermediate level of fluency in French and Italian
Clinical Psychology Associate
Supervisor: Kirk Heilbrun, Ph.D.
Forensic Mental Health Assessment Clinic
Philadelphia, PA
Assist in the evaluation and report writing of forensic mental health cases
for civil and criminal litigation
Participate in weekly group supervision
Clinical Psychology Intern
Supervisor: Linda Welsh, Ed.D.
The Anxiety and Agoraphobia Treatment Center
Bala Cynwyd, PA
Carry a caseload of 3-5 patients with anxiety and mood disorders
Participate in weekly group and individual supervision
Present case presentations at team meetings
Research Assistant
Supervisor: David DeMatteo, J.D., Ph.D.
DeMatteo Research Lab
Department of Psychology
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
Conducting a meta-analysis regarding the efficacy of mandated treatment for
substance using pregnant women
Review manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals
Collaborate in research projects regarding psychopathy, mandated treatment for
substance use, juvenile sex offenders, and gender differences in the
forensic psychology profession
Assist in forensic assessments for juvenile decertification
7/2006- 5/2008
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.
Center for Psychotherapy Research
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Primary Study Involvement
The Process of Group Therapy for Cocaine Dependence
NIDA funded grant (R01-DA018935)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.
Combined Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
NIMH funded grant (R34-MH072678)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.
Secondary Study Involvement
Patient Feedback Effectiveness Study
NIDA funded grant (R01-DA020799)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.
Psychotherapy for Major Depression in the Community
NIMH funded grant (R24-MH070698)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Paul Crits-Christoph, Ph.D.
Supportive Expressive Therapy Versus Treatment as Usual for Depression in
the Community
NIMH funded grant (K01-MH63149)
University of Pennsylvania
PI: Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons, Ph.D.
General Research Responsibilities
Institutional Review Board (IRB) correspondence for multiple studies, regarding
protocol amendments, violations, serious adverse events, annual renewals, and
progress reports
Hiring and managing of 6-8 undergraduate students at any given time- including the
training of these students, monitoring their progress on data entry tasks, the
coding of videos, administrative tasks, and literature reviews
Trained by doctoral-level psychologist to perform independent evaluations of
depression with research participants at a community mental health center, that
include the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), and the Structured
Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders (SCID-I)
Management of study regulatory binders, participant logs, informed consent form
logs, literature pertaining to various projects, study funds and monthly budget
reports, participant compensation, supply ordering
Coordinating informed consent meetings and obtaining informed consent of study
participants; coordinating psychotherapy treatment sessions of study participants
Monitoring the transfer of digital files of therapy sessions between our study
therapists and study supervisor, and archiving digital files of therapy sessions for
our data management unit
Data collection, database construction, data entry and checking, data analysis,
interpretation of findings, composition of outcome reports
Correspondence and on-site training with multiple sites for our Patient Feedback
Literature searches, literature reviews, manuscript preparation
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Dr. Rebecka Peebles, M.D
The Weight Lab
Clinic of Adolescent Medicine
Division of Pediatrics
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital/Stanford University School of
Medicine, Mountain View, CA
Reviewed an assortment of clinical chart and lab information of adolescent
eating disordered patients to update patient database
Trained in data entry, use of SPSS software, grant proposal writing,
background research and literature review, data analysis and presentation
Participated in weekly research meetings to present and discuss results,
current eating disorder research across sites, and received additional
Shadowed Dr. Peebles monthly on inpatient comprehensive care unit as she
evaluated and treated eating disordered patients
Conducted independent study under Dr. Peebles examining the relationship
between histories of childhood abuse, eating disordered behaviors, and
substance use
Reviewed patient chart information to write case summaries for insurance
companies to fund patient’s gastric bypass surgeries, and long-term inpatient treatment programs
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Dr. James Gross, Ph.D, Emma Seppala, MA
Psychophysiological Lab
Stanford University, Department of Psychology
Stanford, CA
Worked on study pertaining to empathy and emotion regulation
Recruited study participants
Administered study tasks and questionnaires to subjects
Participated in data entry and analysis, literature searches, preparing stimuli
for projects, field research, subject scheduling
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Dr. Ian Gottlieb, PhD
Mood and Anxiety Disorders Lab
Department of Psychology
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Data entry for Information-Processing Study and Study on Intergenerational
Transmission of Psychopathology
Coordinated assessments for mother-daughter dyadic participants
Marketing Research Intern
Skystream Networks
Sunnyvale, California
Developed customer targeting and segmentation profiles for Telco and
satellite markets
Analyzed customer research, industry trends, competitive intelligence reports
Coordinated and planned major trade shows
Distributed minutes from weekly sales meetings
International Business Intern
Department of Human Resources, Marketing, and Sales
Cray Valley Division of AltaFina Elf
Paris, France
Analyzed and tabulated intra-European and Europe-Asia inventory data on
sales and trading
Revised database and developed a systemized method for compiling sales
Improved French language skills by participating in bi-weekly administrative
Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Ring-Kurtz, S., Barber, J., Worley,
M., Present, J., & Hearon. B. (2008). Supportive-expressive psychodynamic therapy
for cocaine dependence: a closer look. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25, 483-498.
Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Stirman, S.W., Present, J., Temes, C.,
& Goldstein, L.A. (in press). Changes in quality of life over of the course of
psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Teaching.
Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Present, J., & Ring-Kurtz, S. (in press). A pilot
study of community-friendly manual-guided drug counseling. Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment.
Crits-Christoph, P. Newberg, A., Wintering, N, Ploessl, K., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., RingKurtz, S., Gallop, R., & Present, J. (2008). Dopamine transporter levels in cocaine
dependent subjects. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 98, 70-76.
Present, J., Gibbons, M.B., Hearon, B., Ring-Kurtz, S., Worley, M., & Crits-Christoph, P.
(2008). Sudden gains in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 64, 119-126.
Ring-Kurtz, S., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Kurtz, J., Gallop, R., Present, J., & Crits-Christoph, P.
(2008). Development and initial validation of a multi-domain self-report measure of
work functioning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(10), 761-767.
Worley, M., Gallop, R., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Ring-Kurtz, S., Present, J., Weiss, R., &
Crits-Christoph, P. (2008). Additional treatment services in a cocaine treatment study:
Level of services obtained and impact on outcome. American Journal on Addictions, 17,
Batastini, A.B., Hunt, E., Present Koller, J., & DeMatteo, D. (accepted-in press). Federal
standards for community registration of juvenile sex offenders: an evaluation of risk
prediction and future implications. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Manuscript:
DeMatteo, D., Shah, S., Strobel, M., & Present Koller, J. Treatment models for clients diverted
or mandated into drug treatment. In McCrady, B.S., & Epstein, E.E. (Eds.), Addictions: A
comprehensive guidebook (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P., Rothbard, A., Farris, K., Hearon, B., Ring-Kurtz,
S., Present, J., & Worley, M. (2007). Changes in Psychotherapy Utilization in the
Community Mental Health System. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Meeting for the
Society for Psychotherapy Research, June 20-23, Madison, Wisconsin.
Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Ring-Kurtz, S., Gallop, R., Worley, M.,
Present, J., & Hearon, B. (2007). Changes in Quality of Life over the course of
Psychotherapy. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting for the Society for
Psychotherapy Research, June 20-23, Madison, Wisconsin.
Peebles, R., Present, J., Chrisholm, L., & Lock, J.D. (2006). Substance Use, Abuse,
Purging, and Psychiatric Diagnoses in Eating Disordered Adolescents. Poster
presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting for the American Association of Child
Adolescent Psychiatry, Oct 24-26, San Diego, CA.
Present, J., Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly Gibbons, M.B., Gallop, R., Ring-Kurtz, S.,
Hearon, B., & Worley, M. (2007). Predictors of Outcome of Supportive-Expressive
Therapy Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting for
the Society for Psychotherapy Research, June 20-23, Madison, Wisconsin.
Worley, M., Crits-Christoph, P., Gibbons, M.B., Ring-Kurtz, S., Gallop, R., Present, J.,
& Hearon, B. (2007). The Impact of Non-Protocol Treatment Services on the Outcome of
Psychological Therapy for Cocaine Dependence. Poster presented at the 38th Annual
Meeting for the Society for Psychotherapy Research, June 20-23, Madison, Wisconsin.