Mary Beth Armstrong Lesson Plans Week of Jan. 5-9 2015 Monday (5) Science and Engineering Practices: Developing and Using Models To begin the new semester, students will: Be introduced to me and my class Classroom expectations/rules Sign up to Collect locker numbers Assign "Is it a Model?" Formative Assessment Magic Matter Maker demonstration/ students draw the inner workings of the magic matter maker. Tuesday (6) Science and Engineering Practices: Developing and Using Models Review classroom rules and procedures Review Monday's demo of the Magic Matter Maker Students will work in small groups to develop a group model of the Magic Matter Maker * Students will share their posters of their models of the Magic Matter Maker. Student groups will explain how they think the Magic Matter Maker works. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions of other groups. (introduce Talk Norms) * After sharing, students will make a group prediction about what would happen if we added another 1000 mL to the Magic Matter Maker. * Once predictions are done, we will retest the Magic Matter Maker. * Students will revise their models if needed. Call on random groups or survey the class to see how many models are still workable even after the re-test. * Ask students if additional tests would help them become even more confident with their models. If so, what would they want to test? Record their questions. * Test again * Survey/Additional Questions/Tests Formative Assessment: Students will reflect in their journals the following questions: What is a scientific model? What are some characteristics of scientific models? To close the lesson, students will share out their reflection questions and then we will discuss Science and Engineering Practices that we addressed in the lesson. Wednesday (7) Scientific Practices: Developing and Using Models Learning Target: I can identify examples of models and can explain and defend the rule I used to identify them using scientific reasoning. Before we begin the lesson, we will set up our science journals for our first two entries. Bell Work – (Give One/Get One) Students will be asked to write as many characteristics of scientific models as possible. After a couple minutes of brainstorming, students will give one/get one from two other classmates. We will follow this activity with a very brief discussion. After our Bell Work activity we will * Review our learning target. * Then students will get a set of cards. Some of cards contain examples of models other cards contain non-examples. * Students will work in small groups. * Students will shuffle the cards and deal them out evenly to each person in the group. Students will share their cards and discuss whether the card should be placed in the “model” group or in the “nonmodel” group. * Once most groups have their cards sorted, I will give hints to groups which will probably require them to resort. * When a group is finished, they will record the letters of the non-models on the board for comparison. * We will then have a discourse/argument session until a consensus is reached about which examples are not models. To close the lesson, students will complete a Frayer Model as a formative assessment. As students complete their Frayer model, they will revisit the “Is it a Model?” Science Probe. Students will make corrections and refine their definition before gluing it into their journals. Thursday (8) Students will take a pre-test over Fossils and Earth's History. Students will also be introduced to a 5E lesson in which students will explore and collect data to determine why a card can keep water in an inverted cup. After exploring, students will be asked to write a scientific explanation including a model that explains the phenomenon. (Introduce the parts of a scientific explanation). Review the Talk Norms. We will then have a class discussion in which students will share ideas/engage in discourse. Friday (9) My Personal Timeline Activity