ENG 100 TUTORIAL (HOW TO . . .) ASSIGNMENT Prepare a short document (600-800 words) in the form of a written tutorial. This will be modified to form a script/storyboard for a podcast or video version of your “How To . . .” project. The topic will be related to the digital tool with which you have gained experience through your work during the last week. As you write, imagine your audience to be the group of future students who will take advantage of this tool in class. Prepare a written tutorial that those students will find useful to enable them to even more quickly assimilate your topic technique into their routine work. In other words, what else would like to have been told that would have made your mastering of that technique go more smoothly? Strive to make your document, video, etc., clear, concise, and useful. Piecing together the Tutorial 1. Choose a good topic. You should start with topics wherein you have a good amount of knowledge. But if there are already a bunch of tutorials on those topic, it could be difficult to attract any traffic. Thus, its a good idea to do a quick search on Google to gauge the competition. Another good idea is to consider writing tutorials on topics that don’t have any tutorials written on them yet. Obviously, it helps if there is a need or demand for said tutorial. Usually, if you are the first person to write a comprehensive tutorial on a particular topic, there’s a good chance that your tutorial will attract all the traffic and establish a firm spot atop the search engines . . . that is, until someone writes a superior tutorial on the same topic. The next 10 tips will help prevent this from happening. 2. Clearly state the objective of your tutorial. This should be done in the title description and then once again in more detail at the very beginning of the tutorial. This gives readers an idea of what to expect and helps them determine if they want to continue reading. 3. Be clear and concise. This tip simply cannot be understated. You want to write the tutorial in such a manner that a 3rd grader can understand and follow. Tutorials require a different style of writing than you are probably used too because your main objective is to teach something to the user. It is imperative that your tutorial is clear and concise so that the reader does not get confused or frustrated. Remember, a tutorial is supposed to help a person learn, so you want to make it as easy as possible for them. 4. Use images to supplement the text. A picture can be worth a thousand words. Most of the time, you will need pictures to explain how to do things. Using screen shots and modifying images to describe what you are saying can greatly aid in getting your point across to the reader. Well placed pictures can make or break a good tutorial. 5. Use examples. Find simple examples that will best illustrate your point. Examples are critical to a tutorial because applying information can really help the reader understand and grasp the material better. Talking about doing something, and actually doing it are two completely different things. If possible, multiple examples should be used as it can be quite useful to the reader. If relevant, include source files of examples that you conduct. 6. Use an organized structure. Writing tutorials in list format make them more visually appealing and increase their readability. Some tutorials can get quite large, so developing an organized structure can help your user navigate around the different sections. I use a Table of Contents plugin to help me organize my tutorials. In addition, I also use multiple pages to break up my tutorial into more manageable pieces. Some users prefer that all the content is on one page, so it might be a good idea to offer both formats. 7. Break down the tutorial into simple steps. It’s better to have two simple steps, than one step that is longer and more complicated. Remember, we’re trying to make it easier on the reader, not harder. 8. Leave nothing to ambiguity. This point reinforces #3, but deserves it’s own mention. Explaining more is better than explaining less. More information is better than less information. Once again, it all comes down to making it easy for the reader. Try not to make any assumptions about what the reader does or does not know. 9. Proofread and run through your tutorial. It is also a good idea to have some other people do the same. Odds are good that they will find stuff you forgot to mention. In addition, they can provide feedback on parts where you failed to explain certain things clearly or parts where more information could have been offered. 10. Include a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section. This is a good way to answer questions before they are even asked and acts as a good supplement to the tutorial. As you get more feedback from readers, you can continually update the the FAQ section so that new readers do not ask the same questions. 11. Update and provide support. No matter how comprehensive your tutorial is, it is practically guaranteed that you will forget to address a particular issue or that people will have further questions. You should treat your tutorial as a living document and edit it when new information comes into play. You should also be ready to answer any questions in a timely manner. By showing that you are active and willing to help, you will build credibility by the sheer number of comments and responses. If the comment section gets too crowded, you may even have to consider using a forum. If you follow these eleven tips, you should have no problem creating a high quality tutorial. Here are some links to three tutorial sites that are exemplary. You can use these as a blueprint in writing your own tutorials. Good luck! View the following site to view some effective tutorials: http://www.instructables.com/ 3081205 3081206 3081207 3081208 Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Not Evident 1 2 3 Above Standards 1 pts Content Above Standards Meets Standards 2 pts Meets Standards Below Standards 3 pts Below Standards Not Evident (N/A) Not Evident 3081209 Covers topic inde Covers topic indepth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is completely covered in tutorial. 3081210 Includes essentia Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be covered with one element missing. 3081211 Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1 – 2 factual errors. Several essential elements are missing from the tutorial. Contains three or more factual errors. 3081212 Several essential Includes essentia Storyboard Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards The storyboard presents a plan for 90% of the text, captions, and visual elements. The storyboard presents a plan for 80% of the text, captions, and visual elements. Not Evident 3081213 The storyboard<B The storyboard presents a complete plan for the text, captions, and visual elements. 3081214 3081215 3081216 The storyboard<B The storyboard is Meets Standards Below Standards Most of the screens include explanatory captions except for one screen. Only one or two of the screens include explanatory captions except for one screen. The storyboard is incomplete. It does not present a plan for text, captions, visual elements, andlor presenters. The storyboard<B Caption Above Standards Not Evident 3081217 All of the screens All of the screens include captions with explanations of each element. 3081218 Most of the scree 3081219 Only one or tw o o None of the screens of the screens include explanatory captions. 3081220 None of the scree Transitions Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Not Evident Tutorial transitions flow smoothly from one concept and one screen to another. Helps audience engage. Tutorial transitions flow smoothly from one concept and one screen to another. Tutorial transitions disrupt the flow of concepts and screens. Transitions are distracting. Tutorial does not use any transitions. 3081221 Tutorial transition 3081222 3081223 Tutorial transition 3081224 Tutorial does not Tutorial transition Timing Above Standards 3081225 The tutorial reama The tutorial reamain in the time frame of five to seven minutes. Meets Standards Below Standards 3081227 3081228 The tutorial w as l Not Evident The tutorial was less than five minutes. 3081226 Videos and/or podcasts will be presented on _________________________________________. You will need to turn in your written tutorial and your storyboard with your presentation for full credit.