Quinten Vanhellemont, Bouchra Nechad, K evin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute fo r Natural Sciences (RBINS), Management Unit o f the North Sea
Mathematical Models (MUMM)
Keywords: chlorophyll concentration, total suspended m atter concentration, sea surface
temperature, MODIS, MER1S
The JELLYFO R project aims to set up a jellyfish forecasting system based on in situ and
rem ote sensing input data. Existing im age processing softw are from the BELCOLOU R
project was improved, extended and adapted to process large num bers o f M ODIS and M ERIS
images in order to create a gridded dataset o f chlorophyll a concentration (chi), o f sea surface
tem perature (sst - M ODIS only) and o f total suspended m atter concentration (tsm). The
software focuses on flexibility; the configuration o f a new region is as sim ple as defining the
bounding box in latitude and longitude. The software can be easily adapted to producing new
and custom products. A dditional sensors or datasets can be added if an appropriate reader is
available or implemented.
O ceanColor M ODIS A qua L2 files from N A SA and M ERIS R R L2 files from ESA were
processed for an eight-year period (01/01/2003 - 31/12/2010) for the three regions in the
JELLYFO R project. The necessary datasets are autom atically im ported, quality controlled
and reprojected to a standard grid using a nearest-neighbour approach to retain inform ation
on fronts and different w ater masses. The grid uses an equirectangular projection generated
per region, with cell sizes o f about one b y one kilom etre for M O D IS and M ERIS RR data and
o f 250 by 250 metre for M ERIS FR data. The software for extracting and gridding o f the
datasets is generic, highly autom ated and flexible, so that a sim ilar archive can readily be
created for any region on earth. The softw are is also used to process M ODIS and M ERIS
(both full and reduced resolution) data on a near real-tim e basis.
The tsm algorithm o f N echad et al. (2010) that is used to com pute tsm from M ODIS
reflectance data is calibrated in turbid w aters and might provide inaccurate results for clearer
waters. The algorithm , however, can be easily adapted w ith regional specific inherent optical
properties (SIOPs). The M ODIS chlorophyll a dataset is know n to be less reliable in turbid
waters (Park et al., 2010), therefore an additional quality control and masking is applied in
these waters.
An incredible am ount o f inform ation can be extracted from the archive, for exam ple eight
year time-series for every location w ithin the region and m onthly and clim atological average
maps. In a m ulti-year dataset o f rem otely sensed parameters, know n oceanographic features
are apparent. Using m onthly com posites and time-series, the inter-annual changes and the
evolution throughout the year can b e analysed. The archive can be used for a wide range o f
applications in m arine biology, sedim ent transport, coastal m anagem ent, etc.
M A-022
A long-term remote sensing dataset is a useful tool for understanding the oceanography o f
any region, be it a w ell-studied or a relatively unknow n one. Due to the generic approach and
fast processing such a dataset can b e readily generated.
B. Nechad, K.G. Ruddick, Y. Park. 2010. Calibration and validation o f a generic m ultisensor
algorithm for m apping o f total suspended m atter in turbid w aters, Rem ote Sensing o f
Environm ent 114: 854-866.
Park, Y-P., Ruddick, K., Lacroix, G. (2010) D etection o f algal bloom s in European waters
based on satellite chlorophyll data from M ERIS and M ODIS, International Journal o f
Rem ote Sensing, V olum e 31 Issue 24, July 2010