Revised Assessment #3 Evidence for Meeting Standard: Assessment #3 Lesson Planning Brief description of the assessment and its use in the program Lesson planning is initially taught in SPU 318 Assessment and Instructional Methods for Students with Disabilities and is taken during the second year. This assessment will be evaluated by the professor of record using a scoring guide. Results from this assessment will be used annually by the department to evaluate program effectiveness. Description of how this assessment specifically aligns with standards for which it is cited Assessment #3 aligns with a number of CEC Standards. First, lesson planning addresses CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CCS710 CCS76 GCS72 GCS73 GCS74 in that the assignment requires pre-service teachers to systematically plan carefully selected shorter-range goals and objectives taking into consideration an individual’s abilities and needs, the learning environment, and a myriad of cultural and linguistic factors. The lesson planning assignment requires the pre-service teacher to understand the implications of an individual’s exceptional condition, guide the pre-service teacher’s selection, adaptation, and creation of materials, and the use of powerful instructional variables. Finally, the Instructional plans are required to be modified based on ongoing analysis of the individual’s learning progress. Assessment #3 also addresses CEC Standard #8 Assessment CC858 CC853. As a part of the requirements for the lesson plan, pre-service teachers are required to conduct formal and informal assessments of behavior, learning, achievement, and environments to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN and can adequately ensure the monitoring of student progress. Assessment #3 also addresses CEC Standard # 4 Instructional Strategies CC4S4 CC4S5 GC4K1 GC4S6. This assessment requires pre-service teachers to utilize evidence-based instructional strategies to individualize instruction for individuals with ELN. Special educators select, adapt, and use these instructional strategies to promote positive learning results in general and special curricula and to appropriately modify learning environments for individuals with ELN. Assessment #3 Addresses CEC Standard # 3 Individual Learning Differences CC3K2 CC3K5. In planning and preparing the three lesson plans, pre-service teachers are required to plan a lesson for three different areas of exceptionality. In order to plan effect lessons, pre-service teachers must understand the effects that an exceptional condition/ can have on an individual’s learning in school and throughout life. Finally, Assessment #3 addresses CEC Standard #9 Professional and Ethical Practice Candidates are prompted to reflect on their own personal cultural biases and to consider ways in which they might become more culturally responsive in their teaching (CC9K1). Candidates are also assessed on their use of verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively (CC9S8). Description of the Assessment The lesson plan assessment is designed to demonstrate candidate knowledge in planning, implementing and evaluating effective lessons. This project provides the opportunity to demonstrate relationship among planning, action and reflection in the daily teaching and learning process of a student with special needs. Following are broad goals for the lesson: 1. Create a learning environment to support the success of all students. 2. Accommodate the unique needs of diverse students. 3. Conduct formal and informal assessments of behavior, learning, achievement, and environments to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. 4. Use evidence-based instructional strategies to individualize instruction for individuals with ELN. The lesson plan must contain the following sections: Standard: the PA standard(s) being addressed in the lesson. 1. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): o One or more objectives must be stated for each lesson. o Objectives are stated as learning outcomes in behavioral terms that are clear and measurable. o Objectives should reflect cognitive, psychomotor and/or affective goals as appropriate. o Objectives should follow a three part format: (1) identify who is to perform the desired behavior; (2) identify the actual behavior to be employed in demonstrating mastery of the objective; (3) identify the result, the product or the performance of the behavior that will be evaluated to determine whether the objective has been mastered. 2. Instructional Materials: o This section requires a list of all materials needed to implement the lesson. o The list should include the quantity, source and title of print and non-print materials. o The list should include the quantity and source of any consumable materials or supplies. o Any handouts and/or transparencies utilized should be attached to lesson plan when it is submitted for evaluation. 3. Subject Matter: o An accurate and complete outline of the content to be taught in the lesson is required in this section of the plan. This material could be factual information, concepts, skills or values depending on the lesson. o Prerequisite content and skills should be listed in this section of the plan. 4. Implementation: o This section of the plan requires a complete explanation of how the lesson will be taught. It should flow in a developmental, logical and sequential manner. A series of short phrases or a narrative format can be used for this section. o A. Introduction - This sub-section should: (1) establish the purpose or objective of the lesson for the students (anticipatory set); (2) connect this lesson to prior knowledge; (3) engage the learners, i.e. motivate them. B. Development - This sub-section should include a detailed and sequential explanation of the developmentally appropriate methods (strategies) that will be employed to teach this lesson; such things as teacher modeling, ways to check for students' understanding and techniques to provide for guided practice should be considered; this section can also include an explanation of room arrangement, a listing of questions to be asked and even expected student responses. C. Closure - This sub-section should include: (1) an explanation of the techniques(s) that will be used to summarize or review the lesson's content; (2) an assignment, if appropriate; and (3) reference to the lesson's purpose or objective that was presented at the beginning of the lesson. 5. Evaluation of Students: o This plan for assessing learning achievement is written before the lesson is taught. o Clear, measurable criteria for evaluating student performance of each instructional objective through traditional or alternative forms of assessment will be explained in this section and attached. 6. Reflective Response: o Report of Students' Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives 1. This section is to be completed after the lesson is taught. 2. A report of how the students actually performed in assessment process will address the evaluation plan stated in Section V. 3. Leave blank space for this handwritten report. o Personal Reflection: 1. Experience + Reflection = Growth 2. Teacher candidates are expected to thoughtfully consider every lesson taught in light of how their latest performance as a teacher correlates with what they believe teaching and learning to be. 3. Prior to teaching the lesson, the teacher candidate lists two or three questions to consider for reflection on their teaching behavior. 4. After each question, leave blank space for this reflection. 5. In addition, the following questions must be considered: How have you considered cultural differences in your lesson? How effective were you in meeting the needs of languageminority children in your lesson? In what ways have your own personal cultural beliefs and differences affected your teaching? In what ways can you become more culturally responsive in your teaching? Include examples. After the lesson is taught, the questions are answered in a typed reflection and self-evaluation. Lesson Plan Rubric Objectives (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S6 Standards (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7K3 Materials (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10, GC7S4 GC4K1 Introduction (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences GC3K2 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning GC7S3, CC7S10, GC7S2 Development Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Teacher candidate develops objectives that sequence, implement, and evaluate individualized learning objectives. Objectives provide a clear sense of what students will know and be able to do as a result of the lesson. Teacher candidate references key standards and the lesson is guided by national, state or provincial, and local curricula standards. Teacher candidate develops objectives that mostly sequence, implement, and evaluate individualized learning objectives. Objectives often provide a sense of what students will know and be able to do as a result of the lesson. Teacher candidate’s lesson is influenced by national, state or provincial, and local curricula standards. Some relevant standards are referenced. Teacher candidate develops objectives that are somewhat sequenced, implements, and evaluates individualized learning objectives. Objectives sometimes provide a sense of what students will know and be able to do as a result of the lesson. Teacher candidate’s lesson is related to national, state or provincial, and local curricula standards. Standards are only alluded to in lesson. Teacher candidate did not develop objectives that sequence, implement, and evaluate individualized learning objectives. Objectives are missing, unclear, or are unrelated to standards. Teacher candidate prepares lesson plans utilizing sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate selects, designs, and uses technology, materials and resources required to educate individuals whose exceptional learning needs inhibit communication. Materials and student handouts are clear, complete, and appealing. Teacher candidate often prepares lesson plans utilizing sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate mostly selects, designs, and uses technology, materials and resources required to educate individuals whose exceptional learning needs inhibit communication. Materials and student handouts are clear, complete, and mostly appealing. Teacher candidate mostly prepares lesson plans that select and use specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities and needs of the individual. Teacher candidate mostly plans and implements age and ability appropriate instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate is mostly aware of how student disabilities may affect auditory and information processing skills. An introduction establishes the purpose or the objective of the lesson; connects the lesson to prior knowledge; and engages learners to some extent. Teacher candidate often Teacher candidate prepares lesson plans sometimes utilizing sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate sometimes selects, designs, and uses technology, materials and resources required to educate individuals whose exceptional learning needs inhibit communication. Materials and student handouts are messy, incomplete, and/or unappealing to students. Teacher candidate does not prepare lesson plans that utilize sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate fails to select, design, and use technology, materials and resources required to educate individuals whose exceptional learning needs inhibit communication. No supporting materials are included. Teacher candidate sometimes prepares lesson plans that select and use specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities and needs of the individual. Teacher candidate sometimes plans and implements age and ability appropriate instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate is somewhat aware of how student disabilities may affect auditory and information processing skills. An introduction establishes the purpose or the objective of the lesson; there is no connection to prior knowledge; and learners are not engaged. Teacher candidate does not prepare lesson plans that select and use specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities and needs of the individual. Teacher candidate fails to plan and implement age and ability appropriate instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate is not aware of how student disabilities may affect auditory and information processing skills. The introduction is missing or is not appropriate. Teacher candidate sometimes Teacher candidate fails to Teacher candidate prepares lesson plans that select and use specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities and needs of the individual. Teacher candidate plans and implements age and ability appropriate instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate is aware of how student disabilities may affect auditory and information processing skills. The introduction establishes the purpose or the objective of the lesson; connects the lesson to prior knowledge; and engages learners. Teacher candidate Teacher candidate’s lesson is not related to national, state or provincial, and local curricula standards. No standards are mentioned in lesson. (3 pts. possible) CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S4, GC4S6 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10,GC7S2 Closure (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S5 Assessment (3 pts. possible) CEC Standard 8 Assessment CC8S8, CC8S3 Reflection (2 pts. possible) CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences CC3K3 CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9K1 Style(2 pts.)CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9S8 prepares lesson plans that incorporate strategies to facilitate maintenance, generalization of skills, and transitions. Teacher candidate modifies the pace of instruction and provides organizational cures. Throughout the lesson the teacher candidate selects and uses specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities/needs of students. The topic is presented in a sequential orderly manner and examples are clearly related to the content. Teacher candidate uses procedures to increase the individual’s self-awareness, self-management, selfcontrol, self-reliance, and self-esteem of students. The lesson has a closing that pulls the lesson objectives, experiences, and learning into a coherent whole. Teacher candidate assesses/evaluates instruction and monitors progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs and assessment directly relates to objectives. Teacher candidate uses technology to conduct assessments. Teacher candidate reflects on personal cultural biases and differences that affect one’s teaching and is also aware of the variations in beliefs, traditions, and values of students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate provides a thorough reflection of lesson presented and uses information for instructional decisions. Teacher candidate uses verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. Spelling and grammar in lesson plan are flawless. prepares lesson plans that incorporate strategies to facilitate maintenance, generalization of skills, and transitions. Teacher candidate frequently modifies the pace of instruction and provide organizational cures. Throughout the lesson the teacher candidate frequently selects and uses specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities/needs of students. The topic is presented in a sequential manner, and most directly examples related. prepares lesson plans that incorporate strategies to facilitate maintenance, generalization of skills, and transitions. Teacher candidate occasionally modifies the pace of instruction and provides organizational cures. Throughout the lesson the teacher candidate sometimes selects and uses specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities/needs of students. The topic is developed somewhat and the order of the lesson at times is not clear. prepare lesson plans that incorporate strategies to facilitate maintenance and generalization of skills. Teacher candidate never modifies the pace of instruction and provide organizational cures. Throughout the lesson the teacher candidate does not select and use specialized instructional strategies appropriate to the abilities/needs of students. The topic is not fully developed. Teacher candidate often uses procedures to increase the individual’s selfawareness, selfmanagement, self-control, self-reliance, and selfesteem of students. The lesson has a closing that, for the most part, pulls the lesson objectives, experiences, and learning into a coherent whole. Teacher candidate often assesses/evaluates instruction and monitors progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs and assessment mostly relates to objectives. Teacher candidate frequently uses technology to conduct assessments. Teacher candidate often reflects on personal cultural biases and differences that affect one’s teaching and is somewhat aware of the variations in beliefs, traditions, and values of students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher candidate frequently uses information to make instructional decisions. Teacher candidate sometimes uses procedures to increase the individual’s self-awareness, self-management, self-control, self-reliance, and self-esteem of students. The lesson has a closing that pulls the lesson objectives, experiences and learning together, but is missing some connections. Teacher candidate does not use procedures to increase the individual’s selfawareness, selfmanagement, self-control, self-reliance, and selfesteem of students. The lesson has an insufficient closing to pull the lesson objectives, experiences, and learning together. Teacher candidate occasionally assesses/evaluates instruction and monitors progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs and assessment somewhat relates to objectives. Teacher candidate sometimes uses technology to conduct assessments. Teacher candidate never assesses/evaluates instruction or monitors progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs and assessments are not related to objectives. Teacher candidate fails to use technology to conduct assessments. Teacher candidate fails to reflect on personal cultural biases and differences that affect one’s teaching and is not aware of the variations in beliefs, traditions, and values of students with exceptional learning needs.. Teacher candidate does not provide a reflection of the lesson or does not use information to make instructional decisions. Teacher candidate rarely uses verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. Spelling and grammar are unacceptable. Teacher candidate often uses verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. The lesson plan contains few spelling and grammar errors. Teacher candidate sometimes reflects on personal cultural biases and differences that affect one’s teaching and is somewhat aware of the variations in beliefs, traditions, and values of students with exceptional learning needs.. Teacher candidate provides a reflection of the lesson and makes an attempt to use information to make instructional decisions. Teacher candidate occasionally uses verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. The lesson plan contains many spelling and grammar errors. Individual Rubric Outcomes for Lesson Plan, Fall 2011 Objectives CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S6 Standards CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7K3 Materials CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10, GC7S4 GC4K1 Introduction CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences GC3K2 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning GCS72, GC7S3 CC7S10, GC7S2 Development CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S4, GC4S6 CC4S6 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10,GC7S2 Closure CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S5 Assessment CEC Standard 8 Assessment CC8S8, CC8S3 Reflection CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences CC3K3 CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9K1 Style CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9S8 N=98 Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 97% n=95 3% n=3 0% n=0 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 98% n=96 2% n=2 0% n=0 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 99% n=97 0% n=0 1% n=1 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 98% n=96 2% n=1 0% n=1 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 94% n=92 2% n=2 4% n=4 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 96% n=94 4% n=1 0% n=2 0% n=1 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 92% n=90 5% n=5 3% n=3 0% n=0 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 94% n=92 2% n=2 3% n=3 1% n=1 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 97% n=95 2% n=2 1% n=1 0% n=0 Individual Rubric Outcomes for Lesson Plan, Spring 2012 N= 111 Analysis of Data for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Objectives CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S6 Standards CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7K3 Materials CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10, GC7S4 GC4K1 Spring 2012 98% n=109 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 1% n=1 0% n=0 1% n=1 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 99% n=110 1% n=1 0% n=0 0% n=0 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 100% n=111 0% n=0 0% n=0 0% n=0 Introduction Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 96% n=107 2% n=2 2% n=2 0% n=0 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 95% n=105 3% n=4 0% n=0 2% n=2 Closure CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S5 Assessment CEC Standard 8 Assessment CC8S8, CC8S3 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 97% n=108 2% n=2 1% n=1 0% n=0 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 96% n=107 3% n=3 1% n=1 0% n=0 Reflection CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences CC3K3 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 92% n=102 4% n=5 3% n=3 1% n=1 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 93% n=104 3% n=3 3% n=3 1% n=1 CEC Standard 3 Individual Learning Differences GC3K2 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning GCS72, GC7S3 CC7S10, GC7S2 Development CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies CC4S4, GC4S6 CC4S6 CEC Standard #7 Instructional Planning CC7S10,GC7S2 CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9K1 Style CEC Standard 9 Professional and Ethical Practice CC9S8 The data for the lesson planning assessment indicates that the vast majority of special education teacher candidates have mastered all components of lesson planning development. According to the data, 99% (n=208) of teacher candidates scored in either the Exemplary or Superior range for their ability to develop objectives that sequence, implement, and evaluate individualized learning objectives, with 1% (n=1) of teacher candidates performing unsatisfactorily in this area. With regard to referencing key standards and guiding the lesson is by national, state or provincial, and local curricula standards, 100%(n=209) of teacher candidates were either in the Exemplary or in the Superior range for being able to accomplish this component. Choice of materials for lesson requires teacher candidates to prepare lesson plans utilizing sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with exceptional learning needs; as well as using technology, materials and resources required to educate individuals whose exceptional learning needs inhibit communication. For the choice of materials component, 99% of teacher candidates scored either in the Exemplary or Superior range, with 1% (n=2) teacher candidates scoring in the Satisfactory range. Demonstration of the ability to prepare lesson plans that use age appropriate specialized instructional strategies, demonstrate an awareness of how auditory and information processing skills might impact learning, generalize/maintain learning gains, and develop cognitive behavioral strategies were evidenced in an average of 97% of teacher candidates scoring in the Exemplary or Superior range of lesson planning, with an average of 2% of teacher candidates scoring satisfactory, and an average of 1% of teacher candidates scoring unsatisfactory. Finally, according to the data, an average of 94% of teacher candidates scored in the Exemplary or Superior range, an average of 5% of teacher candidates scored satisfactory, and 1% scored unsatisfactory when it came to assessing/evaluating instruction and monitoring progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs, reflecting on personal cultural biases and differences that affect their teaching, and using verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. In summary, 94% to 97% of all teacher candidates scored in the Exemplary or Superior range for lesson planning, indicating the majority of teacher candidates gained mastery. There remains roughly 2% of teacher candidates who scored Satisfactory for lesson planning specifically in every category but objectives. Finally, close to 1% of teacher candidates scored Unsatisfactory in the areas of writing objectives, lesson development/closure, style, and reflection. Therefore, the department will implement more careful formative assessments of teacher candidate progress during the lesson planning instructional period to determine which students may require more support or additional instruction in the areas of writing objectives, lesson development/closure, style, and reflection. Based on the formative assessments, students who appear to be struggling with this skill set will be encouraged to seek classroom peer supports and one-on-one instruction will be offered by professors during office hours.