Red books

Redbooks Paper
Maren Nelson
IBM Solutions Builder Express
Portfolio Solutions for Content
Management: Collaborative
Document Management
Executive summary
IBM® Solutions Builder Express offers Business Partners a new generation of
solutions enablement. It gives Business Partners technical tools and
implementation assets to customize and deploy industry-specific solutions for
midsize customers. Solutions Builder Express is a portfolio of Solution Starting
Points based on IBM middleware.
This document provides information about the Customer value propositions,
Target market, Core components, Solution architecture, Overview and other
highlights of the Content management: collaborative document management
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Value proposition
IBM Solutions Builder Express provides Business Partners:
򐂰 Speed - Accelerate Business Partner time-to-value with a proven reusable
methodology and portfolio of assets—extensively researched, developed and
tested by IBM Business Partners in direct response to mid-market
end-customer needs
򐂰 Simplicity - Expedited Business Partner ability to go to market with a solutions
orientation leading with Express products and aligned with key SMB
򐂰 Return on Investment (ROI) - Rapid ROI in as little as 60 days with solutions
that enable up-selling and cross-selling of products and high-value services
򐂰 Support - Direct e-mail access to Solutions Builder Express development
team experts in addition to enablement and support through the Virtual
Innovation Center (VIC)
Target market
򐂰 Target market for Solutions Builder Express
– Business Partners focusing on the SMB market
򐂰 End customer profile for your new solution
– Number of Employees: < 1000
Industry: Banking
Sponsor: CEO/Owner/President, IT Manager, Sales Executive
򐂰 Overall Banking Industry Snapshot
– $1.58B WW Middleware Opportunity
– Top City/States in G9: California, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, London,
Shanghai, Sydney, Toyko
Core components of the starting point
IBM Solutions Builder Express provides Business Partners with a Solution
Overview, Implementation Guide and Demo Toolkit as shown and described in
Figure 1 on page 3.
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
Figure 1 Starting Point Components
Collaborative document management starting point overview
Description: This solution starting point illustrates a collaborative document
management solution that can be applied to a variety of business processes. It
illustrates how a business could effectively and securely manage their
documents electronically in a central place and automate business processes
that involve these documents. Business employees can make secure updates to
documents while automatically preserving previous versions. They can also
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
automate approval cycles and document routing and activity assignment,
allowing the business to enforce deadlines and easily see document status.
Middleware: Lotus® Domino® Document Manager, Lotus Workflow™, Lotus
Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing, Lotus Domino Utility Server Express,
Lotus Domino Collaboration Express
Applicable industries: Horizontal
Skills needed: Data modeling, document use analysis, business process
modeling and workflow concepts, HTML, JavaScript, LotusScript, Domino
administration, networking, Web server experience, knowledge of LDAP,
knowledge of graphical design tools, experience with Windows®
Platforms: Windows
More detailed information about this and other Starting Points that are available
to you in the Solutions Builder Express Portfolio™ can be found at:
Estimated solution cost
Table 1 shows the estimated software, hardware and services costs for a typical
Content Management solution implementation for Collaborative Document
Table 1 Estimated solution costs
Approximate Cost
Solution Totala
a. Solution total includes the software licensing for 20 users (20% of 100-user business workforce) and 2 single
processor IBM Eserver® xSeries® servers. Services hours are estimated for an entry-level solution.
Business drivers
With your newly developed Express solution you can help midmarket customers:
򐂰 Streamline document-based business processes
– Reduce operational costs and improve efficiencies
– Promote process automation and consistency
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
– Provide coordination of document management activities
򐂰 Centralize management of information
– Provide secure document storage and eliminate document loss
– Enable concurrent information access by multiple employees in different
– Reduce physical storage space needs
򐂰 Enable employee collaboration
– Leverage existing e-mail environments
– Communicate immediately with process participants to resolve
Starting point highlights
򐂰 Business
– Enhance business and employee effectiveness through secure centralized
electronic document storage
– Achieve cost reductions by optimizing and streamlining processes
– Gain improved operating efficiencies and reduce cycle time
– Enable more effective collaboration between employees
򐂰 Technical
– Integrated collaborative functions (person awareness, instant messaging)
– Secure user and role-based access to all types of documents
– Robust Web browser and full client interfaces that can be customized or
used out of the box
– Sample collaborative document management process
– Sample document data hierarchy
– Integration with a variety of leading customer e-mail environments
Customer value propositions
For midmarket businesses who want to more efficiently and securely manage,
store and access business documents, IBM business partners can provide the
following benefits:
򐂰 Easily and cost-effectively demonstrate compliance with internal security and
review processes, managing authorized access, and applying security
򐂰 Improved employee collaboration by having instant online connection to
colleagues who have previously worked with the document
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
򐂰 Gain improved operating efficiencies and reduce cycle time
Prospecting questions to identify customer opportunities
򐂰 How does your business currently organize and store documents? Has this
method been effective in the past? How does your current method of retrieval
apply to your internal document management policies already in place?
򐂰 Have you thought about the information your employees need to access as
part of their work process? Are those documents currently available through
online access? Do your employees lack effective communications due to
relevant information not being at their fingertips?
򐂰 How important is it to improve operational efficiency and streamline its
򐂰 Would you like to be able to see the complete cycle time of your business
processes that involve documents – and identify the bottlenecks in your
internal review process?
Solution architecture
The architecture of a typical Content Management solution for Collaborative
Document Management is shown in Figure 2 with the servers and client
machines identified along with the software used to build the solution listed for
each of the servers.
Figure 2 Collaborative Document Management Solution Architecture
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
Related starting points
The following Solutions Builder Express Starting Points are related to this
solution, and you may find that one of them better matches the needs of your
customers’ requirements.
򐂰 Document Management in a Banking Loan Application Process
򐂰 Integration of Diverse Applications and Data
򐂰 Managing Content within Business Processes
򐂰 Secured External Access to Company Resources
򐂰 Collaborative Community Portal
򐂰 Process Integration
More detailed information about Starting Points in the Solutions Builder Express
Portfolio can be found at:
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management
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This document created or updated on August 10, 2005.
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IBM Solutions Builder Express Portfolio Solution: Collaborative Document Management