Document 11684970

New Haven Sec+on November Mee+ng The New Haven Sec+on of the American Chemical Society is pleased to present Dr. Katherine Ayers, Director of Research at Proton OnSite of Wallingford, CT. Proton’s core technology is proton exchange membrane (PEM)-­‐based electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen wherever their customers need it. Ayers is responsible for seMng and execu+ng Proton's research strategy in electrochemical devices based on ion exchange membranes., including advancements in PEM electrolysis for energy markets. She will be lecturing on “ The Science and Applica+ons of Making Hydrogen From Water and Electricity”. Join us at The Waverly Inn in Cheshire on Thursday, November 13, 2014 for our General Mee+ng and Lecture. Registra+on/networking: 6:00 – 6:45pm Buffet Dinner: 6:45 – 7:45pm Talk: 7:45 – 9:00pm Cost: $10 for Students $15 re+red ACS members $20 for Members $25 for non Members Please make your reserva+on by Monday, November 10, 2014 Email: with your name and phone number or call 203.235-­‐9785. Please remember that the Sec+on must pay for the dinners of those who reserve and do not ahend. Those members may be billed. 