Learning and Teaching Committee (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 4/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 3.15pm on Tuesday 7 July 2015 in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Monash University Club, 32 Exhibition Walk, Clayton campus. MINUTES 1 There were present: Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professors Ben Canny, Chris Davies, David Paganin, Jamie Evans, Marilyn Baird, Associate Professors Colin Jevons (for Dr Nell Kimberley), Kris Ryan, Susanna Scarparo, Ms Lisa Smith, Mr Mark Hatwell, Ms Natalie Mitchell, Dr David Albrecht (for Professor Tina Overton), Dr David Manallack (for Dr Paul White), Ms Kara Gilbert. Apologies: Professor Ann Nicholson, Professor Tina Overton, Associate Professor Angela Carbone, Dr Nell Kimberley, Ms Rebecca Lew, Dr Paul White. Note: Due to technical difficulties at Clayton campus, Professor Mahendhiran Nair and Associate Professor Anna-Mart Van Wyk were unable to attend. In attendance: Mr Duncan Buckeridge (via teleconference for Item 5.1), Mr Rossouw Engelbrecht (for Item 6.2), Ms Ellen Perriment (for Item 7.1) Observers: Mr Hamid Khattak, Ms Georgia Blood, Ms Madeleine Soederberg. Membership: Members noted the membership changes below: 1. Associate Professor Kris Ryan represents the OVPLT in his new role as Academic Director. 2. Professor Jamie Evans will represent the Faculty of Engineering. 3. Associate Professor Moira Paterson replaces Professor Jeffrey Goldsworthy on this committee. Dr Patrick Emerton will be Associate Professor Paterson’s alternate. 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Members noted that: 1. Item 7.1 – MSA Content Warnings Proposal, Item 6.1 – Withdrawn Incomplete Grades and Academic Progress Committee and Item 5.1 - Unit Efficiency Report be taken immediately before the Item 3. 2. Item 8 – Scheduling Services: Process and Preparation for University Timetable 2016 was starred as a point of note. The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted. 3 Minutes 3.1 The Minutes of Meeting 3/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 5 May 2015, were confirmed. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 1 of 6 3.2 Schedule of Action Items The Committee noted the updated schedule of action items. Professor Darrell Evans reported that Learning and Teaching Principles was discussed at the last ADE Forum. Associate Professor Alan Reid has agreed to draft a summary document which will then be used to develop a white paper. Action Items 4 Responsibility Due 1. Associate Professor Reid to draft summary report. Associate Professor Alan Reid Update for next meeting. Chair’s Business 4.1 4.2 5 Item Chair’s Report The Chair reported on a range of items including: - Concern that the LTC agenda was often quite full. This is in part due to shifting priorities on the calendar of activity. LTC members were requested to provide realistic timelines for submissions of the agenda, as it may not be possible to accommodate delayed items to a future meeting. - Professor Evans suggested the need to use LTC sub-groups more effectively, so that some items would not need to be considered in full by LTC. - Professor Evans reported on providing better off-campus support and resources to Gippsland and other students. - Professor Evans and Associate Professor Kris Ryan recently met with Audio Visual (AV) colleagues in eSolutions regarding developing new AV standards and putting in place appropriate governance mechanisms. - Professor Evans on behalf of the Learning and Teaching Committee congratulated Mr Vern Garth and the Examinations team for the successful examinations operations at Caulfield racecourse during the semester 1 exam period. Mr Mark Hatwell had noted that Mr Garth had been nominated for an Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM) best practice award for his outstanding contribution to examination services over a long period at Monash. Student Grievance Report (Ms Natalie Mitchell) - The key issue identified was mental health. - LTC noted the Student Grievances Annual Report for 2014. LTC Key Issues for 2015 5.1 Unit Efficiency Report (Mr Duncan Buckeridge) - The committee received and noted the unit efficiency report. - Committee members provided general support that the report was useful, and would fit with other pieces of work which could in due course be submitted to Academic Board. - This piece of work should not be a stand-alone report and should interconnect with other projects including education performance standards and unit enhancement to ensure an integrated approach is taken. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 2 of 6 5.2 Monash Education Academy (MEA) (Dr David Albrecht) - MEA was grateful for Professor Edwina Cornish launching the Fellowship scheme on 2 June. There has been a lot of interest across all the Faculties. MEA with the assistance of the Academy staff will be running workshops at Clayton on 13 July and at Caulfield on 14 July. - MEA assisted the CEED board in reviewing proposals. - MEA to host workshops by Dr Iris Vardis on 10 July. - Applications for the next Dragon’s Den to open on 28 August. 5.3 Better Teaching, Better Learning 5.3.1 Academic Quality Assurance of Units (Red Reports) The committee noted the results of the process for the Semester 2 2014; and the guidance that units with enrolments less than 15 not be included in future SETU rounds. 5.3.2 Review of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units – Statement of Purpose The committee endorsed the minor amendment to the SETU Statement of Purpose, and noted that implementation of Phase two activities had commenced. As a result of the statement of purpose being endorsed, LTC consequentially approved the change to the SETU procedures as requested by Ms. Natalie Mitchell. 6 Updates from LTC Working Groups 6.1 Withdrawn Incomplete (WI) Grades and Academic Progress Committee (APC) LTC received and noted the report for transmission to Academic Board. 6.2 Special Consideration Working Group: Demonstration of the Online Process Mr Mark Hatwell and Mr Rossouw Engelbrecht provided a demonstration of the online process from the student, assessor and assessor manager perspectives. Email messages delivered to students and comments sent to students, as well as data extracts from the system were presented to the group. - 6.3 Working towards semester 2 implementation. The online process is currently only active for major teaching semesters, but could be configured to include summer semesters once the major teaching semesters had transitioned online. Mr. Hatwell and Mr. Engelbrecht are currently working with the student communications team on the communication strategy. LTC members were extremely supportive of the process as outlined. Mr Hatwell and Mr Engelbrecht committed to further consultation with the Faculty of Business and Economics in fine tuning the online special consideration system before implementation. Unit Guide Solution Working Group User acceptance testing held in early June. Sign off in Faculties. UGM pilot commenced 25 June. Some faculties have started pilot. Outstanding requirements from User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Full roll out at end of the year. Staff-only access to the archive of unit guides. Students can contact the University if they require access to previous unit guides. - For further information, LTC members were advised to contact their Faculty administrator. At the meeting, Mr Hatwell agreed to send the names of Faculty administrators for inclusion in the minutes. Please see attached document on page 7. - S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 3 of 6 7 Policies and Procedures 7.1 Monash Student Association (MSA) Content Warnings Proposal (Ms Ellen Perriment) - Concern from members regarding potentially removing content unnecessarily. - Questions regarding how do you would decide what content is reasonable or not? What if the Academic’s judgement is deemed incorrect? - Self-censorship by students may result in requirement for alternative assessments. The proposal for the implementation of a compulsory system of content warnings requires further discussion and was not endorsed by LTC at this meeting. Action Items Item Responsibility 2. Nominated ADEs, Ms Lisa Smith Ms Melanie Koo to arrange in and MSA representatives to meet consultation with Professor to discuss Content Warnings Evans. Proposal in further detail. 7.2 Due Meeting has been scheduled for 29 August. Assessment-Related Amendments to Policy and Procedures - The Committee suggested that on page 78 of the agenda “Every student enrolled in a unit must have access to the Unit Guide, in electronic or printed form, by the end of the orientation week of a standard semester, by the start of week one for units taught in block mode..” it was suggested that this be re-phrased so that students must have access to the Unit Guide before the first week of classes. This suggested amendment was supported by the Committee. - It was suggested to include ghost writing / bespoke essays to the FAQ’s list. May need to review the Academic Integrity policy. Question raised whether it still appropriate to allow single assessment tasks worth 80%? Suggested should be 60% maximum for a single assessment task (to avoid ghost writing). Action Items Item Responsibility 3. Ghost writing / bespoke essays to Assessment Working Group be included in the FAQ’s list. 4. Review of Academic Integrity Policy. Due Next LTC meeting. The Committee: - endorsed the proposed changes to the Assessment in Coursework Units Policy; - endorsed the proposed change to the Unit Guide Policy; - approved the proposed changes to the Unit Assessment Procedures; - noted the development of the Staff Assessment FAQs; and - discussed and raised any additional issues relating to assessment that should be considered as part of the forthcoming assessment review process. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 4 of 6 - 7.3 In addition, the Committee agreed to bring the FAQ’s back to the LTC committee annually for review. On behalf of the LTC Committee, Professor Evans thanked Ms. Georgia Blood for her consultative approach with Faculties in developing the Policy, Procedures and FAQ’s. Proposed changes to Academic Board Regulations regarding Managing the Scheduling of Assessment (Delayed Deferred Exams) (Ms Natalie Mitchell) The Committee: (a) endorsed the amendments to the Academic Board Regulation 22 as highlighted in yellow at Appendix A for endorsement by Academic Board; and (b) recommended to Academic Board the designation of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) as the senior officer to be responsible under Sub-Regulations 22(8)(b) and 22(9). 8 Scheduling Services: Process and Preparation for University Timetable 2016 Concern was raised by Professor Marilyn Baird, that there was no spill in the 2016 timetable; therefore larger venues were not available. Mr Mark Hatwell is aware of this issue and it is under review. The Committee received and noted the Scheduling Services: Process and Preparation for University Timetable 2016 briefing paper. 9 Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) 2014 National Summary Report The Committee received and noted the AGS 2014 National Summary Report. 10 Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Project The Committee received and noted the MOOCs project update. 11 Faculty Reports The Committee received and noted the minutes / reports from the following faculties: - Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Science 12 Other Business Professor David Paganin reported on audio recording of correct pronunciation of student names upon enrolment. - The LTC committee supported the proposal and commented that the audio recordings would be useful for use by educators, within the APC process and at graduation ceremonies. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 5 of 6 Action Items Item Responsibility 5. Professor David Paganin to Professor David Paganin to further investigate with the follow up with Cathryn Graduations team regarding the Bunney. Mr Mark Hatwell to be involved in initial logistics of this proposal as a first discussions. step. Due Professor Paganin to provide an update to the next LTC meeting, to determine whether this is logistically possible. 13 Next Meeting is scheduled to be held on 11 August 2015 in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Monash University Club. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Minutes\2015\04-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 6 of 6 Faculty UGM Faculty Administrator/s Email Arts Lucretia Blanchard and Benjamin Zylbersztajn lucreita.blanchard@monash.edu, benjamin.zylbersztajn@monash.edu Art, Design & Architecture Ari Seligman Jean-Francois Ravat ari.seligman@monash.edu, jean-francois.ravat@monash.edu, Business & Economics Briony Stocker Jennifer Williams briony.stocker@monash.edu, jennifer.williams@monash.edu Education Umang Mehta and Susan Kenton umang.mehta@monash.edu, susan.kenton@monash.edu Engineering Luke Low luke.low@monash.edu Information Technology Luke Low and Margot Schumacher luke.low@monash.edu, margot.schumacher@monash.edu Law Lynda Ea (UG) ,Komala Vaidhyanathan (PG) and Jean Hart (PG) lynda.ea@monash.edu, komala.vaidhyanathan@monash.edu jean.hart@monash.edu Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Michelle Gschiel and Reshma Pais, George Kotsanas michelle.gschiel@monash.edu, reshma.pais@monash.edu, george.kotsanas@monash.edu Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Deb Horne deborah.horne@monash.edu Science Theo Hughes theo.hughes@monash.edu