Learning and Teaching Committee (A standing committee of Academic Board)

Learning and Teaching Committee
(A standing committee of Academic Board)
Meeting 3/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 3.15pm on Tuesday 5 May 2015 in
the Sir George Lush Meeting Room, 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus.
There were present:
Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professors Chris Davies, Ann Nicholson, Jeff Goldsworthy, Marilyn
Baird, David Paganin, Mahendhiran Nair (via teleconference), Associate Professors Angela Carbone,
Susanna Scarparo, Alan Reid, Kris Ryan, Ms Lisa Smith, Mr Ross Engelbrecht (for Mr Mark Hatwell), Ms
Natalie Mitchell, Dr David Albrecht (for Professor Tina Overton), Ms Tammy Fitzgerald, Dr Kate
Tregloan, Dr Nell Kimberley, Dr Paul White, Ms Anna-Mart van Wyk (via teleconference), Ms Kara
Gilbert, Ms Rebecca Lew.
Apologies: Professor Tina Overton, Dr Fay Patel.
In attendance: Professor Edwina Cornish and Ms Jane Holt (Office of the Provost and Senior VicePresident) (item 5), Professor Abid Khan (Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement)
(item 6), Mr Vern Garth (Student and Education Business Services) (item 9.2), Ms Melanie Koo.
Observers: Mr Hamid Khattak, Ms Madeleine Soederberg.
New members: The Committee welcomed new members Professor Tina Overton and her alternate Dr
David Albrecht (Monash Education Academy) and Mr Hamid Khattak (observer representing Monash
Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items
Members noted that:
1. Item 5 – Draft Academic Plan and Item 6 – Monash International Plan would be taken
immediately before the Item 3.
2. Due to time constraints, item 4 Chairs Business was moved after item 14.
3. Item 9.1 Establishing a Typology of Units was deferred to meeting 4/2015.
4. Item 13 Faculty Reports was starred as a point of note.
The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and
that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted.
The Minutes of Meeting 2/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 17
March 2015, were confirmed.
Due to time constraints, the Schedule of Action Items was not discussed.
Professor Evans requested that members forward any comments or amendments to the
The Committee noted the updated Schedule of Action Items.
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Action Items
1. Provide narration to the action list
so that members could review the
progress made to the action items
listed in the schedule.
Professor D Evans
Completed. See
attached revised
action list.
Chair’s Business
Chair’s Report
The Chair reported on a range of items of current interest including:
Professor Evans reported that the Student Futures initiative has entered the build phase
with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Early meetings with the architects on the new Learning and Teaching building (to be located
on the Clayton Campus) have started.
Feedback regarding the Microstudio have been received and evaluated. Currently working
with audio visual (AV) colleagues in eSolutions to design and implement a Mark II
MicroStudio in the second half of the year.
The governance of endorsing future plans for AV standards will now include the Learning
and Teaching Committee.
Action Items
2. Contact colleagues in AV about
timelines for revising AV standards
and inclusion of the LTC in the
governance cycle.
Professor D Evans
Meeting 4/2015
Professor Evans is working with Professor Kim Langfield-Smith on appropriate and aligned
terminology and for the research and education performance standards.
Draft Academic Plan
Professor Edwina Cornish spoke to the attached presentation and focussed discussion on priorities
relating to education.
− The Monash Academic Plan is a 5 year plan. Currently in consultation phase with scheduled
release date in July 2015.
− Professor Cornish discussed the educational goals and strategies in the following categories:
Excellent Education, International Education, Enterprising Education and Inclusive Education.
− The draft Academic Plan was supported by committee members and comment was made that the
goals and strategies appeared to be clearly articulated and manageable to achieve.
− Comment was made that some perceived education to be valued less than research. It was
suggested that the promotions process needs to be reviewed to better promote education.
− Professor Cornish explained that the term Work Integrated Learning (WIL) was not used in the plan
because the wording was restrictive.
− Ms Jane Holt to send LTC members an invitation to comment on the Draft Academic Plan.
− LTC members were requested to forward any comments on the draft academic plan to Ms Jane
Holt by COB 12 May 2015.
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The Monash International Plan
− Professor Abid Khan spoke to the attached presentation and tabled the draft International Plan.
− The Monash International Plan facilitates the priorities of the Monash Academic Plan. The Monash
International Plan is also a 5 year plan.
− The international plan has five major themes; these include networks of excellence, diversification,
student experience, campus configuration and alumni involvement. The major driver is
− Comment was made that students may not be aware of opportunities to access mobility, crosscultural and other international experiences, programs or forums. Professor Khan noted that
faculties must take more ownership in incorporating and increasing visibility of programs and
− The committee queried who is responsible for developing international marketing videos? A plan
is currently being developed by Professors Abid Khan and Helen Bartlett.
− There was also some confusion around the international and employability space and who was
responsible for these areas. Professors Edwina Cornish and Darrell Evans are working on clarifying
− LTC members were requested to provide comments on the international plan to Professor Abid
Khan or Mr Michael Simmonds.
Monash Education Academy
Update on Monash Education Academy
Dr David Albrecht provided an update on the Monash Education Academy and noted the
− Professor Tina Overton has been appointed the Chair and Dr David Albrecht is the Vice
Chair of the Academy. Meetings are held on a monthly basis.
− The Monash Teaching Fellowship Scheme is scheduled to be launched by Professor Edwina
Cornish on 2 June 2015.
− Two foundation fellows are to be appointed, from Malaysia and Warwick and this is being
− A workshop on pushing the boundaries of learning and teaching and providing feedback to
students has been scheduled for 10 July 2015.
Terms of Reference and Reporting Governance
The committee received and noted the Monash Education Academy terms of reference and
reporting governance document.
Education Fellowship Scheme Proposal
The committee received and noted the proposal.
Fellowship Scheme Application Form
The committee received and noted the application form.
Better Teaching, Better Learning
No report to this meeting.
Other Key Issues for 2015
Establishing a Typology of Units
Item deferred to meeting 4/2015.
Online Exams Pilot
− Mr Vern Garth provided a verbal report on the online exams pilot.
− The trial consisted of three units; BusEco, Law and IT. Approximately 200 students
participated in the online invigilated exams which were held in the campus centre at the
Clayton campus.
− An external product was used for the online exam. The lock down browser ensured that
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students were unable to access webpages during the exam or insert USBs into the laptop.
Laptops were hired for the exams. The student’s work was automatically saved frequently
and so if a laptop malfunctioned, the student’s time stopped and the exam could be
resumed on another laptop. Technicians were available for the duration of the exam to
provide IT support.
Mr Garth reported that following an evaluation, 51% of students were satisfied with online
exams, 28% preferred written exam and the remaining 21% were impartial.
Comments made by students were that they were unable to use the cut and paste functions
and spell check function was not available.
LTC members commented that for some exams, spell check may not be appropriate e.g.)
testing a student’s knowledge of terminology. Therefore, Mr Garth suggested that the spell
check function be enabled or disabled depending on the exam.
Feedback received from academics was positive. Academics commented that they could
read the answers with ease and that generally, students provided better answers using the
online method.
The cost of delivery for online exams is higher than written exams as a result of hiring of
laptops and having IT technicians available during the exam.
Members commented that:
− Online exams could lead Academics to write exams in a different way in future, and could
change the face of assessment for the positive.
− Concern regarding the transition from written exam to online. Students may require more
preparation time to transition to online exams and clear communication will be important.
Online exams may not be suitable for all units. Students are given advanced warning when
units have opted in for online exams.
− Students may write too much in the online method, Mr Garth suggested that text fields could
have a word limit.
− Ergonomics need to be taken into consideration to provide appropriate furniture etc.
− A move to online assessment may result in different special consideration cases.
LTC supported further investigation and the cautious progression to implement invigilated oncampus online exams in carefully selected cohorts of students, with the objective of moving to
40% of all exams conducted in an online invigilated environment over the next 5 years.
Continuing Education Excellence Development (CEED) Framework
Associate Professor Angela Carbone provided a verbal report on the CEED Framework and noted
the following:
Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (GCAP) will not be offered in 2016 and is currently
in teach out.
Two new modules have been developed recently. The two modules are Foundations of
Effective Teaching; and Foundations for Teaching Associates.
Foundations of Effective Teaching is compulsory for all new academics to Monash.
Foundations for Teaching Associates is not compulsory.
Piloting 10 modules next semester, to be trialled by 40 students.
Certificate of completion is automatically loaded onto ESS.
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Assoc. Professor Carbone is working with HR to develop a communication plan.
9.4 SETU Implementation
As an action item from meeting 2/2015, Professor Darrell Evans discussed the intersection
of screening and SETU secondary purpose.
Professor Evans and Assoc. Professor Carbone recently met with the chairs of the ethics
committees to discuss the implications of use of data from SETU for research publications.
Action Items
3. Assoc. Professor Carbone to work
with the Education Academy to
provide clear guidance going
forward and report back to LTC.
Assoc. Professor A Carbone
Updates from LTC Working Groups
10.1 English Language Proficiency Working Group (ELPWG)
Professor David Paganin spoke to the attached presentation.
ELPWG projects for 2015 include contribution to conversational English program (led by Ms
Marta Skrbis), 100 Hours of Academic English (led by Dr Andrew Johnson), Post Entry
Academic Language Development (led by Dr Anna Podorova) and English at Monash
Conversational English Program is oversubscribed. Half are Masters students.
There is currently no Monash-wide Policy on ELP or statement of what Monash expects of
its graduates.
Need to provide opportunities for appropriate feedback on ELP skills through assessment
Important to evaluate program outcomes to receive additional funding.
Action Items
4. ADE’s to have a unified approach
Associate Deans (Education)
to ELP. ADE’s to get together to
collaborate regarding mapping and
Upcoming ADE
Forum scheduled 7
5. Verbal report on ELP to Academic
Board meeting.
Academic Board
meeting 3/2015.
Professor D Paganin
6. Evaluate the outcomes of ELP to
Professor D Paganin
determine if additional funding and
places could be added to the
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10.2 Learning and Teaching Pedagogical Principles Working Group
No report to this meeting.
Action Items
7. Provide an update on Learning and Associate Professor A Reid
Teaching Pedagogical Principles
Working Group.
Upcoming ADE
Forum scheduled 7
10.3 Assessment Working Group
The Committee received and noted the Assessment Working Group projects and initiatives
undertaken in 2014.
Policies and Procedures
11.1 Unit Accreditation
The Committee noted the revised Course and Unit Accreditation policy; and considered the
implementation requirements of the revised policy.
There was recognition of a need for appropriate mapping to take place for units and their
relationship to courses, majors and minors and alignment with assessment regimes.
Professor Ann Nicolson suggested ADEs share their current tools to see what is currently
Action Items
8. Share current unit/course mapping Professor Ann Nicholson
documents with ADEs and the
LTC meeting 4/2015
11.2 Reporting of Grievance Data
Comment was made by the committee that freeform text should not be permitted in the root
cause of grievance field because the list provided is sufficient.
It was suggested that, where the root cause was not in the list provided, faculty representatives
to contact the Policy Team as necessary. This suggestion was supported by the committee.
The Committee:
1. Provided feedback on the approach to reporting of grievances and;
2. Noted that LTC would review the collated grievance report prior to its submission to Academic
11.3 Student Voice in Learning and Teaching
The student voice in learning and teaching policy was approved at LTC meeting 2-2015; however
at Academic Board meeting 2-2015 minor revisions were made.
The Committee endorsed the revised Student Voice in Learning and Teaching Policy for
transmission to Academic Board.
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11.4 Discontinuation of Monash Passport (curricular) scheme – administrative considerations
The Committee noted the administrative considerations of the decision to discontinue the
Monash Passport (curricular) scheme and approved its implementation effective from 2016 unit
12 Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project
The Committee noted the update on progress and future directions of the Monash Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOC) Project.
13 Faculty Reports
Professor Evans acknowledged the Faculty of Business and Economics for consistently providing a
Faculty report to University LTC meeting. Going forward, Professor Evans requested that all Faculties
are to submit reports to LTC.
The Committee received and noted the Report of Meeting 2/2015 of the Education Committee of the
Faculty of Business and Economics.
Items of Other Business
No other business to report.
Next meeting 7 July 2015 in Meeting Room 1 and 2, Monash University Club.
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