Reading Informational Text and Writing
Unit Name:
Unit One – Emerging Modernism
I can . . .
I Don’t Get It / I Kinda Get It / I Get It But Need More Practice / I Get It
Learning Target 1:
I can analyze the effect of word choice and rhetoric (the effective
use of literary devices) in a text.
Specific literary devices will be addressed as class vocabulary.
Formative Assessment(s): Class analysis of 3-5 Modernist poems
as identified by the curriculum map.
Learning Target 2:
I can write using narrative form(the telling of a story) to enhance
my argument.
Formative Assessment(s): Class writings.
Summative Assessment(s): Final timed essay writing.
Learning Target 3:
I can write effective introductions.
Formative Assessment(s): Class writings.
Summative Assessment(s): Final timed essay writing.
Learning Target 4:
I can write effective body paragraphs that use appropriate
transitions and topic sentences.
Formative Assessment(s): Class writings.
Summative Assessment(s): Final timed essay writing.
Learning Target 5:
I can support my argument with strong and appropriately cited
(showing the source of the information) evidence that considers the
Formative Assessment(s): Class writings.
Summative Assessment(s): Final timed essay writing.
Learning Target 6:
I can write a concluding statement that follows from and supports
the information and/or explanation presented.
Formative Assessment(s): Class writings.
Summative Assessment(s): Timed essay writing.
Learning Target 7:
I can acquire and use unit-related vocabulary accurately for
understanding texts and communicating about them.
Summative Assessment(s): Vocabulary Quizzes and Timed essay
I Don’t Get It: I really just don’t understand at all.
I Kinda Get It: I understand the concept or can recognize the parts or the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish the skill, task or perform the activity. I can do it with help.
I Get It, But Need More Practice: I know how and understand, but I need to concentrate to perform the skill, task or activity. I can do it, but it’s not easy and requires a great deal of work.
I Get It: I know how to accomplish the skill, task or activity without thinking about it too much. I feel comfortable enough with the concept that it isn’t too difficult.