Mi trabajo-- Write your job here: Score Goal: (circle one) 20 / 20 50 / 50 100/100 Estimate your time investment. _____ hours Write your sentence(s) here. Identify the job or career that you plan to do in the future. Talk about activities or responsibilities that come with your job. Tell where people work who do your job. Tell what kind of training or education you will need to be ready for your career or job. Give the average salary for your job. Tell some advantages or disadvantages of the job. <20/20 20/20 Said complete simple sentence mostly correct. Incomplete sentence. Use a verb in the future tense. Name ____________________________ Date _____________________________ 50/50 Said complete sentence with more detail or more than one sentence...mostly correct. Use a verb in the future tense. Spoke in complete simple sentence mostly correct. Gave two activities or responsibilities in a complete sentence or in two short sentences. Incomplete sentence. Said one simple sentence to describe where someone might work with this job. Described workplace with a detail or gave more than one possible workplace. Sentence is incomplete or information is incorrect or difficult to understand. Sentence is complete and information is correct. May be very simple. May have errors in pronunciation or grammar. Additional detail makes the complete sentence more interesting or may use more than one sentence to describe the job preparation. May have errors. Incomplete sentence. Sentence is incomplete. or may pronounce number incorrectly. Number may not make sense. Sentence is incomplete. It may not contain a verb. It may have many errors. Said the salary in a complete sentence that makes sense. The salary is a reasonable correct number May have errors in pronounciation or grammar Sentence includes a verb conjugated correctly and lists one advantage or disadvantage. May have errors. Gave the salary correctly in a sentence. Made additional comment about the salary. May have errors Sentence or sentences includes one advantage and one disadvantage. May have errors in grammar or pronunciation that do not hinder communication. 100/100 Said complex sentence or two or more sentences correctly presented with excellent pronounciation. It may give more details than required. May include more description or explain why you want to do the job. Verb in future tense. Presented two or more activities or responsibilities with details. May include adjectives or adverbs that describe the activities. Described two or more possible workplace opportunities with additional details in complete sentences. Include more details about the job preparation or education. May include length of time needed for preparation, location of training, difficulty of preparation, etc. (2+ sentences) Said three or more things about the salary. Maybe give a range with the average. Make additional comments. May have one or no errors Two or more sentences expand on the advantages and disadvantages. May list more than one of each or may give more details, descriptions or tell why. Errors do not hinder communication Spa 2-A Unit 1 Mi trabajo Choose a career that you might pursue. Prepare six or more sentences about the career in Spanish to present to the class. You may look at one word per sentence. Your word must also be visible to the class. You may choose to have pictures or you may choose to do your presentation without pictures. If you choose to present without pictures you will write your cue words on the board so that you and the whole class may see them. You should include the following information in your presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use the future tense to tell what job or profession you will (most likely) do. Tell some responsibilities that you will have with the job. Tell where people who do the job work. Tell what kind of training or education you will need to do the job. Give the average salary for the job. (per year or per hour) Tell some advantages or disadvantages of the job. You must present your job on the day assigned to you. Give your teacher your script (this paper) before your presentation and idicate the level that you worked for. Let your teacher help you review your script before presentations start. If you are not ready on the day you choose to present you must do your presentation at the end for the lowest possible point value. A grade of 0 will be entered for the presentation until you complete it. If you choose to use technology to do your presentation you must be prepared to load it before class begins. If you do not want to use technology you should write your cue words on the board before class begins. Points will be deducted for English used in your presentation. Write the sentences yourself. Do not rely on translators. Points will be deducted for sentences obviously translated by a computer. You must know what your sentences mean and your classmates should also understand them. Your grade will be determined by the amount of preparation you choose to do. 20/20 50/50 100/100 See the scoreguide to determine the grade you want to work for.