Mrs. Horton October 28, 2013

Mrs. Horton
October 28, 2013
Parents and Students: Below is some important information pertaining to my class. Please read
and sign at the bottom. Thank you! I’m looking forward to a great year!
My Schedule:
1st Period – World Civ A
2nd Period – Planning/Conference
3rd Period – World Civ A
4th Period – World Civ B
5th Period – World Civ B
Contact Information for Parents:
Please feel free to contact me anytime.
The best way to reach me is by email –
You can also call during my Conference (9:30-10:40) or after school between 3:05
and 3:30.
1. Be on time to class. You will be marked tardy if you are not inside the classroom when
the bell rings.
2. Be prepared. You must have your class notebook, paper, and pencil at all times.
3. Be engaged. No cell phones or other distractions will be allowed in class.
4. Be honest. Cheating will not be tolerated.
5. Be kind and respectful.
One 1 inch View 3-ring binder (it needs to be a view binder for our cover sheet) (any color is
Pencils, Pencils, Pencils! (Please bring extra, they are always breaking or getting lost)
Notebook Paper (loose-leaf or spiral bound…either is fine)
 Cell phones (and other electronic devices) will not be permitted in class unless directed
by the teacher.
 If students are seen with their phones out after the bell rings, the phones will be
collected and kept in my desk for the rest of the class.
 If you refuse to hand over your phone, it will be considered defiance. I will notify the
principal of the situation and it will then become a larger discipline issue.
 Students have 5 school days to make up work from an excused absence. Students:
Check the class make-up tray for missed work. Parents: Please remind your student to
be responsible about making up missed work. I will be available for after school
tutoring/makeups on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The 3-ring binder will be your class notebook. Students will be expected to take notes and
keep all handouts, tests, etc…here. The notebook will be the key to retakes! You must show
that you have taken all the notes and completed any other assignments relevant to the unit test
you wish to retake. This ensures that you are ready to take a test over the material we have
studied, and are not just guessing on the retake.
Student Signature _______________________ Parent/Guardian ________________________