Advanced Cell Biology

Advanced Cell Biology
Mrs. Marcum
Room 54
606-784-8956 ext. 2654
Advanced Cell Biology is an EOC course designed to prepare students for college and career readiness. The
EOC is a cumulative assessment that will cover content from both Cell Biology and Environmental biology
Cell Biology Content:
 Basic Chemistry
 Biochemistry
 Cell Structure and Function
 Cell Membranes
 Cellular Transport
 Cell Division and Cancer
 DNA and Protein Synthesis
 Genetics
Required Materials:
 3 ring binder (1inch or larger)
 Pencils
 Coloring pencils
 Pencil holder for binder
 Notebook paper
 Students are expected to be in their assigned seats by the bell
 Students will bring required materials class every day
 Students will respect other students and adults
 Students will do their best on everything they do
 Students will not have cell phones out in class at anytime
1. Verbal Warning
2. Lose break (sit in my room during break)
3. Detention
*If student does not report for break, then a disciplinary referral will be filed.
 60% Cumulative Assessments (Exams)
 20% Formative Assessments (Notebook, Quizzes, Labs)
 20 % Final Exam
 Formative Assessments can be “retaken” to improve understanding of content before the Exam
 Cumulative Assessments are no longer eligible for “Retakes”
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns about your child. I will be able to reply promptly via
email. Phone calls can only be taken during my planning period (11:15-12:15) and after school. Text Books are only
used as a resource for the classroom. However, if you would like your child to check out a book for home use, please let
me know. Also, please view my school webpage for power points that will be used in class.