MARES jo in t doctoral program m e on marine ecosystems health and conservation Deprez Tim , Pieter Blondeel, Wendy Massart and Magda Vincx MARES Secretariat, Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent U niversity Krijgslaan 281/S8 9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail: The MARES Doctoral Programme is a jo in t international them atic doctoral program m e th a t was initiated in 2010. Since then, over 30 young scientists are actively conducting research focused on the impacts o f human activities on marine ecosystems. MARES PhD candidates focus on six scientific and applied fields, all dealing w ith marine ecosystems health and conservation: 1. Future Oceans : tem perature changes - hypoxia - acidification 2. U nderstanding bio dive rsity effects on the fu n c tio n in g o f marine ecosystems 3. Biological invasions 4. Natural Resources : overexp loita tion , fisheries and aquaculture 5. Ocean noise p ollution 6. Habitat loss, urban developm ent, coastal infrastructures and Marine Spatial Planning The program m e is funded th ro ug h Erasmus Mundus and is offered by a consortium o f 24 partners, o rigin atin g fro m 14 d iffe re n t countries. MARES offers each year 9 fellow ships o f 3 year fo r doctoral researchers. These fellow ships always involve at least 2 partners o f the MARES C onsortium w ith an o b lig a to ry m o b ility com ponent. The call fo r applications is open between September and December fo r fellow ships starting at the earliest in September the year after. Beside its research com ponent, the MARES doctoral program m e has also a tra in in g program m e which is open to any doctoral student in the field o f marine science. D octoral students enrolling in th is doctoral tra in in g program m e have access to a wide range o f doctoral tra in in g initiatives, are invited to annual m eetings and can benefit from e xpe rt guidance fo r both research and train in g issues. Website o f the MARES jo in t D octoral Programme: www.m - 49-